Letter From the Editor

Greater efforts needed to promote peace and coexistence

Religious leaders and faith-based organizations have ings to serve their own ambitions. The voice of truth, played vital roles as mediators in conflict scenarios all justice and freedom, however, will show the courage over the world, with some religious figures managing and strength to stand up to them, he said. to use their positions of authority and their ideas to His Excellency said awareness was needed that vio- work toward peace and justice. lence committed in the name of religion is due to neg- In this context came the speech delivered by the Sec- ligence on the part of religious scholars in their rigid retary-General of the , H.E. Dr. interpretations of texts and in their activities. The re- Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, at the Washing- solve of senior figures, he said, will inform actions ton International Conference on the Alliance of Reli- and deeds, and the edifices of love and peace will be gions and Initiatives of Peace-Loving Individuals, or- built. ganized by the Peace Enhancement Forum in Muslim Finally, His Excellency Dr. Al-Issa said religious and Communities in the U.S capital. educational programs needed to place greater focus The Secretary-General called for contempt for fol- on instilling ethical and behavioral values, respect for lowers of religions to be tackled and for a prudent re- others, and on the understanding that multiplicity and sponse to the phobia of religions. He called for effec- diversity of religions are divinely willed, and on en- tive dialogue, and a distinction between understanding hancing the values of peace and human love, calling and conviction, with the former recognizing diversity for cooperation under the terms of those values and and plurality of human beings, and the latter recogniz- their various shared aspects. ing that beliefs and convictions are not to be imposed The conference concluded with the adoption of a by force and that their non-acceptance should not lead number of recommendations and proposals, the most to confrontation. significant being a call to establish an institution to Similarly, there should be warnings against the ex- develop and put into action the principles and objec- ploitation of religion for material purposes and against tives of the Washington Declaration; a proposal for the abuse of religious feelings, which might divert a humanitarian campaign to feed one billion hungry some people away from their natural course. Periodi- people worldwide, and a proposal for an international cal meetings, His Excellency said, should be held to multi-religious council of prominent religious leaders, remind people of the common features in religions inspired by the common values upon which efforts and cultures and consequently bring about openness, for world peace are founded, in order to support me- cooperation and coexistence along with continuous diation, reconciliation and rapid intervention to quell improvement in the means that promote the under- wars and civil conflict. standing of others. The conference was attended by a large number of His Excellency likened religious texts to legal and government and public figures, prominent leaders of constitutional ones, in that the malicious can manipu- various religions and sects, and thought leaders and late interpretations and arbitrarily misrepresent mean- media representatives from around the world.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 1 C O N T E N T S No.6 l The Washington Conference on the 4 Alliance of Religions and Initiatives of Peace-loving individuals The Muslim World League Journal

Secretary-General Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l H.E. Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa

Supervisor General Debate and Discussion on Media Affairs Dept. Adel bin Zamil Al-Harbi the Rohingya Crisis in the British 26 Parliament Chief Editor Dr. Osman Abu Zeid

Editor The Muslim World League is restructuring the management of Halal...... 19 MWL signs an agreement with World Council of Religious Leaders...... 20 Mohammad Zakir Hossain Al-Issa heads the meeting of the Kitab and Sunnah International Organization.....21 Launch of MWL’s new website...... 22 Layout and Graphic Designer MWL Launches Health and Community Projects in Comoros...... 23 Khaled Awad Al-Muazzin Muslim Civilization and Scientific Development Muhammad Dawood Sofi...... 34 The Muslim World League Journal Defects Of Teaching And Islamic Studies In English – A Nigerian Experience Busari K.K...... 37 P.O. Box: 537 Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): the Idealism of Using Nonverbal Communi- Makkah, cation in PR Tel: 00966 (012) 5600919 Dr. Mohamed Elamin Musa Ahmed Ibrahim...... 43 Vol.46 E-mail: [email protected] l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l www.themwl.org2 C O N T E N T S Annual Subscription Rates Saudi Arabia Individual subscribers: SR. 36 Organizations: SR. 100

Other Countries Individual subscribers: $20 Organizations: $26 9 “Addressing Violence Committed in Cheques payable to Muslim the Name of Religion” World League may be sent to Circulation & Subscription Dept. Muslim World League, P.O. Box: 537 Makkah, Saudi Arabia

All articles and correspondence may please be addressed to Chief Editor, The Muslim World League Journal. While we reserve the right to edit, summarise or reject any con- Islamic Economics: 59 tribution, no article, report or letter Philosophy and Strategy will be returned to the sender. Views expressed in The Muslim World League Journal do not neces- in UK open doors to public sarily represent those of the Muslim M. Nasir Jawed...... 48 World League. Articles published Obligatory Prayers and Their Immense Virtues may, however, be reproduced with Ahmad Wahhaj Al-Siddiqui...... 52 acknowledgement. Huntington’s ‘Clash of Cultures’ Unmasked By: Ahmed Kamal El-Din Izzeddin...... 54 How to Control Cyber Crime ? Dr. AbdelGadirWarsama Ghalib...... 57 A Glimpse into Aspects of Infant Care in Dr. Huthaifa Kharrat...... 62

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 3 The Washington Conference on the Alliance of Religions and Initiatives of Peace-loving individuals

The Conference, with its religious, political and intellectual figures, establish- es an International Council of Prominent Religious Leaders to support interna- tional mediation and reconciliation endeavors

The main platform displaying: Dr. Al-Issa, Sheikh Bin Bayyah, Finland’s Foreign Minister Timo Soini and US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Mr. Sam Brownback

Muhammad Zakir Hossain International Conference on the Alliance of Religions and Initiatives of Peace-loving Indi- Secretary-General of the Muslim World viduals, organized in Washington by the Peace League- H. E. Sheikh Dr. Muhammed bin Ab- Enhancement Forum in Muslim Communities, dulkarim Al-Issa said it is everyone’s duty to and attended by 400 religious, political, social, initiate and engage in effective dialogue that intellectual, and governmental figures from promotes harmony and peace among all people around the world. in different societies of the world. H.E. Dr. Al-Issa said today’s world does This was conveyed in the speech deliv- not comprehend the divine reasons why there ered by H.E. Dr. Al-Issa at the Washington are several religions and diverse cultures and

4 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Dr. Al-Issa delivers his speech at the conference civilizations nor deos the world realize the im- well as the increase of the gloominess of his- portance of coexistence, which is essential for tory which is due to its dark chapters, as a result achieving human peace and harmony. of the human craziness that exploited religions However, His Excellency recalled the human for the interest of its special project, which un- history, which is replete with events and impor- fortunately made religions its fuel and victim. tant lessons, through giving a brief review of His Excellency remarked that personal pas- his interpretation of religions, doctrines, sects, sions, whims and ambitions led to the continu- and philosophies, as well as the resulting politi- ation of yesterday’s scene in a painful historical cal and non-political entities. He observed that context, coupled by the impact of political inter- no enlightened person can ignore the fact that ests, the lack of integration of the qualification religious, doctrinal, and sectarian competition, capacities of a number of religious references, leading to clash and conflict, and that is asso- absence of effective and fruitful dialogue and ciated with hatred, maliciousness and ridicule, contact, and failure to investment communali- were not in any day in the benefit of one party ties, especially those pertaining to the system at the expense of the other. Thus, the apparent of values and​​ coexistence, an act that had a tan- winning party is not the real victor, but it just gible impact on our reality today. dominates with only material power, whereas Dr. Al-Issa drew the attention to the ongoing in fact it is losing its values and harming its religious and intellectual conflict and the resul- issue; as one observes that in the dispute of tant extremism and counter-extremism, whose mutual hatred and maliciousness, there is abso- responsibility is not solely shouldered by those lutely no winner; all are losing. who were intellectually hijacked, because they H.E. Sheikh Al-Issa pointed to the danger are like a flock of sheep or goats left by their of the lack of logic of dialogue and wisdom, as owners for the care of a herd of hungry wolves

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 5 Individuals attending the conference that won’t spare their lives. The bearing of such ideas and beliefs. responsibility should equally be shared with His Excellency considered that the logical these individuals by those who laid the ground consideration reveals that opinions become of these conflicts and confrontations and- es closer to consciousness and civilization when tablished the theories of hatred, animosity, and they respect the right of others to exist and live maliciousness for anyone who is at variance in dignity, together with the love of benevo- lence for all, and cooperation with them for the Secretary General of the Muslim common good, and for the benefit of humanity as a whole. World League: Those embracing He said that in contrast to the above desir- able situation, there was unfortunately the bar- conscious thoughts do respect barism that prevailed for a long time and which is still fueled in today’s world in other formats, the right of others to exist and from time to time, by the neo-Nazis, who were abetted in inflaming animosity and conflict live in dignity by certain individuals, who hold the banner of religions without due jurisprudence, and with them in religion, thought and culture. awareness and wisdom. It is easier to collect His Excellency emphasized that religious, and memorize texts, but it is rare to properly intellectual and cultural diversity should not understand them and to find those with such a exceed the level of mere conviction to the state singular ability. of imposition, coercion, exclusion, and clash. His Excellency pointed out that religions For, everything can be imposed by force except throughout history have suffered greatly from

6 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l The US Ambassador for Religious Freedom addresses the conference those who merely memorize texts and take the gions and philosophies. This will project reli- lead in their academic and intellectual arenas gion in its real shape as a force for peace and without due assimilation and awareness. Those a factor for attraction among those who are in really represented a burden on themselves and disagreement; and not a cause for waging war religions before harming others. and spreading hatred. His Excellency indicated that the Creator has a universal arrangement that everyone must understand and act on its light, but cer- Bin Bayyah calls for consolidat- tain individuals failed to observe this due to ing the principle of acquaintance the problem of ignorance and inattentiveness, However, there emerged a problem bigger than and friendship among all and for the above and represented in the deliberate ig- norance and obstinacy in denying this law and encouraging humanitarian ini- adopting an adverse course in a manner that is in sharp conflict with the condition of our tiatives world peace. This was followed by the address given at His Excellency Bin Bayyah called for incul- the Conference by H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin cating the principle of acquaintance and friend- Bayyah, president of Peace Enhancement Fo- ship among all, as well as for encouraging the rum in the Muslim Communities. He empha- adoption of initiatives of humanitarian work sized the necessity of transforming all positive and help of the sick and needy, as this is dic- results in similar events to permanent work that tated by religious heritage and necessitated by should be a model for all the followers of reli- human morality.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 7 The Secretary General of the Muslim World League meets US officials

Dr. Al-Issa during his meeting with the US State Department’s top advisor on combating extremism and violence Washington some concepts about Islam, whether attributed to The Secretary General of the Muslim World Islam or not. League Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Dr. Al-Issa also stressed that Islam has guar- Al-Issa met in Washington with Mr. Douglas anteed the legitimate freedoms that must respect Padgett, the US State Department’s Senior Advi- the constitutional and legal texts; otherwise they sor on Countering Extremism and Violence, the will violate the freedom of nations and entities on special advisor of Freedoms at the US State De- the selection of their constitutions and organizing partment and Mrs. Maryam Semintwala the Advi- laws. Religious, intellectual, cultural and civiliza- sor of Freedoms policies at the US Department of tional diversity is from the universal laws of State. During the meeting, they discussed many Almighty that must be absorbed and understood issues related to combating extremism, violence by all and this understanding reflects the level of and hatred in the name of religions along with the awareness from one hand and reflects the level of phenomenon of . respecting legal rights and freedoms guaranteed Dr. Al-Issa indicated that the MWL is con- to all on the other hand. cerned with clarifying the true image of Islam that Dr. Al-Issa also pointed out the importance of is free from the concepts of extremism and terror- understanding religion in a right way. Scholars ism along with its call for peaceful coexistence, and religious leaders should shoulder their re- tolerance and peace. The MWL is also concerned sponsibility on clarifying the right and accurate with explaining Allah’s laws on diversity and plu- image of Islam. He pointed out that today’s world ralism in His universe. The MWL also clarifies lacks awareness, neutrality, initiative and coop- the truth on some suspicions and errors raised by eration.

8 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l The conference on “Addressing Violence Committed in the Name of Religion” in Italy Al-Issa: The ideas of exclusion generate ter- rorism .. And the people with sound minds ac- cept difference and diversity

The MWL seeks to partner with the symbols of global religious influence to spread the culture of coexistence and peace Rome: “the League” who disagree with them; and that he called for the The Secretary General of the Muslim World acceptance of differences and diversity among hu- League H. E. Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Ab- man beings. dulkarim Al-Issa stressed that exclusionary ideas, This was conveyed in His Excellency’s address laden with hatred are the ones that generate vio- at the Conference on “Addressing Violence Com- lence because they refuse to share life with those mitted in the Name of Religion” organized by the British Foreign Office in the Italian capital, Rome, • The political ambitions in the presence of a number of religious, political and intellectual leaders from around the world. of certain religious parties The Secretary General of the MWL delivered at the Conference a keynote speech, in which he have created extremism ... pointed out that the world today complains about and sectarian provocation the continuation of its historic pain caused by violence perpetrated in the name of religion and destroys peace the low profile position adopted by a number of

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 9 influential religious and intellectual leaders, upon whom we greatly rely in addressing the intellec- • Soft power is the weapon tual deviations that take religion as an umbrella for them. Thus we observe that such deviations of the wise. The confron- exclude, hate and fight everyone conflicting with their ideas, without giving any weight or consid- tation of thought with eration to others. Allah says: “let there be no com- pulsion in religion.” Surat Al-Baqarah and “We thought is capable of up- have honored the sons of Adam (mankind)” Surat rooting extremism Al-Isra. His Excellency Dr. Al-Issa stressed that the that acceptance of difference, diversity, and com- Muslim World League is convinced that the re- prehension of the values ​​of religions, with which sponsibility for violence committed in the name of Allah has sent the Apostles, is properly assimilated religion is not only borne by those who are intel- only by those with sound minds. The more we are lectually kidnapped. But, it should also be borne sincere, determined and competent, the more we by the religious institutions that fail to confront will be able to vanquish extremism and help peace extremism, as well as by curricula, which should and harmony prevail our world. focus on the skills of cultural contact among peo- His Excellency said, “We all believe that no re- ples. In fact, throughout human history, there were ligion is basically terrorist, whereas and at the same religious wars waged for political ambitions, sec- time there is no religion which has no terrorist fol- tarian cleansing or cultural domination that hate lowers. However, certain relevant question is to be the followers of other religions, cultures, and civi- legitimately raised. Why d i d extremism evolve? lizations. However, it is noted that many sagacious How does it grow? Who does benefit from it? Who religious, intellectual and political leaders, either is responsible for it? How is it addressed? Who remained far away from playing any role or rather does undertake such addressing? What is the ad- played a shy, weak one. dressing plan and how is it evaluated? “. His Excellency added that “Unless we face the His Excellency said he believed that religious cycles of violence perpetrated in the name of re- texts are like legal and constitutional texts (ones); ligion, with religious and intellectual ideas, which that any corrupt one or a dictator can manipulate are considered the most cable force for defeating their interpretation and a r bitrarily misrepresent such cycles, they will grow in the minds of those their meanings in favor of his own ambitions, but targeted with due polarization, like parasites that the voice of truth, justice and freedom will stand to grow and multiply and their infection spreads out. his inclination with due bravery and might. The greater portion of this violence was based on Regarding the political responsibility for the the ideology of exclusion and hatred of others, as it current situation, H.E. Dr. Al-Issa said: “We recall doesn’t want anyone to share with them life only if with great pain that certain policies have through- he believes in its creed and ideas. This is -of course- out history practices that served as reason for in- a mental imbalance, which has unhealthy, social, educational, intellectual and political reasons. • The usage of solid power The Secretary General said that we have to adopt a transparent and courageous attitude and in the struggle of ideas and ask ourselves, as leaders of religions and holders of the message of peace, about the reason that makes cultures further deepens others embrace any intellectual imbalance that misuses religion and raises in an exploitive manner and complicates religious its slogan. Furthermore, we have to acknowledge and civilizational clash

10 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l citing violence in the name of religion, because in- under any pretext for negligence. In fact, extrem- dividuals and groups, whose freedoms and dignity ist ideas sometimes lead to violence, which in turn have been violated by arbitrariness and political lead to terrorism in continuous episodes that either oppression, tend to resort to spiritual tranquility. be short or long from one time to another. Thus However, some of them attempt through their mis- sheer denunciation or declaration of disowning interpretation to counter-violence practices in the from violence or even terrorism is not sufficient. name of his spiritual resort. Furthermore, we have But, what have we done towards these social, fatal to acknowledge that the deliberate involvement maladies that have most often practiced deceptive of religion in matters irrelevant to it, will conse- methods and expedients, towards which we should quently lead in most cases to delusive material and be vigilant? For example, Terrorism- for instance moral ambitions that unfortunately resulted in vio- - tried in its desperate and intensive campaigns to lence, confrontations and even wars and terrorist target the countries that allow more freedom and activities which were recorded by the human his- tolerance to Muslim minorities in order to drag tory in its dark chapters. “ them to a confrontation with these minorities. In regard to the social issue, His Excellency the However, the determination of these countries on Secretary General of the League referred to the applying their constitutional values directed strong danger of the racial incitement expressions and blows of rejection to terrorism, frustrated with due the provocation of religious, sectarian and cultural awareness and competency its plans as well as dif- sentiment which have inherent factors that would fused the power of its intellectual bombs. stimulate the undertaking violence in the name of Regarding the common responsibility for the religion. Furthermore, we remark that a number of phenomenon of extremism, he said: “We recog- religious parties with political objectives and ambi- nize that whenever we find - throughout history – tions and which promote certain terrorist thoughts that there was a violence Dr. Al-Issa emphasized have encouraged some of their adherents to adopt that for any violence perpetrated in the name of instigation of violence and phobia of the others. religion, we discover that it is due to negligence His Excellency added: “We also recognize that and recklessness of the judicious individuals of the usage of the language of hard power language the religion, whether in their religious localization in the struggle of ideas and cultures doesn’t only in (strength &impact) or in their activity (awareness most cases result in a material and moral loss, but &protection). However, religious programs should it also deepens and complicates the clash and con- be focused more on inculcating behavioral and eth- flict. However, it is observed that the usage of soft ical values, respecting the others, comprehending power language by the sagacious individuals, who the law of Allah indifference, diversity, and plural- believe that ideas are only faced with ideas, is in- ism as well as enhancing the values of peace and deed rewarding because such soft power language human love and cooperation in the light of these can uproot the corrupt seeds of the ideas promoted values and on the various communalities.” by such hard power language. On the contrary, the Following his speech, His Excellency the Sec- role of other confrontational tendencies will not retary General said,” The Muslim World League exceed the level of superficial eradication that al- - an International Islamic organization, represent- lows them to surface and perhaps in a stronger and ing the reference of the Islamic peoples as it takes established manner. Additionally, we should not its Holy headquarters in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, forget that history has provided us with a relevant, which embraces the Qibla (a place Muslims face in unforgettable exhortation” prayer) of Muslims, their hearts’ love, and spiri- H.E. Dr. Al-Issa pointed out that violence in the tual reference and which is supported by its inter- name of religion has spread only in the area that is national and academic organizations- has played a either devoid of confrontation of violence or there pivotal role in countering all extremist ideas. This is some sort of easiness towards dealing with it is represented in the adoption of a number of initia-

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 11 tives and programs as well as in collaboration with of the wars imposed on religions due to injustice a group of religious institutions around the world, and oppression, we remark that the brutal fight- the most recent of which was the Pontifical Coun- ing in the name of religion represents 70% of the cil for Interreligious Dialogue through the Perma- human wars. His Excellency pointed out that the nent Coordinating Committee of the said Council confrontation with religious extremism in today’s and the League”. world differs radically from yesterday’s one. The His Excellency added that the League has reason for this is that extremism is spreading today achieved- through its contact tools represented through a virtual world that enabled it to surpass in its comprehensive programs and initiatives- a traditional geographical boundaries without visas. significant progress in raising awareness among It has also opened branches in all countries with- Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries. out requiring work permits. Furthermore, for in- It also emphasized for them the importance of re- stance, every single message via “ social media” specting the laws, culture, and constitutions of the individuals’ accounts has now indeed equated in its countries in which they live, and that they must might and speed countless numbers of traditional abide by the legal methods in every application religious platforms. Then His Excellency asked concerning their religious specialties. With due re- a question: can we imagine the difference in the spect to the awareness of most portion of them, the magnitude of the impact between a word said by a League demanded from them to eventually respect speaker or a preacher before scores of the present the decision of the local and competent constitu- audience and a tweet published via a hundred ac- tional bodies. His Excellency also said,” Based counts, with hundred million followers and those on the difference of opinion between the League promoting circulation via “ social media”? and some of these organizations, a meeting was ar- His Excellency added “The latest strategy of the ranged with the latter in the Holy Makkah. After a terrorist extremism does no longer depend on sub- lengthy dialogue, all agreed with the League on its stantial funding in implementing its terrorist op- sagacious and enlightened Islamic vision” erations, as it has now become capable of shaking H.E. Dr. Al-Issa stressed that extremism, the world’s conscience with “zero- cost” opera- through the history of religions and doctrines, has tions. For, such procedure costs it only possession distorted the interpretations of religious texts and of a light weapon or a knife or a car stolen by a historical facts, in an attempt to justify its intellec- criminal, who was penetrated by terrorist extrem- tual deviation. Likewise, the remarkable political ism and brainwashed via the platforms of the vir- infiltrations, with their material objectives, have tual world. However, despite the above, we should had an alliance with the selfish individuals trading neither show dilatoriness in performing our duty in with religion. The evidence is that the religion’s this connection nor underestimate the significance card is considered the strongest and the most rapid of terrorist financing. in its impact on the masses. His Excellency em- His Excellency concluded by saying,” We must phasized that , according to conservative statistical realize the magnitude of the dangers facing our estimates, we find that approximately 35 percent world, which carry with pretention, lie or ignorance of people around the world (accumulative grade) the umbrella of religions and sects. We must work believe (emotionally) in the religious influence on together to spread the culture of civilizational con- the public behavior and on societal and political tact, the culture of exchange for love and human as decisions, whereas it is observed that about 80 well as moral respect, the culture of the belief in percent of the people believe in the influence of re- the human difference and diversity, and the culture ligion on these matters, including - of course- both of tolerance and coexistence. We must also con- those who emotionally believe in it , as mentioned front with due decisiveness and determination the above, and those who actually believe in the re- voices that promote the clash of civilization and ality of the impact. However, with the exclusion the calls for adopting hatred and racism “.

12 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l The Prime Minister of the Holy See (Vatican) receives the Secretary General of the Muslim World League

The Prime Minister of Vatican City State receives the Secretary General of the Muslim World League

Rome: “the League” General of the Muslim World League H.E. Dr. Al-Issa discusses with the Secretary Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim of State of His Holiness The Pope (Vatican) Al-Issa. Secretary the files of coordinative coopera- At the beginning of the meeting, His tion and the enhancement of common val- Excellency the Prime Minister of the Holy ues See (Vatican) welcomed the visit of His The Prime Minister of the Holy See Excellency the Secretary-General, com- (Vatican) His Excellency Cardinal Pietro manding the Muslim World League, which Parolin received at his office the Secretary is an umbrella organization representing

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 13 the peoples of the Islamic Ummah and and to educate the present and future gen- occupies a special place in the Islamic erations by positive presenting and read- conscience, especially its headquarters is ing of lessons extracted from the past as in the Holy Makkah. well as focusing on the fact that accep- His Excellency the Cardinal praised tance of the other and respect for his dif- the efforts of His Excellency the Secre- ference with us are the solution. He also tary General towards the enhancement indicated that religions were in the past of cooperation means with Vatican City linked to certain geographical regions State (Holy See), particularly after the and communities, whereas today the geo- historic meeting between His Holiness graphical boundaries have disappeared; Pope Francis and the His Excellency the world has become a small universal the Secretary General of the League village, in which it is essential and inevi- last September. During the two the two table to accept the difference, which the sides stressed their commitment to open law of the Creator. However, he drew dialogue between Islam and Christianity, the attention to fact that the alternative to which has become essential in the context dialogue and acceptance of the other is of the suffering of many peoples from the to open the way to extremism, terrorism, extremist groups that practice violence in and suffering of the peoples. the name of religions. This led the Vati- His Excellency the Prime Minister can and the British government to adopt emphasized that His Holiness the Pope “Addressing the Violence Committed in is committed to the idea that differences the Name of Religion” as the title of the should not be a cause of division. Failure conference to which His Excellency the to respect such difference will eventually Secretary General was invited to deliver lead to the creation of a situation in which a keynote speech at the inaugural session. each side will logically defend itself and His Excellency the Cardinal lauded attack the other. Therefore, the purpose of the importance of the positive relations dialogue is to respect the other and co- between the League and Vatican State exist with him in peace and security. and the commitment of the two parties His Excellency the Cardinal pointed to pursue a fruitful and constructive dia- out that 80% of the Vatican’s diplomatic logue. However, His Excellency the Car- work is mainly focused on the field of dinal drew the attention to the fact that carrying out dialogue, dissemination of the difference is the law of the Creator in peace, and alleviation of the suffering his creation, and that it is not possible to of humanity. He added that many young impose convictions on individuals, but he people today have generally lost their in- maintains that the respect of difference terest in religion, expressing the pain of is the essence of dialogue within the con- the Church for this. Thus, it is attempt- text of a single space, and according to ing to review certain things, that include common factors among people. the role of clergymen should be a good The Prime Minister stressed the need example for others to follow in their prac- to learn from the experiences of the past tice, not merely just teachers who give

14 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Exchange of souvenirs theoretical sermons that they don’t apply Secretary General expressed his profound themselves. He pointed out that the cler- regret o v er the fact that approximately gyman, around whom people assemble for 70% of the wars throughout history had a teaching, should the one who sets for them religious background. However, the wars the good example in the daily life and prac- imposed on religions because of injustice tical things; and doesn’t suffice himself by and oppression must be excepted. Further- mere preaching and ignore practical as- more, he stressed that the confrontation of pects. He concluded by indicating that it is extremis m and counter-extremism must significant to concentrate on instilling the come at the top of the responsibility of re- values ​​of love and peace in the emerging ligious leaders. generations, and teaching them how to ac- His Excellency stressed that the League cept the other. is committed to the values of​​ dialogue; and His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Muhammad that it i s keen to communica t e with the bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa expressed his sin- Vatican; and at the same time it reiterates gular pleasure with visiting the Vatican and anew its applaud for the just and impar- the kind, warm good reception accorded to tial attitudes of His Holiness the Pope of him in the framework of deepening contact Vatican, which are represented in his fa- and inte r action with Vatican City State, mous expression that “Islam has nothing to which represents an important axis in en- do with terrorism”, an expression that will hancing the efforts of world peace. undoubtedly be registered in the record of During the audience, His Excellency the equity and impartiality.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 15 Secretary General of the League met with a delegation from the Institute in Rome The Pontifical Institute invites Al-Issa to lecture on Islamic thought and its theories

The Secretary-General met with the delegation of the Pontifical Institute for Studies

Rome: “the League” mon interest, especially those concerning inter- His Excellency the Secretary General of the religious and intercultural contact. The two sides Muslim World League Sheikh Dr. Muhammad also discussed means of cooperation between the bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa met with in Rome, Italy, League and the Institute, which is considered as a delegation comprising the professors of the one of the oldest centers of expertise and research Pontifical Institute for Studies. at the international level. The delegation included Professor Zannini The Institute invited His Excellency Sheikh Francesco, Professor Mokrani Adnane, Professor Dr. Al-Issa to give a lecture at the Institute on the Samir Khalil Samir, Professor Shehrazad Hosh- Islamic thought, its rules, general theories, and mand Zadi, and Professor Rosanna Charbo. its vision on a number of topics that are generally They discussed a number of issues of com- debated and circulated.

16 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Meeting between the SG of the MWL with the President 1- ????. of Faculty (members) of the Florence School for Cultural 2 - . and Religious Communication

The Secretary General meets the president of Florence School

Rome: “the League” The Secretary General of the Muslim World League H. E. Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Ibn Abdulkarim Al-Issa met with in Italian capital , Rome, a delega- tion. from the Florence School for Cultural and Religious and cultural contact as well as inter- action, headed by the President of the Institute Joseph Levy, and comprising other mem- bers including his two Vice- The MWL’s SG with the Administrative Staff Presidents Andrea El-Anadi and of the College Sheikh Ezzeddine El-Zair, as well educational institution. as Dr. Osama Rashid, Secretary-General of the For his part, His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Al-Issa University, Joseph Nathan, Financial Officer at appreciated the cultural efforts of the college and the College. the skills of its diplomatic training in cultural and They all held a meeting on a number of is- religious interaction courses that characterize it. sues of common interest. The delegation, which This College is considered one of the academies of lauded the international message of the League, training and cultural interaction; and focused for a expressed its appreciation for the efforts of the long time on the training of diplomats. League and for the mutual cooperation with their

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 17 Rabita Roundup

HE the MWL’s SG received at his Riyadh office HE the Ital- ian Ambassador to the King- dom, Mr. Luca Ferrari where they talked about topics of common interest.

HE Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa, MWL SG receives HE Mr. Nasir Hamdi, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Kingdom of Saudi Ara- bia. During reception, issues of mutual concern were dis- cussed.

HE the MWL’s SG meets in his office in Riyadh Mr. Richard Murphy, the former American diplomat and political stud- ies expert. A number of topics of common interest were dis- cussed.

18 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l The Muslim World League is restructur- ing the management of Halal • With applying its strict supervisory system, the League has received Euro- pean and Asian government invitations to accredit it as a source of Halal • The MWL has estab- lished the largest Halal cen- ter in the world in Makkah Almukarramah

Holy Makkah - “the League” the world. Before some months, Muslim World League For its strict procedure for General Halal Supervi- (MWL) concluded the restructuring of Halal Depart- sion, the League was invited by many Asian and Euro- ment by attracting a number of experts and Islamic pean Governments to be the accredited body to export jurists. The strives MWL to be the first brand for Halal Halal to the Governments of these countries. Relevant in the World. agreements have been concluded with some of them; The MWL has sent a number of experts and Islam- and that it is now at the final stage for signing relevant ic jurists to many countries such as Brazil, Australia, agreements with the remaining ones. and Canada etc. to carry out their duty represented in Halal Commission at Muslim World League sudden tours for direct supervision of Halal actions, (MWL) is the only body in Brazil that applies le- and register observation with a view to taking statu- gal and Islamic standards. Furthermore, the League tory procedures against violators. doesn’t issue export certificates to products intended The MWL emphasized that it usually takes all to send, whether to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or precautions to apply Islamic and legal measures for to any other country only after ensuring totally that Halal, whether it is exported to the Kingdom of Saudi all conditions are fully met and firmly complied with. Arabia or to countries with whom the League signed The Muslim World League (the League) has es- agreements to export Halal. The League always as- tablished the biggest Halal Center in the World (with sures there is a precisely high supervision degree for its headquarters in Holy Makkah). The Center will be applying required Halal Standards. an international reference to whatever concerns Halal, The MWL stressed that it is the first organization whether meat, food, medicines or other things. internationally in applying Halal conditions. This is In conclusion, it is worthy of mention that the Mus- due to supervising all stages till the export stage (one) lim World League (MWL) has recently held many Ha- to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries so lal conferences and workshop, the last one of which as to secure the League’s institutionalized work and its was an International Congress that passed significant firm, minute supervision. recommendations and discussed Halal food as well as The MWL disclosed that it will soon launch an in- the deceptive ways that are mainly intended to mis- ternational website for Halal in more than 20 languag- lead certain consumers with the usage of false stamps es. The site is anticipated to serve as an international accreditations on Halal products or with ignoring the reference for whatever concerns all types of Halal in application of criteria.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 19 MWL signs an agreement with World Council of Religious Leaders

Rome: “the League” primarily coordinated to focus on the environmental peace, purifying atmospheres from all materialistic The Secretary General of the Muslim World League and spiritual defects, including the confrontation of (MWL) Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al- the extremist and terrorist thoughts that have spoiled Issa signed an agreement of cooperation with the the atmospheres and tried to have an effect on the in- Secretary General of the World Council of Religious tellectual moderation contexts. This is in addition to Leaders Dr. Bawa Jain. This agreement includes the the healthy environment that should be provided with organization of an international conference at the UN requirements for healthy living free of any pollutants, in the presence of a number of religious, intellectual especially the intellectual ones that unfortunately have and political leaders. produced extremism and terrorism that take hold of According to the Supervisor General for Media some Muslim youth from around the world. He also Affairs Department in the Muslim World League Mr. said that this agreement will provide this conference Adel bin Zamil Al-Harbi, this step, as stated by the SG with an annual perpetuation. of the MWL, represents an important change within The Secretary General of the World Council of Re- the framework of enhancing the MWL’s global com- ligious Leaders Dr. Bawa Jain described the MWL as munication programs. He described the MWL to be having strong global influence and that everyone de- in the vanguard of the civilizational, cultural and reli- votes attention to it and its presence and it has become gious institutions around the world thanks to its capac- on the focus of world’s consideration. He added that ity as the umbrella for the Muslim nations under its the coexistence theories that MWL introduces along main statute, global hub and strong influential bonds. with their Islamic heaviness have clearly become of The MWL represents the Muslim World in a number concern and lobby. Dr. Bawa Jain also described the of international forums, east and west. It speaks on MWL as the inspirer and positive energy for everyone behalf of all Muslim nations that come within. It also and its call for coexistence, tolerance and peace holds delivers a civilizational speech that maintains the val- incredible, beautiful and influential meanings. He also ues of identity and Islamic constants, gets along with expressed his extreme happiness for visiting the King- the modern time and its positive influential frame. dom of Saudi Arabia KSA and praised its advance and Al-Harbi added that: “The MWL has brought out a adoption of intellectual moderation approach in the unique model in this field as it has received everyone’s face of extremism and terrorism. appreciation and respect in the international forums The discussions and signing of the agreement wit- that the MWL evaluates them or take part in them.” nessed the presence of the Council’s Secretary Gen- Al-Harbi voiced his hope that the conference would eral and a number of the MWL’s leaderships, followed have a great international presence, as it has been by a ceremony attended by a number of public figures.

20 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Al-Issa heads the meeting of the Kitab and Sunnah International Organization

The Secretary General of the Muslim World league, viding the best services to the Qur’anic work. who is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors After that the participants reviewed the agenda of the Kitab and Sunnah International Organization, which includes the most important issues of the previ- Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, ous meeting and what had been accomplished about chaired the meeting of the board of directors of HQ- them, in addition to a request to approve the budget MIO at the headquarters of the Muslim World League for the year 2018, discussing the new basic system of in Makkah at the presence of former president of the the organization and approving the plan of the Holy Islamic Development Bank Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Qura’n Memorization International Organization after Ali, the Secretary General of the Holy Qura’n Memo- merging the organizations under one authority. rization International Organization Dr. Abdullah Bas- Sheikh Al-Issa explained that serving the Holy far and the members of the board of directors. Qur’an and the immaculate Sunnah is an honor for the The meeting started with a statement given by Muslim World League, a matter which is quite clear Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulkarem Al-Issa in which he according to the Qur’anic verse “We have only sent welcomed the members of the board of directors and you as mercy to the whole world” for Islam enjoys thanked them for their attendance and participation. moderate guidance especially in confronting extrem- Dr. Al-Issa recommended giving more interest to pro- ism that tried to pervert the texts of Shariah.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 21 Launch of MWL’s new w e b s i t e

Makkah: “the League” the conferences held since its inception along- The Secretary General of the Muslim World side the initiatives and publications issued by League (MWL), Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin the MWL and the photos it produces, including Abdulkarim Al-Issa, inaugurated the portal of photographs and documentaries of all the con- the MWL on the internet (www.themwl.org). tents. The new website has new extensive information Dr. Al-Issa also inaugurated the new web- and services in more than one language, aiming site of the Muslim World League newspaper to convey the League’s activities at Islamic and (Me’ad), which contains sections on scientific global levels. It also contains a number of sec- and intellectual theses and the international tions to highlight the objectives of the MWL and news alongside highlighting the tolerant image of Islam incarnated in moderation. Me’ad newspaper highlights many reports and researches in various Islamic and humani- tarian fields, as well as the issues and affairs of Muslim minorities. This newspaper also follows up the interests of these minorities worldwide and provides them with scientific and intellec- tual awareness. The SG of the MWL pointed out that the total number of visitors who surf the website of the Muslim World League and Me’ad newspaper exceeded 94 million, which shows the volume of the global turnout and interest in this new website.

22 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l MWL Launches Health and Community Projects in Comoros

MWL Journal Desk Report

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supported our de- “The people of Comoros extend their sincere grat- velopment projects after the expulsion of the Ira- itude to the MWL, for its continuous support to nian and Qatari institutions from the Comoros” Comoros for many years. The Kingdom of Saudi The Muslim World League (MWL), represent- Arabia has always extended its hand to help the ed by the International Islamic Relief Organization Comorians even before the colonization period, Saudi Arabia (IIROSA), launched a developmen- through the independence era and till date. How- tal relief program titled “Health and Community ever, all this was possible because of the saga- Projects in Comoros” at a local dispensary in Ma- cious leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy roni, Comoros. Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, The Advisor to the President of the Union Re- His Royal Highness Crown Prince Muhammad public and Minister of Foreign Affairs along with bin Salman, and His Excellency Colonel AZALI several senior Comorian officials welcome the de- Assoumani, President of Comoros.” velopmental relief program of IIROSA, an affiliate “Moreover, the Muslim World League have un- of the MWL. dertaken many activities, which included the run- H. E. Mr. Yahia Muhammad Elias, Advisor to ning of a renowned institute that trains teachers, the President of the Union for Arab Affairs, said, preachers, and Imams DELTE IT well as gradu-

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 23 ate many Comorian, who are now assuming dif- Department. ferent occupations at the state apparatus”, added H. E. Dr. Karheilla added, “We do appreciate Elias. the activities and projects implemented by the He even drew the attention that the Muslim League in Comoros, as our country is in dire need World League launched the developmental relief of such humanitarian projects that contribute to project during the time when Comoros are in need the country’s progress and provide support to the of financial aids as well as stressed on the support people of Comoros in the field of health, which of the Sunni Muslims to this Archipelago Island, lacks many health projects. This clearly affirms the especially after the leadership of Comoros had Saudi interest in the development of Comoros. Our decided to expel Iranian Shite and Qatari institu- relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is tions. not a result of only today, it is an eternal one that Elias said, “We always expect the best support dates back to many years in history.” from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is either Likewise, H.E. Mr. Hassan Shahbar, Secretary given directly by the government or through the General of the IIROSA, said, “The entire program Saudi charitable institutions, the topmost of which has been directed under His Excellency, Dr. Mu- is the Muslim World League, whose main aim is hammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, the Secretary to implement a number of health, relief and com- General of MWL and Chairman of the IIROSA munity development project in Comoros.” Board of Directors who emphasized on the impor- He concluded by saying that the Comorian peo- tance of developing communities as one of MWL ple would like to thank the Kingdom of Saudi Ara- main visions”. However, in compliance with the bia and its sagacious leaders for their kind support. said directives, IIROSA has, therefore, decided H. E. Dr. HamedKarheilla, Acting Minister of to implement its vital program consisting of the Foreign Affairs of the Comoros and in charge of health and community projects in the three Islands the Arab-Islamic world, on behalf of the Govern- of Comoros during the period between 10-20 Jan- ment and the people of the Comoros expressed his uary 2018. appreciation to the member delegation of the Mus- Mr. Shahbar added that the working plan in- lim World League represented by the International cludes the implementation of the medical survey Islamic Relief Organization, Saudi Arabia (IIRO- in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Co- SA) for their ten-day visit in Comoros. moros the participation of the World Health Or- The team consisted of more than 40 Saudi in- ganization and international organizations in the dividuals that are consultants, medical cadres, region of Washli. The program targets 5000 peo- technical and administrative team, in addition to ple in the state of Comoros to identify the health representatives of IIROSA Programs and Welfares situation in the community, also the common dis-

24 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l eases and the urgent needs of the medications and standards and finally conclusions were made from medical supplies. Moreover, most importantly the it. priority will be given to a final medical survey on The members of the medical team expressed breast cancer. their gratitude and appreciation to the government The program will also provide very first aid officials and the People of Comoros for- under training program that is CPR, male circumcision standing the medical survey and cooperating with and how to use its device. the team in collecting the required information and Likewise, the program includes health aware- visiting families in different villages. ness, operating a number of clinics in collabora- The cost of the project amounted to 6,948,032 tion of Ministry of Health in Comoros in the field riyals, benefiting 971,333 people. It included the of dental help, internal medicine, chronic diseases, establishment of three dispensaries: Oichili a dis- pediatrics and breast cancer. pensary in Moroni sub-division in Grande Comore The Secretary-General of IIROSA also pointed (Ngazidiat) Island, Tsembehhou dispensary in An- out that this medical survey is one of the special- jouan (Nzwani) Island and Niyoumachioi dispen- ized surveys that provide data and indications on sary in Moheli (Nzwani) Island different aspects related to health variations. “It’s The clinics have a general medical clinic, labo- first of a kind in Comoros and the most important ratories, delivery rooms, children’s rooms, sound output to establish a database in the medical field,” waves and emergency departments. It provides all he added. health services for men, women, and children, and The medical team exerted great efforts to acti- pays special attention to children suffering from vate the program of medical and therapeutic medi- malnutrition. cal clinics, where more than 130 cases of diseases Moreover, the Mufti of Comoros received His had been examined and treated among children Eminence Sheikh Tahir Sayed Ahmed Maulana Ja- and women. mal Al-Lail, on the island of Moroni, along with Dr. Adel Turkistani, an epidemiologist, and the delegation of the Muslim World League. He member of the medical team said that the field expressed his happiness while meeting the delega- surveys happened regularly in more than 16 vil- tion and to see the implementation of health and lages that included 450 families, as well as investi- community services project in the islands. gations, was conducted to examine the health and His Eminence conveyed to the delegation the community needs of these poor areas. greetings of His Excellency President Osman Turkistani pointed out that this scientific survey Ghazali and members of the government, in addi- took place after a careful preparation, followed tion to praising them for their efforts in achieving by a thorough analysis according to international the goals.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 25 Debate and Discussion on Rohingya Crisis in the British Parliament

Dr. Mozammel Haque

Last month in January 2018 there were some signifi- moved by Labour MP Emily Thornberry for Islington cant debates, discussions and events on the Rohingya South and Finsbury on 24 January 2018. She spoke in London, the first one was a discussion at thein- about the terrible impacts of crisis and conflict in ternationally well-known Think-Tank The Chatham Myanmar. Many Members of the House participated House, London, on Rohingya Crisis: Past Present and in this debate and expressed their viewpoints on this Future held on 23 January 2018. The second one was topic. Many others who have spoken in the debate are Labour parliamentarian briefing on Rohingya Refu- united in desiring an end to the death, suffering and gees held at Palace of Westminster, Houses of Parlia- sexual violence, and end to the lost generation of refu- ment on 29 January 2018 and the third was a debate gees unable to leave the camps. on Refugees and Human Rights moved by Opposition Significant issues were discussed, such as horrors Labour Party MP Emily Thornberry (Islington South and hardships that the Rohingya have faced; dangers and Finsbury) (Lab) in the House of Commons on 24 of the proposed repatriation of Rohingya; 1982 Citi- January 2018. zenship Act of Myanmar – the Fundamental problem; ethnic cleansing and textbook crimes of rape and Debate on Refugees and Human crimes against humanity; Rohingya crisis be raised in Rights: Some Excerpts the UN Security Council; imposition of sanctions on Emily Thornberry (Islington South and Finsbury) Myanmar and Rohingya voice must be heard in the (Lab) debate and at the negotiating table. This motion on Refugees and Human Rights were Horrors and Hardships

26 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l that Rohingya have faced that by that point 47 individuals—four of them wom- Speaking about the horrors and hardships that the Ro- en—from the Rohingya community had served as hingya have faced, Emily Thornberry, MP, said: “No MPs in the Burmese Parliament.” one present needs any reminding of the horrors and She also mentioned, “This process has, then, been hardship that the Rohingya have faced ever since the going on for an extremely long time. Those of us who attacks in August. No one needs any telling of the have visited the sites and camps— the right hon. and desperate humanitarian situation in the camps on the hon. Members from both sides of the House—have Bangladesh border. No one needs any warning of the seen the atrocious conditions these people are being dangers of the proposed repatriation of the Rohingya. forced to live in. We would all accept that a basic hu- What we need to know is what action our Government man right is a freedom to worship as we see fit. The are actually taking—not just to alleviate the situation, one thing that joins the Rohingya in solidarity with but to resolve it.” their brothers and sisters in Bangladesh is their re- Speaking about Repatriation, she mentioned: ligion. Unfortunately—it is a sad story to tell—the “We know that Myanmar simply will not act without Buddhist community is complicit in and accepting of external pressure—not on consent for repatriation, the driving out of the Muslim population that is the and not on the guarantees the Rohingya need regard- Rohingya.” ing their future security, citizenship and economic Minister for the Middle East, Alistair Burt, men- viability. Will the Minister, finally, use our role as tioned about the sufferings. He said that the Inter- the UN penholder on this issue to submit a Security national Development Secretary travelled to Cox’s Council resolution to ensure legally binding guar- Bazaar. He mentioned, “There she met a young moth- antees on and international monitoring of all these er—one of more than 650,000 Rohingya refugees who issues? Until we get those guarantees, will he urge has arrived in Bangladesh since August. Her name is India and Japan to withdraw their offer to fund the Yasmin. Yasmin had fled Burma with her new-born planned repatriation?​ baby after her village was burned down and her broth- “Emily Thornberry MP also said, “As we work for er murdered. On their journey, she and her baby were the future protection of the Rohingya, we cannot for- thrown over the side of a smuggler’s boat so that her get those who have already suffered and died, so let son’s crying did not alert the Burmese soldiers. They me ask the Minister this as well: is it still the case that arrived in a giant, crowded camp only for her son to only two of the Government’s 70 experts on interna- contract cholera. Yasmin is just one of the 65 million tional sexual violence have so far been deployed in people around the world—the right hon. Lady men- the region, despite the vast scale of crimes that have tioned them—who have been forcibly displaced.” occurred? Will he make it clear that Myanmar must Anna McMorrin said, “The Bangladesh Welfare allow the UN special rapporteur on human rights to Association Cardiff and friends of the Rohingya in carry out her investigation unobstructed or Myanmar Wales are in Cox’s Bazaar refugee camps, unloading risks once more being a pariah state and being pushed trucks full of food parcels, blankets, baby food and out into the cold?” medicines. They have encountered devastating scenes of hardship and heartbreak and have heard first-hand Long history of oppression, accounts that no one should experience: people los- Sufferings and persecution ing loved ones, suffering violence and experiencing Conservative MP Mrs. Anne Main (St. Albans) as chair squalor, overcrowding and deprivation. Some 48,000 of the All-Party Group on Bangladesh observed on the babies are due to be born in the refugee camps this experience of those fleeing persecution in Burma and year. Does the Minister agree.” living in Cox’s Bazaar. Mrs. Anne Main Conservative Member for St. Albans said, “I think the House needs Ethnic cleansing a little history lesson. The first major push against the Conservative MP Michelle Donelan of Chippenham Rohingya was in 1978. Then the Burma Citizenship said, “Today, I will concentrate on the situation that Act of 1982 left them out of the list of 135 ethnic mi- has been endured for five harrowing months by the nority communities, thus denying them their state—so in Burma. this has been going on for a very long time. In 1992, She mentioned, “I can only begin to imagine what their political party was also outlawed. I understand life is like for those who have been forced to flee their

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 27 home with nothing and for those who have been left The military who forced parents to make the decision behind to continue living out the nightmare in Burma. whether to go and rescue their children from burn- Ten thousand people have been confirmed dead, but ing fires or—the ones who are still alive—to run and the actual figure could be immeasurably higher. Some flee? We cannot once again turn a blind eye to human 830,000 refugees are estimated to have crossed over to suffering—to people living in an apartheid state where Bangladesh, which is 11 times the number of people citizenship is unattainable and where religious perse- in my constituency. Those refugees must be allowed cution has long been the status quo.” to return to Burma, but only when it is safe, which is “The challenge to the international community far from the current situation.” and to us is clear: how do we create the conditions, Talking about the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, not just for the Rohingya, but for all stateless and per- Minister Alistair Burt said, “We remain deeply con- secuted minorities, to rebuild their homes without fear cerned by the Rohingya crisis, where people are still of persecution? This country’s response to that chal- crossing the border every day with stories of unimagi- lenge goes to the essence of who we are as a people. nable trauma. This is a major humanitarian crisis I believe—I know—that British people are kind, cou- created by Burma’s military. There has been ethnic rageous, brave and compassionate. Our Government cleansing and those responsible must be held account- should be acting to live up to that idea of the very best able. of Britain, but too often they have failed in the cour- age of their political convictions. Too often they have Repatriation turned a blind eye,” she mentioned. Labour MP for Tooting, Rosena Allin-Khan, said, Labour MP Rosena Allin-Khan said, “Creating “Forcibly repatriating the Rohingya to Myanmar the conditions for refugees to return to their homes would be tantamount to sending them back to their will have been achieved only once the fear they have deaths. Who will ensure their protection—the very in their hearts has gone. We can really lead the way military who killed their babies, tortured their men- through fierce, active diplomacy, and our Government folk, and who have systematically raped the women? must use all their leverage to bring about peaceful

28 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l truth is that people are having to recognise that we are talking about a long-term, protracted refugee stay in Bangladesh. There is no quick return. We cannot ask people to return to a situation after they were expelled with maximum force, violence and horror. Although the agreement between the Governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh to return people over a two-year peri- od is a welcome sign of intent, it cannot possibly have any serious basis unless we know that people are go- ing to be safe. People cannot be returned on any other basis. The honest truth is that we have to be prepared for this to take time. We are pushing not only for the work that we do in Cox’s Bazaar itself, but for a role for the international community in monitoring any re- turn, with the UNHCR taking the lead.”​

Importance of Rohingya voice being heard at the debate Conservative MP Mrs. Anne Main said, “How can there be no voice for the Rohingya at the negotiating table? It is totally unacceptable that the oppressors, who are land-mining the border and driving people out with machine guns, and who have denied these people their rights since 1982, should be divvying up resolutions.” the role of the Rohingya and their future. It is no sur- “I hope that hon. Members across the House will prise that there have been marches and resistance in join me in calling on the Government to take a much the camps to any talk of repatriation. How can anyone more active role in bringing the international commu- accept being asked to go back to a country where their nity together, to provide those across the world flee- existence has been denied since 1982? That needs to ing war, facing danger and suffering in squalid camps be dealt with as much as anything.” not fit for the inhabitation of insects with the dignity Mrs Anne Main pleaded that somehow the Roh- and humanity they deserve,” she emphasized. ingya be given a voice. She said, “I understand that The proposed repatriation scheme has now been Ata Ullah is not an acceptable voice, as he is leading suspended, as announced on Monday. Conservative a resistance group, but there must be someone who MP Mrs. Anne Main welcomed the suspension of the can speak up for the Rohingya.” “We must keep driv- proposed repatriation scheme. She said, “I am pleased ing forward to find someone who will sit at the table that repatriation is no longer being considered because and say what the Rohingya want to happen, otherwise the memorandum of understanding did not mention the rioting and unrest in the camps will continue. The the word “Rohingya”.” worst thing we can do is insist that people go back to a Labour MP for St. Helen South and Whiston, Ms country where they are denied even their existence.” Marie Rimmer, said, “The Rohingya face forced re- patriation and a return to state-sponsored violence in International Development Committee Report Myanmar. Thank goodness that a pause has been put Stephen Twigg (Liverpool West Derby) (Labour Co- on that—for now.” op) mentioned about the Report. He said, As the In- ternational Development Committee report, which we No Quick Return published last week, pointed out, the Rohingya crisis Speaking about the agreement between the Govern- has tested these commitments to destruction. I echo ment of Bangladesh and Burma on repatriation, Min- what others have said today about the Rohingya crisis. ister for Middle East Alistair Burt said, “The honest One lesson we mustsurely learn, which is relevant to

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 29 the excellent motion before us, is that prevention is al- and parliamentarians on the Rohingya situations both ways best. As the hon. Lady reminded us, this did not in Cox’s Bazaar Bangladesh and in Rakhine state come from nowhere: we have known for years about Myanmar. They said: “We would like to invite you to the threat to the Rohingya people. In recent years, come and hear about our work and what we want the there have been early warnings from Human Rights British Government to do to resolve this crisis.” Watch and the Holocaust museum in Washington. I The Labour Parliamentarians who were present also echo what others have said about repatriation. It and talked about the situations and their works were: cannot be on the agenda in the foreseeable future, and Helen Goodman MP, Shadow FCO Minister with re- I hope that the Minister will reaffirm that in his clos- sponsibility for East Asia and Myanmar, who has been ing remarks.” leading for Her Majesty’s Opposition on debates in Parliament. Stephen Twigg MP, Labour Chair of the Concluding Remarks International Development Committee, which pub- The Minister for Asia and Pacific said, “Throughout, lished a fantastic report last week that highlights the we have heard moving testimony about the situa- Government’s slow response and Rushanara Ali MP, tion facing many hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who has been championing the Rohingya’s cause in refugees fleeing violence in Burma in recent months. Parliament and who sent a letter, signed by over 150 Since 28 December, the UK’s pledge of some £59 mil- MPs, to the Foreign Secretary in September calling lion has helped to fund an emergency medical team for government action. of 40 doctors, nurses and midwives, paramedics and fire-fighters, who have been deployed to the frontline Helen Goodman MP of the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh, The first speaker was Helen Goodman who gave a to help to combat the diphtheria outbreak. brief activity which the Labour Parliamentarians are “In my role as FCO Minister for Asia, I remain doing. She mentioned: “Ever since the Rohingya peo- persistent in our lobbying the Government of Burma ple started to cross the border in August and the first to allow the Rohingya back to their homeland with urgent question was raised by Yasmin Qureishi on the sufficient guarantees on security and, importantly, on 5th of September 2017 and then Rushanara Ali co- citizenship that they will be able to rebuild their lives. ordinated a letter which 150 Members of Parliament As I have said before, that can begin only when condi- signed to the Foreign Secretary and then she initiated tions allow for a ​safe, voluntary and dignified return,” backbench business community to debate which is a the Minister for Asia said. debate in the main chamber on the 17th of October Referring to the question of return raised by Mem- 2017. Some Labour MPs went to Cox’s Bazaar and bers for Tooting (Dr Allin-Khan) and for Liverpool, one of those was Dr. Roberta Blackman-Woods, La- West Derby (Stephen Twigg), Minister for Asia said, bour MP and she initiated another debate at Westmin- “If the returns are to be genuinely voluntary, there ster Hall on 28th of November 2017 and then as well must a consultative process to establish the refugees’ as raising at Foreign Office questions Emily Thorn- intentions and concerns. We are encouraging the UN- berry spoke in the opposition debate last Wednesday, HCR to develop a more systematic process for consul- the 24th of January 2018. So you can see all the time tation with refugees, and we will call on Governments we have been pushing pushing and pushing to get the to incorporate the refugees’ views in repatriation pro- government to be more energetic in their policy.” cesses as they develop. I assure the House that I am also working within the international community to Summary of briefings develop a coherent strategy that will begin to hold to During the parliamentary briefing, Labour parliamen- account those who have committed what independent tarians touched on the issues of return to Rakhine observers regard as crimes against humanity.” state, repatriation of Rohingyas, oppression, appalling evidence of crimes of rape and sexual violence. Labour Party Briefing on Rohingya Parliamentarian Stephen Twigg mentioned about In the UK Parliament the All Party Parliamentary Select Committee Report Labour Parliamentarians invited press at the Palace into the International Development into Bangladesh of Westminster, Houses of Parliament, on Monday, and Burma of which he was the chairman and the re- 29 January 2018, to brief the position of Labour party port was published two weeks ago. He also mentioned

30 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l we made it very clear that the conditions are not in when we fought in the autumn to have an enquiry into place for any repatriation. He also said any return the work of International Development was doing in should certainly be voluntary. He emphasized Rohing- Bangladesh and Burma but to start by looking specifi- ya voice should be heard. Stephen MP mentioned the cally at the Rohingya crisis. We published our report oppression of the Rohingya goes back decades. There two weeks ago.” is a big failure of policy. He also mentioned about the He said, “We set a number of things. Our report appalling evidence of crimes of rape and sexual vio- publication coincided with suggestions. He mentioned lence against women and children. about repatriation. He said, “that the government of Parliamentarian Helen Goodman mentioned about Burma and Bangladesh have agreed around repatria- the debate in the main chambers by Emily Thornberry tion of some of the Rohingya refugees; we made very on 24 January 2018. She described the points Labour very clear that we do not believe that the conditions Party agreed with the government and the points on are in place for any repatriation that even be consid- which Labour party wants the strong response. Speak- ered to be seen massive changing in Burma itself that ing about the five-point plan about which the Labour any return should certainly be voluntary. Connected to is in an agreement is an end to violence; guarantee that and something that came across the debate Emily humanitarian aid access; and any return must be safe, Thornberry led last week is that very often in debates voluntary and dignified; implement the recommenda- on the Rohingya the voices of the Rohingya them- tions of the Kofi Annan Commission and have access selves are not heard.” for the UN Human Rights Commission for Fact-find- He also mentioned about the voices of the Roh- ing mission. ingya themselves are not heard. He said, “We think As regards the points of difference, Goodman MP one of the priorities and the UK can play a positive mentioned, the first point of difference is protecting role on this is amongst those who are living refugees the reputation of Aung San Suu Kyi for which Roh- in Cox’s Bazaar and elsewhere. Let us identify lead- ingya has to pay the price which is not acceptable. The ers that can speak for their communities so that the second point of difference relates to terrible gender- Rohingya voice is heard and that is relevant to today’s based violence. The third point of difference is on re- discussion; because of course, we do have Rohingya patriation. No repatriation without the involvement of community here in the UK who live as refugees and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The fourth number of our colleagues, for example, some of the point of difference is on sanctions. The fifth point of Bradford MPs where there is a very significant Roh- difference is: “we think the government which is pen- ingya community have made the point that we need holder in the UN should take the initiative on this.” to listen to the Rohingya Diaspora in our own country Parliamentarian Rushanara mentioned about her and we certainly gather evidence from British Roh- visit and the conditions of refugees. She said, ‘abso- ingya as an important part of our enquiry that we did lutely horrified, essentially like prison camps; apart- that.” heid.’ She also mentioned about the response of the in- Parliamentarian Twigg then talked about the histo- ternational community: “the international community ry of the Rohingya people. He mentioned, “We looked was very slow to catch off at what’s been happening in at some of the histories because Rohingya is really im- spite of the warnings.” portant to make the point that this is not something Goodman mentioned about the Emily Thornberry’s that had happened unexpectedly. There were many debate on 24th of January, 2018. I thought it is impor- early warnings that something like this could happen; tant to add some of the excerpts from that debate at the the oppression of the Rohingya goes back decades; end of this report. this is not something that simply emerged in recent years. And I think there is a big failure of policy more Stephen Twigg, MP often done to try to prevent this from happening.” Labour MP Stephen Twigg echoed what his colleague He also mentioned the other aspects which they parliamentarian Helen Goodman has said. He men- have focussed on the Report. He said, “We focussed a tioned, “I think the number of Labour colleagues in- lot in our Report is the appalling evidence of crimes of cluding those Helen referred to have taken the lead on rape and sexual violence against women and children these both on the front bench and on the back bench. I in particular and they need from the UK office to do a am slightly different because I chair across party I did lot more to collect evidence and also to give support to

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 31 those who have suffered appalling violence including Goodman MP also mentioned her third point of dif- sexual violence. That is a very brief summary of quite ference on the issue of repatriation. She said, “Thirdly a long report probably the key headlines happened.” we believe there should be no repatriation without the involvement of the UN High Commissioner for Helen Goodman, MP Refugees. We think the idea we rely on the Red Cross As said earlier, parliamentarian Helen Goodman or some of the voluntary organisation, however good started to describe at which points they agreed and they are, it’s not the same of having the UN; because at which points they need the stronger response. She the UN has a legal responsibility and legal powers and said, “The House has put 59 million pounds aid we legal duties that nobody else has. We want the UN to support that and we really pleased that they have done be there to see the situation is in Rakhine state and for that. And they have a five-point plan and that is: an that to be no question of people going back without end to violence; guarantee humanitarian aid access; that UN presence being permanent; it’s not possible; and any return must be safe, voluntary and dignified; it’s clearly not possible.” implement the recommendations of the Kofi Annan Then Parliamentarian Goodman mentioned an- Commission and have access for the UN Human other point of difference on sanctions. She explained, Rights Commission for Fact-finding mission. So we “We have the difference with on sanctions. Now you agreed with all these things but we felt as well as will- will probably remember we had full investment trade ing ends we have to the means and this is where we sanction between 1996 and 2012; Last September the would like a stronger response because we now got Prime Minister announced the re-imposition of arms 680,000 refugees; many many people have suffered sanction which is good; but we don’t think these sanc- horrendous crimes.” tions covered broad enough spread the relationship that we have with Myanmar. The sanctions come to an Goodman said: “Many people have suffered end in March. So we would like to have the statement horrendous crimes and the scale of problems just now from the government that they will roll these emerged. So our first point of difference is that we sanctions over in April unless we have succeeded in think the government was too slow. This is being, as getting UN in and proved the conditions are safe. My Stephen has described, a long-running problem so personal view is that incredibly unlikely. I don’t think they should have been more alert when it really blew that thing is going to happen. I think that sanctions up in August-September, 2017. We think they should should be rolled over but you know; if there is a mir- have acknowledged the ethnic cleansing much fast- acle.” er; it took us in November to get the Minister to say Parliamentarian Goodman then maintained, “But that and we feel that they have been too interested in now we would like these sanctions extended to two protecting the reputation of Aung San Suu Kyi. They areas: one is to all the economic sectors controlled by have been very anxious to protect her position within the military of the Myanmar. In Myanmar the econo- Burma; that is important; of course, that is important. my got two parts; it has got big big parts of industrial But the suffering by the Rohingya people cannot be corporations controlled by the military and they don’t a price who are paying for critical development in just control the army; they control weapons manufac- Burma; that’s not acceptable. That is our first point turing; they control some of the mineral extractions of difference.” and we would like to see sanctions extended to that Parliamentarian Goodman then mentioned the part of the economy. And we would also like to see second point of difference which is related to terrible sanctions extended to individuals who we know have gender-based violence. She mentioned: “Our second been responsible for the abuses and we now in the point of difference relates to the terrible gender-based situations where we are even behind the Americans violence. That the British government has 71 people because the Americans have used the law to put sanc- trained and able to do counselling and support people tions on the man called Maung Maung Soe who ran who suffered sex crimes, rape and that so far they only the campaign in the Rakhine state.” sent two out of those 71 people. Well, there cannot be Talking about taking initiative to raise the Rohing- a greater need for that support than they need in Cox’s ya issue in the UN, MP Goodman said, “We think the Bazaar at the moment. We just cannot understand why government which is the penholder in the UN should they only sent two of the 71 people.” take the initiative on this. Now we know that there

32 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l would be pushed back from China and Russia. We are not naïve about this; but we think the government Questions & Answers Session should take the initiative. We also think that we should In the Questions & Answers Session, I raised some of use the opportunity which we have to collaborate with the questions such as the 1982 Citizenship Act which our EU colleagues because we could have EU sanc- makes the Rohingya community stateless and the tions. We could do that even before we get agreement Myanmar authority does not treat them as Rohingyas. in the UN.” Both the parliamentarians Stephen and Helen agreed “For Labour, this crisis is a priority which is why and said, “Exactly; that’s fundamental. Absolutely; Emily spoke and I can give you what she said last that’s the fundamental problem. That’s why we want Wednesday,” mentioned Goodman MP and said, “Bo- to see the amendments that Kofi Annan made - every- ris Johnson went to Myanmar and all we saw he was one has the right to citizenship share.” doing; that’s not acceptable; because this is a very big I also raised the question about the role of the in- crisis; and we need the top of the government to be ternational community to raise the Rohingya crisis in putting it weight behind pressing for resolutions.” the UN Security Council. Replying to that, Parlia- mentarian Goodman said, “We want the government Rushanara Ali MP to take the initiative. When we ask them they said Then Parliamentarian Rushanara Ali spoke on the Ro- to us China and Russia will say that is probably the hingya situation. She visited Rakhine state in 2013 af- realistic assessment. We could go for a resolution in ter the violence. Rushanara MP said, “When I went to the UN but my point is we can also work through the Burma with refugees international Burma campaign; EU; we don’t need to get involved in worrying about she was absolutely horrified; situation was essentially China and Russia; should we think the EU. We could like prison camps; apartheid. You can’t get access to make strong sanctions.” help; you cannot move around; and the daily battle According to the press release: The Labour MPs of survival was horrific; humanitarian agency in the stated that they will continue to use all available fora north were not allowed to go as much and the NGOs to press the government on all these issues. On sanc- were really concerned because they had very limited tions, in particular, the Labour MPs stated that they access for medical staff; if there is any emergency will urge the Government to consider the reintroduc- they phoned life-threatening situation particularly for tion of sanctions on economic sectors controlled by women during child birth with unprecedented.” the military and to have new, targeted sanctions on Speaking about the response of the international individuals that have played a role in the abuse of the community, Rushanara said, “The international com- Rohingya. The Labour MPs stressed that the Govern- munity being very slow to catch off at what’s been ment must now take more initiative in the EU and at happening despite the warnings and there are still the UN.” number of countries selling arms not just usual sus- pects I understand countries like ; so we do Conclusion need much more assertive action and leadership in On the basis of the debate and discussions, it seems government both at UN level. So along side with the that the following actions should be taken immedi- debates in parliament which is very well attended; ately to resolve the crisis: numbers of colleagues have visited Rakhine as well 1. Sanctions should be imposed on economic sec- as delegations.” tors controlled by the military of Myanmar and to She also mentioned about the Holocaust Memorial have new, targeted sanctions on individuals that have day during the Second World War and “There have played a role in the abuse of the Rohingya. been subsequent genocide UN has stated, as Helen has 2. The international community must take more already said, this is a textbook of crime against hu- initiative to raise Rohingya issue in the United Na- manity,” she mentioned. tions. Security Council resolutions are passed to en- Speaking about sending back Rohingyas to Myan- sure legally binding guarantees on and internation- mar, Rushanara said, “Without security sending peo- al monitoring of all these issues such as Rohingya ple back is equivalent back to the perpetrated army.” needs their future security, citizenship and economic She said that the idea of repatriation should be under viability. the international protection. That’s the first step.”

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 33 F eature

Muslim Civilization and Scientific Development: A Glimpse of its Past and present

Muhammad Dawood Sofi

It is an established fact that science and tech- unmatched in its creativeness, originality, and nology and later on its advancement took universality in the entire world. The overall place during the period of Abbasids, ruling contribution of the Muslims in the field of sci- the then Muslim World from Baghdad, and ence is, without any suspicion, countless. The the Umayyad reign in Spain (Al-Andalus). same has been acknowledged and verified by This period, besides witnessing the cement- George Sarton (Introduction to the History of ing of Muslim Civilization, also experienced Science, 1931) and a number of other writers the unprecedented developments in the field as well. For instance, Sart on while highlight- of science and technology. The development ing the invaluable contributions of the Mus- in almost every known field was indubitably lims to the field of science admits:

34 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l It will suffice here to evoke a few glorious names with- not only lost their way but also the long enchanted out contemporary equivalents in the West: Jabir ibn and cherished scientific supremacy, especially from Haiyan, Al-Kindi, Al-Khawarizmi … If anyone tells the fifteenth century onwards. From then on, the sta- you that the middle ages were scientifically sterile, tus quo hitherto remains, by and large, same in the just quote these men to him, all of whom flourished whole Muslim world, representing, thus, mayhem within a short period, 750-1100 AD. like situation. On the one side, with the passing of In the same vein, R. Briffaultacknowledges the days, weeks, months, years, and centuries the world Muslim contribution as: witnessed the decadence of the scientific glory of the Science is the most momentous contribution of Muslims and on the other, the same world experienced Arab civilization to the modern world … which con- the emergence of what is now called the ‘modern sci- stitutes the permanent distinctive force of the modern ence’. The wholesome development did not take place world, and supreme source of its victory, natural sci- all of a sudden; rather it was materialized exclusively ence and the scientific spirit. via the shift and transfer of the intellectual and sci- This reveals the grandeur of the Muslim civiliza- entific legacy of the Muslims from the East (Muslim tion marked by the intellectual, scientific, philosophi- World) to the West (European World). From then on, cal, and religious accomplishments of the medieval the West never looked back rather made earnest and Muslim world. The contribution of Muslims to the stupendous efforts for the refinement, progress, and various fields of learning like mathematics, geography, development in the field of science and technology. N. astronomy, medicine, physics, Fiqh, Hadith. and the Amir, O. Shuriye, and F. Ismail have highlighted the establishment of the institutions such as Bayt Al-Hik- same facet in the following lines: mah (The House of Wisdom) enlighten the prodigious With the transfer of Islamic science to the west the achievements of the Muslim civilization. It will not secular world developed monumental feat in scien- be an exaggeration at all to claim that human history tific work ignited the thriving of renaissance and the witnessed for the first time the intellectual, scientific, flourishing of scientific revolution and advancement philosophical and cultural development at such a large in Europe. This modern progress of the west in sci- scale. This era, therefore, could be considered as the ence and technology was gained from the transfer of period of rapid intellectual and scientific expansion to Islamic civilization [from the East] to the west where the new frontiers. Famously known as the Golden Age the scientific and technological [know how] based in in the history of Islam, the period according to Firas the Muslim world has completely lost and defeated. Al-Khateeb “not only served as a bridge between the In the post-Renaissance period, the society at large knowledge of the ancients and Renaissance Europe witnessed the emergence of ‘Science’ not as the foun- but also laid the foundation for today’s modern scien- dation stone Western or in other words modern civili- tific world.” Moreover, this period designates scien- zation. The process of the advancement of the modern tific and technological mastery of the Muslims. science that thus emerged had already started in the The religious, intellectual, and economic develop- fourteenth century and the later, as well as the cur- ment in the Muslim world during the ninth century rent period, represents the immense personification of was considered to be at the pinnacle. However, it was the phenomenon. In the later period, it continued to followed by several turbulent episodes, marking his- evolve and progress at a colossal pace via Renaissance toric upheaval in the Islamic history. From the tenth and Industrial Revolution. However, the basic fact to thirteenth centuries, the Crusaders, the Mongols, about modern science is that it fundamentally plays and similar other disintegrating forces made constant much emphasis on the cause, reason, objectivity, and and violent attacks and invasions upon the Muslim effect and also on the significance of systematic obser- empire. The interaction, impact, and implications of vations, experimentation and theory building. these forces with the mainstream Muslim caliphate In current times, it is making spectacular advance- were tremendous that dented seriously the political, ments each and every sphere of life in one way or the intellectual, and economic power and ambition of the other way and as a consequence, has raised the liv- Muslims. ing standard of the people hitherto to greater heights. Unfortunately, in the later period, Muslims the Modern science, despite having an unrestricted but vanguard in the field of science and technology due harmful ramification, continues to reverberate and the to certain reasons (including those mentioned above) awe-inspire the entire world. However, at the same

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 35 The world has witnessed unprecedented develop- ment in various fields of modern science that has, on the other hand, elevated tremendously the standard of living. Thus, sufficing the material need of man and bringing a lot of comfort in his life thereof. How- ever, such an unrestricted and unqualified approach has contributed immensely to a wide variety of grave problems and crisis, say, ecological, economic, health, academic, etc. Global warming, capitalism, nuclear bombs, and serious side effects of modern health treatment are some examples, among abundance, with regard to all-pervading crisis besetting the humanity. Consequently, there are both positive and negative dimensions of the modern science. Its weltanschauung is exclusively based on the materialistic, positivistic and rationalistic philosophy, denying and neglecting, thus, absolutely transcendentalism and multiple reali- ties of the matter. It reduces the object under observa- tion to the measurable form, hence, it is purely reduc- tionist, quantitative and manipulable with enormous power. But, unfortunately, it is blind or ignores a big time, it also can not be denied as is the fact that mod- part of the reality and provides an inadequate picture ern science and technology will form the very core of of reality. Although, the modern science has massive the future world developments. power at the same time it exhibits massive blind- All this suggests that the decline of Muslim pow- ness towards a bigger part of the reality of the object. er and the emergence of the new power shaped the Therefore, the modern science has an exclusive char- dependence of the Muslim world on the West politi- acter and the knowledge that ratio-empirical method cally, economically, and culturally and also formed generates is very narrow without any doubt because it one of the basic repercussions of the European colo- fatally ignores supra-material level (s) of Reality. nial legacy. It compelled the Muslim intellectuals to On the other hand, traditional science is compre- delve deep into the malaise and come up with a new hensive, inclusive and qualitative in nature because it inspiring Islamic modus operand that will answer the explains that physical or corporeal reality is not the serious challenges currently faced by the Muslims. sum total of reality. So, its method of observing the Moreover, the significant impact and the influence of object is actually the conglomeration of corporeal- the West affected the Muslim reforms so much so that subtle-spiritual levels of Reality. The modern science it became inevitable to have its remedy ‘now or nev- which is unprecedentedly powerful has resulted in the er’. Subjects like Western politics, economics, social exclusion of role of traditional science in the human set-up etc. were the main themes discussed within the life because it considers this science totally outdated circle of Islamic groups and reformers. and unrelated to the modern affairs and problems. Such The fact is that the encounter of Muslims with the a step is obviously unjustified and unfair because tra- West, especially in the last decades of the nineteenth ditional science continues to be effective, applicable, century, resulted in the emergence of four very signifi- and more importantly safe and holistic. In this regard, cant polarities among the Muslims: i. Rejection and S. H. Nasr observes that the traditional science is still opposition in toto; ii. The approach of indifference comprehensible for the contemporary mind because it (that is neutral approach); iii. The approach that ven- has eminently succeeded in presenting the description erates the West fully and calls for its complete emula- of all levels of Reality. Therefore, the grave crisis that tion and imitation and. The selective approach that is the Man is currently facing calls for or demands either to take that ingredient from the West which is fruitful the qualification or critique of modern science or to and beneficial and accordingly, reject and refrain from allow the space for the flowering of parallel science that which is detrimental and fruitless. which is qualitative and holistic.

36 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l F eature


Busari K.K.

Many issuses relating to Arabic and Islamic Studies have been dis- cussed. Some glimpses of the problems which the two disciplines face and suggestions on how to solve them were provided. Notwithstand- ing these, less attention has been directed to the problems of teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies in English in the educational institutions in Nigeria, let alone proffering solutions to the problems.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 37 For many years, English has become the language is the legacy of teaching Arabic and Islamic studies of learning and teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies through English, which had not only continued but in Nigeria. When the imperialists came to this part become institutions right up to Post Graduate Studies of the world, they made English, which was their in the universities. language, an official language for all governmental With the continuity of this trend, the prime mo- functions and administration. Not only that, the cur- tive of the imperialists has been achieved. That is, ricula including Arabic and Islamic Studies were be- to produce fake and deficient students and scholars ing taught through the English medium. Hence, the in Arabic and Islamic Studies through the pursuit of colonialists came with a motive; to make Islam ex- their studies from second or third source. This led to tinct in a schemed but phased manner and impose in a situation where the Muslim youth do not appreci- its place Christianity and their language, English. ate the glorious Islamic heritage and do not have the Thus, they made plans to relegate Islam and correct appreciation of our grand culture based on the discourage Arabic and at the same time encourage Qur’an and Sunnah. their missionary activities and spread the English Also, students’ direct contact with the literature language. This was, of course, a deliberate attempt produced by the early Muslims in Arabic in vari- in the sense that they were aware of the well-orga- ous fields is deflected through an insincere style of nized system of education, which was represented the literary production of the Western and Oriental- by the Qur’anic and Ilmi schools. Apparently, they ist scholarship. Thus a direct study of the Qur’an, Ha- had done nothing to either improve the Qur’anic or dith, Fiqh, Tafsir, Tawheed, Islamic history, Arabic, open some Arabic and Islamic schools in the country. etc. is relegated by the use of a pretext that Arabic Throughout their over 60-year rule in this country, and Islamic Studies could be acquired through Eng- only Kano Law School was changed to School for lish. Arabic Studies and no other Arabic institution was This is not a small damage that had been done and established by them. At the Kano Law School, Ara- is still being done to our belief, culture and the entire bic and Islamic Studies were finished gradually. way of life. Studying English as a language in our Ultimately, the colonialists gave Nigeria indepen- educational institutions is not a detestable act, but the dence and left a legacy behind. An educational sys- use of English to teach Arabic and Islamic Studies tem whose concept is still Western. More dangerous is what is detestable (Mallam Abdullahi, 1991:7).

38 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l However, the major focus of this paper is to high- tion of the Qur’an, look for English translation of the light the problems of teaching Arabic and Islamic Prophet’s saying and pick up information about Is- Studies through English, which is legacy of the colo- lam and Islamic law from English, French and other nialists and to proffer solutions to this problem. foreign languages, which are mostly produced by the Western writers or orientalists, whose animosity to- Teaching Arabic And Islamic Studies In English wards Islam has been proved beyond any doubt. There is no gain-saying the fact that teaching Ara- The task of learning and teaching Arabic as well bic and Islamic Studies in English leads to misrep- as other languages of the Muslim world would open resentation of facts. It is difficult to get authentic before us new horizons of thought and endeavour. translation from Arabic into English. The approach The approach of teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies will make the Muslims to always rely on English in English is just like transplanting the culture and sources, which are secondary. Such works are not ways of life of other people into the Muslim minds. authentic, mostly misleading and corrupting while By so doing, our boys and girls will come to work, the Arabic sources, especially those written by the think and feel with English hearts and minds. This is early Muslims are straightforward as well as primary not a small damage to the Muslim societies. sources (Ahsan, 1983:1). Teaching Islamic Studies in English makes the It is very risky and dangerous to continue teach- Muslims to have a bad and negative conception of ing Arabic and Islamic studies in English. This is be- their religion. In fact, this is the prime factor of our cause most of the available writings on the Arabic present-day problems in which once a Muslim talks and Islamic Studies, which are mainly in English, for on any national or state issue, as it affects his reli- instance, were written by orientalists, whose aim and gion and way of life, people will start calling him motive was to distort Islam through their slanderous names, i.e. conservative, fanatic, fundamentalist, and blasphemous statements. But the Islamic Stud- or extremist, etc. The teaching of Islamic Studies ies in Arabic would provide every Muslim with pri- through English creates to a large extent people, who mary and actual facts about Islam. The opportunity are Muslims by name and Europeans by thought. If of reading the authentic collections of Islam could such people happen to be teachers or lecturers in edu- become accessible only to those who know Arabic cational institutions, how do you expect them to set well. To achieve this, a good knowledge of Arabic good examples worth of emulation by the Muslim has to be acquired. youths whom they teach? One of the serious defects of teaching Arabic and Another problem in the present approach of teach- Islamic Studies through English medium and sources ing Islamic Studies through English is lack of trust is the production of half-baked Arabic scholars and and confidence on the part of the traditional schol- Islamic theologians. It is now commonplace to find ars in their capability. They never listen to or ac- graduates in Islamic Studies, who cannot recite the cept whatever such scholars say on religious matters Qur’an. for the fact that they learn Islamic Studies through The use of Arabic in education is mainly hindered English. Such a conception among the local people by a class of people, who were trained as Islamic causes a lot of misunderstanding and mistrust be- scholars abroad where English is used as medium tween the traditional Islamic scholars and their fol- of instruction: The works of such scholars are full lowers, on the one hand, and those, who acquired of inaccuracies, fabrications and stray quotations. Islamic knowledge in the Western way. Hence most of them do not know Arabic. Some of By teaching Islamic Studies through English, them are lawyers, who have studied Roman, English, Muslim students are being discouraged to study the French, but have never studied Arabic, the Qur’an Qur’an, Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh, Usoolul-Fiqh and Is- or the Prophet’s Hadith and yet they pretend to pos- lamic history, etc. and their relevant sciences – the sess the knowledge of Islamic law through secondary disciplines that no one can escape coming across sources, which do not help them even in pronouncing if he is to study Islamic education at higher level. the Arabic names correctly. Hence, the entire study of Arabic language and its Such people, who have received foreign educa- relevant branches, such as philology, syntax, mor- tion in western countries and in language other than phology, etymology, and rhetoric, etc. is meant to Arabic, are the ones, who refer to the English transla- supplement and help in comprehending and under-

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 39 standing the Qur’an Hadith and Fiqh (Mallam Ab- considered as qualified teachers in our schools under dullahi, 1991:76-77). the 6-3-3-4 system. Arabic should be made compul- Another deficiency of teaching Islamic Studies sory for all the students offering courses in Islamic through English is that it may produce Muslims, who Studies. This will help prepare the students wishing could develop orientalists’ inclinations because most to study Islamic Studies and give them confidence in of the sources they studied were written by the ori- all disciplines. So the credibility of the subject will entalists. It may sound ironical to note that Arabic be restored (Bidmos, 1991:1-2). learning has not been properly absorbed into the edu- Learning Islamic Studies through English cational system in our country. should be discouraged as much as possible by mak- This assertion may be contested due to the fact ing 60% of the course to be in Arabic, 25% in the that Arabic is one of the subjects taught in the pub- students’ mother tongue and 15% in English. El- lic schools. However, it should be pointed out that ementary Arabic should be introduced with a view this is a mere appearance. Having seen some of the to helping those majoring in Islamic Studies to be problems in the present approach of teaching Islamic well equipped for fact-finding. These should be short Studies through English, we shall now suggest solu- term programmes to be implemented. tions, which if introduced, would improve the teach- Primary schools, based on Islamic pattern of edu- ing and learning of Islamic Studies in our various cation, should be established in at least every town in schools. Nigeria. Similarly post-primary, post secondary, un- Arabic is the language of the Qur’an. A trans- dergraduate and post-graduate institutions ought to lation can only convey a part of its meaning and be remolded in such a way that each high school gets very little of the beauty, eloquence and majesty of products from the lower one. its language. Also, it is the language of the formal Another area of reform is the restructuring of de- worship in Islam. It is therefore, necessary for every gree programme of Islamic Studies. For example, Muslim to learn some Arabic for the daily prayers those who study Arabic and Islamic studies in Nige- and other acts of devotion and worship. It should be rian universities be made to spend four to six years emphasized that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon like their colleagues, who study disciplines such as him) has said that Arabic is his language and that the medicine, agriculture, and law. Qur’an was revealed in Arabic and that it is the lan- In other words, the degree prorgammes of Arabic guage of the people whom Allah has destined to enter and Islamic Studies and other relevant subjects. If the His paradise. Ideally, therefore, every Muslim should undergraduate degree programmes in law, medicine learn to read, write, understand and speak the Arabic and agriculture should be studied in 5-7 years, I am language. of the view that degree programmes in Arabic and Islamic Studies be expanded as to produce properly- Recommendations educated people in the disciplines. To make our children fully educated, we should teach In the present-day schools and colleges imparting them Arabic right from their childhood. Also Arabic Arabic and Islamic Studies Arabic should be made language should be among the languages to be taught language of learning and administration. This is be- from the primary level up to the end of the intermedi- cause language proficiency and skill does normally ate or preparatory stages. The time now allocated to come through class lessons or lectures and constant other languages should be diverted to the study of practice of the language. If teaching, communica- two major cultural and linguistic areas, viz. Arabic tion and official records, etc. are done in Arabic, both and Muslim culture and history and cultures of other teachers and students will master Arabic skill and de- peoples in Africa, who are Muslims. velop interest in Arabic and Islamic Studies. In our schools and colleges, Arabic language Teachers is Islamic Studies who were trained in should be made effective by allocating more periods English and had no Arabic background of at least for its teaching in the timetable. Teachers, who have N.C.E Diploma and ‘A’ Level, should either be inadequate knowledge of Arabic, should be made to phased out or they should undergo extensive aca- undergo Arabic courses in order to improve in the demic programmes such as P.G.D.E., B.A. course in same way that those with B.A. in any discipline are Arabic and Islamic Studies. Participation and atten- required to have a P.G.D.E Certificate before they are dance of Ilmi or the Qur’anic school system would

40 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l be of great help to such teachers. This implies that colonial legacy on the Muslim system of education only teachers/lecturers with proper Arabic and Islam- generally is now all-too-apparent. This is because the ic Studies background and specialization, should be chain in Islamic tradition of learning had been bro- allowed or employed to teach Islamic Studies in our ken by studying from secondary educational institutions. sources (Mallam Abdullahi, 1991:77-78). In fact, the damage done to Islam by the imperi- alists and the Western writers through as Conclusion well as the teaching of Arabic and Islamic Studies The teaching imparted in our academic institutions through English is not a small one. Government and of Arabic and Islamic Studies through English do not all educational institutions in the country ought to relate to our practical needs. This system of educa- start necessary measures to correct this approach tion was introduced by the British Government in with immediate effect. Students of higher learning Nigeria with a sinister motive of creating vacuum and teachers should be sent to Arab and Muslim in Islamic tradition of learning. This would lead the countries where proper Arabic and Islamic Studies contemporary generations of the Muslims not to ap- are vigorously pursued. This is normally the same preciate their past. Thus they may conceive Arabic trend that applies to the students and teachers, who and Islamic Education system as not having contrib- go to Western countries to study science, technology, uted anything to the world civilization. language and other disciplines. By having such an Therefore, teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies opportunity, they would come back and teach in their through English is formal, not real. While the formal respective states after improving their teaching skills emphasizes paper qualification, the real education in their discipline. aims at improving the standard of life in the social, Muslims should wake up from slumber and seek cultural, religious, economic and moral domains. Is- proper Islamic education free of any remnants of lamic Studies, worth the name, must aim at realizing colonial legacy in whatever form. Muslim scholars perfection of man in every aspect of life and purge should re-direct their intellectual priorities and shift him of all kinds of evil. Actually, learning Islamic their emphasis from contributing literary works in Studies through English does not facilitate any of the English to a new approach of re-introducing the lost above. glory of producing academic and intellectual works To make Islamic Studies useful the colonial legacy in the language of Islam, the language through which should be laid to rest. Studies in Arabic and Islamic Muslims dominated in intellectual and scientific con- subjects must be pursued in the language if Islam, tributions to knowledge for centuries. Arabic, whose importance does not need any empha- Back home in Nigeria, the activities of the Soko- sis. Learning religious education through literature to Jihad leaders and the most of their literary contri- produced by Western Orientialists and their follow- butions were written in Arabic. Though their society ers must stop. Unless this is done, the contemporary was multi-lingual, yet Arabic was the language of Muslim youth and the coming generations would not learning and administration. develop respect and correct appreciation of Islamic The colonial legacy imposed on us by the impe- cultural heritage. Relatively, their innate talents rialists on the entire system of our education must would never be discovered. Thus the study of Arabic be removed. The glory, love and respect given to and Islamic Studies in English, would never mobi- the language of the Qur’an and Hadith must be re- lize them to participate in building Islamic society stored. Arabic is the symbol of unity among Mus- and life, and provide them a living in the shade of lims which ought to be preserved and protected. an Islamic system. Also, an opportunity to acquire This would help to stop any further damage to the knowledge, expertise and specialization in various Muslim students unlike in the past, i.e. producing fields will not be possible. graduates with university degrees, yet half-baked To introduce changes, effect reforms and restore in either ways. This is to say they neither acquired the chain of the tradition of learning in Arabic and Is- proper Arabic education nor possessed good lan- lamic Education could be possible and immediate. It guage skills in English. is now left for us to follow the good model of the past The defects caused by the current system of edu- and do away with the relics of the imperialists (Mal- cation in the students and the damage done by the lam Abdullahi, 1991:78-79).

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 41 REFERENCES

Abdur Rahman and Peter Canhan (1978). The Ink of the Scholar. Lagos: Mac- millan Nigeria Publishers Limited. Ahmad, M.K. (1985). The Intellectual of Sokoto Jihad. Nigeria: Iman Publica- tion. Ahsan, M.M. (1983). “Islam and Orientalism”. Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sokoto. Bidmos, M.A. (1991). In Quest of Methodology of Teaching Arabic in Nige- ria. Opeloye, M.O. (Ed.) Teaching Islamic Studies at the Junior and Senior Second- ary levels within 6-3-3-4 Educational structure. Ijebu-Ode: Shebiotimo Publication. Mallam Abdullahi, S.S. (1991). Islamic Studies Teaching through the Medium of English. A critique in Opeloye, M.O. (Ed.) Teaching Islamic Studies at the Junior and Senior Secondary levels within 6-3-3-4 Educational structure. Ijebu-Ode: She- biotimo Publication. Philip, K.H. (1966). History of the Arabs. London: Oxford Press. Savory, R.M. (n.d.) Education to Islamic Civilization, Cambridge. Syed, M.N. (1977). “A Comparative Study of Islam and other Religious. Pakistan: Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore.

42 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Prophet Muhammad the Idealism of Using Nonverbal Communication in PR

Dr. Mohamed Elamin Musa Ahmed Ibrahim

The main mission of the Prophet is to carry out the messages of his God to people, convince them with its content, and play the role, ideal implementer. Therefore, he should act as a PR practitioner. He also has to keep a positive image through nonverbal sympathy and matching between his words and actions (the character of the Messenger of Allah was the Qur’an). His verbal and nonverbal behaviors complemented each other to build the perfect image of Islam. The attempt of introducing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) begins with the fact that we are talking about an extraordinary Messenger who affected the life of billions of people during 1400 years.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 43 The Prophet’s Nonverbal Behavior Whenever he disapproved of something, we could PR practitioners can benefit from adopting the non- see it on his face.” (3) verbal behaviors of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his mission because he re- Gestures sembled the idealism in effective communication Gestures classified to emblems, illustrators, affect through his nonverbal behaviors. The importance Displays, regulators and adaptors. Some kinds of of The Prophet’s nonverbal communication comes emblematic gesturing had been stated during the life from the power of nonverbal behavior in represent- of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), re- ing reality and expressing truth, hidden culture and lating to rising hand in supplication, shaking hands personality. and head, hand-kissing and greeting. He also regard- Exploring some examples of the Prophet’s eye ed shaking hands as a gesture of Muslims’ greeting. contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, prox- He encoded shaking head and biting lip to express emics, appearance and paralanguage, will explain exclamation, used his waving hand in greeting peo- the view and pave the way for further research on ple, and encouraged his companions to promote the effects of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Islamic form of greeting and gave some instructions him) life in demonstrating effective communica- in terms of dealing with several situations. tion. Greeting instructions also include the follow- ing situations: greeting strangers, greeting a person Eye contact asleep, and greeting children. The prophet Muhammad, who has been sent to the In addition to emblems, some adaptors were ac- perfect nobility of conduct, gave the righteous ex- counted in his life in expressing the kindness to chil- ample of gaze lowering and modesty. Allah said to dren (4). his Messenger: “Strain not thine eyes toward that which We cause some wedded pairs among them to Posture enjoy, and be not grieved on their account, and lower The Prophet (peace be upon him) used posture to thy wing (in tenderness) for the believers.” Surat Al- express intimacy and respect to others (5). He gave Hijr. some instructions on how to sit in different situa- tions: Facial expressions “No one should make a person get up from his Smiling is universal facial expression and one of the seat and then sit there himself. Rather make room main characteristic of the Prophet (peace be upon [for others]. him): Jarir observed: “It is not lawful for a person to separate two “Since I became a Muslim, it never happened that people [by sitting between them] except with their the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saw me permission.” without smiling at me. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) once said: ‘through this gate, a man will Proxemics enter – once of the best men of Yemen, whose face The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has bears the touch of an angel.’ Then I came in”. (1) stressed respect for the privacy of individuals by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also not invading their territoriality. He said: “If a person cautioned from two-faced people who encode false peered into your house and you threw a stone at him facial expressions and false attitudes: “You will and put out his eye, you would not be held respon- discover that the worst person in the sight of Allah sible.” (6) on the Day of Judgment is the two-faced man who The Prophet (peace be upon him) advice Mus- meets one group with one face presents a different lims to keep positive relations among them: ‘It is not face to another group.” (2) lawful for a Muslim to ostracize his brother for more The Messenger (peace be upon him) gave an than three days so that when they meet one turns this ideal example of modesty. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri way and the other turns that way. The more virtuous said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) of them is the one who greets the other first.” (7) was more modest than a virgin in her private room. 44 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Appearance treats his family kindly. He used to work at home: Appearance includes body appearance and color, Urwa reported that he asked ‘A’ishah: “What the dress, accessories and property. The dress of the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to do when he Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reflected was at home?” She replied: “He used to do what his mission which was based on modesty. any of you do: mend his shoes, patch and sew gar- “His dress generally consisted of a shirt, tamad ments.” (9) He also Prophet Muhammad charged (trousers), a sheet thrown round the shoulders and Muslims to maintain their relations with each other a turban. On rare occasions, he would put on costly through social activities such as visiting a sick, at- robes presented to him by foreign emissaries in the tending a funeral, responding to a person when he later part of his life. sneezes, showing the way, expressing positive feel- His blanket had several patches. He had very ings, honouring and serving a guest, and exchanging few spare clothes, but he kept them spotlessly clean. gifts. (10) He wanted others also to put on simple but clean clothes.” (8) Conclusions When we meditate on the mission of the Prophet Paralanguage Muhammad (peace be upon him) as it has been stat- The messenger taught his Companions and all ed from the God: “We only send you as a mercy for Muslims how to control paralanguage behavior creation” Surat Al-Anbiya, and as it has been shown in several situations: yawning, greeting a person by the Prophet himself: “I have been sent [among asleep, talking secretly in the presence of others, lis- you] to perfect nobility of conduct”, and when we tening to the private conversation, and idle talk. look at the details of his life, we will conclude that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the The Prophet Contribution ideal model for anyone who seeks to communicate The Prophet’s nonverbal behavior from the per- effectively with others to obtain a high standard of spective of public relations can be represented as: positive feedback. Emphasizing modesty through posturing, greet- Some aspects of the Prophet’s nonverbal behav- ing, gesturing and dressing; ior gave us obvious evidence that he is the ideal PR Using facial expressions in effective communica- practitioner who struggled to build the great image tion; of Islam. That image convinced billions of people to Expressing politeness through eye contact; join Islam. Giving advice to people – mainly PR practitio- According to the Prophet’s performance as a PR ners – to perform an ideal communication through practitioner, we have to rethink the concept of PR: proxemics, appearance and paralanguage; its role and ethics. If we want to give the profession Exploring human nature (ex. Importance of ter- of PR the respect and success, PR practitioners must ritoriality); have the qualities of modesty, trustworthiness, com- mitment and extroversion. Confirming equality by appearance. We can conclude that the idealism of PR practice This contribution is seen in the context of the finds its roots in Islamic heritage where the Prophet mission of the Prophet embodied in building a posi- Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his compan- tive image of Islam according to its doctrines. The ions blend between words and deeds during their benefit of this contribution also goes to the con- lives representing true Islam. No doubt, it is useful solidation of good values ​​relating to the practice of for PR practitioners who relate to Islamic culture, to communication in public spaces. inspire the nonverbal values of the Prophet Muham- mad (peace be upon him) to promote the practice of The Ideal PR Practitioner public relations in the Muslim world. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) acted The other conclusion is the role of nonverbal be- as an ideal model of PR practitioner who took his havior is vital in practicing positive PR, because it responsibilities seriously and with determination. functions as lie detector that exposes contradictions He performed at home as a mighty gentle man who of faith in institution.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 45 S pecial Report

Pakistani religious scholars pass fatwa against terrorism ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s prominent religious scholars have delivered a fatwa in which they unanimously declared all forms of terrorism and suicide attacks un-Islamic. Their fatwa (decree) was summed up in a document called “Paigham- e-Pakistan” — or “Message from Pakistan” — which was released at a ceremony they attended at the Presi- dency in the presence of the leading stalwarts of the ruling Pakistan Mus- lim League (Nawaz) party.

46 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Expressing his confidence in the decree, lamic Republic, there is nothing in Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain told the audience which is contrary to the Qur’an and the Sunnah that the document would be pivotal in coun- and no individual or group has the right to start tering sectarianism, terrorism, and extremism. any sort of armed struggle against the state of He said that the consensus among religious Pakistan and its institutions in the presence of scholars to issue the decree was a monumental this constitution.” step toward progress, adding it would not only The document also condemns the groups present a positive image of the country but also who use force in the name of implementing highlight Islam as a religion of peace. Shariah, saying their acts are repugnant to the A copy of the 49-page document obtained by basic teachings of Islam. “Moreover, revolt Arab News is signed by 1,829 clerics from all against the Constitution of Pakistan and impos- Islamic schools of thought in the country. Paki- ing one’s own ideology on others with force stan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif urged the is contrary to the injunctions of Shariah and is citizens to accept the decree and support state thus riot on earth. This is also a national crime institutions in their war against terrorism. according to the constitution and laws of the Is- Asif said that the government would not al- lamic Republic. In order to put an end to such low Pakistani soil to be used for militant train- destructive activities, comprehensive admin- ing and recruitment or launching attacks against istrative, educational, ideological and defense other countries. measures will be taken.” “The fatwa, which condemns terrorism and Paigham-e-Pakistan also maintains that extremism, has also been endorsed by Paki- “there is a need for modern establishment of stan’s Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, Pakistani society in line with the requirements Education and Religious Affairs,” said Presi- of the Constitution of Pakistan, which eradi- dent House spokesperson Farooq Adil, adding cates the tendencies of hate, narrow-minded- that it “is also our comprehensive state narra- ness and intolerance.” tive against terrorism.” “We have seen many fatwas in the past, but Adil told that the decree document was this is a comprehensive one and has covered drafted on the request of the state. The task was all issues in an effective manner,” said Qari given to the International Islamic University, Mohammed Hanif Jalandhri, The Secretary which not only has religious experts but also General of the largest federation of Islamic communicates with other religious scholars, seminaries, Wafaqul Madaris Al-Arabia, while sects, and civil society. After numerous meet- speaking with Arab News. ings and deliberations over a span of several The decree may not be enough to stop ter- months, the decree was unanimously drafted rorists acting as “soldiers of Islam,” but it and agreed. would prevent misinterpretation of the reli- Sharing its salient features, Adil said the fat- gion, said Dr. Yaseen Zafar of the Salafi Ma- wa was based on the Constitution of Pakistan, drasa Board. which “is an Islamic constitution that is built “We wanted to send out a clear message that upon the Qur’an and the Sunnah.” all religious scholars are against extremism and Some of the major points of the decree state terrorism. Hopefully, this will also deoxygenate that the “Constitutions of Pakistan is an Islamic militant networks and gradually make them ir- and Democratic document and it is a social con- relevant,” Zafar told Arab News. tract between all (federating) units of Pakistan, Former Chairman of the Madrasa Education which enjoys the support of (Islamic) scholars Board of Pakistan Dr. Amir Tauseen agreed that of all schools of thought.” it was important to issue a fatwa with consen- The document adds that “in accordance with sus. However, he added that what was more im- the requirements of the Constitution of the Is- portant was its implementation.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 47 Mosques in

UK UK PM Theresa May wearing a scarf during her visit to a in Maiden- open doors to public head near London.

M. Nasir Jawed

As the Western societies today grapple with the and none” visitors to allow Muslims to “explain rising trend in hate crimes, Muslims in the UK their faith beyond the hostile headlines.” have come up with a unique plan that set an ex- Visitors are greeted by volunteers, served re- ample for others — both Muslims in other coun- freshments and taken on a guided tour of the tries and non-Muslims in general — to defeat any mosque and are explained the workings of maneuvering of divisive tendency to polarize a a mosque as well as wider theological ques- society. tions. They will have the opportunity to ask ques- The British Muslims have risen to the occasion tions and the MCB says the event goes some way to accept the challenge of this “perfect storm of towards “demystifying mosques.” polarization” and turn the tide in establishing a The initiative, organized by the Muslim Coun- semblance of sanity in the human society. cil of Britain (MCB), began in 2015 with just 20 More than 200 mosques across Britain have mosques on different themes. This year the theme opened their doors to their “neighbors of all faiths is ‘Open Doors, Open Mosques, Open Communi-

48 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l ties!’ Explaining the motive behind the move, the MCB says: “There is a feeling or hunger for peo- ple to do something.” This initiative may not be the whole answer, but it can be part of the many initiatives “we need to bring people together in our community and to challenge the voices of hate and division,” it says. The idea to invite others to the mosque is may be driven by the fact that it represents not just Is- lam, but is also a place for the Muslims to gather for prayers, to study and to celebrate festivals such as Ramadan. It can also be used to house schools A large number of visitors turned up at the Masjid Al Jannah in Slough, a town in Eng- and community centres. land to learn about Islam and services within Secondly, in recent times it has become a vul- a mosque. nerable spot for Islamophobic elements to not only attack it but blame it for many of the misin- People from across the UK visit their local formation that they spread in the society to malign mosque to show solidarity with the Muslim com- the faith and the faithful. And hence this effort munity. The event is being billed as a “much need- to initiate an interaction by opening the doors of ed antidote to the poisonous atmosphere.” the mosques for general public for a better under- The event hopes to encourage members of the standing. public to come and ask questions about Muslims Such an interaction is important because sur- and Islam and to understand the faith “beyond the veys have found that when people personally negative media headlines.” know someone who is a Muslim, the bias is much Wilkinson says: “It probably is a uniquely im- less. This confirms what psychology scholar Gor- portant time for mosque doors to be thrown open, don Allport concludes in his seminal book, “The Nature of Prejudice,” that meaningful contact with those who are different is crucial for reduc- ing hatred. So, when we say “love thy neighbor(s),” we need to know and understand them. The United Kingdom has about 1,750 mosques that have been carrying out large amounts of posi- tive work and activities. Many of them are un- heard of and doing their community services qui- etly. There are about 3 million Muslims – about 5% of the population. Matthew Wilkinson, a research fellow at the Centre for Islamic Studies at SOAS University of London, told the Standard the current political cli- mate meant the day was particularly important to help “demystify the mosque.”

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 49 to show it’s a place where people of other faiths history, the Prophetic Mosque in Madinah. are welcome and a place where human diversity The mosques involved in the initiative includ- is celebrated. ed those in London, Birmingham, Manchester, “It’s not a panacea for anything but it’s impor- Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast. tant because Islam is a faith which tries to be open and encourages civility, and in the current climate Save Humanity these values have been lost or covered over.” Muslims in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, like in Canada too, have accepted the challenge to Visit My Mosque deal with this rising tide of hate crimes. But it is Explaining the 2017 event held on the theme of just a small effort, and the profound message that ‘Visit My Mosque,’ Harun Khan, the MCB sec- they put across the world seeks attention. retary general, said: “As the world recoils at US Because hatred threatens humanity — from the President Donald Trump’s so called ‘Muslim Ban’ United States to nearly all of Europe; and from and now the mass killing at a mosque in Canada, Canada down to India and beyond. Visit My Mosque Day is a much needed antidote A sign of social disorder, the malaise is spread- to the poisonous atmosphere we find ourselves in. ing fast like a contagion, afflicting nearly all the The British public that includes both Muslims societies of every hue – race, region or religion, and non-Muslims has “an opportunity to come to- making it truly a global phenomenon. gether and renew bonds of friendship.” If the sudden rise in hate crimes is beyond The MCB said it hoped Sunday’s open day imagination, its reach is disturbing: hatred is being would show unity in “a tense time for faith com- made part of the mainstream human life. Elections munities.” – in almost all the countries that boast of having The rising number of mosques taking part in democracy – are being fought today inciting vio- the movement indicates the willingness of Mus- lence or social polarity in the name of racial or lims to open their hearts to the public. Three times religious bigotry. as many mosques took part in 2017 as the previ- In recent times we have seen chauvinist leaders ous year. coming to power in certain countries encouraging The MCB began a series of feedback sessions many more leaders in other countries to take this in 2017 that resulted in a strong desire for “struc- path of hatred as a sure and short cut path to win tured and institutionalized approach to sharing their political battles to achieve power. And this good practice and achieving better mosques” in explains the rising political graph of far-right par- Britain today. ties in their respective countries. Several common challenges faced by mosques Such a phenomenon reduces any chance of un- in Britain were raised, including fear of Islamo- derstanding the nature of the crime, let alone find- phobia, youth and women access, confronting ing a solution to stem the tide of hatred. violent extremism, community disunity and more. Prof. Brian Levin, Department of Criminal Jus- Several common opportunities facing mosques tice and director, Center for the Study of Hate & in Britain were also discussed, including increased Extremism, California State University San Ber- community outreach work, interfaith engagement, nardino, says: “I have analyzed hate crime for two supplementary school provision and social action decades and I have found that the rhetoric politi- projects like Food banks/drives. cians use after terrorist attacks is correlated close- Many mosques also expressed strong aspira- ly to sharp increases and decreases in hate crimes. tion to embody the spirit of the first mosque in A “hate crime” is defined as a criminal offense

50 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l motivated by either race, ethnicity, religion, dis- ability, sexual orientation, gender, or gender iden- tity. The phenomenal rise in hate crimes against Muslims worldwide overrides one important fact: in many countries the hate against other groups like black in America is far greater than the same against the Muslims. If we find incidents of mosques being burned or vandalized, there is also a fairly large number of incidents involving Blacks, Jews, Indians, and in many places Chris- tians, being targeted of violent attacks. On the other hand, we observe white suprem- acists in the United States, fanatic Hindus in In- Challenges before Muslims dia and violent Buddhists in Myanmar taking to The number of anti-Muslim attacks in London has streets, fanning a conflict of cultural war with no risen since the attacks in Paris. The community government action whatsoever to stop it. Rather, faces an uphill struggle to overcome the miscon- in some countries, such groups enjoy having their ceptions about Islam. governments’ blatant moral support. According to Mehri Niknam of the Joseph Interfaith Foundation, a joint Muslim-Jewish or- Vulnerable communities ganisation, “Humans fear what they don’t know, If an FBI report is to believe, hate crimes based on and will invent myths filled with terrifying char- race were by far the biggest category in the United acters.” States, with more than half of reported hate crime She said the “bestialities” of the so-called ter- incidents motivated by race, ethnicity, or ancestry. rorist groups like Daesh and November’s Paris at- Hate crimes motivated by religion were the tacks had reinforced many people’s fears. next biggest category, making up more than 20 It was “possible and achievable” to address percent of reported incidents. Jewish and Muslim this lack of knowledge through education – but people were found to be the two most common the onus was on Muslims to lead the way, she said. targets in this category, with nearly 54 percent On the other hand, British Home Secretary and more than 24 percent, respectively, of reli- Amber Rudd has held Islamophobic “terrorists” giously motivated hate crimes committed against for vitiating the atmosphere. them. He warned aspiring far-right terrorists intoxi- Anti-Muslim cases have risen numerically in cated by Islamophobic bent that they too will recent times. They now account for 4.4 percent “face the full force of the law.” of all reported hate crime even though Muslims Rudd explained that the threat from far-right are estimated to be only 1 percent of the American extremists was as severe as the risk posed by mili- population. tants. “There is no difference between a violent In the European Union, Muslims face discrimi- Islamist and a far-right terrorist.” nation in a broad range of settings, particularly However, in the absence of any meaningful ini- when looking for work, on the job, and when try- tiative on the part of the power that be, it becomes ing to access public or private services, according all the more difficult for a community to devise to a report. plans to calm the public in general.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 51 Obligatory Prayers and Their Immense virtues

For every Muslim following the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) five times daily prayers are obligatory. It is seen most of the Muslims do not give importance and leave these regular prayers. After resurrection every person will be reckoned for five daily prayers.

Ahmad Wahhaj Al-Siddiqui

The Immense virtues of the Abdullah narrated, the Prophet in Islam at all. (Bin Abi Sheba) Prayers (peace be upon him) said the key 5- Abi Sheba, Ahmad, Muslim. 1- Omar reported a man came to to enter the Jannah (Heaven) is Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi , the Prophet (peace be upon the Prayer. Al-Nas’ai and Bin Majah all re- him) and said O Apostle of Al- 3- Malik bin Ashjai said The ported from Jabir bin Abdullah: lah what is the most beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) The Apostle of Allah (peace be thing to Allah (God the Unique) used to teach the prayers to ev- upon him) said Prayer draws a in Islam? He said the prayers at eryone who embraced Islam. line between man and infidelity their proper timings. One who (Al-Bazzar, Al-Tabrani) i.e. to give up prayers is to enter forsakes the prayer he has no 4- Bin Masud was asked about the infidelity. faith. The prayer is the pillar of grades of the virtuous deeds. He 6- Buaidah heard the Apostle of Islam (Al-Baihaqi) said the Prayers one who did not Allah (peace be upon him) hav- 2- In a report of Darmi Jabir bin offer the prayers , he has no faith ing said the covenant between us

52 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l and them is to perform prayers him) said: Order your children When he enters he is treated as who left it he indulged in infi- to offer prayers when they are if he is offering the prayers (in delity. (Ahmad, Abu Dawood seven years old and if they reach terms of virtues), till the congre- Al-Tirmidhi) ten beat them for not offering the gation is over. The angels pray 7- Obadah bin Al-Samit, my well- prayers and make them to sleep for him while he is sitting in the wisher the Apostle of Allah on separate beds. (Al-Hakim). place he offered the prayers. advised me to befriend seven They say for him O Allah for- things: Don’t seek partners Virtues of Congregational give him, O Allah show mercy with Allah even you are cut to Prayers on him, O Allah accept his peni- pieces or burnt or hanged, and 12- Ibn Omar narrated the Apostle tence. They continue to pray for don’t leave the prayers deliber- of Allah (peace be upon him) him till he doesn’t tease anyone ately, who intentionally leave said: The prayer of a man in or comes out of ablution. (Abu the prayers he is out of Islamic congregation increases twenty Dawood) creed, don’t commit sin it in- seven times more than which, he 16. Buraidah bin Al-A’slami report- vites Allah’s indignation and offers individually. (Bin Majah) ed the Prophet (peace be upon don’t drink the wine it is the root 13- Othman bin Affan (may Allah him) said: Give glad tidings to of all sins. (Al-Tabrani). be pleased with him) uttered those who walk in the darkness 8- Ibn Omar reported The Apostle the Prophet (peace be upon to the mosque, For them will be of Allah (peace be upon him) him) said: Who offered the Isha perfect light (Noor) on the day said One who cannot prayer in congregation as if he of Reckoning. (Abu Dawood) safeguard a trust has no faith (in worshipped half of the night and 17. Bin Omar reported: The Apos- Islam), there can be no prayer who offered Isha and the Dawn tle of Allah (peace be upon him) without purity of the body and prayers as if he worshipped full said: Don’t stop the women ablution, there can be no faith in of the night. (Abu Dawood) from going to the mosque. (Abu Islam without offering prayers. Warning in Forsaking the Con- Dawood) The prayer in the religion is like gregational Prayer. 18. In another report of Abu Da- the head in the body. (Al-Tabra- 14. The Apostle of Allah (peace be wood Ibn Omar The Apos- ni) upon him) said : One who heard tle of Allah said”:Don’t stop 9- Abu Hurairah reported the the call to prayer and he did not the women from going to Apostle of Allah (peace be upon follow the call by coming to the the mosque. Their houses him) said: The most burdensome mosque, except that he had some are good for them. The five prayers over the hypocrites are excuse. They asked what may be daily prayers are obligato- Isha and dawn prayers. Had they the excuse? He said fear of some ry, Shari’ah Islam has given known the virtues in them. They disease, his prayers won’t be them chance to complete their would have come creeping on accepted, which he offered in- prayers which were left while their knees. (Bin Majah) dividually. (Abu Dawood from they are alive. He should com- 10-In a report of Ahmad from Bin Abbas) Virtues in walk- plete the prayers what were Zyad bin No’aim Al-Khudri, ing to a mosque for Prayer left from him. He should offer the Apostle of Allah (peace be 15. Abu Huraurah reported the repentance and begin to of- upon him) said: Allah has de- Apostle of Allah (peace be upon fer with five daily prayers one creed four things obligatory, if him) said: The prayer of a man obligatory and the other which he comes only three of them will in congregation enhances twen- he had left only Fardh. Thus not be forsaken unless he comes ty five times in virtues than his he should continue, if he could with all of them: The prayers, prayer in his house or in his mar- not complete all that period in Zakat, fasting in the month of ket. That is if anyone makes a which he left his prayers Al- Ramadan and Hajj, If he has the good ablution and comes walk- lah will forgive him. However, means to perform) ing to the mosque for prayer, he Shari’ah has given him chance 11- Amir bin Shoaib reported from is enhanced a grade and a sin to be forgiven. If he attempts to his father and grandfather, the is erased from the book of his fulfill the prayers which were Apostle of Allah (peace be upon deeds till he enters the mosque. forsaken from him.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 53 I nternational Policy

Huntington’s ‘Clash of Cultures’ Unmasked Part II

By: Ahmed Kamal El-Din Izzeddin

Eaton Professor of the Science of Government at ton’s endeavor. Harvard University Samuel Phillips Huntington Was Huntington a political scientist, putting was among several westerners who wrote, in the together his analytical tools and data to enlighten aftermath of the demise of the Union of Soviet his readers and audience with a vision based on Socialist Republics (USSR) at the beginning of his work, or was he a political activist, or states- the 1990s, in anticipation of a new world order man, working for the advancement of Western or, that would replace the cold war era, which was more specifically, American national interests? marred by animosity between the communist It should right away be put here that nothing is USSR and the mostly capitalist Judeo-Christian wrong with serving the national interests of one’s West. Other writers with intellectually related homeland, whether as an active, official politi- works include Francis Fukuyama and Bernard cian or as a political activist. The glitches only Lewis. Having discussed in Part I of this article arise when the propositions are apparently pos- the nature and contents of Huntington’s ‘Clash of tured as political analysis, while circumstances, Cultures’ thesis, Part II will look into examples from within and without, tend to suggest other- of the realpolitik and related aspects of Hunting- wise. Additionally, whatever the role or method,

54 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l the acts should always be open to criticism of the date when Bernard Lewis first heralded it, known criteria governing human political dis- we are yet to see an example of a civilizational course and thinking. conflict. All that is experienced so far are inner In terms of innovation, Huntington was not conflicts within nations and disparities between the first to trumpet the idea of ‘clash of civiliza- nation states, exactly to the contrary of the ‘Clash tions’ as a successor of a cold war. It has already of Civilizations’ prediction. been mentioned that in 1990 Bernard Lewis, If the Huntington-Lewis prophecy would not three years ahead of Huntington’s 1993 article, serve to enlighten their audience on a replace- wrote his‘The Roots of Muslim Rage’, where he ment threat after the demise of communism, asserts that the West will be “… facing a mood what purpose it serves that one may deduce out and a movement far transcending the level of is- of the unfolding events around us? sues and policies and the governments that pur- It seems that the answer could be found, in sue them. This is no less than a clash of civiliza- part, within and outside the boundaries of the tions – the perhaps irrational but surely historic United States of America, and from the inception reaction of an ancient rival against our Judeo- of the forecasts uttered by the director of Har- Christian heritage, our secular present, and the vard’s Center for International Affairs, Samuel world-wide expansion of both”. Both Huntington Huntington, and his likes. The John M. Olin In- and Lewis talked of civilizations rather than na- stitute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University tions, ideologies or economic interests conflict- cradled a project entitled, ‘The Changing Secu- ing with one another. rity Environment and American National Inter- Less than two decades, it turned out in prac- ests’. ‘The Clash of Civilizations?’ article was a tice that Islam, the prophesied replacement threat product of the project. Huntington also served the after communism, was not such a monolithic White House, as represented by the National Se- force as Huntington or Lewis have predicted. curity Council during the era of President Carter, The so-called Arab Spring waves of popular up- in the position of security planning coordinator risings in the Arab Muslim world indicated inter- for the Council, and a recurrent consultant to the nal skirmishes within Islam. The conflict did not Office of the Secretary of Defense. cross a civilizational, bloody border - to borrow However, Huntington’s involvement in real from Huntington’s ‘Islam’s bloody borders’ idea politics was not confined to his home country, or - towards and in antagonism with the Western to democratic establishments serving under the civilization. Indeed, some have seen in the Arab ambits of the rule of law. Before visiting South Spring events the absolute demise of Huntington- Africa in the fall of 1981 where he addressed the Lewis ‘Clash of Civilizations’ theory. Again, one Political Science Association of South Africa, of the core, most cohesive geopolitical entities in Huntington was certainly aware that “[f]or gov- the homeland of Islam such as the Gulf Coopera- ernments around the world, defining the public tive Council countries are currently experiencing interest in ways that balance substance with pro- the most serious threat yet to the Council’s unity, cedure continues to be a governance challenge following a grave rift between on the one with consequences for the public perception of hand, and three of the six GCC countries, Saudi the legitimacy of the regime.” Apartheid South Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, Africa was no America, indeed, and policies that on the other, with the idiosyncrasy of Egypt as would otherwise be repulsively unpopular under a fourth. Two of the Gulf cooperative countries, a free, democratic political society may find their and Oman, remained neutral. This is an- way through in a heavy-handed police state. Ac- other example, albeit between states, of inner cording to Gay Seidman (1987), Huntington be- splitting within the broader boundaries of Islam, lieves that “rulers in developing countries do well which may be added to the popular-level Arab to limit popular demands on government. Too Spring example. After almost three decades from much participation, [Huntington] argues, allows

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 55 If after all, it would be wild to relate Har- vard Professor to the 16th-century author of The Prince, Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, Huntington himself lends a hand in support by flagrantly admitting a similarity. In a November 1992 issue of the weekly magazine the Executive Intelligence Review, best known as EIR, carried the following: In 1992, Huntington published a new book, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. In it, he draws the lessons from the overthrow of 30 “nondemocratic gov- ernments” from 1974 to 1990, “for new targets such as South Africa,” which he references prom- diverse groups to express sometimes-conflicting inently. “Consequently,” he says, “at five places wishes and can hurt rulers’ ability to enforce sta- in the book I have abandoned the role of social bility. This makes it difficult to carry out policies scientist, assumed that of the political consultant, required for economic growth and national inte- and set forth some ‘Guidelines for Democratiz- gration.” Accordingly, Huntington recommend- ers.’ If that makes me seem like an aspiring dem- ed, among other things, “… an elite conspiracy to ocratic Machiavelli, so be it.” restrain political competition within and among Offering advice legitimizing and supporting communal groups”, in a set-up known as a con- the toleration of injustice and repressive central- sociation in which each communal group could ism for the sake of stabilizing a brutal apartheid veto government policies that would jeopardize regime, even within a process of reform, is by its interests, and where the elites of each group no means too far from Machiavellism, nor can command the trust, cooperation and ultimate one put it in words stronger and more ingenu- control over their grassroots.Furthermore, “Hun- ously unequivocal than what Huntington used in tington suggested the government should repress depicting his own endeavors. three types of violence: revolutionary, spontane- To conclude, Huntington still should be ous and backlash. “No reform occurs without credited for emphasizing the significance of re- violence … Within limits, reform and repression ligion in politics, regardless of any erroneous may proceed [sic] hand-in-hand ... The govern- analysis relating its culture to bloody bound- ment that is too weak to monopolize counter-rev- aries, in a rather hasty search for a post-cold- olutionary repression is also too weak to inaugu- war threat in substitute of communism. Hans rate counter-revolutionary reform.” He goes on Küng (1999) compared this commendable con- describing his prescription of reform as requiring tribution by Huntington to its contrary: “Quite “substantial elements of duplicity, deceit, faulty unlike Huntington’s Harvard colleague Henry assumptions, and purposeful blindness.” He even Kessinger, who, in his monumental work Di- preferred selective discrimination against black plomacy, did not find the subject worthy of the Africans as compared to the coloreds and Asians slightest mention.” Indeed, religious roots of in South Africa, simply to appease conservative societies are more sustainable than their politi- whites to prevent a backlash. It is submitted that cal and economic ones. In this juncture, Hun- this amounts to the dehumanization of, in this tington sharply contrasts with the concept of case, the indigenous population of South Africa, nonreligious politics of interest.Finally, I wish an act that would, in normal and morally appro- Huntington maintained the question mark in priate settings, be quite difficult to digest or toler- his 1993 article (‘The Clash of Civilizations?’) ate. in his 1996 book.

56 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l How to control Cyber Crime ?

Dr. AbdelGadirWarsama Ghalib

Information Technology IT, spreads every day and ev- and statistics reveal that it could be over multi billion ery single body in the world are benefiting from this dollars and the march is going fast around the clock in revolution spreading through many unlimited ways and all corners of the globe. No doubt, this is very grave means. IT revolution, helps in technology transfer, cul- and harmful to the economic and social development of tural aspects, social attitudes and economical matters. all indiscriminately. Cybercrimes may threaten persons The direct positive effects of this revolution is clear in or nations security and the financial assets by hacking, every field, you name it.., and more to come in this era identity theft, copyright infringement, child pornogra- of IT revolution. phy, privacy trespassing, fraud, phishing.. However, nowadays, we can also notice some bad In criminology lessons we have learned that, “the effects stemming from the IT revolution. New crimes, change in the offence requires a change in the defense”. among other things, came up as a consequential result Cybercrimes are new different offences as the “corps of the IT era. Unfortunately new type of crimes, new deliciti” has changed, as such, there is a real genuine type of criminals came-up due to IT misuse coupled need to change the defense. The criminal “Actus Reus” with criminal intention from greedy “white-collar” so- of e-criminalsare maliciously achieved through differ- phisticated criminals. ent IT software programs known as, inter alia, viruses, In an attempt to define cybercrimes we could say, malwares, Trojans, spywares, hackers, DDoS attacks, offences committed against individuals or groups with spams, SQL injections …They are uncountable and a criminal motive to intentionally harm the victim or what is unknown in the “Dark Internet” is more and cause physical or mental damage, or financial loss. more. Every day or night we are victims of new grave By adversely using new modern telecommunication dangerous IT e-crimes. The fierce epidemic is already networks such as internet, chat rooms, emails, mobile there attaching every corner.. phones.. etc. There is urgent need to work hard and fast to face Loses of cybercrimes are unlimited, uncountable cybercrimes as the damages are increasing and very

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 57 frustrating to all. In this respect, there are drastic steps lack of a clear-cut definition for e-crimes.. We need to to be taken by all. In addition to the personal level, there benefit from this French Judicial precedent and update are further steps to be undertaken by Governments and cybercrimes laws accordingly to cover such loopholes. the whole community is required to create water-tight A positive step is also required to boost internation- defensive strategy, otherwise the future is at great un- al cooperation in facing e-crimes as such crimes are warranted risk. homeless and they are actively living in the cyber that There is a need for a dedicated will with clear vision covers the globe irrespective of any borders.. At the and transparent mission to face cybercrimes in order to international level, there are treaties and international save our community. All must stand firmly, as one mind conventions to control \ combat cybercrimes. There and one hand to curb this new e-threat before we loose is a need to join forces and endorse \ ratify such trea- what we can’t bring back from the cyber.. ties and conventions, so as to add power to the unified Based on the accumulated experience during past global stand against e-crimesthat penetrate everywhere years and as recommended by many studies, there are without being noticed and without leaving any material steps to be taken urgently so as to control the new black tracks of blood or a corpse of a dead-body. Ultimately, cybercrimes. Some steps are small and minor whereas in proving e-crimes, it is required to have capable fo- others are big and sensitive. To achieve an effective rensic investigation by forensic IT experts. full control on cybercrimes all steps, being small or Every person and every institution is obliged to put big, are to be undertaken, well presented and properly in place allregulations and procedures that are needed implemented. As a rule, we need to know that no place to control e-crimes. No doubt, this is a personal respon- is attackproof. E-criminals could reach any place any sibility as well as a national one. Each part must per- where any time, therefore strong preventive measures form its duty and all parties are to cooperate together as are needed such as firewalls, encryption, re-encryption, they complement each other in this dangerous unique frequent security check-ups and the like. task. In addition, the most vital step needed to control this It has been undoubtedly proved that more than 80% new crime, is the enactment of efficient and sufficient of e-crimes came through or are committed by e-mails. laws. New, modern and well-drafted legislations are From this we know that the e-mail is the first door to imminently required. A clear-cut definition of e-crimes be penetrated or invaded by e-criminals. My email or is a must, otherwise culprits will go away with their your email could be the door through which the sys- fruitful crimes in front of the eyes of justice... A golden tem could be invaded and eroded. Everyone must make basic rule of law provides that“no penalty without a sure that his email is strong to face enemies at any time. crime and no crime without a law”, based on this an A strong “password” is a must for each email otherwise e-criminal who had intentionally committed an e-crime it could be defeated and conquered. This is a personal will not be convicted unless the committed crime(s) is responsibility and every one must be accountable for well defined in a very clear state-of-the-art accurate def- any leakage or weakness.. By controlling emails we inition.. In criminal evidence any degree of suspicion can, almost, control and prevent a very high percent is totally for the benefit of the victim. The victim is in- of cybercrimes.. Legally, employees are not allowed to nocent unless proved otherwise beyond any reasonable disclose their password to any person nor colleagues. In doubt.. Herein a wise judge stated that “having ninety a bitter case, one bank lost millions because staff gave nine (….) criminals free at large is far better than hav- passwords to dishonest colleagues who embezzled mil- ing one innocent person behind the bars”.. what a wise lions before being discovered.. Beware, a small leakage wisdom and a wise man. could flood and destroy the whole process. Ironically, I quote here a famous French Court rule In conclusion, we say, it is not possible to stop or decreeing that the person who took the extra money eradicate crimes as this is in the nature of humans since given to him by ATM is criminally not responsible as inception. However, we can work hard to mitigate his act was not covered by the e-banking laws. So, the their risk by following above points or otherwise.. IT lucky person got the best of all worlds and legitimately revolution is needed for an advanced e-future and we took the extra money given to him by the hospitable need toaccomodate\ live with its pros and cons.. How- ATM as his act to withdraw some money from his ac- ever, a strong stand against cybercrimes is a big must. count is not defined as a crime. Irrespective of our views Let’sworktiredlesslyfor this and we can control the regarding this Court decree, the crucial point here is the crime and defeat the masterminds.

58 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l Islamic Economics: Philosophy and Strategy

Shah Abdul Hannan

The history of modern Economics is not so long, strategy. maybe two hundred years. In the beginning, it was But before that, I want to discuss the present included in political science and named Political world in short. The most conventional economic Economy. structure is the capitalism. If we can understand In the meantime, the Islamic Economics has the problems of this capitalism, we will be able become another science. to understand the importance of Islamic Econom- For the last 50-60 years, many researchers ics. This is important because the modern ruling have been done on Islamic Economics. Many ideology seems like so strong and so successful. economists including Professor Khurshid Ahmed, Many may guess that it has not any weakness. But Dr. Nezat Ullah Siddiqi, Professor Dr. Umar it is not the truth and I am willing to show this in Chapra, Dr. Monjer Kahf, Dr. Tarikullah Khan, this article. Dr. Munawar Ikbal have been doing their work Capitalism starts from the 16th century. It is on it. With the work of these scholars, Islamic now almost 500 years old. In this 500 years, it has Economics has become a full science played an important role in the world undoubtedly The philosophy and the strategy of Islamic but there is no contradiction to accept that it can- Economics are the first things in the discussion not be able to eliminate poverty, inequality from on it. This philosophy (Tawhid, Khilafat, Justice the world. So it cannot be claimed that capitalism ) is the base of Islamic Economics. It dictates the is perfect in present as well as in the past.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 59 We have observed the crisis of the capitalis- cept was taken that logic can solve all the prob- tic world in last 20-25 years. In the last part of lems. But we know that logic has many limitations the previous century, there was a large economic and all problems cannot be solved by it. Despite crisis in South East Asia which is still going on. the logic, there is disagreement among the citizens There a much economic crisis in Latin America. and the thing may seem illogical today which was The new economic crisis throughout the world is logical yesterday. There were some times when going on since 2008. logic or reasons were almost worshiped and they We all can understand capitalism more or less. started working instead of God or Allah which There are many Economical Ideologies launched was a complete illusion. and developed in the west. Western scholars have Materialism, in the form of individualism and worked on it mostly. This is not only applicable selfishness, has come out as the result of capital- for capitalism but also for socialism. So-called ism and high consumption has come out for the Welfare Economics is the achievement of western result of materialism. On the other hand, it created scholars. They are producing this type of ideolo- social Darwinism. We know about Darwinism. It gies. is the concept invented by Darwin which says The Christian Ethics was in the background of about the Natural Selection and Survival of the capitalism because the pioneers of this concept Fittest. The social edition of this Darwinism has were the members of Christian society. The citi- got too much importance throughout the world as zens believed in Christian Ethics primarily. As a the result of the movement of Enlightenment or result, whatever the limitations were in the capi- materialism. The idea of Natural Selection and the talism, it was getting moderated and controlled by survival of the fittest in economics has spread out the Christian Ethics. which virtually says that there will be a little or no In the 18th century, the movement of Enlight- space for the poor in the economy. enment started by some scholars was basically the For the reason of materialism, enlightenment hatred against religion. They took some steps to and the social Darwinism, capitalism became a eliminate religion from day to day life. For this doctrine. ‘Only the fittest will survive’ has- be movement, the secularism got the priority and come the philosophy of economics and by this, the society became secularist. Morality became the sympathy for the poor has gone and they worthless and the logic got the priority. The con- failed to handle the situation where poor die for

60 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l poverty. This type of result started to come in the 18th century for the reason of the movement of enlightenment. There were some unacceptable concepts be- hind the theory of capitalism. They are literally unacceptable. For example, it says that the laws of economics are like the physical laws. It wants to say that the economics is running on the basis of some universal laws like the earth and the sun etc. but this is not correct as the markets change continuously and the solar system and our bodies do not change like it. So the capitalism stands on such kind of mistakes. Moreover, they want to make Pecuniary Inter- profit sharing or Islamic system, it will take sev- est as the only one motivator or the inspiration of eral years to invest this amount, making factories working. They use the term ‘Rational Economic etc, then there may be profit or loss or low profit. Man’ technically for this motivation. Man is ra- The difference is I hope, clear. tional and they say that men work for rational rea- Islamic strategy is based on Tauhid, Khilafat, sons. This is not the full truth. Humans do many and Justice that is based on equality and honor- things without money such as for the family and able position of all human beings. the society. Apart from the change in investment system, it And in the third, the secular scholars gave birth tries through education and motivation to reduce to an unethical economics in the name of positiv- high consumption. ism. Positivism says that there is no ethics in eco- Islam is in favor of restructuring expenditure, nomics and the economics will be persuaded neg- taxation and monetary policy in the light of ba- atively if the ethics come here. Economics will be sic Islamic principles. It asks the central Bank (its out from its natural course. It will not be a science freshly printed money ) and commercial Banks to anymore. But this type of unethical perspective is invest its created money( read books on general so dangerous and if it will be established, then on economics to understand) in welfare projects or what basis we will work for the poor and for re- government schemes. ducing poverty? Why would we want to eliminate Read books of Dr. Umar Chapra and others on illiteracy? All of these are related to ethics. Islamic Economics for details. Capitalism thinks the market system as perfect. The market system is not perfect, it could not stop monopoly, the concentration of wealth, high con- sumption by rich and poverty. Islam believes in strong market control to en- sure Justice. it is the Islamic concept of Hisba or supervision of market. Islam abolishes Interest or Sood and all invest- ments are made on profit and loss sharing basis. Interest or good must be eliminated to break up and stop the concentration of wealth. I give an example if a person has 100 billion dollars and he keeps it on interest in Bank, next year it will become 105 billion dollars and so on. But if 100 billion dollars is invested through

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 61 A Glimpse into Aspects of I n f a n t Care in Islam

Dr. Huthaifa Kharrat In Islam the child is blessed with outstanding care and compounds for the child. Researchers and specialists solicitous concern. Many verses of the Qur’an as well in the field continue from time to time to uncover ther- as many hadith speak to the importance of child care, emarkable benefits of natural breast feeding. Among stressing the seriousness of adopting good health hab- these are: its, thus protecting the child from the many illnesses i) Mother’s milk is considered the best nutrient for the that may afflict the infant. The following are some nursing child. It is composed of a well-balanced of the important aspects of childhood health that is blend of ingredients that are far superior to any of stressed in Islam. the prevailing commercially available brands of baby formula. Natural Breast Feeding ii) The mother’s milk is always fresh, of moderate tem- Among the verses of the Qur’an which encourage perature and sterile, thus making it a perfect meal breast feeding are: and ideally suited to the digestive system of the in- Surat Al-Baqarah verse 233 “Mothers may breast- fant child. feed their children two complete years for whoever iii) There is no other milk that is as easily ingested and wishes to complete the nursing [period]”. digested as mother’s milk. Not surprising we see Surat Al-Ahqaf verse 15 “His mother bears him a number of complaints of mothers with colicky with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship, babies and digestive sensitivities after giving their and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him [lasts] child artificial infant formula. thirty months”. iv) Unlike artificial baby formula, mother’s milk will Anas (may Allah be pleased on him) narrated the not provoke any allergic reactions. Indeed quite the following from the Prophet (peace be upon him) opposite. It protects the child from infantile aller- “Verily there are two angels will continue breast gies that can lead to asthma or inflammation of the feeding my child Abraham in paradise.” nose or the digestive tract. Following the birth of the child the mother’s breast v) Natural breast feeding reduces the incidence of secretes a sticky yellowy substance known as Colos- Rickets and other skeletal malformations due to its trum. It is rich in essential nutrients, proteins, miner- rich vitamin D content. als, vitamins and antibodies that benefit the child. vi) Mother’s milk also contains more iron than is found Soon after the flow of Colostrum the breast milk in artificial baby formula thus protecting the child begins to flow. It brings with it a veritable pharmacol- from anemia. ogy of beneficial medicinal and disease preventive vii) It is also well-known that natural breast feeding

62 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l will ensure the health of the child’s teeth. Tooth When the blood sugar remains low for an extended pain and tooth malformations are a common symp- period of time the child may be afflicted by more se- tom of the child who is deprived of mother’s milk. vere debilitations such as stunted growth, underdevel- viii) The mother’s milk is rich in natural antibodies. oped intelligence, Cerebral Palsy, weak eyesight and These give natural protection from infantile dis- hearing, and epilepsy. eases such as inflammation of the digestive tract, The important preventative procedure in hospitals inflammation of the inner ear, diarrhea, blood poi- throughout the world for low blood sugar is to offer a soning (Septicimia) and many others. sugar rich formula to the child immediately following ix) And finally the act of natural breast feeding strength- birth. The infant then proceeds to nurse at the mother’s ens the relationship between the mother and child. breast. This leads to stronger bonding and an increased and We have already mentioned how the truth of the long term sense of intimacy. The child thus feels guidance about premastication of dates given by the more secure, well protected and confident. It is less Prophet (peace be upon him) has been demonstrated by likely to experience any psychological stresses or recent research. It therefore behooves us at this point disorders in later life. to draw our attention to the practice of the Messenger (peace be upon him) of putting dates on the child’s lips Premastication immediately after birth. Premastication is considered one of the most impor- Recent medical research has uncovered the reasons tant features of Islam which contribute to the well be- behind wisdom of this practice. The saliva of the older ing and health of the infant child. Recent advances in care-giver, the one who chews the dates transforms the Medical Sciences have confirmed the value of this the more complex sugar of the dates, known as fruc- guidance received from the Prophet (peace be upon tose, into a simpler form of sugar called glucose. This him). This practice contributes to the health of the simpler form is more easily digested and metabolized child by strengthening the child’s immunity. by the digestive system of the infant. The benefits are Premastication was not known among the pre-Is- soon apparent as the body is protected from the afore- lamic Arab peoples. There are many reliable hadith mentioned adverse conditions. that emphasize the importance placed on this practice by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for the health of Shaving the hair of the Child the child. There are many hadith that recommend shaving the Aiysha (may Allah be pleased with her) relates the hair of the infant. It is narrated by Ali (may Allah be following: pleased with him) that the Messenger of God (peace be “Some infantswere presented to the Prophet (peace upon him) once said: be upon him). He blessed them and offered them some “Shave the child’s hair and offer the equivalent premasticated food” weight in silver as charity” Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) relates the Shaving off the hair of the newborn infant is con- following: sidered an effective treatment, preferable to medicines, “The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) once for conditions and illnesses that effect the baby’s head. asked me – ‘Do you have a date?’ Yes I answered and This practice is an effective form of hygiene. It re- offered Him some dates. He took them in His mouth moves the accumulated secretions that adhere to the and began to chew them. Then He placed them on the body of the child immediately after birth. It is well lips of the child and the child began to smack its lips known that these secretions are the cause of inflam- and chew them”. mations and infections of the scalp, the proliferation of Recent studies in pediatric research have demon- bacteria, and the spread of infections to other parts of strated the dangers caused by reduced blood sugar the body such as to the eyes and ears. levels in the new born infant. This adverse condition Shaving the head of the child also stimulates the is the cause of many symptoms such as rejection of the flow of healthy oils from the sweat glands of the head, breast, muscular atrophy and spasms, apathy and dif- and promotes the growth of new hair from the hair fol- ficulty breathing. licles, and strengthens the health of the existing hair.

l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l 63 German far-right AfD politician resigns after converting to Islam

“DW” The AfD entered ’s national parlia- Arthur Wagner, a politician in the eastern state ment, the , for the first time following of , has become a Muslim. His Al- September’s national election — becoming the ternative for Germany (AfD) party entered the third largest party. Bundestag last year following a populist, anti- Support for the party surged after Germany Islam campaign. admitted more than 1.5 million refugees and mi- The far-right, anti-Islam Alternative for Ger- grants in 2015 and 2016 at the height of the Eu- many (AfD) party on Tuesday confirmed reports ropean migration crisis. in the German media that one of its politicians, The AfD argued that the country was under Arthur Wagner, has converted to Islam. threat of “Islamization” and demanded stricter Wagner, a leading AfD member in the eastern border controls to stem the number of newcom- German state of Brandenburg, resigned his posi- ers arriving from war-torn and poverty-stricken tion on the party’s national executive committee countries in Africa and the Middle on January 11 for personal reasons, AfD spokes- East. man Daniel Friese said. Wagner is not the first “The party has no problem with that,” added far-right politician to Friese. convert to Islam, He insisted the AfD’s national party included according to the groups representing the interests of Muslims, as German daily Die well as Christians and homosexuals. Welt. Wagner, a German of Russian origin, had Arnoud van been a representative of the AfD since 2015. He Doorn was asked was a member of the state committee with re- to leave Dutch sponsibility for churches and religious commu- far-right politi- nities. cian Geert Wilders‘ Read more: Islam in Germany: Muslims pre- Freedom Party fer to be talked to rather than talked about (PVV). It later Bundestag discusses AfD motion on refugees emerged he had Before joining the anti-Islam, anti-immigra- taken up the Mus- tion party, he was a member of German Chan- lim faith and trav- cellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats eled to Saudi Arabia (CDU(. to perform the Haj (a Wagner refused to answer questions from the pilgrimage to Mecca), German daily newspaper Tagesspiegel, who first the Guardian re- reported his conversion to the Islamic faith. ported. “That’s my private business,” he told the newspaper. But he said there had been no at- tempt by the party to force him to resign. 64 l Jumad Al-Thani1439/March 2018 l