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The BG News April 27, 2005

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HEY BATTER: Softball prepares for battle with FEW SHOWERS Buckeyes; PAGE 9 HIGH: 52 LOW: 39 independent student press VOLUME 99 ISSUE 157 Squealing? was not part of lease Residents of The Enclave wererit told of slaughterhouse during their tour ByBobMosw wake up at five in the morning, were posed to their tour guide, CITV NEWS EDITOR midnight or middle of the day residents say they were assured and Kristina Vasilakis from pigs squealing." that sounds or smells from over REPORTER Tenants of buildings 8 and 9 of the fence were minimal. - ^^^rj When Kristy Mishler moved into The Enclave at 706 Napolean Rd. Dan Konopinski, a resident of her apartment in August 2004 live on the west side of the com- building 7, didn't know that he'd she was excited about the pool, plex. They are separated from see pig entrails shot off a con- sand volleyball and high-speed the Pioneer Packing Company's veyer belt into the back of a truck Internet access. After all, her new pig slaughterhouse by an aisle from his kitchen window when home at the Sterling University of parking and a seven-foot tall he toured last year. Enclave was one of the newest wooden fence. The property was "Nothing was ever mentioned complexes in Bowling Green. recently purchased from Steriing about the slaughterhouse Ion the But what she wasn't prepared University Housing by College tour]," Konopinski said. "It wasn't for was the squeals of pigs being Park Communities on March 31, even brought to our attention." killed, or the smell and sight of 2005. In a similar vein, Jordan their blood and entrails — all Of 88 residents questioned in lohnson, sophomore, took The effects of the slaughterhouse buildings 8 and 9, 84 say they Enclave's tour on April 20, 2005, that's right next door. weren't shown the side of The and was not made aware of the ■m m "It is one of the worst smells I've Enclave's property next to the slaughterhouse by his tour guide. ever smelled in my life, it's worse slaughterhouse during their tour. "They took me through the to the office," lohnson said. "I than vomit," Mishler said. "We When slaughterhouse questions building that was connected couldn't hear or see anything that has to do with the pigs while tak- ing the tour." Built in 2001, the complex is a made up of 10 buildings and 120 total apartments. On their Web NAPOLEAN RD site College Park promotes the LAYOUT OF THE ENCLAVE options available at The Enclave, In blue are the management's office and which include sofas and an enter- building 1, where prospective tenants are tainment center for furnished taken on tour to see a model apartment. apartments, along with 32 ame- In red are buildings 8 and 9 and the nities like free tanning-bed use slaughterhouse, divided by a 7-foot tall and a hot rub. OFFICE #1 wooden fence (dotted line). During the Sterling owner- ship, tenants were not assigned an individual apartment when they signed their lease. Requests could be made to live near other ** .- -^- friends oi in a particular building, but students are not placed in an apartment until after they've signed the lease contract, accord- ing to resident Emily Sheder. Sheder said she requested to live on the other side of The BG Nam Photos by Brian McRoberts PARKING Enclave's property when she and PORK UP CLOSE: Pig guts and body parts come off a conveyer belt from her roommates signed last year, inside the slaughterhouse and are dumped into a semi-truck (top), photo specifically noting "not to live by SLAUGHTER HOUSE MAP IS TO SCALE taken from parking lot in front of buildings 8 and 9. Pictured above is a balcony view of the slaughterhouse from an apartment in building 8. ',- ..»„.: Plv-i SLAUGHTER.PAGE 2 'Diversity' rocks runway in BG Parks leaves legacy Jznell Kingsborough "We've done a few of these glam and glitz, blues and greens, every color of gaucho pants, the on library 7th floor SENIOR REPORTER shows, and I must say I've and — it's all about the acces- runway transformed. By Allison Halco seventh floor. It was all about the lights, the atti- never seen it put together this sories. "1 love to wear this stuff. It's got REPORTER Parks hopes the new study tude and waUdn' the walk. well before — let's rock," Brian Handbags, sashes, belts, head- color. It has flavor," Ashley Welty, lanet Parks has made a areas will be helpful to students. Diversity Boutique, Tint Engelman, the lead vocals of bands, heels and jewelry dressed a University sophomore who has lasting impression on coundess "1 wanted to leave something Magazine and Twist of Nothing Twist of Nothing said in the show up the outfits for any fashion worked at Diversity Boutique. University students and faculty for the students," she said. "Rocked the Runway" at last opening. queen. Erin Norman, store owner, members, with a teaching career The seventh floor also night's fashion show. The fast-paced beats kept the "It was funky and fresh and so even joined the band rocking spanning 39 years She's been has a whole new look, with The event featured 18 models show moving and the cheers much fun," said Rachel Hammer, and singing "Bust a move." designated a Distinguished a new paint job and design. from BGSU strutting their stuff in erupting. a University student. Many of the ladies in atten- Teaching Professor by the Board The work was done by a Diversity Boutique's new spring Erin Swartz, the event coordi- She loved the way the fashion dance said they didn't know what of Trustees. She helped found group of six graphic design line of fashion. nator, said the gaucho pants are designers mixed and matched to expect and were shocked and the North American Society for students — Sarah Babione, The BTSU Lenhart Grand definitely coming in this season. everything to create a stunning excited to find it was a real, true Sport Management. Carissa Mitchel, Casey Perry, Ballroom was loud and rowdy "Nowhere else in BG has what display. fashion show. But that just wasn't enough Ali Toemer, Maggie Puterbaugh with clapping hands, whistling, we have at Diversity Boutique," "It definitely a fun experience "It was a totally cool show, for her. and Brandy Obie — who were dancing and shouting, not to Swartz said. "It's straight from — that LA style," Hammer said. definitely fun and awesome," Upon retiring from her coordinated by professor Lori mention the jams put on by Twist LA" From the polka dot mini skirts position as a professor in the Young. The job took all semester of Nothing Straight from LA brought to the classy vintage items and ROCK, PAGE 7 School of Human Movement, to complete. Sport and Leisure Studies last "To be honest, it was a lot of year, Parks donated $20,000 to go hard work, but we had a lot toward renovating the seventh of fun at the same time," said floor of the lerome Library. Now Brandy Obie, one of the design nearly 550,000 has been raised Students. for the project. Last night Parks, The job was more than just a with students, alumni, faculty way to earn internship credit for and friends, celebrated the the students. completion of the first stage of "It was great to leave a last- die renovation. ing impression on BGSU's cam- Parks initiated the project pus," Maggie Puterbaugh said. as a way of giving back to the "I hope that the continuing stu- University, which she says she dents will appreciate it." owes for hiring her at the young Parks was pleased with the age of 22. students' work. "Hiring me was a risk," "They did a wonderful job," she said. she said. New group study spac- The next phase of the seventh es, separated from the rest floor will include the construc- Julio DiFranco BG Ne« Ml DiFranco BGNew of the floor by fabric panels tion of a lounge area in the mid- IN THE SEASON: Courtney TREND SETTER: Shyann Robinson containing quotes from people dle of the floor. The third and Upshaw struts during RTR, shows off one of the diverse suchas Helen Keller, Christopher final phase will feature a cyber sponsored by Tint Magazine desconstructed tees during Reeve and Eleanor Roosevelt, cafe being built where vending and Diversity Boutique. the event last night. have been constructed on the machines are currently located.

FOUR-DAY FORECAST rHURS SUN The four-day forecast is taken Few High: 54" Showers High: 54" Rain High: 59' from Showers Low: 39' Low: 42" Low: 39"

FOR ALL THE NEWSVISITWWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Wednesday. April 27.2005 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Students not told of pig neighbor FOND FAREWELL SLAUGHTER,FROM PAGE 1 tacted the slaughterhouse. They meeting her requests. were asked to consider paying When Montion and her the slaughterhouse." They were for an installment of trees along roommates asked to be on the later assigned to building 9. the fence border, according second floor in a building away Now Shetler and other resi- to Brian Contris, manager of from the slaughterhouse, they dents of buildings 8 and 9 hear Pioneer Packing. were accommodated in build- the screams of pigs being led to While slaughterhouse owner- ings on the opposite side of the slaughter throughout all hours ship will consider College Park's complex. of the day and night, and face request to plant trees along the But all requests are not ful- the dilemma of opening their fence, Contris doesn't see it filled. windows to enjoy warm weath- working. In particular, Contris University students who have er while having to fight off the says that his concern is with already signed a lease with The smell of slaughtered pigs. USDA regulations, which frown Enclave for fall 2005 without Emily Harwell, building 9, upon trees and bushes because knowing Uieir exact apartment has already experienced the they draw rodents near the may fall into a similar situation, smell coming into her apart- plant. and will do so by violating a ment during warm days early Contris sympathizes with basic rule for renting — know last week. the students who live next door, the apartment number, accord- "I was just trying to enjoy but said The Enclave's current ing to Sculina. the weather, lay- and previous own- "The one thing that students ing on my bed get- ership were aware must absolutely do is never sign UnPaal BGNem ting a nice breeze," "On those of Pioneer Packing a lease without a specific unit Harwell said, "and days when from the beginning. number that you're going to be LONG GOODBYES: Resident Student Association's last meeting this year was last night and Jeff along with it just The slaughterhouse living in," Sculina said, adding Raker (left) spoke to the group at length about the things he's experienced while with the group. came this revolting it's real hot has been in con- that students should demand Tins was his last year as Graduate Advisor. smell." outside that stant operation for to know the specific apartment, Harwell is con- more than 60 years, and not to sign without a known cerned that she stench just Contris said. apartment number. and her roommates permeates "These people Because a lease is a won't be able to ISterlingl knew binding contract, Sculina sees stand keeping their the air." what they were get- little chance for students to be windows open this EMILY HARWEL. ting into when they released from it. However there summer. TENANT built their build- is always a chance, so students Pyramid comes to BG "On those days ings," Contris said, should bring in a copy of their when it's real hot outside that But Nick Adkins and signed lease to SI.S in South Parks and Recreation The program was initiated to supported by the National Hear, stench just permeates in the roommate Devin Greer in Hall as soon as possible for get undergraduate students and lung and Blood Institute and air," Harwell said. "It's awful, building 8 didn't know what help with any legal questions. and BGSU team up to interns practical experience for u"ie National Recreation and Kirk just gross." they were getting themselves he said. teach food pyramid. their careers, Haar said. Last year Association. Holly Reinhart, manager of into when they signed a lease Harwell thinks the new man- similar series addressed ques- "Iis an initiative through the with no specific apartment agement should allow students tions about lad diets, fast food, recreation and park association, The Enclave, would not speak By Holly Abrams with The BG News for this story. number on it. to choose — or at least know REPORTED reeding children and vegetarians, a grass roots effort to get people She referred all questions to the Greer tried to address the — die exact apartment they will 1 laar said. out and engaged in heart healthy With the introduction of the new "This year's series is a theme acts.'' said Kristin Otley, recre- College Park Communities own- situation by turning to Student be living in when the lease is food pyramid this year and the ership, based out of Newtown Legal Services in fall 2004, but signed. from the American Dietetics ation coordinator for Bowing "If they could work rising rale ol obesit) in America, Assoiiat ion lor National Nutrition Green parks and rei lealion. Square, Pa., who issued a state- was told by SLS Attorney Mike a spring series aims to inform ment on behalf of the manager Sculina that he had waited too something out on a first-come month," I laar said. I lie program is about commu- first-serve basis that would be people about uliat ihev ate e.n She plans on having teaching nity members taking advantage and their company. long to act. inn and how to develop healthy In that statement, College "It's partly our fault for being cool," Harwell said, "because series like this part of the pro- of free services offered by their eating habits. gram for senior dietetics majors parks. Otley said. Not everyone Park says they may attempt to naive," Adkins said. "But this . ai leas) I wouldn't pick this one Howling Green Parks and (building!." next fall. has to join a gym to get exercise, "bring in landscapes and other was our first time ever living on Recreation and the BGSU experts to determine what can our own." Tonya Langdon thinks she is " [he idea is when people are she said. lucky to live on the opposite Dietetics Department have in parks they are being physically "I vetybody has a heart healthy be done to remediate whatever Other residents in the com- teamed up for a four pan spring issues exist." They have also plex sympathize with the plight side of Ihe Enclave's property active so why not try to affiliate facility close to where they live." series,"

She's yout best friend, mentoc and biggest Ian. What better way (o say thanks than a simplified lile and a special gifl Irom Ihe Town Center al Levis Commons .

To simplify it lor you... we'd like to plant a lew seeds When you shop with any retailers between Thursday. April 28 and Sunday, May 1, well give you anolher reason to return Use receipts Irom The Town Center at levis Commons, dated and turned in during this lime Irame. and receive a S"0 gift certificate lor purchases totaling $150. a $25 gitt certificate lor purchases totaling $300, and a $50 gilt certificate tor purchases totaling $500 - $1,000. All gilt certificates are redeemable Ihrough June 30.2005 It's thai simple. Shop Redeem . University Bookstore and get a small gift lor yoursell too BowiBti Thompson Student Union Multl Purpose Room It's Mother's Day at The Town Center at Levis Commons It's Picture ID Required Mom. Simplilied. April 27 to May 7 Wednesday & Thursday, April 27 & 28 (900 am to 7:30 pm) > £- ► Friday, April 29 (9.00 am to 5:30 pm) THE TOWN CENTER AT Saturd.'iy & Sunday. April 30 & May 1 (Noon to 5:30 pm) Monday Thursday, May 2 5 (9:00 am to 7:30 pm) JZ^EVIS COMMONS Friday. , May 6 (9 00 am to 7:00 pm) life, simplified. Saturday. May / (8:00 am to Noon) ID HltiiKlfcH tO WWVI 1 Of- ID I POU8 VUUX hrtp: UQBU.odu WWW.BGNEWS.COM Wednesday. April 21.2005 3 BLACK STUDENT CHARGED WITH HATE CRIME BANNOCKBURN, 111. (AP) — A black college student was charged with a hate crime yesterday for allegedly mailing racist threats to fellow minorities at 3,300- student Trinity International University. The hate mail prompted school authorities to move more than 40 minorities into a hotel last week. CAMPUS Minorities struggle to graduate on time By Zach Ahmad "I think it's possibly related immediate impair a school can get a life U WIRE {DC BUREAU! ^^^fc^^ htlfK// to the schools these students have, ilic\ said, is III creating a WASHINGTON — Since the attended before they came (to make sure minorities don't feel 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 10 am-4 p.m. Omega Phi Alpha will be recmrting tor civil rights movement, racial college]," said Cothran. " Ific\ out of place. Fed Ex Recruiting. Sponosored by the National Dance Week Info Table. summer SAAFE training. minorities have made great may not have had the same " Hun lias everything to do Career Center Sponsored by the University Dance Union Lobby strides in the world of higher level of preparation for higher with the university itself — Union Lobby Alliance education. Yet when it comes to education as some of the other academic advising, feeling graduating on time, many are Union Lobby 11 am-1p.m. students." pan of the institution, feeling 10 a.m.-3 p.m. siill ,u a disadvantage. Augmenting the problem is like you're pan of the univei Council for Exceptional Children Info. Capture the Flag Promotion and Even as college enrollment a general feeling of isolation. MI\ community," said Camille Registration Table. Sponsored by CRU 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Table among minorities continues particularly at more selective I lazeur, director of the office of Union Lobby SAAFE Awareness Table Union Lobby to rise, the latest figures from institutions, which tend to be diversity and equity services a) the Department of Education's less diverse. In a campus envi- George Mason University. "We graduation rate survey show ronment that is majority white. know from the research thai if a significant gap in rates for black and Hispanic students students don't feel a part of the black and Hispanic students may feel alienated, putting them comnuiniiv they have a greatei compared to their white peers. at a particular risk. of being distracted academically About 39 percent of blacks "These are students who are and subsequently flunking out" End-of-term stress has and 12 percent of Latinos at all on the margins Schools arc taking steps degree-granting financially and to address the fundamental institutions who "They may who have not had problems behind the gap, lames first enrolled in not have the most rigorous Madison University in Virginia 1996 graduated curriculum," said lias developed s Taculty in students looking for help within six years, had the Eugene Anderson, Residence" program in which compared to 58 per- say goodbye to their friends," According to Davenport, same level of senior research professors from the univer- Counseling center centofwhitcsand55 associate for the sity are placed in public high said Sarah Forney, intern for expressing feelings and percent of students preparation offers advice on how the counseling center. "All of American Council schools across the state with keeping in touch with overall. Four-year on Education and to transition smoothly. this creates stress (which is| the one another is the key to rates reveal the for higher large minorit) populations to number one issue with college same disparities. author of several help them develop a more effec- handling each of these education studies on minori- tive college prep curriculum. students." situations. Conflicts commonly with whites gradu- By Audrey Weber ties in higher " i hese students can now REP0RIE* Senior Dana Abbott also ating at a 36 percent as some of arise between people because education. "II you acquire the skills at the high Final exams, projects, understands the stress involved of a lack of communication rale and blacks and the other in the graduation process and llispanics both at add that to being school level thai will make them packing to move home and with those people who are pill on a campus mine competitive at the univer- saying good-bye to friends are leaving the University. important to us, she said. 19 percent students." "I will be moving back to School admin- that is often verj sity level," said Daniel Wubah, just some aspects of college life "I would encourage students different from the special assistant to the president many students face at the end my hometown and waiting to think about what their istrators said the MARY COTHRAN. to hear from two different primary reasons environment they Bl IMH. "We don't want to just of the school year. expectations are for the end UNIV. OF MARYLAND Graduate programs so that I are cultural. Mary are from, then it Increase the number of minorit) And while this transition can may make my decision about of the semester and for the does make for a very Students who go to college, but be overwhelming and difficult, summer and talk with family Cothran, direc- graduate school," she said. tor of multi-ethnic challenging also make sine they go with the the counseling center on campus "During that decision time members and others in their situation for black right preparation.'' is here to help. student education and summer months 1 will be lives to communicate these at the University of Maryland and latino students." 1 hough the program is in The center has offered working at a temporary office expectations. While they cautioned that iis liisi year. Wubah said |MU numerous workshops on stress — where six-year rates for black job before hopefully heading Editor's Note: For more students are 17 percent lower many of the reasons for these has already seen an increase management throughout April back to school." information on lite stress disparities occur before in minority applicants from and continues to offer help than those for whites — said Along with finding management workshops, visit minority students often receive students reach the college level, the participating schools and through their online summer employ- the counseling center website school administrators said that more of the students are resources. Students inferior college preparation at a "While ment or a full-time at www. bgsu. dii/offices/sa/ high school level, putting them they're doing what they can • seeking information on can find anything it can be job after gradua- counseling/index, htm at a disadvantage. to address the issue. The most applying to college. from audio relax- tion, students are ation sessions to self- exciting to also faced with help brochures on a see your the challenge of number of different maintaining the topics. All of these academic relationships resources are target- work have been ed to help students throughout with end-of-the-year culminate in school year, anxieties. being able to includes not "While it can be friends but exciting to see your put together boyfriends academic work and use girlfriends. culminate in being "My boyfriend is Rent a 4 Bedroom House able to put together what you my escape from Available May 15.2005 and use what you have learned, stress and I will miss have learned, it may not having him to also bestressful,'' said it may also run to," Abbott said. Are you going home for the Summer? Becky Davenport, bestressful." "He will remain in a psychologist for Bowling Green for We hove the perfect job in your Backyard the counseling cen- another semes- ter. "The end of the ter, putting us at a BECKY DAVENPORT, distance of three to semester brings PSYCHOLOGIST FLEXIBLE HOURS & GREAT PAY!! some additional five hours apart." Senior Samantha We have openings for Route Drivers, or Packaging pressure for many of Eng also expressed We offer 10-40 + hours/week us to get a lot of work done." frustration with knowing she This workload not only will not be able to see her ONLY $999°°/mo. + util. involves the assignments from Amenities: washer/dryer boyfriend as much over microwave Earn $7.00 to JI2.00 per hour classes, but may also include summer as she has in the past. rs log fl replace preparing for graduation and "The hardest thing is going ar garage walk In closets Bucyrus/Marion OH, 800-894-0529 the job market ahead. to be not seeing each other large yard "At the end of the spring everyday," she said. "There _tWjat *» fee" t*Ot*SOS left Toledo OH 800-899-8070 semester, students have to pack has to be a lot of trust and and move home — wherever willingness from both peo- Visit us on the Web at that may be — and they also ple to make a long distance have to try to find a job and relationship work."

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"It's for Tom, but it's also for conservatives, and for our self-respect."

American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene, on the Salute to Tom DeLay Dinner. (ncwv«duwn) OPINION STAKK KD1TORIAI Make sure pigs arerft part of lease Residents of buildings 8 and 9 of slaughterhouse, residents were In general, leasing problems copy of their lease to Student noises that eminate from the about the slaughterhouse when College Park's The Enclave are upset to find out about their new have plagued college students Legal Services, located in South slaughterhouse. they tour, it's unprofessional having problems. They are living neighbor for the first time on for decades, but there are some Hall, and they'll help you for free. What reason is there for business practice by The Enclave next door to a slaughterhouse. move-in day. key things that students must do The Enclave officially changed College Park management and to not specify exactly where a Living nexlto a slaughterhouse 84 of 88 residents questioned to avoid being placed in difficult ownership on March 31 of this tour guides not to mention the student will live when they sign a provides the residents with an in buildings 8 and 9 say that they leasing situations. year. Yet as recendy as April 20, slaughterhouse along with a pool, lengthy lease agreement odd living environment. They get were not even shown the side First and foremost, never sign students were still leaving tours hot tub and basketball court It's nice that the management to be awakened by the squealing of The Enclave that is located a lease without a verified apart- of the complex completely during tours? would try and place friends near of pigs as they're led to slaughter, adjacent to the slaughterhouse ment number on it. If students uninformed of their potential Not telling people about the one another, but students should and when it's warm outside, they during their tour. are unaware of the exact location neighbor: a pig slaughterhouse. slaughterhouse would only seem know exactly where they will live are close enough to get the smell Ownership of The Enclave in which they will be living, they We at the BG News would like to cause trouble, and has made before their name is signed, and of pig guts wafting Uirough their recently changed hands, so the shouldn't ever sign their name. to challenge the new College current residents of buildings 8 requests to live beside the pool — apartment windows. lack of information provided to In case students have signed a Park ownership to provide more and 9 feel like they were misled or far away from a putrid slaugh- Because the apartment students may not be the current lease for next year and feel they've information to prospective during their tour last year. terhouse — should be honored buildings are fairly close to the owners fault. been duped, they should bring a tenants about the smells and In addition to telling people on a first come, first serve basis. Ratzinger a poor papal choice Big Brother has aside. The pope's plan to solve I lu■ other is Cardinal Francis PEOPLE J.MICHAEL the crisis ofchange was not ta Arinze (of Nigeria). Though his ON THE STREET BESTUL This kind ofstance resulted in views ntn into the same arrived in Google / ,. . f, . ila UII1AIVpapacy I that(1 1(41 was •■*!.> lauded*ttllV4V