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CLERGY WELCOME PACK Area Advisers Mission and Ministry The Diocese of London Roles and Key Responsibilities The majority of those listed in this booklet do this work in addition to holding down a full-time parochial responsibility or other paid jobs. I am grateful to the team for the time, skills, care and effort that they contribute. Please use the resources they represent as they serve the Kingdom of God here in the Two Cities. +Richard Chartres, Bishop of London Bishop’s Visitor Vacant To offer support to spouses of clergy experiencing marital breakdown Children Sam Donoghue [email protected] Advice, support, consultancy and training for clergy and lay people in all aspects of the Christian nurture, spirituality and teaching of children. Safeguarding Sheryl Kent [email protected] Advice and guidance to parishes where there are concerns about safeguarding and child protection situations or issues . Community Ministry Jack Maple [email protected] To support parishes in their community involvement, helping them to reflect on how practical social responsibility can be linked with mission. To support "up and running" initiatives through a community ministry NETWORK. To advise about aspects of ministry in Urban Priority Areas. Director of Ministry Neil Evans [email protected] The Diocesan Director of Ministry Development coordinates all those working in ministry, development and training posts across the diocese (Directors of Training and Development, CME, MDR, POT, Readers & LLMs, Commissioned Ministers, Parish Development) Area Director of Training Neil Evans [email protected] and Development To encourage, assist, provide, secure and help finance training for all clergy who have completed P.O.T. To advise Area Staff of training needs and to encourage the use of the Ministerial Review Scheme through which training/education needs can be recognised. Working with clergy and lay people to enable the training and development of a variety of ordained and lay ministries for the Church’s mission. Responding to requests for information, resources and training. Ecumenism Vacant To support and develop ecumenical ventures, encouraging points of visible unity. To be aware of ecumenical developments within the Anglican Church. Finance Richard Antcliffe (City) [email protected] Martin Sargeant (City) [email protected] Mary Spredbury (CX) [email protected] Money management in the parishes. Teaching on giving and use of finance. Management role in relation to Area Finance and part of the Diocesan structure. Licensed Lay Ministry Warden Graham Buckle [email protected] Oversight of LLMs (Readers). Seeking to foster licensed and other lay ministries (LLM, Reader, etc). Contact for parishes for discernment process. Training Officer Vacant Working with St Mellitus College and colleagues across the diocese to ensure and deliver a high quality of training and support for LLMs in training Mental Health Liaison Neil Bunker 07722 093074 To offer support , advice an d liaison to parishes in the field of mental health and the ways in which issues impact on parish ministry. Ordinands Jeremy Crossley (City) [email protected] Alan Carr (Lead, CX) [email protected] Jackie Barry (CX) [email protected] Liz Russell (CX) [email protected] Alastair Thom (CX) [email protected] Seeking to work with and direct those who are exploring the possibility of ordination. Responsibility for this begins with the initial interview, develops through selection procedures and ceases at the end of training at a residential college or local ministerial training course. Post Ordination Training Jeremy Crossley [email protected] Providing an on -going training for clergy in the first three years of ordination . Schools’ Advisers Primary (City) Allan McLean [email protected] Primary (CX ) Helen Ridding [email protected] Provide management, development, pastoral and curriculum support for schools. Spirituality Mark Godson [email protected] To give advice and enco uragement on prayer and spirituality. To offer resources to develop spirituality and retreat for individuals and parishes. To advise on Spiritual Direction. Women’s Ministry Rosemary Lain -Priestley [email protected] Acts as an intermediary between the female clergy of the Area and the Bishop’s Area Staff, ensuring that the gifts of the women clergy are fully recognised and used and their needs accounted for and addressed. She works with those women individually and as a group. The Dean connects the local situation with the national scene by her involvement with the National Association of Diocesan Advisers in Women’s Ministry (NADAWM). Welcome Pack 03TC October 2013 .