
Criticism over new Austrian asylum policy

Hessen’s regional president Volker Bouffier has criticised Austria’s new asylum measures. The CDU politician told the newspaper

“Heilbronner Stimme” that Austria’s plans to stem the flow of migrants would be of little use. Bouffier called for European countries to work together to secure their borders. The Austrian parliament passed a new law yesterday allowing the government to declare a state of emergency over the migrant crisis. It could then reject most asylum seekers, including those from war torn countries.

Austria is preparing to introduce security checks at its Brenner

Pass border crossing with Italy.

Turkey prepares for EU review of visa-free travel deal

Turkey’s ambassador to the EU, Selim Yenel, says he is confident that the block will soon lift its visa restrictions for Turkish citizens. The move would be part of a deal in exchange for Turkey’s role in tackling the flow of migrants. Yenel told German public broadcaster ARD that Turkey has met almost all of the 72 conditions required for the deal, and that the remaining ones would be met in time for the May 4 th deadline. The EU will then decide whether to recommend the visa waiver. Brussels is set to discuss the issue in

1 parliament today. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has warned that Turkey will stop taking back migrants from Europe if the EU does not stick to its promise of visa-free travel for Turks.

Refugees struggle to find work

Most refugees are struggling to find a job in . In March, 123 thousand people with the right to asylum in Germany were registered unemployed, according to the Federal Employment Agency. The Agency’s research institute IAB said poor German skills were a key reason.

Around 70 percent of the migrants likely to be given the right to remain in Germany do not have the qualifications needed to get a job. A quarter have either only been to primary school or have never been in education.

Berlin: Container homes for refugees

Berlin authorities have agreed on a plan to create more container villages and prefab housing for refuges. In the next few months, repurposed shipping containers will make up the first new villages in five Berlin districts. The rest should be finished by October.

The new accommodation should help move refugees out of sports halls in the city – where 10,000 are currently living.

Boom in Arabic courses for Germans

Following the arrival of refugees from countries like Syria and

Iraq, ever more Germans are taking Arabic classes. That’s according to Germany’s Adult Education Association. The surge in demand for

Arabic lessons mainly comes from volunteer helpers. In the eastern

German city of Chemnitz, demand for courses has tripled, while Lower

Saxony and also recorded an increase in the number of Arabic learners.


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