John Henry Mackay Dear Tucker The Letters from John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker Edited and Translated by Hubert Kennedy Peremptory Publications San Francisco 2002 © 2002 by Hubert Kennedy Dear Tucker: The Letters from John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker is a Peremp- tory Publications ebook. It may be freely distributed, but no changes may be made in it. Summing Up: Marginal Notes to Life and Work and Dear Tucker: The Letters and Post- cards of John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker have been combined in a print edi- tion under the title John Henry Mackay: Autobiographical Writings (2000), which may be obtained from: Xlibris Corporation 1-888-7-XLIBRIS
[email protected] NB. The print edition is not identical with this ebook. For example, the illustrations in- cluded here are not in the print edition. Please send any comments and suggestions to:
[email protected]. 2 3 Contents Introduction 5 List of letters and postcards 11 The letters from John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker 17 “John Henry Mackay” by Hermann Bahr 279 Index of Names 284 4 Introduction The nearly 200 letters and postcards from John Henry Mackay to Benjamin R. Tucker, which are preserved in the New York Public Library, demonstrate the depth and extent of the friendship between the foremost representatives of individualist anarchism in Germany and the United States, respectively. They clearly show the warmth and devo- tion felt by Mackay toward Tucker; alas, the letters from Tucker to Mackay were all de- stroyed1 so that Tucker’s feelings cannot be directly seen, but Mackay’s letters furnish ample evidence of their mutual regard.