Bridget Langley
[email protected] Department of Classics University of Washington 218 Denny Hall, Box 353110 Seattle, WA, 98195 CITIZENSHIP British EDUCATION Ph.D. Classics, University of Washington (in progress) Dissertation: "Written on Running Water: Ovidian Poetics in the Roman Waterscape." Adviser: Stephen Hinds. Greek special author exam: Euripides (with distinction) Supervisor: Ruby Blondell. 2013. Special field exam: Roman Topography (with distinction) Supervisor: Sarah Culpepper Stroup. 2012. Latin special author exam: Augustan Elegy: Gallus, Propertius, Tibullus Supervisor: Stephen Hinds. 2011. American Academy in Rome Summer School in Archaeology, in conjunction with the Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia. Summer 2012. University of Washington Classical Seminar in Rome. Spring 2012. M.A. Classics, University of Washington. 2010. M.A. paper: "Niobe on the Palatine: an exploration of artistic discourse." Supervisor: Kathryn Topper. Readers: James J. Clauss and Stephen Hinds. B.A. (Hons.) Classics, University of Oxford. 2.i. 2008. B.A. thesis: "signa doloris: Ovid's representation of pain in comparison with Roman art and memorial." Supervisor: Peta Fowler. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Augustan poetry; Roman art and architecture; monumentality in literature; ecocriticism. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Washington LAT 101-102: Introduction to Latin Fall 2013, Winter 2014 CL AR / ART H 342: Roman Art & Archaeology Summer 2013 CL 210: Greek & Roman Classics in English Fall 2012, Winter, Spring 2013 LAT 307: