MEETINGS & CONFERENCES OF THE AMS MAY TABLE OF CONTENTS The Meetings and Conferences section of The most up-to-date meeting and confer- necessary to submit an electronic form, the Notices gives information on all AMS ence information can be found online at: although those who use L ATEX may submit meetings and conferences approved by www.ams.org/meetings/. abstracts with such coding, and all math press time for this issue. Please refer to Important Information About AMS displays and similarily coded material the page numbers cited on this page for Meetings: Potential organizers, (such as accent marks in text) must more detailed information on each event. speakers, and hosts should refer to be typeset in LATEX. Visit www.ams.org/ Invited Speakers and Special Sessions are page 88 in the January 2018 issue of the cgi-bin/abstracts/abstract.pl/. Ques- listed as soon as they are approved by the Notices for general information regard- tions about abstracts may be sent to abs- cognizant program committee; the codes ing participation in AMS meetings and [email protected]. Close attention should be listed are needed for electronic abstract conferences. paid to specified deadlines in this issue. submission. For some meetings the list Abstracts: Speakers should submit ab- Unfortunately, late abstracts cannot be may be incomplete. Information in this stracts on the easy-to-use interactive accommodated. A issue may be dated. Web form. No knowledge of LTEX is MEETINGS IN THIS ISSUE –––––– 2018 –––––––– –––––––– 2020 –––––––– January 15–18 Denver, Colorado p. 629 April 21–22 Boston, Massachusetts p. 620 June 11–14 Shanghai, People's Republic –––––––– 2021 –––––––– of China p. 621 January 6–9 Washington, DC p. 629 September 29–30 Newark, Delaware p. 623 January 5–9 Grenoble, France p. 629 July 19–23 Buenos Aires, Argentina p. 630 October 20–21 Ann Arbor, Michigan p. 624 October 27–28 San Francisco, California p. 625 –––––––– 2022 –––––––– November 3–4 Fayetteville, Arkansas p. 626 January 5–8 Seattle, Washington p. 630 –––––––– 2019 ––––––– January 16–19 Baltimore, Maryland p. 626 –––––––– 2023 –––––––– March 15–17 Auburn, Alabama p. 627 January 4–7 Boston, Massachusetts p. 630 March 22–24 Honolulu, Hawaii p. 627 April 13–14 Hartford, Connecticut p. 627 June 10–13 Quy Nhon City, Vietnam p. 628 September 14–15 Madison, Wisconsin p. 628 October 12–13 Binghamton, New York p. 628 November 2–3 Gainesville, Florida p. 628 November 9–10 Riverside, California p. 629 See www.ams.org/meetings/ for the most up-to-date information on the meetings and conferences that we offer. ASSOCIATE SECRETARIES OF THE AMS Central Section: Georgia Benkart, University of Wisconsin- Southeastern Section: Brian D. Boe, Department of Mathemat- Madison, Department of Mathematics, 480 Lincoln Drive, ics, University of Georgia, 220 D W Brooks Drive, Athens, GA Madison, WI 53706-1388; email: [email protected]; 30602-7403, email: [email protected]; telephone: 706-542- telephone: 608-263-4283. 2547. Eastern Section: Steven H. Weintraub, Department of Math- Western Section: Michel L. Lapidus, Department of Mathemat- ematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3174; email: ics, University of California, Surge Bldg., Riverside, CA 92521- [email protected]; telephone: 610-758-3717. 0135; email: [email protected]; telephone: 951-827-5910. MAY 2018 NOTICES OF THE AMS 619 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES Meetings & Conferences of the AMS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MEETINGS PROGRAMS: AMS Sectional Meeting programs do not appear in the print version of the Notices. However, comprehensive and continually updated meeting and program informa- tion with links to the abstract for each talk can be found on the AMS website. See www.ams.org/meetings/. Final programs for Sectional Meetings will be archived on the AMS website accessible from the stated URL . Algebraic, Geometric, and Topological Methods in Com- Boston, binatorics, Florian Frick, Cornell University, and Pablo Soberón, Northeastern University. Massachusetts Algorithmic Group Theory and Applications, Delaram Kahrobaei, City University of New York, and Antonio Northeastern University Tortora, University of Salerno. Analysis and Geometry in Non-smooth Spaces, Nag- April 21–22, 2018 eswari Shanmugalingam and Gareth Speight, University Saturday – Sunday of Cincinnati. Arithmetic Dynamics, Jacqueline M. Anderson, Bridge- Meeting #1139 water State University, Robert Benedetto, Amherst Col- Eastern Section lege, and Joseph H. Silverman, Brown University. Associate secretary: Steven H. Weintraub Arrangements of Hypersurfaces, Graham Denham, Announcement issue of Notices: January 2018 University of Western Ontario, and Alexander I. Suciu, Program first available on AMS website: March 1, 2018 Northeastern University. Issue of Abstracts: Volume 39, Issue 2 Combinatorial Aspects of Nilpotent Orbits, Anthony Iarrobino, Northeastern University, Leila Khatami, Union Deadlines College, and Juliana Tymoczko, Smith College. For organizers: Expired Combinatorial Representation Theory, Laura Colmena- For abstracts: Expired rejo, York University, Ricky Liu, North Carolina State University, and Rosa Orellana, Dartmouth College. The scientific information listed below may be dated. Connections Between Trisections of 4-manifolds and For the latest information, see www.ams.org/amsmtgs/ Low-dimensional Topology, Jeffrey Meier, University of sectional.html. Georgia, and Juanita Pinzon-Caicedó, North Carolina Invited Addresses State University. Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics, Richard Jian Ding, University of Pennsylvania, Random walk, Kenyon, Wai Yeung Lam, and Richard Schwartz, Brown random media and random geometry. University. Edward Frenkel, University of California, Berkeley, Dynamical systems, Geometric Structures and Special Imagination and knowledge (Einstein Public Lecture in Functions, Alessandro Arsie, University of Toledo, and Mathematics). Oksana Bihun, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Valentino Tosatti, Northwestern University, Metric limits of Calabi-Yau manifolds. Effective Behavior in Random Environments, Jessica Maryna Viazovska, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lin, McGill University, and Charles Smart, University of Lausanne, The sphere packings and modular forms. Chicago. Algebraic Number Theory, Michael Bush, Washington Ergodic Theory and Dynamics in Combinatorial Number and Lee University, Farshid Hajir, University of Mas- Theory, Stanley Eigen and Daniel Glasscock, Northeastern sachusetts, and Christian Maire, Université Bourgogne University, and Vidhu Prasad, University of Massachu- Franche-Comté. setts, Lowell. Algebraic Statistics, Kaie Kubjas and Elina Robeva, Extremal Graph Theory and Quantum Walks on Graphs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sebastian Cioab˘a, University of Delaware, Mark Kempton, 620 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 65, NUMBER 5 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES Harvard University, Gabor Lippner, Northeastern Univer- Relations Between the History and Pedagogy of Math- sity, and Michael Tait, Carnegie Mellon University. ematics, Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, and David L. Roberts, Facets of Symplectic Geometry and Topology, Tara Prince George’s Community College. Holm, Cornell University, Jo Nelson, Columbia University, Singularities of Spaces and Maps, Terence Gaffney and and Jonathan Weitsman, Northeastern University. David Massey, Northeastern University. Geometries Defined by Differential Forms, Mahir Bilen The Analysis of Dispersive Equations, Marius Beceanu, Can, Tulane University, Sergey Grigorian, University of University at Albany, and Andrew Lawrie, Massachusetts Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Sema Salur, University of Institute of Technology. Rochester. The Gaussian Free Field and Random Geometry, Jian Geometry and Analysis of Fluid Equations, Robert Ding, University of Pennsylvania, and Vadim Gorin, Mas- McOwen and Peter Topalov, Northeastern University. sachusetts Institute of Technology. Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Ana-Marie Castravet and Topics in Qualitative Properties of Partial Differential Emanuele Macrí, Northeastern University, Benjamin Equations, Changfeng Gui, University of Texas at San Schmidt, University of Texas, and Xiaolei Zhao, North- Antonio, Changyou Wang, Purdue University, and Jiuyi eastern University. Zhu, Louisiana State University. Global Dynamics of Real Discrete Dynamical Systems, M. Topics in Toric Geometry, Ivan Martino, Northeastern R. S. Kulenovic´ and O. Merino, University of Rhode Island. University, and Emanuele Ventura, Texas A&M University. Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Topology of Biopolymers, Erica Flapan, Pomona College, Donatella Danielli, Purdue University, and Irina Mitrea, and Helen Wong, Carleton College. Temple University. Homological Commutative Algebra, Sean Sather-Wag- staff, Clemson University, and Oana Veliche, Northeastern University. Shanghai, People’s Hopf Algebras, Tensor Categories, and Homological Algebra, Cris Negron, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- Republic of China ogy, Julia Plavnik, Texas A&M, and Sarah Witherspoon, Texas A&M University. Fudan University Mathematical Perspectives in Quantum Information June 11–14, 2018 Theory, Aram Harrow, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, and Christopher King, Northeastern University. Monday – Thursday Mathematical Problems of Relativistic Physics: Classical Meeting #1140 and Quantum, Michael Kiessling and A. Shadi Tahvildar- Zadeh, Rutgers University. Associate secretary: Steven H. Weintraub Modeling of Biological Processes, Simone Cassani and Announcement issue
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