United States Patent (19) 11 4,422,356 Pertle 45) Dec
United States Patent (19) 11 4,422,356 Pertle 45) Dec. 27, 1983 54) CUTTING TOOL BIT HOLDER 3,129,620 4/1964 Muelhauser ......................... 144/205 4,149,436 4/1979 Blattler .......... 75 Inventor: John E. Pertle, Garden Valley, Calif. 4,343,207 8/1982 Paysinger ............................. 82/4 R 73) Assignee: Tri Tool Inc., Rancho Cordova, Calif. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 21) Appl. No.: 388,709 1020524 2/1953 France .................................... 82/37 Primary Examiner-Leonidas Vlachos 22) Filed: Jun. 15, 1982 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Bacon & Thomas (51) Int. Cl. .............................................. B23B 29/04 57 ABSTRACT (52) - 82/36 R; 82/4 C 58 Field of Search ................ 82/36 R, 36.4, 37, 4 C, A cutting tool bit holder for a machine tool removably 82/4 R, 4 A; 144/205 secures a bit having a dovetail base in cutting position on a rotary tool fixture by means of a removable clamp 56) References Cited bar and an opposed gib surface. The clamp bar is se U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS cured by removable fasteners and the tool bit may be 2,188,917 2/1940 Poorman ............................. 82/36 R reversable and standardized. 2,326,467 8/1943 Kuehn ....... ... 82/34 R 3,103,140 9/1963 Connelly ............................... 82/4 R. 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 1983 Sheet 1 of 3 4,422,356 Ø 8 []```` | U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 1983 4,422,356 ZZZ„||||||||||||||||||| 4,422,356 1. 2 tool bit for continued machining operations. The tool CUTTING TOOL BET HOLDER bit is held in place by a removable clamp bar that se cures the tool bit to the forward facing surface of the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION holder in cooperation with a female gib surface pro 1.
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