ANDREA JENKYNS MP Member of Parliament for Morley & Outwood

PROTECT THE save lives

HOUSE OF COMMONS Dear Resident, I would like to thank all those who have postponed their I write to you during unprecedented and difficult times. plans for holidays, weddings, and meeting with extended We all are facing new challenges and sacrifices as we family and friends. work to protect our NHS, our loved ones, jobs and our I would also like to thank all of our 28 care homes which country. I sincerely hope this finds you, and your family, I have spoken to personally. You are doing anamazing safe and well. job and I will continue fighting to make sure you get the We are facing a new enemy, and together we will defeat help and support you need. it. Our communities have come together and are looking Finally I want to express my thanks to all the local out for each other, our weekly #ClapForOurCarers brings businesses who have stepped up to help produce and us each to our doorsteps and pride to our hearts. supply PPE, in particular Express Bifolding Doors, Coca By strictly adhering to our new way of life, soon Britain Cola, AWM and the College of Animal Welfare. will pull through. To Quote Her Majesty the Queen; “We Everyone has their part to play, and I know each of our will be with our friends again; we will be with our families actions will bring us victory over this terrible pandemic. again; we will meet again”. Normal life will return, and when it does let us all be The Government continues to follow a science-led proud of the way we each responded to this international approach to keeping our country safe, and I know crisis. Let our children and grandchildren look back and that you are doing all you can to follow the very clear say this was our finest hour, when we acted together to message. Stay Home. Protect Our NHS. Save Lives. keep our country safe. I would like to thank everyone across our area who has I have produced this pack that contains information, delivered food to a neighbour, or family member, who advice and support, alongside my deepest best wishes. was self-isolating or shielding due to age or ill health; God speed to you and your loved ones. and the teams of volunteers that have come together to help ensure everyone has the support they need. Thank you, I would like to thank all the key workers, the NHS teams and carers, the transport, retail, haulage, and council Andrea workers; the local businesses that have donated PPE Andrea Jenkyns MP equipment to our NHS, to help combat the international Member of Parliament for Morley & Outwood shortage.

STAY HOME THE POWER OF STAYING AT HOME You should only leave the house for 1 of 4 reasons: NOW 5 DAYS 30 DAYS

1. Shopping for necessities, for example food and medicine. However, these visits should be as infrequent as possible. 1 PERSON 2.5 PEOPLE INFECTED 406 PEOPLE INFECTED 2. One form of exercise a day - for example, a walk, run or a cycle. This 50% LESS EXPOSURE exercise should be alone, or with members of your household only. NOW 5 DAYS 30 DAYS Remain a safe distance from others.

3. Any medical need, or to provide care to a vulnerable person. 1 PERSON 1.25 PEOPLE INFECTED 15 PEOPLE INFECTED

75% LESS EXPOSURE 4. Travelling to and from work, but only when this is absolutely necessary, NOW 5 DAYS 30 DAYS and you cannot work remotely from home.

Promoted and published by Will Grover on behalf of Andrea Jenkyns MP, both of 62 Queen Street, Morley, LS27 9BP 1 PERSON 0.625 PEOPLE INFECTED 2.5 PEOPLE INFECTED MP SUPPORT GOVERNMENT WEB PAGES Government Updates: 01133 450 380 NHS Updates: [email protected] Andreajenkynsmo Business Support and Ventilators: 0300 456 3565 @andreajenkyns HMRC: 0800 015 9559 Universal Credit: 0800 328 5644 For the most up to date advice, support, and School Closure: 0800 046 8687 Government information please visit: NHS: only call 111 if you cannot get help online at Sign up to my mailing list to receive regular email updates about the Coronavirus, and what support USEFUL CONTACTS is available (including a list of local support and Support: 07471 141672 takeaway businesses). To do this please email me Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111 with the subject heading: ‘Add to mailing list’ UK Visas & Immigration: 0300 123 2253 Fire, Police, Ambulance service: 999 LOCAL CORONAVIRUS UPDATES Police Non-Emergency: 101 Debt Advice (Stepchange): 0300 303 5300 City Council Support Hub: HMRC for businesses & self-employed: 0800 241 222 0113 378 1877 Free School Meals at home: 0800 408 1448 www.Leeds.Gov.UK/Coronavirus Citizens Advice Leeds: 0113 275 4142 Wakefield District Council Support Hub: Citizens Advice Wakefield: 0808 223 1133 www.Wakefield.Gov.UK/about-the-council/coronavirus- information Age UK Leeds: 0113 389 3000 Age UK Wakefield: 01977 552114

BEWARE OF CORONAVIRUS SCAMS - TRADING STANDARDS ADVICE „ Always follow government advice. „ Use local council websites, local council services and trusted charities like Age UK. „ Contact your local councillors or MP if urgent. „ Be careful on social media, especially with coronavirus response groups springing up. „ Be as careful as you would normally be… don’t be side-tracked or rush into decisions. „ Don’t purchase items from your doorstep. DON’T GET „ Don’t give bank details, cash, credit or debit card information to strangers to do shopping etc.CAUGHT OUT „ Don’t buy cures and medicines from unknown sources. „ Don’t buy soaps and sanitizers from unknown sources.

Please pass these messages to your friends & family - by phone, internet or social media - and ask them in turn to make sure that anyone they know who might need supporting knows where to turn.

The following social media accounts are posting the latest factual advice and information related to COVID-19 „ Public Health Twitter: @PHE_UK „ Department of Health and Social Care Facebook & Twitter: @DHSCgovuk „ NHS Facebook: @NHSwebsite „ NHS Twitter: @NHSuk „ Andrea Jenkyns MP facebook Andreajenkynsmo „ Andrea Jenkyns MP twitter @andreajenkyns CORONAVIRUS PROTECT YOURSELF & OTHERS

NHS HEALTH INFORMATION AND ADVICE For the most up to date guidance please visit: Continue to stay at home if you have either: „ a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) Who is at high risk? Those who; „ a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for „ have had an organ transplant more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 „ are having certain types of cancer treatment hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than „ have blood or bone marrow cancer, such as leukaemia usual) „ have a severe lung condition, such as cystic fibrosis or „ To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, severe asthma pharmacy or hospital. Stay at home. „ have a condition that makes you much more likely to get „ Use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to infections do: „ are taking medicine that weakens your immune system Only call 111 if you cannot get help online. „ are pregnant and have a serious heart condition

If you need medical help not related to coronavirus, do not GET CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT AS A go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. CLINICALLY EXTREMELY VULNERABLE „ For health information and advice, use the NHS website or check your GP surgery website. PERSON „ For urgent medical help, use the NHS 111 online service. Register with this service if either: „ For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for „ you have a medical condition which means you’re classed anambulance. as being clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus „ you’ve been told by your GP or hospital clinician that Advice for people at high risk you’re clinically extremely vulnerable and need to ‘shield’ If you’re at high risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus, there are extra things you should do to avoid ‘Shielding’ means not leaving your home and minimising catching it. These include: contact with other members of your household. „ not leaving your home – you should not go out to do You’ll be able to ask for help if you need it - for example, with shopping, visit friends or family, or attend any gatherings getting essential supplies or your basic care needs. „ avoiding close contact with other people in your home as You can register yourself, or on behalf of someone else. much as possible „ Read the full advice on protecting yourself if you’re at high england risk from coronavirus on

The breakdown of all the financial support currently available for individuals and business can be found here: Protecting the most at risk

Protecting the most at risk

Andreajenkynsmo @andreajenkyns AVAILABLE SUPPORT

SUPPORT FOR SELF-EMPLOYED HELPING WITH LIVING COSTS do-if-youre-self-employed-and-getting-less-work-or-no- work n The government has announced a Self-Employed n The government has agreed with mortgage lenders Income Support Scheme - a taxable grant worth 80% that they will offer repayment holidays of 3 months of the average monthly profits over the last 3 years, to households in financial difficulty due to COVID-19 up to a maximum of £2,500 per month. this will also apply to landlords whose tenants are experiencing financial difficulties because of n The scheme will be accessible for at least 3 months COVID-19. (April 2020). It is open to anyone in the UK with trading profits of up to £50,000, who make most of n Customers who are concerned about their current their income from self-employment and who have financial situation should contact their lender at the submitted a tax return for 2019. earliest possible opportunity to discuss if this is a n The grants can still be claimed whilst you still operate suitable option for them. your business. n At the end of this period, landlords and tenants n HMRC will contact those who are eligible for the grant will be expected to work together to establish an and ask you to fill in a simple online form and pay the affordable repayment plan, taking into account grant straight into your bank account. This should take tenants’ individual circumstances. place no later than June 2020.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT n If you’re too ill to work, you are entitled to receive £94.25 per week in Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). This will be paid directly to your employer for up to 28 weeks. n SSP will be paid from day 1, rather than day 4, of your absence from work due to Covid-19. SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS n SSP is also available to individuals who are caring for people in the same household and have been advised n The Chancellor pledged a support grant available to to do a household quarantine. businesses of 80% of affected employee wages, up to n Whether you are currently in or out of work, if you are £2,500 a month, and backdated from 01/03/2020. on a low income and affected by the economic impacts n Small business grant funding of £10,000 for all of COVID-19, you will be able to access the full range of business in receipt of small business rate relief or rural the welfare system, including Universal Credit. rate relief. n From 6 April the Government is increasing the standard n Grant funding of £25,000 for retail, hospitality and allowance in Universal Credit and the basic element in leisure businesses with property with a rateable value Working Tax Credit for 1 year. between £15,000 and £51,000. n Both will increase by £20 per week on top of planned n The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme annual uprating. This will apply to all new and existing offering loans of up to £5 million for SMEs through the Universal Credit claimants and to existing Working Tax British Business Bank. Credit claimants. VOLUNTEERING ***Only volunteer for registered organisations*** YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! COVID - 19 LOCAL RESPONSE During this time of difficulty for many in our community, it is natural to want to help others. VOLUNTEERS NETWORK As these weeks have continued, I have share people’s concern for those who are self-isolating, or shielding themselves due to advanced age or long term, underlying health conditions. My thoughts are particularly with those who cannot rely on family to bring essentials to their doorstep. That is why I launched a call to arms for volunteers in our area to come together and be available to support anybody who needs it in our area. Already we have matched those in need with local people to help supply essential supplies or a friendly chat. Get involved and help the community effort

I also welcome the (at time of writing) amazing 750,000 individuals who signed up to be an NHS volunteer. These people are helping to deliver medicines, and other essentials to isolated people, helping to tackle loneliness with a phone call, or driving patients’ home from hospitals safely. The response to this international crisis has beenamazing, and the ordinary people of our communities are really shining examples of the very best we can be. The efforts of our local authorities who have worked with charities and local organisations to keep our area safe and well, can also not go unmentioned. I have regular phone calls with local authorities as we move through this pandemic and will continue to feed back local issues where necessary.

„ Are you self-isolating? But have no family to help you get food or prescriptions? „ Are you finding these periods of self-isolation mentally draining and lonely? „ Do you know of an elderly neighbour that needs support? Then please contact us as we have a network of volunteers who are ready to help in our area.

ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP VOLUNTEER IN OUR COMMUNITY? THEN PLEASE DO GET IN TOUCH. MORLEY & OUTWOOD VOLUNTEERS: LEEDS VOLUNTEERS: WAKEFIELD VOLUNTEERS: NHS VOLUNTEERS: BUSINESSES THAT CAN HELP: Local Businesses If you know of any local organisation or business supporting those in need at this time, please do let me know so I can add this to our list. is available for deliveries of dairy to certain LS postcodes. Download the app for easy access.

MORLEY MCQUEENS MILK DELIVERY SHOP - milk deliveries are Mon and Thurs or Tues and Fris, depending on your area. For more information call 0330 555 5588.

MALCOLMS BUTCHERS is available to deliver fresh meat, sausage, bacon and ASDA, Howley Park Road, Morley, LS27 WELL PHARMACY, Finkle Lane, LS27 eggs. Call James on 01132 347964 for 0BP - 7DX Tel 0113 2534549 - open 09.45 - all enquiries. Tel 0113 253 7518 12.30 and 14.00 - 18.00 Mon - Fri and Open 8 - 10pm Mon - Sat, 10 - 4pm Suns 09.45 - 12.45am Sat The M&S FOOD HALL including bakery (opens 9am for browsing for NHS staff at the White Rose Shopping Centre is only - enter via side door) NHS staff one GILDERSOME HEALTH CENTRE - (Own open for essential produce. hour shopping Mon, Wed and Fri Patients only), Finkke Lane, Gildersome, It is accessible from Car Park 5 and is LS27 7HL - Tel 0113 2535134, Phone open 09:00-20:00 (weekdays), 09:00- consultations only - 8am - 6.15pm Mon, 19:00 (Sat) and 11:00-17:00 (Sun). Tue, Thur, Fri Wed’s 7am - 6.15 pm NHS workers have priority hours are Tue/Fris 9am - 10am FOOD MARKET CONVENIENCE STORE, Elderly customers have priority Mon/ 168 Street Lane, open Mon - Fri 8.30 - Thurs 9am - 10am 9pm, Sat 9 - 9pm, Sun 10 - 1pm and 6 - 8.30pm SUGAR KINGZ MORLEY is open for GILDERSOME collection and deliveries GREENFIELD GARAGE. Order on 01132 529231 9am-5pm, Uber Scott Green, LS27 7AW - Open 8.30 - eats 9am-5pm, Deliveroo 12-5pm. LS27, OCEAN WILD FISH BAR is reopening on 5.30pm Mon - Sat - Tel 0113 2291195 or LS11, LS12, LS10, WF3 Fri 8th May. Social distancing measures 0777 4877976 will be in place, with contactless ZOYA AT MORLEY is open for deliveries. payments and telephone orders PATELS OFF LICENCE & GENERAL You can also purchase a meal for Zoya encouraged via STORE to deliver to an essential worker. The 0113 3074468. Opening hours will be Hermes & UPS parcel point, Ashford menu can be found here: Mon - Sat, 11.30am - 8.30pm. Parade - open 9 - 7pm Mon - Sat and 9 - 2pm Sun For deliveries call: 01132 528379 CO-OP, LS27 7DX - Open everyday 7am - 8pm - student discount 10% UGO PIZZA 62 Town Street - Mon & Tue - closed, but open Wed - Sun 4.30 -10.45pm

GILDERSOME LAUNDRETTE 64 Town Street - Open 8.30am - 6pm everyday Tel Cilla Stewart 07887 733551 Collection/drop off service available


PRIVATE POOL HIRE are offering to help deliver shopping to elderly and isolated people for free in the Drighlington area. Email: [email protected]

Andreajenkynsmo @andreajenkyns OUTWOOD WF3 REGION VALENTINO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Help, support, are offering a home delivery service local information and volunteers. from 12 - 10.30pm, phone number 01924 210310 TINGLEY BALTI HOUSE – Offering help to the elderly, phone Rob GLEDHILL’ BUTCHERS are offering a on: 0113 2381193 home delivery service, phone number 01924 823102 FLOWERS & EVENTS BY CATHRYN- Selling fruit and veg boxes containing PIZZA TIME in Outwood is offering a essentials (potatoes, onions, greens, home delivery service, phone number carrots, apples, bananas, pears) – will 01924 871771 deliver to your door for free between 4-7pm to the WF1,2,3 area. MULLY’S KITCHEN is offering a Prices are: 2-3 fruit and veg- £10, home delivery service, phone number 3-4 - £15, Salad- £5 WEST ARDSLEY 01924 829764 Call: 01977 517010 THE HARE & HOUNDS pub on Road is running a takeaway menu and FRESH FODDER- Fruit, has offered to help with shopping, and Veg, buscuits, cakes, cheese, eggs, dog walking for local people. bacon and cooked meets – Delivered to Get in touch: 0113 253 6276 your door: Phone: 07450172665

THE BRITISH OAK is open Fri and Sat Friendly Contact - from 5pm – 8pm for food collection and ST MARY’S CHURCH in Woodkirk. delivery within the Tingley and West Happy to talk to people via phone Ardsley area. THE REAL JUNK FOOD PROJECT is if they are isolated. Call Rev Sharon Call 07740 125900 or 07795 621606 or working with Wakefield Street Kitchen, Wilkinson on 01924 472375 or email: 01132 534792. Wakefield Elm Community Kitchen, and [email protected] Bear Kitchen, to offer food parcels and essentials to those self-isolating. If you SUN KONG live in a WF postcode, you can order 65 Westerton Rd, Tingley, WF3 1NS TESCO/ESSOGARAGE your pack via the following link: Tel: 0113 253 6537 6am - 10pm seven days a week. To donate to this project please contact /CARR GATE/ BINKS BUTCHERS 01924 365064 8am - 12.30pm Mon, 8am – 4pm Tue to / Fri, 8am - 3.30pm Sat, 9am -12am Sun. AREA

POST OFFICE LOFTHOUSE SUNNYHILL STORES- 01924 366638 6.30am – 3pm Mon to Fri, 6.30am till The following takeaways are open THE MALT SHOVEL pub is offering 12.30pm Sat. and are offering a delivery service to takeaway food and (for the moment) Closed Sun. surrounding areas: bottles of wine & beer. Mon-Sat 12-1pm, BP/SPAR GARAGE open 24/7 SUN KONG CHINESE - 01924 870065 Sun 12-4pm ROYALE CHINESE - 01924 829501 Call: 01924 828080 – they will bring it PREMIER 7am – 6pm Mon to Sat, 8am – AMIRAH SPICE INDIAN - 01924 827222 out to your car when it is ready. 6pm Sun. BALTI HUT INDIAN - 01924 871357 MEGHNA INDIAN - 01924 823603 Please donate to help provide free hot MAKE-A-HOME 8am – 5pm Mon – Sat, meals to NHS staff: www.gofundme. 10am – 4pm Sun. com/f/feed-pinderfields-covid-19- critical-ward-workers THOMAS’S VEG STALL – Healey Croft farm (just on side of road) 9am-3pm Fri to Sat, 10am- 12am Sun.

JULIES KITCHEN – 7am - 4pm

LORD PIZZA, 215 Bradford Rd, East Ardsley, WF3 2DN - Tel: 0113 238 1112

Andreajenkynsmo @andreajenkyns