Record of Proceedings
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RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Sha.ron Township Trustees Meeting 8 51 15 ^^ This first meeting of 1954 ^as called to order by the Clerk. The following were present: Trustees John D. Loomis, Warren Insley and M. L. Thomas; and Clerk Kathryn Snouffer. The Clerk asked for nominations for a chairman and a vice-chairman. Mr. Loomis nominated Mr* Insley as chairiaan and Mr. Thomas as vice-chairman^ and moved that the nominations be closed and the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for each candidate. The motion vas seconded by Mr. Thomas, and carried, all Trustees voting "aye" thereon. The Trustees set the second and fourth Wednesdays as meeting nights, and the hour of meeting at 8 oTclock P. M., for each month of 1954- The compensation for Mr. Denig, Road Superintendent, was set at $1.50 per hour for time spent on such duties. His bond was fixed at $200.00. Mr. Loomis moved the adoption of the following Resolu- tion: "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sharon Township^ Franklin County^ Ohio, that to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures of said Board of Trustees, during the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1954^ ^h€ following sums be and the same are hereby set aside and appropriated for the several purposes for which expenditures are to be made for and during said fiscal year, as follows^ viz: That there be appropriated from the GENERAL FUND FOR GENERAL PURPOSES: Compensation of Trustees $ 2,625.00 Compensation of Clerk 1,200.00 Compensation of Police Constables 3,100.00 General Supplies 300.00 Legal Services . 100.00 Town Hall 500.00 Memorial Day Expense 25.00 Other Expenses - To-wnship Parks 1,000.00 Total General Purposes ~ $ 8,050.00 That there be appropriated from the GENERAL FUND for CEMETERY PURPOSES: Compensation of Officers snd Employes $ 600.00 Tools, Machinery and Materials 2.00.00 Purchase of Land 100.00 Total Cemetery Purposes $ 900.00 That there be appropriated from the GENERAL FUND for FIRE PROTECTION PURPOSES: Purchase of Equipment $ 5,000.00 Other Expenses 8,000.00 Total Fire Protection Purposes $13,000.00 UNANTICIPATED EMERGENCIES OR CONTINGENCIES That there be appropriated from the GENERAL FUND an emergency or contingency item to provide for unanticipated emergencies or contingencies ^ 1,000.00 (over) RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Sharon Township Trustees Meeting 0-51-15 U.MH,.LU. u^Mfes —K ,i ^6Z^..........JaI^^...lst...............................................................^^ ii Continued: AppTopriations Resolution Continued: That there be appropriated from the ROAD, BRIDGE AND GAS TAX FUND: : ^-^ Road Maintenance and Repair {_JL Labor and Materials ^10,500.00 Tools and Machinery 1,5QO_._00 Total Road, Bridge and Gas Tax Fund $12,000.00 That there be appropriated from the BOND, INTEREST AND SINKING FUND: Payment of Bonds ^2,300.00 Total Bond, Interest and Sinking Fund ---- ^ 2,300.00 RECAPITULATION OF FUNDS GENERAL FUND Total General Purposes $ 8,050.00 Total Cemetery Purposes 900.00 Total Fire Protection Purposes 13,000.00 Unanticipated Emergencies or Contingencies 1,000.00 $22,950.00 ROAD, BRIDGE AND GAS TAX FUND $12,000.00 BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND _I_^J^>0,J)0 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS ^37,250.00_ Mr- Insley seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption resulted as follows: Mr. Insley, yes Mr. Loom!s, yes Mr. Thomas, yes Adopted January 1, 1954. r._^^- .__ __ Clerk Board of Township~ -y—1- Trustees The meeting vas adjourned. Read and approved AfL^LLaA^ .52^^ ,1954 ^L^L^o9, Xl' ^ I 1 Clerk _^-A^?-^_ Chairman of the Board. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Sharon Townshir) Trustees Meeting 8.51 15 TUB COL. ^<?Zrf................J.anyarz...6th......,.,..,.......,................,........^ The following were present: Trustees Warren Insley^ John D. Loornis and M» L. Thomas; and Deputy Clerk Charles D. Wing. The reading of the minutes of previous meetings was deferred. Anthony Valentine^ 1213 Parkviev Drive^ appeared before the Board, and complained about the condition of the street on vhich he lives. He said there are chuck holes, insufficient drain- age, and the street needs leveling. He said his car vras damaged because of the poor condition of the road. Mr. Valentine reciuested that the road be repaired and that the Trustees reimburse him for the damage to his car and for time lost from "work because of this damage. The Trustees will investigate. Fire Chief Brown gave his report. Mr. Thomas moved that, upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Brown^ the post of Assistant Chief of the Fire Squad be created^ and that Bud Sanford be appointed as said officer. The motion vas seconded by Mr. Loomis and carried^, Mr. Insley^ Mr. Loomis and Mr. Thoiaas voting "aye11 thereon. The Trustees approved Mr. BrownTs request that the elec- tion of lieutenants by the Fire Fighters Association, subject to final approval by the Trustees, be permitted. Mr. Insley moved that the following bills be approved and paid: General Accounts To Whom What For Fund Am't of Check 0. J. Barker, Constable Compensation General $ 120.00 Bud Sanford, Fireman Fire Calls $23.00 David Barkhurst^ TT Tt TT 23.00 Frank Sens el, TT IT TT ?1.00 Chas. Dovney^ TT TT ?9.00 William Snouffer, T! n 23.00 Elmer Snouffer, n TT TT 27.'.00 Theron Wri^ht, T! TT TT 2,!.00 Richard Morgan^ n TT n 2.i.OO Phil Thomas, TT TT n 29.i.oo D. E. Irvin^ T! TT TT 3.!.00 Dana Aleshire^ Tl TT TT 25,'.00 Richard Bratton^ TT n IT 27.00 Glyn Williams, " TT H 19.00 Donald Vitchey, TT 27.00 FP 280.00 L. C. Browi,Fire Chief Comp. & Reimbursement FP 48.84 L. F. Sanford Reimbursement FP 10.00 Jerry Czmningham Custodian Relief FP, 33.75 Cols. & So.Ohio Elec.Co, Current Gen. 2.80 FP 14.U 16.94 Ohio Fuel Gas Co. Gas Gen. 13.62 FP 26.97 40.59 Merlin Denig Labor R & B 33.00 Willis H. Turner Labor R. & B 39.00 John Fields Labor R & B 22.50 Arthur Comstock Labor R & B 6.00 Clyde H. King Labor R & B 21.50 Ohio Bell Tel. Co. Telegram & Toll FP .85 Shell Oil Co. Gas & Oil FP 17.96 Harry Sutphen & Associates Gaskets FP 14. 50 ABS Electronics Radio Communication Equip. FP 329.85 Fire Fighters Assfn Squad Call,Check Log FP 39.30 H. & S. Garage Weld Snowplov Gas Tax 3.00 (over) RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Miruwtes of Sharon To-wnship Trustees Meeting 0-51-15 -409?- J7e^ 'C'6n"€'inued":" Bills Continued General Accounts To Whom What For Fund Am't of Check Ross-Willoughby Co. Steel Cable Gas Tax $ 16.17 Sha-wnee Stone Co. Stone R & B 7.90 Franklin County Treas. Calcium Chloride R & B 24.96 Worth. Coal & Supply Co. Coal R & B 5.29 Worth. Hardware Co. Supplies FP 10.08 Mahlon Maxton Chev-, Inc. Repairs FP 9.05 Worth. Motor Sales ' TT /?.* ,3. -pp- -,<?^ _25.^9_ Total General Accounts Bills |117A^42. War Memorial Fund Cols. & So.Ohio Elec.Co. Current $21.73 Ohio Fuel Gas Co. Gas 8.08 Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 62.61 Total War Memorial Bills $92.4? Note: Deductions from Compensation vere made as follows: Tota_l Retire- Income Net Compensation ment Tax 0. J. Barker $120.00 7. 20 $12.00 $100.80 Merlin Denig 33.00 1. 98 4.05 26.97 Willis H. Turner 39.00 2.34 4.10 32.56 John Fields 22.50 -1.35 3.40 17.75 Arthur Comstock 6.00 .36 .50 5.U Clyde H. King 21.50 XXX .90 20.60 Mr. Insley moved that the Clerk be authorized and in- structed to purchase for the Township a 4 drawer legal size filing cabinet with lock. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas and carried, Mr. Insley, Mr. Loomis and Mr. Thomas voting "aye" thereon. Mr. Loomis moved the adoption of the following Resolu- tion: "WHEREAS, the fire department contract with the Village of Worthington, Ohio, expired December 31^ 1953, and the Trustees desire a renewal of said contract, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Trustees of Sharon Township that the three year fire protection contract vith the Villa§e of Worthington, Ohio, be renewed fo-^ another three (3) year period under the same terms and conditions.TT The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Thomas^ and the roll being called the vote resulted as follows: Mr» Insley Tt aye", Mr- Loomis "aye", and Mr. Thomas "aye". The Resolution was declared adopted. Mr. Loomis moved that the County be requested to install 4 Vay Stop Signs at the intersection of North and South Selby vith Andover. The motion was seconded by Mr. Insley and carried, all Trustees voting TTayeTT thereon. (over) RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Sharon Tovmship Trustees Meeting 8 51 15 T1IEC8I..B. B.MPO.CO. , 1097 ^eZA.......-.......................Zanyarj.,6th,..,,.,,.....,..,,.......,.........^ Continued: The Trustees instructed Constable Barker to enforce traffic regulations in Colonial Hills. The meeting was adjourned. Bead and approved Q^^iAuc^- S.1//^ _ ,1954* 7T •^LM^.~^^ ^lerk—-~[/ - Y-^^^^.^^^^ Chairman of ttcie' Board RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Meeting 0*51^15 —IHI.LUL. u. u. MFU. ^u. -W97- ^eZ^....................................................................................................-.........^ INDEBTEDNESS OF -Township .County On the 1st day of January, 19-^.^- DEPARTMENT OF AUDITOR OF STATE SPECIAL NOTICE—IMPORTANT THREE blanks will be sent to the Clerk, or reporting officer, of each taxing district; ONE for a work sheet, ONE shall be returned completed to the County Auditor, and ONE shall be retained completed by the taxing district and pasted in the RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS, or MINUTES, of such taxing district, to be of permanent record and for reference in making up the report in following years.