Travesty By Richard and Marjorie McCue Copyright: Contact Information: Richard and Marjorie McCue El Elyon Entertainment Inc. 100, 111-5 Ave SW, Suite 406 El Elyon Entertainment Inc. Calgary, AB, T2P 3Y6 100, 111-5 Ave SW, Suite 406 Canada Calgary, AB, T2P 3Y6 Canada
[email protected] It is prohibited to copy or distribute "Travesty", without the expressed consent of the copyright holder. A1 INT. LOS ANGELES - JUBAL DOVE PRODUCTIONS - DAY STEVEN BRIAR, a handsome young man in his early 30’s, is seated in his lavishly decorated office. He’s on the phone with his dad, DAVID BRIAR, a Christian music, TV & media giant, who’s in his late 50’s, very conservative, overweight, balding pleasant looking man. DAVID Steven, I think this project you’re working on is absolutely the best you’ve ever created. However, I regret to inform you that the Board isn’t backing me with the $10 million to invest in your new studio. I’m so sorry; I honestly thought that they’d see it as a great investment for the promotion of the kingdom of God. STEVEN Dad, you know I’ll lose the $7 million that I’ve invested personally to secure this deal. DAVID Well you know son, it is non-profit money and I’m accountable to the Board. STEVEN But dad, I feel really good about this studio. After all, this heritage building has been in Hollywood for the last 50 years, it’s a major music icon. It will be a world class studio for all Christian entertainers.