Orthopaedic Surgeons Give $1.5 Million to Honour Division Founder More Inside 02 | Impact Western Spring 2011 Issue Number 14
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SPRINGSPRING 2011 ISSUE 2011 NUMBER ISSUE14 NUMBER 14 IMPACT WESTERN | 1 IMPACTWestern ORTHopaEDIC SURGEONS GIVE $1.5 MILLION to HONOUR DIVISION FOUNDER MORE INSIDE 02 | IMPACT WESTERN SPRING 2011 ISSUE NUMBER 14 IMPACT WESTERN Witnessing the impact SPRING 2011 ISSUE Shawn Simpson 02 Witnessing the impact 03 Orthopaedic surgeons give $1.5 million to honour division founder 04 Improving strategies and policies to support Canadian newcomers 05 Proud graduate supports next generation to honour brother 06 Engineering a better world 07 Wind dome concept comes to life 08 UN experience solidifies career aspirations for law student he power of philanthropy to open destruction caused by tornadoes and the eyes of Western students to a downbursts. 09 Student sings the praises T world of new experiences and Every gift is important in enabling of Faculty’s masterclass possibilities is evident in the stories pro- Western to deliver an exemplary univer- program filed in this issue of Impact Western. sity experience. To attract the best and For instance, your generosity has brightest students, faculty and research- 10 Donors making a difference enabled law student Katerina Minaeva ers, it is critical that we provide them to intern at the with the strate- 11 Thank you to our newest United Nations gic resources Commission on needed to donors The power of philanthropy International to open the eyes of Western achieve global Trade Law in students to a world of new standards of Impact Western is published three times a year by the Vienna, Austria, ” excellence. We Department of Communications & Public Affairs, in experiences and possibilities is solidifying her evident in the stories profiled are very grateful partnership with the Department of Alumni Relations interest to pur- and fortunate to & Development, to inform alumni, corporations, in this issue of Impact Western. sue a career in have alumni and foundations and other friends of Western about the international law. friends who are donations, priorities and progress of the University’s – President Amit Chakma current fundraising initiatives as well as the impact of Donors are moved to give gifts already in action. helping to bring a world-class profes- in support of higher education and the If you would like to receive this publication sional experience to the classroom development of tomorrow’s global citi- electronically, and/or you would like more information, through the Don Wright Faculty of zens and leaders. please email [email protected] Music’s masterclass program, which Thank you for making a difference invites internationally-renowned artists, through your continued support and On the Cover: such as Francesco Milioto, to campus generosity. Dr. James Roth where they work directly with students Chair, Division of Orthopaedic to refine their performance techniques. Surgery, Western’s Schulich School And we continue to advance our of Medicine & Dentistry. research in wind engineering by look- ing for the most effective ways to har- Amit Chakma Photo by Shawn Simpson ness the wind’s energy and mitigate the President & Vice-Chancellor SPRING 2011 ISSUE NUMBER 14 IMPACT WESTERN | 03 MOCREOVER INS STOIRYDE Orthopaedic surgeons give $1.5 million to honour division founder Contributed Members of Western’s Division of Orthopaedics in the Department of Surgery have donated $1.5 million to create the J.C. Kennedy Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery. Pictured above (from left to right) in front: Drs. Graham King, Kevin Gurr, Bob Bourne, James Roth, Steve MacDonald, Ken Faber. Second row: Drs. Deb Bartley, Marie-Eve LeBel, Darren Drosdowech, Rich McCalden, Kevin Willets, Dave Sanders, Ruby Grewal, Stew Bailey. Back row: Drs. Bob Giffin, Mark MacLeod, Doug Naudie, Tim Carey, Jim McAuley, George Athwal, Jamie Howard, Abdel Lawendy, Chris Bailey, Dave Chess, Bob Litchfield. estern is attracting and investing position of Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery, millions of dollars into a matching a division in the Department of Surgery at Wendowed chairs program that will Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. The J.C. Kennedy Chair provide sustained leadership in strategic areas The Western Division of Orthopaedic Sur- ensures that the division will be of teaching and research. gery has successfully trained 337 residents able to compete for the best” The latest investment is a $3-million chair and fellows who are now working and training possible leaders in perpetuity. funded by a group of 25 orthopaedic sur- others in 22 countries. It is known nationally geons at The University of Western Ontario’s and internationally for excellence in sports, – Dr. James Roth Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Their lower limb joint replacement, hand and upper $1.5-million commitment will honour Dr. J.C. limb, spine, trauma and children’s orthopaedic Kennedy, the first Professor and Chair of Ortho- surgery. This is the third chair to be announced paedic Surgery at Western, who died in 1983. Western’s postgraduate training program under the matching fund program. The Uni- “Western’s Division of Orthopaedic Sur- in orthopaedic surgery began in 1960 under versity has committed $12.5 million to match gery has expanded and flourished under the leadership of Dr. Kennedy. Since then, the private gifts of $1.5 million to create the first the strong leadership of prior division chairs division has grown into one of the premier eight permanent endowed chairs, valued at including Drs. Kennedy, Harvey Bailey, Cecil training programs recognized by the Royal $3 million each. Rorabeck and Robert Bourne,” says Dr. James College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. “The J.C. Kennedy Chair in Orthopaedic Sur- Roth, current Division Chair. “The J.C. Kennedy “We have an ambitious goal to create gery will not only strengthen our collaborative Chair ensures that the division will be able endowed chairs, attracting some of the partnerships across the community in educa- to compete for the best possible leaders in world’s best researchers to Western,” says tion, research and clinical care, but will take perpetuity.” Amit Chakma, Western’s President and Vice- the orthopaedic division’s national reputation The J.C. Kennedy Chair in Orthopaedic Sur- Chancellor. “We built momentum this year for excellence to a global level,” says President gery will enable Western to recruit or retain and we will continue to support this strategic Chakma. “We appreciate the vital role our an individual of high standing in the field of priority to create 100 new chairs within the alumni and private sector partners play in this orthopaedic surgery, who will also hold the next decade.” exciting opportunity.” 04 | IMPACT WESTERN SPRING 2011 ISSUE NUMBER 14 Improving strategies and policies to support Canadian newcomers Steve Grimes Steve PhD student Caroline Bennett-AbuAyyash (left) and Professor Victoria Esses are using funds from The Harold Crabtree Foundation to help improve Canadian immigration practices. estern psychology professor Victoria has made a huge difference for our program, grants’ skills. Esses believes the way Canada han- our students, and the work we are doing in The Foundation’s donation also supports Wdles immigration is vital to the future this area.” public presentations regarding immigration, success of our country. And work she’s doing Established in 1951 with funds from Harold integration, and multiculturalism in Canada at Western could help improve Canadian and Louisa Crabtree, The Harold Crabtree Foun- during the fall and winter terms. Additionally immigration practices. dation supports areas including education, the funding supported two keynote addresses “Our Canadian population is not growing health and social services in Ontario, Quebec at the first bi-annual Western Migration Confer- and we need skilled workers and entrepreneurs and the Atlantic Provinces. ence Series in April. Hosted by the Centre for to contribute to our labour market. Immigrants The Foundation has donated $395,000 to Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations, in energize our society with diverse skills and Western since 1992, including $20,000 last year, partnership with Western’s Canada-U.S. Insti- backgrounds and we need that to compete in to support a number of initiatives such as Pro- tute, the conference theme is Taking Stock of a the world market,” says Professor Esses, who has fessor Esses’ research on how media portrayals Turbulent Decade and Looking Ahead: Immi- been Director of Western’s Centre for Research influence people’s attitudes towards refugees. gration to North America 2000-2010. on Migration and Ethnic Relations since 2008. “Canadians are generally quite favourable Professor Esses says the conference With financial support from The Harold toward our immigration policy but they are not will strengthen links among policy makers, Crabtree Foundation Award in Public Policy, so favourable toward our refugee policy,” notes researchers, and community members from Professor Esses is contributing to the effective- Professor Esses. Her goal is to provide strategies non-governmental organizations. ness of immigration and integration policy and for more positive portrayals of refugees and “It will get Canadians and Americans talking practice in Canada. intends to have results by the fall. to one another about the immigration policies “Immigration is fundamental to Canada Working with Professor Esses, PhD student in our two countries and tell us about what is – socially, economically and culturally,” says Caroline Bennett-AbuAyyash also received a going on in