MEETINGS & CONFERENCES OF THE AMS MARCH TABLE OF CONTENTS The Meetings and Conferences section of The most up-to-date meeting and confer- necessary to submit an electronic form, the Notices gives information on all AMS ence information can be found online at: although those who use L ATEX may submit meetings and conferences approved by abstracts with such coding, and all math press time for this issue. Please refer to Important Information About AMS displays and similarily coded material the page numbers cited on this page for Meetings: Potential organizers, (such as accent marks in text) must more detailed information on each event. speakers, and hosts should refer to be typeset in LATEX. Visit Invited Speakers and Special Sessions are page 88 in the January 2018 issue of the cgi-bin/abstracts/ Ques- listed as soon as they are approved by the Notices for general information regard- tions about abstracts may be sent to abs- cognizant program committee; the codes ing participation in AMS meetings and
[email protected]. Close attention should be listed are needed for electronic abstract conferences. paid to specified deadlines in this issue. submission. For some meetings the list Abstracts: Speakers should submit ab- Unfortunately, late abstracts cannot be may be incomplete. Information in this stracts on the easy-to-use interactive accommodated. A issue may be dated. Web form. No knowledge of LTEX is MEETINGS IN THIS ISSUE –––––– 2018 –––––––– –––––––– 2019 –––––––– January 16–19 Baltimore, Maryland p. 380 March 17–18 Columbus, Ohio p. 373 March 15–17 Auburn, Alabama p.