Goose Fat Information Service and Website Launched August 2007

Goose fat producers and distributors have launched a new Goose Fat Information Service, along with a supporting helpline and website. These services will act as a resource tool for trade and consumer visitors, who can easily access information about the product and its many uses. Goose fat is normally associated with Christmas dinner and the perfect roast potato, but the product can also be used all year round and it is hoped that these new services will encourage growth in this area.

Visitors can visit the website to find everything they need to know about the fat and its special qualities. There is general information on the product as well as notes on taste and valuable nutritional information. The website serves up a selection of recipes for users to try from classic roast potatoes to more adventurous risotto, and duck confit. The varied and sometimes strange medicinal properties of goose fat can also be found here, for example ‘remedying a ‘cold on the chest’ by smearing it onto brown paper and applying it to the chest or back as a poultice’.

Goose fat has become known as the secret ingredient behind the best roast potatoes. It has a distinctive taste and light texture which makes it ideal for cooking in this way and its high burning point guarantees crispy ‘roasties’ every time. Goose fat is also great for roast parsnips and creating the perfect pastry crust, and can be used in a variety of savoury dishes.

Goose fat has many famous fans. Chef Henry Harris uses copious amounts of it. He says, ““Like the pot of dripping that lived in the larder of my childhood, Goose Fat with its savoury, comforting and warming characteristics is an essential store cupboard ingredient. With the ability to turn simple ingredients like roast potatoes, rosemary and garlic into a sumptuous meal, Goose Fat is a chef’s best friend and secret weapon.”

Other fans include , Rick Stein, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Paul Rankin. has also hailed it as the ultimate Christmas cooking ingredient, saying: “It’s the best fat for roasting potatoes in the whole world … nothing beats goose fat for crunchy, sweet roast potatoes.”

The Goose Fat Information Service 3 Bloomsbury Place, , WC1A 2QL Telephone: 020 7631 3232 Email: [email protected]