Safety Featured in Bayshore Rt. 35 Project

SEE- STORY BELOW Weather HOME Partly ninny and cool today, THEDAILY high In Ms. Fair continued cool tonight, low in low 60s. Tomor- Red Bank, Freehold row fair and warmer, high In Long Branch FINAL low SOf. Outlook Wednesday, (air 7 seasonably warm. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010

VOL. 90, NO. 34 MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Ch ina Border Targets Born bedAga in

SAIGON (AP) — U. S. warplanes struck for the second appeared to be a lifting of some target restrictions by Presi- The paratroopers said they counted 35 enemy dead on the ridges where they had battled an estimated 1,000 North straight day today at targets just 10 miles from Red China's dent Johnson, sharp ground fighting flared in South Vietnam's the battlefield southwest of coastal Tarn Ky, about ,340 mites Vietnamese regulars for two days west of Tam Ky said today border, closer to China than the air raids on North Vietnam northern 1st Corps area. northeast'of Saigon. Two paratroopers were killed and 19 they had killed 156 enemy soldiers and captured 45 weapons. ever had come before yesterday, the IT. S. Command said. Elements of the 1st Brigade of the U. S. 101st Airborne wounded. The U. S. troops also reported capturing 18 enemy They reported they had suffered moderate casualties in the Their attacks were along the major railroad from Red Division, starting Operation Benton, ran into a withering bar- weapons. initial engagement Saturday. Two reinforcing battalions report- China to Hanoi, rage of small arms, automatic weapons, mortar and artillery Another unit of the brigade suffered 12 wounded last night ed light casualties. Navy A6 Intruders and A4 Skyhawks from the carrier Con- fire from 100 to 150 Communist troops in a battle that raged in a 60mm mortar barrage fired by guerrillas. Vietnamese militia defending the Huong Dien subsector stellation in the Tonkin Gulf raked the Lang Son railroad by- from last night until nearly dawn today. About 40 miles to the north, Vietnamese rangers sweeping post on the coast 10 miles north of Hue reported killing 52 pass bridge 63 miles north of Haiphong. Pilots reported drop- guerrillas in a six-hour battle Sunday. The defenders suffered ping the Southern span of the 360-foot, four-span structure. light casualties, an army spokesman said. A U. S. military spokesman said the bridge is .half a mile Government troops said they later captured three auto- east of the Lang Son railroad and highway bridge which was Fulbright: It's 'Dangerous ... . Stupid* matic rifles, six rocket launchers and 100 quarter-pound knocked out in raids near the Chinese border yesterday. packages of TNT which the guerrillas apparently had planned The Navy said the bridge was one of two bypass bridges WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. North Vietnam reflects a more- mined as the White House fended and Friday against Hanoi's Dou- to use against the outpost. bombing within 10 miles of Red off questions on the shift in tac- mer bridge came after Johnson being built by the North Vietnamese at Lang Son to link with pressure philosophy which he Reports from Cae Lanh, a provincial capital 72 miles west China detonated sharp new crit- tics. lifted temporarily two major tar- the major rail line. supports. of Saigon, said Communist mortars killed seven dependents icism of the Vietnam war by a get restrictions. Other Navy pilots from the Constellation hammered a rail The new level of bombing came 'Lucrative Targets' of South Vietnamese troops and wounded 12 others. 6iding south of Lang Son and pilots said they cut the tracks persistent critic of administra- on the eve of Senate debate on But it was leanred that Sten- Pentagon sources say the ad in several places. , tion war policy and appeared President Johnson's foreign aid nis' subcommittee heard secret ministration will continue those In an accident near Da Nang, two 60mm mortar rounds The pilots reported they encountered only light antiair- likely to generate more debate program. Debate opening today testimony last week from Adm. restrictions except on certain fired by U. S. Marines landed in a Navy Seabee compound, craft fire. on Capitol Hill. already had been expected to Ulysses S. G. Sharp, Pacific key, vital missions. The re- wounding 21 men. No planes were reported lost in the latest raids, but the "I think it's very dangerous bring fresh attacks on Johnson commander, that Johnson had stricted areas are a 30-mi!e Ji The intensified air raids on North Vietman appeared to re- U. S. Command announced that in Saturday's 151 attacks on and extremely stupid," said politics in Vietnam and elsewhere agreed to some extension of war- ameter circle around Hanoii pen- flect Uhe Johnson administration's announced policy of in- the North, an FI05 Thunderchief and an RF4C reconnaissance Chairman J. W. Fulbright, D- in the world. planes' options to strike what one etrated two or three times' pre- creasing pressure on the Communists. plane were shot down by ground fire. All three crewmen were Ark., of the Senate Foreign Re- Whether one variety of recent subcommittee member called viously, and a 15-to-20-mi!e-wide Unofficial sources said U. S. pilots previously had been in- listed as missing. lations Committee. But Senate congressional criticism — that "lucrative targets." buffer zone along the North Viet- structed to go no closer than 30 miles to China, apparently This brought to 641 the total of announced U. S. warplane preparedness sub committee bombing was too sparing — af- Strikes yesterday and today nam-Red China boundary. to avoid possible mistaken attacks on Chinese territory or losses over North Vietnam. chairman John Stennis, D-Miss., fected Johnson's decision to add against North Vietnamese rail Fulbright said the bombing clashes with Chinese planes, but military authorities refused As the air war came closer to Communist China in what said the broadened bombing of new targets could not be deter- yards 10 miles from ,Red China (See FULBRIGHT, Pg. 3, Col. 4) to confirm this. Vietfs Militant Buddhists Pledge Protests SAIGON (AP) — South Viet- cheered as their leaders accused The Vien Hoa Dao and the nam's militant Buddhists vowed the government, and specifically An Quang Buddhists have been today to stage protests against hief of State Nguyen Van Thieu, ighting bitterly for months for the government's recognition of of trying to "suppress and de- control of the Unified Buddhist a rival faction as Ihe country's stroy Buddhism." hurch which is unified in name official Buddhist Church and Thieu signed a charter in only. hinted at a "struggle move- July which set up. Sai- "Truly, in regard to Buddhism, ment." gon's Buddhist Institute, the Vien Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu has In a strongly worded state- Hoa Dao, as the official Bud- shown himself both malignant ment, the leadership also de- dhist Church of South Vietnam and reckless," a communiqu nounced the current presidential and squeezes the An Quang Bud- from the An Quang Buddhist: campaign and called for "dras- dhists from control of the tlni said. tic changes." fied Buddhist church. They avoided saying what form the • protests would take*, but questions about "strug movements" or "demonstra- tions," brought wild cheers and Tito in Efforts applause from the more than 800 Buddhist followers at a news conference. The "struggle movements" of To Help Solve extremist Buddhists have in the past been able to help topple governments and bring thou- sands of demonstrators into the PILLING IN: Heavy equipment of the Manzo Contracting Co., Matawan, shown dump- streets. But their power is be- ing and grading roadbad'of one of many jug handles being installed. A FRIEND INDEED — The deed for what will be Rum- Arab Dilemma lieved to have greatly dimin- •(Register Staff Photo\ ished following their clash with ion's newest park was handed to Mayor Charles S. CAIRO (AP) — Yugoslav Pres- to go to Syria and Iraq with his Premier Nguyen Cao Ky last Callman, left, at Borough Hall Saturday by Patrick J. ident Tito has begun visiting plea for realism. year. Byrne of 14 Robin Rd. Mr. Byrne had donated a I2l-by- Socialist Arab countries involved Tito's mission gained impor- Leaders Cheered directly in the war with Israel tance from the fact that both 98-foot lot on Allen St. in memory of his mother, Mrs. The militant Buddhists held in an effort to help Arab leaders President Johnson and Sovie Anna J. Byrne, who formerly lived in an adjacent house. their news conference at the An find an acceptable way out of leaders have sent him .messages Rt 35 Project Aim: The site will be used as a park or playground. Quang pagoda, Saigon headquar- present deadlock over Israeli pos- outlining their views on a solution ters of their leader, Thich (Ven- session of territory captured in to problems of the June war. (Register Staff Photo) irable) Tri Quang. The Buddhists the war. Tito is believed to have ac- No immediate results are ex- quainted Nasser with the attitude pected, but observers believe his of tte two largest powers, which Safety, Efficiency mission will be a success if it reportedly also call for realistic Battered Soviet Ship Limps brings the Arabs to reconsider policies. He is expected to do Yellow blinking caution signs the stats to maintain two lanes Improvements between Wood- and take what Tito called a more the same in Damascus and Bagh and heavy earth moving equip- of traffic in both directions dur- land Dr. and the Navesink River realistic approach toward a dad. ment are its present evidences, ing peak periods on weekdays Bridge are still in the planning peace formula with the victorious Yugoslav sources in Cairo but a safer more efficient high- and all day Saturday and Sun- stage. Out of Dairen, Chinese Port Israelis. denied Tito brought a peace way is the ultimate aim of the day. The average traffic flow , An interesting sidelight to the Arab discussions so far have formula only after Tito and "modernization and spot im- over this section of the road is upcoming work is an idea of MOSCOW (AP) — The battered manding that the Red Chinese re- Svirsk's departure, he was ar- centered on "means of removing Nasser had talked privately for provement" of Rt. 35 now in 30,000 vehicles daily, the High- Paul Schlictlng, 254 Rt. 35. Soviet merchant ship Svirsk lease the captain and captured rested, Pravda said. the traces of Israeli aggression." two hours. This implied Nasser progress. way Department reports, Alternate Plan limped out of the Red Chinese crewmen and let the Svirsk sail". The Chinese version held that To Visit Others considered it impossible at this Financed principally by match- Dec. 29 has been set for com- port of Dairen yesterday, a Mos- A self-styled "practical engi- Chinese Order two crewmen asked for a Mao After extensive talks wiUi stage to discuss any peace for- ing state and federal funds, four pletion of the work. neer," Mr. Schlicting has drafted cow report said, after the Chinese A Peking broadcast heard in badge and then "wilfully insulted Egyptian President Gamal Abdel mula which would include a com- major projects between Keyport Also to be improved is a 3.4- alternate plan to the state's released her captain and three an Tokyo, however, made no men- (See SHIP, Pg. 3, Col. 5) Nasser in Cairo, Tito is expected promise. and Red Bank are in various mile stretch from west of Palm-iproposed jug hand]e near his crewmen following a bitter ex- tion of Kosygin's telegram in an- stages of development now and er Ave., Holmdel, to west ofijhome. change of protest.notes with,the nouncing-that "tiie Chinese gov- more are in the planning stages. Clarlc St., Keyport. Soviets. ernment ordered the captain and Legless Viet Vet Describes Flaws His idea, he feels, "will be The first in the series to be The Highway Department de- less expensive, involve less dis- The Soviet Union announced one otb_er crewman to leave China completed was the Cliffwood scription of the project states: that seven tugboats full of Red and never come back to this placement and ' inconvenience, Ave. intersection modernization "The work will follow the pres- Guards escorted the ship out of country." and maintain the beauty of an in Matawan Township, finished ent pattern of Rt. 35 moderniza- area threatened by the state's the Yellow Sea port. The Svirsk's The ship arrived in Dairen July Marine Denounces M-16 Rifle last month. tion. There will be slight widen- plan." hull, superstructure and equip- 22 and shortly after, a Pravda Next to come will be comple- ing, resurfacing, installation of ment bore anti-Soviet inscriptions. dispatch said, second navigator PHILADELPHIA (AP)-A leg- rication and chrome plating of read to the House of Representa- He would have the state re- tion of the $1.7 million installa- a center barrier, construction of Stanislav V. Ivanov was accused 'ess Marine from Tennessee says one part: place two jug handles at Pine All the Russian crewmen, were tives another letter from a Ma- tion of jug handles at the Wood- jug handles at six intersections, the controversial M-IG rifle used St. with reverse jug handles one aboard when the Svirsk headed by Chinese authorities of refusing Howard had asked the Defense rine which was critical of the land Dr. and Twin Brooks Ave. widening of a bridge and culvert, extensively in Vietnam "is not block closer to Red Bank. for the Soviet port of Vladivos- to accept a Mao Tse-tung badge. Department to check into reports rifle's operation. intersections in Middletown. and building of three new cul- tok, the announcement reported, worth a plugged nickel." the M-16 was jamming. He had "Where they have placed the The Chinese demanded that (See RIFLE, Pg, 2, Col. 7) Originally slated to be finished vcrts." but the ship's documents were new roads, they destroy prop- Ivanov be turned over to them Lance Cpl. Roy Fiveash, 19, of by July 31, work on the project, bid, submitted by kept by the Chinese. The low erty: where I want them, it but Capt. Vikter A. Korzhov re- Memphis, sail! in an interview which includes widening sections Manzo Contracting Co., was $2,- doesn't destroy anything," he Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosy- fused. that the rifle jams easily, won't of the highway, resurfacing, and 176,401. stated. gin sent a telegram to Chinese When the captain went to the s,tand harsh treatment and often New Orleans Lawyer installation of 1,100 feet of center Jug handles will be Built atj Queried on Mr. Schlictinp's Premier Chou En-Iai Saturday de- port office Friday to register the leaves soldiers practically weap- barrier, has been slowed by re- these intersections: Laurel Ave.,'plans, Highway Department of- onless. cent rains. Centerville Rd.-Union Ave., Mil- ficials have expressed the will- He said the land mine blast Convicted of Perjury Highway Department spokes- ler Ave., Bethany Rd.-Poole ingness to give them, "serious which tore off his legs and left men state no new target date Ave., Hazlet Ave., and Keyport- engineering study if we are satis- U.S. Surveys Hospital piece of shrapnel in his right NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A jury glass said Andrews, 44, will not has been set, but report "work Holmdel Rd. fied the proposal has the support arm also broke the plastic convicted Dean Andrews today be eligible for bond until he has is progressing well." All will have traffic signals and of more than just one man." stock of his M-16 rifle and put it of lying to a grand jury about a been sentenced. Maximum se.i- A. Campo Inc. of Middletown, are designed primarily to con- Mayor ' Ernest G. Kavalek Capacity During Riots out of commission. tence would be five years. is the contractor. ral left-turn movements. stated he has referred Mr. mysterious figure in the alleged Work on a 2.3-mile stretch of WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal "If I had been alone and had The case went to the jury be- Culverts are to be built be- Schlicting to the borough en- dence ambulances were fired New Orleans plot to assassinate Rt. 35 between Tindall Rd., officials are surveying the ca- to keep firing, that weapon would fore midnight after marathon de- neath the highway for East gineer. "Whatever decisions I upon by snipers. "Most people Middletown, and Mahoras Brook, pacity of cities to handle medical have been worthless," he said. President John F. Kennedy. bate for five days and Included Brook, and the North and South make, I want to have the guid- never would have anticipated Holmdel, was begun in July by .emergencies resulting from riots, A heavier rifle such as the M- Guilty on three of five perjury a Sunday session—so unusual the branches of Flat Creek. ance of professionals," he said. this," he said. the Manzo Contracting Co., with indications federal aid might 14, which was replaced as the counts, the Criminal District judge had to check the lawbookj The work is scheduled to be Reached earlier, Mr. Schlict- Couldn't Get In Matawan. The low bidder on the be proposed if major deficiencies standard weapon for U.S. .troops Court jury decided at 1:30 a.m., to see if it was legal. inished by May 12, 1969. (See PROJECT, Pg. 3, Col. 4) work, Manzo submitted a figure are found. He added some Newark hos- in April, would not have been after deliberating two hours and The trial was before a five- pital staff members were unable damaged, he said he believes. 40 minutes. of $1,021,540. Dr. Carruth Wagner, director man jury because the charge of to get to work because the riot A House subcommittee is in- Jughandles are being built at of the . Public Health Service's "I really shouldn't complain," perjury is a misdemeanor under area lay between their • homes vestigating charges that the the New Monmouth Rd,, Har- Bureau of Health Services, says said Andrews with a heavy sigh Louisiana law. Twelve-member Today's Index and the hospital. He said good weapon is inferior but no deci- mony Rd.-Kings Highway, and the standard of planning for moments before he was hustled juries are reserved for felony blood and blood substitutes were sion has been reached. Cherry Tree Farm Rd.-Taylor Page Page •emergencies always, has depended off to jail. "If I didn't have ases. in short supply. / La. intersections. Allen-Scott 6 Editorials 6 , on the existence of law.. and Rep. James J, Howard, D-N.J., bad luck, I wouldn't have any at Jury Probes Plot Also under way are Improve- all." Amusements ::...„".:_ ...... 13 Herblock .:...:.::.•...;..:. -6 order. .Wagner, said the check on hos- has said that several changes In final arguments, the state ments of the Twin Brooks Ave., James Kilpatrick 6 pital and other medical capabil- have been made in the M-1S to Defense attorney Harry Bur- accused Andrews of trying "'o and Woodland Dr. intersections, Births _... 2 Rioting, he said in an inter- 1 Obitunrles 2 & 4 view, "makes it an entirely dif- ities for riot situations is part improve it. These changes, he glass immediately announced an play games" with the Orleans widening and resurfacing of Jim Bishop 6 Sylvia Porter .'. 6 ferent ball game." of a broader survey, begun about said, relate to a cut in the rapid- appeal will be filed on many Parish grand jury which is prob- about 2,01)0 feet of the highway, Bridge 13 Sports 1 — 7, 8 tjiree weeks ago, on emergency ity of fire, the number of rounds points of law. . ing an alleged assassination plot. and installation of 11,857 feet of Wagner noted that in the New- Classified 10-12 Television 13 medical services of communities of ammunition recommended per Judge Frank J. Shea did not The prosecution said Andrews 32-inch high center barrier. Comics 12 Women's News 5, 14 ark,', N.J., riot there was evi- around the country. clip, method and material for lub- set a date for sentencing. Bur- wound up trapped in lies. The contractor Is required by Crossword Puzzle 1J Movie Timetable IS MCAP Quiet On Wilson's Resignation 2 Ticketed THE DAILY REGISTER 2-4!ond ivs; nffK'Unlortunately I cannot wait forIn A«elderits (Continued) Moamouth Comm'jnity A&ior. risk, inc' P:r>\ira: Lyndon|such a hearing," he wrote. RUWSON'— Careless driving MBS. AMELIA THEURKAUF WILUAM J. HOGAN Program Inc., had no cornmentiE. Johnson; Ssr^r.-J S-.rivtrr, di-i .Mr. Wilson's resignation is"efr summonses were Issued after ac- HOLMDFL — Mrs. Amelia R. LAKEWOOD - William J. Ho- Subsequently, the Marine Corps enough' to clear tht chamber" "by yesterday on the resignition ofjrector o! the I'.S. Oifioe o! Ec-jfeciive Aug. 25. cidents, that occurred seven min- Theurkauf, 97, of Ladwood Farm gan, 57, of 1407 Eisenhower SL, commandant, Gen. Wallace M. assembling a rod and ramming charter MCAP employee L. onomic Opportunity, and Gw. utes apart earty Saturday. ' died in her home Thursday. brother of Mrs. Margaret Moran Greence, said the rifle "has down the barrel, lie said James Wilson, but said his or-;RichaTd J.'Hujshfs. In the first, at 12:20 a.m., three Born in Hoboken, she was tlv of Leonardo, died Friday in John proved to be a real hard-hitting Fiveash said the situation hap- light-weight rifle ideally suited to ganization will have a. statement! j^r wiijori accused MCAP of 2 Escapees youths also were- charged with daughter of the late Edward am F. Kennedy Community Hospital, pened to him and two others in a er" ItrfUing its employes arbitrarily possession of alooholic bever- Theressa Fuchs Reinecke. Sh 'Edison. the jungle4ype of environment in group of six Marines who were 'He was a supervisor for a Bay- Vietnam." trying to flush out Vietcong who Mr. Wilson, a junior employ-:w-ijJ,0LJt recourse :o grievance age. was the widow of Otto Theurkau Are Arrested onne liquor distributor, and had ment counselor in MCAP's lo- prodecures and issuing rppn- A Municipal Court hearing has Surviving are a son, Edwar> Her police station in search of a Sins! Fit standinl 24" and 27* by Certify that the Mid corporate Wayte, 17, of 11 Chingarora Ave.t MONMOUTH MEDICAL Joiners. Middletown The chief said that Miss Phil- did, on trie 1st day o[ AUKIIKI, l.%7, switchblade knife lost in fleeing Long Branch (nil opening*. file In my office a duly (•xfcu^fhant Keyport. Sgt. Alonzo Churchin Surviving are his wife, Mrs - Two persons lips was working in her yard at attested consent In writing to Ihtf dl.i investigated the accident which the building. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Caruso £n! Lit Ion nt ernid cor porn t Ion, execute Nettie Bird Jones, and a daugh were tejured in a pair of acci- 11:40 a.m. when the entry oc- Both were released, however, (nee Charlene Shapiro), 1805 92d by all thft stockholders thereof, which occurred at 6:29 p.m. ter, Mrs. Doris E. Murray o: dents here Saturday. curred. The chief said that $11 to eald consent and the rct-ord of UIP pro- pending further investigation. St., New York City, son, Friday. cee-dinps aforesaid arp now on tile in Police said the boy was x-rayed Highlands. $12 in cash was taken from a my Bald *>rric<> ns provider! by law. Mr. and Mrs..Robert Rose (nee Katherine Harriett, 20, ol 2 for a possible leg injury and re- Arrangements are under th pocketbook in the kitchen, and IX TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 3 Kay Lensenmeyer), 249 Chelton East Highland Ave., Atlantic have hereto srt my liand and leased from the hospital. Two Drivers Hurt direction of the John J. Ryar other rooms in the house were affixed my official sr-at, nt Trcn- Ave., Long Branch, son, Friday. Highlands, was treated at River- BEAL ton, this 1st day nr August A.D. Home for^Funerals, Keansburg, ransacked. He said entry was In Keyport Accident Mr. arid Mrs. Rene DePhillips one tiioijF.ind nine hundred and LEGAL NOTICE View Hospital, Red Bank, after gained through a fropt porch win- lixty-soron. KEYPORT—Two persons were (nee Joyco Buono), 1H3 Stoney ROBERT J. BURKHAHDT, "NOTIClifTO HlTlDEHS her car collided with a vehicle dow that had been broken. Secretary ot Statft. Notice Is hereby given that aeaJefl treated at Riverview Hospital, Hill Rd., Eatontown, son, Friday. Weather Aug. 7, li. 21 532.43 bids will bo received by the Board ot operated by Richard C. Eckert, Trustees of tho Long Branch Public Red Bank, yesterday after a Mr. and Mrs. William Stone : Partly sunny am Library, Long Branch, New Jersey, 37, of 371 Ohurdi St., Belford. County of' Monmouth, State of Now (nee Darlene Hicks), 138 West cool today high in 70s north' lov Jersey, for the construction oi a new two-car accident on Rt. 35 south Tublic Library in Long Branch, Mon- Bergen PI., Red Bank, daughter, 80s south. Fair and cool tonlghi Mr. Eckert told police he was Need instant cash? mouth County, Now Jersey, ami opened of the Matawan Creek Bridge. Friday. d rpart In public at a meeting h$li low upper 50s to low 60s south. crossing Rt. 3,6 on Leonard Ave. n the Long Branch Public Library Police said that Le« Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Tomorrow, fair and warmer, higr when the Hatfnctt vehicle struck Replace outdated wall ovens In Be wise... Long Branch, Hew Jersey, on Sept. 6, 59, of Elizabeth, one driver, and Johnson (nee Bonnie Towne), 16 his car. He was not reported in- minutes with new, self clean- 1967, at iloclt P.M. prevailing 80 to 85. Outlook for Wednesday ing, alide-Jn G El Then kiss Waysida Ter., Asbury Park jured. oven-claaning drudge7 good* time. Rosina Atchley, 44, of 10 Monter- fair and seasonably warm. get up to ^200 _ and aepcLMc&tlons and forms ey Dr., Hazlet, the other driver, daughter, Saturday. by«I Sat "c!«an" control and of bid, tor the proposed work, prepared Marine Edward DanieLson,' 54, of 17 tlmtr. When you optn thv door. bv Brnoist and Goldberg, ArcMtects- both suffered injuries. Mr, and Mrs. William Walker Hemlock Ct. here, was treated oven'i as glaamin(-dem as thft EDgtneBre, and approved r>y the Mayor Cape May to Block Island: t day you bought iti on your Easy Charge and City Council of Long Branch, Lone (nee Ruth Firebaugh), 509 Coune for hand injuries at Riverview Branch, N. J., and the Board of Trus Police said tho Caswell car was Mortherly winds 10 to 15 knot tees ot tha Long Branch PublSo Library Rd,, Neptune, son, Saturday. Hospital also Saturday, when A F8ICES 10 FIT EVERY WIDGET! have been filed in tha offlco of the traveling south on Rt. 35 when loday and west to northwest II aald Long Branch Public Library and Mr. and Mrs.- Richard A. car he was riding in overturned may bo Inspected by prospective bidders it struck -a concrete barrier and Woolley (nea Sharon D. Smith) to 15 knots tonight and tomorrow on Nut Swamp Rd. during business hours. spun into the opposite lane, 619 Wall St.. West Long Branch, Considerable cloudiness today low For tho convenience and use of tlie bit! Charles E. OTeary, 47, o! 190 vith timir. ders one. <1> set ol drawings and aped- then was hit by the Atchley ca soti, yesterday. chance of some light rain. Grad- as light. dKk. IIcations will b« loaned them upon re Cherry Tree La., here, the driver, ccipt by tha JWJ3 of a deposit or $23.00. Patrolman Robert Dillon invesl Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bretzger al clearing tonight, fair tomor- HODOWNPAYUENn USYTHHJ1 These may be picked up at the Long row. Visibility five miles or more told police he swerved his car Branch Public Library between U :0U gated. (nee Judith Montgomery), 11 •Minimum R.UilP"!! A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Long Brand), New Windson Dr.. Eatontown, daugh except one to three miles In pre- to avoid striking a parked ve- You miy Brtll imdii than tkmfk Jersey upon re drawings and $5,00 for each additional No. 25 Block No. 27 as shown upo (nee Irene Hester), 220 Mon- 67 at 7 a.m. today. Rainfa att of specifications. These amounts nre the Official Tax Map of aald Borons! mouth Ave., Long Branch, daugh- otaled .12 inches between 5 a.m. -LEGAL NOTIC not refundable. and which premises are situate In ai IWOA Zone, has been denied by th> ter, yesterday. ind 9 p.m. yesterday. NOTICE Bids will bo made on standard pro- Hoard of Adjustment of the Borougl AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND posal forms in the manner designated of Fair Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrovr Gilbert TIDES SUrPLEMENTIMfi AN ORDINANCE thereon and required by the Bpecifica- Tha resolution of the Board of A (nee Helen Perry), Hampton ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE GOV- tlon9t And must b© enclosed In flcnlcd Sandy Hook ERNING. .REGULATING AND FIX- envelopes bearing the name and address Juatment by which said application f< Apartments, Rockwell Ave., Long ING LICENSE FEE3 FOR PED- of bidder and name ot project on the said varianco was denied Is on fll T015AY - High 3:54 p.m. an DLERS, CANVASSERS AND SOLICI- outside and the Contract No., addressed In tho office of the Borough Clerk an Branch, daughter, yesterday. TOUS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF nthefpains to the- Board of Trustees of the Long Is available for Inspection, ow 10:30 p.m. - RRENDA n. FUGATB RIVERVIEW COLTS NECK IN THE COUNTY OF Branch Public Library, Lonjr Branch, TOMORROW - High 4:24 a.m MONMOUTH AND STATE OF NEW New Jersey, and must ha accompanied Secretary of the Zoning Boan Mr. and Mrs. John Bongio- JERSEY". by a, certified chect or by a bond duly of Adjustment of thB Borough ;nd 5 and low 10:36 a.m BS IT ORDAINED by tlio Township stop, executed (or not less than ten percent cf Fair Haven >annl (nee Carolyn Roselle), 5 '"-ommiucn of the Township nr Colts t (10%) of the amount bid, and bo de- Aug. 14 nd 11:30 p.m. livpred at tha plarc and on tho hour Elm Ace., Hazlet, daughter, Fri- Jffck In the County of Monmouth and NOTICE For Red Bank and Rumsoi named above. No bids will bo received day. so does after the hour atalrd in the notice. SEALED BIJDOff WRB»R TTRANRPOnTl , ridge, add two hours; Se; entitled "An Ordinance Governing, Reg- Just present The standard prnmisaJ form Is attachIM] TION OF rvupTTs wn.L BE n: Mr. and Mrs. Joel Thompson ulating and Flxlnis License FCPS lor to tha *peclHcations, copies f>t which CE1VED AT ^THK OVFICB OK TL Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Lonf Peddlrrn, Canvassers and Solicitor! tn will bft furnlrhcl on the fcpiMcaflon t< SEI'HETAIIV OI\THE BOAUTI OF EI (nee Elizabeth Bonner), 47 Cres- the Towns hi r> Of CoKs Neck In the TTOATION. LITTIvK sn.VBR SCHOOL Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High Ghalhim. th» Architect. Checks or bid bonds will cent St., Keansburg, daughter, County of Monmoulh and filsts of ] your Easy Charge card be returned to all except tho thrre MARKHAM 1'IVICE, LITTLE SIL.VE1 lands bridge, add 40 minutes. Jersey" ba and tho same-la herery lowest bidder* within three days after N. J TINTTI, AURUST 7i. 1967 AT 4:< Friday. amended and supplement^ es ft the opening date, and the remaining P.M. E.D.S.T. ANP WILL BK OPEKE Iowa: And Smith And Rttfgewood. checks or bid bonds will b« returned AT AN ADJOURNED MEETTNG O Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pryor SECTION ONE—Section 3 (b> Is here, to th» three lowest bidders within 48 THE BOARD TO BE HELD ON Al by amended to read as follows: And Middletown. And all tho at any teller window,. hours after the accepted bidder has GUST U, MS7 AT 8:00 P.M. E.D.S.T (nee Florence Paiichik), 25 Ten- (bj "Canvasser" cr "Solicitor" aha" executed a contract, or K no contract MARKHAM MACE SCHOOL, LTTTI/ other communities in New SILVER, N. J. nis Ter., Middletown, daughter, Hearing Set Include any person whether a res has been executed, within 30 days dent of tti* Township of Colts Nee Jersey with large commuter after the opening date and upon de- SPECIFICATIONS AND BID FORM! Friday. or not, who poes from liouso to houa? you li get your money mand of the bidder at any time there- FOR ROUTES: Irom placo tr> place, or from at ret* populations. Without commuter after BO long as hft has not been noti- TO HOLY CROSS SCHOOL, BUM. Mr. and Mrs, John Briody to street, soliciting or taking or at fied of the acpppUnrB of his hlri. BON. N. J. (nee Carmella Billante), 91 For Four In empllng to take orders for sale railroads, these towns would TO RUMSON COUNTRY DAY lervjccE, Koods, wares tir nirrnhnrd instantly The successful contractor will be re- SCHOOL, RUMSON. N. 1. Pineview Ave., Keansburg, son, including magazines, hookn, periodic experience a decline in popula- quired to furnish proper surety bond TO OROYDON HALL ACADEMY. Friday. Photographs or personal property conditions for the faithful pert or mam LEONARDO ROAD, ATLANTIC Theft Case any nature whatsoever for future de tion, in ralables, in everything of th« contract HIGHLANDS. N. J. Dr. and Mrs. Morton Selig- livery, nr for service to be perform? The library Board reserves the right MAY BE PICKED UP AT THB 01 LONG BRANCH — Four men In tli* future, whather or not auch In that makes a town live. Tha to reject any and all bids ind to award PIOE OF THE SECRETARY OF TOT man (nee June Copeley), 69 dividual has, carries or exposes (oi CENTRAt JERSEY BANK the contract to any bidder whose propro> LITTLE SILVER BOARD OF EDUdA arrested Thursday and Friday sale A tarnplB of th« subject nf sue Democratic Legislature kept .AISJX3 TBUBT posoiall in their judgement beet serves TION, MAKKHAM PLACE SCHOOL, Knofiwood Dr., New Shrewsbury, AISJX3 TBUBT OOJtV in connection.with theft of a type- order or whether or not he Li col- MEM8EROPP.D.I.C. their Interest. LTTTiSi SE/VBR, N. J. ' SOD, Saturday. lecting advance payments on such or- these commuter services run- By order of the Board of Trustees, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION RL writer Aug. 4 will have thel Long Branch Public Library, County o* SERVES THE RIGHT TO REJSfJT Mr. and Mrs. William Poluckl ders. Such definition shall include an' ning with a state subsidy, and Monmouth, State of New Jersey. ANY AND A1UL BIDS. day in Municipal Court tomor- person who, lor himself, or for an- (nee Joan Rankl), 42 Blouverd other person, firm or corporation, hires, with imaginative improvement MARJOTIXE LAYTON, MARSHALL F. THOMPSON, Bee leases, uses or occupies any building, Director Board ot Education East, Cliffwood Beach, son, Sat- >w. Aug. H £22.54 AUR. 14, 15 S18.I motor vehicle, trailer, structure, tent, programs. And it means to deep urday, Arrested Friday and released railroad box cai, boat, hole]. Inn o motel room, lodping house, ap.irtmpn them running. This is no spe- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Zimmer n $3Q0t>ail was Ronald Lublsche shop or other place In the Tmvnahi] of I*oole Ave., accused of taking or Colts Nick for the primary pur plal-interest give-away, either. nee Susan Marvin), 109 Asbury pnse of exhibiting fainplna and takln GEO.C. Aye., Atlantic Highlands, daugh- the typewriter from the offices orders for future delivery. Tha alternative is a sharp in-v TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Monmouth Rubber Co., 258 SECTION TWO—Section 3 is hereb ter, Saturday. amended to read aa follows: crease in highway congestion, Mr. and Mrs. James Daly (nee Jorris Ave., and failing to give The torms of this ordinance aha1 highway costs, air pollution. KOEPPEL AUGUST 15 and 16 good account of himself. not bo held to include the acts of ppr Dorothy Kearny), 78 Bamm Hol- sona jelling pernonal property at wliolfv Democratic action saved the Louis Cologna of Franklyn sale too dealerdeaes In succh arclsarticles,, ppere - low Rd, MMdletown, daughter, iions under the of slxtetm (16) commuter service...and a lot and SON INC. Saturday. 'er., also arrested Friday, was years, persona ddistributei e s circulari s oi eleased In $100 bail on a chargi any other mntter, rmt relnllng or per- more for the taxpayers of New Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Wool- taining to commercial activities. Noth- Plumbing • Heating ley (nee Gertrude Perkins), 8 >f consorting with known crim- ing contained tn this ordinance cha Jersey. be held to prohibit any sale require Woodrnere Dr., Eatontown, son, inals. by atatuto or by order of any court. TV Repair Joseph' and Leon Guzzi, both' oi SECTION THREE—Section 6 (b) Is Saturday. hereby amended to rend ns follonvft Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenn Cingsley St., arrested Thursday, (b) /I/ If, aa a result of such in- vestigation, the applicant's charactei The "Visit Our New TV- lee Jacqueline Agneu), 23 were also released in $100 bail. >r' business responsibility Is found t >Q satisfactory, salrl New Jeriey Stat Stereo Demonstration Cresci Blvd., Hazlet, son, yester- They, too are charged with con- J sorting with known criminals. ollco shall endorao on auch appllca Democratic ion such HndlriE nrrl return thn unit Room" day. LppUcatloa to the Township Clerk wh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Onus- Detective Sgt. William D. Walt- shall, upon payment of the license fcpj :hak (nee Marilyn Torerrvus), ing said Lubischer took the type- as heroin provided, Issue the license. Legislature. 141 First Ave; anil filial! at the tltr la; ilS Sewall Ave., Asbury Park, riter whilo the others distracted iadg« setting forth tlio words "LI :he attention of John Bonforte, •pnsfid Solicitor", ths perlnrt for wMc The courage to do Atlantic Highlands son, yesterday. he license Is Issued and tho numbe Mr. and Mrs. John Burns (nee he company owner. Detective Al- thereof in letters tind figures easil discernible from a distance cf ten

LECTURE SERIES SCMWAR-"FINANCtKG YOUR CHILD'S ARTISTRY IN FLOWERS SEMINAR SPONSORED BY THE JERSEY SHORE BRANCH COUEGE EDUCATION" Trophy Winning Desigr>ers Reveal Their Secrets OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VNITER- Door prizes will include nearly all the flower arrange- SITY WOMEN, THE CENTRAL JERSEY BANK £ Do You Need Financial Assistance? ments designed by the speakers. SALESMANSHIP SEMINAR TRUST CO* AND THE NEW JERSEY NATURAL 'A Seminar to help parents nndentand tnd tut atmUAle SPONSORED BY THE STEINBACH COMPANY CAS CO Method, of financing education. AND THE ASBVRY PARK PRESS IN COOPERA- cp/iwcnuB-n »v THF JVPIT IPRSKV NATimAI CAi CO TWN WlTH FL0RIST TRANSIVORLD DELIVERY Do You Self Cars, Real Estate, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3 SPONSORED BY THE NEW JERSEY NATURAL GAS CO. miT 14D Am THE MONMOUTH COUNTY FLOR. ISTS ASSOCIATION. Insurance? Arthur C. CUrke, Inventor of the eomnnni- OCTOBER 10 cattom latellita «nd eo-tnthor of the book »nd "Choorinr the Collere That la Bent SEPTEMBER 7 If YOU WANT TO SELL MORE OF WHATEVER YOU SELL, film, "2001: A &p»« Odyssey," will ipeak on far Ton." Speaker: CIAREKCB I! the nuns topic. LOVEJOY, Educational Consultant DICK VAN DUZER, selected u demorutratnr THIS SEMINAR IS FOR YOU and anthot, "Lovejoy'i Colles* CMde." of the year in 1957 by the Florist EnhlBie, -CLARKE We have arranged for two of the most outstanding salesmen "What the Colleie Finance Officer winner of Metropolitan Retailer's Trophj, MM In the nation to tell you how to succeed in your salesman- Can Do for Yon." Speaker: JAY O •tnd 1080, winner of Oardasls Memorial Trophy ship. Whatever your selling line may be, we are convinced THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 PETTERSEN, Director of Financial Metropolitan Retailer's. 1065. speaks on "Artia. LOTBJOr you will benefit substantially from this seminar. Dr. MnmtT C. Buki. ntHonilty known Aid, Monmouth CoDege. tlo Arnuirenwnls for the Home*" ' - SPONSORED THE CENTRAL JERSEY psychologist, humorist, and lecturer, will dis- BANK & TRUST CO. cuivi the content of his book, "What to Do OCTOBER 17 1 tmtn the Psychiatrist Comes. * SEPTEMBER 14 OCT. 26—"HOW TO HAVE CONFI- The New Jeney State Seholanhip BANKS Program." Speaker: ELIZABETH L, KARLTON P. MORRIS, owner of Karlfe* DENCE AND POWER IN DEALING KHART, Director, New Jersey Schol- WITH PEOPLE" arship Committee. Floral Gardens, Annapolis, Md, a winner tA Designer of the Year Award, IMS, for F.TJD. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 -Tho New itnej State Loan Pro NOV. 2—"HOW TO START SALES Dnlt 3A, discusses "Fashion an* Ttatn," John Clardl, poet, author, Poetry Editor of tram." Speaker: WILLIAM HESTER, . . . HOW TO MAKE SALES PRESEN- which the Steinbaeh Company present* ai < Saturday Review, and distinguished literary edi- En ART Asst. Director, N.J. State Scholarship TATIONS . . . HOW TO OVERCOME and Loan Program. fashion show. tor will have M his topic, "Whj Read?" OBJECTIONS AND HOW TO CLOSE SALES" CIARDI OCTOBER 24 OCTOBER 31 SEPTEMBER 21 LPR Gihlin, 1965 National Salesman of the •Th« federal S«b.l- "Tht Fftmllj'i C«n- year, will show you how to find the secret TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 •rihlp and Loin triDDtt«ai Towarii JOHN T. AND MARJORIE MOONKY, boa. LES GIBLIN „{ filing with skill. rrwr»m." Bpeaker: Mdtllnr C»n«« El- Harrison Sulfciburj, Assistant Managing Edl- bund and wife florist team from Atlantis CUt JAMES MOORK, Di- penles." Speaker; JOHN 1. KIRK. tnr of the New York Times, who made head- rector, Dlrision of and widely known floral design PATRICK, Vle« NOV. 16 — "SALESMANSHIP IN A lines with his trip to Hanoi, win give a "Report Btadsnt Unanelftl feature "Christmas Decorations." President, College KntKPATRICK MOONEI from Hanoi." Moonr. Aid, D.B. Oftle* ot Entrance Examina- COMPETITIVE ECONOMY" Education, tion Board."

Dr. Kenneth MeFarlnnci, designated sev- SEPTEMBER 28 eral years ago for the National Sales and OCTOBER 31 WINNER Of EDROPA CUP, to be awarded TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Marketing Executives, Outstanding Sales- "Commercial Programs." Speakers: September IS when top European professional! William Manchester, author at the greatly from ll countries compete, cornea hero, andei man of America Award. Is a popular guest HARRY I. CARSON, Regional Ex- the auspices of Interflora, Inc., to speak and disennmd book, "Death « a President," will ecutive, Educational Funds, Inc.; lecturer for some of the nation's largest demonstrate floral announce his topic later. PRANK KANNEGIESEI4, Vice Presi- corporations and trade associations. dent, Tho Insured Tuition Plan, nit. McFARLAND CARSON KANNSGIESEB MANCHESTKR FEE—$8.00 PER PERSON FOR ENTIRE SERIES FEE—510,00 PER PERSON FOR ENTIRE SERIES FEE—$10.00 PER PERSON FOR ENTIRE SERIES FEE—$2.00 PER PERSON FOR ENTIRE SERIES Sessions to be held in Pollak Auditorium Series to be held in Pollak Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Series to be held in Pollak Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Series to be held in Edison Science Building at 7:30 p.m. at 7:30 p.m.

To make reservations jor all the programs listed above, please .write or send to tlie Ojjice oj Community Relations, Monmouth College, West Long Branch, N. ]. 07740, or phone 222-6600, Ext. 276. checks payable to Monmouth College Sales Seminar — Monmouth College Lecture Series — Monmouth College Finance Seminar — Monmouth College Flower Stminar — Tickets are transferable T T -Misi- Isbrandtsen Wed THE DA1LK REGISTER Monday, August 14, 1967—5 ' JtED BANK—-.Trlijjty Epitco- Woolley Jr, of£icl*tea »t the

PREPARED FOR SCHOOL? ENTER OFTEN BUT, only one sweepstakes entry allowed per person, per day. ' Muller Chevrolet Mothers are busy these days. For school be- *A ticket for a moving violation during the Sweepstakes will disqualify the entrant! ginning is a big event. Health records must be Matawan checked to make certain vaccinations are still potent and if not, booster shots are a "must." Children leaving home for college should visit Pine Belt Chevrolet "KNOW YOUR HOSPITAL" DISPLAYS the family physician for a health check-up. Essen- tial medicines the doctor thinks necessary must be Lakewood packed. And, the eating habits of all children at Asbury Park Store Code 99, Net International Photos Hospital Room and school may have to be assisted. Too many grab a Emergency hasty bile for meals which lacks the important Technical Equipment Rehabilitation Equipment v'tamins needed for their growing bodies. Most Park' Chevrolet Oscilloscope Emergency Room Blood Bank Hospital Costs physicians advise daily vitamins for school children. Nurses Caps Activities Medical Disposables and Medicare, Hospital Costs Asbury Park Auxiliaries and YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you Information Booth Health Team and Social Security need a medicine. Pick up your prescription If Surgical Instruments Volunteer Activities shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly with- Surf Chevrolet out extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound and Point Pleasant Beach Red Bank Store Emergency Room Blook Bank Medicare and dispense yours? Surgical Instruments Activities Information Booth Blood Bank Oscilloscope showing Medical Disposables Permanent Slide Auxiliaries and Shrewsbury Pharmacy Trenery Bros. Chevrolet heart beat Health Team Showing Volunteer Activities THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS Keansburg Hosp ita 1 Costs BROAD ST. 741-4874 SHREWSBURY Emergency Room TO PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY Brick Town Store Medicare-Social Volunteer Services Activities Security- Medical Disposables Coronary Care Nurses Caps Medical Self-Help Parade of Dolls 1, Use Oar Want Ads HOME DELIVERY For Quick Results THEMffl 741-0010 RAIN OR SHINE rv i 741-6900 I 7 Wiai . _DAY OR NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION 45c PER WEEK MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1967 ioc PER eppy Tax Increase Less Painful Than Inflation: LBJ Aides WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- Treasury Secretary Henry H. interest rates, scarce money for Ark., of the Ways and Means crease he has recommended In dent Johnson's top fiscal spokes- Fowler, Budget Director Charles the small business and individual Committee expressed a wide- federal pay. men are ready to argue that, L. Schulke and Chairman Gard- borrower, and, quite likely, di- spread congressional feeling when The President said the insur- painful as it is tp raise income ner Ackley of the Council of Eco- saster for the homebuiiding in- he said, "I am absolutely un- ance bill would cost too much ;axes, it would be more painful nomic Advisers were assigned dustry. committed." when there are more crucial :o let inflation cut everyone's to the opening presentation today Opposing Argument Mills added yesterday the pro- needs for federal funds—help for purchasing power. before the House Ways and The opposing argument is that posal "certainly faces a very dif- "children, the poor, the elderly Johnson's call for a surcharge Means Committee. the economy is not so strong ficult uphill battle" and he sees —and most important, American of 10 per cent on the income Johnson, in a series of ses- but that a burden of the magni- no congressional or taxpayer en- fighting men in Vietnam." tax owed by individuals and cor- sions with House Democrats, has tude of the proposed tax increase thusiasm for any tax increase. Johnson had proposed an in- porations starts its series of tests laid out the main lines of the might depress it and actually Mills called the proposal "about surance revision costing $13 mil- n a Congress whose members administration argument*-a def- reduce instead of increasing the the toughest proposition" John- lion. The Congress-approved mea- range from grimly resigned to icit possibly approaching $30 bil- government's revenues. son has faced in the field of leg- sure would have increased the lostile to the proposal. lion would mean inflation, higher Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D- islation. federal share of insurance pre- SIDEWALK SALES were brisk in Sea Bright Friday and Saturday during that borough's But Fowler said he believes miums for government workers there will be no need for com- from one-third to two-fifths, and Chamber of Commerce-sponsored sidewalk sales program. Shoppers and browsers are promise on the plan once Mills' would have increased coverage by shown at outdoor merchandise display at Cy and Art's department store, Ocean Ave. committee "is fully confronted up to 100 per cent. The first of its kind in Sea Bright, the event was termed "successful" by many mer- with the alternatives." His pay raise warning was Sen. Thruston B. Morton, R- aimed at pending congressional chants. The program was augmented Saturday by an outdoor art exhibit on the Nun's Leprosarium Ky., said he believes if a sur- moves to add an extra $1 billion porches of the Peninsula House hotel. (Register Staff Photo) tax is voted, it is likely to be six to his recommendation. He said or seven per cent instead of 10 that would equal a two per cent per cent. He said he thinks John- tax surcharge. 82-Year-Old Leon Williams Still Campaigning son has only a 50-50 chance ofj Administration spokesmen got Tour Was 3 Years getting any surtax approved by last-minute help from a series of By JANE FOOERARO and arrested in the advanced Congress. favorable economic developments RED BANK — "It's so im- stages. Mills spoke on a radio-television tending to support government portant to educate the public "Moreover," she continued, broadcast in New York State, predictions the economy would Discrimination Foe about leprosy," she said. "It "you only get the disease 'owler on ABC's "Issues and be strong enough through 1967 to is really the least communi- through continual skin contact. Answers" and Morton on Metro- support a tax increase. By LONIA .EFTHYVOULOU that. Among his acquaintances cable of all communicable Now, with certain precautions, media's "Opinion: Washington." If the Ways and Means Com- they even permit children to Johnson made one move Satur- mittee runs true to form, it will NEW SHREWSBURY-"I have ' can be found names of Presi- diseases. .."..- •live with parents who have day to demonstrate his stated in- at least modify the administra- always (ought discrimination, in dents, governors and other na- The speaker was Sister Mary leprosy." tention to hold down some types tion proposal. Strong sentiment schools, government, municipal tional as well as local personal- Jeanette of the Sisters of ities. Mercy, who last week came to The Sisters of Mercy order, if government spending. He ve- was reported for giving individual affairs, in all walks of life. I want :oed a bill that would have pro- taxpayers a better- break than Elected to the county Demo- Red Bank after ending a three- based in Baltimore, has been to help my fellow man, my neigh- ided more life insurance cover- corporations — especially since bors, no irattcr who they are. cratic Committee in 1958, he year, assignment in a leprosa- offering its services in Guyana since 10 sisters landed near age for 2.5 million federal em- business was helped this year by I have helped build this munici- says he has "worked for the im- rium in Guyana. She visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgetown in 1935 to join two ployees and would have cost $61 the restoration of the invest- pality." provement of the Democratic small groups already there. million the first year. ment credit that permits recovery Parry ever since." Herbert E. Edwards of 345 Those are the words of Leon Broad St. before leaving for A graduate of St. James He also told Congress not to of 7 per cent of spending on equip- J. Williams Sr., Democratic can- A charter member of the Great a new assignment in Selma, Grammar School, Sister Jean- ;o beyond a 4.5 per cent in- ment. didate for Borough Council, a Society program and the Nation- Ala., where she will teach in ette studied at Mount St. Ag- former minister, carpenter by al Democratic Committee, Mr. a small parochial school. nes, Mount Washington, Pa., trade and politician who has fig- Williams was Democratic munic- Even though she looks for- where' she finished her high ured in local and county Demo- ipal chairman here before New ward to working in the Deep school and college education. cratic affairs 40 years. [Shrewsbury became a separate South, the sister hopes some- She has been a Sister of Mercy Mr. Williams has been sergeant municipality. day to go back to Guyana. It 23 years and had worked with at arms of the county Demo- A census taker in 1940, he held was there she gained new in- leprosy patients previously cratic Executive Committee 20 the post of justice of the peace when she was assigned to a sights about the stigma of lep- 1 Sister Mary Jeanette years and was one of the original from 1946 to 1948, when it was rosy, a disease dreaded by large leprosarium in 1953-54 in organizers of the New Shrews- abolished when New Jersey mankind over the centuries. in her duties, she was "like Trinidad, B.W.I. bury Democratic Club. Leon 3. Williams Sr. adopted a new Constitution. In "First of,all," she says, "it a house mother" to children During her most recent as- This sprightly octogenarian—lie 1963, he was honored at a testi- is wrong to call the people of parents at the leprosarium; signment, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- will be 8.1 years old this year- Not wanting to mix religion monial dinner. lepers; that is a bad word. their ages ranged from 5 to 16. wards visited their daughter came to the United States in 1905, with politics, he laid down the He is chairman of the Pine They are leprosy patients — "With the drugs we have to- in Guyana on their golden from what were then known as ministry when he joined the Dem- Brook Civic Association and one victims of a nerve and skin day," she said, "leprosy can wedding anniversary in Octo- the Danish West Indies, the pres- ocratic Party in the late 1920's of the organizers of the Pine disease." She explained- that, -be cured in the early stages. ber. ent United States' Virgin Islands. and has been involved in politics Brook.YoIunteer Fire Company. "I came to this area in the ever since. "No problem' is too In 1908, he married the forme early 20's," he said. "1 liked it. small or too large for me,"'he Bertha Fletcherf;T1iey-have 1 This was what I was looking for, said. -''If it has to do with this children, adopted three others, municipality and the party, and have 17 grandchildren, three Romnfey Seen Making Final so I settled here. I built this house myself in 1927 and have will tackle it." adopted ones, and two great- lived here ever since." He has been busily doing just | grandchildren. Push in Bid for Presidency Receives Gold Badge, Enters New Home MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. ney's intention to seek the nomi- help Gov. Romney win the nomi- (AP) — Gov. George Romney's nation. nation," Rockefeller said as he final push for the 1968 Republican "Already the three of us share sat with the other three on the deeply a sense of dedication to veranda of the governor's three- presidential nomination appeared Sgt. HallidayHas a Big Week story, white frame mansion to be under way today after a overlooking the broad Straits of By ROBBY ROBINSON teeman Edward P. Makely called "Working under the new rules weekend meeting with three of Mackinac. MIDDLETOWN — Last week him, "one of the finest and one isn't a great deal more difficult. his major supporters. Chafee has endorsed Romney was a big one for newly promoted of the brightest." The court decisions do mean, in the past as has Rockefeller Detective Sgt. William J. Halli The object of such high praise, however, that a police officer has And the governor disclosed he but Scranton, who left office in day. •• the sergeant is reluctant to dis- to be a professional in his ap- will embark Sept. 9 on a three- January after the four-year term cuss past cases, but concedes his proach. I think that's a good week European trip in which he In addition to receiving his that Pennsylvania governors are HONORS DIVISION — Gov. Richard J. Hughes has investigation which led to the tiling." said he hopes to visit the Soviet gold sergeant's badge from the Union. The trip inay be extend- limited to, has been pretty much taken steps to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Township Committee last Tues- raid on a "pot party" last May He went on to stress the need of a fence-sitter. was one of the most satisfying ed to include stops in the Middle New Jersey's 78th Lightning Division. Present at re- day, the 29-year-old Belford na- for training in modern law en- he has performed. East. Scranton made an attempt to tive, his wife, Nancy, and their forcement methods for all offi- cent meeting were, left to right, Alex Mose, Matawan two daughters moved into a new Asked about the effect of re- The weekend was billed as wrest (he 1964 nomination from cers. Township, president of the 78th Division Association, home this weekend. cent Supreme Court deci- time of rest and relaxation and Barry Goldwater but got no pub- sions strengthening safeguards Romney and his guests, New lic support from Romney, who Gov. Hughes, and standing, former Assemblyman Patrick A carpenter before joining the The new sergeant has some York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, was widely criticized at the time force in 1962, Segeant Halliday for criminal suspects. Sergeant ideas along those lines, but said J. McGann Jr. of Middletown and Mayor Walter Rhode Island Gov. John Chafee, for his aloofness. designed and built the seven- Halliday said: they are still being formulated and former Pennsylvania Gov. Gehricke of Matawan Township. room house at 15 Wesleyan St. Scranton beamed his approval himself. William Scranton, left yesterday however, of Rockefeller's state- still insisting theTe had been lit- ment as did Chafee. "Last Tuesday," he said, "I Asks Public's Patience tle serious political discussion. came to/the meeting, got my •.Rockefeller was asked abou' But at a news conference Sat- the possibility of his trying foi Odd Job Nearly promotion, then went home and urday, the three for the first time worked on the house until 1 in the the vice presidential spot on a together emphatically endorsed morning. Some celebration!" In Hearing on Zoning Gov. George Romney Romney ticket. Romney, and said they would A 1955 graduate of Red Bank LITTLE SILVER - The Plan zoning in the master plan, Bor- work for his nomination. Cost Youth's Life Catholic High School, Sergeant ning Board will hold a public ough Council president Chester There also appeared a new tone WILLIAMSON, W. Va. (AP)- Halliday served in the Army as Apy said yesterday. So Romney news conferences, a Howard Will Observe "I never would have lasted two hearing in mid-September to dis- An odd job to earn money for a sergeant in the Tank Corps In a plea for public pa- tone that indicated to some there hours in a place like that," said cuss- apartment and business school clothes almost cost 15- until 1960. tience, he said: is no longer any question that the father. "He has more spunk ycar-pld:. Leonard Record Is Cited "Those Little Silver' residents Romney will seek.the nomination, than.the r-est-of-the--famHy-put- Navy's Plan for Youth He climbed into a neighbor's together," referring to the young- who already have decided they although he has yet to formally A- patrolman for three -years, water well on a cleaning project, ster's 10 brothers and sisters. he was appointed to the detective Meet Tonight are opposed to the master plan announce his candidacy. EARLE — Rep. James J. How- gram which provides youngsters with summer jobs to assist them then faced 24 hours of deathly "That's why I never gave up division by former Chief Ray- proposals are guilty of prema- Questions Unasked ard will be here Friday to ob- financially while giving them ex error. hope," the elder Boyce said. mond T. Walling who cited his ture judgment based on inac- serve the Youth Opportunity To Discuss None of the dozen newsmen ploratory and developmental Tens of rock and earth col- "It's a horrible thing to be 15 "very fine record," at the time. curate information." \ who trailed the governors to this Campaign at the Naval Ammuni- work experience. lapsed on the youth 14 feet un- feet away from a boy and rot Mr. Apy made reference to island- resort, which can be Chief Joseph McCarthy has tion Depot. This summer there are 27 boys derground Friday night and it be able to give him your hand called the young sergeant "one City Zoning the signers of a petition opposing reached only by plane or boat in took some 40 rescue workers when he wants it," he continued. two aspects of the plan—multiple daylight hours, asked the gov- The congressman accepted the and 10 girls from the Asbury of the best." The promotion last LONG BRANCH - Charles E.' Park, Neptune, Red Bank and using shovels, bare hands and Leonard will be a sophomore in Tuesday is the first under the dwellings and an extension of the ernor when or if he would an- invitation of Capt. Arthur G. earth moving equipment until Lenore High School this fall. Polk, Planning Board chairman, Prospect Ave business zone. The icnince. Freehold areas working at the new chief, who assumed the top last night confirmed that the first Hamilton Jr., commanding offi- depot. They got their jobs after Saturday night to pull him free. His father, a former coal miner, plan was recently completed, but Romney has routinely turned spot on the force last month. of a series of three public meet- cer, to see how the Navy base screening by the state Employ- receives about $250 monthly has not been adopted. Mr. aside that question at every news "I thought I was a goner for At Tuesday's meeting, Mayor ings on the proposed new zoning ment Service and Monmouth from the state Welfare Depart- Apy added: conference since the 59-year-old employs 37 young people sure," recalled Boycc from his ordinance will be tonight at 8 Community Action Program. ment. Ernest G. Kavalek commended ;overnor won a landslide re-elec- for everything from key punch- hospital bed here, where he was o'clock in the'Long Branch Com- "We had hoped that this type Sergeant Halliday for his "out- :ion last November and became a ing to the renovation of gun While the girls are performing reported in good condition today Standing service," and Commit- munity Club, Long Branch Ave. of hysterical, immature reaction office duties, the boys are re- after two nights of good slerp. would not be experienced in Little :rontrunner for the nomination. mounts. Dedicate Field The other two preliminary The questions and answers pairing electronic equipment and Boyce . of Parsley's Bottom Silver. If too many jump on the NAD Earle is in its second gun mounts, warehousing and near this southwestern West public meetings, designed to ac- seemed to take for granted Rom- year of participation in the pro- At Leonardo Seek to Identify quaint the public with the. pro- bandwagon without doing a little working on vehicles, building and irginia community olose to the posed measure, will be scheduled further investigating, they will do grounds. Kentucky border, was trapped LEONARDO — Despite mildly Drowned Man in other areas of the city to give a great disservice to the bor- They work daily from 7:30 a.m. up to his chest and went witih- inclement weather, the sched- ough." to 4 p,m. for $1.40 per hour, aut food except for some water uled parade and dedication of MIDDLETOWN — Police today all residents a -look at the new law. Mr. Polk stressed the meet- The council president said Vinnie's Young Pals and will have earned $20,720—or ind hot chocolate during the 24 the new Leonardo Field, Brevant continue attempts to identify the ings are only preliminary meet- factual bases for the zoning sug-. $560 each—by summer's end. lours that workers frantically Ave., took place "yesterday. body of a man found Saturday ried to set him free. floating in Raritan Bay, about ings, not public hearings. gestions have not been presented A Navy bus pick,s up many of Martin Small, vice commander the ubIic but two miles northwest of Sandy Tonight's meeting is held ati'o P . will be fully Raise $105 for Fund them for a small fee, and each Frustrated Efforts of the local American Legion Hook. the request of the North End developed at.the hearing. "It is week the group meets at the de- Cave-in after cave-in frustrated Post, headed the program, at Community Council, which is only after the details of the mas- EAST KEANSBURG — "Vin- old son as the adopted concern of pot for an orientation session. As •escue e-fforts and for awhile which B. J. Schacffer, township 1 Retrieved by crewmen of the pressing city officials for a new ter plan have been considered lie" has a lot of friends rooting many residents of ,the township part of the program, they toured ;ome workers feared the well recreation director, was master tug Haywood X, the body was commercial, zone in, the .North that anyone will be in a position or him here on Morningside and a "Vinnie Fund" has been the base, and visited the am- rould collapse and entomb the of ceremonies. transported to the Posten, Fu- End and has opposed apartment to judge intelligently whether its ve. set up to help defray mounting munition ship USS Mauna Loa 'outh. American Legion and NAD neral Home, Atlantic Highlands. construction there. The meeting proposals should be adopted," Ten"children, ages 7 to 10, held medical expenses. when it was berthed at the Navy After the boy was puMed free Earle color guards led the pro- Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, coun- pier in Leonardo. is expected to feature explana- Mr. Apy said.. block carnival Thursday featur- A dinner-dance is being spon- :he rescue trenches and the well, cession, . accompanied by The ty physician said death was tion of the proposed ordinance by He added that he has confi- ng fun games and refreshments sored by the police force Aug. 20 Arthur H. Sass, who during the .n the sloping front yard of Wil- Lancers, local drum and bugle caused by drowning. each Planning Board member. dence in the Planning Board and f soda pop and candy. They in the Port Monmouth firehouse. school year is co-ordinator of co- iard Howell, were filled in by a corps, and Boy and,Girl Scout Dr. Gilman said the body had Stephen Radzinski, North End the citizens to make the right de- raised $105 for Vincent (Vlnnle) The "Vinnie Fund" chairman operative industrial education at bulldozer. units, as well as the Leonardo been in the water two or three Community Council president, cisions. "After coming so far, it emalkowski 3d, who underwent is Arthur Ford, a patrolman. De- Monmouth Regional High School, Smiling from his hospital bed, Rifles. weeks. The body, aboutsix feet commended the Planning Board|would be--most- unfortunate- if >rain surgery last month in Phil- tective Arthur Stover of the ju- s fulltime professional counselor >uf still able to wrest the 1964 nomination from "Last Tuesday," he said, "I Democratic Candidate pair Hunted Romney has routinely turned Barry Goldwater but got no pub- came to the meeting, got my aside that question at every news lic support from Romney, who Odd Job Nearly promotion, then went home and conference since the 59-year-old was widely criticized at the time ': worked on the house until 1 in the Raps Lack of Unity Ill Robbery governor won a landslide re-elec- for his aloofness. morning. Some celebration!" A 1955 graduate of Red Bank MATAWAN TOWNSHIP—Lack spector here would serve as his of Democratic party unity was Cost Youth's Liie Catholic High School, Sergeant campaign manager for the pri< At Terminal hit yesterday by Philip Gumbs, Halliday served in the Army as mary. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — WILLIAMSON, W. Va. (AP)— "I never would have lasted tw*. council candidate representing Howard Will Observe r a sergeant in the Tank Corps There are five Democrats run- Police here continue a probe to An odd job to earn money for hours in a place like that," said the Matawan Township Demo- ning for four council seats up locate a pair of young men who school clothes almost cost 15- the father. "He has more spunk until 1960. cratic Club, Inc., in the coming 1 for election. The others are run- year-old Leonard Boyce his life. Record Is Cited robbed a clerk at the Airport than the rest of the family put primary. ning on a combined Strathmore- Plaza bus terminal, Rt. 36, Fri- Navy's Plan for Youth He climbed into a neighbor's together," referring to the young- • A patrolman for three years, Charges of a Strathmore Demo- Regular Democratic dub-ticket. day night. EARLE — Rep. James J. How- gram which provides "youngsters water well on a cleaning project, ster's 10 brothers and sisters. ;• he was appointed "to the detective cratic Cliib takeover came as (hen faced 24 hours of deathly They include incumbent Coun- Police said two young men held ard will be here Friday to ob- with summer jobs to assist them "That's why I never gave up " division by former Chief Ray- Mr. Gumhs announced that cilmen Marilyn Brenner and terror. hope," the elder Boyce said. up James Merrigan, 70, of Depot serve the Youth Opportunity financially while giving them ex- mond T. Walling who cited his George Hausmann, building in- Joseph Zambor as well as John ploratory and developmental Tons of rock and earth col- "It's a horrible thing to be 15 '-."very fine record," at the time. St., Keansburg, and took about ICampaign at tha Naval Ammuni Kenner and William J. Mullin. $350 in cash. They entered the work experience. lapsed on the youth 14 feet un- feet away from a boy and not • Chief Joseph McCarthy has Mr. Gumbs said his nomina- New York-Keansburg Bus Lines tion Depot. This summer there are 27 boys derground Friday night and it be able to give him your hand • called the young sergeant "one 2 Arrested tion was a 'last resort by his depot, police said, and an- The congressman accepted the and 10 girls from the Asbury took some 40 rescue workers when he wants it," he continued. using shovels, bare hands and • of the best." The promotion last club after Strathmore Democrats nounced: "This is a stickup." Park, Neptune, Red Bank and Leonard will be a sophomore in invitation of Capt. Arthur G. earth moving equipment until • Tuesday is the first under the failed to consider a candi- Mr. Merrigan told police one Freehold areas working at the Lenore High School this fall. For Refusing Hamilton Jr., commanding offi- Saturday night to pull him free. His father, a former coal minor, 'new chief, who assumed the top date from, the club as part of of the men struck him on the depot. They got their jobs after their slate. cer, to see how the Navy base receives about $250 monthly spot on the force last month. head and knocked him down. The screening by the state Employ- "I thought I was a goner for from the state Welfare Depart- • At Tuesday's meeting, Mayor To Leave Bar "We were the last to file a other, he said, brandished a gun. employs 37 young people ment Service and Monmouth sure," recalled Boyce from his Ernest G. Kavalek commended candidate's petition because we for everything from key punch' Community Action Program. hospital bed here, where he was ment. HIGHLANDS — Two men were The clerk was later treated for Sergeant Halliday for his "out- left the door open for possible While the girls are performing reported in good condition today arrested here early yesterday head wounds at Riverview Hos- ing to the renovation of gun standing service," and Commit- negotiation from solidarity," Mr. office duties, the boys are re- after two nights of good sleep. : when they refused to leave a pital, Red Bank. mounts. Dedicate Field Gumbs said. No one saw the pair escape, it pairing electronic equipment and Boyce , of Parsley's Bottom local tavern at closing time. NAD Earle is in its second gun mounts, warehousing and near this southwestern West "Because of the failure of the was said. year of participation in the pro- Seek to Identify Charged as disorderly persons Strathmore Club to consider any working on vehicles, building and Virginia community close to the At Leonardo were Fred W. Deam, 25, of 139 of our representatives, we felt grounds. Kentucky border, was trapped LEONARDO — Despite mildly Drowned Man Wilson Ave., Port Monmouth, and that we were forced to file," he They work daily from 7:30 a.m. up to his chest and went with- inclement weather, the sched- Karl Kramer, 23, of 281 Rt. 35, added. to 4 p.m. for $1.40 per hour, out food except for some water uled parade and dedication of MIDDLETOWN — Police today Middletown. Vinnieh Young Pals and will have earned $20,720—or and hot chocolate during the 24 the new Leonardo Field, Brevant continue attempts to identify the In past elections, Mr. Gumbs Police said the men were asked pointed out, all three Democratic $560 each—by summers end. hours that workers frantically Ave., took place yesterday. . body of a man found Saturday by the owner and Patrolman tried to set him free. clubs have been represented. A Navy bus picks up many of Martin Small, vice commander floating in Raritan Bay about Thomas Sutton to leave the prem- Edward J. Ledford, incumbent Raise $105 for Fund them for a small fee, and each Frustrated Efforts of the local American Legion two miles northwest of Sandy ises at closing time. They refused councilman, who has decided not week the group meets at the de- Cave-in after cave-in frustrated Post, headed the program, at Hook. police said, and were arrested 1 to seek re-election, was the Mata- EAST KEANSBURG — "Vin- old son is the adopted concern of pot for nn orientation session. As rescue offordl and for awhile which B. J. Schaeffer, township Retrieved by crewmen of the by the police officer. wan Democratic Club's candi- nle" has a lot of friends rooting many residents of the township part of the program, they toured some workers feared the well recreation director, was master tug Haywood X, the body was Both were released in $25 bail. date. for him here on Morningside and a "Vinnie Fund" has been the base, and visited the am- would collapse and entomb the of ceremonies. transported to the Posten Fu- Ave. set up to help defray mounting They face a' hearing before Mag- "My olub is 100 per cent be- munition ship USS Mquna Loa youth. t American Legion and NAD neral Home, Atlantic Highlands. istrate Irving B. Zeichner in Mu- hind the Democratic county and Ten children, ages 7 to 10, held medical expenses. when it was berthed at the Navy After the boy was pulled free Earle color guards led the pro- Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, coun- nicipal Court tonight. state candidates, but we feel the a block carnival Thursday featur- A dinner-dance Is being spon- pier in Leonardo. he rescue trenches and the well, cession, accompanied by The ty ' physician said death was two' clubs (Strathmore and Regu- ing fun games and refreshments sored by the police force Aug. 20 Arthur H. Sass, who during the n the sloping front yard of Wil- Lancers, local drum and bugle caused by drowning. Youth Arrested lar) should have given considor- of soda pop and candy. They In the Port Monmouth firehouse. school year is co-ordinator. of co- lard Howell, were filled in by a corps, and Boy and Girl Scout Dr, Gilman said the body had ationto someone from the Mata- raised $105 for Vincent (Vinnie) The "Vinnie Fund" chairman operative, industrial education at bulldozer. units, as well as the Leonardo. been in the water two or three KEANSBURG — Warren Egg- wan Democratics," Mr, Gumbs Zemalkowski 3d, who underwent is Arthur Ford, a patrolman. De- Monmouth Regional High School, Smiling from'his hospital bed, Rifles. weeks. The body, about six feet ers, 20, of Clinton, Iowa, was said. brain surgery last month in Phil- tective Arthur Stover of the Ju- is fulltime professional counselor but still able to eat only soft Rev. William Carr, pastor of tall and weighing, about 175 arrested Friday night by Police "We feel that Strathmore wants adelphia. venile division is in charge of for the summer program. foods, Boyce said, "Praying he Leonardo Baptist Church, of- pounds, is thought to be.that of a Chief Robert Kronenbergcr on a to dominate the township politics His parents are Patrolman Vin- the dinner-dance. Donations to NAD Earle says Its 37 student helped pull me through." fered'Ihe invocation. John Alon- seaman or crewman from a fish- disorderly person charge. and the council. We do not feel cent J. Zemalkowski, Middletown the fund for the boy are in the workers make up more than 4 per His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben so, past legion commander here, Ing vessel. It was clad only in The youth was released in $25 we should become puppets to the Township Police Department, and care of the Police Department at cent of the depot's work force, Boyce, along with dozens of other assisted Mr. Small. ripped black4-trousers, mended bail, pending court appearance club as Ihe Regular Democrats Mrs. Zemalkowski, who reside at Headquarters on Rt. 35 and Kings far exceeding President Lyndon relatives and wellwishers visited Township officials totsjf part in with wire. '* here Aug. 22. have apparently become," he said. 183 Wilson Ave. Their "" Hwy., Middletown. B. Johnson's 1 per cent directive. him yesterday! the dedication ceremony. , August 14, 19S7 TOE DAILY REGISTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR ..SALS E AUTOS FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND US! JJWl'AE XK1M PONVZRTIBI.Z 11SW PONTIAC LeMABS - VJ, (ourl 1998 CHRYSLER NEWPORT — Four IMS IliPALA .— Tm-t-xx iudtop, AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE J AUTOS FOR SALE LOST — Golden collie, melt.. An Low mfleace. Good OOB41U9O. Ntw - ' flSOO. Csil door ft&iAa. Power ' " eighl-cyllnifr, LUIOJUA'SC, yjwtT iteer- 87M220. Low, Moving, W|. -Factory ilr-owi\tivnti. Writ* vllh to name "Bonny", vicinity er gtl. Just t.-i, . 229-6373 afler 5 JJJJ mlBslon. Beautiful all vinyl Interior p.m. or before 0:30 am. before offering them for sale. _ ve now. Only S»-|. RABSAS rONTI AUSTIN II15ALEY 3000 MK1I — 1962 AC, 355 Broad St., Red Bank. 741-6180. Hardtop and eoft top. Ra-ilo, hsater, Terms From — No Money Down Up To 4 Years To Pay iJ60~wniTE~CADILLAC convertlblT Overrlrlvo. Tonnean, wire wheels. 51050 No Payments Till September! Call For Credit Good condition, J75O. Call or hesi offer, 74M787L 872-1500. 1935 PACKARD — Six, four-door sedan. mmtwm, CHEVROLET — 1085 Impula. 327, four Good body, excellent chrome, interior. speed, headers, 4:11, Hurnt, aun, Runs, ResperatP. $500. 21)l-'£ft2Q. '63 PONTIAC $1295 chrome revereed wheels. Many extras '66 RENAULT $1295 '65 FORD Call 9:18-2706. JAGUAR XK-150 Caravelle, radio. Ranch wagon, four-door, Bonroville 4-dr. hardtop. I960 CHEVROLET — White. Very For imiti nr trade l clean. Must tell. »(03. Call after S:30 2294853 Heater, whitewalli. - V-8, auto., radio. Full power, auto., R&H, 225-1811. 1065 MUSTANG — Two-door h8.nitop» Heater, roof rack* KARMANN OHIA — 1053. Radio, heat eight-cylinder automatic, power «t«er- Excellent condition. inK, Blui> with matchins interior. TKA\1 '66 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 '63 CORVAIR $695 747-4011 sharp. S2O&3. McCARthy Chevrolet, 1S8 Two-door sunroof, radio. METRO 1960 — $250. Repainted 1966. First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. 2P1-11OI. Heater, whHawallj, '64 CHRYSLER $1195 Monza coupo. Call 842-4183 Monday UirouEh Frl 1863 CHKVItOLET — Bel-Air, rcur-r day. aadan, A-l. Must )>*> seen to b» ap- Newport convertible. Automatic, radio, heater. 1963 RAMBLER — Two-door, nix cylprec!a.ted- . 842-3C10. ^ Automatic, radio, heater. 65 CADILLACS '65 LINCOLNS inder, standard. Good condition. New1WJ7~C]IEVY II — Wagon, alx-cyllnder '66 MIDGET $1495 Conv's, Coupe Devi lies, Sedan clutcli, front end. ?^05. 46^-47'JD. nlk'k ahlft. Green wllh malchlng in- Convertibles, 7 Roadster, radio, healer, Full power, new top. OeVllles, Hordlops. CO7QE cdRVE rrE~cbNVERTIl)I.E' — 1001terior Jow rnljeage. Hala-ttce of nffw '63 VOLKSWAGEN $895 A5 LOW AS Four-Bjieecl VM h.p. N*-w tires. Lowcar warranty. A re^,l )>uy At $1^95. AS LOW AS $«# 79 JIcCAI'.tliy Clirvri)l'-t, 1.1S First Ave., Micro bus. lli-iiBB. Kxccllent condition. 8(2-1032 '64 OLDSMOBILE $1595 .fter 0 p.m. _ AUmttle Illghlantlfl^ 291-1101. '66 MUSTANG $1795 65 CHEVROLETS '65 PONTIACS 1 J»~6HBVKOLET" — Convirlltile. J'ow wi'lsiPAllA —Two-door hardtop, cr ntccrluK, liraKf.i, while aldewall ilx cylinder automatic, I«WIT Bte«rlng, Radio, heater. 98 4-dr. hardtop, radio. Impalos, Hardtops, Bonn's, Catalinas, Tempests, >ower brakes, air-conditioning. Bal- '63 RENAULT $495 Belalrs, Blscaynes & 1 AO C tires. Call 5G&-U0G1 after j^ Automatic, six-cylinder. Heater, full power. ETO's, L'm'ns, Hdlp. C11QC xCrONTlhC Lo Mans convcrtlDle, arA:e of new car warranty. Gray with R-8, four-door, standard >lue with whlt» top, V-S, »utom«tlo black interior. Only J22KS. McCARthy Automatic, factory air. Chevrolet, 3.18 FJr*t Av*.t Atlantlo transmission. Radio & heatar, ranamlsston. power steering, DUCKOI Highland*. 291-11OL '65 TRIUMPH $1295 HOMEOWNERS i>aU, radio, heater. $2295. Call alter AIR CONDITIONED p.m. 512-283*. 1&57 CADILLAC — Four-door Spitfira. S YEAR FINANCINS CONVERTIBLES FORDS . CHEVROLETS DEBTS CONSOLIDATED TO 1950 VOLKSWAGEN — Fallback new tires. 1350. '64 PONTIAC $1795 PONTIACS . BUICKS Call 7«-DD33. ' '62 SUNBEAM $995 PLYMOUTH* . BUICKS ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT Bonn.ville 2-dr. hardtop. CHEVROLETS - fORDS 264-3242. 196^ FIAT 11CK) — Four-door ied«.n, '65 MONZA $1095 Alpine roaditer, wirawhttll. IJoiy and uphoMsry goort. ff«w Uraij Full power, auto,, R&rJ. 10S5 CHEVROLET BEL AIR — J150. 7*1-8129 between 5:30 and 7 p.m. Four-door, Jour-sp^ed. Radio and heatar. loor eedan V-8. Automatic. , Radio, heater. leater. JW.iXiD miles New tiiei. l.xccl- 1W5 N'OVA — Two-d«>r hardtop, 1965 ent condition, 671-0220. eon We con, Ififit Chrysler convart- $895 l«3 NOVA — Wacon, »li-cyilniifr, , 1MI OMsmobll* convertible, 1MJ '64 MONZA '61 CADILUC $1095 Weekly Payments «tlc. nownr ateerlnB. Ponlliitmn. vy 11 w«B"-i. A!! the Aijovft c*r# Weekly payment aye ipcrmliy priced at or hejow whole* '65 Gfd $1795 Two-door, four-speed. Sedan DeVille tour-door. '66 OLDS .:.„. J14.M) 65 T-BIRD __ _ 514.65 KB rack. Extra clean. $1,1&-J. Mc- D-fl8, 4-dr. hdtp, alr-cond. ^Altlh? Chevrolet, 158 Klrjt Ave., At- .ale. 3IcCARihy Chevrolet, ISS Flrit V*8, automatic, radio.. Radio, heater. Landau Coupe, all power, iantlc HlffhUndi. 2M-11O1. Ave, Atlantic Hlglilaml-i. januft, * Loaded, '46 BUICK ..._ 514.55 •65 PONTIAC $13,95 Heater, power steering. LeSobre 4-dr. hdfp, all-power. Bonnevlllc 2-dr. fidtp., ell power. m ~HONN Eviux oonv«rttbi«7 '« PONTIAC J14.M •65 FORD $13.80 AUTOS FOR SALE jilBht-rylindcr, nuloinatic, pow«r iteer> CQtallna Sta. Wgn., all power. Country Squire, all power. iiK, |)av.r-r Vtrskes. Bl.ick with whltt '64 PONTIAC $1395 '60 CORVAIR $ 195 •45 CADILLAC $24.80 '44 CADILLAC 516.90 tnp. Kitra clean. A aacrifit* at J2OTO. '65 FORD $1295 Eldorado conv. olr-ond. McCAJllhy Chevrolet, 158 b'lnt Avt.f Tampett LeMam 2-dr., V-S. Four-door automatic. f Sedan'DeVille, olr-condiNoned. Atlamic Hlel.lniKls. 251-1101. Custom four-door ledan. '45 MUSTANS _ _ S 8.90 '(A CADILLAC _ ,514.90 II . V-8, auto., radio, heatjr. Radio, heater, four-ipeed. Radio and daater. Convertible, V-8, four-speed. SERVICEMEN Convertible, all power, olr-cond. W«~CHEVELLE — Four »pwd COn» '65 OLDS (13.70 •64 MERCURY $8.65 TOYOTA" ifilc, jtiish liiitton radio. whlt*waUt, 68 Hardtop Coupe, all power. Mint t-onil:L!on, A.-iklng $19S0. FINANCED Montciair Hardfop Coupe. THE NEW •t5 BUICK »13.!0 •64 FORD 5 0.90 SOfi COP.VAII*. -- Four door, hardtop, leSabre convertible, all power. E-4's and up Country Squire, nlnu-possengcr. Six-cylinder four speed, whltt with Service Men Financed, Low Bank Ratei '«5 CHEVY ...J10.90 Overseas Financing '64 CHEVELLE $ B.?5 HOT ONE l interior. JM5V McCARthy Ch«v- Super Sport Convertible. MoMbu hardtop coupe, V-8. rolet, 1M Kint Ave., AtiirAia HlHi* •"A $ 1765P0 E A OLDRMOHIIiE — F-W, two-door lan, B:x-i:ylin')*T, automatic. Red BIG SAVINGS with mnchlr.R Interior. $1295. MfCAR. thy Chevrolet. 15*» Ave., AtUnila MONMOUT H ON EXECUTIVE CARS Hli 1'fillii 1063 COMBT—T^-o-door «edan. Excel- RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS cut condition. No money down, Banlc will Unanco &&'>. Only $340 WMkljr, AUTHORIZED DEALER Call Mll"ct, 721-7100, OASIS MOTOKB, 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK 741-5886 CHEVROLET — Impala cor.ver- little. Briuil new top. Excellent condl- MOTORS m Call 711-W15. 1963 MO MUXIET — WOO or b**t of- HIGHWAY 35 542-2414 EATONTOWN SALES — SERVICE er. Call sfier 6 rni. 767*4633 ]0G2

V-h, pow«»r wefirtns. !> rxjr» miles, Nft H »lown. I'-nnk wli! flrj-ir.cp ilVO We could Only $15.80 prr wrp','. (:,]| coli^ft LI- offer you a I MOTORS, Jit. fi, fiayrevlll'*. Maroon npauty. No mnnfy down, H;i-k . ;ollocl,' 721*7100, OASIS MOTORS, better price on it faster Rt. 0, Srtyrfvlllc. VOLKRWAO"RS 8Et)AN~-""R«d" . con-iltlon. Ii'.i your a for 4S2J. than you could lall 201-0007 any t:rr.o M £ ROI "rnr~sB D V?T -- ~ ci eatTaM sry good condition. Bwt offer. 22&- draw it by numbers! 1£67 Mat'- Tfnw clect'rinl intUB,

1957 MU8TAKO — Hardtop. Automatic transmission, radio and many extra*. Call &32-361T »fter 6 YEAR END SAVINGS MOTOHCYCLES BOLO SUZUKI — At BUI KuuwtTa AMol!»]€•. 331 Miln Street, M.Uwia. 2% ' ON ALL 1967's IN STOCK!!! 1B57 HARLEY TAV1DBON — FuU drees. Call THESE CARS MUST GO THIS MONTH 291-0278. . 741-3I83. ' 1955 MOTORCYCLE 305 — DMMO, '67 PLYMOUTH 1S7-K50. IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE '67 CHRYSLER HONDA — 303 cc, Dreim, 196T. lif Fury III, 4-dr Sedans Newport Four-Door new, 500 miles. Si95 1966 HON™ an _ isoo mile.. Znd. lent condition. Call bfforo 2 or aftar TO GET A BETTER DEAL! With radio. h*at«r, V8 engine, automatic, power steering, With radio, heater, 383 V-8 engine, power steering, whltewall 8:45, weekends any time, 787-3311. whitewall tires, wheel covers, undBrcoating, side view , tires, tinted windshield, wheel covert, undercoating, side view 1067 HONDA — is) scrambler. E*c«l- lent conilltlon. S5O0, oil alter • t.m. seat belts, vinyl interior, carpeting, tinted glass, 2-speed wipers mirror, seat baits, vinyl Interior, carpeting, tinted glass, two- YOU CAN OWN A BRAND NEW and washers, back-up lights, padded dash, dual brake system, speed wipers and washen, back-up lighti, padded daih, dual MOBILE HOMES collapsible steering wheel. brake system, collapsible Peering .wheel. 1S62 Belvedere - 55xlO\ Eicillent conilltlon. $3,50o. 787-7650 »[ter 6 r-m. WAS WAS $ COME SEE KCHIFFMAN'S — For | NOW S9CQ7 campers find trailers. Ovpr 28 on dli- I $3363 ONLY ZD7/ $3675 play, lined anil new. Suppllei and equip- ! 2887 merit. Hitrhfs Installed. Open Monday i thru "FrhlfiyVy'n.m. to' J)"p.m."Battirflay—* 100 FACTORY AIR CONDITIONED CARS IN STOCK 9 a.m. to 6. Closed Sunday. 46 Ocean- - port Ave, West Long Branch. Alwayi IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON BRAND NEW 1967 CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHS FI deal Rolng. Trade anything ol value. TWO-BEDROOM SHORE TRAILER — -N^VS^-^VWS^V^^A^SO^^^^V AIL MODELS IN STOCK: wwt/vw 40x8. Reasonable for quick sale. Hl|h- lanris. Call 291-4GL2 before 8 p.m. T E R M S u FR O M NO MONEY DOWN! T «5 4 YEARS TO PAY! WANTED AUTOMOTIVE '67 CHRY5LER «W7 '« BUICK -..- »2W '43 CHRYSLER 300 .._ $1097 MODEL A FOTtD OR ANTf CAK FROM ALL Newport convertible. Radio, heater, Nine-passenger station wagon. Rcdlo Four-door hardtop. AIR CONDI- LATE 2O'« OR EARLY 30's. PHONB auto., >ower sieerhg, power brakes ond heater, automotlc, power steer- TIONED. Radio and heater, outo- T*1-1DS9 AFTER 5 P.M. 1967 OLDSMOBILE and all th» other standard factory ing and brakes, whltewall tires, etc. matlc, power steering, brokes, efc. extras. JUNK CARS USED CAR '« CHEVROLET „ .._ *18!7 •62 CHRYSLER $1097 f FOR LESS THAN « CHEVROLET S5097 Hardlop, Impala 2-dr,, radio ond New Yorker four-door sedan. Radto, REMOVED FREE CUTLASS L6 or V-8 ImpalQr 2-dr. hdfp. Radio, heater, heater, automatic, power steering, heater, automatic, power steering, DAY OR NIGHT. 781-2071 $ automatic. Power steering, white whltewatl tires, wheel covers, etc. power brakes, etc. WILLYS JEEP STATION WAGON — PRICES wall tires. Wheel covers. Four whesl drive. Good condition. Rea* STATION WAGON •65 VALIANT $1297 '!? MERCEDES-BENZ $597 sonable. Call 671-0S38. ' 2,600* '« OLDS/UOBILE JIW7 4-dr., 'rodio, heater, stick shift. 19&-D Diesel. Radio,.heater, leather Jetstar four-door hardtop. Radio Very economical. Interior, etc, A real bargain. JUNK CARS WANTED *Plui N. J, State Saloi Tax and heater, automatic, power steer- SHORE AUTO WRECKERS. SLASHED ing, power brakes, eic. •M CHRYSLER _ S1277 VOLKSWAGENS — 512-5514 22MK4 Newport sedan, radio and heater. •66 Fastaack ...„ _..$1B97 •« PLYMOUTH $1777 Automotlc, *•'' power steering, white- Radio and heater. JUNK CARS PICKED UP Fury 111 2-dr. Hardtop. Radio, wall tires, like new. Whltewail tires. Like new, Twlnbrook Auto Wrecking — 5(2-2235 COMPLETE FINANCING AND INSURANCE ARRANGE- Formerly Cy Barron heater, aufomcfld power steering, whltewall tires, wheel covers and '« CADILUC _: $3197 '« Convorilblo $iw GESHFORV61jirFOREION Radio and hoator. AMERICAN — AND SPORTS CARB Chrysler - Plymouth vinyl Interior. AIR CONDITIONED four-door hard- AT MONMOUTH MOTORS, INC., Hwy. MENTS AVAILABLE THROUGH GMAC AND MIC *« MUSTANG „„ S16?7 top, Fully power equipped, Lite Whltewall tires, etc. 35, Eatontown. 512-2111. now condition. Vinyl roof. Hardfop. Radio, heater, automatic, '5? SunroBl ,...$JJ7 elc. A very sharp car, '63 CHEVROLET ._ „. $1397 Radio ond heater, etc. (More Classified Ads '« FALCON ....S1W7 Hardlop Impala. Four-door alr-con- Perfect second car. IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE TO GET A BETTER DEAL FROM Fulura CftRY8i.ER NEWPORT — four. 1MB mtALK ~ Two-toor (*, *OTOS W* SALE AUTOS TOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Urw mttttl«i ftooa pcsdlttos. Urn • • M_U.° Pow4irt «te«rtn|, t—-brttei—; •.tfil-cyllwitr, fjUxriMte, power steer* iW — 69M*a AM«, male. MMtm . JMSTftl-usa ii&f JTa MO*. ~-/ mflesge. JdJivmk, •nawb'iell. W»0. w. TvAjbiy t iT-rjiTAHir/iiti. write vita V> mane- "famr". vlelntty M Red tliroutft fit All day fct Mi M* 741-4142. ftcic tinrl InMlmr. A-l amtMen. ISank. Of grett Ttlue Hi filttlly al 1*61 RAMMER •- AmbueaAor, «-cyl M5. McCAP.Uiy Chevrolrt. 1G8 K«t child'! pet, 7«1-5'.51, IMS ENOLIEH . OP.D—ConWl UD, two.fitdef, nine Jraasefteer fttfttton WB.KOQ Ave-, Auiutlt Hlgaia-Hil. 291-llOi. door, vrttb radio. 30 mllM per iti Juit PAT KEEIEN'S AUTO SALES JyStT — lsU_r"iJ«br«dSF"wlUi buck A), 4t,c0o miiei, tm. »u-283S. I Hwy. collar, with sliver fttuds, six months right for a second car; Best offer o*er ittt »ORft OAUXIE - Power .tew- $<00. Call after 0:30 p.rri, 741-1463. 1966 MERCEDES BKNZ—250 S. IJKe old. Holrmlel-Mtddlelonvn. area. Reward. new. Grand Prix radio, power steer- 1961 CORVAIR — Four-dcor aedan Ing. dooa condition. Mi-HMD. 1963 OUWMOHILE CONVERTIBLE — ing, elcctrio Bunroof, |4750. 671-3669 Three-speed. Call 741-S472 LOST — Four month .old maie Da-rlc. blue. Call after 12 rtoon. evenings. 671-2185. CHRYSLER 300E , Rlack coat with E"ld markings. An- 741(122 , Hlgrt perrormance. All extrti. swprrf tn the narne or "Bafron." flei- 1964 MONZA — Spydcr convertible. 1M1 CHEVROLET — six-cyllnaer, i VOLKSWAGEN BUS - 1»«« Delime. ntr cofldltlft'iertdlrt . Detroit's maximum el- Call after 0 p.m. Air conditioned. Radio, heater. 12,000. rt 2295S8229-5S888, (oril-Mtfi7 MOB — Wire wliec-is. Wood stecr- 10641 COMET — Slx-cyllnder, four-door TIUNSPORTAT1ON SPECIAL — 1034per Sport, filace. white lop t.nd inte- wheel, radio. $UQQ. Call after 6, BRdan. Very clean. Power steering, new nulck. Excellent condition. 500. Call rior. Full power. Exceptional condition. AUTOS FOR SALE 21I llren. 21,000 miles. 747-3181. 741-6480, after 6:31) p.m. Private party. Call 542-23.18. BRITISH CAR—NUMBER Super 10f,r, FORD FAW3OH -- gin cylinder. 1953 f6na~^~Fo\fi-iim~ii(ilin. Good 1065 OPEL- — Sfatlon WKKon. OoM 1962 T-BIRD — Good condition. Full coidltlon, Fow«r «ieerl»». Swt oiler. condition, Call after 7 p.m. power, radio, heater and air condition- 19S1. S0O0. Please call after 10 a.m. Two-door. Oood condition. 1850. Call , 747-4701. ing. »1200. Call 787-063( alter t p.m. 812-1H01. 741-5683. Alter 6 p.m. 787-8140. 183,1 liibLMAN — Oooa condition. MS. Call AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 5685274. 2W-1662. iSTfSrisVcfiiem WANTBC — "PMtie»~l»tefS»5nnn tak- TitiTpii a lt\f over balance on rftpoaaeisntl cara. condition, Best offer wv«r *U0O. 747- 1 iiave 30 earn available. For Informa- 4858. tion, Jo« raliante, Town k Country BENAULT net — B«l«e. Oood eonill- ii fiC^Sioo tion. Must aell. Best oiler. Call 747-SMS, atlerii. io5i"~volftwfr l)mki?K, air-cnrtdlilonlna,. Bai- Automatic, six-cylinder. B^lairs, Blscaynes ftlAQP tO6S l^ONTIAO Le Mans convertltilf, af/nc of new car warranty, omy with Heater, full power. R-8, four-door, standard AS LOW AS *IW70 Conv's AS LOW AS 3lu« With white top, V-9. automatic Wank Interior. Only S22R3. McCAHlhy Automatic, factory air, raiiaiafaslon, Power ateerln^, buCKet l 153 First Ave., Atlantic tramriission. Radio & htaKr. HOMEOWNERS sat!, rlillo, li|ist«f. $2295. Can after 291-Uol. '65 TRIUMPH $1295 p.m. 8)2-2831. • AIR CONDITIONED 5 YEAR FINANCINQ CONVERTIBLES rour^odr fttrdtop, Spitfire. ~iii68 VOLKSWAGEN — Futbacli '64 PONTIAC $1795 '62 SUNBEAM $995 FORDS . CHEVROLETS DEBTS CONSOLIDATED TO PONTIACS • BUICKS Call PLYMOUTH5 • BUICKS ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT CHEVROLETS - 261-3242. I)f63 FIAT alOO -- Kour-d(V>r ledan. Bonnivillt 2-dr. hardtop.'. Alpirf* roadster, wir«whe»ls. IOCS CHEVROLET BEL- AIFl - VOTJr- jireiy nnd upholntery (twd. Kew tlreia '65 MONZA $1095 St50. 7*1-8129 fmtween 8:30 and 7 p.m. Full power, auto., RiH. Radio and heater. joor aedan. V-8. Autornstle. rtidlo, fW-daof, Uut-iptei. noater 2t),not) mllefl. New tires. Excel- 1D65 NOVA — Two-rfflor hnMtnp, IMS Radio, haatef. •nt ccindltlon. 671-0230. ^ Falcon VVafv>n, 3064 Chryilftr conv^rt- .... NOTA — Waiion, jlx-cyllndrr, Hile, 1Wj OMsmoblte convertible, 1&63 '64 MONZA $895 '61 CADILLAC $1095 lUtntmatlc, powsr BtcerlriK. Pmtltrjctlon. Clwjvy II wagon. All the Above cars Weekly Payments Weekly payments ,iij;iril(e r«ch. Entra clean. 51,195. Me-are socially prlccft at or below whole- '65 GTO $1795 Two-dddr, ' Sadart DaVilla W-dodr* MOLDS MM '45 T-BIRD - .J14.63 CAftthy Chevr'ilet, 151 First Ave., At-Bale, McCAnthy Chevrolet, HW T\nt D-8S, 4-dr, hdlp, alr-cortd. Lnndai; coupf, ON power. lantic Highlands. 231-1101. , Atlantic HiShlanfll 29MHH. V-8, iutomatis, radio. Radio, Loaded, « BUICK •«S PONTIAC - 513.0S H»»t«r, power stgeririg. LeSabre 4-dr. hdtp. all-power. Boflneville 2-dr. hdtp.. oil power. iWT5 BONNEVJMvK -- Convftrt^bl*, M PONTIAC _ SU.W AUTOS FOR SALE e!Kht-oyHrt<1er. nutomatlc, jtov^t sW^f. '65 FORD ^ $13.80 Ing, power l)raltea. Black with whl'4 cafollno Sta. Won., oil power. Country Squire, all power. top. Extra clfan. A nacr](lc« at $2095, '64 PONTIAC $1395 '60 CORVAIR $ 195 CADILLAC ....$24.84 'it CADILLAC S16.V0 McCAflthy CnpvrolEt. on Flrti Av*.^ 'AS FORD $1295 Eldorodo conv./ dlr-cord. four-door automatic. Sedon DSVIII9, olr-condltloned. AllantlR UlRblnniiB. .201-1101, CuiWrrl four-dear l«dan. Tempeit LeMarts 7-it., V-1, '45 MUSTAMO S I.M '64 CADILLAC $14.90 Radio and heatar. Convertible, v-8, tour-Speed. SERVICEMEN Convertible, all power, air-cond. Itffi6 CIlE^EIiLK — Four «p«frt «?1n^ V't, aut«., radio, rlMter. Radio, h»Jlsr, fftur-lptid. tS OLDS W.70 "TOYOTA" BUIR, push tmltfin radio, Vhltswalls, '64 MERCURY S 8.6S Hardlop Coupe, all power. FINANCED Montcldlr Hardlop coupe. THE NEW Hint conditlfm. Asking J1950. 8S6-541S. M BUICd S13.M '64 FORD S 8.V0 (^S~COJlVAlh — rouTrfoor, Mrdtop," LflSobre convertible, all power E-4's and Country Squire, nine-passenger. Rlx-cyllnrtrr /mir *p»H, whLtB wtUl Ssrttee Men Financed, Low Bonk Rat si '85 CHEVY 510.90 '64 CHEVELLE 11.1S HOT ONE htue lntPrior. IKW, MtfCAKthy Ch«r- Super Spoil Convertible. Overseas Financing MallbJ hordlDp coupe, VS. roict, 1R<* first Avs., Atlai/tic H)lH« l^ 2i)llir» BIMTP5, two-door* Sf«l«n, nlx-cyllndCr, autornatl*. IWd BIG SAVINGS with rflAtehlns tnter-or. J12KJ. McCAR- tiiy ClrfvroWt. 15^ First Ave\, AtHMlfl ON EXECUTIVE CARS Htld znil) MONMOUTH 1SH13 Trrlr «(M»n. RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS lent corfHtlon. No money down. frltl /In-incft ^A5. Only |0.M> AUTHORIZED DEALER Call collect, 721-7100, OABIfl M II? E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. It!, ft S^lil nT — impaia « MOTORS RED BANK 741-5186 tttile. Brand new top. Kxc4ilent HIGHWAY 35 542.2414 EATONTOWN SALES — SERVICE

1069 FORI>--Cnunlry 8oH«n AtlM V-«. pofepr Bt*prlnp. ».0OD mllrn. otte cent down. B,mk will finnnce We could Only J15.RH wfk. Call cilln-t tioo, OASIS MOTORS, m. 9. aayrc atrdtnp.. Pnnr-speclnrspecl,, fower fitccrinn. offer you a SATotjn bpauty. No mnn^mn v down H;r k will tfnanc(** J1.5WJ15W. OnlOyl m.MmM p k Call collect, 721-71DO, OASIS *IOTORS, nt 9. SayrevHIf. better price on it faster 1W>4 V0LK.SWAOKN SKDAN — H"l. OOfMl {lonrtltion. It's yours for 1S2S. Call* 231-OW7 ony time. than you could e58TiISnct!nMriSEbAiJ"'^~Clraa and In vory good condition. B#,it offer, 22S- 5S5fl draw it by numbers! 1S5Y MftA - N?w electrical ayite'm, ntivt tires. Efiainff needs work. Call 5*2-2143 nh>r 5:.1o. tM7 MU8TANO ~ Hardtop. Aiittfrrtatfft transmission, radio An<\ many *ittra*. Call (U3-3Q17 nltPr 6 p.m. I9M CItEVROlET - IMrala. Mrdtop coupe, «12SO. Clciln. Cdli YEAR 671-2S3! END SAVINGS MOTORCYCLES suzura — At Bill LanitWii'.:..;' Atlle IllH 334 Main gitut, UlUWU. .... SM-2224. ON ALL 1967's IN STOCK!!! 1»97 HAULS* DAVIDSON - 53 trtlt C4II THESE CARS MUST GO THIS MONTH HONDA so-1965 model. Excellent con- flltlon. |1«5. Call 741-3413. 1965 MOTORCYCLE 80S — Call 7S7-6560. '67 PLYMOUTH '67 CHRYSLER HOKDA — 305 cr. Dfeani, 1867. LdM IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE new. 5M rftllcs. J-195. I960 HONDA DO — UOO mllM. S««(t.M I Fury HI, 4-dr Sedans Newport Four-Door lent condttlon. Call belore 2 or Ann I :«, weekends any time, 78T-3M8. ' TO GET A BETTER DEAL! With radio, haater, Vft inglne, aurdrrlaiit, power iT«»ring, With radio, htattr, 383 V-l anjine, power »le«rl(icj, whittwall ig6TnrjNDA - lSTscofttbiet. Excel- . lent condltlan. VM. Call altar 6 p.m. ' whit«wall tirvi, whe»l covsri. undercoafing, tido view mirror, tirei, tintad windihiold, wheel covers, undercoating, sida view 141-8011. laa) belli, vinyl intlrior, cirpating, tint»d gUts, 1-tptti wiptri mirror, isir baits, vinyl interior, carpeting, tinted glass, two- YOU CAN OWN A BRAND NEW . . . •nd wiiftsn, back-up lights, padded dash, dual brakg sysMm, speed wipin and wasdert, back-up lights, podded dash, dual MOBILE HOMES collapsible iteering wheat. brake lystem, collapsible steering wheel. 1562 B41v«d«6 — 8!WW. EMfllllt ' {onilltlcin. 13,600. 787-7850 »tl«f S p.m. | ' COMB SEE"SCHIFFMAN'S — Ifor ' • WAS NOW $ WAS NOW (jAirlpirA and trflllerfl. over 25 on dli- ; play, used and new. Supplies And egulri- $3363 ONLY ONLY •2887 rristif.' Hllchri IhjfallM. Open Honiir " jam. lliru Friday. 9 a.m. tn 9 p.m. Saturday . a deal going. Trado artytrilflg or value. .' 22!>-fl660. ______IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON BRAND NEW 1967 CHRYSLER and PLYMQUTHS TWrTriEOhoOM^aHORE TRAILER — fwt'vvvwwvv ALL MODELS IN STOCK: MnAnAAwwsnrVV

•47 CHRYSLSR J!W7 '8J BUICK S!1W '« CHRYSLER MB $1097 MODEL A FOJtO OH ANY OAR FROM £ATK 2*» cift EAKL. itft. PHONE ALL Newport convi!rtlbl8. Radlrt, heotir, Nlne-possengcr station wagon. Radio Four-door IWraiDrJ. AIR CONDI- 741-1M4 AFTER 5 P.M. cuf6., power steering, (lower brakes and Heater, automatic, power steer- TIONED. Radio and healer, auto- 1967 OLDSMOBILE one* all the other standard factory ing and brakes, whllewatl tire*, ett. matic, power steering, brakes, etc. JUNK CARS extras. USED CAR '8S CHEVROLET HM 'it CH«V«LEI» »1W REMOVED FREE •U CH6VKOLET ill/11 Hordlop, ImpalrJ 2-dr., radio and Mfflce, JR. COST TOM'S FORD ~ -- ,,.B.P«»'->« Ameritan C»n Company DRAFT8MAN-DEBIGNBR DELIVERY DRIVERS FIELDS. Call Cilffwood Avenue CUffwoc Fully experienced. Call 7*7-1500. 741-51O4. Challenging opportunity to join growing Personnel Service RENT A CAR An «qilal opportunity employer MECHANIC WELDER — Ro«ers Truck ODD JOBS""""""" ~" company. Require* light coal account- MO Hwy, V, 264-1600 K«rpcrt WAITRESSES WANTED — For year Equipment, Hwy. 35, Katontown. Call inc experience or collogp coursps In Light hauling -nunil work. Btowa*ay Hotel, Kt MMr, . Gray/ 542-3220. cost. Salary gmai hasert on mprit. ACCOUNTANTS — .. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE... llhiinds. 872-1161. Exnellpnt benefits Includfl profit Bhar Degree an^l non degree. Cost ex- IOATS AND ACCESSORIES _ . JlTEIt — Dayi, Steady pnslllon, Ing. Semi reftume or oanlact E A perience or auditing. To I3.M0. WAITRESS — Over 21, part or lull benefits. Hazlet area, references. Call FchetU, Personnel Manager. HAS AVAILABLE OPENINGS IN EMPLOYMENT time, will train. Year round work. after 12 noon. 264-0800. IJBAFT3MJSN — Windmill Class Write Boi J-l«4, The Daily Register, ..._ii^rLIN6TYPEOPERATOR Junior and srnlnrs. 1-5 years ex- MONMOUTH COUNTY HELP WANtED-FEMALE Red Bank. perlencp- Sheet melal or electro- Kn. 2072. One year old. With tnllti Part-time or full time. Apply BAI.LARD WHEELOCK SIGNALS AUVBRTISING,_W3 1st St.. Kcyport, mechanical background. To $S,0W. and nllj. Fully equipped. »8S0. Ctll OAK WASHERS: FUU, TIME ONLT EXPERIENCED WAITKKS9 — 18 WE REQUIRE: Mf-2U7. After 8 p.m., 2$4-94}l. - Olris. IS to 25, lor deSallln, c»r,;years or older. Both day and night INC. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS — Steady/ reliable men with good work and cleaning lulda wlndowi and outride FOREMAN~OR ASS fSTANt work available. 5:12-2305 • 1-8 p.m 273 BranchiKjrt Ave Long Branch Will accept Juniors and Sfn;oti safe driving record and excellent SAV-COTE drying, No experience necessary. Qood Some r<-rjLilrM for firlrl service u Dhysical "ondiiion wajes. Apply Country Sudstr Car Needle Trades 222-&S30 - pail-men, oth.rrs with .jn!y basl THE LIQUID PLASnC COATING Wash. Hwy. fc, Mlddletown. area. <;.K«1 skills. l-lei-Harit office. Legal nils !a a solid, rull tfme pu.-jltlon v/lth eleclmnlc knowledge. From J110. STARTING RATE $2.97 HOUR Available At THE VACHT 8HOP eiperlence preferred, but nut essential. a well-eslahlished reliable firm inarm- MULTILITH OPERATOR — Fu1M!m* 1184 Ocean Ave, Sea Bright 8(2-1913 For appointment call 741'J1(XI turlHK children's coats. Long Branch WOMEN OR GIRLS Mfg. Cu,,_20 Third Ave., '/'2-984.J, work for experienced man. Kirms Print SPECIAL INTERVIEWS WAITRESS — Experienced, over 21, Ing Co., Bradley Beach, 774-8000. THETOATMAN'S SHOP PART-TIME AM OR .PM or lull time year round. Apply YOUNG MAN~-^~bver"l8rwiilini~ TUESDAY, AUGUST 15th New Jereey'a largest Uarlae Supply Salary Jl.CS per hour plus. No expert' I) person, call 747-4253 for appoint- •n trade aa machine operator. E: BOUH. 24 Wharf Ave., Ked Dink. e necessary, no typlnj, ateno, oi ment. perience not necessary. Apply Schlfflt U 741-S780 , kkeeulnK. All personnel (rained. Im- Kmlirnirtery Center, Hwy. 36, Keyport MECHANICS N. J. STATE EMPL6YMENT SERVICE mediate openings available. Call Mr. 264-3600. Autoiii'itivi'. piicSn? or rarts O?en Sundays and bollaayf. Jojepli. 229-47S7. EXPANSION PROGRAM GAS STATION ATTENDANT n 9 a-m. to 1 p.m. pnri nrf. f:nvprinx New York 48 East Front Street Red Bank, N. J. IJUTCHER.—Experience a. Good wages, Crinnecllcnt. 1959 CHRIfl-CRAFT CAVALIER — 23'. PAC'ILITIKS ENLARGED — Need 16 steady work. Call Permanent, full time positions. (No Fee Charged). Stanidp head, galley. Sleeps two. In ex- BOOKKEEPING DEPART- artmlnlfltratlvB type personnel. Two Liberal company benefits. 3ALKS - cellent condition. Fully fitted out ami yeara of college or equivalent. Minimum YOUNG MAN — Two years college or Hp!all lumbpr. Counter and pli Ktdy to go. J2,OS0. Call 842-1208. 2-3 yeara successful full-acope buslneiia equivalent experience In construction or Also Part-tiinf OpfninKS sales, To J150/(vk. MENT in local area is looking environment. Five day week. Shifts architecture for Inspection and lab Apply rprsonnel Dept. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Involved. Two montha training period. tory work, related to construction. Car Columbia Sailing Yachts To (100. TAB OPERATOR — Osi Display At essential. Wnt» Box J-159, The Dally Compuier experlf=nce-1400. Will work GOOD TOP BOIL — Flva cu. ydi. for a woman who is reliable, Reslster, Red Bank. SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. on 360. THE TTACHT SHOP, Authorized Dealers 1500 Hwy. 35 I AM per load. (62-1000. or EMPLOYERS illddletown 462-3763. 11M Ocean Ave.. B» Bright 642-1813. PORTERS — Full time day ponltlons PRODUCTION CLERKS ~ available, Good working conditions with INTERESTED FlberglaM Y»chU a' to Mr. adepr wiih figures and a Math aptitude. To 5115. M J BEDROOM SET-SIX-PIECE. TAKE INVENTORY 8A[,E fringe benefits. Call Personnel Depart- In established businesbusiness in ., nn- PAYMENTS, SI.SO PER WEEK. Personnel Service ment, Klvervlew Hospital. 741-2700 Ext. TOOL MAKER '""" (OVE;oVBR PAYMENT" New Thundfrblrds - Formulas. New mouth County-buying or partner-ixo MONEY^DOWN. FREE LAMPS. GlaBS, Wood, Aluminum, Praam. Bpe- good typist. Pleasant work- 22ft. Light, clean Interesting work. Gnnd 77 Broad St. (natfi nn. Pal fnr young family, currnntly paying In 12' V BOTTOM — Aluminum cartop, 6 benefits. Reply in own hand- chinhi e maintenancit e 5i££ to fl days. Laun- raer Ave., Middletown. 671-2424; ' t;ix on $750 per week. HeasonabU PIN-MONEY PLUS dry experiencp e not required. Apply terms. Paul Bragar Agency, Shrews- h.p. Johnaon outboard motor. Both 1857. Donald'Dld' i LLaundrd y 44 Marlon. Bt., Bed Personnel Service Uk« new. c»ll 747-3157. Can Tou use (40 extra cash per week DRIVERS AND HELPERS — Exper! liury. 7(7-0221. " __ __ writing to Box M-154, The far the family budget? It'i youn ror «nced In hantlllng liouaehold goods. W OUTBOARD — Navy top, bow two hours m. day effort Set your own 77 Broad St. Red Bank 741-3; O-OOD ]N"VBSTMKNT--Five-rriom bun HAMMOND NG APPLICATORS WANTED — Apply In person, Anderson Brothers, businnHs p 1.J1 a culiaRe rcnta mil, opening windshield, 75 h.ji. elec- houri, Call 281-1687. 787-L447 or 666-1643, Inc., 51-53 Mechanic St., Red Bank. Daily Register, Red Bank. ork.. Call 787-1528, Vter 6 of ocjan and river. On X. Y. tric J0hfilon, 18 gal. tsnk. In excellent HJlTfiEKEEFERHouri 8~to S, flvi n-l IIM P..-uil; busline. Pricci Condition. Must sell. 741-7447. PART—TIME NEED CAP. HELP WANTED—Male - Female dayi. Cars 3 children before and after STOCK ROOM CLERK — Knowledge of CALL AUI. NA8H ***** FISERCIJIflS fiOAT —~40 h.p. :hool, IIKI.I iiinmewurk. Call 671-1309, ORGAN WAITRESSES _ Evenings Moat IX hardware supplies and clerical ability. WEDNESDAY 5-7 p.m. Mercury electric start ami trailer, I'M). over 21. Experienced. Applr Pleaaant 5i'J-0083 Oil «ft«r S f.m. 58».C«52. ^ KN 3 toll p.m. Pleas- Apply Alco Ceramics Corp., Hwy. M, FULL TIME &. TART-TIME A RARE OPPORTUNITY OF ASBURY PARK Valley Inn, Rt, 34, llolmdel. For Inter- umlitluns. Kniery Manor Ktyport. vle«rcall »«-MM. TO ACQUIRE A UNIQUE Corner of Main 3t. & Mattlson Av#. J7*"flHE'7TER~*SKIKF -- HeailT three , Jl!. 34, Uittawan. &6«- LINOTYPE OPE RATO11 — Expert. FULLER BRUSH CO. SALES OPENINGS fe'inkv V-H. iVt l,.|,., 1"H. N.-iv <:en dally 'til 9 p.m. Sat, "til 6 p.m. 32.'*7, 452-1U71, 77S-9233. 533-1313. DISTRIBUTORSHIP million, ready gfcrrii two. MINIMUM $2.22 HOUR (iKIiJON18r PROFESSIONAL Apply Personnel Dept. In Lnlu-w.j.i.1, Tom.i ItlviT elect from our large variety of uied ton. 11.200. 812-0)1:1 812-tSli. us,')iert>, nice olflce, intereitlDjf ZJ AimiTK Pog rgrira, all guaranteed and In excel- . . liiVrelasa ~J)ay EXPERIENCED ONLY worli. t.'all 532-1UJ.3 for Interview. SALES OPPORTUNITY SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. We Grant 20-Yr. Miirtgages •nt condition. Say* hundrada of dol- Caller, 185 sq. ft Ball. Con S'Jl'JS l^Ht WITH UNU1IITED COMPENSATION in the Monmoutti County 1500 Hwy. 33 MlddL-lovm Sowing maclilnt* operators. Unlun shop. POfTEKllAL. ONE OF THE NATION'S ,Vo reiinlrc an 1iiaivlt[u.i! wllll oulstanil year. Practically new. Asking S1W). Vacations wild pay. All holidays paid. WOMEN—PART-TIME ng firilLM ;i!iilily anil itUL't'riiy. Call 222-169() or 741-2263. I.AIKJE3T COMPANIES WIU. TRAIN .ble fur Junior and Senior assistant ttio Piano buyer, w» ti&va th» tringu benefit*. 8 a.m. to 3:30 p m. Fuller Brusli Co, bai local territories. YOU IN A UVBTIME SALES AND RET1KED or leml rotlrecl couplo (or taff auditors interested In inanagL-ment part-tlma gardening and light domt;3- Average Earnings 331 fleUctlon at tho lowest prices* iii'~KIBERC;l"AB3~<; raiiy VVli*Te*™Bl7Ti7iT ADAMS BROS. (Juitiuners waiting ftfr you. $1.60 anMANAGEMENT CAREER WHERE riented auditing. No prior exjierlenco iring, Mason • Hamjln, Johtunn. New last year. Jlany -xlrau. huur KuaranUeU to it art. 000-3257, YOUK INCOME (SALARY PLUS COM- tlo flerv!ce3, In eictiange Ilva rent true Per House $1,800 tipr, Kverett, Steck, janiito, Hiiw 21 B. Bridge Avtt. Rf)j M1B8ION) CAN SOAP. WITHOUT OEII required, lllnor travelliiK wltbln Now In a lovely, new furnished home. Wrllo Co«t •3600,_askJ»* |2:iW. 222-9M1. 4S2-1W4W4. 17iMS8 083-UU083UU. Jersey, Pleano send detailed redume or i'mir BIICI'L':M ij aiiiire.1 bi'cuise Para ri, Hardman and Pianola Pl»yera. 'TOYS & CHITS — PARTY PLAN INQ DBPENDINO ON YOUll ABILITY. ^O^IJox 101, West Long Urancli. S^iUCHAniiSON ~ 'l25"ii"|i." Cli rywUT HOUSEKKBPEK' -4 »r I daya. Chil- experience, education and salary re- K'Xi HdiiiL's :ire cumploto Including al *Iany iloor modeli and used pianoi. THE ASSOCIATE WE WISH TO ADD utiliLle-3. hi'iit, ciLb,iu:Li, plmnlilnB, etc Crrrwn with hydfaulle re v era Ing t-imlne. dren ID ichool. Qood salary. Keforencer TO OUR OEOAJJKATION SHOULD quirements to Uox J-163, The Dally HAN, WOMAN OH COTui'LK " \Vantcd Demonjtrate tns newest, m«st complete Register, Ked Uanlc An equal 0(>l>or- r 12D Iltimt! UfsiBna, IMaiw, etc x&t term* avalliLbl* on all pur- jH-l con'lHi'»n. Aniilng MOO or best of- iii'j uf toya und gifts for Ohrlstmai! after 6:30. ^_ HAVE A COLLEGE DEOKEE OR IT8 manieo liotel ami Idlclien. . May - fer, Enfln<~* wortli morn than aaliing y and gifts for Olirlstmas! tunity employer. ivil! train >28_or_2<>t-8;22. . ...IS KJCPEP.IHNOE AND 13 DE- 1 \>.m. antl after G:tJO p.m.- 747-5727, uner s Uonua Plan for Iiualera and b i BtJy iUon Call 820 EXPERIENCED electronic wt reman. •You BWNL.fnuu your Model Horn s. c'all or wrllo "'a Par- SlltOI'S OF OREATKR OPPOl'/rt'?,'!- ii wo /iii:ince. i'\ir delall.-i writ llo:)lt- TY i\>H IHCKEAaiNO BAIiNJHUS. Familiar with nch(;matic dlaKrams.Ai*- 775-9300 Short,•' deptliometer. IJ!-"f new, <'-im. li-H. Avon, Ojnn. (ftOOl. Tilpp+iona SEWING MACHINE n:1 : ; :; evt nln E> MMW — Oae day a.week • in ptimun, Klectco liniiulsa Lab, pin*, nothing «*ine to tiny, i'liune 787- _' " ^ ' '_ ' . ^^ 011-1013. I Chestnut St., Red Bank. >h< du housework. Call 741-2175. Own CAIJ. 519-T',»7. EVENING3 T4T-O15: OPERATORS PARAGON 'HOMES HUUMfiiVoLli HKLV^^'MaturTVomr 'nion benefits, three weeks paid vaca- MOVINO — MUST SBLb — Wa«h»r, UanaiKirUtlun. i'OIi APPOINTMENT. a JUE SPOHTSWKAK, 2(7 tf.HSHjll (Wl) :ii:i-l!ltO0, ilr. Green Illl 741-4U2. k,p. Good runnlnx conrlitlniL Blll'i lh_IWjr_ot_lli>llaeW . 671-IMV271IMV2. HOU8BKEEPER -— Mature, for small An equal opportunity employer 1I/F *rlenc« In electrcintcs. Apply In perBridg- e Ave., Rfiil Hank. 747-33W. Landing. Set Bright. — ~Mu«T~bY family, two adults and l>,i-year-old tirl, m. Electro , 115 Chestnut St., REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — Full AnMIRAL RSFMSEKATOB — *73. resident of At- Red Bank. BARNEOAT"~BM' "OAKVKY — ']«•. :rea. Monday through Friday, 9:30-4:30. Ref- EXPERIENCED FLOOR WAXER — time. Experfenco preferred. Slultiple MONEV TO LOAN nine; room set, $300; bedroom »«t erence* required. Own trannponation. Must have car and ba over 21. Equal Listing office. LAW1U3XCE J, SCH1L- J125. Call 568-4311. M h.p. KvlnriM y and pleasant working , r Eicellent conrllti'Jlt. rood boat for flail-tAi'J'lv Mr- I"'. Emrnel, 1JELL KINAN'CE J17. i per month. Wayald* area. Call opportunity employer. Os!l 563-5G18- MEN — PART TIME UNfl, Realtor. Call 747-4121 lor ap-iONEY TO LOAN — FHA, VA, con- InI g or familyfl . 112nn112-nn. ''"CO. , Atlanti'•"—c Highlands. 493-8357. 53.50 per hour. Daya-cvenin^s. No «-pointment. fntionaL Edwin 3. Stark, Realtor, 261- COOK—BUTLER-CIiAUFFE UR Ipncc n^cpsaary. Call for appoint- SWIMMING W NOHTH AMERICAN — 75 h.pCOUNTErt"oiRI,. 3 . Pres-Rlte Clean- CALL ment. 741-4760. Car necessary. EXPER1ENCED chef, short order men Je-hninfA el»ctr!r gtart. Tully Piuiri"".!. ers, lb!» Newman Bprfngs ltd Shrew S42-345S and waitresses. Apply in person, Mar- OOL Altlnl WOO. Call 671-23o(. bury. Apply In person. tini's Diner, Hwy 36, Keanslnirg, INSTRUCTION p < :l KI K MACHINISTS MEN SACRIFICE Iff PLPLTWO*OY D BOAT"*^-""EIceii"e*lt~C')"n-"i . ' ' '-OSMBTICIAN — To work Ir EMPLOYERS LIC E N 3 El >~R EAL~E3T AT K ~ RAVES'- d y ekk . Experl ALL. around experience In setting Permanent, part time nights. Apply PERSON — Needed for modern ofHce " Call '"|f •°"- 'I'^'X "," - B«P«> and operating machine ahop eijuipme READY FOR SCHOOL? Elementary In litlon. T4J.S537 . Apply Sandford'a Pliarmacy, 566- Loew's Drivo-In Theater, Hwy. 35, Haz-with tiis most advanced selling nlrts. Manuficturer hai nlmei Moll, »- let, after 6:30 p.m. itnictlon, Rraifs four in eight, In you noastsicd from bankrupt dealer. JT CABIN BKIFK -ThreB hunk«. head. Lucrative jiotpntial for an ambitious inme. 55 pprjimir. 261-1743. NOT ALL WTTH BUN DICK uller. Plenty of fhhlns room. Excel-, — Personnel Service TESTERS AND ion. Dtmhill Realtj', 671-5350. f ent UiTumion. S1.000 or best ofrer. Call Permanen—t Want«>4 to work in laundry. TROUBLESHOOTERS [AN OR WOMAN — Vull or part-time. FREE CAREER~TEST~ '/i PRICE SALE •Her «, J42-1542 "*""" 't poiltlom available. Apply Porter for mornings. Apply Bayshor<: j computer programming the profes- r,u3,rantfled Immediate undr f 4t gECRETARIBJ Experience in production tenting rtstallatlon and terms J » Marion St., P.ed electronic equipment. Charlie's Sea Food Center, 203 Shrews- \\nn tnr you? Take tho frt-o ECPI liOOKKEEPER — AUTOMOTIVE — bury Ave., Red Bank. Career Test. Call 512-2800 or visit ECPI Call collect day or evenlnci laf wh««l, avind anil trallfr. V«ry ENGINEERS at 265 Monmoulh Park Hwy., W. Loni 387-4222 M,]»t be experienced. Modern air con- fOxA conflltlin. . Call 7<1-O3*ii. Apply In person. Electronic Asslstanci Branch. illtl'ined office. Fringe benefits. TopADMLVISTRATIVE SEORETARy - To Corp., 20 Bririgfi Ave., R?d Bank. COUPLE — Wonderful opportunity en rtBEROl,A«3 BOAT — MFCMF, 1313*9".. ! salary* for rijiit party. For lntervHw ex«cutlv«. Knowledge of enjineerinr y g py. country estate. Marl must have OUR GRADS GET JOBS I B*al prtw. Call between fl-10 p.m. 7*1- terras. All skills. Steno, typlnj. dicta JOBBING PLUMBER - Excellent periencp in maintenance o[' grounds CUT LUMBER? m.1 • • call Mrs. Marcafc. 5W- .ne Able to assume responsibility. working conditions. Frank Veranse, 741- Buro wa dn It, and at modett prltei. KNrAlT CEi^flONlsT— Full ti. md bufldlnE. Woman for Ilgiit ho I.B.M. TRAINING IB THE KEY sed. Well iToomed. nOO. toFe e paid.7217. work. One small child. Rilnry up Brlnt In written list oj sizes. We will IT LUHM — 19K cabin cruller. Stand- Key port a. Experlenc* preferred. SOME REQUIRED WITH PROJECT TO YOUR SUCCES3 EXPERIENCE. S*flO a month with delightful sprai have order In 21 houn. W« cut elrdei up head., Bleeps tlve. Excellent cotv.ll- Seriii rfsu to Hox E-123, Tli» Dally EXECUTIVE 8ECRETARY - Elec MAN — Full Urns weekdays only foi wedges, bracken, etalr Btrlniors, etc. tlojr B3(». 787-1151. d Bk delivery. Must be over 25 years o] furnished home. Call 201-131-0^7 Summer classes now forming. NORTH' Kvgister, Ironic backsround. Top skills. Will work OUR NEW TECHNICAL STAFF WILT, EAST Business Machina School. " No phona orders. nse. Prefer retired man. Apply in PPP T UW-W ildi;8E,VlVEH~~"~KHLrn $39.«3 working lor director o[ company. From (100. HE HERE THURSDAY BVBMNOS BI S DIcIVERB — Hale or fprnali Broail St., Red Bank. 747-4G47. Car Fes paid. son. Sun Ray Drug. Mlddletown Shop' (Will, train If ant licensed). Top pay. RED BANK LUMBER Mercurr -electric, trailer, all . . required, ping Center, Mid tile town. FOR YOl'H CONVENIENCE PlyEASE Complele di-Lalli given fn inlervlew. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT BRING Nfi tint hp resident or llolmdel. Call U.S.. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Mrlw. tlMO After 7 p.m. callJS93-K.ll. SECRETARIES '12) — All phases Corner Pearl and Wall Red 1 Call for appointin OR. SEND RESUME. FEE PAID. Holmdel Township Board of Educa- M BOWBOA*r~^~Wi'll hiillt with 10 mt between 9:30 andMust be uiroUBtily experienced in al INSULATION — Full ihlcH Datt type, ren 6-7 p.m APPETIZER CLERK tion 9-J6-8636 Jlen-Wniripn, 18 and over. Secure Job k.p. motor. Llks new. t\w. phases of offict procedures. To S105. PART-TIME Ifipti startitiR pay. Short liours. A t'o JQ. It. Call MAli; iff rLIST ~- flood jtartlng salary. Immediate part-time openings Must vanupinrnt. Prepnr?.tory training as Ion 566-6219. CHRIS-CRAFT 8K1FF — 18S h.\>.Call for inti'rvlew. Ac&irdl'* Fair (1IRL PRIDAY3 — Diversified, experi- 18 years old, EXCELLENT SALARY EMPLOYERS PRESSERS as rprniirpd. 'I'liousmds o[ jobs opcr ence. Well skilled. Sleno. typinj, some Experience usually unnecessary. FKK GARAGE SALE — August 10-12. N«w K»ty top. In water. Good condition. Haven, ,7*1-71".'). Good working conditions, all compan; Machine and han«l presscrs to work and used clo'-hlng. Records, sound 747-3735 evenings. light bookkeeping. Some fees jnesottable. bcoeflts. Apply In person. on cnata anri car coata Shoro f*oat Cn booklpt nn lohr,, silarlc3. roqulrcmont $2400. C!I — Monda* through Inc.. 22 Brlilge-Ave.. Kcd Bank. Apprm-od by the Now .I^rspy Board r Upp». Many hnuaphMd Hams. 7 Birch 1>» U1 THOMPSON IttlNABOUT —IFriday, 11 to 5 p.m. Sept."thru", BIG W SUPERMARKET Education. \\'rHa TODAY Rivins namf Ave, Hazlet. (Woodland Park develop- Personnel Service ment). 35 h,p. Evinrudp. Kemote ' Call 671-5M1. rtECEPTIONIST-STENO — U» oil 5fl Newman Sprlnga Rd., Red Bank trailer. Good condition. Call 7B:-m« Good skills. Pleasant pcrflonabnllj Bed Rank "• . nines for typists, proofrentlprft, me C-J42. Tlie Pally Rcglatpr, Red Bank BOOKKEEPER — Full charge. Auto must. Promotion potlentlal. To $70/ GRIDDLEMAV —Part-time 77 Brosri St. cbanlcal artists to loam m-«- mt GENUINE LEATHER COUCH — J35 14' O'DAT ^ 3lTp. motor, motive experience preferred but not M.ipls armchair, J15, 9*12 nig, (IS, time. Apply in person, PerJdns Pan> EXPERIENCED DRAFTSMAN — Apply of hook production. Competence trailtr. Excellent il rmml.itory. Apply /. Wenjfr, WERNER SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST — Good cake Houi Hwy. 35, Middle town. la person. Electro Impulse Lab, 116simple arllhraftic. good vis inn. pi MERCHANDISE end taMcs. lamps, $10 pr. 741-2425. 747-1OM AUTOMOTIVE INC., Bflford. 787-3600. lypUt MUM be able to edit letters. Chestnut St., Red Bank. tuaJily are essentJal requirements, JANITOHS and EXPERIENCED Phome 747-.JS80. IIM S 116* FlBEnOLASBEnOLASS BOAT — U h.pp .SECRETARY PONTFr Small office, la Toms River arel. From FLOOR WAXERS — Full time and FOR SALE ARE YOU SURE MercurM y tthh trailetilr an-i accessoriesaccessories. MD's office. Afternoons. Must Uke 463. part-time available. Apply In person, AIRCRAFT MECHANICS $&95, Can after 6, 787-6602. dictation Writ. Box. A-I29, Th« Daily Rlile. 692, Fort Slonraoiith, pr call 532- SALES — National company, hlch earn- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. hat's rishtr Only I28.1M for > «!ijs ings. Full or part time, steady, any lathlub enclosure, illdlni doors, towel Heitlster, ~ " -BanH. 2031. A+P LICENSE All makes new or used. Guaranteed. Iar €ach OLERK-TYPIBT TB7-Ttl2S. R.I' $25. Sprpfco's, 101 Monmouth ^5. nistproof aluminum tnxn- Knur years exptrlcncp. Llstn or rotary ng. They're nice. BUSINESS NOTICES SALESLADY LEAD SINGER — And rhythm Riiitar- Ig hue maintenance. St. Next to theater. 74T-O485. part-time. Wlllins nt wanted for rock band, Tho Fcbbles PRODUCTION WORKERS PROWN'S Good pay. Apply Pix PF!B80N"NEI. OLERK — 8om» experi- 41-5541, between 5-7:30 p.m. Several oppnliifrs paying good incrntlv> ence with hourly records. TlT^Inff. Di- AIRCRAFT GROUND wacps after very adort training Appl* RENT A TV 32 Broad St. Red Bank TU-7JIM M & K BASEMENT », Hwy. 35, MiddletowD. N"o phone HARDWARE STORE OWNER — Needs pleas?. veralfltd dutlts. S42. ATCO CERAMICS CORP., Hwy. 3JColor or black and white. Dar, week an far general work. Red Bank I oca SUPPORT SUPERVISOR Keyport. or month. Low ratei. BATSHORE TV .VESTINOHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE WATER PROOFING CO. J1S. Call STENO— TYPIBT — BobkkeepInK ex- CLERK.TYPI8T3 — Som! aharp be- Uon. Phone 747-0165 between 5-6 p.m.Maintain ground support equipment, 31 Cturch St., Keusburc 7ST-MO0. 6 yeara ruaraotced. Fres eitlmatea. •••• - • 842-4011 all 9J5-5017. perience helpful. Transportation re- Klnners Several with experience. Hust supervise flight "line operations, operate quired Lsri-e home building company, be rapid and accurate. To t93. ASSISTANT WAREHOUSE MAN —alert crew. Four years (light lines ex- SITUATIONS WANTED - Female Must be experienced freight handler. MR. HOWELL flADIO-PHONO — Westlnghouse table CLEAN CELLAR!. TAHD3. OAtlAGES perience. i-lll gladly mppt with ynu to dls. :2). 21" T.V. radio-phono stereo AM/ — Havt truck. UgHt faaullof. Call a/tei KEYPUNCH TRAINTJE — Bharp. Re- Some rork lift ml truck drivln RED CROSS SENIOR LIFEGUARD - — Library espfrlence. Im- peripnee needed. Apply Thompson In- ;onvprtlng your porch to an all year FM $40. Three-piece living room S50. I p.m. U\--jU9, openlnK In ne y I zraduata from keypunch »chool. Contact PAGE AIRWAYS Available. Write Box A-125, The Willy •ound room. Frep nntlmfite. Coffee tabla «. 842-4897. K py $300/mo. dustries, Hope Rd., New Shrewsbury. Register, Red Bank. BACKHOK BULLDOZINO — Mowlnc,- fleliifll . flfitlll timp. Requirei - PROWN'S :ONTENT3 OF HOME — French Pro- plowlnc. pumping, l&teraia All aeptic fanilljarltjr" *vlth Indexing, P.O. Box 24 WOMAN — Will care for children In [ncial T.V. Custom bamboo rock- KEYPUNCH — Experienced. Day andence necessary. Apply Clare & Coby'i your linme ror working mothers. Call 12 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Lou wwk. BEN BRYAN. 671-0556. R . nilnc, ahetvlrix'-. technique*. evcnlnt shifts. To $100. Restaurant. Call 721-4898. Lakehurst. N. J. maple bedroom, pine hedroom, sofa, creMfl and administer own I47-433U. FOR THE PERFECT WEDDING mps, ptc. Call 229-5106 after 6 p.nj. PAINTING able to GOWN—Bridesmaid dresses and all aC' iyilcm. Professional. conRt'nlnl »ur- AUTO MATIC TRA N S MISSION ME 1201) 657-6361 InUtrlor-tKterlor—Fre« eatlmatt* BABY-SITTINO — In my hcTme. Wait cpsaorlp.q with Individual porsonai aor- li B. Hood salary. For appoint- BOOKKEEPERS MilC — Experience requirett. Onoi Ing distance Kaveslnk school. . 741-8117 pay, retirement plan, paid vacations. rlce. Call Vlrelnla Klmball, Freehold, LUMBER BASEMENT call Sir. M. Mucclno, 77,V6S81. 291-1348 162-770. -« you visited our ltimher. base. FmEPLACEY~A~9 PENALTY _ TKACHEIl — For very busy nursery Many other ^icnoritfl, Apply In person, SALES OPPORTUNITY MOUNT EN'GLISH SALES CO., ilaple rROKESSIONAL—Mature mnthor will nt far your small wood and build- tjrpei maionry. Charlei Hower, Con- school. Must have musical tmcfcerol FULL nHARflE — Heavy experience FOK HARD WORKERS REGARDLESS DESK3 J15 up FILES, tables, chalrj s material needs? Stop In today and tractor. 747-4479. Ave., Red Bank. OF EXPERIENCE. PRESTIGE INTER- IU givf TLC to newborn to two years, adding machines, typewriters, office Half day session, i tarts September. up to trial balance and general ledger. ; , my home. Permanent Job desired. Rea- ou'll find just what you are looklnc Write Bo* J-lfil, The Daily Register, Workable knowledge of NCR. Some typ- MAN—MECHANICALLANMECANCALLY INCLINED — NATIONAL ELECTRONIC CORPORA. equipment, elc at Itargaln prices. New in this lumber remnant department TIO.N. FRISOB BENEFITS, TRAINING l>le. Any time. 291-OOM. ir used. AAC DESK OUTLET. lUe. Ing. To $125. To repaiir and adjusdj t sewini g machinesi . 15, Oskhurat. 531-3990. Must be dependableepe . Apply The Slnpter AT COMPANY EXPENSE FOR MABABY-SITTIN- O — In my .home, Keans- RED BANK LUMBER WAITRESS — Experienced. Apply fn TURE MARRIED MEN. MUST HAVE AUTO RENTAIS person. Kay'» Cabin, 1062 Ocean Ave., BOOKKEEPERS — Heavy experience Cy 699 Broad St., Red Bank. burg area. Call KITCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED - arl and Wall Red Bank 741-5300 Willing to learn bookkeeping machine. CAP 78T-(361 Dinette acts and bar stools. Monmouth From $110. EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC — $215 WEEKLY SALARY Dinette, 116 Monmouth St., Red Bank BEAUTICIAN WANTED Apply In person. Red Hank Auto Im- BABY-SITTINO '41-8833. MOVING LEASE A NEW CALL ports, 119 E. Newman Springs Rd.,(NOT AN ADVANCE OR DRAW) In my home in? draperies-curtains GE Refriger- ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER — Accounts GUARANTEED FOR PROPER EF- tor. Small artificial fire hearth and 671-5520, receivable". Typing a must. To $110. FORT OA1.I, MR. TAYLOK, MONDAY. $100 cl. Handmade Inlaid double dreia- FORD MERCURY EXPERIENCED COUNTER GTRL ASSISTANT TO SUPERINTENDENT— 1O-1HI. TUESDAY, 10-1 P.M. 774-8201. a all your order need ha to pet free r and mirror. Two quality headboards. Nielits. Apply In persnn, PETERSON'S, ACCOUNTING CLERK — Minimum 5 Someone with knowledge of painting SITUATIONS WANTED - Male lllvery at low Red Bank Lumber 'nrtable room heater, thermostat con- OR CONTINENTAL! !8:J Riverside Ave., Red Rank, year hookkeeplnB experience. Familiar .nd plumbing. 741-9115 lor appointment. sh & Carry Prices. If you are bulld- rol. Call for appointment Mrs. Gor- with comptomster. Payroll. To |100. KITCHEN HELPER —""steady em~ ng a garaKe, adding a room or other lan, SI2-1359. SALESWOMAN — Mature. Part-time, PAINT SHOP RETIRED MAN iarpa prnjects, be suro to obtain ENGLISH MOTORS Experienced in selling dress fabrics, ployment Apply In person, Kay's Cab- WISHES ODD JOBS rice from: :ODAK VERIFAX — Dupifcatlni ma- CALL 741-0S49 Mipl. Av.. 747-4545 Red Bind Apply Schirril Embroidery Center, SPECIALTIES In, 1062 Ocean Ave, S»>a Bright. s. Loiter nine. Llk« new. Available Hwy. 26, Keyport. 261-^COO. MEN WANTED LEAD MAN RED BANK LUMBER Uh supplies at fraction of cost new, RRLIAHLR WOMAN tn care for home FINANCIAL Tl anil Wall Red lianll 741-5500 ••till 741-2300. and two children. Mint liava car. Call LIBRARIAN — Experienced In medical _ .. I , » " « . _nil.*_*K fPft McDONALD'S DRIVE IN ISED PIANOS AND" ~0ROANS^f"rom 741-7914 or 717-9285. nrt tliemical term: Some college. To CHEAP? $123. 925 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown Excellent opportunity to head all tn BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Plnnn3 holiKlit. sohi, repaired, WOMEN We npc.l full r part-tlmR work intiintrial pointing and finlshinc shr»ri. il. By aiiptiltitmant-Freehold Mualc ot really, but very Inexpensive — our FULL AND PART—TIME [JABDL REGISTRAR — Set up labels. evening3. Must be at least 38 yeara Must have, three to five years experl- HOTEL FOR SALE — Only hotel In ienter, 462-1130. 1.99 Aluminum Venetian Blind. Will HERTZ Local company needs 20 clean Deal with F.D.A. Some college. To $125, •nce in this Hold inpludlnc spray paint- intlc HLKhlancls,. one block from tut and last, never rust. 17" to 36" 1067 SINCER ZIO 7,\O ..irgor sizes In stock, slightly higher. women for first and second nh.fts. MECHANIC WANTED — Yenr round IK ordorlng material, prpparinp work harbor, equipped with rtlninc room, RENT A CAR to $l'»0 to start. Call for appoint- REGISTEREn I..AB TECHNICIAN — employment. Work on lawn mowers, Iparilng m^n. Ornid W,IRP and l>enp- kitchen nnrt coclUn.ll lounge. Pive min- CONSOLE MODEL, 7414014 A3CP. Experienced In lilr>od bank and small power equipment of all kinds; lt packapo Including profit snannc utes from 5n ndy Hook P.^rk. Cill mly fnur monthB old. Does everything, PROWN'S special chemistry. To $100. ll k of air-cooled engines. Knowl- and pension. Visit our plant or contact nlnRa before 1 p.m. and after 6:30 lalance only f57 or $7 monthly. Guar- -nad fit. Red Bank 7J1-7300 MOTHER'S HELPER — To live In, a E. A/FincheUl. ntced. ASWRY PARK — welding helpful. . Send list- p.m. 747-5727. 1 edge of i g hp b Jredlt Kent. 25(5553 OYAL HAWAIIAN surfboard, 9 lone, OYTO-TECHNOLOGIST — Mtul b» ex-Ing of experience, ca bilities, p, cltidpa rack. Call R«it A Car or Truck pprinnced. Fart time. Hours flexible. ox A-130, The FOR SALE — L*:inrtgear>ln[t business. address and phone, to WHEELOCK SIGNALS Includes latest equipment, Call after N Y t2l2> 082 2< WAITRESS —• Experienced, for nlfthtn. To ?30. Dally Register, Red Bankk. LEAKY GUTTERS? - - - Ig: Apply -in— psrso.v Hsrlwr -Restaurant, p.m. 7M-MM. EWIN'r, MAHHINR — SZO. Crib, $16. DISHWASHER Steady ...yearrTQunrt. all now for frco catlmate. Take ad' REP BANK 747-2121 Yacht Basin, Atlantic Highland!!. PERSONNEL' ASSISTANT '-Some col- INC. NETTE . —.. ^t\ confefitlon- arttaEn of the new lower prices. Aluml- lnhhy.hnr«e, J14. Deep (ryer, $10. Bed, lefte. Degree dlsirable, Intelligent. work, six day weeic, 3-10 p.m., wnpk- ufn"" giitfcfa fieVer "neea* rnaihtenance'. WAITRESS — Must be over 21 years dayn, 4 p.m. to midnight Friday and 173 Branchport Ave. Long Branch ery, $5n.0OR Kros3 hnslnesa per year. =K -I«cHf!i-t]nlforms5h 4831598 KEYPORT2i4.ini of ape. Year -round work. Call after Pleassnt. personality. Good tyring a 222-69E West KennahnrB area. Call 787-5O50 .vallahlB In tioautlful white must. To $90. Saturday. Must havs transportation., En — Twin Blip, foam mattress, " m. The Rumson Hotel. B42-2OOO. The Rumaon Hoi el. 8*2-2000. hetwp.en fi and 9 p.m, only. PROWN'S lrinp;, bane and linadboards. Excellent FOR tjEARR—OoOfl Kotrp Gulf aervlcn mdltlon. $20, 565-7192. TAB MACHINE SUPERVISOR — Com' 1 piitrr experfence-1420. Will be using 360 INSTRUCTION Btatlon in Mlddletown Twp. area. Paid Broad St. Rn] Bank 741-7JO0 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE moriai. 2O-0S3 forter, 519, 648, 035. Ex- INSTRUCTION tnUnfnfT perlcri. (.ond deal to i~iUtillfl. REUSSIIiLBa,' 36 Brond St.. Rod 1967 PLYMOUTH V.l.P. Apply Shore Point Inn, Hwy 35, Haz- SCHOOL MASONRY - Stops, sidcwalkg, patina. Bank. let. 251-4H2. Eight-cylinder, four-door hardtop, 383 engino, Vinyl top. Carpentry antl pjilnling, Reaflr.nablo SECOND COOK — Full time posit Inn. Asphalt Paving t 8424HRr 7472^1fl All power, factory air conditioning, blue with matching Plumbing and Heating With many fringe hennfltii. Experience GENERAL ASPHALT PAVING INC. W0RKIN5 MAN'S CONTRACTOR — Interior. Extcutivs car. Full five-year, 50,000-miIa wrnty. nene.isnry. Call Personnel Office, River* LEARN TO DRIVE Blacktop drlvewaya and parkins lota. Alterations. Repntra. Masonry. Small PLUMBING — Heating and batriroom view Hospital, 741-2700 Ext. C25. Call for tree estimate. 222-8268. Jobfl, too fiOI-9714. remodeling. AUTO MECHANIC—Ex perl once rt only. Claitroom ImtrucHon Free Home Pick-Up, CORRISAN'S Top pay. All fringo benefits. Excellent insulation & Siding Bus Tours 127 Oakland St., Red Bank 747-2706. 1964 BARRACUDA $1495 1964 RENAULT $895 working criiMitionfi. Gpm Oldsmobllft, Modern Controlled Cars Appointment Anytima 110 Main St., Mawwan. 568-3600. INSULATION A SIDING CORP. — Fallback with automatic WMie, four-door, BUS TOURS TO EXPO 6T NOWAlso windows, roofs, putters, etc. PowBr Steering AVAILABLE FOR GIUHJP3 ONLY. 10-30 year guaranty. Dny ot nleht Roofing, Siding & Insulation traiumission. Gray fwo-door. with automatic franimiuion. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC — Full Automatic Tranimiision lime flays. BRIDGE E33O SERVICE PETERBEN TRAVEL, 741-R5A0. 775-B407. Adam Unzmnyrr 281-0^02. Eight-cylinder. CENTER, Ited Rank. Call 747-flflU.' OLSEN CO. INC. Rooflne, atdlng & • GAR FURNISHED FOR ROAD TEST Ceramic Tiie Contractors Odd Jobs Insulation Installed and guaranteed 1965 DATSUN $1320 SEHVICHVC E STATION ATTENDANNDTT — tor 10 years. 775-OTOV M1O540. 1965 CHEVROLET $1600 Experienced, Good payy. . AApplpply InIn per- YARD9, CELLARS, garaRPD, atoms Rod, convertible with son, BRHTAIN GULF SESERVICRVICEE , 1345 CERAMIC TILE cleaned up. Have truck. Frco eatl- SIDING — Al3ro, Dunont Tedlar and Jmpala 4-dr, HT, blu» with Hwy. 35.., Would you llko a modem ceramic tile tnates. 741-2145 after 3 p.m. Alcoa. Work- Rtiarantpcd. tfdndard tranimiiiion. IMMEDIATE INSTRUCTION .matching interior, iix-cyl. bath or kltchfltiT All work ffiiarantefid, PROWN'S Preo estimates. Call 2G4-3363. Fainting and Decorating HELP WANTE&-MALE 32 Broad St. ltd Bank 7U-7500 CARL B. JONRS — I'alntinK and 1966SIMCA $1050 1966 DODGE $1875 AVAILABLE Carpeting wallpapering. Fully Innurcd. For free Sower Cleaning catlmatoa, call 7VKI0U. Four-door sedan "lOOO." Coronet "440", bronie, 4-dr. SAMPLE OF CURRENT OPENINGS WALL-TO-WALL Installations. Indoor cfwnS Standard transmisiion. sedan. Balance of 5-year or Soles • Electrltral J12-15M + Exp. FOR INFORMATION CALL L. H. HILL — Painter Interior and ind outdoor. Kitchen carpet special- exterior. No jobs too large or too Electric 3ewer Rooter, cleans \ all Blue, Hk« now, 50,000 miPe warranty. Analysts - Computer Design 1.512-1SM ist Repairs. Ken CoaUley. 842-OOTO. small. Very reasonable. Call 229-2467. nonselinld drains, pipes and sower Programmers - 360 Exp. ,.,:H0-U.SM lines. C71.1080. ; Penonnel - W 8, S ..^.HO-ll.JM INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR paint Diamonds Bought or Restyled Inp. Alan decorating. Our prices are —PLYMOUTH IS OUT TO WIN YOU OVER AT— Accountanli - All Levels _. JS-11M TOWN & COUNTRY Tel. Answering Service cheaper Ihitn thrlrs. Cull Slaclc Paint Initruclorj - Elect »7.B-?.3M Lot us buy tho diamonds you don't Ing Co. lor freo estimates, 741-4910 Proltct Mgrs SI5-22M wear or let us restyle them for you [.NT US UK your secretary No need . ALL FEES PAID PAINTING — nn hour or con-[n miss calln. 24 hour answering DRIVING SCHOOL personalty. Keiisslllcs', 36 Broad at. tract. I-'ully Insurod-j Fair Haven jervlco. 741-4700. Hnrno Supply. Frea estimates. 842- £66 6100 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Entertainment 1973 or M1-68SO. Window Cleaning Buhler & Bitter Inc. HARPER T1IOMA3 SLATE 89 BROAD ST. rickets available for latest Broad- Free Kstlmat&a AAA WINDOW CLEANIKa 264-0198 KEYPORT "Careers Our Profession" LICENSED BY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY Way Shows and Major Bports Kventfl, Painting and Decoratlni COMMERCIAL AND IKDUBTRIAI. 21 E. FRONT ST. 142-4567 RED BANK ITS MonmcuUi Bt., Red Bulk. Fully Insured 842-3169 m-1333 747-MU 12—Momkf, August 14, 196,7 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PETS AND LIVESTOCK APAXTMBNT9 HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE THE DAILY REGISTER KARASTAN BUG — 10x11 Slrsui pa UE2 !v*1EW — Two overhead farue MOVZXG — fiu room* of firalbire ID — jcm. cum $jn& bash, IS ~ DEAL t*ra' Pa4 locla4»C On* year oM. J'O iuyn. Eaco 7'rt . All hardwire us. ^f fllfertort , *ir cadlUdlU B rtt c«.u rniw Kuila PI., Jt«< 747-97(8. cludwi. HO «xch- WUJ ftU separately. 'd o< uttftu* Ublt, frteur, *ii Uteuui U, Lmto N«w tiruM Call M7-21H. CU] «7!-34F.I. Witt nuur M4f«M F0RSALE CHILDREN'S BOOKS - By CsMJ BWJ 8AWK — Thw« lsvrt* m«era Porter,, *tc. ZA*T HOUEE A* 8A.SS iifPLTTlZJl — X*T, W Ipeli- TKE1. — Six wtt oil Iclttms. C«U b«.th *n 2R<3 flwr. er, three Inpuu. Six loontfel oM. {&>. f.B\« nJmOft i^! Rrwl E A aftw t. rwmi. «l«va,tor. Vtry ••—•—•- -— -niei kttcKn t*Wsi_. -,-- TIQUE8, Hwy. 36 at Hears Ave , Al »12S. 'I TXI WtH tires ud loft tl l lantie HJghlavis. 2H-4147, Call 747-2670^ hwsehoM priced al only PtXf. OrlElJi 7U-S76J. *»ni. fully «Jr «»<' '? -c1, ,,,r vtlue t&W, Tm-plece fteritlor.*.! Jivl/ rj uaAiralshM jrotrlr r»»t5 I woes/ nr,*t, w>l»- ^'i'.X^A l-!i. ATOK AND FREEZER — $78. CsJl fToTtfdTULlY INSTALLED, rwm, tjedro'jm «n