RECTOR: Rev’d Martin Greenland, 01493 750393 [email protected] with particular responsibility for Acle, Beighton w Moulton, Limpenhoe, Southwood & Cantley, & Halvergate w Tunstall

ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev’d Dr Lorna Allies , 01493 296321 [email protected] with particular responsibility for Reedham, & Wickhampton

READERS: Nicholas Cowen, 01493 700915 Vic Walsham, 01493 752273

CHURCH WARDENS: Acle (Vacant) Beighton Ann Adey 01493 700414 Rosemary Whyborn 01493 750079 Cantley (vacant) Freethorpe Graham Allcock, 01493 700256 Jean Thompson, 01493 700451 (Assistant) Halvergate Sally More, 01493 700279 Nick Butcher, 01493 701122 Limpenhoe: Michael Brook, 01493 700259 John Mules email [email protected] Reedham (Vacant) Wickhampton Brenda Pawsey, 01493 700068 Peter Ledward, 01493 700008

ORGANIST (Acle) Brian Bemment 01603 714246 ACLE PARISH HALL Mrs Page 01493751125/07947889652

“OUTLOOK” EDITORS: Kati Cowen 18 Church Road, Reedham, NR13 3TY, 01493 700915 e-mail: [email protected] John Orsborn 18 The Hills, Reedham, NR13 3TN, 01493 700441

“OUTLOOK” ADVERTISING EDITOR: George Nicholls e-mail: ageorgen10@ gmail.com

Website www.abychurches.co.uk/ (Digital copy of Outlook)

From the Rectory 3. Christmas may have brought a brief respite from the uncertainty of Brexit, but no doubt it will have returned with even greater force in the New Year. On the whole we don’t live easily with uncertainty: we like to feel we’re in control and know where we are going. The future, however, is mostly uncertain. On 6th January the Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany, retelling Matthew’s account of the visit of the Magi (Wise Men) to Jesus. The Magi are mysterious characters: they simply appear on the scene from a mysterious origin (“the East”). They have some ability to probe the future – they are searching for the one born King of the Jews – but they are not certain about where they are going – which is why they mistakenly arrive at Herod’s Palace in Jerusalem. Nevertheless, they travel, bearing their mysterious gifts. For the Magi, the future is a mystery. That is to say that there is some pattern, purpose or destination, but which is, as yet, hidden from us. We can seek to discern it; but much will remain uncertain: in the end we can only travel to meet it – or let it come to meet us. Mystery isn’t just a religious concept: scientists probe the mysteries of the fabric and history of the universe, of life, of numbers, believing that pattern and causation are there to be discovered. Mystery novels appeal precisely because of the uncertain pattern, only revealed at the end. It is the ‘mystery points’ of life which touch us most deeply: falling in love; giving birth; a moment of inspiration or wonder; a death; our death. Or another person: our deepest relationships are those through which we come to appreciate the mystery of the other; we know them best, yet sense how much we cannot know: they are not equal to our image of them; we cannot control or possess them. It is often to the Church that people turn to mark the ‘mystery points’ in their lives. The Church is a body of people travelling together towards the mystery who is God. Together we look for God’s path, seek to walk in his ways. But God also comes to meet us. To the Magi he gave a star for guidance. The child they found at Bethlehem is our guide. He is the human expression of God’s purposes; mystery made flesh. In life and in death he reveals to us God’s love and God’s ways. Rightly, we bow the knee, and offer our gifts.

With best wishes for the New Year, Martin Greenland

Parish Registers 4.

Holy Baptism Rose Petula Livingstone and Siobhan Livingstone on 15th December at Freethorpe

Holy Matrimony Timothy William James Slater to Jade Webb at Freethorpe on 1st December

Funerals We commend to God:- Roger John Ashcroft aged 77 at Beighton on 21st November

Anthony Charles Steward (Tony) aged 68 of Halvergate at Halvergate on 4th December

William Daniel Cunnington (Danny) aged 57 of Reedham at Colney Woodlands Burial Park on 12th December

Future Dates Note no Farmers’ Market in January.

There are various changes to Sunday services this month, with several ecumenical or benefice services.

• On Sunday 6th (The Epiphany), Freethorpe, Halvergate and Reedham congregations join the 11.00am Covenant Service at Freethorpe Methodist Church. • On Sunday 13th we observe Plough Sunday with Benefice Holy Communion at Wickhampton at 10.30am. • See below for Sunday 20th at Acle. • On Sunday 3rd February Bishop Alan will be conducting his 4-yearly visit to our benefice: Benefice Holy Communion will be at Freethorpe at 10.30am.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Friday 18th – 25th January. At Acle Methodist Church: Joint Covenant Service 10.30am Sun 20th Jan followed by bring & share lunch (Anglicans are invited to contribute desserts); Prayer for Unity 9.30am Tuesday 22nd January.

Apart from the above special services, we are maintaining our established pattern of Sunday services. Until a new Associate Priest is appointed, the Rector aims to conduct (at least) one service a month in each of the benefice churches (as well as the 8am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion at Acle). This will be supplemented by our own Readers and Authorised Worship Assistants: we are, as ever, grateful to them. On some Sundays we will be welcoming clergy and/or Readers from outside the benefice to help : we thank them for their support.

Cantley & District W.I. Our next meeting will take place in Cantley Village Hall on Wednesday 16th January at 7.30pm. Fay Jones will be entertaining us with her talk entitled "Dyes on your doorstep". For more information contact Barbara on 07789845050. New members always very welcome.

REEDHAM PARISH COUNCIL 7. Meeting held on Monday 3rd December 2018 at Reedham Village Hall

There were 6 Councillors present, the Clerk, County Councillor Brian Iles and District Councillor Grant Nurden. 27 members of the public were in attendance. Apologies were received from Councillors Lester, Ball, Thompson, Case and Grattan. The Council meeting commenced at 7.30 pm County Councillor Iles reported that the County Council portion of Council Tax is likely to increase by 2.99% next year. A balance budget has been achieved. The Council is returning to Cabinet governance. The Managing Director Wendy Thomas has resigned to take up a new position at London University. She will not be replaced, Norfolk County Council will be run by the elected leader and deputy. Tom McCabe will be the Officer in Charge. District Councillor Nurden reported that District Council is likely not to increase its portion of the Council Tax bill for next year. The Chairman of the Village Hall Committee Chris Bradbury gave the following report: The hedge alongside the Freethorpe Road will be cut soon. The November Cash Bingo jackpot was not won, the jackpot now stands at £250 in 55 numbers or less. The Christmas Fayre was very well supported. Thanks to everyone who helped, and express thanks to everyone who donated a prize to the raffle. On 19th December Reedham Village Hall Stage School will perform a “Show Case” on stage. There is no film showing this month, the next film will be “Mamma Mia Here we go Again” on the 12th January. There was representation from members of the public objecting to the planning application for a new shed at Sanderson Marine Craft and 4 houses on the old boat yard adjacent. A representative from the current owners also spoke. 1 planning application was considered: demolition of shed, erection of boat workshop, 4 residential dwellings, car park and landscaping at Sanderson Marine Craft Ltd, Riverside. The Council could not agree a response so offered no comment on the application. There are currently 3 half plots available at the allotments. Please contact the Clerk for further details. The Allotment Committee is offering support and advice to those new to allotments. Several productive meetings have been held to progress the reopening the Permissive Path, and another one is to be held with the landowner before Christmas. The Council agreed new Standing Orders, which are the rules by which meeting and the Council must be run. Details can be found on the website. The budget and precept were agreed for the next year. The Parish Council agreed to raise the precept by 2.5% to £14,812 per annum.

Time and Date of Next Meeting. Monday 7th January 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.


Please visit Reedham’s new website for news and local events: www.reedhampc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk The Clerk’s contact details are: [email protected], 01493 750254, 07769 972902

JANUARY CALENDAR Reedham Charity: St Martin’s Trust

Friday 4th 9.30am First Friday Morning Prayer - Beighton Saturday 5th 2.00pm Ringers taster session – Reedham Church Tower.

SUNDAY 6th EPIPHANY 8.00am Holy Communion – Acle 9.30am Holy Communion – Beighton 11.00am Holy Communion – Acle 11.00am Covenant Service – Freethorpe Methodist Chapel 3.30pm Chill Church – Reedham

Monday 7th 7.30pm Reedham Parish Council – Reedham Village Hall Tuesday 8th 1.30pm Over 50s resumes, Reedham Village Hall

SUNDAY 13th Baptism of Christ/Plough Sunday 9.00am Holy Communion – Acle 10.30am Plough Sunday Benefice Holy Communion – Wickhampton Tuesday 15th MOBILE LIBRARY DAY Wednesday 16th OUTLOOK COPY DATE 7.30pm Cantley W.I. – Cantley Village Hall Friday 18th Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins

SUNDAY 20th 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 9.30am Holy Communion – Halvergate 9.30am Morning Prayer – Beighton 10.30am Covenant Service – Bure Room, Acle Recreation Centre 11.00am Morning Prayer – Freethorpe 11.00am Morning Prayer – Reedham 3.30pm Chill Church at Norwich Cathedral Tuesday 22nd 9.30am Prayer for Christian Unity – Acle Methodist Chapel Wednesday 23rd 2.00pm Whist Drive – Reedham Village Hall

SUNDAY 27th 4th Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion – Acle 9.30am Morning Prayer – Halvergate 9.30am Holy Communion - Limpenhoe 11.00am Holy Communion – Reedham 11.00am Holy Communion – Acle 11.00am Morning Prayer – Freethorpe Looking forward into February :- SUNDAY 3rd PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion with Bishop Alan – Freethorpe 3.30pm Chill Church - Reedham

Weekly Sundays 6.30pm Reedham Gospel Hall Meeting At Reedham Village Hall Tuesdays 9.30am – 11.30am Music group, 1.45pm – Over Fifties Club. Wednesday 10.30am -12.30 noon - New Age Kurling. Thursday 10am – 12 noon – Badminton Club. Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.30pm Yoga. Friday 9.30am to 10.30 am - AWOL Fitness Boot Camp. Saturday 9.00am - 10.00am - Aerobics, Reedham Village Hall

At Limpenhoe Village Hall Wednesdays 6.30pm – 7.30pm & 8pm – 9pm Yoga At Freethorpe Village Hall Mondays 5-6pm Rainbows 6:15-7:30pm Brownies Tuesdays Art Club(morning) Zumba (evening) Thursdays 6:45-8:30 Cubs At Halvergate Village Hall Wednesdays 1st & 3rd 10.30am – 12.30pm – Coffee Morning At Acle Church Hall Tuesday 1st 2pm – 49+ Group Saturday 10th – 9am – 12 noon Acle Farmers’ Market Mondays 2nd & 4th - Canasta Group Weekly – Tuesdays 11am – 12 noon – Fitness for Seniors Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm – Acle Art Group Wednesdays 7.30pm – 9pm – Invidia Voices Fridays 10.00am -11.00am,– Baby Sensory Classes

Ringers The Reedham Ringers would like to thank the village for their very positive reception to our recent efforts. We are enjoying ourselves. If anyone would like to have a try at bellringing, we will be running a taster session on Saturday, 5th January @2pm at St John the Baptist church, Reedham. We would also love to hear from experienced ringers or those who have had a little break from ringing (some of us have had 30+ year breaks), and would like to try again. Learning to ring is very rewarding, but it does require time and commitment. You do not have to be churchgoer and can be any age from about 9 to 79 (or even older). Please let me know if you would like to come to the taster session. Mary 01493 701388 REEDHAM CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 10. Many thanks to all who helped plan, prepare and run the festival and to the 18 local organisations and businesses who took part. The trees looked fabulous, with a range of imaginative, beautiful, educational, interactive and even amusing decorations. Prizes went to: Reedham Station Adopters, Reedham School, Reedham & District WI, Hannah Burrows Yoga and Limpenhoe Village Hall. The festival ended with a flourish, a full church (120) at the carol service, accompanied by Broadland Band and proceedings finished off by the Reedham Ringers “ringing Lorna out”. The whole event raised £1,070 for Sunshine Educare and Reedham Church. Diana Gilder

LOTTERY NEWS & OVER FIFTIES CLUB December 8th saw the lottery bingo won after a run of 7 weeks, Mrs Mary Blanche won £358.20. A lovely surprise just before Christmas. If you want to join please ring 07585504199; you have to be in it to win it!! New games starts Dec 15th.

The Over 50's had their party on Dec 4th at Reedham Village Hall with over 40 attending. A beautiful buffet was prepared by the Committee and various members. Thank you to all concerned in that.

We had our Grand Christmas Draw with 59 prizes which included Hampers and all Christmas fayre. This was the biggest draw yet, thank you to all members who sold tickets.

A special leaving card was presented to Lorna Allies and a calendar which was designed especially for her and Peter by Angie from the Over 50's.

An 80th birthday card and a bouquet of flowers was given to Shirley Crosby, a club member from Beighton. Our club will be having their Christmas lunch at Acle Bridge and we will then be closed until January 8th 2019 at 1.30pm, which is slightly earlier than normal but the yearly subscription of £7.00 is also due on that day, so it would be very much appreciated if members would come early. Also we will hold a short AGM before we start the meeting, and also to update members on what's happening within the club for 2019.

THURSFORD SHOW 2019 - If you are interested in going to Thursford we are hoping to do a coach again this year. Do give me a ring. Non - members welcome.

If you would like to join our club January 8th 2019 is the day to come, new members will be welcome, from any village.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy & Healthy 2019. See you on January 8th at 1.30pm!!!! Angie Woolsey (Secretary/Treasurer)

Outlook – are your Club dates missing? We haven’t received any forward programmes from clubs for this next year – so if your meeting is missing from the Calendar, that is probably why. Ed.

Calthorpe Cottages, The Green, Acle, Norwich NR13 3QX

Tel: 01493 751351 Fax : 01493 751912

Kent & Co is a family-run law firm with over 25 years of experience. We are a village practice which offers a high standard of legal work Bure Room balanced with a personal, caring and friendly service. Modern technology ensures speed Acle Recreation Centre and efficiency at a reasonable cost. Every Thursday at

We specialise in:- 9.30am, 11.30am, • Wills and Probate • Residential conveyancing 5.30pm & 7.30pm • Tax planning and Trusts • Elderly client care • Commercial conveyancing Tel: Kay on 07809 • Leases & tenancies • Lasting Power of Attorney Deeds 705414 • Public Guardianship work

Acle parish HALL IS AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Opposite the Co-op Recently Redecorated, includes kitchen with cooker and ‘fridge

To Hire contact: Mrs Page 01493751125/07947889652


NO MARKET JANUARY - Next Market on SATURDAY 9th February

LOOK WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Cakes, Desserts & Sweets : Crafts : Greetings Cards :Bread, Scones & Sausage Rolls : Eggs : Pork Butcher:Jewellery : Tipple’s Brewery: Smoked & Wet Fish : Jams & Preserves Fruit & Vegetables REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE


Gold, Frankincense & Glitter 13. 24th November '18 Acle Parish Hall

We certainly cannot be without any 'Glitter' in our lives especially at this time of year with our festive decorations....

Well, Saturday was no exception, Gold, Glittery and the room smelling of Frankincense !!!.

The atmosphere was incredible, full of Christmas Spirit, with the choir singing and the aroma of mulled wine, hot mince pies, sausage rolls in the air from the bustling kitchen.....

Festive stalls in abundance and so many wonderful people who attended and helped raised the amazing amount of £745.10.....

I am so happy and absolutely delighted and cannot 'Thank' everyone enough who helped me !!..... The Rectory remains sprinkled with glitter !!!!!...

Helen S Greenland xx

Reedham Bottle Banks It is requested that public make good use of the bottle banks in the village over the festive period by using the banks in our village (Reedham). There is one at the village hall and another opposite the bottom of Middle Hill. All money raised from these throughout the year benefits our own village. Diane Rushbrook

Mercury Correspondent for Reedham I would like to thank all organisations which provide me with news for the Yarmouth Mercury weekly. I have been our village correspondent since 1983 & keep scrap books of all that has gone on over the years. Anyone interested is welcome to look at these. Being born in Reedham I want to keep the village on the map, so carry on supplying me with forthcoming events. Wishing all a Healthy & Happy 2019. Diane Rushbrook Reedham Village Show – Sunday 18th August 2019 14. A meeting will be held in February or March to discuss the Show. Everybody is welcome to make suggestions – date to be announced in Outlook.

Reedham Gardening Club We wish all our readers a happy and fruitful New Year. Although we cannot do much at the moment we can all look for signs of Spring. Bulbs will be growing and soon buds will begin to appear. Meanwhile flowing shrubs and berries bring colour. Although pigeons can be a nuisance, we can feed sunflower seeds, peanuts and fat balls for the smaller birds. It is essential they have water so make sure some is available when it’s frosty. Janet I.T. We resume our meetings on Monday 14th January 2019 – Reedham Village Hall at 2pm. If you received any high technical presents for Christmas, and need help, this will be the place for you. Janet Answer to last Month’s Pathfinder Puzzle ‘All praise, eternal Son, to thee Whose advent sets thy people free, Whom, with the Father, we adore, And Spirit blest, for ever more.’ BBC Songs of Praise no. 36 verse 5.

What is the correct address for Reedham Church? Recently I have read two different addresses for the church and I think both are incorrect – “Off Church Dam” and “Church Lane”. Church Dam runs northward from Church Dam railway level crossing and joins Church Road some yards west of the west gates of the churchyard. Church Lane? I was born in Reedham, have always lived in Reedham and have never heard of Church Lane. My older brother tells me that if I go past the entry to Joseph House the road goes round a bend to a cart track across the fields to a crossing on the railway line – this is Church Lane. The Railway knows the crossing as Church Lane Crossing. Also it has been known as Aggie’s crossing. So, where is our church? The Old School House is numbered 3 – that is, 3 Church Road and the rest of the numbering follows on from there. Philip’s Street Atlas Norfolk © 2005 shows Church Road with the Old Hall on one side and the symbol for the church on the other. A little further east is a line across the road – the yellow ‘minor road’ colouring stops and a track outline is shown across the railway line. Therefore, taking into account all the above information, I suggest that the correct address for the church is: St John the Baptist Church, Church Road, Reedham. Lyndsay Fisher The Post Office Post Code finder gives Joseph House as no. 1 and The Old Hall as no.2 Church Road. Church Road is rather unusual in having a right turn at a T junction and then a left turn at a fork in the road, both of them crossing ‘Give Way’ markings. Ed.

C hill Church We are a group for young people within the Reedham Church Community, we meet on: 1st and 3rd Sundays 3.30 – 5.30pm We offer games, talks/discussions, faith time, crafts and a light supper – but it does vary from month to month. We kick off this year with: 6th Jan - Gifts and Giving 20th Jan – a trip to Norwich Cathedral for the Epiphany Service at 3.30pm 3rd Feb – What is Prayer? 3rd Mar – What is Baptism?

We have a new name, time slot and frequency at the request of our young people and they are creating an area in the Church for their dedicated use, the Tower Room, If you have young people who might be interested, come and join us. IF you would like to be involved in supporting us, we are always looking for a hand to set-up, provide food, be a guest speaker or a welcoming face, we would really appreciate it.

Find us on Facebook @ChillChurchReedham Or contact Isla on 07809765745 St John the Baptist, Church Road, Reedham, NR13 3TZ