FELONS VOTING RIGHTS BILL DRAWS FIRE LOCAL | A3 PANAMA CITY Thursday, March 21, 2019 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ Bay seeks expedited FEMA money County offi cials said they $46 million in federal reim- in the unincorporated area. requests to the Federal Emer- Schubert said the $46 million have been meticulous in bursement for Hurricane County officials said they have gency Management Agency would cover debris removal documenting recovery Michael recovery spending in been meticulous in document- during its regular meeting and emergency response after spending the next few weeks, leaders ing recovery spending before Tuesday. the hurricane. The money will said. sending in federal requests, “We are doing our best by come through two expedited By Patrick McCreless The sum would be the slowing reimbursement some- submitting our largest proj- requests made possible with
[email protected] first federal reimbursement what but ensuring the process ects up front,” Joel Schubert, the help of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ @PCNHPatrickM received by the county for the runs smoothly in the long run. assistant county manager, office and the Florida Division Oct. 10 hurricane and would be The Bay County Commis- said during the meeting. “We of Emergency Management. PANAMA CITY — Bay used to help cover $100 mil- sion got an update on recovery are full steam ahead in trying to County expects to get about lion already spent on recovery spending and reimbursement recover costs thus far.” See FEMA, A4 ‘Need here is great still’ SPORTS | B1 GC OPENS NATIONAL TOURNEY WITH EASY VICTORY Evans named BMC’s leader By Patrick McCreless
[email protected] @PCNHPatrickM PANAMA CITY — Bay Medical Sacred Heart has Mercy Chefs volunteers make lunches at St.