Notice of a meeting of Planning Committee Thursday, 20 April 2017 6.00 pm Council Chamber - Municipal Offices Membership Councillors: Garth Barnes (Chair), Bernard Fisher (Vice-Chair), Paul Baker, Mike Collins, Colin Hay, Karl Hobley, Adam Lillywhite, Helena McCloskey, Chris Nelson, Tony Oliver, Louis Savage, Diggory Seacome, Klara Sudbury, Pat Thornton and Simon Wheeler The Council has a substitution process and any substitutions will be announced at the meeting Agenda 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTE REST 3. DECLARATIONS OF INDE PENDENT SITE VISITS 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 5. MINUTES OF LAST MEET ING (Pages 7 - 24) 6. PLANNING/LISTED BUIL DING/CONSERVA TION AREA CONSENT/ADVERTISEMENT APPLICATIONS, APPLICATIONS FOR LAWFUL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE AND TREE RELATED APPLICATIONS – SEE MAIN SCHEDULE a) 16/00202/OUT Land off Kidnappers Lane (Pages 25 - 208) b) 16/01907/FUL Sandfor d Court, Humphris Place (Pages 209 - 234) c) 16/02105/FUL Cotswold Grange Hotel, Pittville (Pages 235 - 268) Circus Road d) 17/00129/FUL Castle Dream Stud, Mill Lane, (Pages 269 - 296) Charlton Kings e) 17/00 149/FUL 22 Dagmar Road (Pages 297 - 304) 1 f) 17/00165/FUL 259 Gloucester Road (Pages 305 - 330) g) 17/00218/FUL 1 Hartley Close (Pages 331 - 338) h) 17/00268/LBC Municipal Offices (Pages 339 - 342) i) 17/00291/LBC Cheltenham Town Hall (Pages 343 - 346) j) 17/00395/FUL 24 Leyson Road, The Reddings (Pages 347 - 354) 7. ANY OTHER ITEMS THE CHAIRMAN DETERMINES URGENT AND REQUIRES A DECISION Contact Officer : Judith Baker, Planning Committee Co-ordinator, Email :
[email protected] 2 3 5 Agenda Item 5 Page 7 Planning Committee 23 rd March 2017 Present: Members (14) Councillors Barnes, Chair (GB); Fisher, Vice-Chair (BF); Baker (PB); Collins (MC); Colin Hay (CH); Lillywhite (AL); McCloskey (HM); Nelson (CN); Oliver (TO); Savage (LS); Seacome (DS); Sudbury (KS); Thornton (PT); Wheeler (SW).