September 5, 2017 Small-Cap Research M. Marin 312-265-9211
[email protected] 10 S. Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606 Legacy Education (LEAI-OTC) Alliance, Inc. LEAI: Zacks Company Report OUTLOOK Reflecting the company s growth-oriented Legacy Education Alliance is a global measures, Legacy s total cash sales educational training company that has advanced 16.4% year-over-year in the first implemented several growth initiatives, half of 2017 to $51.2 million. The company including international expansion and expects to achieve continued growth and increased focus on enhancing its online margin expansion through product mix shifts, delivery of courses. as it expands its online course delivery and evaluates opportunities to expand its course offerings, brand development and price level improvements, as well as potential new $0.40 Current Price (09/5/17) business opportunities in related areas, either Valuation $0.50 through organic development or acquisition. SUMMARY DATA 52-Week High $0.48 Risk Level High 52-Week Low $0.14 Type of Stock N/A One-Year Return (%) 66.67 Industry Business Services Beta N/A Zacks Rank in Industry N/A Average Daily Volume (sh) 24,524 ZACKS ESTIMATES Shares Outstanding (mil) 23 Market Capitalization ($mil) $9 Revenue (in millions of $) Short Interest Ratio (days) N/A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Institutional Ownership (%) -- Insider Ownership (%) 26 (Mar) (Jun) (Sep) (Dec) (Dec) 2015 22 A 23 A 22 A 20 A 87 A Annual Cash Dividend $0.00 2016 23 A 23 A 22 A 21 A 89 A Dividend Yield (%) 0.00 2017 23 A 25 A 24 E 22 E 93 E 2018 96 E 5-Yr.