Title: The influence of ocean variations on the of

Author(s): G.D. McCarthy¹, E. Gleeson² and S. Walsh²

1National Oceanography Centre, Southampton 2Met Éireann, Glasnevin Hill, , Ireland

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Citation: McCarthy, G. Gleeson, E., Walsh, S., 2015. The influence of ocean variations on the . Weather, 70(8), pp.242–245. DOI: 10.1002/wea.2543

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The influence of ocean variations on the climate of Ireland

G. D. McCarthy,1 E. Gleeson2 and S. Walsh2 1National Oceanography Centre, Southampton 2Met Éireann, Dublin 9, Ireland


Weather – August 2015, Vol. 70, No. 8 70, No. Vol. – August 2015, Weather That the temperature of small islands downwind of large oceans reflects that of the neighbouring ocean is a basic princi- ple of a maritime climate. Such is the case with Ireland, where prevailing southwest- erly winds bring warm, moist air onshore in winter, maintaining the relatively mild climate there. The climate of Ireland – and indeed northwestern Europe in general – is sometimes contrasted with locations on the other side of the Atlantic. St John’s in Newfoundland is at a similar latitude, but average wintertime (annual) temperatures are over 9 degC (5 degC) lower than those of Dublin in Ireland (Figure 1). However, this comparison is not valid when discussing the impact of the ocean on the climate of Ireland. Newfoundland, although an island subject to maritime influences, does not have a maritime climate. In winter, Newfoundland is subject to prevailing winds arriving over the frigid North American continent (with the only maritime influence coming from the cold Labrador Current flowing offshore). It is more valid to contrast a maritime climate such as with that of Dublin. Seattle is located a similar distance from the Pacific as Dublin is to the Atlantic, yet mean winter (annual) temperatures are 4.3 degC (1.5 degC) lower than those of Dublin, in Figure 1. (a) Annual mean surface air temperatures (°C), from the NCEP reanalysis (Kalnay et al., spite of Seattle being 6° of latitude closer to 1996), 1948–2013. The 10°C contour borders the maritime of Dublin and Seattle in spite the equator (Figure 1). This remaining tem- of Dublin being 6° farther north. By contrast St. John’s is 5 degC cooler than Seattle in spite of perature differential is generally ascribed to having practically identical latitudes. (b) The pattern is even more pronounced in winter (Dec–Feb) larger ocean heat transport in the Atlantic when the 5°C isotherm is south of Seattle, whereas the 5°C isotherm is closer to Iceland than than in the Pacific. Originally, as popularised Ireland during the same period. by Maury (1855), the picture was of the Gulf Stream carrying warm water in the direc- tion of northwestern Europe. The nomen- However, the idea of an ocean current latitude, a relatively constant Gulf Stream clature of Maury (1855) has been updated transporting warm water in this manner in the Florida Straits carries 32Sv (1Sv = to more accurately describe the current as is an overly simplistic way of considering 106m3s−1) of warm, shallow (<1000m) water the North Atlantic Current (Sweeney, 2014), ocean heat transport. A true heat transport northwards. Just over half of this (18Sv) which describes the continuation of the Gulf requires zero mass transport (Montgomery, is recirculated southwards in the almost Stream on leaving the coast of the United 1974). This framework can be pictured by equally warm, shallow waters of the sub- 242 States at Cape Hatteras. considering the latitude of 26°N. At this tropical gyre, the rest returning in the cold, deep waters of the Atlantic overturning cir- transport (Sinha et al., 2012). Nonetheless, (McCarthy et al., 2015a). Observational sup- culation, primarily as North Atlantic Deep ocean heat transport does play an impor- port for ocean control of the AMO had Water formed in the Nordic and Labrador tant role in the maintenance of a relatively previously been found indirectly in air-sea Seas. If all the Gulf Stream waters were recir- mild climate in northwestern Europe. fluxes (Gulev et al., 2013). culated in the gyre, then little heat would A simple thought experiment to con- be transported northwards. Therefore, the sider the influence of ocean heat transport Interpretation of Irish climate majority (90%) of the 1.3PW (1PW = 1015W) on the climate of northwestern Europe is records in the context of a of heat transport at 26°N is carried in the to ask: what happens when it is turned Climate of Ireland overturning circulation (Johns et al., 2011; off? Studies have shown that a collapsed dynamic ocean McCarthy et al., 2015b). While the proportion overturning circulation would reduce the Here, we emphasise the role of ocean circu- of heat transported in the overturning cir- temperature over the North Atlantic by, in lation on the climate of Ireland by focusing culation changes moving northwards, with one example, 6 degC (Rahmstorf, 2002). on the impact of these ocean circulation more heat carried in the horizontal circula- Evidence for shutdowns in the overturn- driven multidecadal oscillations. We focus tion (Grist et al., 2010), the key idea is not just ing circulation has been found in ice core on the analysis of the annual mean tem- where warm water is going but also where records (Dansgaard et al., 1993), but similar perature of Ireland based on five long-term Weather – August 2015, Vol. 70, No. 8 cooler water is returning. Most of the 1.3PW evidence is not present in the contempo- stations since the beginning of the twenti- transported by the ocean at 26°N is released rary instrumental record. Shutdowns are eth century (Figure 2(a), Dwyer, 2012). This to the atmosphere over the North Atlantic thought to be highly unlikely (<5% prob- station-based record shows good agree- such that only 0.3PW of heat is transported ability) in the present day, according to the ment with the NCEP surface air tempera- by the ocean across the Greenland-Scotland latest Intergovernmental Panel for Climate ture but is an independent record when ridge (Østerhus et al., 2005). It is this heat, Change report (Stocker et al., 2013). What comparing with SST (SST data are consid- released by the Atlantic over the mid- to does exist in contemporary temperature ered in the NCEP reanalysis (Kalnay et al., high-latitudes, that is the key to the main- records is evidence of significant multi- 1996)). The temperatures show an overall tenance of warmer temperatures in Dublin decadal variability, dating back to the late upward trend in line with global warming. than in Seattle. nineteenth century. However, significant multi-decadal variabil- But even this framework has been chal- A prominent mode of multi-decadal varia- ity is evident in the 20-year running average. lenged. Seager et al. (2002) (and a number bility is the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation A significant feature is the cooling of 0.1 of popular publications, e.g. Seager (2006)) (AMO), which consists of spatially coherent degC/decade that occurred from the mid- challenged the view that ocean heat trans- changes in North Atlantic sea-surface tem- 1940s to the mid-1970s. This feature is more port was important to the maintenance of perature (SST) with a peak-to-trough ampli- pronounced in Irish temperatures than it is the relatively mild northwestern European tude of 0.5 degC and with a timescale of in the global temperature record (McElwain temperatures. They claimed that atmos- around 60 years for the twentieth century, and Sweeney, 2003, their Fig. 2). This cooling pheric patterns of prevailing winds induced though the record is too short to know if occurred quickly. To contrast, the cooling in by orographic forcing from the Rocky 60 years is a fundamental mode. The AMO Irish temperatures during these three dec- Mountains leading to the prevailing south- used in this study (http://www.esrl.noaa. ades is almost twice as large as the mean westerlies in Ireland render the importance gov/psd/data/timeseries/AMO/) is calcu- global surface temperature increase of 0.6 of ocean heat transport in the maintenance lated by averaging the SSTs over the whole degC/century (Stocker et al., 2013) since the of mild temperatures negligible. They sug- North Atlantic and removing a linear trend. late nineteenth century (although warming gest that the ocean’s role could be repro- It is sometimes taken that the linear trend in recent decades is larger than this cen- duced by a static slab ocean, which merely removed is representative of forced variabil- tury-length estimate). Figure 2(b) shows the acted as a seasonal heat storage device, ity, especially anthropogenic warming, and linearly detrended Irish temperature record storing summer heat and releasing it in win- that the AMO is solely an internal oscilla- with the AMO overlaid. Practically all of the ter. Unsurprisingly, the Seager et al. (2002) tion. However, removing a linear trend does multi-decadal variability in Irish tempera- paper provoked some reaction in defence not necessarily remove the forced variabil- ture is captured in the AMO. The 20-year of the importance of the ocean circulation ity, even when it is known a priori (Mann filtered time series have a correlation of 0.9. and ocean heat transport in the climate sys- et al., 2014). Nonetheless, an accepted Using a long filter length limits the degrees tem. Rhines et al. (2008), for one, maintained AMO index that represents solely internal of freedom, and the real degrees of free- the importance of ocean heat transport and variability does not yet exist, so we use dom could be even less than that set by emphasised a key missing element of the the standard, linearly-detrended AMO for the filter length, so, to determine the signifi- work of Seager et al. (2002): the crucial role this study. Positive periods of the AMO are cance of this correlation, we use scrambled of latent heat fluxes and moisture transfer associated with warm SSTs such as occurred tests (Ebisuzaki (1997)), which estimate the between the atmosphere and the ocean (i.e. during the 1940s and the 1990s. Negative significance level as 93%. The high degree that it not only mattered that the ocean periods are associated with cold SSTs such of correlation in itself is not surprising: as was warm but also that it was wet). Also, as occurred during the 1970s. Recently, it we stated, the temperature of small islands surface conditions in the Atlantic – in par- has been suggested that we are entering downwind of large oceans reflects that of ticular sea-surface temperature gradient set a negative AMO phase again (Klower et al., those oceans. The influence of the AMO by the location of ocean current – also influ- 2014). Fluctuations in North Atlantic heat on decadal temperature fluctuations in the ence the prevailing atmospheric circulation transport are commonly found to be the whole northern hemisphere has been high- (Brayshaw et al., 2011). In a coupled system, cause of these SST oscillations in numeri- lighted previously (Muller et al., 2013), but like the atmosphere-ocean, it is not possible cal models (Schmith et al., 2014). Direct the degree of similarity in the Irish record to entirely separate the effects of orographi- observations of ocean heat transport of is striking. An immediate conclusion is that cally forced winds from the role of ocean sufficient length to support the ocean con- fluctuations in the circulation of the Atlantic heat transport. The wind pattern induced trol of the AMO do not exist. Recently, new are the likely cause of the cooling from by the Rocky Mountains is undoubtedly analysis of tide gauge data used as a proxy the 1940s to the 1970s. Once these ocean important for Europe’s mild climate. Indeed, for ocean circulation has provided the first oscillations are accounted for and removed the pattern of winds may even be impor- observational support for the role of ocean (Figure 2(c)), a rise in temperatures since the tant in maintaining vigorous Atlantic heat circulation in this multi-decadal oscillation beginning of the record is more evident. 243 11 1.5 11 (a) temp (b) temp anom (c) temp − amo temp (20year) temp anom (20year) temp (20year)−amo 1 AMO (20 year) 0.5°C/century 10.5 10.5

0.5 10 10


Temp °C 9.5 9.5 −0.5

9 9 −1 Climate of Ireland Climate

8.5 −1.5 8.5 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Figure 2. (a) Annual (blue) and 20-year low-pass filtered (red) Irish land temperatures. (b) Detrended annual (blue), 20-year low-pass filtered (red) Irish land temperature anomalies (relative to the full period) and the AMO based on the Kaplan SST dataset (green). (c) Annual (blue) and 20-year low- pass filtered (red) Irish land temperatures with the AMO subtracted and a linear trend fitted to these data (red, dashed).

The 0.5 degC/century warming signal that largest changes in SST overlie this intergyre remains following the removal of the AMO region, as the patterns of circulation in this is consistent with the global warming signal region have been linked to changes in the reported by Stocker et al. (2013) including a AMO (McCarthy et al., 2015a). Indeed, the suggestion of increased warming in recent region around 45°N, 45°W is just upwind Weather – August 2015, Vol. 70, No. 8 70, No. Vol. – August 2015, Weather decades. of the so-called ‘warming hole’ in surface Further support for the dynamic ocean’s air temperatures that has been linked to a 0

role in the multi-decadal variability in the declining Atlantic overturning circulation 200 AMO(° C) temperature of Ireland can be found in ana- (Drijfhout et al., 2012). lysing the pattern of the SST changes dur- The ocean circulation not only affects ing the warm (1935–1948, Figure 3(a)) and temperature but also the pat- Rainfall Jun-Jul-Aug (mm) the cool (1971–1984, Figure 3(b)) periods of terns. Sutton and Dong (2012) have shown the AMO and the Irish temperature record. that summer precipitation patterns in north- Figure 3 includes contours of satellite western Europe are related to AMO induced 1940 1960 1980 2000 derived mean dynamic topography that can changes in atmospheric circulation with drier Figure 4. 20-year low-pass filtered Irish be interpreted as mean ocean circulation (wetter) summers being associated with a summertime (JJA) rainfall records from the streamlines (for the period 1993–present). negative (positive) AMO. This is certainly 1940s (grey, dashed) show a similar pattern of The intensified warming and cooling that consistent with long-term (1941–present) variability to the AMO (black). occurs near 45°N, 45°W overlies the zero rainfall records in Ireland (Figure 4, Dwyer, line of dynamic topography (i.e. approxi- 2012), though the relative brevity of these average precipitation for the Irish summer mately the mean path of the Gulf Stream precipitation records poses a problem when (June, July, August (JJA)) during the 1970s and its extension). This line also marks the drawing concrete conclusions. During the saw 183mm of rainfall in comparison with boundary between the subtropical gyre and cold phase of the AMO in the 1970s there 234mm for the 1940s and 236mm for the subpolar gyre. It is no coincidence that the was less summer precipitation in Ireland. The 2000s. While this is a relatively large percent- age change (the 1970s were 22% drier rela- tive to either the 1940s or 2000s), due to (a) (b) the highly variable nature of precipitation, 1

55 −0. 55 only the change between the 1970s and the 0.5 5 0.5 −0.5 −0. 2000s is significant at the 95% level. No such 0.4 0.4 50 50 relationship with the AMO exists with winter 0 0 0.3 −0.1 0.3 precipitation, which has been related to the 0.1 0.2 0. 0.2 45 45 1 winter North Atlantic Oscillation (Sweeney 0.1 0.1 et al., 2002). 40 0 40 0 0.5 0.5 −0.1 −0.1 35 1 35 1 Conclusions −0.2 −0.2 −0.3 −0.3 In this paper, we have analysed long climate 30 30 records from Ireland to assess the role of −0.4 −0.4 the ocean circulation on long-term trends −0.5 −0.5 25 25 in temperature and precipitation. Ireland is

−80 −60 −40 −20 −80 −60 −40 −20 particularly influenced by the ocean as it is Figure 3. SST anomalies (HadISST dataset, Rayner et al., 2003) from (a) 1935–1948 and (b) a small land mass bordering a large ocean. 1971–1984, relative to 1900–2010. Contours of mean dynamic topography in metres (1993–2004) How the ocean influences the climate is are overlaid in black and can be interpreted as mean streamlines. Anti-cyclonic (negative) contours perhaps a more subtle question than what describe the subtropical circulation and cyclonic (positive) contours describe subpolar circulation. is held in the popular conscience. Original The zero contour nominally depicts the mean path of the Gulf Stream and its extension. The concepts of an ocean river of warm water intensified warming/cooling around 45°N, 45°W occurs close to the warming ‘hole’ of Drijfhout flowing towards Ireland have been replaced et al. (2012). with the ideas of ocean heat transport, car- 244 ried primarily in the Atlantic overturning slowdown and acceleration. Science 345: salt fluxes from the Atlantic to the Arctic circulation, converging and diverging to 897–903. Mediterranean. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32: release greater or lesser amounts of heat to L07603. Dansgaard W, Johnsen S, Clausen H the atmosphere. Even this picture has been et al. 1993. Evidence for general instabil- Rahmstorf S. 2002. Ocean circulation and challenged, with some suggesting that the ity of past climate from a 250-kyr ice-core climate during the past 120,000 years. patterns of prevailing winds largely induced record. Nature 364: 218–220. Nature 419: 207–214. by the Rocky Mountains are more impor- Drijfhout S, Oldenborgh GJV, Rayner N, Parker DE, Horton E et al. tant than ocean heat transport. We sidestep Cimatoribus A. 2012. Is a decline of 2003. Global analyses of sea surface Climate of Ireland AMOC causing the warming hole above temperature, sea ice, and night this debate by focusing on the influence of marine air temperature since the late multi-decadal variability on the climate of the North Atlantic in observed and modeled warming patterns? J. Clim. 25: nineteenth century. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. Ireland – as important as the Rockies may be, 8373–8379. (1984–2012) 108: 1–25. they cannot contribute to multi-decadal var- Dwyer N. 2012. The Status of Irela nd’s Rhines P, Hakkinen S, Josey SA. 2008. iability. Through its influence on SSTs, ocean Climate. Environmental Protection Agency, Is the Oceanic heat transport significant circulation has a major influence on the Johnstown Castle, Co.: Wexford, Ireland. in the climate system? in Arctic-Subarctic

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