The potential contribution of bioenergy to Scotland’s energy system ___________________________________________________ Report for ClimateXChange IQ11-2018 ED 11677 | Issue Number 5 | Date 27/02/2019 Ricardo Energy & Environment The potential contribution of bioenergy to Scotland’s energy system | i Customer: Contact: ClimateXChange Judith Bates Ricardo Energy & Environment Customer reference: Gemini Building, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0QR, United Kingdom IQ11-2018 Confidentiality, copyright & reproduction: t: +44 (0) 1235 75 3524 e:
[email protected] This report is the Copyright of ClimateXChange and has been prepared by Ricardo Energy & Environment, a trading name of Ricardo-AEA Ltd Ricardo is certificated to ISO9001, ISO14001 under contract “The potential contribution of and OHSAS18001 bioenergy to Scotland’s energy system” (IQ11- 2018) dated 26th June 2018. The contents of this Author: report may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, Bates, Judith nor passed to any organisation or person without the specific prior written permission of Approved By: ClimateXChange. Ricardo Energy & Environment accepts no liability whatsoever to Colin McNaught any third party for any loss or damage arising from any interpretation or use of the information Date: contained in this report, or reliance on any views expressed therein, other than the liability that is 27 February 2019 agreed in the said contract Ricardo Energy & Environment reference: Ref: ED11677- Issue Number 5 Ref: Ricardo/ED11677/Issue Number 5 Ricardo Energy & Environment The potential contribution of bioenergy to Scotland’s energy system | ii Executive summary The Scottish Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for a flourishing, competitive energy sector, delivering secure, affordable, clean energy for Scotland’s households, communities and businesses.