E500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 11, 2002 workers’ union and becoming the president of held, where activities can be organized, and mitments of this organization include the pres- the United Farm Workers of America. His tre- communities can come together. ervation of cultural diversity, the promotion of mendous efforts—and those who worked with This legislation will help to do both. The bill equality, the battle for justice, and the peace- him—improved the lives of tens of thousands authorizes $2.5 million for the construction and keeper among all peoples. of workers and families, and inspired millions maintenance of the Sand Hallow Recreational The Ellis Island Medal of Honor serves to of people from all walks of life around our na- Area. This will help provide the needed re- acknowledge individuals whom have accom- tion and world. sources to allow for the continued water and plished personal achievements while pro- Born on a small Arizona farm on March 31, recreational resources of Washington County. moting their particular heritage. The award is 1927, Cesar Chavez began his life as a farm As a child, I spent many days in the area named in honor of the persistence of worker in the field at age 10. He served in the around Sand Hollow. It is a magnificent area, 12,000,000 immigrants as they entered a new United States Navy during World War II. and a place that will only be enhanced by this world to pursue freedom and economic oppor- With the strength of family and the unity of authorization. tunity. This award honors the commitments of fellow farm workers, Cesar Chavez became f peoples seeking to preserve their heritage in a an organizer with the Community Service Or- diverse nation. ganization, a civic group of Mexican-Ameri- GREATEST WINTER OLYMICS The Ellis Island Medal of Honor is important cans, in the early 1950s. Soon thereafter, he EVER in that it acknowledges the contributors of our moved with his wife, Helen, and eight children great nation. SPEECH OF to California’s Central Valley where he found- Since the Ellis Island Medal of Honor was ed the National Farm Workers Association. HON. JIM MATHESON established in 1986, over 1,500 individuals With his young children by his side, Cesar OF UTAH from many different ethnic groups have re- would visit California farm communities to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceived the award, including over 5,000 individ- bring public light to the substandard working uals whom are nominated each year. I was Tuesday, April 9, 2002 conditions and lack of sufficient pay and bene- honored to receive the Ellis Island Medal of fits of thousands of Latino migrant workers Mr. MATHESON. Mr. Speaker, it is with Honor and I greatly respect the achievements who worked long hours on farms. Chavez led great pleasure that I rise today to congratulate of the other recipients of this award. peaceful boycotts to bring national attention to the people of Salt Lake City and the State of At the 2002 Ellis Island Medal of Honor the fight for equality and justice for migrant Utah, as well as athletes from around the ceremony, contributors to the relief and recov- farm workers. His passionate leadership world for a successful 19th Winter Olympics. I ery efforts of September 11 will be honored. brought together a remarkable alliance of stu- express my appreciation for the hard work by These honorees and other contributors to the dents, unions, minorities, churches and others the thousands of volunteers of what has been United States will rightly be recognized under to fight for their fellow men, women, and chil- described as the world’s greatest Winter the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for their dren working in the agricultural sector. Olympics ever. achievements and dedication to their country. I was proud to be a member of the Cali- The Games showed how as Americans, we f fornia State Senate in 2000 and vote to have have not given up, but have rallied around our the State of California recognize Cesar national— and international—banners. Over MORNING SHOW Chavez’s birthday as a day to remember his 27,000 people served as volunteers during the good work and to re-ignite our personal and games. Volunteers made up almost the entire HON. EARL F. HILLIARD social passion for continually improving the cast of the opening and closing ceremony per- OF ALABAMA conditions of workers and communities across formances. Doctors, nurses, businessmen, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES housewives, and even teenagers worked for our nation and world. Thursday, April 11, 2002 So, Mr. Speaker, today I ask all Members of 17 straight days to make sure this event was the United States House of Representatives to one that no one would ever forget. Mr. HILLIARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay pause and honor a great man, Cesar Chavez, Mr. Speaker, I hope that as Members of this tribute to the award winning syndicated radio and the great cause he helped lead of ad- body watched the Games on television that talk show, ‘‘The ,‘‘ vancing fairness, justice, and the improvement they too saw what I saw: People from through- and Congresswoman CARRIE MEEK for a job of the living and working conditions of our fel- out the world coming together to celebrate the well done in making sure that everyone was low human beings. spirit of fair competition and sport. I appreciate included in the 2000 Census count. f the work of the Congress and the President to More than one million people in the African ensure that the games ran smoothly and se- American community counted who would H.R. 3848, WASHINGTON COUNTY, curely. It is my hope that the Salt Lake Olym- not have been counted, but for the efforts of UTAH RECREATIONAL AND VIS- pic Games will be an example for the world of this radio program. I also wish to thank Mr. ITOR FACILITIES how to host a large, safe, secure, and suc- Joyner, his team, and Kweisi Mfume for their cessful international event. efforts in turning out the vote in the November SPEECH OF f 2000 Election. Their numerous presentations HON. JIM MATHESON during this critical time on a continuing basis RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF UTAH were outstanding! OF THE ELLIS ISLAND MEDAL Each morning the program was informative, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF HONOR motivational and highly successful in achieving Tuesday, April 9, 2002 its goal. Because of this program, the percent- Mr. MATHESON. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY age of African-American votes was greater Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lend my voice OF NEW YORK than that of Whites and other groups of the in support of this important legislation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voting age population in the state of Florida Washington County, Utah is one of the fast- and in most Southern states. est growing counties not only in Utah, but in Thursday, April 11, 2002 The group’s impact was so tremendous that the United States. Within the last ten years the Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, it served as a catalyst for motivating African- population of Washington County has grown I rise today in support of H. Res. 377 and to Americans across this country to register to by more than 80 percent. The City of St. acknowledge the importance of the Ellis Island vote and participate in the Census count. This George is fast becoming one of America’s pre- Medal of Honor, an award established by the newfound sense of empowerment increased mier retirement and vacation gateway commu- National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations to African-American interest in social and political nities in the country. applaud individuals of various ethnic groups affairs; increased their social, financial and po- With this growth come two very basic for their contributions to the United States. litical wealth; and resulted in their becoming needs. First, all cities, regardless of size, ge- The Ellis Island Medal of Honor organization better citizens. ography, lay out, structure, or economy, need is a member of the National Ethnic Coalition of Mr. Joyner has been a creative trailblazer water. Nowhere is this need felt more than in Organizations, the largest organization of its and by taking the show on the road he has in- the red rock desert of southwestern Utah. kind in the United States, representing over 5 spired, motivated, educated and informed Secondly, vibrant cities need a place for million family members and serving as a unit- America. In addition, he has brought his family people to recreate. They need areas where ing force for 275 organizations in the fields of into millions of households in America. By ac- families can gather, where picnics can be ethnic heritage, culture, and religion. The com- tively participating in the work of ‘‘The Tom

VerDate 112000 05:35 Apr 12, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11AP8.004 pfrm04 PsN: E11PT1 April 11, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E501 Joyner Foundation’’ which is an instrument to sons—-Thomas Joyner, Jr., the CEO of The CELEBRATING 20TH ANNIVERSARY give back to the community, he has given Tom Joyner Foundation and Oscar Joyner, Di- OF TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT scholarships to help needy students at Histori- rector of Marketing for the foundation. cally Black Colleges and Universities Tom’s efforts and awards cannot go unno- HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN (HBCU’s) and strengthened the African-Amer- ticed and must be recorded in history. There- OF FLORIDA ican concept of parents and children cooper- fore, this insertion in the CONGRESSIONAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ating together to build a greater society. RECORD is made so that Tom Joyner’s efforts This is just one of the many programs which and all of his positive actions and ‘‘solid gold Thursday, April 11, 2002 has involved his talented and creative efforts. programming’’ will be engrossed and embed- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, on April His weekly Thursday Morning Moms highlights ded in the history of this country. 10th, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the struggles of African-American women ris- f the Taiwan Relations Act being signed into ing to the highest level of family. His weekly law. Since the time of its enactment, it has tribute to Real Fathers Real Men; his feature A TRIBUTE TO ALFRED E. MANN only served to strengthen the position of the of Little Known Black History Facts; his feature Republic of China on Taiwan, internationally, of Christmas Wish List; and his feature of Ce- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF as both an economic power and champion of lebrity Interviews continue to inspire, enlighten OF CALIFORNIA democracy in Asia. and motivate African-Americans to be proud of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Taiwan Relations Act set the premise the past, achieve in the present and prepare Thursday, April 11, 2002 for the United States long standing friendship for the future. with the Formosa Island. Throughout the Mr. Joyner’s leadership on issues which af- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to years, that commitment of friendship has been fect African-Americans on a daily basis is su- rise today and honor Alfred E. Mann, a great met with our continual support of their security perb and outstanding. His ‘‘fly jocking’’ across philanthropist in the Southern California com- needs, as well as a strong trade partnership. America to various cities and states not only munity and famed national bio-medical re- In closing, I want to commend the wonderful increased the awareness of issues of interests searcher. He has dedicated his life to his fam- work of Ambassador C.J. Chen and his staff to the African-American community, but moti- ily, his church, and to the search for cures to in representing the needs and concerns of the vated them to take action. He earned this ‘‘fly the world’s most devastating diseases and af- ROC and always extending the friendship of jocking’’ title through his dedication to serve flictions. the Taiwanese to those of us here in Wash- radio audiences in , Texas and , Alfred Mann was born in Portland, Oregon ington, DC. Through their efforts, I am certain Illinois. Both markets recognized his impres- in 1925 and has been a resident of Los Ange- that the relationship between the United sive talent and wanted him at the same time. les, California since 1946. He attended the States and Taiwan, anchored in the Taiwan Before expanding his presence into 120 mar- University of California, Los Angeles and has Relations Act, will continue to strengthen in kets across the country, Tom flew from Dallas received honorary doctorate degrees from the the years ahead. to Chicago every day for seven years. University of Southern California and The f Tom’s actions are commendable and very John Hopkins University. much appreciated. The other super stars, i.e., He has earned his reputation as a bio- IN RECOGNITION OF THE DEAN OF J. Anthony Brown, Sybil Wilkes, Miss Dupree, medical pioneer because of his outstanding THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE Myra J., , and Donna Richardson accomplishments throughout his professional also inform and motivate the public. The Tom life. As the Chairman and co-CEO of Ad- HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. Joyner Morning Show is truly inspirational. vanced Bionics Corporation, he manufactured OF FLORIDA Mr. Joyner and his morning crew have re- a developed advanced cochlear implants for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceived many awards, which reflect their skills, the restoration of hearing and is currently de- Thursday, April 11, 2002 talents and contributions specifically to Afri- veloping a number of neurostimulation sys- can-Americans, and generally to all Ameri- tems which may prove to be beneficial in Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cans. treating those who face paralysis and any honor the 24-year legislative career of my Lastly and most importantly, I would like to number of neurological disorders. He is also friend, and constituent, Ron Silver. Ron Silver share a piece of Tom Joyner’s personal his- responsible for the manufacturing of contin- exemplifies the essence of what it means to tory. uous glucose monitoring systems primarily be a public servant. Throughout his legislative Born to Frances and Hercules Lionel Joyner used for the treatment of diabetes and for the career Ron has served Florida and the people of Tuskegee, Alabama, Tom attended elemen- manufacture of hospital intravenous pumps. of Miami-Dade county with dignity and honor. tary school at the Chambliss Children’s Mr. Mann has made a lifelong commitment His peers fondly named him Dean of the Flor- House, which was a laboratory school located to philanthropy. His countless number of chari- ida Legislature. on the grounds of Tuskegee Institute. He went table donations has made a lasting impact on A native of Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ron on to enroll at Tuskegee Institute High School our nation. In fact, each year, his name can and his family moved to Florida in 1958 where where he received his educational training be found on the list of the ten most philan- young Ron began laying the groundwork for a under the direction of Mrs. Alberta Ritchie, the thropic minded individuals. Two of his largest legislative career that would span over two mother of famous singer and songwriter Lionel donations, 100 million to the University of decades, include five U.S. presidents and six Ritchie. Southern California and the promise of 100 Florida governors. In 1978, Ron took his ideas During his matriculation at Tuskegee Insti- million to the University of California, Los An- and vision to Tallahassee as a member of the tute, Tom played records in the college cafe- geles, will help shape the face of current and Florida House of Representatives. There, Ron teria after basketball and football games. He future research at both of these institutions. worked tirelessly on issues such as health further expressed his love for music and enter- Also, as the founder of two medical re- care, aging and long term care, and criminal tainment as a member of a local singing search foundations—the Alfred Mann Founda- justice. His leadership was rewarded when his group, The . After performing tion and the Alfred Mann Institute at the Uni- colleagues elected him to two terms as House with the group for two years, Tom asked his versity of Southern California—Alfred Mann Majority Whip and Majority Leader. In these parents’ permission to leave school and tour has ensured that the biomedical community leadership roles, Ron had the enviable task of with The Commodores. His parents refused to will be able to engage in the lasting study of building consensus among of his Democratic allow him to drop out of College and follow the the diseases and ailments that affect so many colleagues. Not an easy task, but one that group, but instead, they strongly encouraged Americans. Ron relished. him to finish his education at Tuskegee Insti- Alfred Mann’s dedication to the biomedical In 1992, Ron, with the support of his be- tute. community has and will continue to produce loved wife, Irene, was elected to the Florida Upon graduation in 1971, Tom decided to lasting and important discoveries as our nation Senate. In the Senate, he was again elected pursue his dream as a radio announcer. His faces the challenge of curing the world’s most to a leadership role as Majority Leader. As a mission was to change the face of Black radio devastating illnesses. His commitment to help- member of that distinguished body, Ron into an advocacy medium, with particular inter- ing others through research and philanthropy stands out as a champion of disadvantaged ests in broadening the awareness of HBCU’s has and will continue to have a positive affect Floridians. Ron shares my commitment to re- and increasing voter registration. for all of us. I ask all Members of Congress to ducing Florida’s welfare rolls by promoting Tom is married to fitness expert and trainer join me in honoring a man who has given a personal responsibility and giving a hand up Donna Richardson. He is the father of two lifetime to making a difference in our Nation. as opposed to a hand out. Our partnership

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