Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Social field

Development of social sectors



Public Health





Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Development of social sectors

Improvement of social protection of population is one of the matters that are under attention of the government. The Decree signed by National Leader Mr. Haydar Aliyev, dated 17 July 2001 about adoption of the reforms on pensions in the Republic of Azerbaijan covering 2001-2005 years considered stage-by-stage realization of these reforms. According to the concept since 2001, the different changes and additions have been made to the Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on „Provision with pensions of the population‟ and „Social ‟. During this period, necessary steps were made for correspondence of insurance-pension system to modern standards and different activities directed to applying of insurance principles for provision of population with pensions were implemented. Moreover, according to the Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Provision with pensions of the population ‟and„ Social insurance adopted on 2006 the types, structure of pensions was changed, and social pensions were substituted by social allowances. For the state of 1 January 2011 there were registered 1292.2 thousand pensioners, average amount of fixed monthly pensions reached to 112.9 manats and made 34.7 percent of average monthly wage and salaries. By the purpose of improvement of welfare of the population of the country as well as strengthening of social protection of the poor families since 2007 according to corresponding orders of the President of the Republic the amount of main part of labor pension for age and social benefits is being increased and insurance part of pensions is indexed based on level of inflation. There were 297.2 thousand persons receiving fixed monthly social benefits and 101.1 thousand persons receiving lump sum allowance for the state of 1 January of the current year according to data of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. These benefits were granted due to childbirth, treatment of disabled in the result of radiation accident, funeral benefit and persons from prisons. At the beginning of the current year 33.7 thousand persons received grants that assigned to persons rendered great services for the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 1 July 2006, poor families were being granted with addressed state social aid according to Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on „Addressed state social aid‟ and 552.5 thousand persons from 123 thousand families were covered with addressed state social aid for the state of 1 January 2011. The stable growth rate observed in the economy of the country during last century provided social development of the country, created conditions for improvement of living condition of the population, opening of new job places and increasing of employment. Formation of market economy relations, as well as development of entrepreneurship activity, creation of business environment gives possibility to develop labor market and employment. Provision of population with employment by using labor force is a main goal of the “Employment Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006-2015)” confirmed by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 26 October 2005 №1068. Based on results of different researches 4329.1 thousand persons were engaged in economy during 2010 and 31.7 percent of which made hired workers. While 18.3 per cent of hired workers engaged in industrial and 81.7 per cent in non-industrial sector in 1993 then number of hired workers, engaging in production field during 2010 has increased by 20.4 per cent in the result of creation and functioning of new large and medium production enterprises. The scale and intensity of changes in distribution of employment in state and non-state sector during last years is explained with increasing of share of employment from 43.9 percent in 1993 to 73.6 percent in 2010. The share of employment in organizations with foreign investment during 2010 has increased by 10 times compared to 1995, so this fact confirms integration of the country‟s economy to world economy. 2

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Taking into account an existing situation in labor market there were done certain activities by the state employment services for provision of unemployed and persons seeking a job with social protection. The „labor fairs‟ and different courses have been carried out by Head Employment Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population for involving of unemployed and persons seeking a job. In the result of which during 2003-2010 212.9 thousand persons seeking a job were provided with job, 21.2 thousand persons attended training courses, 14.8 percent involved in paid social works. Successful realization of measures specified by the State Programs directed to social-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008 and 2009-2013) provides diversification of economy of the country and creates a base for development of non-oil sector, direction of investment to priority areas, realization of modern infrastructure projects in the regions as well as operating of new industrial and manufacturing enterprises and in the result of which 913 thousand new and 655 thousand permanent job places were opened during 2004-2010 in the country. The successful social-economic policy carrying out by the President of the Republic positively affects demographic processes and 9 millionth inhabitant of the Republic of Azerbaijan was born at the beginning of 2010. Population size during 1991-2010 having increased by 1893 persons reached 9 million 111 thousand persons. 53 percent of population reside in urban places, 47 percent in rural places; 49.6 percent of inhabitants made men, 50.4 percent – women. The natural increase of population during 2010 made 112.1 thousand persons and indicator of natural increase was 12.5 per 1000 population. Life expectancy at birth being increased by 3.1 years made 73.6 years old, including boys – 70.9 years old, girls – 76.2 years old. 23 percent of population makes persons aged 0-14 years old, 71 percent – 15-64 years old, 6 percent- 65 years old and over. Youth aged 14-29 years old makes 31.4 percent of the country‟s population. 165.6 thousand Infants were born during last year and this is a higher indicator during last 16 years. There are at average 2.3 infants per woman during childbearing span. 79.2 thousand marriages were registered during 2010 in the country by official state bodies and average age limit among men marrying for the first time has made 27 years old and among women – 23 years old. Realization of the state policy for solving of the problems of youth, opening of the new job places and involving of youth in economy decreases number of youth going away in search of a living. According to record of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2.2 thousand persons arrived to Azerbaijan during 2010 for permanent residence and 0.8 thousand persons left the country. 76.6 percent of immigrants were from Russian Federation, 7.9 percent – from Kazakhstan, 4.4 percent - from Ukraine; emigration to these countries made relatively 53.8 percent, 32.5 percent and 5.3 percent.

Number of economically active population was 4589.3 thousand and 4332.6 thousand of them (94.4%) engaged in different spheres of the economic and social unit in the country for April 1, 2011. 20,5% of employees of enterprises and organizations engaged in the field of production, 2,6% at the mining industry, 5,8% at the manufacturing, 2,3% at the field of production, distribution and supply of electric power, gas and vapor, 1,7% at the water supply, waste treatment and processing area, 5,1% at the construction, 3,0% at agriculture, forest industry and fishing area. 25.8% of employees of the service workers concentrated at the field of education, 20.0% at the trade; repair of motorcycles and motor vehicles, 10.1% at the area of rendering of health and social services to the population, 4.7% at the transport and storage facilities, 4.1% at the recreation, arts and entertainment area, 4.0% at the state administration and defense; compulsory social security, 3.2% at the professional, scientific and technical activity, 1.8% at the information and communication, 1.4% at the financial and insurance activities, 1.5% at the administrative and support services, 1.3% at the tourist accommodation and catering, 0.9% at the rendering services in other areas and 0.6% at the real estate services. 3

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

The income of the country's population was amounted 721,5 AZN per capita or per month average volume was 240,5 AZN in the I quarter of 2011, that exceeds the indicator for the relevant period of 2010 by 15,3%. 69.9% of revenues were spent for final consumption, 8.1% for taxes, social insurance and payment of volunteer membership fees and 20.6% were directed to increase savings and capital.

The average of employees' monthly wage during the reporting period increased approximately 11,7% and reached to 339,6 AZN compared to the appropriate period of previous year. Number of t population of the Republic of Azerbaijan increased by 25,6 thousand person (0,3%) reached to 9136.7 thousand from the beginning of the year till the 1st April, 2011. The populations consists to 49,6% of male and to 50,4% of female.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


Education turns into on of the significant spheres of human activity in XXI century. Achievements in this field lay in the basis of important social and technological changes. The great attention paid to the education and its development in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as in other countries depends on strategic importance of this sphere, the role of education in the society and interests of the major part of countries population. The education reforms carrying out in our country since the acquiring independence have global nature and cover all its aspects. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved "The Reform Program in Education" which aims to identify strategic dimensions of reforms in education sphere. Azerbaijan has to strengthen international relations and cooperation to make progress in education sphere and to bring the education system of Azerbaijan in a line with international standards. Because of activity of Azerbaijan in the international scene, our Republic joined conventions for European (Paris, 1979) Region and South-Eastern Asia (Bangkok, 1983), and Lisbon Convention from 1997, which was prepared jointly with the Council of Europe and UNESCO. The Republic of Azerbaijan is a member of series of international instruments on educational issues, such as Convention on mutual recognition of diplomatic and scientific degrees. On October 2, 2006 the Republic of Azerbaijan joined to the Convention on “Combat with discrimination in educational system” (December 14, 1960), also to the dated Protocol on “Establishing goodwill service commission for solving disagreements, arisen among the states joined to the Convention on “Combat with discrimination in educational system”” ( December 10, 1962). Today the representatives of the education system of Azerbaijan participate in the activity of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNEVOK, ISESCO and European Educational Fund; also, our Republic collaborates with the bodies on education issues of the international organizations, such as the Council of Europe and the European Union using their practice and assistance. Generally, Azerbaijan participates in the following regional and international projects and programs: "Fraternized schools of USA and Commonwealth of Independent States" project. In the framework of this project 25 pupils and teachers from 5 schools were sent to USA to get education in American schools and the same number of American students and teachers visited Azerbaijan. "The development of vocational education" - joint project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and European Educational Fund. The project aims to reconstruct vocational . "The improvement of English teaching methods in educational establishments" - joint program of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Great Britain. In the framework of this Program Seminars on English teaching methods are held in and other regions, Azerbaijan teachers participate in advanced training courses in Great Britain. The program also aims to render expert assistance in preparing English teaching programs and textbooks. - "The legislation on providing the quality of high education in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia" - joint project with the Educational Department of the Council of Europe. The project aims to assist establishment of mechanisms on providing the quality of education. - "Tbilisi initiative" with Council of Europe - joint regional project. This project considers the preparation of textbooks titled "The history of nations of Caucasus" for the 15-16 years old pupils. - The joint regional project with the Council of Europe on topic "Education on democratic citizenship". The project aims to assist preparation of education programs, studies, textbooks and other materials on the theme of "Human and society", which comply with international standards by the Council of Europe. 5

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

- The joint project with the Council of Europe on "The policy of educational sphere of national minorities". The project aims to provide inputs in the sphere of education policy of national minorities. - The international project of the European Union such as TEMPUS/ TACIS renders financial and technical assistance to high educational institutions. The financial and technical assistance to our high educational institutions in the framework of TEMPUS/ TASIS project till now worthy 3,37 mln. Euro. - The joint project between Montana State University and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the preparation of education programs, textbooks, high-level stuff in the area of basis of democracy in education system and in the training on citizenship. - According to the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Reforms in Education sphere" it was prepared "Reform Program" jointly with the Word Bank. For this reason Word Bank gave 5 million USD credit for implementation of this program. This project covers monitoring and assessment of education plan and programs, and providing reforms on education methods. - In the light of cooperation with ACCELS, the non-governmental educational organization of the USA in 1999-2000 years 276 Azerbaijani young people were sent to the USA to get education in the framework of FSA/FLEX, FSA-Bachelor Degree, Edmund Maxi (2 years Master Degree Program), Intellectual Development of Youth and Study Exchange of Pupils and other programs. USA gave 27 million USD to the implement of this program. - In the framework of cooperation with the USA IREX company, in 1996-2000 years more than 50 Azerbaijani citizens got education and raised the level of their skills. - "Harmony Project" financed by the State Department of the USA covers 10 secondary education schools and considers the establishment of the Resource Center in these schools, supplying them with equipment and raising the level of skills of teachers. - 44 schools were repaired and 4 new schools were opened in Xizi, Devechi and Salyan regions of Azerbaijan in the framework of cooperation program with Germany QTZ Company. - DAAD- Germany Academic Exchange Service contributes into the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany. About 430 joint programs have been implemented since the establishing of cooperation on education between our countries. This program include in probation period, exchange of experience, germanistics and language courses, research conduction, education on Master Degree and other issues. - In the framework of cooperation program with Japan Government, International Development Association gave a special grant to prepare education reform project in our country. This grant was spent on preparation of new reform program, identification of the education strategy for the next 10 years, segregation and realization of education priorities. Azerbaijan also cooperates with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), which is responsible for strengthening collaboration between Islamic countries in the fields of education, science and culture. On December 3-4, 2004, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and ISESCO held joint international symposium in Baku on topic “Globalization and its influence to Muslim society”. As the continuation of the topic on May 26, 2005 ISESCO Educational Week was opened at the Ministry of Education. Only in three of 50 ISESCO member states Educational week was held and participation of the General Director of ISESCO Abdulaziz Bin Osman El Tuveyer at official opening ceremony is a visual indicator of effective collaboration between the Republic of Azerbaijan and ISESCO. In the frame of ISESCO Educational Week, agreements to organize trainings for Arabian language teachers and national seminar on education for citizenship were signed between ISESCO and the Ministry of Education.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Although Azerbaijan is not a member of the European Union, it collaborates with its bodies in the sphere of education. On October 26, 2004 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS)” was signed. Scientists from Azerbaijan take part in financial programs announced by INTAS, and are able to gain financial support from the EU in order to realize different projects. On June 1, 2005 “Scholarship for Young Scientists” program for the year of 2005 was announced by INTAS. Taking into consideration a large number of researchers from new independent states, and limited financial resources of INTAS, INTAS decided to prepare joint project financed by Azerbaijan, Moldova and Georgia. On March 6, 2006 Joint financed project on South Caucasus was announced by INTAS. On May 17-18, 2004 in the framework of the Council of Europe‟s project on "Providing the quality of education in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia" conference of the Ministers of Education of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia was held in Strasburg. The cooperation program between 3 South Caucuses countries and the Secretariat of the Council of Europe for 2005-2006 years was adopted during this conference. The year of 2005 was memorable for our country. On May 19-20, 2005 the 4th ministerial conference on Bologna process (known as European co-operation process in sphere of higher education) was held in Bergen (Norway). During abovementioned conference 5 countries including Azerbaijan (Armenia, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine) officially joined Bologna process. This process was launched in 1968 and the main goal of the process is to achieve European Higher Education Space free movement of scientific staff and students and possibility of recognizing of their professions by the 2010. In September-December of 2005 in the frame of OSCE chairmanship (in 2005 Slovenia was chairman of OSCE) “Special Pilot Project for Education of Human Rights” based on Child Rights Convention was held in country for 10-12 years old children. The educational materials were translated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into . Before the beginning of the project counselor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, responsible person for OSCE issues B.Yamnishek visited our country on September 20-22, 2005. Within her visit B.Yamineshek met with the Ministers of Education , Youth, Sport and Tourism, and with the representatives of international organizations working in Azerbaijan (OSCE, Council of Europe, UNICEF) and NGO‟s working in the sphere of training of children for human rights. The project was finished in December of 2005 and included 5 schools, 14 teachers and 476 pupils. On May 30, 2005 in order to modernize different stages of educational system, monitor quality of education at educational institutions, analyze the problems in this sphere and to take appropriate measures, Order for “Establishing Educational Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was signed by the President. Azerbaijan‟s dynamical development and intensive integration to international organizations have also influenced the educational system of the country. The training and preparation of national professionals in the field of governance, industry and economy is of a national interest in our country. With this purpose, on October 19, 2006 Order № 1746 on “State Program for education of Azerbaijan youth abroad” was signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The reforms implementing in the field of education has started after confirming of the „Program of Reform in the field of education‟ by Mr. Haydar Aliyev, National Leader of Azerbaijan. According to this program the structural changes have been made in higher education, higher educational institutions were presented wide powers and independency, some of the higher educational institutions have created own activities based on self-administration as well as with the purpose of improving of the quality of education the system of non-stateeducational institutions have also been developed 1325 thousand persons were educated in 4515 state and 17 non-state educational 7

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y institutions at the beginning of 2010/2011 academic year. During the current academic year, size of persons educating in second and third sessions made 259 thousand or 19.5 percent against to 28.0 percent of persons educated in full-time (day) educational schools in 1991/1992. There is enough quantity of state and non-state educational institutions for obtaining of higher and secondary specialized education. 51 higher and 62 secondary specialized educational institutions functioned during 2010/2011 academic year, relatively 140 thousand students educated in higher institutions and 53 thousand students – in secondary specialized educational institutions. The contingent of the higher educational institutions increased by 23.0 per cent compared to 1991/1992 academic year. As a result of state care for education 16 state development programs during last years have been confirmed and are being realized in different fields of education sector. At the same time, „Education Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan‟ dated 5 September 2009 and „State Program on reforms in education system of the Republic of Azerbaijan during “2009-2013” dated 22 May 2009 has been confirmed by the decree of Mr. , the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main goal of the state program is acceleration of the integration processes of the education system to Europe education, correspondence to Bologna principles, and formation of high quality education system meeting international standards. New general educational school buildings with 397.8 thousand seats were constructed or additional seats were created in available schools during last 20 years. Moreover, pre-school educational institutions with 17.6 thousand seats have been constructed and introduced into use. New generation textbooks have been prepared and presented to pupils free of charge. Haydar Aliyev Foundation under leadership of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Deputy of the National Assembly has exceptional merit in realization of these measures. About 100 new schools have been constructed and capital repair has been implemented in different regions of the country in then framework of the project “Re-established Azerbaijan – new schools”. The financial funds allocated from the state budget for development of the education are yearly increased. So, if the fund allocated for this purpose made 37.1 million manats in 1991, this figure in 2010 has reached to 1181.4 million manats. Notable increasing of the educational expenditures is related with considering this field by Mr. I. Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as main priority sphere of the state policy. 40.1 thousand Units of computers were available in the full-time general educational schools for the state of 1st October 2010 and there was at average 1 computer per 33 pupils. 1760 general educational schools or 47 per cent of schools have internet access. At present, 84 per cent of schools are provided with computer and other ICT. Today 2055 students are being educated in different leading foreign universities. Number of foreign students educated in Azerbaijan has increased significantly. If in 1994/1995 academic year 1455 foreign students from 27 countries educated in educational institutions of the country this figure during current academic year reached to 4723 persons covering 45 countries.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


The wise, consistent and purposeful politics of , the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, helped to restore stability in the Country, strengthened its sovereignty, further developed its economical independence, ensured its steady advancement towards full membership in the European Council. All this created the strong foundation for profound reforms in society, including reforms in the sphere of science. The research work at the Academy is organized based on 5-year work plans. The research work that started in 1996 was mostly completed in the year of 2000. In 2000, the scientists of the Academy conducted research in 116 problem areas across 387 subjects, which totalled in 1044 individual works that produced 175 concrete scientific results. A number of steps have been taken at the specialist design bureaus and experimental plants of the Academy on practical application of outcomes of 46 scientific research works, of which 26 have been applied successfully with the rest 18 having been completed within the framework of the work plan for the year of 2000. In the year of 2000, the scientists of the Academy published 224 monographs and 3027 articles, including 1034 published abroad. Within the same period, 187 scientists were sent abroad either to conduct research at the foreign scientific institutions or participate in international forums, whilst 20 foreign scientists visited the Institutions of the Academy. In 1995-2000, the scientists of the Academy produced 737 important scientific results, published 829 monographs and 11929 articles, defended 61 dissertations for Doctor of Sciences degree and 291 ones for the Candidate of Sciences degree. 497 new entrants enrolled for postgraduate studies. 278 results have been successfully applied in the industry and more than 800 scientists visited foreign countries to participate in forums and conduct joint research. In 1995-2000, the Institutions of the Academy grouped under Section of Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences have produced 34 important scientific results and obtained 47 patents. Within these five years 98 scientists working in this Section have successfully defended their dissertations with 19 of them for Doctor of Sciences and the rest 79 for the Candidate of Sciences degree. The Section has published 104 monographs and 2639 articles. The Institutions grouped under Section of Chemical Sciences was working on 49 subjects in 20 problem areas with 47 subjects and 37 concrete works having been completed successfully in 2000. In 1995-2000 71 dissertation for Candidate and 6 for Doctor of Sciences degree were successfully defended. In the Section of Biological Sciences the Institutes of Botany, Zoology, Genetics and Selection, Physiology, Soil Sciences and Agro-Chemistry and Microbiology have obtained 25, 21, 8, 16, 16 and 3 new scientific results respectively. At the Section of Social Sciences, the research was conducted in 10 main directions comprising of 38 problems and 130 subjects. The researchers working at the Section of Literature, Philology and Arts have conducted studies and research in various fields of contemporary humanitarian sciences with most of them, with some exclusion, having been completed with a range of valuable results obtained. The researchers of the Institute of Literature have intensified their work on 6-volume History of the Azerbaijan Literature. The first volume of this fundamental work that covers verbal folklore was discussed at the Institute and approved for publication. The second volume that covers the history of the Azerbaijan literature during the period of up to the 12th century and provides analysis of artistic and aesthetic problems of that period will be published soon.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

On March 22-24, 2000 an international symposium. The actual problems of mathematics, mechanics, physics and cybernetics dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Academician Faramaz Magsudov, then the President of the Academy, was held at the Academy. His Excellence Heydar Aliyev, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, has always been paying big attention to and taking great care of science in Azerbaijan. By Presidential decree of May 15, 2001, the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences was renamed into the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. By upgrading its status, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic has set new important targets and tasks for the Academy thus increasing responsibility of the scientists before the State and the people of the Azerbaijan Republic. In June of 2000, the election of new Active and Correspondent Members of the Academy was conducted. These elections have played important role in the history of the Academy. During the election 29 new Active Members (Academicians) and 91 Correspondent Members were elected out of nearly 500 candidates. This resulted in increase of the number of the Members of the Academy from 79 to 177. The proportion of young and capable people among the Members of the Academy was thus increased significantly. Despite all the difficulties, the Academy successfully continued its activity throughout the year of 2001. The scientific schools created in the fields of mathematics, physics, petroleum chemistry, geology and biology were further developed. Liberated from the old ideological restraints the researchers working in the fields of historical science, literature, philology, economics, philosophy and juridical science have produced new results that help the strengthening the young democratic Azerbaijan Republic and served well in further development of its people. During this year, the scientists of the Academy conducted research on 193 subjects distributed across 133 problem areas and could obtain 125 important results. The scientific organizations, specialist design bureaus and experimental plant of the Academy have undertaken necessary steps on practical application of 54 results obtained from the research work. In 2001, the scientists of the Academy published 248 monographs, 2960 articles, including 600 published abroad, and made 500 presentations at various national and international forums. At present there are 373 Doctors of Sciences actively working at the Academy. At present, a big number of proposals on co-operation keep coming to the Academy from the member countries of NATO. The proposal on Azerbaijan‟s participation in programmes funded by the International Centre of Science and Technology backed by the State Department of the US Government deserves special attention. The Presidium of the Academy has taken a decision on further development of Internet service at the Academy. The Academic computer network provides free service to more than 200 users from all Academic and Higher Education Institutions and some government agencies and has very well developed infrastructure. Thanks to this 24-hour service, the scientist working at the Academy have an opportunity to access various sources of information and stay abreast of all latest developments in science and technology worldwide. At the General Meeting held at the Academy on July 05, 2001 the issues of restructuring and some other organizational issues were considered. According to the decision taken at the Meeting the Sections of Social Sciences, Literature, Philology and Arts were integrated into one Section of Humanitarian and Social Sciences. In accordance with Decree No. 81 of May 21, 2002 issued by the Cabinet of Ministers a restructuring was made to the research base of the Academy as well. The Sector of Radiological Research was transformed into Institute of Radiation Problems. The Information-Telecommunication Scientific Centre was reorganized into Institute of Information Technology. The main field of activity for the Institute of Radiation Problems was defined as a development of radiation-based technologies, research of problems of radiation security, radioecology, ecology and research of non-traditional sources of energy. For the Institute of 10

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Information Technology, the main areas of activity were defined as a research and development of information security systems, development of computer network technologies, creation of intellectual computer networks and systems, informatization of various aspects of scientific and social life. The Presidium of the Academy has taken a number of steps to ensure implementation of reforms aimed at improving the organizational support systems of the Academy, revision of the main lines of research activity, optimisation of training and development of scientific cadre. It also includes increasing of the sense of responsibility on the part of researchers and scientists, increase of productivity of scientific units as well as support functions. In line with this, the scope of research activities and work plans was closely examined and revised. Research work in some areas was terminated due to the loss of its actuality. Some laboratories and departments were liquidated, whilst the others were reintegrated into new ones. Some new laboratories were organized. Revisions and corrections were made to some fundamental documents and policies determining the work and management principles of the Academy. The Presidium of the Academy developed and approved plans on further intensification of reforms. This was done with aim to increase productivity of scientific research work with further orientation of it towards areas important for the Azerbaijan Republic. The plans also foresee increase of productivity of financial and material assets usage, elimination of parallelism and duplication of efforts, intensification of research processes along with further optimisation of overall organizational structure of the Academy.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Public Health

Realization of the social type policy in the country provides opportunity to develop healthcare and to solve problems related with protection of the population‟s healthcare. The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on „protection of the population‟s healthcare‟ has been adopted in 1997. The Law reflected most important and necessary matters such as free of charge medical care for pensioners and poor persons, rendering of acute care to population etc. Free of charge services are being provided by enterprises of the Ministry of Health financed from state budget since 1 February 2008. According to adopted State Programs persons suffering from insular diabetes, renal insufficiency, blood diseases and infectious diseases are being treated and provided with free of charge treatment and medicine. The amount of funds allocated from state budget for health is being increased annually. During first 10 years of the independence 267.9 million mantas were allocated for this branch, then this amount being increased by 1.6 times made 429.4 million mantas in 2010. There were 516 , 1688 outpatient , 72 ambulances, 472 antenatal clinics, children‟s outpatient clinics and ambulatories, 75 sanatoriumrest homes with 33 thousand physicians, and 60 thousand paramedical personnel at the beginning of 2011. New hospitals, diagnosis centers, outpatient clinics equipped with modern types of medical equipments were built and submitted into use in different regions of the country during last 20 years. Different infectious diseases were decreased and some of them were fully eliminated in the result of carrying out measures. So, elimination of and rubella was reached in the result of joining of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2006 to the WHO Program on „Elimination of measles before 2010‟ and vaccination of population aged 7-23 years old against measles and rubella. There were not registered morbidity cases with measles in 2010 while this figure in 2003 has made 1950 and number of morbidity cases with rubella decreased relatively from 1058 persons to 1 person, epidemic parotitis – from 794 to 125 persons, – from 482 to 52 persons. The Decree of Heydar Aliyev dated December 29, 1998 approved current Regulations for the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Main duties of the Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health has the following duties:

1. Provide medical assistance to the population; 2. Develop and implement state programs in the sphere of healthcare; 3. Take actions necessary for the development of all types of healthcare, regardless of the type of property; 4. Ensure the control over the state sanitary and epidemiological healthcare in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic; 5. Ensure the development and implementation of the actions on the protection of maternity and child, and family planning; 6. Provide the population of the Azerbaijan Republic and medioprophilactic institution with medicines, bacteriological, virus drugs and other medical-purpose products; 7. With the purpose of implementing state programs, to ensure the development of subordinated departments and enterprises, network of drugstores, and ensure that performance and financial-economic discipline are strictly followed; 8. Ensure the development of scientific researches in the spheres of medicine and pharmacy, improve their efficiency, and make progress in science, technique and best practices; 12

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

9. Ensure the formation and development of the spheres of medical and clinical equipment; 10. Manage the preparation of medical and pharmaceutical staff at institutions, improve knowledge and practical skills of such personnel on their profession; provide subordinated departments and enterprises with skilled staff; 11. Improve management using economic methods, apply new economic mechanisms, ministerial machinery in the medicine, advanced forms of management in the works of local healthcare bodies and organization;

12. Efficiently use capital investments in the construction of healthcare objects and improve their efficiency; 13. Ensure sound and safe labour conditions for employees working at the subordinate departments and enterprises; 14. Define the directions of development of the healthcare system, improve the forms of organization of medical aid, establish medical statistics and information-analytical bank in order to study the demographic condition, health and death condition of the population, and organize its activity; 15. Prevent infectious diseases from entering into and dissemination in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan; 16. Timely examine letters, applications and complaints and take appropriate actions.

Basic rights of the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health shall have the following rights arising from its function;

1. Study the health condition of the population of the Azerbaijan Republic and define, in this connection, main directions of development of the healthcare in the republic, to prevent diseases from occurring, take actions to reduce the cases of illness, disability and death, and ensure longevity; 2. Develop measures on the protection of mothers and children, and family planning, organize treatment and prophylactic aid to maternity and children, carry out activities with relevant ministries, central departments and organizations on protection of women and teenage labour, health of children, and physical and hygienic education, carry out control over the health condition of the children at pre- school establishments, impose requirements on production, sale and consumption of child nutrition products; 3. Study resort resources of the Azerbaijan Republic, participate in the preparation of the activities on the improvement of resorts and health improvement zones, develop more efficient methods associated with comprehensive use of the resort factors; 4. Manage forensic-medical, forensic-psychology and forensic-narcology examination and organize their activity; 5. Organize and carry out activities in the spheres of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, organize agitation and education activity in the sphere of healthcare; 6. Ensure the sanitary protection of the territory of Azerbaijan Republic from entering in and dissemination of quarantine infections, and import of food products and consumer products being dangerous for the population; 7. Carry out works on hygienic certification on prevention of factors that would cause potential threat to human health as a result of production and use of products in daily life and national economy; 8. Ensure the application of state-of-art practice, achievements of the medical science and technology in the medical practice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, direct the scientific researches 13

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y carried out in the medical and pharmaceutical spheres together with the State Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for Science and Technology and the Academy of Science; 9. Carry out record of the needs for specialists with higher and secondary medical- pharmaceutical education, organize employment of such specialists at medical institutions, as well as in training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff. Provide healthcare institutions with qualified medical staff according to their needs, and take actions in order to improve professionalism of physicians, chemists and other healthcare employees; 10. Find out the needs of healthcare institutions and of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan for information of medical nature, sanitary cars and medical equipment and ensure provision thereof;

11. Organize control over the condition of routine works carried out in the ministerial system; develop perspective development plans of departments and institutions for the cities and districts of the Azerbaijan Republic and, on the Republican healthcare system as a whole, as well as the plan for training, specialized training and additional training for higher and secondary education medical and pharmaceutical staff; 12. Develop current construction plans for healthcare objects of the Azerbaijan Republic and give recommendations for their agreement and approval; 13. Organize supervision and revision works, preliminary registration and reporting in the system of ministry, discuss and approve balance sheets of subordinated departments and institutions, carry out control over the correct keeping of recording and making calculations in the accounting work, as well as ensure observation of the regime of saving and protection of state property and timely compensation of damage caused; 14. Organize collection of state-report data, generalization, adjustment thereof, and timely delivery to statistical bodies; 15. Manage the works on the development of inventiveness and rationalization in the system of healthcare in the Azerbaijan Republic, and apply recommendations on inventions, discoveries and improvement suggestions; 16. Cooperate with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and other international government and non-government organizations in important directions of the healthcare; 17. Reward advanced medical and pharmaceutical workers, as well as persons actively participating in the organization of healthcare with honorary awards and other encouraging means in the established order; 18. Organize Republican Medical Conference and Congresses related to healthcare institutions in an accepted manner; 19. Organize publication of circular press materials related to the medical science; 20. Adopt normative legal acts within their authorities and based on the current legislation; 21. Cancel orders and resolutions of the subordinate departments and institutions; to petition before relevant bodies to stop execution and cancellation of decisions having harmful influence on the health condition of the population, as well as those not complying with the Regulations of the Ministry of Health. Health reforms

Resolution No.760 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 13, 1998 established a Government Commission established aimed at the organization and conducting reforms in the healthcare system. The Commission included ministers of economy, finance and justice, chairmen of the Central Bank, Social Protection Fund, Trade Unions Confederation, Social Insurance


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Control, heads of other ministries and central departments, officials of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic etc. Decree No.49 of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated December 29, 1998 approved “The Regulations on the State Committee for reforms in the sphere of healthcare in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. The Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic has developed and approved a number of normative and methodical documents aimed at implementation of legislative acts and State programs. Reforms in the sphere of changing this area, provision the population with medical aid and organization of such aid should go in the following directions. Creation of legislative and legal basis of the new system for protection of the population‟s health; Defining centralized and non-centralized forms of management of the healthcare system; Advantage of the initial medical and sanitary aid; Improvement of the medical institutions network and their bed fund; Conducting reforms in the sanitary and epidemiological system; Transition to the principles of medical insurance; Development of paid medical services;

Reforms in the pharmacy system; Privatization in the public healthcare system; Accreditation, certification and licensing of medical institutions, medical staff, medicines and food products; Reforms in the medical education; Reforms in the analytical information service.

New stage in the international relations of the public healthcare system

As far back as in nineties, as all other spheres of the State of Azerbaijan, which had just started its way of democracy, our national public healthcare and medical science could not develop remaining within the borders of our country. There was a need for presenting the Azerbaijani public healthcare to the world, as well as the world public healthcare to Azerbaijan. For this reason, a special department for international relations was established in 1994 at the Ministry of Health. Priorities of the department included innovations in the public of foreign countries, reforms in the Azerbaijani public health system, preparation of projects together with donor organizations acting in Azerbaijan related to public healthcare, in general, cooperation with World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank, UN Children Fund, and USAID, Doctors without Border, Red Cross Federation and influential non-government institutions. In addition, the department had other duties such as joint works with embassies of foreign countries acting in our country and international relations departments of other ministries in Azerbaijan. In the implementation of the State Program of “Reduction of poverty and economic development” in Azerbaijan, in addition to economic and social issues, reforms in the public health system is of great importance. Implementation of reforms related to the public health and regulation of the projects complying with world standards are included in the Regulations of the international relations department. The International Relations Department has been playing an essential role in the coordination of the targets included in the priority tasks of the public health and conducting activities conforming to them. The International Relations Department has actively participated in the composition of the document titled as Medium Text Programme (MTP), which reflected the joint activity of the Azerbaijani 15

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Government and WHO European Office and its approval on all government and international levels and progress of the document. Activity of every project within this program, as well as activities associated with the participation of national professionals in international conferences and this department coordinates seminars. Projects such as struggle with tuberculosis, AIDS, malaria, infectious diseases, family medicine, rescue of children, safe motherhood, family planning and reproductive well-being, strengthening initial public health services, demographic enquiry, and protection of children‟s health in districts, mass immunization and prophylaxis have been carried out with direct participation of the International Relations Department and National Coordinators of the Ministry of Health. We would like to note that due to the works done and great efforts the World Health Organization (WHO) a country free from poliomyelitis has already proclaimed Azerbaijan. Assistance provided by UN Child and Population Fund, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO and other international entities should specifically be mentioned. It is no coincidence that improvement and development of the information system in the Azerbaijani Public Healthcare system has been reflected in 3 state programs. Translation of diseases, international classification of cosmologic units into Azerbaijani, conducting wide range of trainings in various regions on the professional training of physicians on the information system, improvement of general record and registration system are just part of the works done recent years. Projects such as wide application of computer and other instrumental examination methods in the diagnostics and treatment of various diseases in the up-to-date public health, modern methods of treatment of diseases, treatment algorithms, preparation for extraordinary situations, regular professional trainings of physicians in Azerbaijan and well-known medical centres abroad have also been implemented. As our independent republic revives, borders between countries become transparent, science, economic relations grow, and the integration of the Azerbaijani Public Health into the international world increases and relations become wider. Globalization of the public health in XXI Century is unavoidable. In addition to learning a lot from the world public health, we want to inform the international community of the reforms we have carried out in Azerbaijan. Starting from the end of 2005, the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic started reinstatement of relations with international entities, donor institutions, and diplomatic missions acting in Azerbaijan, as well as with other ministries of our state in order to represent the public healthcare of Azerbaijan beyond our borders. This has been reflected in Order No.146 of Mr. Ogtay Shiraliyev, the Minister of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic, “On Programs implemented together with UN Child Fund, World Health Organization and other international organizations” dated December 01, 2005. In the implementation of “Reduction of poverty and economic development” State Program, along with social and economic issues, reforms in the public health have been given a special attention in Azerbaijan. Implementation of the reforms related to the public health and regulation of these reforms in compliance with world standards are included in the Regulations of the International Relations Department. Assistance of UN Child and Population Fund, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID, WHO and other entities that act in the sphere of public healthcare in Azerbaijan should specifically be mentioned.

Projects that have been implemented by these institutions jointly with the Ministry of Health are as follows:

USAID Project for development of initial healthcare services 16

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Reproductive Wellbeing and family Medicine project Demography and Health Summary in Azerbaijan project Struggle against Measles and German Measles Project Development of Emergency Project Rescue of Children Project UNICEF Rescue of Children Project Reproductive Wellbeing and family Medicine project Demography and Health Summary in Azerbaijan project Strengthening of medical service in the regions of Azerbaijan Statistics on the child death under the age of 5 World Health Organization Public Health Policy Project New ICD 10 cosmologic code determination Struggle Against Tobacco Project Struggle Against Tuberculosis Project Struggle Against Malaria Project Struggle Against AIDS Project World Bank Reforms in Public Health Innovation Project PHRD Project for Reforms in the Public Health system

Moreover, projects of UN Food Program Fund, Doctors without Border, International Medical Corpus, Red Cross Federation and other well-known institutions and funds have been continuing their projects. Activity of each project within these program projects, as well as activities related to the participation of national specialists in conferences and the Department has coordinated seminars. Relations with health organizations of other countries have been strengthened through the help of embassies of foreign countries acting in Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Embassies of Turkey, Russia, Egypt, , Ukraine, Great Britain, USA and others may be shown as an example.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


Since the Republic of Azerbaijan has acquired independence there have been taken measures on protection of cultural values and development of cultural life in our country our country began cooperation with international organizations in this area. The Milli Meglis (the Legislative power of Azerbaijan Republic) has adopted series of legislative acts in cultural sphere until now:

― The Law on "Resumption of Latin alphabet" dated from December 25, 1991; ― The Law on Mass Media dated from July 21, 1992; ― The Law on Author's rights Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from September 10, 1993; ― The Law on AZERKINOVIDEO" Production Unity dated from December 13, 1993; ― The Law on Author's rights and mixed rights dated from June 5, 1996; ― The Law on Advertisement dated from October 3, 1997; ― The Law on Culture dated from February 6, 1998; ― The Law on Protection of historical and cultural monuments dated from April 10, 1998; ― The Law on Grants dated from April 17, 1998; ― The Law on Freedom of information dated from June 19, 1998; ― The Law on Cinematography dated from June 3, 1998; ― The Law on Sculptural activity dated from July 3, 1998; ― The Law on Library dated from December 29, 1998; ― The Law on Tourism dated from July 4, 1999; ― The Law on Basis of City Foundation dated from June 11, 1999; ― The Law on National Archive Fund dated from June 22, 1999; ― The Law on Mass Media dated from February 8, 2000; ― The Law on Museums dated from March 24, 2000; ― The Law on Publishing, etc.

It is necessary to note that the national legislative acts as well as international instruments are the legislative basis of cultural issues particularly issues pertinent to protection of historical and cultural monuments in Azerbaijan. The international instruments that Azerbaijan joined are following: Hague Convention on "Protection of Cultural Monuments during the armed conflicts" dated from 1954, Paris Convention on "The protection of the Word Cultural Heritage" dated from 1970, Paris Convention on "The prohibition of illegal bringing and carrying off the cultural values, also prohibition and prevention of law property" dated from 1970, Convention on "Steal and Illegally carrying off cultural values" dated from 1995. In cultural sphere Azerbaijan cooperates with UNESCO (UN's specialized organization on Education, Science and Culture), ISESCO (Organization on Education, Science and Culture of the Islamic Conference) and the Council of Europe. Azerbaijan participates at different projects in cultural sphere. One of them is the Joint initiative of the Council of Europe and European Union named European Heritage Days Company. Azerbaijan has joined to this project in 2000. Azerbaijan participates in series of international cultural projects. Thus, Cultural Heritage Days-2003 Company of the Council of Europe was held in Azerbaijan on September 26-28, 2003. During the Cultural Heritage Days-2003 Company of the Council of Europe it was organized the unveiling of monuments, the reconstruction of which had been finished in the framework of international projects, also review of the monuments, the reconstruction of which hadn't been finished yet, the presentation of exhibition and catalogue on "Photoexpertise - 2003" International Photo Initiative. In the framework of this project there had been given facultative


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y lessons on "European Common Heritage" Program, Cultural Heritage Days-2003 Company, on the theme "The protection of the cultural heritage is my civic duty" in schools and universities. The topic of “European Heritage Days” held in 2005 was “Cultures and peaceful process”. Campaign consisted of two events: 1. Baku International “East-West” Festival. 2. Photo exhibition of children and youth within the frame of “Photo-experience-2005” was held and in the end, the works was introduced at the Republic Youth Forum. On December 9-10, 2005 event dedicated to 50 years anniversary of European Cultural Convention was held in Vrotslav (Poland). The event where Azerbaijan delegation took part announced beginning of 50 years anniversary of European Cultural Convention. With conference held in Faro (Portugal) on October 27-28, 2005, celebrating of 50 years anniversary was closed. Azerbaijan took part in other project on cultural issues of the Council of Europe known as "STAGE" ("Support for Transition in the Arts in Greater Europe"). This project included Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The main principals of this project are following: supporting the cultural identity, cultural diversity, creativity and the participation of all groups of society in cultural life of the country. The Expert Group of the CE visited Baku in the framework of "STAGE" project in May 2001. During this visit, experts noted the areas where the CE assistance was available and considered inputs of the representatives of civil society. In the framework of this project, the seminar on "Financing the Culture in the period of transition" was held in Tbilisi on June 13-17, 2001. The delegation consisting of six people represent Azerbaijan in this seminar. The Kyiv Initiative (KI) for democratic development through culture in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia was initiated in September 2005 during the 5th enlarged ministerial Colloquy of the countries participating in the STAGE. On December 15, at ministerial meeting in Bucharest, opening conference of the KI was held and Kyiv Initiative Declaration was adopted. KI is an operative frame for monitoring of the development process of culture and protection of cultural heritage, as well as regional cooperation. On September 19, 2007 concert of the musicians from Azerbaijan was held at Palais des Nations (Geneva) by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva. On April 17, 2008 the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva organized at Palais des Nations (Geneva) exhibition of photographs from Azerbaijan named “A land where cultures meet: strength with diversity” which was dedicated to the topic of tolerance. In May 2008, several child concerts and exhibitions dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan were held in Paris, Strasbourg and Brussels. One of the main priorities of the state policy is to improve materialtechnical basis of the cultural heritage as well as to maintenance historicalcultural, literary-artistic and science-philosophic heritage of the country. A lot of state programs have been adopted by the government, including state program on development of the library-information field during 2008-2013 in the Republic of Azerbaijan confirmed by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 6 October 2008, № 3072. 3993 public libraries with 36 million library stock, as well as 2750 clubs, 226 museums, 28 professional theatres, 4 philharmonic societies, 6 musical collectives, 2 concert halls, and 365 cultural and rest parks provide population of the country with service. Number of attendees of museums and theatres during 2010 was 2.3 million persons. Repertoires of the theatres are being changed regularly and theatrical performances are being shown in Azerbaijan, Russian and Lezghin languages.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

“Theatres, museums – all cultural heritages should be repaired both in Baku and regions and new buildings should be constructed”- these words of the President is being confirmed day-by-day. Hundred libraries, museums, theatres, cultural institutions, historical and cultural sites were repaired and restored. In the result of cooperation with international organizations regarding to protection and maintenance of the cultural heritages the National historical-cultural reserve Gobustan was included in the UNESCO World Heritages list. The social protection of the cultural workers is under attention of the President of the Republic and during last 5 years more than thousand creative persons were conferred on different honorary titles and special grants. The presentation of the first number of a magazine “Mugham” founded by Fond of Friends of Azerbaijan Culture as well as several publications within the framework of the Project “Mugham – Anthology” and magazine “Baku” issued in Moscow was held with the purpose to propagandize and develop national-cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. “Mugham competition” carrying out in the country gains great popularity among population and community of the country and demonstrates rich national cultural heritage to the world. Azerbaijan won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011 and obtained the riht to host this event in 2012. Azerbaijan emerged triumphant at the Eurovision song contest held in Dusseldorf, Germany with Ell/Nikki duo who received the highest number of points from televoters and juries from the 43 countries


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


Rapid development of economy gives possibility to extend tourist industry. During these years Azerbaijan participated in more than 10 international tourist exhibitions in the capitals of foreign countries, as well as international tourism exhibitions were carried out in Baku city with participation of approximately 50 foreign and national tourism companies. In the result of increasing of population‟s income the size of Azerbaijani citizen traveled to foreign countries has been increased by 2.7 times made 1.8 million persons compared to 2003. The hotels meeting modern standards such as „Holiday INN‟, „Meridian‟, „Musado‟, „Metropol‟, „Abu Arena‟, „Ambassador‟, „Park INN‟, and „Excelsior Hotel Baku‟ were constructed and submitted into use during last years. Taking into account the necessity to develop tourism in the country and creation of favorable conditions for tourism activity with the aim to introduce natural monuments as well as cultural- historical heritage of the country in wide-scale the decree on declaring of 2011 year as the “year of tourism” in Azerbaijan has been signed by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. During last years, different important measures have been carried out in the field of development of tourism infrastructure. Construction of tourism complex “Shakhdagh” for winter- summer period in Gusar region as well as buildings of new hotels in regions is started. Three and four stars hotels have been constructed and submitted into use during 2010 in Baku city and construction of five stars hotels during 2011 is considered. One of the main directions of establishment of national economy based on market principles is provision of integration of the country‟s economy to world economic system. Stability of economy in macroeconomic level and realization of effective and regular activity complex for liberalization of foreign trade creates favorable condition for integration of national economy to world economy system. So, while in 1993 republic had foreign trade relation only with 60 countries, the geography of these relations in 2010 was widening and import-export operations were carried out with 147 foreign countries. The volume of trade turnover with foreign countries in 1993 made 1353.5 million $US, in 2010 this figure reached to 27.9 milliard $US and there was increase by 20.6 times compared to 1993. The structure of foreign trade relations during these years is changed. The share of food products imported to the country in total volume of import being 21.2 per cent in 1993 and 41.6 per cent in 1995 has decreased by 18.6 per cent in 2010. The reason of decreasing of import of food products was successful implementation of agrarian reforms and increasing of production of local food products.

Azerbaijan state program for development of tourism sphere

The last year was significant from the viewpoint of development of the tourism industry in Azerbaijan, Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfaz Garayev told journalists. He said “national leader Heydar Aliyev, who correctly valued a role of our country`s tourism potential in the economic and social progress, made very important decisions in 2001.” The minister noted that the state program concerning a development of tourism field was fully implemented during the last years. “President Ilham Aliyev issued an order to approve the State Program for the Development of Tourism in 2010-2014 and this is a new and productive stage on this way”, Garayev said. The Minister said this order will be a “powerful” impetus to develop the country`s tourism sector in accordance with the international standards. 21

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Garayev said participation of the Azerbaijani President in the ninth International Tourism Exhibition and the first All-Republican Internal Tourism Exhibition and his attention to this field will make a “great” contribution to developing the tourism potential of the country.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


From the early 1990s, after Azerbaijan regained its independence, a new period opened in our footballing life, just as in every other sphere of the country‟s life. The Azerbaijan Football Federations Association (AFFA) was established in March 1992. In May 1994 it joined UEFA and a month later was granted membership of FIFA. Thus, the Azerbaijani national team gained the opportunity to participate in World and European championships, and club teams to partake in continental tournaments. Today, our footballers‟ performance is not good enough to satisfy fans. Our national team still struggles not to be bottom of the group in qualification rounds. In the period to 1 June 2011, the national team won only 7 of 82 elimination matches (1:0 against Switzerland, 4:0 and 2:0 against Liechtenstein, 2:0 against Slovakia, 2:1 against Serbia and Montenegro, 1:0 against Finland and 1:0 against Turkey), they lost 63 matches and the scoring record is 34:190. Nazim Suleymanov scored the first goal in official European Championship matches, in 1996 in a match against Slovakia (1:4). 17 more footballers from Azerbaijan have since managed to score in the World or European championships. Gurban Gurbanov was the most prolific, with 5 goals. When it comes to clubs, the greatest sources of pride for us are the achievements in the Union Cup, competed for by the champions of the CIS and Baltic countries: Neftchi (2006), Khazar- Lankaran (2008) and Inter (2011) have all won this tournament. The main target for our clubs, however, is to get through one or more rounds of the Champions‟ and Europa Leagues. In the last two seasons the fact that Karabakh was only one step away from the group matches (losing to Twente of the Netherlands and Germany‟s Borussia Dortmund) gives us a certain hope and optimism for the future. Azerbaijan lies 37th of 53 countries in European club ratings. And our endlessly loyal fans strongly believe in the day when Azerbaijan will achieve miraculous victories and the status of champions. Azerbaijan is now recognised internationally as a sporting country. Our sports players have succeeded in the most influential and respected competitions, tournaments, championships and at the Olympic Games. Our country and its capital, Baku, has been host to many sports events: it has already become a tradition to hold World and European championships, as well as qualifying tournaments, including for the Olympic programme, in Azerbaijan. This has also included football. Back in 1985, when our country was part of the USSR, several matches were held in Baku during the junior World Cup. Then the matches were organised at the highest possible level, with all the conditions necessary for the footballers to practise and relax, as well as providing facilities for both Soviet and foreign journalists. Following the Coca-Cola FIFA Cup, João Havelange, President of the world‟s football organization, along with the heads of the English, Mexican, Paraguayan and Nigerian teams, thanked Azerbaijan for the level of organization and hospitability. Next year Baku will again be a centre of attention for the international community: the finals of the FIFA U-17 Women‟s World Cup will be held in Azerbaijan‟s capital city from 22 September to 13 October 2012. We hope very much that our football authorities and social groups will once again fulfil their mission and that visitors will leave Baku with the best feelings and impressions. We are also very hopeful that the footballers of Azerbaijan will hearten fans with victories. In 1992-1993, the team participated at European Top-Team Cup competitions as an independent nation's team and took the 2nd place. Azerbaijani team ranked 1st at the 1993 Bulgaria World Championship elimination stage, won the "Bahar" cup in Romania in 1994, and ranked 9th at the same year's World Championship thus joining the list of the world's 10 strongest women's teams. Observing the history of Azerbaijani volleyball, we must mention the name of a certain man. An international referee, Azerbaijani Ramiz Samadov judged volleyball matches at the World Cups and Olympiads.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

With the support of the National Olympic Committee, well-grounded efforts are being made in the direction of women's volleyball restoration in Azerbaijan. The number of female and male handball players has been steadily increasing. The national women's handball team scored great successes. With the accelerated development in the second half of the 1960's, the 1970's became a golden age of Azerbaijani handball. In the USSR championships held in those years Baku teams won seven silver and one bronze medal. The "Avtomobilchi" team, performing successfully at the 1977 European Cup, reached the finals. Since the 1960's national players were drafted to the USSR teams and participated at the World and European Championships. In the USSR Olympic team, three of Azerbaijani handball players - Rafiga Shabanova, Ludmila Shubina and Yelena Guseva, won the gold medals. The last year were marked with the restoration of Azerbaijani handball. With the team sports like water polo, basketball, field hockey being highly popular in the republic, the national teams won numerous awards at USSR competitions. Drafted to the USSR teams Azerbaijani water polo and field hockey players successfully participated at European and World Championships and the Olympic Games. As evident from the foresaid, Azerbaijan is a country with rich sport traditions of millennial history and extensive development. Presently, Azerbaijani sport is on the way to its greatest triumphs. The Olympic Games in Sydney again demonstrated that Azerbaijani athletes are capable of remarkable accomplishments. Rapid development process covers sport and physical training and the achievements reaching in this field are being increased year-by-year.With the purpose to strength material-technical basis of sport in 2010, Olympic Sport Complexes were submitted into use in different regions of the country, International Rowing Center in was re-established. Number of the sport facilities at the beginning of 2011 reached to 9.6 thousand and number of persons engaging in sport is increasing regularly. The several kinds of sport such as football, volleyball, chess, athletics, basketball, draughts and wrestling are most popular among population. 2010 year was successful for our sportsmen too. 206 from 675 medals gained in different international competitions were medals by types of Olympic sports. Young sportsmen of our country took part in First Youth Olympic Games and ranked 11 among 204 countries. Physical training and sports are widely popular in Azerbaijan. There are physical training chairs in all Universities and colleges. Physical training classes are included in the curricula of the secondary schools. All Universities and schools have sports teachers and facilities and various regional, national and international sports competitions are held on a regular basis. In rural areas traditional national sports are preferred, which include "gyulash" (wrestling), and "" (a form of polo). Many also enjoy playing "Nard" (backgammon), making it one of the most popular national pastimes. Since independence Azerbaijani sportsmen have been taking a much more active part in international sports competitions. In 1995 only 165 sportsmen took part in different world and European competitions, but in the following year this number increased to 412. In 1995 Azerbaijani sportsmen won 22 gold, 15 silver and 27 bronze medals in international competitions and 21 gold, 17 silver and 28 bronze medals in 1996. Azerbaijan was for the first time represented by an independent team in Olympic Games held in Atlanta in 1996. Namig Abdullayev, a wrestler, won a silver medal. In 1995 he became a European champion, in 1996 - a bronze prize-winner and in 1997 - a silver prize- winner of the European championship. Achievements by women in sports in Azerbaijan are of special importance. Along with all traditional female sports, Azerbaijani women also participate in a form of sumo wrestling and excel at shooting. Zulfiyya Hasanova became a world champion in sumo wrestling in 1995 and 1996, a European champion in 1995 and a silver prize-winner of the 1997 European championship, while 24

Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y

Zemfira Meftaheddinova has had remarkable achievements in shooting. She took first place in team competitions in the European championship in 1990. Later, in 1996, she broke the record while taking first place in the European championship. Chess is also very popular in Azerbaijan. Following in the footsteps of world champion Gary Kasparov, who was a native of Baky, there have been Aynur Sofiyeva, Firuza Velikhanli and Ilaha Gadimova, who all achieved impressive results. In 1991 12-year-old Ilaha Gadimova became a champion among 16-year-old chess-players. In 1992 she became a silver prize-winner of the European championship among juniors, in 1993 - a European champion among students, in 1994 - a European champion among 20-year-old chess-players and in 1996 she took third place in the International Students Competition. In 1998, the European Cadet Boxing Championships were held in Yurmala, Lithuania. Sportsmen from 29 countries participated in this event and Azerbaijan was represented by a full team. Facing tough competition, the Azerbaijani sportsmen Murad Chupalayev (69 kg), Farkhad Ajalov (54 kg) and Etibar Taqiyev (60 kg) won gold, silver and bronze medals, respectively. In 2000, Azerbaijan participated in the Olympic Games staged in Sydney. Azerbaijani sportsmen won two gold and one bronze medals. Zemfira Meftahaddinova and Namig Abdullayev both won gold medals in skeet shooting and in freestyle wrestling respectively. The young athlete Vugar Alakbarov won a bronze medal in boxing. In addition, eight other athletes were awarded honorary diplomas. Rasul Salimov and Ruslan Khairov took the fifth, Islam Dakhchiyev took the sixth, Elchin Ismaylov, Zulfiya Huseynova, Natig Eyvazov, and Shamil Afandiyev took the seventh, and Elkan Suleymanov took the eighth place. On June 23, 2001 a XV Olympic Day Run was held in Baky the capital of Azerbaijan. The event was based on 10km, 4km and 2 km runs, with both men and women participating. Several major cultural events were included in the program. About 2,500 amateur runners from Sumgayit and Baky, including foreign citizens, took part in Olympic Day Race. The first three place winners were awarded special prizes and presented with diplomas from the International Olympic Committee. All participants received certificates confirming their participation in the race. The oldest participant among the women was 63-year-old Taisiya Nalivayko, and 71-year-old Nicolay Kopalov was the oldest male runner. The youngest participants were Sabina Mursagulova, 8 years old, and Nihat Heydarov, 4 years old. A week later a similar even was staged in Azerbaijan‟s second city Ganja.

Sport Facilities

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Sport Facilities 8,147 8,167 8,140 6,670 6,937 6,885 7,238 7,864 7,908 8,129 total Persons participa- ting in 392.0 376.0 370.0 394.1 298.7 353.4 329.6 352.6 355.2 400.5 sport thousand


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y


“Independent Azerbaijan – 20”, Baku, 2011., “State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan” P. 640. P. 35-56

“The business year. Celebrating the 20th year of Independence. Azerbaijan 2011” London, 2011. P. 244. P. 33-35.

“The business year. Celebrating the 20th year of Independence. Azerbaijan 2011” London, 2011. P. 244. P.83-86. “The contract of the century 10 years” 2004, p.34-36. State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), p.22-33.

Visions of Azerbaijan”. Baku. May – June, 2011. P. 95.


Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan P R E S I D E N T I A L L I B R A R Y