H O S E A The Greatest Love Story of All Time

Welcome to Calvary Women’s Bible Study!

We are blessed you are joining us on our journey through the Old Testament book of , a book rich in revealing the love Jesus has for His Church. The is said to be the greatest love story of all time, for in it we see the relentless love of God as He pursues His Bride. Though Hosea is not your typical love story, nevertheless, this book is God’s story of how He redeemed His Bride when she was in rebellion to Him.

The thread that runs throughout Hosea is God’s steadfast faithfulness even when we remain faithless (2 Timothy 2:13). Despite all of our sin, rebellion, and idolatry, God remains faithful to us because He loves us with unconditional love, and He promises He will never leave or forsakes us. As you study each chapter, you will see the recurring theme of the faithfulness of God. God doesn’t remain faithful to us because we are good but because He is so good.

This study is fourteen chapters long and fifteen weeks in duration. It’s designed to help you dig deep into the Word of God and pull out jewels for you to treasure. We pray you will be blessed as you gain insight and understanding in God’s plan for your life.

Be sure to take your time each day as you complete this Bible study. Don’t try to cover all the information each chapter has to offer in one sitting; otherwise, you may end up rushing and miss some important gems. Pray before you begin each day and ask the Lord for understanding. If you are new to Calvary Women, don’t become discouraged if you can’t answer all the questions. That is what we are here for, to help you grow! Just be sure to show up and be blessed as you sharpen your group and they sharpen you.

If ever we needed encouragement, it’s now!

I pray that you are blessed this year as we learn and grow together.

Love you all, Michelle


Visit www.calvarywomen.net to watch LIVE on Friday 9 a.m. and Monday 6:30 p.m. We add each study to the website soon after the Bible lesson is complete.

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3 HOSEA The Greatest Love Story Ever Told ©2020 by Michelle Randall

A Daily Walk Publishing 31612 El Camino Real San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949-443-2572

©2020 A Daily Walk Publishing All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Translation emendations, amplifications, and paraphrases are by the author.

Quotes throughout this Bible study were referenced from commentaries per author mentioned.

Written by Patti Randall & Carol Kusunoki Cover design: Alexandra Dishno Editor: Allie Kagamaster





6 PRACTICAL HELPS FOR YOUR BIBLE STUDY YEAR PERSONAL “BE”-attitudes: BE DETERMINED - Examine your daily schedule then set aside a consistent time and place to do your study. BE PREPARED - Gather the materials you’ll need: the Bible (we use NKJV), your workbook, and a pen. Try to get your answers from the Bible before going to a commentary. Sometimes another version (NLT, ESV) can help. BE INSPIRED - Begin each day with prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and to illuminate your mind. BE COMPLETE - Read the suggested Bible passages and finish the homework each day. You will get out of this study what you put into it. BE PERSISTENT - Answer the questions as fully as possible. If you are unable to answer a question, move forward to the next question or ask your leader for further insight. BE CONSISTENT - Don’t get discouraged. If you miss a day, you can catch up the next. At the same time, remember there is grace here. Life gets busy sometimes, so do what you can, and come to the group time anyway! You will be blessed! BE HONEST - When answering questions, allow the Lord to search your heart and transform your life. BE BLESSED - Enjoy your daily study time as He speaks to you through His Word.

SMALL GROUP “BE”-attitudes: BE PRAYERFUL - Pray before you begin your time together.

BE BIBLICAL - Keep all answers in line with God’s Word; avoid personal opinions. BE CONFIDENTIAL - Keep all sharing in your small group confidential. BE RESPECTFUL - Listen without interrupting. Keep comments on track and to the point, so that all can share. Do not use your group as a platform for politics or solicitations, or personal businesses of any kind. It is our policy that literature, handouts, business cards, tracts, invites to home parties, etc., are not allowed. BE DISCREET - In some cases, you do not need to share more than is absolutely necessary. Some details about personal issues do not need to be made known. BE KIND - Reply to the comments of others lovingly and courteously. BE MINDFUL - Remember your group members in prayer throughout the week.


8 H O S E A The Greatest Love Story of All Time

Have you ever treated someone terribly, yet they loved you in return? DID YOU KNOW? Have you ever rebelled against God, yet He in His loving kindness wooed The Major Prophets you to Himself? Or maybe you ran right past Him with His arms opened comprise the books of wide, not realizing His love was the true love you really were seeking, Isaiah, Jeremiah, yet He loved you just the same? Our God is a jealous God who will leave Ezekiel, and Daniel, the ninety-nine to go after the one who has strayed from the fold. This is while Minor Prophets what we will see in the story of Hosea, known to many as the greatest include Hosea, Joel, love story of all time. Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, The book of Hosea is about the carnal and corrupt state of Israel at the Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and time of the prophets. The prophets were God’s spokesmen to call Israel Malachi. Some refer to and Judah back to the covenant God had made with them on Mount the Minor Prophets as Sinai. But the people refused to listen, disobeying God and rebelling The Twelve, and its against His Commandments. So God allowed Israel to be divided and twelve books conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC. He also allowed Jerusalem to be represent a period of destroyed, thousands of Jews killed, and thousands more to be taken 450 years of history into exile in Babylon. But not without warning from the Prophets of when God revealed whom Hosea, whose name means salvation, was one. Himself to His people. These prophets are Hosea ministered in the northern kingdom from 760 to 720 BC. Israel at referred to as minor primarily due to the this time had become very prosperous, but Hosea could see that the size and implications nation was rotten at the core. Honest government, pure living, godly of the books, and not homes, and personal integrity had all but vanished from the land. So God because of less raised up a man, Hosea, who faithfully preached the Word of God during importance. Major this carnal and corrupt time. But the nation refused to repent and was Prophets are classified finally swallowed up by Assyria. as major for length and content with After the death of King Solomon, his son Rehoboam, did not serve God broader implications. faithfully which ended up dividing Israel into two kingdoms, the Pastor John Randall A DAILY WALK Southern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom. The Southern kingdom, Judah and Benjamin, was ruled by Rehoboam. The Northern kingdom, which made up the ten remaining tribes, was ruled by Jeroboam.

Fearful that the people would go back to Jerusalem to worship, Jeroboam put golden calves at Bethel and Dan for the people to worship instead of traveling to the temple. The people were led astray by idol worship and became increasingly more immoral. They began to mix the Jewish religion with pagan worship and loved it.

In reading the book of Hosea, we see our country, we see idolatry, and immorality, carnality, and corruption. We see our country in its current state—refusing to obey the God, thus becoming more and more immoral. The things we are seeing and hearing would almost be

9 unbelievable, had we not known that they would take place in the end times. The theme of Hosea is Faithfulness—specifically God’s faithfulness when we are unfaithful.

Even though we are fickle, weak, and even faithless at times, God remains faithful to us. He doesn’t desert us, and He doesn’t throw up His hands in frustration when we fall short. His faithfulness is higher than the heavens. 2 Timothy 2:13 puts it like this: “…if we are faithless, He remains faithful—for He cannot deny himself.”

In the book of Hosea, we will see God working outside of the box—much like He is today, using a pandemic to get our attention and light a fire under us to get ready for His soon and near return!

Much like Hosea, we may be called to do or say something that doesn’t make sense to others, or to us, but nevertheless, we do so in obedience.

No prophet preached a more painful “action sermon” than Hosea. For he was instructed by God to marry a prostitute named Gomer, who bore him three children, and he wasn’t even sure the last two children were fathered by him. Then she left him for another man and Hosea had the humiliating responsibility of buying his own wife back.

Why would God ask such a thing of Hosea?

To give Israel a visual picture of what they had done to God by prostituting themselves to idols and committing spiritual adultery.

Since we face the same temptation, we need to pay careful attention to the book of Hosea. Each of the characters in this book: Hosea, Gomer and the three children teach us important spiritual lessons about the God that we love and serve and how we can disobey and grieve His heart and yet He loves us just the same.

This book is the greatest love story of all time for in it we will see first hand that the Fathers unfailing love for us changes everything. As you read Hosea make it personal. You are Gomer and Jesus is Hosea—loving you unconditionally, pursuing you relentlessly, and sacrificing for you daily that you might turn from your sinful ways and receive His great love for you.

10 H O S E A Chapter 1

The book of Hosea takes place at a time in Israel's history when there was a division in the Kingdom. The country was divided into the Northern and Southern kingdoms. Hosea mostly ministered to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Outwardly, the nation is enjoying a time of prosperity and growth; but inwardly, moral corruption and spiritual adultery permeates the people. Hosea, instructed by God to marry a woman named Gomer, finds his family life a living picture of the message he preached, which is God’s faithfulness to an unfaithful people.

Here is a timeline of events during the ministry of Hosea.

Woven throughout this poetic book of Hosea is the amazing grace of God toward the sinful nation of Israel. We experience this grace in our lives as we repent and turn to our God of love.


MEMORY VERSE Yet I will have mercy on the house of Judah, will save them by the Lord their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword or battle, by horses or horsemen. :7

As you read chapter 1 of Hosea, spend some time in prayer asking the Lord to reveal His heart to you.

1. The book of Hosea is a minor prophet. What is the difference between a major prophet and a minor prophet? (Refer to introduction.)

2. Hosea was:

• The son of ______(see chapter 1 verse 1)

• A ______of God (refer to introduction)

• His name means ______(refer to introduction)

11 Interestingly, the names Hoshaiah, Joshua, and Jesus are all derived from the same Hebrew root word as Hosea.

3. What did God call Hosea to do? DID YOU KNOW? Prostitution has been practiced throughout ancient and modern a. Define prostitution. culture. Hosea speaks against the worship of Canaanite gods and b. Define spiritual prostitution and then refer to :11-13. idols, such as Baal and Asherah. The rituals were to promote the c. Define an idol. fertility of the land, some rituals having sexual intercourse

with official cult d. Read Psalm 139:23-24. Ask God if you have any idols before prostitutes. Him (e.g., possessions, ministry, time, family/home, Prostitution has been relationships, etc.). Make a list and inquire of the Lord for help described as “the to prioritize your life. world’s oldest profession,” and even though attempts were made, it continues nearly unchanged. DIG DEEPER A name often implies the character of a person or a message from God. What is the significance of the following names? (Use Google to search for the meanings of their names.)

• Gomer

• Diblaim (Gomer’s father)

• What influence could Diblaim have had on Gomer?

4. How many times is “the Word of the Lord” or “the Lord said” found in chapter one? Why do you think this is this important?

5. How did Hosea respond to God’s command?

a. What is your response when the Lord asks something of you?

12 b. Do you hesitate, negotiate, or immediately respond?

c. Has God ever asked you to do something that seemed different from your own plans or desires? Share your thoughts.

6. Write out the following verses concerning obedience:

• Luke 6:46

• Jeremiah 7:23

• Psalm 119:60

7. Who named Hosea and Gomer’s first son? (see verse 4)

a. What is his name?

b. Look up the meaning of his name.

In verse 4, the name Jezreel represents impending punishment against Israel by scattering the nation as a farmer scatters seed. Look back to 2 Kings 9-10 to find the story of Jehu.

8. What does ‘breaking the bow’ symbolize in verse 5?

9. Who named their daughter? (verse 6)

a. What is her name?

b. Look up the meaning of her name and write it down.

13 c. Define mercy.

Mercy is not getting what we deserve when we are guilty. However, the wise and loving heart of God shows mercy to whom He will show mercy. Look up Romans 9:15.

10. Look up and write out Lamentations 3:22-23 about God’s mercies and faithfulness. Underline key words that minister to you.

11. How has the Lord shown you His unfailing mercy this week?

12. Who named their third child? (verse 9)

a. Look up his name and write it down.

b. Define its meaning.

God is referring to His unfaithful people (Israel) when He says, “For you are not My people and I will not be your God.”

The prophet revealed what God had said through the names given to the children. By themselves, these names conveyed little, but when their meaning was known, the children became a perpetual reminder of what God was saying to the people. Having children walking around with these names made the Lord’s message through Hosea public, memorable, and definite.

13. Look up the meaning of your name and write it down.


In the midst of God’s rejection from the continual rebellion of Israel, we still see the grace of God.

14. Look up Genesis 22:17-18. What was the blessing God gave to Abraham that Hosea refers to in verse 10? Why would God remind Hosea of this blessing?

God’s promise of restoration is fulfilled in the church, where God DID YOU KNOW? “When the Lord’s set brings together Israel, Judah, and the gentiles into one body. time has come, they shall return from all the 15. Read Ephesians 2:16 and 1 Peter 2:9-10. How did God fulfill His lands whither they have promise? been scattered, and shall no longer be divided, but be one happy, united people, 16. State in your own words what the following verses say regarding under one Head, the to mercy and faithfulness: once-rejected Jesus— the Christ of God. That

will be the true day of • Deuteronomy 4:31 Jezreel, when the field of blood will become again the vineyard of Jehovah, and they shall • Deuteronomy 7:9 be sown of God in the land of their fathers, never to be rooted up again.” • 2 Timothy 2:13 H. A. Ironside

17. What new insights did the Lord show you through your study of chapter one?

DWELL ON THIS “We have in the Book of Hosea one of the most arresting revelations of the real nature of sin, and one of the clearest interpretations of the strength of the Divine love. No one can read the story of Hosea without realizing the agony of his heart. Then, lift the human to the level of the Infinite, and know this, that sin wounds the heart of God.” G. Campbell Morgan

15 NOTES Chapter 1



H O S E A Chapter 2

Hosea lived in close fellowship with God, knowing and feeling God’s heart toward an unfaithful people as he lived with an unfaithful wife. Israel had violated their covenant with God just as Gomer did in her marriage to Hosea. God doesn’t want any sin to hinder our relationship with Him.

MEMORY VERSE Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. :14

1. Read chapter 2 and pray, asking God to reveal all He wants to teach you through this study.

Title verses 1-13 ______14-23 ______

Remember: Mercy means not getting what you deserve.

2. Look up Hosea 2:1 in the King James Version. Notice the negative Lo is taken away in Hosea and Gomer’s children’s names, Ammi and Ruhamah, as he refers to them in verse 1. What does this mean?

3. God sees Israel as an adulterous wife, no longer worthy to continue their relationship, for it was broken. See Hosea 2:2-3.

a. Why?

b. What were they worshipping?

God’s heart is to bless His people, but He would judge them if they didn’t turn from their sin. If the unfaithful wife is referred to as the nation of Israel, according to various commentaries, the children of harlotry referred to in verse 4 were those consecrated to idols. And “God visits the sins of the parents upon the children, until the entailed curse be cut off by repentance.” Albert Barnes

17 DWELL ON THIS Since the people were acting like prostitutes, God would have to treat them as such. According to Hebrew law, adultery was a capital crime punishable by death. We still see God’s mercy and love as He would discipline but not destroy Israel.

J. Vernon McGee noted that one of the greatest sins we can commit is to be unfaithful to our God who loves us so dearly.

4. What do these verses say about God’s faithfulness?

• Psalm 31:23

• Psalm 86:15

• I Corinthians 1:9

DIG DEEPER Take a few moments and read Ezekiel 16:4-43. Jot down how the Lord Regarding EZEKIEL 16:8, speaks to you. Dwell on verse 8 (below). though the people were rebelling against God and abusing Him, His love remained constant. He covered their rebellion and nakedness

with His wings as evidence that His love never fails. Today, He loves us as much as When I passed by you again and looked upon you, indeed your time was when we were yet in sin the time of love; so I spread My wing over you and covered your at war with Him. He nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with loves us unconditionally you, and you became Mine,” says the Lord God. Ezekiel 16:8 with a supernatural love that never fails. God’s love for us never changes. It is we who

change but even on our 5. As we see God giving life and nurturing His beloved people, how worst day, and in our did they respond to God’s love for them? What was God’s response stupor and rebellion, He to their acts of sin? Be detailed in your answers. spreads His wings to covers us. Michelle Randall

18 6. How did Israel justify continuing in their sin? (verse 5)

a. Read Hebrews 11:25. How does this verse speak to you?

b. Who really supplied Israel with her needs?

7. Often, we take for granted all that we have, sometimes assuming the DID YOU KNOW? world will take care of us. Jot down a few things you are thankful for “It is the same love and grace that every and take a moment to thank God for His provisions. weary sinner and every failing saint is made to know when he seeks God’s face, confessing the sin and shame of his evil 8. Gomer wanted more than her immediate needs; she wanted to be ways. No satisfied with luxury and all that the world offered. The world can transgression is too look exciting and pleasurable for a time, tempting us to make the great for Him to pardon, and no evil- wrong choices. Write out verses 1 John 2:15-17. doing is too much for His mercy.” H. A. Ironside

MAKE IT PERSONAL Have you ever chased after the things of the world for fulfillment? Did you keep running, hitting walls, or feel it was just out of reach? Were you satisfied or did it leave you empty? Read Lamentations 3:7-9 and write out how it speaks to you.

19 9. Read verses 6-7. Because the Lord loves us, He makes the wrong path difficult to find. Maybe the Lord is putting up road blocks to prevent us from getting further away from Him. Look up and write out these verses:

• 1 Corinthians 10:13

• James 1:12

10. When we turn away from God, He doesn’t wait for us to come back; He pursues us and desires a personal relationship. What are some ways that the Lord draws us back to Himself?

DID YOU KNOW? “Allure is a very remarkable word, and it teaches us that the allurement of 11. Look up the following verses; note which verse ministers to you love surpasses in most. power all other forces. That is how the devil ruins us; he • Psalm 139:7-10 tempts us with honeyed words, sweet utterances, with the baits of • Joel 2:13 pleasure and the like; and the Lord in mercy determines that, in all truthfulness, he will outbid the devil, • Job 22:23 and he will win us to himself by fascinations, enticements, and • Zechariah 1:3 allurements which shall be stronger than any force of resistance we may offer. This is a Jeremiah 24:7 • wonderfully precious word: ‘I will allure her.” Charles Spurgeon

20 12. Idolatry is very offensive to God, for whatever we have comes from Him. Explain verse 8 in your own words.

For she did not know That I gave her grain, new wine, and oil, And multiplied her silver and gold— Which they prepared for Baal.

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you[e] know all things. 1 John 2:19-20

13. Read Hosea 2:9-13. According to these verses, how is God going to punish Israel?

14. In verse 11, the people celebrate the Hebrew feasts and festivals. Because they had turned away from God, who were they worshipping and giving glory to?

a. When we go to church, are we honoring the Lord with our heart or just going through the rituals?

b. What does Matthew 15:7-9 say about this?

One of the greatest judgments God can give to anyone is to let them have their own way! Because our God is a Holy God, He cannot allow sin to continue. Shame and sorrow follow sin, and all that was valued is lost, but we can find the blessings from our Lord as we confess our sins and restore our personal relationship with Him.

15. The three children ______, ______, and ______have taught us about the G______of God. Gomer has taught us about the H______of God. Now, Hosea will teach us about the L______of God.

21 16. Define the word allure found in verse 14. ACHOR VALLEY is defined in Hebrew as the valley of trouble, a place 17. Achor is a valley in the vicinity of Jericho. According to verse 15, of affliction. Basically, what does the Valley of Achor represent? this valley represents our valleys and how the Lord is present during our time of affliction. See Isaiah 65:10.

DIG DEEPER God is a present help in our time of need. Look up Psalm 46:1 and write this out as a reminder.

18. According to verse 16, why would God desire His people to call Him Husband instead of Master? Explain your answer. The Biblical definition of hope is more than wishful thinking. Biblical hope is an expectation of a guaranteed result.

19. God’s love for His people is clearly shown through His promises. Write down what you find in verses 14-23.

I will ______I will ______

I will ______I will ______

I will ______I will ______

I will ______I will ______

I will ______I will ______

I will ______I will ______

I will ______

22 20. There are many promises of God in the Bible. Find 5 verses on the promises of God, write them down, and pray them in.

2 Peter 1:4: “For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.”

DWELL ON THIS “The sun never grows weary of shining, nor a stream of flowing; it is God’s nature to keep His promises. Therefore, go immediately to His throne and say, ‘Do as You promised.’” Charles Spurgeon

23 NOTES Chapter 2



H O S E A Chapter 3

Out of anguish, Hosea gains a deeper understanding of the forgiving love of God. Nineteenth century preacher Frederic Farrar noted, “If the love of man can be so deep, how unfathomable must be the love of God.” As we dig deeper into these verses, we will see the Lord working in the lives of Hosea and Gomer to teach us the way into eternity.

MEMORY VERSE I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord. Hosea 2:20

1. Prayerfully read chapter 3, asking the Lord to show you His heart. Summarize these verses in your own words.

2. What exactly did the Lord tell Hosea to do and why would God ask this of Hosea?

Love does not consist of just romantic illusions but is a matter of the will. When we love someone God tells us to love, like Hosea was directed to love Gomer, this can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s agape love is beyond our will. RAISIN CAKE 1 ½ cups raisins 2 cups water 3. According to :1, what are raisin cakes used for? Refer to 1 cup sugar Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:19. 1 tsp Balsamic vinegar ¾ cup butter 3 eggs 2 tsp vanilla extract 4. The Hebrew word for love has many meanings just as the English 1 ½ cups oatmeal language has many meanings for ‘love.’ In such cases, we need to 1 tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt draw the meaning from the context. Note its many uses written 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour in verse 1. 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 ½ tsp ground allspice 1 tsp ground nutmeg 2 tsp baking powder 5. What is the difference between a harlot and an adulteress? Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease pan. In large pot, boil raisins in water. “God is love,” Add sugar and vinegar and (1 John 4:8). stir. Set aside; cool 10 In “The Four Loves,” C. S. Lewis addresses various meanings of minutes. To same pot, add butter, love from the Greek: storge (affection), phileo (friendship), eros eggs, vanilla, remaining dry (romantic), and the highest form of love, agape (divine), which is ingredients. God’s outpouring of love for humankind. Mix well, pour batter into pan. Bake 35-45 minutes.

25 6. How much did it cost Hosea to buy back his wife? See verse 2.

The SHEKEL coin has a 7. Just as Hosea will go to extreme lengths to get his wife back, God will long history and has go to extreme lengths to get His people back. What ultimate price been designated for over did God pay for you? 5,000 years. In ancient times, the coin was weighted in silver, gold, and barley. In today’s 8. Look up and write out these verses on redemption. market, a single shekel is worth less than one Romans 5:8 dollar. The amount • Hosea paid for Gomer is equivalent to the 30 shekels of silver Judas • 1 Corinthians 6:20 paid to betray Jesus.

MAKE IT PERSONAL Gomer is a perfect illustration of what people are like without Christ: lost, numb, and unable to escape the downward spiral of sin. What have you been redeemed from?

Through Hosea’s obedience, he entered into fellowship with the amazing tenderness of God, and he was prepared to deliver the messages that followed.

9. The separation of Gomer (Israel) will lead to her purification, DID YOU KNOW? The idolatrous worship rededication, and renewal. This separation will mean giving up of the land was so those things that led to Gomer’s unfaithfulness (Israel’s spiritual universally unfaithfulness). In verse 3, Hosea informs Gomer, “You shall stay accompanied with with me many days. You shall not play the harlot. You shall have no immoral practices that other man.” it was hard for a woman to be chaste, and harlotry a. According to verse 3, what are the three commands Hosea gives (whoredom) in its to Gomer? literal sense was probably true of most of the women of the times. b. What does this mean for Gomer?

c. Has the Lord asked you to separate yourself from anything? Share it here.

d. What value is there in a time of separation?


ACROSS 2. So I ______her for myself DOWN 3. Infatuation, not love 1. We are ______of God (John 1:12) 5. ‘They shall ______the Lord’ 4. Grain grown and eaten 6. Prophet of God 6. ‘You shall not play the ______8. 15 ______used for partial payment 7. ______shall return 9. One who worships many gods 10. An offering to God 11. The Almighty 11. Hosea 3:5 (a fruit of the Spirit) 14. Hosea’s wife 12. ‘Go again, ______a woman’ 15. Used in festivals 13. Acts 13:38 ‘______of sins’ 17. A precious metal 16. ‘Thou shall not commit ______18. 1 ½ ______(used to measure volume)

27 10. According to verse 4, during Israel’s time of discipline, they will be deprived. What does each of the following signify? Look up definitions.

without king ______without prince ______

without sacrifice ______without sacred pillar ______

without ephod ______without teraphim ______

11. A time of separation should lead us to repentance. Our Lord is always seeking restoration. Aside from the children of Israel returning to their land, repentance is most important to the Lord for restoration.

a. When will this restoration happen?

b. Who will become David their King?

c. Has this prophecy been fulfilled?

12. Proverbs 9:10 tells us “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” What does it mean to you to fear the Lord?

13. Look up the following verses on the goodness of the Lord and write down what speaks to you most in each verse.

• Exodus 34:16

• Psalm 145:9

• Romans 2:4

28 It is not necessary to wait to have a restored relationship with Jesus Revelation 3:20 Christ. You can ask Him right now by repenting of sin and receiving Behold, I stand at the Jesus as your Lord and Savior. See John 3. door and knock. If anyone hears My voice DWELL ON THIS and opens the door, I will “Out of God’s love, Hosea’s new care for Gomer was born. Out of this come in to him and dine pain, there came full confidence in the ultimate victory of love. with him, and he with Equipped, he delivers his messages and all through them will sound Me. those deep notes of sin, love, and hope.” Today the Lord Jesus G. Campbell Morgan stands at the door of your heart knocking. He won’t force His way into your life but patiently waits for you to let Him in. If you open the door of your life, He promises to come in and forgive you of your sins and give you the hope of heaven. If you would like to receive Him into your life today, you can pray a simple prayer like this:

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

29 NOTES Chapter 3


30 H O S E A Chapter 4

God is now charging Israel for their sins, much like taking them into a court of law and describing their disobedience. These violations of God’s commands are the reason for the condition of the land. When the knowledge of God no longer exists, there is no truth or mercy. God’s Word is our only reliable source of truth, and God’s love is the only source of true mercy.

MEMORY VERSE The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

1. Spend some time in prayer before reading chapter 4. What would you title this chapter?

2. Hosea was well aware that sin breaks the heart of God and also offends the holiness of God. Why will the Lord bring a charge against the inhabitants of the land? (verse 1)

3. Which five of the Ten Commandments listed in verse 2 did the children of Israel break?

Read Exodus 20 and write out the other commandments that they broke in their covenant with God.

DWELL ON THIS “We are now living in a day in which the knowledge of God is suppressed. There is an organized effort to remove the consciousness of God from our national life. The result is, increasingly, less truth and mercy. Deception is on the rise; and cruel treatment of others is running rampant. No knowledge of God will always lead to no truth and no mercy.” Chuck Smith

31 4. God’s heart is to forgive the sins of His people and restore fellowship as they follow after Him. The world says you are number one. Do what feels right in your eyes. Make up your own rules and answer to no one. There is a choice each one of us needs to make—follow the world or follow Jesus. Read Matthew 16:24-26, and write down what you find.

DID YOU KNOW? “Until we have seen ourselves as God sees us, we are not likely to be much disturbed over conditions around us as long as they do not get so far out of hand as to threaten our comfortable way of 5. Idolatry was at the source of Israel’s sins. With God’s authority life. We have learned removed, truth and devotion were no longer present; therefore, to live with there was no accountability for their actions, and they no longer unholiness and have practiced restraint, resulting in bloodshed upon bloodshed. What come to look upon it as the natural and does that mean? (see verses 2-3) expected thing.” A. W. Tozer

6. Satan rejoices in our tragedies. He makes us think we are following a path to freedom, but when we take our eyes off the Lord, it only leads to destruction. Read verse 3 and write what this means in your own words.

7. The people were instructed not to accuse or rebuke one another; they didn’t listen, not even to the priest! Look up Deuteronomy 17:9-13 and write down what the people should do and the result if they disobeyed.

32 8. God’s people were willfully ignorant of the knowledge of God. The prophets and priests failed to teach and minister God’s law, and they were content with just a little knowledge. This is happening today, as well. Some teachers water down God’s truth, and many reject it completely. But others are hungry for God’s Word and thankful for those teaching only the Bible! Define the following and state the difference.

a. Knowledge of God

b. Knowledge of God’s Word

How does the knowledge of God and His Word affect you personally? DID YOU KNOW? “People who don’t get a steady diet of pure Bible will be destroyed from malnutrition.” Chuck Smith 9. Write out 2 Timothy 4:2.

10. Both blessings and sin affect many people. God blessed the priests with increase, yet they sinned even more against God. They actually enjoyed the benefits of the people’s sins, greedily accepting meat and other bribes the people brought as sacrifices. What is most important to God regarding sacrifices? Look up the following verses and write what you find.

• Proverbs 21:3

• Matthew 9:13

• Ephesians 5:2

• Hebrews 13:15-16

33 DIG DEEPER Read 2 Chronicles 11:13-17. What happened to the majority of the priests? Explain why.

11. When one follows after sin, it only leaves them spiritually A DIVIDED KINGDOM dissatisfied. Judgment will follow. As a priest, will those who The Southern Kingdom (Judah) with its capital in follow after sin be immune to God’s punishment? Why? See verses Jerusalem consisted of 9-11. Judah and most of Benjamin with Rehoboam as their king. Under King Jeroboam, headquarters for the Northern Kingdom (Israel), which became 12. Read Proverbs 4:14-19. What causes people to stumble? known as Ephraim, were at Shechem in Samaria and included the Ten

Tribes—Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulun.

DWELL ON THIS “Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart.’ Alcoholic beverages have the capacity to cause you to do things you would never do when you are sober. Your inhibitions decrease, your standards are lowered, and your judgment is obstructed. It will not only loosen you up to give yourself over to the flesh, but it will also cause you to become enslaved to all sorts of destructive things. Addicted and enslaved.” Chuck Smith

In our world today, many of our children are subjected to false teaching and evil. Spend a few moments in prayer for them to stay on God’s straight path.

The people of Israel continued to disobey the Lord, enslaving themselves in harlotry and drinking, indulging themselves and never becoming satisfied. They sought idols and built more shrines. Meanwhile, the priests indulged in more lustful pleasures, even joining in fertility rites. But all to no avail as God allowed a decrease instead of an increase in both population and the produce they were growing.

34 13. Who did the people turn to for guidance, where did they worship and what did they do? (Read verses 12-13)

14. Israel’s idolatry was like adultery against the Lord, who is our DID YOU KNOW? faithful and good husband. Israel did not want to leave God, but The religion of Canaan added pagan idols to worship. Even the priests’ own daughters was practiced in became shrine prostitutes and committed adultery. Where would innumerable small this lifestyle lead? (verse 14) shrines located on hilltops and in groves of trees. The idols consisted of stone

pillars and wooden poles. There were prostitutes of both sexes present at the shrines, and their 15. What are the three warnings found in verse 15 that were given to activities were Judah? encouraged and protected, if not required, by the local gods.

• Write out I Corinthians 15:33.

16. Look up the definition for Bethel.

17. Look up the definition for Beth Aven.

18. What is the difference between a stubborn calf and a lamb grazing in open country? (verse 16)

35 19. In the book of Hosea, Ephraim refers to the unfruitful sins of the people. Why? (verse 17)

20. Read Psalm 81:12 and answer the question: Because the children of Israel were set on having their own way, what did the Lord do?

MAKE IT PERSONAL Would we ever want God to leave us alone? What would happen if left to our own sinful heart? We need His protection against ourselves and our spiritual enemies. We need God to fight for us! Look up these verses:

• Exodus 14:14

• Zephaniah 3:17

• Luke 22:31-32

Isn’t it comforting to know our Lord prays for us, and that we will be victorious? Take some time to pray, thanking God for protecting, shaping, and transforming you into His image.

DWELL ON THIS “How deep the love that breathes through all this unhappy description of Israel. How tender the grace that persisted to the end in seeking the restoration of those so worthless and so undeserving! And this is for us too, it is precious to know that His grace is unchanging; and if saved by that precious blood of Christ, we are objects of that faithful and forbearing love that never turns aside.” H. A. Ironside

36 NOTES Chapter 4



38 H O S E A Chapter 5

The children of Israel had become complacent and comfortable in their lives steeped in sin and were very proud. Judgment would come, even though God continued to desire restoration of His presence for these backslidden people to taste the sweetness of companionship and communion with their Everlasting God.

MEMORY VERSE The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:9

1. As you begin this lesson, pray for insight and understanding of God’s Word. Read chapter 5, and write down the main theme.

Mizpah was located in Israelite territory east of the Jordan. Mount Tabor was in the northern kingdom, southwest of the Sea of Galilee. This is where the leaders of Israel promoted pagan worship.

a. When God saw the sinful state of Israel, who was to blame for this? (verse 1)

b. What does a snare and a net signify?

2. The priests, political rulers, royal household, and people were all involved. Who will ultimately be judged by God? (verse 1)

DID YOU KNOW? “God sees everything 3. Verse 2 says, “The revolters are deeply involved in slaughter.” Look and knows everything. He can up Psalm 106:36-38 and write down what it says. read your mind even before you think. God’s omniscience should either terrify you or give you a wonderful sense of security. It depends on whether you are walking with Him or away from Him.” Chuck Smith

39 4. God’s people sinned and stumbled and did not respond to God the way they should. How should they have respond to God’s rebuke?

5. People so often presume they can hide from God, thinking He doesn’t see what they’re doing. What does verse 3 say regarding what God knows about His people?

6. Read Psalm 139:23-24 and ponder its message. Then pray out Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

7. Israel continues pagan worship to other gods rather than to the One and only true God. The LORD knew His people, but how did they ignore Him? (verse 4)

8. Pride was in the center of Israel’s rebellion toward God. They had an arrogant attitude and thought their opinions and desires were more important than what God said. Write down what the following verses tell us about PRIDE.

• Proverbs 16:18

• Romans 12:3

• Isaiah 2:11

• Daniel 5:20

• Ezekiel 16:49-50

40 9. Sin not only affects the person sinning but many others, as well. Judah has now followed Israel’s moral example and would experience the same consequences. God had promised to leave rebellious Israel alone. Read verses 5 and 6.

a. What sacrifices did the people bring to the Lord?

b. Did the Lord receive their offerings?

When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! Isaiah 1:15

SOME HINDRANCES TO OUR PRAYERS DISOBEDIENCE “To obey the Lord is better than sacrifice.” I Samuel 15:22 AN UNCLEAN HEART “If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Psalm 66:18 SIN “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1-2 HOW HE HEARS US “And this is the confidence that we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”. 1 John 5:14 JESUS TELLS US HOW TO PRAY in Matthew 6 and Luke 11

DWELL ON THIS “We can be so set in our sin and rebellion that God just leaves us to ourselves. Usually we don’t even notice at first, but when we call upon the Lord and do not find Him, we begin to see the result of pushing God away.” David Guzik

God would not forget them, but He would withdraw Himself from them for a time, leaving them to spiritual famine and desolation, until they realized their true condition and owned it before Him.

10. The people dealt treacherously with the Lord. In what way? (verse 7)

DID YOU KNOW? “Judah’s leaders, 11. Blow the ram’s horn! Blow the trumpet! Cry aloud! The enemy however, were not armies are ready to invade. Three cities are warned to defend the shifting physical land. What will happen to Ephraim? (verses 8-9) property lines but spiritual lines established by God, changing the boundary between right and wrong, between true and false religion, between the true God and the idols.” Fred M. Wood

41 12. The political leaders of Judah were corrupt and would cheat by moving property boundaries to their advantage if they could get away with it. This violates the divine intention for all of God’s people to enjoy their inheritance. Look up Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17. What does God say about this and what will God do to them? (verse 10)

13. Ephraim sinned by living according to man’s standards and opinions rather than God’s, rejecting God’s precepts. Read verse 12. The inner decay of Ephraim was like the slow hidden destruction caused by a ______, and to the house of Judah corroding decay like ______. They will not be blessed, and they will not increase.

DIG DEEPER Read 2 Kings 16 and 17 for the historical background that correlates with :8-15.

In 2 Kings 15:19-20, Assyria came up against Israel, but the king of Israel was able to pay him off, hoping to entice him to be an ally. At that time, the king of Assyria returned to his own land. In chapter 16, however, we see that Israel and Syria come against Judah and Judah pays Assyria to defeat Israel. Assyria was loyal to the money.

14. Read verse 13. Israel and Judah were seeking help from man when they should have sought help from the Lord. Both Judah and Ephraim suffered much in their battles against each other. Who did they each turn to for help?

MAKE IT PERSONAL Who do you run to for help? Read Psalm 121:1-2.

15. Attacking like a ferocious, invincible lion, God would scatter His people as judgment for their treachery. What was the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? (verse 14)

16. How does verse 15 relate to the parable of the prodigal son?

DWELL ON THIS “Wherever and whenever God appears to men, He acts like Himself. If we could remember that the divine mercy is not a temporary mood but an attribute of God’s eternal being, we would no longer fear that it will someday cease to be. Mercy never began to be, but from eternity was; so it will never cease to be.” A. W. Tozer

42 NOTES Chapter 5



44 H O S E A Chapter 6

Israel and Judah had rebelled against God and suffered greatly. They finally realized their need for repentance. At first it seemed genuine and heartfelt, but God, looking at their hearts, knew their repentance was shallow and insincere.

MEMORY VERSE For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. :6

Take some time to sit before the Lord, and ask Him to speak to you as you study His Word.

1. After reading chapter 6, give this chapter a title.

2. According to verse 1, answer the following questions.

a. Who is crying out to the Lord?

b. Why do they want to return to the Lord?

c. Who has torn and stricken them?

d. In what ways was Israel confident God would help them?

3. Write what these verses say about God’s heart.

• Isaiah 1:18

• Deuteronomy 32:3

• Isaiah 55:7

The nation was in trouble and wanted God to ‘fix things’ for them.

45 4. Fill in the blanks


HEALING ______





RITUALS ______


5. In reading verse 2, what are we reminded of? DID YOU KNOW? In his teaching on this

section, Jon Courson said, “Hosea 6:2 is a 6. How do we get to know God and grow in His knowledge? (verse 3) prophetic verse. In AD 70, Israel was scattered, Jerusalem destroyed and ceased to become The word to know in Hebrew is yada, meaning to know, a nation. In 2 Peter 3:8, learn to know, recognize, perceive, and to know, especially we are told not to through personal experience; to intimately know. forget this one thing, ‘that with the Lord one

day is as a thousand years, and a thousand 7. Write what these verses say about God. years as one day.’ It has been two millennia and • John 1:1 yes, they are back as a nation, but they are fighting everyday for • John 17:3 their lives. When will they be restored? In the third millennia, when

Christ comes back for • Hebrews 11:6 them!”

46 8. Pursue in Hebrew is radaph, which means to chase ardently, seek after, or aim eagerly to secure. “What a glorious a. What things are we to pursue in life? promise this is, ‘like the latter rain and former rain to the b. What do the following verses say about this? earth,’ God is speaking of the • 1 Timothy 6:11 restoration of Israel.”

Chuck Smith

• Psalms 34:14

• Hebrews 12:14

9. What happens when we pursue the things of God?

DIG DEEPER His going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn rises. His faithfulness never ceases. Amen! God’s restored presence and blessings would be like the rain that waters and renews the earth. The latter rains of Israel came in the spring and caused the plants to grow. The former rains came in the autumn and softened the ground for plowing and sowing. Read 2 Samuel 23:4.

We can feel the heartbeat of God as He cries out their names, “O Ephraim, O Judah, what shall I do to you?” He has torn them, cut them, stricken them, and scattered them all in the name of Love. He is Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. He wants to heal them and bring them back to bless them, but their hearts are still unfaithful.

10. What is the definition of the word hewn? How does this relate to verse 5?

47 11. What does God desire from them in verses 6 and 7?

a. Instead of being obedient to the Lord, what was Israel doing?

b. What does God desire of us?

c. How does Romans 12:1-2 speak to you in this regard?

MAKE IT PERSONAL • Have you ever been in Israel and Judah’s place?

• Has God torn you, maybe by taking someone from your life, stricken you with an illness, or put you on the shelf unused?

• Do you make sacrifices for God but keep your heart back from Him?

• Do you own your sin and your consequences?

• Do you have a personal relationship with God?

DID YOU KNOW? Ponder these things and answer below. “A priestly city, it should have been holy to the Lord; but these troops of robbers were plundering those they should have led in the right way; living in uncleanness too, instead of in God’s 12. According to verses 8-10, what was Gilead originally known for holy ways. The leaders and what became of him? of the people caused them to err, and led them astray from the paths of truth.” H. A. Ironside

48 13. For both Israel and Judah, God had appointed a harvest, and they would reap what they had sown. What was to become of the harvest and what had they sown? (verse 11)

14. Look up and write the following verses. DID YOU KNOW? • Galatians 6:7-8 “The Great Surgeon. The God who has torn is the same God who will heal. The God who has

stricken is the God who • Proverbs 22:8 will bind us up. God sometimes has to deal with us in severe ways because of the severity 15. How do the above verses apply to your life? Be encouraged that of our problems. what you sow is not in vain. Desperate situations require desperate measures. The cancer of sin sometimes requires Some water, some plant, and some harvest. Read 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 radical surgery. He may (below) and jot down how this ministers to you. need to cut into us and take out what is killing I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he us. But He only cuts us to who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the heal us and to keep us increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one from destroying will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are ourselves. Our response God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. should always be, ’Come, and let us return to the Lord.’” Chuck Smith

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

DWELL ON THIS “‘Faith’ is awareness. ‘Evangelism’ is helping people to become aware. So it goes! It will always go thus until men and women see themselves as sinners before a holy God, and turn from that sin to God through faith in Jesus Christ. Until that happens, our little ‘repentances’ do not count. We can ‘repent’. We can go through all the rituals of religion—going to church, singing hymns, giving money, serving on church boards, even doing ‘good’ deeds—but it will all be worthless so far as finding God is concerned.” James Montgomery Boice

49 NOTES Chapter 6


50 H O S E A Chapter 7

Hosea declared the true state of affairs in Israel. God desired to heal their broken state caused by the pollution they allowed to permeate the country and by persistently ignoring the One Holy God. Hosea describes the widespread sin of the land; the king, princes, and judges were corrupt and actually approved of the people’s sins. God’s heart is for His people to draw closer to Him, show true repentance, and walk in faithfulness with Him. But the children of Israel wanted God to act on their terms and not according to the condition of His holy covenant. They just seemed to have an unquenchable zeal for political control and unbridled lust.

MEMORY VERSE Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! Romans 11:33

1. As you prayerfully read chapter 7, write some thoughts that stand out to you.

2. God’s heart is to heal the afflicted. Did the Israelites think God would hold them accountable for all their sins? (see verses 1-2)

3. When God said He would have healed Israel, what happened as a result? (verse 1)

Sin may be secret before others, but not to God. The Israelites willfully forgot that God sees all and remembers. There are times we deliberately forget God’s power, pretending certain sins didn’t happen in our own lives.

4. Look up Psalm 73:11 and write out the verse.

51 5. What is the difference between a sinner with a hardened heart and one with a soft heart toward God?

a. Give an example in Scripture of someone with a hardened heart. See Exodus 9:34-35.

b. Give an example in Scripture of someone with a soft heart. See Acts 13:22; 2 Samuel 13:14.

6. God has a precious promise for those who come to Him with a repentant heart. Look up Jeremiah 31:34 and write out this promise.

“The government was actually encouraging the wickedness of the “Indeed I tremble for people. They passed laws that granted them the freedom to perform my country when I their sins. Because the government officials were corrupt, the laws they reflect that God is just.” passed were corrupt. Sound familiar?” –Chuck Smith Thomas Jefferson

7. Explain :3 and Proverbs 29:12 in your own words.

8. The imagery of the baker with his oven is a picture of the destructive nature of the past and present political turmoil of the northern kingdom. How could this have been prevented? Refer to verses 6-7.

“Leaven, in Scripture, never typifies that which is good; it is always significant of some form of evil. The leaven of unrighteousness had long since been secretly working in the nation, but now was openly corrupting the whole. Once the leaven is inserted in the dough, the baker knows it will act according to its nature.” H. A. Ironside

Leaven relates to sin, and once sin has crept into our lives, we act according to our flesh. Knowing this, let us be all the more mindful of the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

A little leaven leavens a whole lump. Galatians 5:9.

52 9. What are some ways we can encourage one another to stay on the straight and narrow path?

Israel was inflamed with desire and passion after idols like the coals of a freshly stoked fire ready to bake bread.

10. Fill in the type of passion that best fits each verse:

• quiet • suppressed • consuming

a. The oven represents a ______passion that does not go out even though the baker ceases to stir the fire. (verse 4)

b. The oven is a ______passion, like anger smoldering, that unexpectedly and violently erupts; it blazes like a flaming fire. (verse 6)

c. The oven depicts a ______passion that will devour rulers and all their kings. (verse 7) “The lesson is an CHALLENGE important one for us Israelite kings were assassinated by dangerous conspirators during who have been called Hosea’s ministry, as related to the baker with his oven. Many kings in with a higher calling, the divided kingdom were violently murdered. We have listed some and are commanded below. See if you can find the murdered kings specific to Hosea’s time to to walk apart from a godless world and a discuss in your small group. Refer to 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 corrupt Church. Yet Chronicles (Zechariah, Shallum, Pekahiah, Pekah). we learn so slowly. . Oh, that there were in us hearts to cleave to the Lord, heeding His word, ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separate!’” H. A. Ironside

King Josiah took the throne at age eight after his father, KING AMON, was assassinated (2 Kings 21-22). 2 Kings 11:1-3 tells us all the members except Joash of the House of Judah were slain by ATHALIAH (a queen who ruled for seven years after the death of her son); she was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. 1 Kings 16:9-10 gives the account of the captain of the chariots killing KING ASA while he was drinking himself drunk.

53 Instead of remaining separate from the other nations, Israel decided to intermix with them and embrace their ways. According to the covenant God had with His people, the Jews could trade with other nations but were not to enter into political alliances that would compromise their obedience to the Lord. The result was like a half-baked cake—burned on one side, uncooked on the other. Israel thought they could serve both the Lord and idols.

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither [k]cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Revelation 3:15-16

MAKE IT PERSONAL God doesn’t want us half-hearted but desires our whole hearts surrendered to Him. When we allow compromise to seep into our lives, this can result in an unbalanced life. Take a minute to ask the Lord if you have allowed any compromise into your life or home. Any secret sin unconfessed? Ask Jesus to forgive and restore your relationship with Him.

11. Ephraim was unaware of two things mentioned in verse 9. What were these two things? What does this mean?

12. It was as though Israel’s pride made the people oblivious to their deteriorating strength. Look up the following verses and write down what you find.

• Judges 16:20

• Revelation 3:17

DIG DEEPER Can you think of any other examples in Scripture? List these examples here.

God can solve our problems immediately, but sometimes we want to do it our way. Israel let pride set in and chose to look to other nations instead of looking to the One true God who could right all their wrongs should they ask.

54 13. Hosea warns the people where they should turn to get help, but they fail to listen. Jesus is the answer!

a. What does a silly dove refer to? (verse 11)

b. Can you think of a time that you wanted to solve a problem your way instead of God’s way? Did it go well?

14. What will the Lord do to Ephraim as stated in verse 12?

15. What is the difference between chastise and chasten? DID YOU KNOW? “It’s a basic spiritual a. Chastise principle that until people experience the b. Chasten guilt of conviction, they can’t enjoy the glory of conversion.” Warren Wiersbe

16. Why does the Lord chastise His people? Refer to Hebrews 12:6.

Write Isaiah 53:5 and take a minute to thank our Lord today.

17. What actions do we see Israel take in verses 13-14 (NKJV)?

• They have ______

• They have ______

• They have ______

• They did not ______

• They ______

• They ______

• They ______

What actions should they have taken?


Leviticus 20:26 says, “And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine.” This is God’s heart for His people and they continually turned their backs on Him.

18. The last verse of chapter 7 speaks of Israel as a treacherous bow, which means damaged or flawed and therefore unreliable to the hunter. Why did he refer to Israel as a treacherous bow? The KJV reads “deceitful bow.”

a. Have you ever felt damaged, flawed, or ineffective in your life or ministry?

b. How did you respond?

Be encouraged that God desires to use us despite our inadequacy. He knows we are imperfect people and still wants to use us as ambassadors to proclaim His glory.

19. Read Psalm 101 about God’s faithfulness. Which verse/verses spoke to you? Why?

20. If you were to share this chapter with someone, how would you sum it up in one sentence?

DWELL ON THIS “The man who gazes upon and contemplates day by day the face of the Lord is not a theory but an indwelling power and force in his life, is as a mirror reflecting the glory of the Lord.” Alan Redpath

56 NOTES Chapter 7



58 H O S E A Chapter 8

In this chapter, we see the unhappy condition of God’s deluded people, the children of Israel, their hearts set on wandering from God, the only good in their lives. Again, the people are warned in their wretched, fallen state that judgment is coming soon—all because of their continual sins. The Israelites pledged to obey all the words of the Law in the covenant at Mount Sinai. Blessings were promised to all who kept the covenant but consequences of judgment would come to those who violated its precepts. Israel had broken their covenant with God, and even though God had continued to show them grace and mercy, His people still needed to own their sins and return to the Everlasting Father with sincere repentance in their hearts.

MEMORY VERSE He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

1. As you read chapter 8, begin with prayer. Note the apostasy of Israel.

2. This chapter opens with a bang or rather a blow of a trumpet. This is the second time Hosea calls for a trumpet to be blown. According to Numbers 10:9-10, what do we learn about trumpets? Why are they used? (verse 1)

3. The eagle represented Assyria swooping down to attack Israel to take the people into captivity. (See 2 Kings 15:27-29 for further information.) What is the reason that Israel deserved captivity? (verse 1)

4. What does the house of the Lord refer to? Look up Exodus 15:17 and write what you find. (verse 1)

59 5. What was Israel’s cry to the Lord? Were they sincere? Was it true? (verse 2)

It seemed Israel was unconscious of their state of being. Though they claimed to know God, their lives painted a very different picture, professing God while denying Him in works. Sin hasn’t changed much throughout history; the same is true today. Many claim to know Jesus but their lives reflect the things of the world.

During the days Jesus walked the earth, the scribes and Pharisees spoke of what to do according to the Law, but their practice of living was far from the Law. What folly to pride oneself in thinking all is well in the so-called godly style of living when, in truth, their lives were defiled in sin and their hearts untrue to the Lord!

6. Read Matthew 7:22-23 and write down what many will say to the Lord and the Lord’s response.

MAKE IT PERSONAL If you want to actually know the Lord, you need to walk closely with Him.

• Are you cultivating a deep, personal relationship with Him?

• Do you make a steady diet of spending quality time alone, not just talking but listening to what He has to say personally to you?

• Are you faithfully reading God’s Word with eyes and heart open to His speaking?

The Lord Jesus desires to know you! Take a few minutes to pour out your heart and write your thoughts.

7. Look up what Micah 6:8 says about good and what the Lord requires. Was Israel following any of these three things?

God had appointed David’s family line to rule His people. The Ten Tribes (Northern Kingdom) had rebelled and set up a different line of kings for themselves.

60 8. What did Israel do that is stated in verse 4? More importantly, what did they not do?

9. The people were worshipping the image of a created animal (calf) rather than the Creator. How did God respond? (verse 5)

“The soul that turns from the living and true God to idols, of whatever nature, will learn at last what it is to be bereft and forsaken when help is most needed (the calf of Samaria). And how could it be otherwise, when the work of their own hands was that in which they trusted!” H. A. Ironside

10. What did a workman make? (verse 6) DID YOU KNOW? Captured idols were a. What was it used for? most valuable as sources of precious metals and gems. If the conquerors wished b. What will happen to it in the end? to show disdain for the conquered people, they would dismantle the idols and use the 11. Summarize what the following verses say about idols. gold, silver, and gems as raw material for • Isaiah 2:8 other projects. The wooden or stone parts of the idol would be burned or broken. • Jonah 2:8-9 Extreme contempt for the images meant that they entire object was • 1 John 5:21 totally destroyed. No wonder there would be mourning when the once-worshipped idol was “broken to pieces.”

61 12. Find what God thinks of idolatry in 1 Corinthians 10:14 and write it out.

13. Israel sowed the ______and reaped the ______. What does Hosea mean by that? (verse 7)

a. Did Israel’s idolatry and/or foreign alliances offer protection?

b. What happens when we seek security apart from God?

DIG DEEPER Read Micah 6:3-5. What happened in the story of Balak and Balaam found in Numbers 22-24? What was the outcome of Israel’s idolatry?

“Oh that we might learn from what God has so plainly put before us in His Word, and from unhappy experiences of thousands, the danger of trifling with conscience, and with the truth which sanctifies the obedient soul! Yet how slow we are to learn that it is an evil thing indeed to choose our own path.” H. A. Ironside

14. Israel is swallowed up reveals the effects of forming foreign alliances, which drained them economically. The verse continues to say like a vessel in which is no pleasure. What does this mean? (verses 8-10)

15. Read 2 Kings 17:5-8, writing down all that happened to the children of Israel. Why?

62 16. Israel wanted to live with no restraints of God’s standards, and though they would face the Assyrian army and be conquered, God in His mercy would gather them again one day. Look up these verses on God’s mercy and write what you find.

• 1 Chronicles 16:34

• Luke 1:50

• Hebrews 4:16

17. Read verse 11 and write below whether the meaning of this verse is true or false.

• When we give ourselves opportunity to sin, it’s never surprising when we end up sinning. ______• God instructed Ephraim to build many altars for more sacrifices to Him and to other gods. ______• The altars that were supposed to remove sin were actually increasing sin through their misuse in worshipping Baal. ______• The Lord regarded Israel’s religious rituals as sinful because their lifestyle wasn’t in obedience to Him. ______

18. How did the people react to God’s Law (the written Word)? (verse 12)

a. What was included in God’s Law?

b. Why did they consider that a strange thing?

19. Why didn’t the Lord accept the Israelites’ sacrifice and what will He do to them? (verse 13)

63 20. Israel placed their confidence in material things. According to verse 14:

a. What will Israel do? “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t b. What will Judah do? throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit

still and trust the engineer.” Corrie Ten Boom c. What will God do?

21. Read Psalm 20:7 to see where some place their trust. We can trust Jesus to look after all aspects of our lives. What are you trusting in?

DWELL ON THIS “God is God. Because He is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will, a will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to.” Elisabeth Elliot

64 NOTES Chapter 8



66 H O S E A Chapter 9

Israel was nearing judgment and was not able to experience real joy as others might during this harvest time. Having at one time experienced God’s loving-kindness and knowing He was the one true and living God, they could never be happy in the sinful state they were in. The continual turning away from God and reveling in their devices of love for idolatry, sexual and spiritual adultery, and going elsewhere to foreign countries for protection caused their souls to drift and their hearts to backslide. What a blessing to know that we, as believers, cannot be satisfied and enjoy true peace and genuine happiness while out of communion with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

MEMORY VERSE I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. Psalm 101:2

1. As you sit down to read chapter 9, pray and ask the Lord to prepare your heart for what He wants to teach you. Summarize what He tells you in just a phrase or two.

2. According to Isaiah 9:3, the harvest season should have been a time of great joy. Write down what Isaiah tells us.

3. Unfortunately, there will be no joy in Israel during the harvest mentioned in verse 1. Why would the prophet Hosea instruct the people of Israel not to rejoice?

4. Explain what a threshing floor is and what the people were doing that so displeased the Lord at harvest festival? (verse 1)

67 5. List the consequences of Israel’s sin. (verses 2-4) Matthew Henry noted: “The sins of those who have made a profession of religion and relation to God are more provoking to Him than the sins of others.”

6. In a way, Israel is acting like a poor tenant to their land-Lord. God provided a dwelling place for his people and they continually abuse the land. God wants us to be good stewards of our possessions, and by doing so, we become a great witness to the world. Remember, all we own comes from Him! Give a few examples of how we can be good stewards with what God has given us.

7. Hosea says Israel shall not dwell in the land. Bearing in mind that Egypt represents the world in Scripture, why is both Egypt and Assyria mentioned? (verse 3)

8. Why wouldn’t their offerings please the Lord? (verses 4-5)

a. What was the bread to be used for?

b. Did Israel honor the Lord in their appointed feast days?

68 9. The land Israel called home would be abandoned along with their possessions. Their homes and other possessions considered precious were now overgrown with weeds and thorns. (verse 6) Read the following Scriptures and write what you find.

• Matthew 6:19-21

• Luke 12:15

• Matthew 6:24

• 1 Timothy 6:9-10

10. Hosea continued steadfast in his ministry as a prophet to the people. According to verse 7, what was their response to Hosea?

Regarding :7, James M. Boice states: “They said in effect, who in his right mind would

prophesy a judgment like this when we are in the 11. Write a definition for the following and include similarities. midst of such a bountiful harvest, in itself a proof of a. Define watchman God’s blessing?”

b. Define prophet

69 c. Read the verses below from Ezekiel and see how they relate to Hosea 9:8. 3:17.

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17).

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” Ezekiel 33:6).

DIG DEEPER Read Judges 19, noting the horrific crime of perversion and violence in Gibeah.

Israel had become deeply corrupt. Gibeah was known as the city where DID YOU KNOW? the worst crime in Israel’s history was committed and consequently Societies in ancient destroyed for its evil! Hosea said the whole nation of Israel was now as Israel considered it evil as that destroyed city and would not escape punishment. extremely important for people to have families. Barrenness 12. At the beginning of Israel’s history, God found great delight in His was a universally people as referred to in Isaiah 28:4 (below). understood cause of personal misery. And the glorious beauty is a fading flower When Hosea spoke of Which is at the head of the verdant valley, evil destruction on Ephraim, he chose “a Like the first fruit before the summer, miscarrying womb” Which an observer sees; (Hosea 9:14) and the He eats it up while it is still in his hand. death of any newborn that escaped miscarriage. The last a. In contrast, what happened at Baal Peor? Refer to Numbers 25:1- of the plagues on 3, 31:16 and Revelation 2:14. Egypt involved the death of the firstborn. Exodus 4:23

b. What did the people become to the Lord?

c. Explain in your own words the phrase like the thing they loved found in Hosea9:10.

70 13. Israel experienced fruitfulness in the past but what will happen soon? (verses 11-14)

14. Hosea knew the future and continued to warn the people, yet his message fell on deaf ears. He knew Assyria would invade and wipe out the land and all its inhabitants, including the children. Read Psalm 127:3-5 and write what God thinks about children.

Hosea begins with what sounds like an angry prayer for the people, but he pauses and asks the Lord, “What will You give?” In conclusion, he prays for mercy. Knowing the impending judgment, he prays for fewer children so they may not experience the tremendous suffering to come.

MAKE IT PERSONAL Have you ever felt frustrated with someone who doesn’t share the same fervor or passion for the Lord? Take a few minutes to pause and pray like Hosea did and ask Jesus to change your heart concerning pride or bitterness.

15. Read and write out 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“Woe to them when I depart from them!” “Woe to any people when God departs from them. God will not force Himself upon you. That is not His nature, and it’s not His desire. He wants to develop a loving relationship with you. He wants you to serve Him out of a heart of love and gratitude. If you forsake Him, He won’t force Himself on you. If you depart, He may linger, continuing to try to get through to you for a while, but beware of the day when God departs.” Chuck Smith

71 16. What wickedness of Israel occurred in Gilgal? (verse 15) Consider the verses below for your answer.

• Hosea 4:15


• Amos 4:4

In contrast, what good things happened at Gilgal? See the following verses:

• 2 Kings 2:1

• 2 Kings 4:38

• 1 Samuel 11:15

17. Why is God driving the Israelites from His house? (verse 15)

18. What happens to a plant when its roots dry up and it bears no fruit? How does this relate to Ephraim? (verse 16)

19. God’s people put themselves at risk when they abandon dependency on the Lord and obedience to Him. Refer to verse 17 (NKJV) to answer in the blanks below.

• What will God do? ______

• Why? Because they ______

• What will they be? And they shall be ______

• Where? Among the ______.

72 20. Summarize this chapter in one or two words.

DWELL ON THIS “Faith is not some weak and pitiful emotion but a strong and vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is holy love. And even though you cannot see Him right now and cannot understand what He is doing, you know Him. Faith is the supreme effort of your life—throwing yourself with abandon and total confidence upon God.” Oswald Chambers

73 NOTES Chapter 9


74 H O S E A Chapter 10

Israel was once a luxuriant land with abundance but their vines had become empty, bearing little fruit only for themselves. The more the nation prospered, the more love they lavished on themselves and their idols rather than on God. And the pleasures of sin left them with zero satisfaction. God’s heart for His people was for them to sow in righteousness and godliness to reap in mercy, but they continued to plow wickedness and reap iniquity. The people desired to live their own way and did not place their trust in the Almighty God. They were deceived and only hope in the Lord would open their eyes. Judgment would follow.

MEMORY VERSE The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7

1. Read and pray for there is no other way to go through this chapter day by day. As you read chapter 10, write 1 to 2 sentences regarding what will happen to Israel.

2. Initially, Israel’s fruit in the land increased and the country improved, but the more Israel prospered, the more Israel sinned. What was their sin? (verse 1)

a. Why did they build more altars?

b. What did they use their prosperity for?

3. God has a purpose for each one of us. Our purpose is to bring forth fruit for His glory. As a branch must be connected to the vine to produce fruit, so we must be closely connected to our Lord to bear fruit unto His name. Read John 15:1-8 and write what you find below.

a. Who is the Vine? b. Who is the Vinedresser? c. Who is the branch? d. What does God do if the branch doesn’t bear fruit? e. What does God do to the branches that do bear fruit?

75 4. Continuing in John 15:1-8, what does the word abide mean? “Now God will do in judgment what they should have done in

contrition, ‘break a. What does God say about abiding? down their alters, and spoil their images.’” Adam Clarke b. What is the promise in verse 7? Commentary (1832)

c. What does verse 8 end with?

5. How do the verses above compare to what Israel is doing in :1?

The Divided Heart! “God only had a small place in Israel’s lives but not that whole place He desires. God wants your love, but He wants all of your love. He wants you to love Him with all your heart. God doesn’t just want you to serve Him on Sundays. He wants your life to be totally devoted to Him. It is either all or ‘nothing at all.’” Chuck Smith

6. Israel had a divided heart, which was the cause of much of their sorrow and failure. What will God do to them? (verse 2)

a. In your own words define a divided heart.

b. Look up Matthew 12: 25 and 30; write down what God says about a divided heart.

7. Why didn’t the people have a king? (verse 3)

The nation of Israel had continually fallen away from the Lord, claiming they did not need God or a king. Originally, God’s people pledged themselves to God’s rule on Mount Sinai through Moses and Aaron, but they rebelled against God, falling deeper into idolatry, making empty oaths, covenants and insincere promises they did not honor. Because the people did not keep their word, they faced many lawsuits.

76 8. “Thus judgment springs up like hemlock in the furrows of the field” refers to poisonous weeds sprouting up in a field choking out the crops, meaning God’s judgment would replace His blessings. (verse 4)

a. What is hemlock?

b. What are the uses of hemlock?

c. Is hemlock used today?

9. How did the people of Samaria react to their beloved calf of Beth Aven idol? It is ironic that the people feared for their false god’s safety when they expected protection from this idol. What would happen to the idol? Why? (verses 5-6)

10. See verses 7 and 8 for the result of Israel’s rejection of the Lord by turning to pagan gods.

a. What happened to their king?

b. What happened to the high places of Aven?

c. What happened to their altars?

According to verse 9, Israel had persisted in sin since the days of Gibeah when they committed the horrific sin that was never fully dealt with. Sin, like leaven, permeated throughout Israel. God loved His people and had to discipline them for their sins, for He desired to bless them even more.

77 11. God does not desire the death of sinners but He desires mercy for them. Because of His great love for them, what else does He desire? (verse 10)

• Write out Hebrews 12:6

12. Ephraim, likened to an animal, enjoyed the lighter work of threshing grain, not muzzled, and able to eat while working. Because of their insistence on sinning, God would force both Ephraim and Judah to be yoked in hard labor pulling a plow. (verse 11) Read 1 Timothy 5:18 and write it in your own words.

13. Here we find another appeal of Israel to seek the Lord. Israel had sown the seed of sin and would reap judgment from God. (verse 12)

a. What does God call them to sow?

b. What would they reap?

c. What does God call them to do?

14. Define fallow ground.

In order to break up fallow ground in your life, we must break off all evil habits and purge our heart from weeds to prepare for the seed of righteousness. Both action and deeds of our lives are likened to scattered seeds. Some sow rotten seeds, leaving us feeling polluted. Others sow seeds of blessing, leaving us with a sweet fragrance.

DIG DEEPER Read Matthew 13:1-23. What four types of soil are mentioned in this passage? Using verses 18- 23, how are these explained? What kind of soil is in your heart?

78 MAKE IT PERSONAL Our life is determined by the type of seed we sow.

• What type of seeds are you sowing?

• What do you allow your eyes to see?

• What do you allow your ears to hear?

• Are there any weeds in your heart?

15. Read verse 13 (NKJV) and answer below.

You have ______

You have ______

You have ______

Why did this happen?

16. Consider the following verses and write what you find.

• Job 4:8-9

• Psalm 33:16

• Proverbs 22:8

• Galatians 6:7-8

79 The brutal Shalman battle was vividly remembered for its atrocities, especially the slaughter of women and children. Bethel, which here represents the nation as a whole, would experience a similar fate because of her great sin. This kind of cruelty was not uncommon in ancient warfare. Shalman’s army destroyed a fortress named Beth Arbel, treating its victims mercilessly.

17. The battle of Shalman seemed well known to Hosea and the people due to its extreme violence. What kind of devastation found in verse 14 will come upon Israel?

18. Because Israel had put its confidence in military might rather than in God, they would be destroyed by military power. Israel’s king, who led the people into idol worship, would be first to fall. Divine judgment is sometimes swift and always sure. Why will the king be cut off? (verse 15)

19. Read these verses and write what you discover about the longsuffering of our Lord.

• Psalm 86:15

• Romans 2:4

DWELL ON THIS “A single heart for God’s glory is the prime necessity for a holy life. To walk with God with a divided heart is utterly impossible. He is not asking for the first place in the heart, either—as people often put it. His word is ‘My son, give Me thy heart’—the whole heart, with no reservation whatever.” H. A. Ironside

80 NOTES Chapter 10



82 H O S E A Chapter 11

Hosea is reminding Israel of God’s intense love for them. God had always loved them, as a parent loves a stubborn child, which is why He would not release Israel from the consequences of their behavior, much like a rebellious son who needs punishment. All through Israel’s sad history, God repeatedly offered to restore the nation, if only they would turn to God. By stubbornly refusing God, the northern kingdom sealed its doom. It would be destroyed, never to rise again; yet, Israel as a nation was not finished. A remnant of faithful Israelites would return to Jerusalem, where one day the Messiah would come, offering pardon and reconciliation to all who would faithfully follow Him.

MEMORY VERSE They shall walk after the Lord. He will roar like a lion. When He roars, then His sons shall come trembling from the west. :10

1. Read chapter 11, and pray and note God’s love for Israel.

2. God remembered His tender love for Israel more than 500 years before Hosea’s time.

a. Where did God call His people from? (verse 1)

b. Read Matthew 2:14-15 about a fulfilled prophecy. Write the phrase from this passage and match to Hosea 11:1.

3. As God continually called His people through the prophets to come to Him, they followed after idolatry. (verse 2) What did they do?

4. The Lord patiently gave His people direction. He cared for them tenderly when they experienced pain or injury, but they were quite unaware of all His blessings. From verses 3 and 4, explain in your own words how God taught Israel.

We see time and time again God’s grace for His people. He recalls the early days when He drew them with gentle cords of love and understanding, delivering them from the yoke of bondage and concerned for their well-being. God didn’t drive them mercilessly with whips and harsh manipulation or overly strict regulations, but provided for their needs and enjoyment.

83 5. For what reason would a farmer remove the yoke from an animal’s neck? Is it possible for an animal to eat with a yoke on?

“We must quit bending the Word to suit our situation. It is we who must be bent to that Word, our necks that must bow under the yoke.” Elisabeth Elliot

MAKE IT PERSONAL Do you ever look at these Israelites and think: Come on! How many times does God have to call you, rescue you, have mercy on you, and shower His grace on you? Yet, you continue to return to idol worship and your wicked ways of life? Think about the questions below and how God is working in your life.

• Have you been drawn to God?

• Did He draw you with bands of love?

• Did He teach you how to walk the paths of life?

• Have you ever gone back to idol worship and found yourself “In the ancient world, back in the wilderness? the empires of Persia and Greece fought bitter wars. There was Are we really that much different from Israel? • said to be a great difference between • Do you have a yoke of bondage and wish to be set free? their soldiers. In the Persian army, soldiers Take some time now and ask the Lord to set you free. were like slaves and driven into battle with 6. The Lord states that Israel will not return to Egyptian bondage. Who whips and threats. In will be their conqueror? Why will this happen to them? (verse 5) the Greek army, soldiers were free men and patriots, and

fought for Sparta and Greece out of love for country and a sense of duty. The smaller armies of Greece After its break with Jerusalem, the northern kingdom survived for only usually beat the larger two centuries. Its spiritual and political leaders did not help the people armies of Persia. God learn the way to God, so as a nation they would never repent. Hosea calls us as an army of prophesied its downfall, which happened when Shalmaneser of Assyria free men, grateful conquered Israel in 722 BC. Also, Judah would go into captivity but a patriots of the kingdom of God.” remnant would return to their homeland. Israel experienced the reality David Guzik of Hosea’s prophecy: “The Assyrian shall be his king” (Hosea 11:5).

84 7. Israel had a choice—return to the Lord or return to bondage. What will happen because of their rejection of a loving God? (See verse 6)

8. If only Israel had realized the bitter fruit of ignoring God and proceeding into their own foolish and sinful way. The definition of backsliding is bent strongly, inclined toward something, so as to be resolved, determined, set; said of the mind, character disposition, desires; bent on mischief. What do you find in the following verses about backsliding? Write down what you find.

• Jeremiah 3:12

• Proverbs 14:14

• Jeremiah 8:5-6

God’s Churning Heart. “God was pronouncing well-deserved judgment on Israel, but His heart was lamenting. “My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred.” God wants so much to forgive. He gives every opportunity to repent and turn around. He isn’t “willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). The hardest place to get into is hell. You will have to fight against God all the way to get there. If you are stubborn enough and stupid enough, you will eventually make it; but God is doing everything possible to keep you from going there. And His heart is breaking for those who choose that path.” Chuck Smith

9. Consider the statement in verse 7: “Though they call to the Most High, none at all exalt Him.” Write what the following verses say about repentance.

• Matthew 3:2

• Luke 13:3

• 2 Peter 3:9

• Revelation 3:19

85 10. God’s yearning heart cried out, “How can I give you up?” As He contemplated the judgment of Israel, His heart was moved with compassion, and He couldn’t bear to see Israel like Admah and Zeboiim. Look up Genesis 14:2, 8; 19:24-25; and Deuteronomy 29:23 to discover what happened to Admah and Zeboiim and write it down.

11. God takes no pleasure in chastening His beloved people. His affection weighs heavier than Israel’s ingratitude. The love the Lord has for His children restrains Him from obliterating them. He will preserve Israel through a remnant. Read Romans 11:5. Hosea 11:9 states “For I am God, and not man” Unlike our perfect Lord, we fall short when faced with life’s problems. List some attributes of God and thank Him for who He is in your life.

DIG DEEPER Do a study on Genesis 19 and state what happened to Sodom and “What passes for Gomorrah. Why? forgiveness among men is nothing like the amazing forgiveness of God. ‘Suppose that 12. In the past, God roared like a lion when judging the nation; in the someone had future, His roar will call His people back to their land. Answer the grievously offended any following questions from verses 10 and 11. one of you, and that he asked your forgiveness, do you not think that a. Who will come? you would probably say to him, “Well, yes, I forgive you; but I – I – I b. How will they come? – cannot forget it’? Ah! dear friends, that is a sort of forgiveness with c. What will they be like? one leg chopped off; it is a lame forgiveness, and is not worth d. Where will they come from? much.’” Charles Spurgeon

e. Where will they live?

86 The kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom) were corrupt and led the people astray, turning them from Jehovah to idol worship and pagan rites. Judah had some good kings, teaching the people God’s law, but the religious leaders failed to wipe out the idols completely, therefore; the whole country became infected. The influence of a few good kings enabled Judah to survive more than 150 years longer than Israel, but over time, Judah became less and less responsive to the voice of God until, like Israel, they lost all concern for His holiness. Through positive influences, a remnant of faithful people would one day return and restore their land and temple.

13. Where does Ephraim/Israel stand with God? (verse 12)

14. What does God say about Judah? (verse 12)

15. Did Israel respond to Hosea’s many warnings sent by the Lord?

16. Consider the following verses on the holiness of God and write down your thoughts.

• Exodus 15:11 “Gather the riches of God’s promises. Nobody can take • Leviticus 19:2 away from you those texts from the Bible which you have learned by heart.” • Isaiah 6:3 Corrie Ten Boom

• Revelation 15:4

17. In one or two sentences, sum up this chapter.

DWELL ON THIS “I think we misunderstand both true freedom and debilitating bondage. Freedom that fills and satisfies your heart is never found in setting yourself up as your own authority. When you attempt to do this, you never enjoy freedom; you only end up in another form of bondage. So the goal of grace is not to produce in you the ability to live independently. The agenda of grace is to transform you into a person who humbly recognizes your need for authority and celebrates the holy, loving, and benevolent authority of God.” Paul David Tripp

“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life” (Romans 6:22).

87 NOTES Chapter 11


88 H O S E A Chapter 12

Israel’s wicked behavior would lead nowhere. God exposed the hidden corruptions of Ephraim. Israel had the best start anyone could ever have because God chose them, though they were the least of all peoples. They left their first love and continued to seek in vain for something to fill their hearts apart from God. However dark it may look for Ephraim, the Lord has never utterly cast off the nation, but in pure grace He shall yet restore them to their ancient land, fulfilling all His pledges, and bringing them into the full enjoyment of a blessed life.

MEMORY VERSE So you, by the help of your God, return; observe mercy and justice, and wait on your God continually. Hosea 12:6

1. Start today as you read chapter 12 by asking the Lord to open your eyes to see His love and faithfulness through His eyes. “They are not only 2. Read verse 1 and fill in the blanks: “Ephraim ______on the empty, but dangerous wind, and ______the east wind.” and destructive. The east wind was, and a. What does this mean? still is, in all countries, a parching, wasting, injurious wind.” b. Is there much to gain feeding on the wind (vanity)? Adam Clarke

3. What was wrong with making a covenant with Assyria and Egypt? (verse 1) What kind of covenants could be dangerous and lead us away from the Lord?

4. In verses 2-4, God looks back at the beginnings of Judah to their patriarch Jacob, showing the Lord’s enduring kindness and Israel’s stubborn ingratitude.

a. Why would God remind them of their beginnings?

b. What does the name Jacob mean?

c. What did the Lord change Jacob’s name to? Look up Genesis 32:27-28.

Bethel had become the center of Israel’s abominable idolatry; yet Bethel sat on the very spot where their father Jacob had dedicated his life to God.


DIG DEEPER Jacob’s name was used for the nation as an illustration of God’s loving discipline. Look up the Scriptures listed below to find out about Jacob’s life.

• Genesis 25:20-26 DID YOU KNOW? “Jacob had a wrestling

match with God and • Genesis 25:27-34 won! How is that possible? He was a • Genesis 28:10-22 broken man. The Angel of the Lord had • Genesis 31:36-42 crippled him, and he had finally come to the end of himself. But in • Genesis 32:24-30 his weakness and

desperation, he • Genesis 35:2-3 prayed. And that is how we will prevail as • Genesis 35:9-15 well. Recognizing our helplessness and crying out to God is MAKE IT PERSONAL the only way we will Have you ever struggled with God? What was your result? ever win.” Chuck Smith

5. In verse 5, we are told one of the names of God is Jehovah Sabaoth—The Lord God of Hosts, meaning He commands the armies of heaven. Read Psalm 46:7.

a. Look up Proverbs 18:10 and write it out.

b. Why were the people told to remember this name?

c. Should this be important to us today? Why?

90 6. God’s message to the Israelites was always: Return and Repent! DID YOU KNOW? (verse 6) In Israel, dishonesty had become an accepted means of a. How does God instruct the people to achieve this? attaining wealth. Israelites who were financially successful could not imagine that b. What will be the result? God would consider how they had gotten it. But God said that Israel’s riches would not make up for its sin. c. What does waiting on God mean? Remember that God’s measure of success is different from ours. He calls us to 7. According to verse 7, Cunning Canaanites were dishonest merchants faithfulness, not to known for tipping the scales, deceitfulness, gaining riches, and not affluence. Character is thinking these practices were sinful! Read Jeremiah 17:9-10 and more important to write what you find. him than our pocketbooks.

8. For further study, fill in the chart below on how God viewed the churches of Smyrna and Laodicea and refer to Revelation 2:8-11 and 3:14-21. To find out about all seven churches, read Revelation 2 and 3.

CHURCH OF SMYRNA CHURCH OF LAODICEA (persecuted church) (self-sufficient, lukewarm church)


“If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference.“ A. W. Tozer

91 9. Ephraim thought life was good and they had everything they needed—everything but God. What did God warn them would happen? (verses 8-9)

a. In the United States, we have become a rich and affluent society. What do you think will happen if we do not repent as a nation?

b. What will happen if we do not repent individually?

c. Look up Mark 10:17-22. Why did the rich young ruler walk away sorrowful?

DID YOU KNOW? 10. God always showed His love and never failed to warn the Israelites “Chastening isn’t a when they were headed in the wrong direction. (verse 10) judge inflicting punishment on a a. Who witnessed to the Israelites of both the love of God and the criminal in order to danger of idolatry? uphold the law. Rather, chastening is a loving parent disciplining his or her b. Why did God give these stern warnings to Israel? child in order to perfect his character and build his endurance. 11. Write the following verses out and write what God is saying to you. Punishment has to do with law, which is • Ezekiel 3:21 important, but chastening has to do with love, which is also important.”

Warren Wiersbe • Psalm 19:8-13 (Hebrews 12:6, Proverbs 3:11-12)

“Pagan altars were built high and stately to add dignity to the pagan god. When God’s judgment comes, all those altars will be brought low, so the only altars will be the hills made by the furrows of the field.” David Guzik

92 12. Hosea refers to Jacob as a symbol in Hosea 12:10-12. (For commentary on Jacob’s life, see Genesis 28:5; 29:16, 18, 23, 25-30; 30:29-31.)

a. In the verse: Jacob fled to the country of Syria, why did he flee?

b. In the verse: Israel served for a spouse, who did Jacob marry first? Who did Jacob love more?

c. In the verse: And for a wife he tended sheep, how many years did Jacob work for Laban?

13. God graciously led His descendants out of slavery in Egypt by Moses the prophet. (verse 13)

a. Who ultimately brought Israel out of Egypt?

b. Who ultimately preserved them?

c. Why would God remind the Israelites of this?

The word preserved in the original Hebrew is shamar and means to be guarded, protected or restrained.

14. Ephraim provoked the Lord greatly. Look up Ezekiel 18:10-13 and note the gravity of their sin; write the result.

15. How does the Lord describe Himself in Exodus 34:6?

93 CHALLENGE Look up these verses on the incredible Names of God and write them in the blanks.

a. Genesis 35:11—El Shaddai ______

b. Deuteronomy 11:1—Adonai ______

c. Jeremiah 23:6—Jehovah Tsidkenu ______

d. Exodus 31:13—Jehovah Mekoddishkem ______

e. Isaiah 63:16—El Olam ______

”God-sent ministry, heeded and bowed to, leads to enlargement and blessing; but the Spirit’s testimony rejected increases the guilt of him who hardens himself against it, and makes his condition far worse than before. It is ever the case that light refused makes the darkness all the deeper. Hence the need of a tender conscience quick to respond to every word from God.” H. A. Ironside

16. As you finish this chapter, write a thank you note the Lord for who He is and what He is doing for you.

DWELL ON THIS “It’s Satan’s delight to tell me that once he’s got me, he will keep me. But at that moment I can go back to God. And I know that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me.” Alan Redpath

94 NOTES Chapter 12



96 H O S E A Chapter 13

As Israel continued to ignore the warnings, exhortations, and loving entreaties from the Lord, their hearts grew hard and their sin increased. No one likes to be told of their wrongdoing, but if they continue in sin, God in His love will allow them to continue, thus reaping the consequences. We hope you can see by now the discipline from the Lord is not His desire. He would hope for repentance.

“The dark clouds of doom gather heavier and heavier above the land of promise. The dreadful storm is about to burst upon those who, having eyes to see, saw not, and having ears to hear, heard not the ominous rumblings of the approaching day of wrath; it was too late to find a hiding place. All the springs of hope and fountains of joy have left them. Desolation would enwrap them in midnight gloom because of their rebellion against God. Therefore, they would fall beneath the avenging hand of the bloodthirsty Assyrian, who would spare neither age, sex, nor condition. God showed His backslidden Israel mercy and grace, yet they continued to turn away from their only hope, the hope in their Almighty God.” H. A. Ironside

MEMORY VERSE Yet I am the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt, and you shall know no God but Me; for there is no savior besides Me. :4

1. Pray as you begin reading chapter 13, and give the chapter a title.

2. What are the two attitudes of Israel found in verse 1?

3. It is easy to become prideful when one is exalted. Write what God has to say about pride.

• Jeremiah 9:23

• Proverbs 8:13

• Proverbs 16:5

• Isaiah 2:12

97 4. What was the sin of Ephraim? (verse 2)

a. They made for themselves ______.

b. They said ______.

Note: The reference to men who sacrifice could actually be a reference to human sacrifice, usually child sacrifice. DID YOU KNOW? 5. Hosea compared the people to images familiar to us. (verse 3) What “A craftsman’s work is happens to: elevated to divine status; human beings a. The morning cloud? sacrifice their offspring to a metal object from whose

lifeless form they also beg help; persons b. The early dew? embrace with adulation the images of the very animals that they use for c. The chaff? ploughing, threshing and hauling.” Robert L. Hubbard

d. The smoke?

e. What will it all lead to?

6. God had done so much for Israel since their enslavement in Egypt. Read Exodus 34:12-17 and write the instructions God gave them.

a. Did they follow these instructions?

b. How many did they follow?

c. What did they do?

98 7. Often, when going through difficult times, we cling to the Lord, calling out to Him, but as things start to go well again, we leave the things of the Lord.

a. We see Israel in the wilderness and drought. When was this? (Deuteronomy 2:7)

b. What did God do for them? (Deuteronomy 8:15;32:10)

8. After God brought His people into the Promised Land and gave them rest from their enemies, the people forgot Him again. What were the blessings God gave them? (verse 6)

MAKE IT PERSONAL It is always great to count our blessings. Make a list of some blessings God has given you.

9. What were the consequences of Israel forgetting the Lord? (see DID YOU KNOW? verses 7-8) “The three mentioned—lion, • Leopard leopard, and bear— were all native to • Bear Palestine and known for their relentless manner of killing • Lion prey.” J. G. Wood • Wild beast Wood’s Bible Animals ©1877

10. How can God’s wrath benefit Israel as recipients of His wrath? See Hebrews 12:5-11.

99 11. Israel’s self-will had been their ruin; but God still waited to save, ready to bare His arm for their deliverance if there were any signs of repentance. “O Israel, you are destroyed but your help is from me.” (verse 9) Read Psalm 121 and write down how this psalm ministers to you in this season.

12. Who wants to be Israel’s king? (verses 10-11)

a. Is there anyone else who can save them?

b. Why would the people look anywhere else for a king?

DID YOU KNOW? God had warned Israel 13. Israel wanted a savior other than the Lord. What about you? Is Jesus that kings would cause Christ your Lord and Savior? If not, read these verses and ask Jesus more problems than into your heart. He can become your Lord and Savior today! He is they would solve, and He reluctantly gave waiting for you! them Saul as their first king (1 Samuel 8:4-22). • Romans 3:23 The second king, • Romans 6:23 David, was a good • Romans 5:8 king, and Solomon, • Romans 10:9-10 David’s son, had his • Romans 10:13 strengths. But after the nation divided in

two, the northern kingdom never had another good ruler. A SINNER’S PRAYER FOR FORGIVENESS: Evil kings led the Dear God, I know I’m a sinner. I know my sin deserves to be punished. I nation deeper into believe Jesus is the Son of God, who died for me and rose from the grave. I idolatry and unwise want to turn from my sin and trust Jesus Christ alone as my Lord and political alliances. Savior. Thank you for the forgiveness and everlasting life I can now have Eventually the evil through faith in Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen. kings destroyed the nation; with Hoshea, the northern “God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not kingdom’s kings were promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” cut off. Augustine 2 Kings 17:1-6


DIG DEEPER In the days of the prophet Samuel, Israel demanded a king. They no longer wanted to be ruled by God. Read 1 Samuel 8:4-22.

• Why did Israel want a king?

• Who did God tell Samuel they were really rejecting?

• What price would Israel pay for having a king?

14. Why did God give Israel a king? (verse 11)

a. How did God feel about this?

b. How did God remove the king?

God kept careful records of Israel’s sins, to be revealed as evidence of DID YOU KNOW GOD’S HEART? guilt in the Day of Judgment. Childbirth illustrates Israel’s spiritual ‘Now as He drew near, insensitivity. When the crucial time of judgment arrived, Israel would He saw the city and wept respond unwisely, resulting in death. The nation’s failure to repent is over it, saying, "If you compared to a baby improperly positioned during labor, which had known, even you, jeopardizes the life of both mother and child. especially in this your day, the things that 15. What kind of a son was Ephraim? Why? (verses 12-13) make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you

when your enemies will build an embankment When we look at verse 14, we’re reminded of 1 Corinthians 15:55, around you, surround emphasizing the victory of Jesus Christ over death and the grave by you and close you in on His resurrection, but in Hosea’s text, the meaning may differ. This every side, and level you, could also refer to judgment and not victory over the enemy. This and your children within doesn’t mean God no longer loved His people, because God’s love for you, to the ground; and His people is the major theme of this book. But the time had come for they will not leave in you God to discipline the nation, for they had rejected every other one stone upon another, manifestation of His love. God revealed His love to Israel in His past because you did not know the time of your mercies and now in His present disciplines. visitation."’ Warren Wiersbe Luke 19:41-44

101 16. What would God desire to do for Ephraim? When will they see this fulfilled? Refer to these Scriptures.

• 1 Corinthians 15:55

• 1Thessalonians 4:16-17

• Isaiah 28:8

Ransom refers to the payment made, Redeem to the new relationship. God closes His eyes to Israel as death marches in. Sadly, Israel rejected the only power that could save them. Thus, compassion was hidden from God’s eyes, and Israel would perish miserably.

Israel was like a fruitful, well-watered plant, but God’s judgment would come like a scorching east wind and bring drought. The reality behind the imagery of the wind is the Assyrian army, which would plunder Israel’s riches and mercilessly kill the people, including helpless infants and pregnant women.

17. According to verse 15, Israel was fruitful among his brethren.

a. Who will send the east wind?

b. What will the east wind do?

c. What will happen to Israel’s treasury?

18. Why would Samaria be held guilty (verse 16a) and what would be necessary for Israel to once again see the blessings of God?

DWELL ON THIS Ponder these verses on the blessings of God: Ephesians 3:20; Psalm 37:4-6; Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 4:19; James 1:17; Numbers 6:24-26; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.

102 NOTES Chapter 13



104 H O S E A Chapter 14

We see our God of Hope within these verses, as we look forward to the time when Israel would acknowledge their guilt, and receive the free gift of becoming God’s children by grace. God’s Spirit through Hosea has called the sinful Ephraim to come back to the Lord so many times, in repentance and faith. God has always longed to lavish His love on them; He just needs permission. The book of Hosea has been about four things: Israel’s Idolatry, Wickedness, Captivity, and Restoration. Jehovah’s wayward bride shall finally return to her husband, and again respond to His love, as in the days of their youth. Hosea labored unceasingly to make them see that God Still Loved Them! This is truly an amazing book on God’s tender love for His people!

“This is a wonderful chapter to be at the end of such a book. I had never expected from such a prickly shrub to gather so fair a flower, so sweet a fruit; but so it is: where sin abounded, grace doth much more abound. No chapter in the Bible can be more rich in mercy than this last of Hosea; and yet no chapter in the Bible might, in the natural order of things, have been more terrible in judgment. Where we looked for the blackness of darkness, behold a noontide of light!” Charles Spurgeon

MEMORY VERSE Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is prudent? Let him know them. For the ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them. :9

1. Read chapter 14, praying for insight and understanding of God’s Word. How would you describe this chapter in a phrase or two?

2. Once again, what does the Lord call Israel to do? (verse 1) “For godly sorrow produces a. The word return means to turn around and go in the opposite repentance leading direction. What does it mean to go in the opposite direction in to salvation, not to regards to sin? be regretted; but the sorrow of the b. Think of another word that can be used in place of the word world produces return? death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10 Godly repentance is when the remorse is as great as the sin.

3. What was the cause of Israel’s stumbling? (verse 1)

4. This prayer in verses 2-3 is worthy of careful consideration. Write the words or phrases that minister to you.

105 5. Israel had given God lip service, but now God was asking for a true, sincere sacrifice from their hearts with words. Look up the following verses to see what God has to say.

• Psalm 12:3

• Isaiah 6:5

• Psalm 19:14

• 1 Peter 3:10

6. Israel was looking to idols for help for strength instead of the Lord.

a. Who should their strength come from? Psalm 46:1

DID YOU KNOW? b. What should they give up? “In wrath God will remember mercy. He will yet appear as the c. Where will they find mercy? Hebrews 4:16 Redeemer of His chosen, saving all who turn to Him in brokenness of spirit, 7. Sovereign love expresses itself in three “I wills.” (verse 4) owning their guilt. Of His purposes of grace, a. I will ______He will never repent; they shall abide forever b. I will ______in His goodness and mercy.” c. I will ______H. A. Ironside

“The signs of backsliding may not be so obvious to others. When you see a tree broken over in a windstorm it’s easy to think that it was the wind. If you look closer, you will often see that insects have been at work a long time on the tree, making it weaker and weaker. It really wasn’t the wind that did it—other trees around it withstood the wind. It was the slow decline of strength, as insects nibbled away month after month.” David Guzik

8. Look up these verses and write what God will do.

• Jeremiah 3:22

• Isaiah 43:25

106 9. After forgiveness, God promises times of refreshing. Read Acts 3:19. How can we experience these times?

10. Verse 6 says, “His branches shall spread.” Matthew 28:19 tells us to go out into the whole world and spread the gospel.

a. What are some ways we can do this?

b. Read Isaiah 61:1-3 and write your findings.

c. Read Isaiah 52:7, what else do you find?

MAKE IT PERSONAL How do these verses speak to you about the beauty of the Lord and the fragrance of Christ in a personal way?

• Psalm 27:4 DID YOU KNOW? The Lord Himself would be like a green cypress • 1 Peter 3:3-5 tree that provides protective shade. God’s watchful care stands in stark contrast to His • 2 Corinthians 2:15 judgment, which was compared to a leopard stalking its prey. • Ephesians 5:1-2

• Proverbs 27:9

107 Israel again becomes a choice vine, which was her design from the beginning. The landscape here depicted is an Eden-like paradise, illustrating covenant renewal by the replanting of Israel as a lush garden.

11. What four things will happen to Israel when they return? (verse 7)

DIG DEEPER Compare the way of the righteous with the way of the ungodly in Psalm 1.

12. What does Ephraim say in verse 8 and who is their Protector and Provider?

13. Answer the following questions the Lord asks of Israel. (verse 9) DID YOU KNOW? a. Who is wise? Regarding the Word of God

b. Who understands these things? “If there is anything in my thoughts or style to c. Who is prudent? commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures. If 14. What does Proverbs 9:10 and James 3:13 tell us about wisdom and we abide by the understanding? principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its 15. What was Hosea’s last reminder to Israel? (verse 9) instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” Daniel Webster

108 DWELL ON THIS The only thing we can hold firm is the Word of God. Read Proverbs 4:11-13 (below) and underline the following words in your Bible: taught, led, walk, run, and hold.

I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, And when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life. Proverbs 4:11-13

For behold, the days are coming,’ says the LORD, ‘that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,’ says the LORD. ‘And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.’” Jeremiah 30:3

Despite their rebellion, Israel will one day recognize Jesus as the Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world.

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. Revelation 1:7

Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11

How has the Lord lavished His love upon you during this study of Hosea? Write out the name of JESUS and thank Him for what He is doing in your life.

109 NOTES Chapter 14
