Holy Father's World War III Warning

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Holy Father's World War III Warning SIR TOM DEVINE STRONG IN Bishop Toal’s on the silent FAITH youth plans for revolution in forum has a MOTHERWELL’S Scotland. new format. FUTURE. Page 8 Page 15 Page 3 No 5587 ALL THE LATEST REFERENDUM NEWS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK Friday September 19 2014 | £1 Archbishop praises referendum debate By Ian Dunn ARCHBISHOP Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh said the independence referendum had been conducted in a ‘robust but cordial’ spirit that should continue after it was over. In an interview with Vatican Radio before the vote, Archbishop Cushley said that in its final stage of the campaign people across both Scotland and the United Kingdom had become increasingly aware of its importance. “Everyone is beginning to take it much more seriously... and it is definitely concentrating minds,” the St Andrews and Edinburgh Archbishop said. Asked about the narrowing of the gap between the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ camps, the archbishop said that he is not surprised that the referendum is shaping up to be a very close vote between the two opposing camps in the final stages of the campaign. “The ‘Yes’ campaign has been able to mobilise its people better than the ‘No’ campaign and it appears to be having its effect,” he said. “Certainly the gap is narrowing.” When it comes to the main campaign issues, the archbishop says the political debate, until recently, had tended to focus mainly on the ‘financial consequences’ of the referendum’s outcome and he described this as a ‘narrow’ vision as there are ‘many more consequences’ if Scotland were to vote for independence. “There’s much more at stake than Holy Father’s World War III warning just taxes and how much wealthier or poorer the Scottish people would be if they were in or out of the Union I with the rest of the UK,” he said. Pope Francis speaks out against conflict during memorial service at Italy’s largest military cemetery The archbishop said Catholics in Scotland are on both sides of the By Ian Dunn The memorial made of enormous stone steps leading Above the tombs of so many dead, Pope Francis fence when it comes to the question to three bronze crosses pays homage to more than said, ‘hovers the sneering motto of war’—Cain’s of Scottish independence. But in the A ’PIECEMEAL’ Third World War may have 100,000 Italian soldiers, while a nearby military complaint of: “What do I care?” nation as a whole he said there is an already begun, Pope Francis has warned. cemetery is the final resting place for some 15,000 “All these people, here in eternal rest, they had unprecedented level of public interest He was speaking during a visit to Italy’s largest Austro-Hungarian soldiers, all of whom lost their plans, had dreams, but their lives were broken,” the in the political debate. military cemetery last Sunday, where he was lives in nearby battlefields. The Pope (above) laid a Holy Father said. “Why? Because humanity said: “Everywhere I go and at every commemorating the centenary of the First World War. floral wreath at the cemetery, celebrated Mass at the ‘What do I care?’” table, it becomes part of the “War is madness,” the Pope said at a memorial to memorial, and prayed for all victims of all wars. Today the world is still up in arms with a kind of conversation; everybody is talking 100,000 Italian soldiers at Redipuglia cemetery near The gorgeous landscape used to be a place where ‘World War III [waged] in bits and pieces’ with about this,” he said. Slovenia. “When will we learn this lesson? We must men and women worked hard to raise their families, criminal acts, massacres and destruction, he said. The archbishop said he was struck understand that hatred and evil are defeated with children played and the elderly daydreamed, he said “To be honest, the newspaper front page should by the ‘cordiality’ of the democratic forgiveness and good, and to understand that in his homily. Instead of safeguarding God’s creation, have the headline: ‘What do I care?’” he continued. debate in Scotland over this issue responding with war only augments evil and death.” especially his ‘most beautiful of all, the human “Those who plot terror, organisations fuelling and that such a debate can remain The Holy Father said it is believed that more than being,’ people have set about destroying it through conflict, as well as arms manufacturers, all have quite friendly and peaceful, without 8 million soldiers and 7 million civilians died during war, he said. ‘What do I care’ engraved in their hearts.” degenerating into violent confrontation. the First World War—a four-year-long conflict that “Greed, intolerance, a lust for power, these are the And like Cain, their hearts have become so “It’s a remarkable testimony to the began 100 years ago. reasons that incite decisions to go to war,” he added. corrupt, ‘they’ve lost the ability to cry,’ much less do society we have here in Scotland,” he “Behind the scenes, there are special interests, what Jesus asks—to help the sick, the wounded and said. “It has been encouraging and Insanity of war geopolitical plots, lust for money.” the hungry, the Pope said. The Holy Father asked heartening that we can have this demo- The number of so many lost lives ‘lets us see how people to pray that their heart be transformed from cratic debate without it ending badly.” much war is insanity’ the Pope said at his morning Legacy of indifference one that has stopped caring to one that can weep ‘for visit to Italy’s largest war memorial—Redipuglia, a The most shocking aspect of so much bloodshed is all those who have fallen in useless massacres, for all town in northeast Italy near the border with Slovenia. the continued legacy of indifference, the Pope said. the victims of the insanity of war of every era. Giovanni Bergoglio, the Pope’s Italian grandfather Being indifferent began with Cain murdering his “Tears. Brothers and sisters, humanity needs to cry, who later emigrated to Argentina, fought nearby brother Abel and then rebuking God for asking where this is the moment to cry,” he added. during the Italian campaign against the Austro- his now dead brother was, replying: “Am I my Hungarian Empire. brother’s keeper?” I ian@sconews.co.uk SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail info@sconews.co.uk 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2014 Parishioners bid farewell to Our Lady of Consolation What’s On By Daniel Harkins PICS: PAUL McSHERRY PARISHIONERS past and present of Our Lady of Consolation, Govanhill, A weekly guide to upcoming Church-related joined with Archbishop Philip Tartaglia events, more online at www.sconews.co.uk of Glasgow in saying goodbye to their church of 43 years. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2014/15 Rite of Christian Archbishop Tartaglua celebrated Thanks- I Scottish Catholic Historical Initiation for Adults (RCIA) giving Mass (right) on the Feast of the Birth Association. Free Lecture and programme on Monday 22 of the Blessed Virgin Mary alongside parish AGM in St Mary’s Cathedral September at 6.15pm in St priest Fr Neil Donnachie, as priests and Hall, Edinburgh at 1pm. Andrew’s Cathedral House, religious with a connection to the church, Professor Gerry Carruthers of Glasgow. Advance registration, parishioners, and pupils from Holyrood Glasgow University will speak while not essential, would be Secondary and St Fillan’s Primary marked on ‘Catholic culture in Scottish helpful. Contact the cathedral the closing of the church (below right). Writing from the 1690s to the on 0141 204 2409, e-mail: Our Lady of Consolation parish was Early 21st Century.’All are info@cathedralG1.org created in 1966, with Mass originally welcome. celebrated in a former cinema, before the THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 current building was erected and opened in I Doors Open Day. St I Apostleship of the Sea 1971. In 2004, the parish was merged with Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow, Mass. Mass on the feast of that of Holy Cross, where current parishioners will be open to visitors who Our Lady Star of the Sea at will now relocate. may have little or no experience 5.45pm, St Aloysius, 25 Rose The church also served for many years as of the Church. Saturday Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE, con- the Youth Pastoral Centre for Glasgow September 20 and Sunday celebrated by Bishop Peter Archdiocese, hosting workshops, retreats, September 21. During the Moran and Bishop Joseph pilgrimage meetings and Masses for young Commonwealth Games we had Toal. All welcome. For more people. The centre will now move to the a large number of people information, e-mail: euan@ Archdiocesan offices next to St Andrew’s whose visit was enhanced by apostleshipofthesea.org.uk Cathedral. the welcome provided by the At the end of the closing Mass, parishioners volunteers who offered their turned one last time to the statue of Our Lady services. of Consolation, as is tradition in the church, and sang the Salve Regina. The statue will SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20 now be relocated to Holy Cross church. I CYSS 1st National Youth Pilgrimage. 1pm to 6pm at St I daniel@sconews.co.uk Margaret’s Dunfermline. For more details on this event contact: ann.mcevoy@staned. org.uk or call: 0131 623 8917. SPOTLIGHT ON I An Afternoon with Our Br Michael Herry, a Marist Brother from Australia, paid a Lady. Blessed John Duns visit to the Josephite Sisters in Scotus Church, Gorbals.
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