NEWSLETTER [2021] No. 5 l 2 8 May 2021 Welcome to the fifth Newsletter for 2021. committee. The committee has met to plan how we may First Nations Scholarship implement this scheme. The details of this inaugural award are on the website. The idea is to establish a system whereby (generally) The second phase of the project was to find a Fellow junior academics may spend a day or two with a judge as mentor for the winner and Fellows as mentors for to gain, or renew, firsthand experience of how a court the other shortlisted applicants. This has been runs. Chief Justices and other heads of jurisdiction achieved. There is also a mentor for each of the other will need to be consulted. applicants. I am most grateful to those who have A proposal for a pilot scheme will go before the volunteered. It should be a rewarding experience, on Board shortly. both sides. 2021 AAL Essay Prize Forthcoming Events Please bring this competition to the attention of Dinner in Hobart, Tasmania, Thursday 10 June anyone who may be interested in submitting an essay. 2021 at 7 PM Fellows (other than Directors) may wish to If you will be in Hobart on 10 June 2021 and wish to participate themselves. attend, please notify the Secretariat as soon as Each year since the Essay Prize was established in possible:
[email protected] 2015, the winning essay has been published in the Partners are invited. Australian Law Journal. The format will be an after-dinner speech by the new The essay topic for this year is: Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of “Outstanding fundamental issues for First Nations Peoples in Tasmania, Professor Michael Australia: what can lawyers contribute to the current debates Stuckey.