Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 19, 2002 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 113th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 15-113 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] FIFTY CENTS WF Council Approves Risk Manager in Party Line Vote By LAUREN S. PASS National Insurance Services, AGA, cil that the RFP said that the risk Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Beckerman and Company and manager “shall be paid six percent,” Tuesday night’s council meeting Bollinger. The town is currently us- and that AGA was upset by the town began with a discussion during the ing AGA, the offices of which are in choosing a firm which did not com- conference portion regarding the Westfield. pletely comply with the RFP. He appointment of a new Risk Manage- After review it was the finance added that according to the JIF by- ment Consultant for the town and the committee’s recommendation that laws the fee shall “not exceed six question of whether the Requests For the town choose Commerce National percent.” Proposals (RFP) should be sent out Insurance Services, of Toms River. Mr. Gildea told the Council that again. Commerce offered the town a flat fee AGA’s complaint was that they did Last week the finance committee of $32,000 for the year, or 4.05 per- not address a change in the fee be- met and reviewed the RFP’s that had cent of the annual assessment. cause the RFP did not ask them to. been returned to the town.