MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY 8TH MAY, 2019 at 8:55p.m. at LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH HALL. PRESENT - Councillors: P. Duffy (Chairman), R. Robinson, J. Blackburn, A. Brocklehurst, H. Lewis, J. Frith. Members of the Public (2). East Borough Councillor L. Smetham. Dr. E. M. Maddock - Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.

1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN - i) The retiring Chairman invited nominations for Chairman for the 2019/20 civic year. One nomination was received in respect of Councillor P. Duffy. 033/19 RESOLVED a) That Councillor P. Duffy be elected as Chairman to Lower Withington Parish Council for the 2019/20 civic year. b) That the Chairman's Declaration of Acceptance of Office be received. Proposed Councillor R. Robinson Seconded: Councillor J. Blackburn All in favour 2. DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE - T i) Declarations of Acceptance of Office were made by all Members of the Lower Withington Parish Council. 3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - None. 4. CODE OF CONDUCT - i) Code of Conduct - The Clerk reported that she had been in contact with the Council Legal Team regarding the Code of Conduct documents which had been circulated by ChALC. It appears that these are not presently suitable for adoption by Parish Councils and that appropriate replacement documents will be supplied as soon as possible. ii) Registration of Interests Forms - The Clerk reported that the Registration of Interest forms were also expected to be provided by Cheshire East Council in the coming days. F 034/19 RESOLVED a) That, upon receipt, the Clerk circulate the revised Code of Conduct to all Members. b) That the adoption of the Code of Conduct be deferred to a future meeting. c) That the Clerk circulate Registration of Interests forms to all Members. (All in favour) 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Councillor P. Duffy - Item 16(i) - Planning applicant (19/1072M). Councillor R. Robinson - Item 17(i) - Personal Interest. 6. CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR - i) Members noted that there was one vacancy on the Parish Council following the recent election. 035/19 RESOLVED a) That the co-option of a Parish Councillor be deferred to the next meeting. A (All in favour) 7. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN - i) Nominations were invited in respect of the position of Vice Chairman. One nomination was received in respect of Councillor H. Lewis. 036/19 RESOLVED a) That Councillor H. Lewis be elected as Vice Chairman to Lower Withington Parish Council for the 2019/20 civic year. Proposed Councillor A. Brocklehurst Seconded: Councillor J. Blackburn All in favour 8. MINUTES - i) The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 25th March, 2019 had been previously circulated to all Members. 037/19 RESOLVED a) That the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 25th March, 2019 be confirmed as a correctR record and signed by the Chairman. (All in favour) Item 10 was brought forward to this point in the meeting. Borough Councillor L. Smetham excused herself from the meeting during Item 9 and left at 9:40p.m. 9. PUBLIC FORUM FOR QUESTIONS - A resident advised that they had a number of concerns about the premises licence application associated with the Bluedot Festival. There appeared to be several points which did not appear to be acceptable to local residents, particularly relating to the implications of the proposed changes to the event capacity and hours for licensed activities.

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10. REPORTS FROM EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS - i) & Wards Policing Team - No Members of the Policing Team were present at the meeting, however, a written report had been provided which identified the following incident: an attempted break-in into workshops and storage areas on Road. ii) Cheshire East Ward Member Cllr. L. Smetham - Borough Councillor L. Smetham reported that she had been successfully re-elected to represent the Gawsworth Ward at Cheshire East Council. It was also reported that there had been a change to the proportion of each political party represented at Cheshire East Council which meant that the Conservative Party no longer had overall control. 11. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO EXTERNAL BODIES - i) Dingle Bank Quarry Liaison Group - Members considered that the existing representatives should continue to represent the Parish Council at these meetings. ii) - World Heritage Site Steering Group - Members considered that the existing representative should continue to represent the Parish Council at these meetings. 038/19 RESOLVED a) That Councillors J. Blackburn and A. Brocklehurst represent the Parish Council at the Dingle Bank Quarry Liaison Group. b) That Councillor P. Duffy represent the Parish Council at the Jodrell Bank Observatory World Heritage Site Steering Group. (All in favour)T 12. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS - i) Meeting dates 2019/20/21 - Members confirmed that future Parish Council meetings will take place on the following dates: Tuesday 28th May, 2019; Monday 24th June, 2019; Monday 29th July, 2019; Monday 30th September, 2019; Monday 28th October, 2019; Monday 25th November, 2019; Monday 27th January, 2020; Monday 24th February, 2020; Monday 30th March, 2020; Monday 27th April, 2020; Tuesday 26th May, 2020. The Annual Parish Meeting 2020 will take place on Monday 27th April, 2020. 039/19 RESOLVED a) That the Clerk make venue bookings for the above meeting dates for 2019/20/21. (All in favour) 13. DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION - F i) The Clerk received confirmation from all Members that Agenda, Minutes and other Papers relating to Parish Council Meetings could be distributed electronically. 040/19 RESOLVED a) That all Members consent to receive Parish Council Meeting Agenda and other documents electronically to the nominated email account notified to the Clerk. (All in favour) 14. FINANCE - i) Financial Statement 2019/20 as at 8th May, 2019. (Appendix A) Members considered the financial statement 2019/20 which was unanimously accepted. ii) To authorise the following payments - the Chairman outlined the basis of the following payments: a) Direct Debit AQL Ltd. £6.00 Webmail forwarding. b) Cheque No. 000426 E. M. Maddock A£202.45 Salary - April, 2019. c) Cheque No. 000427 H.M. Revenue & Customs £50.40 Employee Income Tax. d) Cheque No. 000428 Came and Company £296.94 Insurance Premium 2019/20. e) Cheque No. 000429 Cheshire Association of £165.60 Affiliation Fee 2019/20. Local Councils f) Cheque No. 000430 Cheshire Community Action £20.00 Membership Fee 2019/20. g) Cheque No. 000430 Cheshire Community Action £45.00 Best Kept Village Entry Fee 2019. iii) Receipts - the Clerk reported that the following receipts had been received since the last meeting: a) NatWest Bank plc. - Business Reserve Account £0.58* Gross Interest - January, 2019. b) NatWest Bank plc. - Business Reserve Account £0.52* Gross Interest - February, 2019. c) NatWest Bank plc. - BusinessR Reserve Account £0.54* Gross Interest - March, 2019. d) Cheshire East Borough Council £5,375.00* Precept 2019/20 (50%). *Received 2018/19, shown in balance brought forward 01/04/19. 041/19 RESOLVED a) That the Statement of Account, as at 8th May, 2019 be received and the Chairman's observations duly noted. b) That the schedule of 7 payments be approved and duly authorised. c) That the report on receipts since the last meeting be received and duly noted. (All in favour)

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iv) Internal Audit Report 2018/19 - Members considered the Internal Audit Report (Page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19). The report did not identify any items of non-compliance with the internal control objectives. 042/19 RESOLVED a) To receive and note the internal audit report 2018/19 contained in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. (All in favour) v) Final Accounts and Audit Arrangements 2018/19 - a) To consider and approve the signing of the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 (Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return) for submission to the External Auditors - Members considered the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 and unanimously agreed that ‘yes’ be recorded by items 1-8 and ‘n/a’ be recorded in respect of item 9 (Trust Funds). 043/19 RESOLVED a) That the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return) record a ‘yes’ in respect of items 1 - 8 and a ‘n/a’ in respect of item 9. b) That the Chairman and Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer be authorised to sign the certificate in respect of Section 1 (Annual Governance Statement) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19. Proposed Councillor R. Robinson Seconded: Councillor P. Duffy All in favour b) To approve and adopt the 2018/19 Final Accounts and Supporting Notes - The Chairman presentedT the Final Accounts 2018/19 and Supporting Notes to the Council. 044/19 RESOLVED a) The Final Accounts and Supporting Notes for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019 be duly approved and adopted. (Appendix B) Proposed Councillor A. Brocklehurst Seconded: Councillor R. Robinson All in favour c) To approve the signing of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 (Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return) for submission to the External Auditors - The Chairman presented the Accounting Statements 2018/19 to the Council noting that these figures represented those outlined in the Final Accounts. 045/19 RESOLVED a) That the Chairman and Clerk & Responsible Financial OfficerF be authorised to sign the certificate in respect of Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19. Proposed Councillor R. Robinson Seconded: Councillor J. Blackburn All in favour d) To approve the signing of the Certificate of Exemption from Limited Assurance Review contained within Part 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for submission to the External Auditors - 046/19 RESOLVED a) That the Chairman and Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer be authorised to sign the Certificate of Exemption from Limited Assurance Review contained within Part 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. Proposed Councillor P. Duffy Seconded: Councillor R. Robinson All in favour vi) Banking Arrangements - A a) Bank Authorised Signatories - Members reviewed the existing arrangements for bank signatories. 047/19 RESOLVED a) That the authorised bank signatories remain as existing. (All in favour) b) Transfer of funds from current account to interest bearing reserve account - The Clerk suggested that some funds be transferred from the current account to the interest bearing account until such time as the funds are required for payments relating to ongoing projects. DECISION a) That £12,000 be transferred from the current account to the interest bearing account. (Cheque No. 000431) vii) VAT Reclaim - a) Members noted the actions of the Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer in submitting a VAT reclaim to HMRC in the sum of £39.59. DECISION a) To confirm Rthe actions of the Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer in submitting a VAT reclaim to HMRC in the sum of £39.59. The Chairman noted that as 10:00p.m. was approaching, all business, other than item 16, be deferred to the next meeting 048/19 RESOLVED a) That all remaining business (Items 15, 17, 18, 19), with the exception of item 16, be deferred to the next meeting. (All in favour) 15. CORRESPONDENCE - Deferred. i) To consider the specific correspondence received by the Parish Council since the date of the last meeting and to determine such action as Members consider appropriate thereto:

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a) Resident - Request for provision of play facility within Parish. ii) To note other correspondence received since the date of the last meeting. (Appendix C) 16. PLANNING APPLICATIONS - i) To receive the latest planning schedule and discuss new applications. (Appendix D) Members noted the planning decisions that had been issued by Cheshire East Council in respect of proposed development in the Parish since the last meeting. 19/1811M - No comments were raised in respect of this application. 19/1851M - No comments were raised in respect of this application. ii) Bluedot Festival - Premises Licence. Members considered that, given the comments raised at the Annual Parish meeting, further discussions were required, therefore, it was suggested that an Extraordinary Meeting be held to consider the position of the Parish Council and how to proceed. 049/19 RESOLVED a) That the Clerk make arrangements for an Extraordinary Meeting on 20th May, 2019. (All in favour) 17. COMMUNITY - Deferred. i) The Black Swan, Trap Street - To receive information relating to a tribunal hearing against the decision to register the Black Swan as an Asset of Community Value. T ii) Jodrell Bank - To confirm number of Members available to attend World Heritage Site briefing meeting. iii) To receive an update relating to the maintenance of the island at the entrance to Lower Withington Parish Hall site. 18. HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE & ENHANCEMENTS - Deferred. i) Highway Defects - To receive the latest highway defect schedule and note any recent defects requiring attention. (Appendix E) ii) Highway Incidents within Parish - To receive the latest highway incident log and note any recent incidents. (Appendix F) 19. MATTERS FOR INCLUSION ON NEXT/FUTURE MEETING AGENDA - Deferred. i) Christmas Tree Provision. iv) Village Green Drainage. F ii) Salters Lane - Speed Review. v) Parish Council Notice Board. iii) Village Green Access. vi) Illuminated chevron signs. 20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 28th May, 2019 at 7:30p.m. at Lower Withington Parish Hall. To consider passing a resolution under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information. 21. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING THOSE TRANSFERRED FROM ABOVE ITEMS - None. The Meeting was declared closed by the Chairman at 10:00 p.m. A Signed: ...... R Approval Date - 28th May, 2019

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Financial Statement - 2019/20 as at 8th May 2019 Actual 2019/20 Actual to Agenda Budget 2018/19 Details Budget Apr. 19 May 19 Balance £. £. £. £. £. Receipts 10,600.00 Precept 10,750.00 0.00 5,375.00 5,375.00 0.00 Balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.23 Investment Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sale of Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grants, Donations & Refunds 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 166.29 V.A.T. Refund 0.00 1.00 10,770.52 Total Receipts 19,750.00 0.00 5,375.00 14,376.00T Payments 2,931.50 Salary (Clerk) 3,180.00 0.00 252.85 2,927.15 0.00 National Insurance (Employer) 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 Allowances (Clerk) 225.00 0.00 225.00 0.00 Chairman/Member Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.78 Administration 240.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 Audit Fees (internal & external) 100.00 0.00 100.00 296.94 Insurance 380.00 0.00 296.94 83.06 77.97 Donations - Sect. 137 500.00 0.00 F45.00 455.00 60.00 Website 105.00 0.00 5.00 100.00 222.40 Subscriptions/Affiliation Fees 285.00 0.00 185.60 99.40 180.00 Room Hire 260.00 0.00 260.00 0.00 Training 175.00 0.00 175.00 0.00 Professional Services 750.00 0.00 750.00 154.28 Assets - Purchase 800.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 Assets - Maintenance 750.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 Village Green Pathway Project 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 Neighbourhood Plan 9,500.00 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 Contingency 500.00 0.00 500.00 39.59 V.A.T. A0.00 1.00 4,261.46 Total Payments 19,750.00 0.00 786.39 18,964.61

Cash/Bank Reconciliation 01/04/19 01/04/19 08/05/19 31/03/20 Balance B/Fwd. 15,663.01 15,663.01 15,663.01 20,251.62 Add Total Receipts 0.00 0.00 5,375.00 14,376.00 Less Total Payments 0.00 0.00 -786.39 -18,964.61 Balance C/Fwd. 15,663.01 15,663.01 20,251.62 15,663.01

Cumulative Balances Balance Balance Balance Balance 01/04/19 01/04/19 08/05/19 31/03/20 General Funds R12,545.01 12,545.01 17,133.62 12,545.01 Earmarked Reserves 3,118.00 3,118.00 3,118.00 3,118.00 15,663.01 15,663.01 20,251.62 15,663.01

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Balance Brought Forward 01/04/19 Current Account 12,244.27 Business Reserve Account 3,418.74

Plus Receipts 5,375.00


Less Payments 786.39 Balance Carried Forward 08/05/19 20,251.62 T BANK (Natwest)

Business Reserve Account - 3,418.74 05/04/19

Add income/transfer received since above Statement

0.00 Less unpresented cheques F 0.00 3,418.74 08/05/19

Current Account - 12,244.27 05/04/19

Add income received since above Statement 5,375.00 A5,375.00 Less unpresented cheques/ Transfer

For approval -786.39 -786.39 16,832.88 08/05/19 Total Bank BalancesR 08/05/19 20,251.62

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Lower Withington Parish Council Summary Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019

2017/18 Receipts 2018/19 £. £. 6,270.00 Precept 10,600.00 0.89 Investment Interest 4.23 449.99 Grants & Donations 0.00 52.28 V.A.T. Refund 166.29 6,773.16 Total Receipts 10,770.52

Payments 2,874.00 Salary (Clerk) 2,931.50 0.00 National Insurance (Employer) 0.00 200.00 Allowances (Clerk) 200.00 T 78.24 Administration 98.78 0.00 Member Allowances 0.00 0.00 Audit Fees (internal & external) 0.00 296.94 Insurance 296.94 45.00 Donations - Sect. 137 77.97 71.00 Website 60.00 217.75 Subscriptions / Affiliation Fees 222.40 170.00 Room Hire 180.00 0.00 Training 0.00 0.00 Professional Services F0.00 332.50 Assets - Purchase 154.28 313.95 Assets - Maintenance 0.00 790.80 Contingency 0.00 166.29 V.A.T. 39.59 5,556.47 Total Payments 4,261.46 ------7,937.26 Balance B/Fwd. 01/04/18 9,153.95 6,773.16 Add Total Receipts 10,770.52 -5,556.47 Less Total Payments -4,261.46 9,153.95 Balance C/Fwd. 31/03/19 A 15,663.01

Analysis of Cumulative Funds

3,414.51 NatWest Business Reserve Account 3,418.74 5,739.44 NatWest Bank Current Account 12,244.27 9,153.95 Total 15,663.01

Above Funds held for the following purposes:-

8,153.95 General Funds 12,545.01 1,000.00 EarmarkedR Reserves 3,118.00 0.00 Capital Reserves 0.00 9,153.95 15,663.01

The above Statement represents fairly the financial position of the Lower Withington Parish Council as at 31st March, 2019 and reflects its receipts and payments during the year.

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LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL SUPPORTING NOTES 2018/19 Assets During the year the following assets were purchased at the cost shown:- 25/06/18 Parish Boundary Signs (2) £154.28

During the year the following assets were disposed of for the amount shown:- None.

At the 31st March, 2019 the following assets were held:-

Notice Boards (3) 1,000.00 Village Nameplate Signs (2) 107.44 Speed Indicator Device (SID) (2) 4,035.00 Defibrillator (1) 1,378.00 Plaque - Defibrillator (1) 52.64 Owl Tree Carving 600.00 Laptop Computer 332.50 Parish Boundary Signs (2) 154.28 T £7,659.86

Leases At the year end the following leases were in operation:- None.

Borrowings As at close of business on 31st March, 2019 the following loans to the Council were outstanding:- None. Debts F At the year end debts of £39.59 (VAT reclaim) were outstanding and due to the Council.

Capital Reserves None.

Earmarked Reserves Democratic Services Fund £1,000.00 Transparency Code Grant £118.00 Village Green Pathway Fund £2,000.00 £3,118.00

Tenancies During the year the following tenancies were held:-ANone. Section 137 Payments The limit for spending under Sect. 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 for this Council in the year of account was £3,529.14 and payments made were:-

Payee Nature of Payment Amount Lower Withington Parish Hall Donation £77.97 c/o J. Blackburn

Agency Work During the year the Council undertook the following agency work on behalf of other local authorities:- RNone. Advertising and Publicity The following costs for advertising and publicity were incurred during the year:- None.

Contingent Liabilities None.

Pensions For the year of account the Council made no contribution to staff pensions.

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Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC) • ChALC Weekly Bulletin - 21, 28 March 2019; 4, 11, 18, 25 April 2019. • ChALC Employment / Recruitment Manual.

Cheshire East Council • Traffic Management LAP Reports - 14, 21, 28 March 2019; 11, 18, 25 April 2019. • Advice re: Purdah period. • Update re: Submitting election nomination papers. • Mayor’s fundraising event - The Clink Restaurant at HMP Styal - 18th May 2019. • Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May, 2019).

Cheshire East Council - Temporary Road Closures / Restrictions - • Jordangate, (For its full extent); Chestergate, Macclesfield (From its junction with Churchill Way to its junction with Market Place); Market Place, Macclesfield (For its full extent); Mill Street, Macclesfield (From its junction with Market Place to its junction with Queen Victoria Street) - 05/04/19. T • Jordangate, Macclesfield (For its full extent); Chestergate, Macclesfield (From its junction with Churchill Way to its junction with Market Place); Market Place, Macclesfield (For its full extent); Mill Street, Macclesfield (From its junction with Market Place to its junction with Queen Victoria Street) - 07/06/19. • Chestergate, Macclesfield (From its junction with Churchill Way to its junction with Market Place); Market Place, Macclesfield (For its full extent); Mill Street, Macclesfield (From its junction with Market Place to its junction with Queen Victoria Street) - 08/06/19. • Andertons Lane, Henbury from the junction with Whirley Lane to outside Henbury Place - 25/06/19. • Holehouse Lane, Adlington from outside Whiteley Green Farm to outside Honeysuckle Cottage - 04/07/19. • Springbank Lane, Adlington - 12/07/19 - 16/08/19. • Pool Street & Waller Street, Macclesfield for their full extent - 29/03/19. F • Rough Heys Lane, Henbury - 20/05/19 - 18/06/19. • Market Place, Maccclesfield (Pedestrian Area); Chestergate, Macclesfield (from junction with Churchill Way to junction with Market Place); Mill Street (for its full extent); Duke Street, Macclesfield (for its full extent); Park Green, Macclesfield (for its full extent); Queen Victoria Street, Macclesfield (from junction with Mill Street to outside Macclesfield Bus Station) - 29/06/19. • Leek Old Road, Sutton from the junction with Robin Lane to the junction with Radcliffe Road - 22/04/19 - 05/06/19. • Chestergate, Macclesfield (From its junction with Churchill Way to its junction with Market Place); Market Place, Macclesfield (For its full extent); Mill Street, Macclesfield (From its junction with Market Place to its junction with Queen Victoria Street) - 03/05/19. • B5090 Tytherington Lane, Macclesfield from the junction with Road to Tytherington Lane Roundabout - 03-05/04/19. A • Clarke Lane, from the junction with Oak Lane to outside Ryburn - 19/06/19. • Westminster Road, Macclesfield - 22/07/19 - 25/08/19. • Market Place, Macclesfield (from junction of Unicorn Gateway to junction with Brunswick Street), Brunswick Street, Macclesfield (from junction of Market Place to junction with Unicorn Gateway), Unicorn Gateway (from junction of Brunswick Street to junction with Market Place), Chestergate, Macclesfield (Pedestrian Area), Exchange Street, Macclesfield (Pedestrian Area) - 22/12/19. • Market Place, Macclesfield (from junction of Unicorn Gateway to junction with Brunswick Street), Brunswick Street, Macclesfield (from junction of Market Place to junction with Unicorn Gateway), Unicorn Gateway (from junction of Brunswick Street to junction with Market Place), Chestergate, Macclesfield (Pedestrian Area), Exchange Street, Macclesfield (Pedestrian Area) - 24/11/19. • A523, B5091 London Road, Prestbury from outside Burrswood to Prestbury FP34 - 23-24/04/19. • Woodford Lane, Mottram St. Andrew for Rits full extent - 23/04/19. • Calrofold Lane, from the junction with Cliffe Lane to outside Fold House - 25/04/19. • Wood Lane North, Adlington from the junction with Yew Tree Road to outside Wood Lane End Old Farm - 20/06/19. • Barnard Close, Macclesfield for its full extent - 12/04/19. • A523, B5091 London Road, Prestbury from outside Burrswood to Prestbury FP34 - 23-27/04/19. • Hollinwood Road, - 10-28/06/19. • A523 The Silk Road, Bollington - 12-31/07/19. • High Street, Bollington from the junction with Palmerston Street to the junction with Water Street - 12/05/19.

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• Smithy Brow, Bollington (from the junction with Spuley Lane to the junction with Ingersley Road); Ingersley Road, Bollington (from the junction with Smithy Brow to the junction with Shrigley Road); Palmerston Street, Bollington (from the junction with Ingersley Road to the junction with Adlington Road); Wellington Road, Bollington (from the junction with Adlington Road to the junction with Albert Road); Henshall Road, Bollington (from the junction with Albert Road to the junction with Flash Lane); Bollington Road, Bollington (from the junction with Flash Lane to the junction with Clarke Lane) - 11/05/19. • Street Lane, Adlington for its full extent - 13-15/05/19.

Other Correspondence • HMRC - 18/03/19 - Payrolling expenses and benefits; 21/03/19 - Expenses and benefits; 25/03/19 - Advice for growing your business; 28/03/19 - Employer Bulletin 76; 29/03/19 - Getting payroll right; 04/04/19 - Brexit No Deal information; 05/04/19 - Delivering advice on maternity, paternity and statutory sick pay; 08/04/19 - Starting the new tax year; 11/04/19 - Employer Bulletin 77; 12/04/19 - Mobiles and automobiles; 15/04/19 - Payroll tasks, reports and payments; 23/04/19 - Are you prepared for 2019/20?; 25/04/19 - Problems with forms P11D and P60? • Manchester Airport - 22/03/19 - Community Newsletter; 25/03/19 - Outreach events. • Community & Voluntary Services - 15/03/19 - e-Bulletin; 27/03/19 - GRIPP Digital Seminar - Projects; 01/04/19 - e- Bulletin; 05/04/19 - Training e-Bulletin; 12/04/19 - e-Bulletin; 26/04/19 - e-Bulletin. • Information Commissioner’s Office - Newsletter - April 2019. • Town & Parish Council Websites - Newsletter - March 2019, April 2019. T • Keep Britain Tidy - Great British Spring Clean. • Cheshire & Growth Hub - Newsletter. • Terrain Safety - New Health & Safety Resource. • Came & Company - Notification of completion of acquisition of Stackhouse Poland by Gallagher. • Terrain Safety - Health & Safety Updates. • Borough Councillor L. Smetham - Media Release: Cheshire East invites public to comment on HS2 consultation. • Former resident's family - Request for help to locate image of Old Withington Hall. • Bluedot Festival - New music additions, day splits & day tickets incoming. • Bluedot Festival - Revealing new music additions, day tickets & day splits. • Borough Councillor L. Smetham - Road closures in Macclesfield for Armed Forces Day. F • Bluedot Festival - Day tickets now on sale. • Borough Councillor L. Smetham - Funding available for litter picking activities. • Borough Councillor L. Smetham - Funding available for Village Hall Improvements. • Bluedot Festival - Day tickets now on sale. • Borough Councillor L. Smetham - New UK report reveals Macclesfield’s growing vitality. • Bluedot Festival - Final chance to book flexible deposit tickets.


Cheshire East Application Location Proposed Development Council Reference Decision 18/3395M Four Oaks, Farm Lane, Lower Change of use to include use of the site for the (25/07/18) Withington. SK11 9DU holding of auctions (retrospective). 19/0231M Briarfield, Long Shoot Road, Single storey rear extension. (18/01/19) Lower Withington. SK11 9DX 19/0862M 8 South View, Salters Lane, Proposed single storey rear extension comprising 11/04/19 - (18/02/19) Lower Withington. SK11 9DZ of dining/breakfast room and bedroom. Approved with R Conditions. 19/1072M Land adjacent to Catchpenny Proposed construction of a ménage. (11/03/19) Lane Fishing Pool, Catchpenny Lane, Lower Withington. 19/1107M Lowndes Farm, Outbuilding 1, Variation of Condition 2 on 17/4094M - 18/04/19 - (20/03/19) Messuage Lane, Lower Revisions to the approved scheme 16/0273M for Approved with Withington. SK11 9HT minor amendments to floor plans, building Conditions. elevations and site layout.

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Application Comments Location Proposed Development Reference Deadline 19/1811M Briarfield, Long Shoot Road, Proposed 2m high stone and block wall. 08/05/19 (12/04/18) Lower Withington. SK11 9DX 19/1851M Jodrell Bank Observatory, Application to improve safety of pedestrian and 30/05/19 (25/04/19) Macclesfield Road, Jodrell vehicular movement - Minor external alterations Bank. SK11 9DL as follows: New road markings - including zebra 19/1852M crossings, junctions and pedestrian walkways, (25/04/19) road and directional signage, new pathways, Listed reinstating existing tarmac paths, replacing Building existing guardrails at building entrances/exits and Consent increasing width of access road. T APPENDIX E OUTSTANDING HIGHWAY DEFECT SCHEDULE Date Location Issue Ref. No. Cheshire East Council Status Report 12/05/14 Opposite Ivy Farm, Damaged Cheshire 2524740 26/11/18 - This has been identified for Salters Lane. Railings. repair, unfortunately due to a small amount allocated to fencing/ walling within the business plan, this years budget has been taken up with higherF priority/risk locations. 31/01/18 Catchpenny Lane near to Flooding. 3314497 25/03/19 - This is a proposed location for driveway to Smiths Green level 2 drainage improvements. Once the Farm. 2019/20 budget has been allocated further information will be available as to whether the scheme will be added to the programme. 13/02/18 Holmes Chapel Road near Flooding. 3317196 25/03/19 - The gully machine was in Lower junction with Longshoot Withington a few weeks ago carrying out Road. routine emptying. Any issues regarding 19/02/18 Opposite Highway Garage Blocked gullies. 3318499 blockages or restrictions will be recorded and outside The Beeches, and actioned as part of this process. Holmes Chapel Road. A 26/11/18 Holmes Chapel Road at One chevron knocked 3343241 25/03/19 - The work should take place junction with Bomish down and one chevron withing the first few weeks of the 2019/20 Lane. turned around. financial year. 26/11/18 Trap Street outside Several depressions in 3343243 25/03/19 - The depressions are being Welltrough Hall Farm. highway. monitored through routine safety inspections, an issue may have been flagged up from routine gully emptying and a check will be made to see if a dig up repair is required. 30/04/19 Holmes Chapel Road at Chevron post snapped 3359333 junction with Bomish off. Lane. R APPENDIX F PARISH HIGHWAY INCIDENT LOG Date Location Details January 2013 Village Green Car on Village Green January 2013 Outside Daisy Bank Farm (A535) Car accident January 2013 Outside Dingle Bank Farm Car accident February 2013 Jodrell Bank Poultry Farm Car through fence

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Date Location Details March 2013 Trap Street Serious accident - car hit telegraph pole, driver cut free 07/05/2013 Between Windy Arbour and Hodge Lane corner Accident June 2013 Rose Cottage, Trap Street Car through hedge End June 2013 Longshoot Lane Vehicle accident - skid marks and damaged tree observed July 2013 Ivy Farm Barn Car through hedge August 2013 Trap Street at junction with Welltrough Car and coach in collision September 2013 Holmes Chapel Road Wagon left the road 13/02/2014 Junction of Farm Lane and A535 Two car collision - one driver fatally injured May 2014 Opposite Withington Hall (A535) Collision of two 4x4 vehicles May 2014 Opposite Ivy Farm, Salters Lane Vehicle collision July 2014 At junction of Salters Lane and Dicklow Cob Vehicle collision September 2014 Hodgehill corner Police involved November 2014 Dairy Farm, Trap Street Car left the road and cleared fence landing in field January 2015 Bend at Bomish Lane Four accidents on Holmes Chapel Road January 2016 Near junction of Catchpenny Lane with A535 Two car collision January 2016 Bend at Bomish Lane Collision - chevron sign knocked down February 2016 At entrance to Lower Withington Parish Hall Vehicle collision - damage to highway signage March 2016 Salters Lane (B5392) on sharp bend near Mill House Vehicle in the hedge T Farm May 2016 Village Green, opposite Chapel Vehicle left highway into Village Green trees July 2016 Holmes Chapel Road Vehicle collision (minor injuries) September 2016 Holmes Chapel Road One vehicle collision (no injuries) October 2016 Salters Lane Vehicle left road due to mud on road November 2016 Salters Lane Vehicle left road into a field December 2016 Salters Lane Vehicle left highway onto Village Green January 2017 Holmes Chapel Road (towards Chelford) Vehicle collision with animals (Vehicle smashed) May 2017 Holmes Chapel Road (near Daisy Bank Farm) Vehicle left road into hedge September 2017 Holmes Chapel Road (near Daisy Bank Farm) Vehicle collision with stationery vehicle 07/01/2017 Salters Lane One vehicle collision withF fence January 2018 Holmes Chapel Road (near Bomish Lane) Collision resulting in chevron sign being knocked down February 2018 Holmes Chapel Road (near Highway Garage) Vehicle skidded due to flooding and ice on road. 26/05/18 Bomish Lane Collision involving cyclist and vehicle. June 2018 Farm Lane Collision requiring Air Ambulance attendance. 05/07/18 Salters Lane Fatal collision between motorcycle and car. 29/12/18 Holmes Chapel Road Collision - vehicle collided with tree. January 2019 Holmes Chapel Road Collision resulting in chevron sign being knocked down. February 2019 Holmes Chapel Road (near Bomish Lane) AVehicle left highway. R

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