Adams, Campbell Featured in Campus Musical Show

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Adams, Campbell Featured in Campus Musical Show teut Senate a~d c1ns8 Applhmlion8 for Sludent R~b~1QII¥ ,q]Qctlon8 • • Senate Stuff (toaliion• uvuilnhlc in Sonnte office. .... n'~ ..O' ,"~ a.s p.m. ' "'(\ ( ~ ()ncl flool', W 6t'field Hull. Oldesttaml College NeWllpaper In the United Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Tuesday, April , 13, 1965 T elephone 523-2161- Ext, 370, 713 reeks Set Theme Waeting List Grows Longer; ~ 'Athenian Antics" Activities ~f Greek Week's /lAthenian Antics" will follow Men Turn to .. Uptown Housing U t ra ditio~al pattern' this y ear, beglnnln'g with the ZTA Song ' Fest on Monday and conduding with the IFC Ball the followin g Off-Campus Residents Saturday, , The Song Fest is to be held this year in the Towers Room Must Register Last of the University Center at 7: 30 By DAVE SINK p,m. Bob , Brandenburg, B-3, '8t1l(10Ilt' I~ dltlll' will be Master of Ceremonies, Applications for uprerclass university housing have Winners of the first three places m~n' s now reaehe d 868, of whIch the last 128 to register have been will be announ'ced at the con- placed on a waiting list, clusion of the evening, ' Al so at 7:30 that evening , the With the conversion of Swing ba ck to a women's hall, ,640 Phi Delta Theta swim meo t pl'O­ ?ed~ are left in McFarl ~ nd, Hepburn and Brandon after grant­ IImlnal'ios will be tuking place at m-uld athletes have received housing, 13ll1lngs Natatorium, "We have accepted 740 room applications," said Assistant At the Chi Omega suite on 'fllcs­ Dean of Men H, H, Stephenson,. day, their Bl'ldgo '1'oUl'nnm ont will "because we expect at least 100 took t ime to explain thoroughly to pit two members of each pfII'lI cl­ cancellations between now a nd incom ing stud ents lind their par­ pl\tlng fraternity und sOl'ol'l ty September," ents Ilt .summCl' I'og istration that ucross the tubles, hl)using is not guoranteed to any '.I'UESDAY EVI£NING, the beauty In a circular issued by Dean nl"l1 after his fl'cshman year," thl~ yoar'lI Greek Week Committee I1fe (\ to 1') f1r~l conteRt In Honton Auditorilim will Stephe n'son Is offJce, those on ohooso tho WOnlUIl who will "clgn Bo/l Grafo, Lln4a Franz, Bob Peiffer, Chot'lone EVRIIS. and the wditinR list were wurneq ovm' the I'eat of Greok Wook U~ dine 8cllwalJle: second row: SushI 81111118011, Suo Diggs, Jm!y that t11l'.t. office could give no as­ Queen, surance thot t hey would be hou scd Lecture Given AI~D Dadd, and Johh DurnHi third rowi Ned EllohCll', . On Wedn p.sday, ApI'1I 21, u11 lR in u Univel'Hity residenCe! hl1 l1 In Gordon,, Dan Drake, Jill SwanYon, and John Bul'l\s . MllIml sororities will be co mpot­ SeptembOl', It furt.h er suggested By Economist - Photo by 1{I'unhl in g In tho Deltn Chi 'fl'!c,ve!e Rue!) BlU:ks to the Wall that they seck housing In off-c um- ny DAVE MOI,YNEAUX nt the MIIll111 Field [lurking lot, As the Friduy sun hOgIJI R to down, Mlko Hodges the night Ilomlled outside werll gunrnntccd n pus housing, Wom en will druw lots to dotel'mlne /\uthol' and economist Robert L. (stulHt'lng, 1I ~ 1't) nUlllltlvI~ly gllal'Us hlH Ilrl~clnu s Illnce to sleep Indoors lIext fnll, many late I'lsers AssIstnnt nelln of Men, Lee Hcilbronm' will spellk on tho the ordm' of ellm Inutlon rHe es to 'wlll'e 1I0t so forluJlnte,-I'hoto by Sugal'man Duffus, sn id th nt hi s office is iRR U- be run, IlfIsiUolI of th'st Sllot III the Wl\rl'leld IInll housing "Business Syslem in a Changing -Photo by SugarmAn ing listings of 1'00 111 S nnd npll l' t- Society," tomorrow at 7:30 p,m, In relitninaries Held 'rhe P hi Deltn Thetn Swimming IIllpllcation line. Although those willing to Hllem! _ _ _____ __________________. ments that twe uvailable in Oxford. Benton Auditorium, Mcet flnols will be held t.hl1t eve­ , , "Some men lIl'C becom in g dis- ning Ilt 8:00 p,m, in the'lum, Profcssor Hellbl'oner Is best know n fOl' two of his {our works, Class Of ficers ' 'fiIUItSIMY, AI'ltll, ~2 til e · ' if D h St t h cOlll'uged when lhcy get turned Slgl\lR Chis will defend th eil' chu1ll- In eo' IF' res »'H c down by I' oullol' s of III1'gC apal't- "The WOl'ldl ~ Philosophers" and By KATHY SIIEPARD , for vice-president of Siudent Sen- en "'eI es S L •• It • mont complex !lnd a"u not suuk- "The Making of ao Economic So­ 10nshil) u,t the Zeta Beta Tuu blllC lass officor hopefuls put ate. ' , ing rooms in some of the o\e\o l' cl dy," Thc lattcr, publlsheel in 1!1, race, held In Eusl Quad III ~ p,m , political futures on the Pl'imIlI'Y elections will be held Fot' the fil'st time, HI -speod blcyule B d S d · I B D homes in thc town," snid DOlin 52, Is 1\ study of the ri se and de­ preliminary contests to. Ilt the top of Slant Walle, 'rd­ will be permitted in the eompoll­ velopmcnt of the Market system, Delt Sun dlul , the IIbl'UI'y, the Hub, , eYf.!n , un la ~ awn DI:~~lsI~l uf thcsc c"~m p"ni cH pl' cfol' 1m IS CUltltENTI,Y a member ,Uon, Tho rac,o will run UlI "Je lups, Turfy's und in the Unlvea'sl'ly Con­ to rent to mlll'l'ied couples OJ' gl'll­ of the graduate faculty of the New those offices contested teI' Lobby from B to 5 p,m, Thursday night, Nina Simone nlld du ute st udents, so ['. re pulling Woody Herman will entertnln Ilt F l'csh!l1l1n l11un hudd lcd undcl' complexes hud closed the weell be- bacl< to the rack fa I' the ;'est, Schuol of Rescal'ch in New York, more than candidates Oil two FINAL M.ECTIONS will be held Greek We ek Jazz F (!stlva l, whIch blonllots j':lld sleeping bugs ulong fore and were hllVln g to tUl'1l away Icnowlng thl\t they had a place to undergrtlctuutes u wnitlng list of " A vory good lecturer," says theil' own," he udded, be voted 0{1. while those in lhe obove pillces In addiUoil lo begins at 8 p,m, in Withrow Court: the ea~'l sicl ewflll< of Wurfield Hall pct'spect!ve dwollers, Those left sleep Ilext yem', Dr, Dclbert SnideI' of the econo­ with QO'ly two candidates the east quad by the football field, Tickets fol' 'Ih c Fcstivul will in nn all-nlgnt vigil Frld uy mOI'I1~ were In the oldel' houses of the ---"""'----- TilE SHORTAGE OF men's hOlls­ mics depul'tment, "I have hellrd be by-pallsed UI1ti1 Mon­ lind between Brandon and McFar­ be <;In sale In advance for $1.75 ,l\lld ing, ill what waH dllHcl'lbcd by one lown und un iversity unnpPl'oved Ing results fL'Om a lack of Immedl­ him ,und he Is a vcry good speak- tlte fund s and an inability lo er," final election, lund Hull. ut the door fot' $2, Lllle pea's will us "II hell of II wuy to l'un u unl. hou sing, Two Students for Senior Class They will also be held from 5 to be available to women attending versily," MEANWIIILE. ENJOYING the stretch bonding issues fUl'ther lit Heilbronel' has been u lecturer this time fol' more University fit the N!ltioni'll Wa r College, on dent are Dave Bogen­ 7 p,m, In Hal'l'is DIning Hall, Scolt, the arfull', NU !llbcl' Hl2 In lino, Gcne Shul- £h'st place In line wns Mike HodgiOs, Richard and Hamilton residenoe Friday, April 23, will seo th c lIon , B-1, h8.d found I'C 8t In the !Inn B-1, who had takcn liP his wait at IIit By Hoods housing, the Economics Series of the Col­ Hank Hyatt and Ev Building 13 Is scheduled (01' com­ halls, 4:45 p,m, 'rhul'sduy, lege of the All' and at many other Lambda , Cpi ,t\IDPU CIUl.I'ir>t Ilace of the 'i'd-Dcll ~ undi ul Il nd wl\!l 'rW\l Unl,verait,x men were Ilttack­ pletion In September, 1966, but Utl­ univel'sity, business and labor , The for· nUl ' in ''fhe slctclluin, Alphu J)clt.u bl ~ td wt und IlIllbl;clln ovel' him He cJ'(I)lained thltt ' thI s' leept ' any­ t~o efJndldnt ~~ · S~uderit cd and beuten early lust Sunday less ,constl!uc tion i's started !;oem, gI' OLIPS, Ph[ ,are ,bhe defending chlllt1p- caught a few wlnll s bofore the doors one fl'OIll holding moro than Olle Senate will be presented to the morning on cumpus In what hns that residence hall will not be rcady HIS FIRST BOOl{, "The Making student body at 7:30 p,m, over Ions as euch £I'utemlty toum tries of the DOEi n of Housing's office tUl'lJ card to be Iltamped by the becn desorlbed a~ un "unprovoked for occupancy ut ,thah time, of an Economic Society," is used WMUB-TV and WMUB-F M, to dl'lIw its ch!ll'lot and femllie opened nt 7:30 II,m, Denn COl' l'oom p\l1 cemcnt.
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    IN F O R M A T IO N T O U S E R S This reproduction was made from a copy of a manuscript sent to us for publication and microfilming. While the most advanced technology has been used to pho­ tograph and reproduce this manuscript, the quality of the reproduction is heavily dependent upon the quality of the material submitted. Pages in any manuscript may have indistinct print. In all cases the best available copy has been filmed. The following explanation of techniques is provided to help clarify notations which may appear on this reproduction. 1. Manuscripts may not always be complete. When it is not possible to obtain missing pages, a note appears to indicate this. 2. When copyrighted materials are removed from the manuscript, a note ap­ pears to indicate this. 3. Oversize materials (maps, drawings, and charts) are photographed by sec­ tioning the original, beginning at the upper left hand comer and continu­ ing from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps. Each oversize page is also filmed as one exposure and is available, for an additional charge, as a standard 35mm slide or in black and white paper format. * 4. Most photographs reproduce acceptably on positive microfilm or micro­ fiche but lack clarity on xerographic copies made from the microfilm. For an additional charge, all photographs are available in black and white standard 35m m slide format. * ♦For more information about black and white slides or enlarged paper reproductions, please contact the Dissertations Customer Services Department. T TA/f-T Dissertation vJ'lVll Information Service University Microfilms International A Bell & Howell Information Company 300 N.
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