Utopian Listening Program Book
Uto- pian Listening: A Workshop on Luigi Non- os UlaTtOeP I- AENl LeIc-S- TEN- UTOPIAN ING: A LISTENING WORK- The Late Electroacoustic Music of Luigi Nono SHOP Technologies, Aesthetics, Histories, Futures ON LUI- 23 – 26 March 2016 GI NONOS troacouLATE ELECTROACOUsStTiIcC WWorORKS.k Ts.ECHNOLO TechnoloGIES, AESTHEgiTeIs,CS, HAeIs-STO- RtheIES,ti cFs,UT HUiRstoES. A rFOUiR-Des,AE WFuORtuKSrHOePs. AT U TtUFoTpS UiaNnI- VERSLis- I- TteInE, iINn Cg:OOPERA A WoTIrkON WsIThoH HApRV AonRD UN ILVERSuigi INTonIE. ToHISs FlOaUtR-e DEAlE eFctroacouESTIVAL BRINGSs TtOiGcET WHorER SCHOkLs.AR S,Te chnolo-ENGINEERS, COM- POgieS-s, EARestheS, ANtD iMcUs,SIC HIiAstoNS TOr ENGiAGeE s,WI FTuHt LuUIrGIe s.NON A OfSo ELuEC-r- dae TROACOUworkSsThIoC WORpK Sat T tHufROtUsG uH nROiUversNDTABLEiS,ti Pe,AP inERS, CcOo-N- CoperaERTS, WORKStioHOPnS, w AiNDt Ah S HOaUrvND ANaD rLIGdH TU nINiSver-TALLA- Welcome to Utopian Listening This conference and festival on the late electroacoustic works of Luigi Nono at Tufts University (in partnership with Harvard University), is, we believe, the first of its kind in the USA. Of all the towering figures of modern music, Luigi Nono (1924–1990) is ar- guably the least known in North America. While his music occupies a secure, even canonical, place in European musical life, many of his most significant works are performed rarely if at all in North America — although this situa- tion is changing fast. This historical reluctance to engage with Nono’s music on this side of the Atlantic can be attributed to several factors including Cold War cultural politics, Nono’s complex relationship to Darmstadt and other avant-garde trends, and, most centrally for this project, the practical and aes- thetic challenges of performing live electroacoustic music in the face of rapid technological changes.
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