UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

Committee: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Topic B: Pharmaceutical water contamination Written by: Daniella de la Garza, Barbara Puente and Diego Morales

I. Committee Background

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), also known as UN Environment, was created to lead and embolden partnerships related to the environment by encouraging and advocating for its preservation. It was established on June 5th, 1972 during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the agency is currently lead by Joyce Msuya, Tanzanian microbiologist and environmental scientist (About UN Environment, UN Environment, 2019). The agency has helped draft various guidelines on air , the use of dangerous chemicals and water contamination. It also supports academic research related to the environment by funding studies and research (Sundholm, UN Youth Envoy, 2019. One the committee’s most significant achievements is the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which conducts studies that contribute to the work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the leading international treaty on climate change (UNFCCC, 2014). Currently, UNEP is focused on the reduction of climate change, pollution, natural disasters, exposure to deadly chemicals, as well as environmental governance, resource efficiency and

ecosystem management (About UN Environment, UN Environment, 2019).

II. Topic Information

A) History of the Topic

Pharmaceuticals are chemicals, both natural and synthetic, used in the creation of prescription medicines. These chemicals have caused concern around the world due to the way that they are being disposed of, creating what is known as “drug pollution or pharmaceutical water contamination” (Pharmaceutical Products, WHO, 2019). Though most of this discharge comes from poorly attended factories and those that create generic medicines, pharmaceuticals can also enter the environment through human consumption and excretion of drugs, improper disposal (down sinks and toilets) or emissions produced by manufacturers. These medicines are engineered with active ingredients that have the purpose of remaining unchanged, and persisting inside the body of either an animal or person. Unfortunately, the same strength that helps them survive inside an organization is also the strength that preserves them out of one, creating as a consequence the build-up of pharmaceuticals in the environment, mostly in waterways (Health Care Without Harm, 2015).

Although pharmaceutical residues have been found in water for more than forty years, research on how these affect our bodies as well as our overall society has just been emerging. That is why pharmaceutical water contamination is considered a new issue. Papers of analysis on the subject have increased in number significantly since 1996. Moreover, a notable improvement of analytical instruments, isolation procedures and abilities to detect pharmaceutical traces has taken place throughout the years. This has lead to further demonstrate the importance of the issue (NACWA, 2019). The limited occurrence data for such a diverse group of pharmaceuticals in water is a challenge in assessing potential risks to human health. Implementing monitoring programmes is currently not possible due to substantial costs, lack of human resources, infrastructure, and standardized sampling and analysis protocols to support monitoring studies (Information Sheet, WHO, 2019).

Pharmaceutical water contamination creates not only environmental problems but also social and economic ones. Behavioral alterations in animals have been observed, and the correct functioning of our ecosystem is at risk. An example is how steroids from human contraceptives that are found in water affect the fertility and development of fish, reptiles and aquatic invertebrates, this not only negatively affects sea life but also leads to possible economic issues such as lack of fish to sell in some countries that depend on these animals to have a stable economy (Ecosystems and

Human Well-Being, WHO, 2005). Significant consequences of pharmaceutical water contamination have not been yet observed, but scientists are convinced that if the problem is not solved soon, we could be at risk to suffer from a big crisis. Everything and everyone could be affected by this issue directly or indirectly. Water quality is not only supposed to be optimal for us to drink, but we also need it to produce crops, maintain our hygiene, and keep the cities clean. This issue has also increased antimicrobial resistance, which is the ability of a microbe to get no effect whatsoever over any . If this keeps growing, humans will become resistant to , making these medicines ineffective and unable to cure common diseases ( Resistance, WHO, 2018).

Research has been done for new technologies and removal methods for pharmaceutical compounds. However, there are no solutions for removing these contaminants yet; some of these methods are just beginning to develop. Moreover, the limited occurrence data of pharmaceuticals in water becomes a challenge when it comes to coming up with practical solutions. The high costs of implementing monitoring programmes make it currently not possible to be done, adding the lack of human resources, infrastructure and protocols to support the studies and recollection of data (Pharmaceuticals in Drinking-Water, WHO, 2011). In the intervening period in which more stable solutions are found, countries around the world have taken the initiative to

these chemicals. For instance, states in the European Union (EU) have included on their “watch list” the three following drugs: Diclofenac, Ethinyl Estradiol, and Estradiol, all of them part of the Top 10 drugs found in waterways since 2015 (Owens, The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2015). Additionally, the AESGP has created the Eco-Pharmaco- Stewardship, an environmental management programme. The EU has passed a new law which requires companies to conduct an assessment to eradicate the ecological risk this might potentially have. Countries such as Sweden now need doctors to prescribe the least damaging medicines available (EFPIA, 2015).

Corporations such as AstraZeneca have also created programs like ‘Ecopharmacovigilance’ with the purpose to track down the newest updates on the effects the drugs might have. Many countries have also donated money to an initiative in the EU who is looking to create new technology that screen the properties this chemicals have to help in the development of the latest drugs (Owens, The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2015). Concerned about this issue, the United Nations has created the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. This convention was adopted in 2001 by more than 170 countries and implemented in 2004. The conference requires all states to take different means to restrict and eliminate the production and selling of potentially hazardous chemicals (29 listed in the convention) for the environment. As part of the agreement, all chemicals and medicines added to Annex A of the list will be banned.

There have been several meetings after adopting the convention with the first being in 2005, where different and specific measures and procedures have been implemented depending on the separate Annex there are (Chem Safety Pro, 2019).

B) Current Issues

Australia: Australia suffers greatly from pharmaceutical water contamination. Researchers led by Erinn Richmond, a chemist from Australia’s Monash University, detected the traces of 69 different medicines in insects collected from six streams across Melbourne, Australia (Solly, Smithsonian, 2018). They say it is possible an even more significant number of drugs could be found in the water since the team only tested for the presence of 98 compounds. Moreover, invertebrates were not the only animals that were seen with the presence of pharmaceuticals in their systems. Larger animals that prey on these marine insects have also been found to be affected by the issue. Fish were estimated to ingest almost 30% of a human’s daily dose of medication regularly, while a platypus living in the most contaminated water will encounter exposure to 50% of an adult’s daily dose of (Smith, ABC News, 2018). The effects these could have on wildlife are not entirely known yet, but the research has shown that amphetamines and antidepressants could change the normal timing it takes for aquatic insects’ to become adults, while Valium, amphetamine, and LSD can make spiders’ web-weaving abilities less effective. Antidepressants have also been proved to leave shore crabs less

suspicious of predators and perch increasingly restless (Solly, Smithsonian, 2018).

Canada: According to Health Canada, traces of antibiotics, estrogen, antidepressants, and other compounds are being found in Canada's water system. The samples, taken across Ontario from sewage effluent, contained pharmaceutical compounds like ASA, antidepressants and blood-pressure medications; and chemicals from products such as cosmetics and shampoos, veterinary medicines, food additives, and genetically modified foods. A scientist from the government announced that even though there is still a lot to discover about the issue, there is evidence that there has been some damage to the environment. For example, according to the executive director of the National Water Research Institute in Burlington, Ont., estrogen is one of the critical components in birth- control pills, and the high levels of this compound found in freshwater have affected the ability of young salmon to adapt to salt water. Federal officials announced that they would develop a system to assess the potential effects these substances could have in the environment. Ottawa will also be taking action to regulate the disposal of chemicals and educate consumers on how to dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals and cosmetics (Laghi, The Globe, and Mail, 2018). Scientists and experts are also addressing the problem by coming up with solutions based on technology and innovation. For instance, Dr. Örmeci, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, and Dr. Lai, a professor of chemistry, are designing molecularly particles that absorb and remove compounds such

as hormone-disrupting medications from water, describing a removal rate of 95 to 97 percent. Furthermore, researchers at the University of Waterloo are developing titanium dioxide nanowire membranes that capture pollution from personal care products and pharmaceuticals during regular water treatment. This would generate ultraviolet or visual light, that can decompose medicine or other organic molecules (Water Canada, 2012).

India: As reported by IBEF, India is one of the most significant generic drugs creator globally. With a demand of almost 50 percent of their supplies, their production was valued in 2017 at 33 billion dollars, only in antibiotics (IBEF, 2019). Research showcased the number of medicines and pollution caused by the same in waterways has doubled itself, spreading to almost all rivers and streams in the country. India, along with China, is being affected by the inadequate disposal of these medicines. India's main issue is the untreated wastewater that then spreads into the soil and other waterways, creating like this what is known as superbugs. Studies found that superbugs, which can survive both air and water, are generated by the surviving antibiotics that create bacteria that are later released into waterways (Harvey, The Guardian, 2019). Research showed that India is home to 50 different species of them (Kurunthachalam, Hydrology: Current Research, 2012). If the numbers of bugs continue to increase, by 2050 the estimated death toll caused by related infections is up to 10 million people (Harvey, The Guardian, 2016). Other than superbugs, India’s other point of concern is contaminated drinking water.

Drinking water in India now has high concentrations of terbinafine, enoxacin, citalopram, in between others (Kurunthachalam, Hydrology: Current Research, 2012).

Mexico: A study conducted by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) found that both in the Lerma River and the Madín Dam, located in Atizapán de Zaragoza, residues of the most used drugs were found, such as diclofenac, paracetamol, naproxen, ibuprofen, metoprolol, and 17 beta-estradiol, among others. In the Lerma River, sewage from residential areas, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry come together. The pharmacovigilance team of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UAEM has been dedicated to conducting studies of the presence of drugs in wastewater from industry, hospitals and municipal effluents. These investigations carried out mainly in the species Cyprinus Carpio, the fish are known as carp, have shown that the residue of these drugs in water causes damage to the liver, brain, kidney, gills, and blood. The investigators mentioned that they even had to dilute the water to perform the studies, to prevent the organisms from dying (Novoa Luna, UAEM, 2015). The university specialists have also done studies on the chemicals separately and have found that they have very high toxic effects, but when these drugs are mixed, the results are further intensified, and the damage caused in fish and other possible organisms are multiple. Some of the losses are genotoxic damage, changes in DNA that cause mutations; cytotoxicity, which involves the early death of cells, and the teratogenesis that leads to affectations in the embryonic state.

Likewise, carcinogenesis and increased oxidative stress, which in humans is related to premature aging, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, which according to the World Health Organization are on the rise (León-Rivera et al., Journal of Natural Products, 2009).

Pakistan: Pakistan does not have enough resources to measure the levels of pharmaceutical contamination in water, but a significant consequence due to pharmaceutical contamination through other means has been recorded. Diclofenac, a common anti-inflammatory drug against arthritis, is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. Farmers began administering it to cows and oxen in the early 1990s to alleviate inflammations that could affect the animals' ability to supply milk or pull a plow. Then, approximately 10 percent of cattle in the country harbored about 300 micrograms of diclofenac in the liver. When they died, they were sent to special so that the flocks of vultures would clean the bones. It was an advantageous system because, unlike wild dogs and rats, that transmit 78 epidemics, the abundant vulture population of South Asia (estimated at the beginning of the 1990s in more than 60 million specimens), was not a carrier of human pathogens and was resistant to bovine diseases such as anthrax. However, the vultures that fed on the corpses treated with diclofenac received a dose of the drug of about 100 micrograms per kilo. A person with arthritis would need a prescription ten times higher to perceive an effect, but that was

enough to kill the vultures (Rodríguez Pérez, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, 2013). Between 2000 and 2007, the vulture population of South Asia fell by 40 percent each year. Currently, 90 percent of the griffon vultures in Pakistan have died mainly due to diclofenac that scientists have found in their body tissues (Platt, Scientific American, 2014).

South Africa: South Africa has adopted the Medicine Act and the Pharmacy Act. Both pieces of legislative provisions look to regulate pharmaceuticals and the impact they have on the environment. The country currently counts with 88 different companies involved in the countries pharmaceuticals industry. Following both acts mentioned above, these companies have the proper licensing and transparent fees. They are also banned from doing any incentive such as contaminating surrounding natural areas with any sort of residue (South African Government, 2015). Research showcased that high levels of ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen along with other 13 pharmaceutical chemicals are found in streams and rivers in this country, making it one of the three states, alongside Kenya and Tunisia with the highest antibiotic concentrations in water in Africa. South Africa, has made its efforts to reduce this numbers, being able to achieve removal percentages of 88-90% for antibiotics like ketoprofen, and 61-86% in medicines like ibuprofen and naproxen (Msukisi, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017).

United States: The United States (US) is the number one producer of pharmaceuticals followed by Japan, creating by itself one-third of the production worldwide. Research conducted by the US Geological Survey (USGS), showcased that at least 50 pharmaceuticals in 132 different waterways across 30 states, where found in the early 2000s. In 2009, research made by this same company also showed that although levels were small, contamination had reached drinking water. In its efforts to reduce the amount of pollution, in 2011, some US companies opted for the following water treatment processes: (1.) Ozonation and catalytic ozonation, (2.) Photolysis, and (3.) Ultrasound in the hopes to remove and reduce the impact this has. In the same way, different processes were taken by several companies to clean drinking water. These include UF, NF, H2O2, within others. The countries endeavor to reduce this numbers does not stop there, the US has created scheduled pharmaceuticals collection to facilitate the prudent disposal of this, with which they collect around 4.5 million pills per year (USGS, 2018).

C) UN Action

Multiple United Nations committees are working together to address this issue. UNEP, WHO, and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) came together between 2005 and 2015 to promote a variety of initiatives related to water quality education and research. This period was known as the

“International Decade for Action” or “Water for Life.” One of the main areas of focus during this campaign was the examination of the impact of pharmaceutical water contamination on long-term human health (UNDESA, 2015). Moreover, the UN’s World Water Day takes place each year in March. This annual event aims to educate about water safety and the impact humans have on the environment, including due to the incorrect disposal of pharmaceuticals (UN-Water, 2019). Water free from pharmaceutical contamination is also being addressed through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 6, which is Clean Water and Sanitation, aims to “improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials.” So far, very little progress has been made in developing nations concerning the removal of pharmaceuticals from water resources and the prevention of it being introduced to water sources through pharmaceuticals factories (SDGs, 2019).

III. Conclusion

Pharmaceutical water contamination is a growing issue that threatens the lives of humans and the environment. It is created through the improper disposal or emissions of pharmaceuticals or medications used by humans on a daily basis. Data related to this issue is only just emerging. However, scientists so far have found that pharmaceuticals in

water have increased antimicrobial resistance and changes in animal behavior. The World Health Organization has made addressing this issue a priority, but challenges related to new technologies and removal methods for pharmaceutical compounds have made it difficult for countries to eliminate this issue. Therefore, delegates in UNEP must work together to reach a consensus on this issue. If not, pharmaceutical water contamination will only increase in severity, causing harm to people all around the world.

IV. Essential Questions

1. What are pharmaceuticals?

2. How has pharmaceutical contamination impacted the water in your country?

3. What is the United Nations doing to address this issue?

4. Does your nation have any laws or regulations in order to prevent pharmaceutical water contamination? If so, which ones? Have they been successful? Why or why not?

5. Which non-governmental organizations are working on this issue? Is your country working with any of them? If so, which ones?

6. How do the Sustainable Development Goals relate to this issue?

7. How are pharmaceutical companies being held accountable for water contamination in your country?

8. Why has it been difficult for countries and organizations to collect data and research on this problem? What is being done to address this?

V. Resources

"About UN Environment." UN Environment. United Nations, 2019. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"Antibiotic Resistance." World Health Organization (WHO). United Nations, 05 Feb. 2018. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

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"Ecosystems and Human Well-Being." World Health Organization (WHO). United Nations, 2005. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

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Harvey, Fiona. "Genes linked to antibiotic-resistant superbugs found in Arctic." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 28 Jan. 2019. Web. 30 Jan. 2019.


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Kurunthachalam, Senthil Kumar. “Pharmaceutical Substances in India Are a Point of Great Concern?” Hydrology: Current Research. OMICS International, 27 Sept. 2012. Web. 25 Jan. 2019. .

Laghi, Brian. “Pharmaceuticals Found in Canada's Water System.” The Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail Inc., 12 Apr. 2018. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.


León-Rivera, et al. "Tyrianthinic Acids from Ipomoea tyrianthina and Their Antimycobacterial Activity, Cytotoxicity, and Effects on the Central Nervous System." Journal of Natural Products. American Chemical Society, 03 Feb. 2009. Web. 25 Jan. 201.

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Msukisi, Lawrence. “Status of Pharmaceuticals in African Water Bodies: Occurrence, Removal and Analytical Methods.” Journal of Environmental Management. Elsevier Ltd., 2017. Web. 12 Jan. 2019. .

Owns, Brian. "Pharmaceuticals in the environment: a growing problem." The Pharmaceutical Journal. Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 19 Feb. 2015. Web. 08 Jan. 2019.


"Pharmacy Act: Rules relating to what constitutes good pharmacy practice." South African Government. South African Government, 2015. Web. 17 Jan. 2019. .

"Pharmaceuticals in Drinking-Water." World Health Organization (WHO). United Nations, 2011. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"Pharmaceuticals in Water." US Geological Survey (USGS). US Department of the Interior, 13 Feb. 2018. Web. 17 Jan. 2019. .

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Platt, John R. "Indian Vultures Are Dying for Some Good News." Scientific American. Springer Nature, 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"REACH Annex XVII: REACH Restricted Substance List 2019." Chem Safety Pro. Chem Safety Pro, 2019. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

Rodríguez Pérez, Rita Lisseth. “Influencia de los fármacos presentes en el agua residual sobre la resistencia de la bacteria Escherichia coli y su eliminación por oxidación avanzada.” Departamento de Ingeniería Civil: Ordenación Del Territorio, Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente E.T.S.I. De Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2013. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

Smith, Belinda. "Platypuses in polluted water could ingest 'half a human dose' of antidepressants." ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 06 Nov. 2018. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. . Solly, Meilan. “Australian Rivers Are Contaminated With Pharmaceuticals. That's Bad News For Platypuses, Study Says.” Smithsonian. Smithsonian Institution, 07 Nov. 2018. Web. 12 Jan. 2019. .

Sundholm, Mattias. "UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme." Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth. United Nations, 2019. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"Sustainable Development Goal 6." Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). United Nations, 2019. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"Water Quality." United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). United Nations, 2015. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .

"World Water Day: Theme." UN-Water. United Nations, 2019. Web. 08 Jan. 2019. .