The Daily Egyptian, June 19, 1986
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 6-19-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 19, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 72, Issue 161 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 19, 1986." (Jun 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern illinois University at Ca.bondale Thursday, June 19,1986, Vol. 72, No. Hil H,'Pages Fisher reputation known by tenants, code inspectors By Trtcia Yocum SIafIWriIer ~~,~~ J;'~~ ' l:e "i'~~ H Fisher is the landlord 19705 bad promoted the som':"lw-c students love to University as a "party hate. Other studeots don't school," be said, but now when think be is so had. students get here they find it is And be is known to city not. housing code inspectors. Altbougb fewer parties What is clear 15 that Fisher, mean fewer problcms, FIsher 36. bas built a fortune by still bas his bands full. He owns buying houses and renting a UH!l!ll!rBveJ truck that hauls them tn-:tudents. junk that tellii!lts leave behind. Ripple effect Community Development Some days the truck can be Director Don Monty saId it is tbree-quarters fun from jus, a Arthur Up/lllm. English Iec:ulty 1__ • by IIIklng a ca_ ride on Campua Lak•• difficult to compare records of few houses, be said en~ the beIIutlful_1fIer Wedneedtly T_peratu __red Into the mlcI-IOs. 1andlcJI"ds because they own "About 10 perc.'nt of the dlfferent amounts of property. people cause 90 Il'T<e!lt of the Fh,ber's ("4".AJe t~orcement problems," be said. "The best record may not be so bad tenants are the one that considerirC- the number of "halfway pay the rent 00 time, s. Africa government says hou.""S 00 OWJII and the shape halfway take care of the !My were in when be acqui:"e<l uroperty and are halfway ple».sant" t<i deal with, be t~=-Yed several code added. emergency curbed violence ~CJn'eIIIeDt citations in 'be He said be enjoys talking jiD~t year, rangit,g from with his tenants, who are PRETORIA. South Africa Monday's 10th anniversary of timism in the country and failure to maintain a f"ontdoor mosUy sludell!s. Most are (UPIl - The South African bloody riots in tbt. sprawling renewed confidence in the in wortting condition and in juniors, seniors ~ graduate government Wednesday township of Soweto. security forces. stalling water resistant students who are " older. wiseL" claimed its 7-dayo()ld state of Tbe indefinite state of flooring on a batbrooo floor to and the cream of the ~rop: ' "Only three deaths were Fisher said. "It's good to talk emergency has curtailed emergency was condelllllf'; reported in the 24 hours to this keeping trasb picked up in the political violence and renewed Wednesday in the Cape T<IWII morning," Mallet told a news yard. to someone that bas sometbi,'ii public confidence in the ParliameJOt aud in France, conference. ~"Isber, a former roofer, other than rocks for brains." electrician and briekJayer, But many of Fisher's tenants nation's security C0t'Ct5 . where outlawed Afri.. ~ an " There baa beeo • marked Bureau of Information National Congress l ....der decrease in the number of ~ .... ftnt~ u..,. abaut Ii ,..... a&q. He DOW ::V-:r:- - , spOKesman Leon Mallet Oliver Tambo Said It BI>.JWed Incident. and In tbe _atlliMt .............. He............, that be ....... reported there were three Prelclrla Is desperal>! and seriousness then!ol," be said. CarboDdaIe willi aa a.-ed most of hili time in the amee deatbs overnigbl, pushing the "run.ning on lies." ''This is one of the lowest value of more than $1 .6 and on the pho_, due to his fIgUreS in many months." toll to 45 in the first six days of In Washington, the State. million, accordio& to records hi~b-volume 'nusiness. Not the emergency iliat gave Department said South Africa in the Jackson C"ounty Cour bei~g able to visit with his police sweeping new powers had responded to an American Mallet said two men were thouse. Property is assessed at tena;'", on a ... ~ basis is and severely restricted media protest and grant.ed per fatally shot by police Tuesday oot more than one-third of the worst part aow: his bigb coverage. mission to interviev.- one of during separate attacks on a market value. volume business, be said. Britisb officials reported four Americans detained civilian bus and a police Monty said tbe biggest August is his busiest time of more than 2.000 people had durioJ( the weekend. Two have p"trol. He said a third mao problem with Fisher, as well year because students are been detained by South since lieeo released. was found burned to death as several other landlords, is looking for places to live for AfriCli1J !!,>li;:e and security MalleI, whose bureau has north of Pretoria and police that they will not accept fall. During that time, be said, forces since the state of been the only source of official elsewhere saved fou.. blacks certified mail from the city, it's not unusual for him to be 00 emergency was imllOSed June information sioce ihe state of from being bt.rned in making it more difficult for the phone 75 or 80 times during 12 in advance cl expected emergency was imposed, said "gruesome executions" by inspectors to inform them of the day talking to tenants, violence connected with it prompted a "sense of op- other blacks. violations because the notice must either be deivered in SeeCUOE,P_'. person or be attached to UK, House votes to end operation property. Alleged housing For the m!J1lt pari, onc~ FIsher bas been to{ormed of a code violation of U.. S. businesses in S. Africa violation, be bas complied, separation. Monty said. hearing date set WASHINGTON (UPIl - measure so sev.. .re as to be Fisher says owolog and The House voted Wednesday to unacceptable to the Senate. President Reagan bas 0p managing rental property is Hearings on 23!. in end all U .S. business "This is a fairly radical posed furtber sanctions volving alleged housing code against Soutb Africa on diffICUlt because Of the tran operations in strife-torn South ~itioo.," said ''l:Mker, "Even sient nature of students and violations at rental houses if it ....- it would be grounds they will delly the Africa. sanctions tbat vetoed. r,--- their lackadaisical attitudes believed to be owned b~ '!"!':':Y Republicans unexpeeledly United Stales any leverage on Fi<;ber are set for CarooDOlUe Pretoria to negotiate a toward upkeeping tile supported in a political The HIlUSe wu moving property. City Court Thursday. maneuver to doom tbeir towanis certain passage of peaceful transition to black However, parties ....e on tOO The bearings will begin at 9 limited economic sanctions majority rule. passage in the Senat~ . decline, h~ noted, partly a .m. in City Court chambers. "This was a pohhcal against South Africa in protest The Democratic leadership 609 E. College. The bearings proposed new sancti:JIIS that because students today are exercise from the word gOt U of the violence ac m('re COOI'ervative and receive are open to the public. Rep. Robert Walker, R-Pa .• companying tbe state G. would bar new U.S. in- less mc..te:l trom grants and FIsher owns at least 55 said afler his IIIctical decision emergency to enforce its in 108llS than before. houses in Carbondale, most of to back a disinvestment stitutional policy of racial Four years ag?, partying at whicb are rented to students. Thif! Morning Employee wages to be tapped for debts By Cattlerlne F.dmlln Morris Day's new Procedures ,\DCI RegulatiOllS. trr.uer witboJd from the em SIafIWf1!er It is the first time such a p1J)'1!1!'s check aay money album needs pizzazz Employees wt'O owe money formal poIicr. bas existed for owed to the stat.: agency, to the'lJlilveni~ can expect to the UoIvenity, said Charles HlDdenmao said. In tt-J. case -Page5 start pa)'inl OIl! i))I Sept 1. IiiDdersman, vice pnIicIeat of the agency II the UnlV'.n1ty. A new pOlICy, approved by finaDcIcl aHairs. In the put, be said, if em Poweriifter Richards Jame. ar-r.. aC6Dg chan It II not that the UnI:oersIty jiIuj.-..... ;~ the requsts ,,:-":labUSbes formal made DO previous a~pt to frcm the1iiiiVennty to pay 'iDe wins national title for the Unlvenlty c:GIIeet ita debIs, ~.e said, but DlCIDe)', the anJy recourse was - Sports. Page 9 follow \Ii coDeeting debIs ..-Jmeota to Se:tloa 10.• 01 to tum the _ over to :> owed to It by faeuJty and other the Slllie CcImDIrIIUen Ad eoIJeetioD 811DCY. Ow up 1M _ paller mQIIo)_. Tbe policy, tI made It ...... io c:GIIeet the DelIla caDDGt be writteo oft _t.IIlt __ er /..., .................. fecllft July 1, II aa aJDaId debIs. SlllIe ..... can _ ment to SW·. Pollcl•• relll*t that !lie 1liiie -... ............ ...,..~"-.. ,... ~~NHNH~~NH~Ir-~------------------------- ~\..Y 1Il"~ While ., Newswrap Terriyaki Chicken .:r Sandwich w/Fries " You ~ Walt ~ nation/world....:..:...;=.::::....---- S1.99 eRlng Sizing liar Specials eChoI., Repair 25 killed when helicopter, eMlsc. Je_l;-y Michelob Repair plane collide over canyon 50~ t><.tt $3.00 Pile ..... GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (UPl) - A sightseeing plane with 20 people aboard and a helicopter carrying live others collided over Becks $1.25 20%0" the Grand Canyoo WedDeBday and crashed into the mile-deep with this ad gorge in flames, killing all aboard the two aircraft.