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For additional information please visit Editor-in-chief: Hans P. van Egmond, retired from RIKILT Wageningen UR, the Netherlands Section editors • -omics Jeffrey W. Cary, USDA, USA • feed, toxicology Johanna Fink-Gremmels, Utrecht University, the Netherlands • toxicology Isabelle P. Oswald, INRA, France • pre-harvest Alain Pittet, Nestlé Research Center, Switzerland • post-harvest Paola Battilani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy Armando Venancio, Universidade do Minho, Portugal • analysis Michele Solfrizzo, Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Italy Franz Berthiller, BOKU, Austria • food, human health, analysis Gordon S. Shephard, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa • economy, regulatory issues Felicia Wu, Michigan State University, USA • industrial challenges and solutions Michele Suman, Barilla, Italy Editorial board Paula Alvito, National Institute of Health, Portugal; Diána Bánáti, ILSI Europe, Belgium; Lei Bao, Nestlé Food Safety Institute, China P.R.; Catherine Bessy, FAO, Italy; Deepak Bhatnagar, USDA, USA; Pedro A. Burdaspal, Centro Nacional de Alimentación, Spain; Sofia N. Chulze, Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina; Naresh Magan, Cranfield University, United Kingdom; Chiara Dall’Asta, University of Parma, Food and Drug Department, Italy; Marthe De Boevre, MYTOX SOUTH, Ghent University, Belgium; Johan De Meester, Cargill R&D Centre Europe, Belgium; Monique De Nijs, RIKILT Wageningen UR, the Netherlands; Sarah De Saeger, Ghent University, Belgium; Piotr Goliński, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland; Yun Yun Gong, University of Leeds, United Kingdom; Tetsuhisa Goto, Shinshu University, Japan (retired); Martin E. Kimanya, The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania; Rudolf Krska, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Peiwu Li, Key Lab of Detection & Control for Mycotoxins, China P.R.; Antonio F. Logrieco, Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Italy; Rebeca López-García, Logre International, Mexico; Chris Maragos, USDA, USA; Gerardo Morantes, Buhler Group, USA; Monica Olsen, National Food Administration, Sweden; Roland Poms, MoniQA Association, Austria; James J. Pestka, Michigan State University, USA; Michael Rychlik, Technical University München, Germany; Helen Schurz Rogers, CDC/NCEH/DEEHS, USA; Hamide Z. Şenyuva, FoodLife International Ltd., Turkey; Trevor K. Smith, University of Guelph, Canada; Martien Spanjer, VWA, the Netherlands; Milena Stránská-Zachariasova, University of Chemistry & Technology, Czech Republic; Jörg Stroka, European Commission, IRMM; Frans Verstraete, European Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection; Cees Waalwijk, Plant Research International, the Netherlands; Thomas B. Whitaker, USDA, USA; Christopher P. Wild, IARC, WHO Founding editor: Daniel Barug, Bastiaanse Communication, the Netherlands Publication information World Mycotoxin Journal: ISSN 1875-0710 (paper edition); ISSN 1875-0796 (online edition) Subscription to ‘World Mycotoxin Journal’ (4 issues per year) is either on institutional (campus) basis or on personal basis. Subscriptions can be online only, printed copy, or both. Prices are available upon request from the publisher or from the journal’s website ( Subscriptions are accepted on a prepaid basis only and are entered on a calendar year basis. Subscriptions will be renewed automatically unless a notification of cancelation has been received before the 1 of December. Issues are sent by standard mail. Claims for missing issues should be made within six months of the date of dispatch. Further information about the journal is available through the website Paper submission Editorial office Wageningen Academic Publishers P.O. Box 220 Wageningen Academic 6700 AE Wageningen The Netherlands Publishers Tel: +31 317 476516 Fax: +31 317 453417 For questions related to paper submission: [email protected] For questions related to orders, claims and back volumes: [email protected] Wageningen Academic World Mycotoxin Journal, 2018; 11 (4): 531-538 Publishers Assessment of mycotoxin contamination in maize and wheat stored in silos using two sampling processes A.O. Mallmann1, M.S. Oliveira1, P. Dilkin1, J.K. Vidal1, G.R. Meinerz2, C.A.A. Almeida1 and C.A. Mallmann1* 1Laboratory of Mycotoxicological Analysis (LAMIC), Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), P.O. Box 5011, 97105- 970 Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 2Department of Agronomy, Federal University of Southern Border (UFFS), 97900-000 Cerro Largo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; [email protected] Received: 5 February 2018 / Accepted: 13 April 2018 © 2018 Wageningen Academic Publishers RESEARCH ARTICLE Abstract Mycotoxin contamination of stored cereals often occurs in a highly heterogeneous manner, necessitating the use of representative sampling to minimise analytical errors. The objective of this study was to compare mycotoxin analysis in stored maize and wheat using two sampling processes. Samples were obtained from four maize silos and two wheat silos. A pneumatic probe was introduced in the centre and at the four central points of each quadrant, from the top to the bottom of the silo (12 m). For sampling process A, this was divided into three samples (upper third, middle third and lower third of the silo height). No sample subdivision took place for sampling process B. LC-MS/MS was used for analysis of aflatoxins (AF), fumonisins (FB), zearalenone (ZEA) and deoxynivalenol (DON) in maize and DON and ZEA in wheat. Sampling procedures were compared with respect to the variability of the collected data. AF, FB, ZEA and DON were detected in 77.5, 100.0, 56.7 and 0.0% of the maize samples, respectively, and the mean concentration differed significantly between silos. In wheat, 100.0 and 97.5% of the samples were contaminated with DON and ZEA, respectively, and there was no significantly difference in mean concentration between silos. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the coefficients of variation (CVs) of AF (54.9 and 58.6%), FB (19.4 and 27.3%) and ZEA (68.9 and 85.5%) between sampling processes A and B in maize silos. The DON CV in sampling process A (10.1%) was lower (P<0.05) than the CV in sampling process B (22.2%) in wheat silos. Overall, the two sampling processes provided analytical results with the same variability in maize and different variability for DON in wheat, where process A yielded results with lower variability. Keywords: Aspergillus, Fusarium, mycotoxin variability, stored grains, grain bins 1. Introduction Mycotoxins contamination produced by Fusarium might initially occur in the field. During harvest, if the The storage of cereals in vertical silos, whether or not grains have a high moisture content, fungal growth can equipped with temperature control and aeration, is a continue after harvest and the toxins can accumulate to common practice throughout the world to preserve grain significant levels before drying and storage (Sanchis and quality and safety (Lacey, 1989). However, even when the Magan, 2004). Conversely, growth of Aspergillus species strictest control practices are employed, stored cereals can is limited in the field but storage conditions with lower become contaminated by secondary metabolites produced grain moisture provide ideal conditions for growth and by several species of filamentous fungi, termed mycotoxins. mycotoxin production (Marin et al., 1998). Maize can be Several species from the Fusarium, Penicillium and frequently contaminated with several mycotoxins, including Aspergillus genera have the ability to produce mycotoxins, aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) (AF), fumonisins (B1 and B2) and these fungi are frequently found in stored cereals (FB), zearalenone (ZEA) and deoxynivalenol (DON), among worldwide (Magan et al., 2003). others (Maziero and Bersot, 2010; Oliveira et al., 2017; Streit et al., 2012). The major wheat contaminants are DON ISSN 1875-0710 print, ISSN 1875-0796 online, DOI 10.3920/WMJ2018.2314 531 A.O. Mallmann et al. and ZEA (Calori-Domingues et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2016; 2. Material and methods Mallmann et al., 2017; Zaied et al., 2012). Consumption of food or feed contaminated with mycotoxins can produce Samples of maize and wheat grains stored in silos, several deleterious effects on human and animal health, containing approximately 1000 t of maize or wheat in each mainly due to their carcinogenic, mutagenic (Bennett and silo, were collected. The silos structures were identical
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