M I C H A E L L E V I N E CURRICULUM VITAE Michael Levine, Consultant & Investigator NY PI License: 11000084000 PO Box 533 Stone Ridge, New York, 12484 Tel: 845-687-9642 Fax: 845-687-4916 Cell: 845-430-3930
[email protected] www.policetrialexpert.com PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY I am a US Law Enforcement Procedure Expert with over 50 years of courtroom experience (civil & criminal) as a Trial consultant and Expert Witness, including 25 years of service with DEA, Customs, BATF, and the IRS Criminal Investigations Division. I am currently serving as a consultant and reviewer of Police-Involved Shootings (homicides) as well as related areas pertaining to arrest and investigative procedures for both the Atlanta and the Dekalb County Georgia District Attorneys Offices. I regularly take part in the investigation of questionable police-involved shootings and related arrest and investigative procedures as well as provide expert testimony for criminal grand juries in those districts. My peer review journal articles on police procedures and manual on Undercover Tactics and Informant Handling (and related Arrest & Security Procedures) have been published by Academia.edu and are currently in the top .01% of global downloads by police departments and researchers. I am also currently working on a contractual basis as a police instructor primarily lecturing on Undercover Tactics and Informant Handling, which includes an intense focus on use-of-force and related arrest and security issues. LANGUAGES English (fluent), Spanish (bilingual), Italian (conversant) EXPERIENCE Expert Witness – Trial Consultant 1990-Present Since 1990, as a civilian, I have been retained as a trial consultant and/or testifying expert in more than 500 criminal and civil matters relating to the below topics with 90% of cases resulting in out-of-court resolution.