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[email protected],uk l-;_'="%"'~'_ '~~. o;~"".., Compass Point & Sitva - Sponsors 01 the GSR & Irish Orienteering Squads ;.::. ~ ~A .. r.... ~"'! Importer and Distributor of Silva Orienteering Equipment 7;{e tJ-:«,(~ . (!tka: The Irish Orienteer is cc available from all Irish LU IRISh ~~~~~~gp~~~~~'~ ::J orienteering clubs or by t;he oraencecc I- !3 fl ~ !3 &i ;; l!l &l !:l t::: &l '<t,~ :Ja. ...._ ~0 direct subscription from the c::/frt th£ cNeW5. that '3ih, c'WerP.int ffi '" "'011011011'" &lw a. ~ I"- Editor: [ohn MeCullough, 9 G~5151 ffi ci 8 No.