An Approach for Modeling and Transforming Contextually-Aware Software Engineering Workflows
ICSEA 2014 : The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances An Approach for Modeling and Transforming Contextually-Aware Software Engineering Workflows Roy Oberhauser Computer Science Dept. Aalen University Aalen, Germany Abstract—Software engineering environments (SEE) face rigid, and inflexible [6], and fail to adequately support the challenges for providing automated guidance for human- human, creative, and dynamics of SW development. Thus, centric software development workflows. Among the various such systems are ignored or abandoned by SW engineers. issues is the lack of a method to model software engineering To address this challenge for such human-centric SE (SE) workflows, as commonly used business process modeling processes, we created a PCSEE called the Context-aware notation is generalized and not conducive to context-aware Software Engineering Environment Event-driven Framework support for SEE, while available SE-specific process model (CoSEEEK) [7]. Beyond SE tool sensors and other notation, such as the Software & Systems Process Engineering contextual knowledge, it utilizes workflows to understand Metamodel, is not executable. The solution approach in this the process context. That includes knowing which activities a paper simplifies and validates the modeling of SE workflows SW engineer performed, which activity is likely currently via graphical modeling capabilities that extend the Software Engineering Workflow Language (SEWL). Model-based being worked on, which activity is next, and associates these transformation of workflow concepts to diverse workflow with SE concepts of project, teams, persons, roles, tools, and management systems (WfMS), as well semantic transformation artifacts via an ontology and reasoner. While various facets of SE concepts to a contextually-aware process-centered were investigated, including collaboration [8], quality software engineering environment - CoSEEEK, is supported.
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