A total of 209 bottom poor families in Kalibo and received housing materials and medicine /hygiene kits...

The Let Us Care Foundation, Inc., Project and Dockwise Shipping Company work hand in hand making a difference in the lives of Typhoon Yolanda victims. This relief operation is focused on restoring houses of the bottom poor victims in Northeastern and Northern portion of Panay Island, particularly in Kalibo, and Capiz. The distribution was carried out by Let Us Care and Municipal Social Welfare & Development personnel and Dockwise Shipping Company representative, Martijn Verwoerd of Netherlands. The beneficiaries are happy for the support they received.

It’s already five months after typhoon Yolanda caused widespread damage and destruction in the Philippines but there are still families who were not able to fix their house. It’s a pity to see them living in a collapsed house. According to them, their income is just enough to sustain their daily basic needs. On the other hand, the municipal of aforesaid places expressed their gratitude for the support extended to their constituents.

The elementary school and day-care center of Maayong are still suffering from damaged roofings. The governmental agencies did not give their support.

We will look into these schools and we are now looking into the costs to see where we can help them in order to fix the roofing’s. This way the children can go back to school after the summer break (april-june 2014).