National Trust of Australia (WA) Annual Report to the State Parliament 2005 - 2006 Our Vision The National Trust of Australia (WA) will be the pre-eminent independent community body promoting the conservation and interpretation of Western Australia’s unique heritage and educating the community about the use of cultural heritage (built, natural and Indigenous) for the long- term social, economic and environmental benefit of the community. Our Mission The National Trust of Australia (WA) conserves and interprets Western Australia’s heritage. Council and office bearers Chairman: Prof David Dolan Deputy Chair: Mr Nicholas Wells President: A/Prof Jenny Gregory Vice President: Dr Rosalind Lawe Davies Mr Gregory Boyle Secretary/Treasurer: Mr Paul Setchell OAM Images of office bearers at right (in order of office) Elected Councillors: Mr Andrew Chuk Mrs Peggy Clarke Ms Helen Cogan Ms Diana Russell Coote Hon Julian Grill Mr Michal Lewis AM Dr Barrie Melotte Mr Aidan Montague Appointed Councillors: Mrs Alice Adamson Mr Frank Alban Prof Ross Dowling Dr Lenore Layman Dr Jamie O’Shea A/Prof John Stephens Mr Christopher Vernon Patron: His Excellency Dr Ken Michael AC Governor of Western Australia Registered Office: The Old Observatory 4 Havelock Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 Ph: 08 9321 6088 Fax: 08 9324 1571
[email protected] Bankers: BankWest Internal Auditors: Stanton Partners Auditors: Office of the Auditor General Solicitors: Jackson McDonald Insurers: Riskcover Introduction The Council and Executive Committee of The National Trust of Australia (WA) (the National Trust) have continued to function well, addressing the challenges of providing sound policy and direction in a changing and complex environment.