PEHSONAL INTELLIGENCE. MRS. C. S. WITHERBEE DIED. Woman's National Henry P. Davison's MRS. H. P.O. BELMONT TO GIVE Bishop McDonnell, IN HER NEW YORK. DIES 9STH YEAR IJENDHEIM..Berthold Z., suddenlv, st Frankfort. Germany, August t in his Club Plans Shown Mrs Walton Oakley Is at Woodbury. LARGE LUNCHEON IN NEWPORT Head of at 52d year. Daughter Engaged L. I., (or a few days. Brooklyn Passes Away Summer BI.t'M..On August 6, Itahbl Abraham Rluin, Home of Dr. E. H. Peaslee. husband of Hannah Henrique* Bluru and at to War Air Hero Mr. and Mrs. William E. S. Griswold Is Dead father of Jacob L. and Kalph H Blum, Southampton have Diocese, chaplain of Maw York Police Departmnt gone to Lyme, Conn., from Lenox. Mrs. Joseph E. Widener Has Her First Entertainment Bpectal Despatch to Tub New Yobk Hbiuu>. ami Honor Legion of N. Y. P. I> chap¬ lain of flvllevue and Allied Hoapi'ula and Mr. David R. Norfolk, Conn.. Aug. 8..Mi's. Char- N Y. State chaplain, In ills 77>th year. Ser¬ Mrs. C. .. Cftlhoun Lectures 011 Forgan, Jr., of Chicago of the Season.Mr. William K. Vanderbilt Gives vices Is at the Plaza. Born in , Ordained .otte Spencer Wltrerbee died thin morn¬ will be held at the Temple Emanuel, 5th av. and 4.3d St.. Tuesday morning, at 11 the Foundation.Arrivals for Races. in Became ing In her ninety-fifth year at Highfielda, o'clock Prli nds of deceased, especially Mrs. Charles Oakes has returned from Trophy Swimming , Bishop the summer home of her and members of Police Department, are In¬ daugnter vited to vi"w the remain- at The Funeral Rlchfleld Springs and is at her country I son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. at Resorts. at the Age of 38. Church, Broadway at ilfith at., Monday. home, Fellcldad Farm, Katonah, N. Y. Sp'dal Despatch to The New York Hhui.d. daughter of the late Senator Alger of "p-eelee, with whom she had lived since August 8, and are Invited to attend the Newport, R. I., Aug. 8..Society to¬ Detroit, Is visiting Miss Kate Darlington, 1 890. services nt the temple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graves and their day kept up Its rounds of entertain¬ of and Mrs. James She was born in Vergenres. Vt.. the, Monday, August 8, at her Special Despatch to The New Yobk He8at.ii. son are daughter Bishop Brentwood, L. 8..The Rt. 701 Madison spending a few days at the ments. luncheons, dinners, golf and ten¬ at The Corners X., Aug. .laughter of Jjnahtan B. Spencer, a residence. av,, Jenny Maro- Southamtton, X. V., Aug. 8..At the Ambassador Henry Darlington, Charles who the teau, wife of George B. Bodwell. Inter¬ Hotel. nis, as well as philanthropic enterprises' Mme. Bertha Erza, French soprano, Rev. Edward McDonnell. Bishop pioneer lumberman, served In ment Spring Gic Hartford, invitation of Mrs. Francis Burrttll Hoff¬ war of wns Cemetery, On next Thursday Mrs. Oliver H. P. who is to sing at the Art Association of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brook¬ 1812. Her mother Mary Conn. N'h e and Pari papers please copy. man In Memorial Hall this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hurd of 55 Belmont will give a luncheon Walker Spencer also of a well known ^ large in a Joint concert, made her lyn. died at the Convent of the BONNER..At Glenbrook, t'nnn., on Sunday, East SIxty-flfth street are receiving con¬ at Wednesday to-day Vermont family. T. 1021. YYllllam Mra. Clarence Crittenden Calhoun ot party the golf club. On August 19 American debut this summer. Additional been August Boflner. Funoiai gratulations on the birth of a son. Mrs. John will a dinner Sisters of St. Joseph, where he had Hei early married life was spent at services will b* lield at the residence of a talk on the Aspegren give patronesses for the event Include Miss his daughter Alex Washington gave Woman's for Axel F Wallenberg, the Swed¬ 111 for several weeks. The end came at Port Henry, N Y., where her husband Mrs. J Rumraler, 91 National Foundation which Is be Mr. and Mrs. Oliver De Coster Agnes Storer, Mmes. John K. Mcla»nnan, was Interested lit the Wltherbee-Sher- Maple at.. Glenbrook, Com. on Tuesday. to Lancey ish Minister to the United Slates, and on Arthur P. 11 :40 o'clock this morning. It was August It. ut 7 30 P. M (daylight saving the will go to-day to Southampton from Mrs. Oliver G. will William if. Schmidt, Jennings. man mines which have been In opera- lime). built in national capital Saturday Jennings M. A. McCormiok, William T Llbby, thought the Bishop was convalescing Tenafly. N. J., to be guests of Mr. and give a dinner, followed by Informal 'ton seventy years. Later Bhe lived In Mrs. Calhoun Is president of the or¬ Mrs. Charles M. Connfelt. Robert White, John C. Burke, Mortimer until Saturday, when he suffered a re¬ New York, passing much time with her BBOSNAN..On Sunday. August 7, 1021. In dancing. A. .T. K. Denniston. J. K. Sul¬ the the "!ith year of his age, John, beloved ganisation, which will be the largest Mrs. E. Wldener a lunch¬ Sullivan, with of unconsciousness son, late Frank S. Witherbee, at his husband of Margaret and father Joseph gave Morria M. Curley, A. K. Dunn, lapse, periods house In lower Fifth Gaffney woman's club in the . Mrs. Charier, E. Sands, who Is a eon, her first entertainment of thj sea¬ livan, avenue. Her grand¬ of Edward. William. F'rank, Frederick A. He grew gradually worse until his children are and John and Mrs. Gract guest of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Deta- son, at the vVhlte- Albert C. Landers, Harry Raldridge, Mrs. Charles Duncan Brosnan Johnp There Is a certain local interest In the to-day Muenchlnger Jnmes Kirwln nnd Guetav J. 3. White. death. Miller ami Mr. Edmund Peaslee. dury, Mrs. Emily Car;, and Mrr May field, in Paris, will sail for New York house. Among the guests were Mr. and W. King. Funeral from his late proposed structure, as the chosen will be Misses Carlotta Mr*-. Witherbee was a talented residence, design September 17 and will be at the Dakota Mrs. George D. Wldener. Mr. and Mrs. The ushers Bishop McDonnell had been In declin¬ painter 502 11 tit St., Brooklyn, on Wednesday, for and In oils' and water colors, at 0 rto In the competition of architects was the winter. Carter R. Mrs. Havemeyer, Kate Darlington Nancy ing health since last January. With accomplished August 10, A. M , thence to the Leidy, Marjorle OeW In music and took the intensive Ohurrh of the Holy Park awarded to Mr. F. Burrali Hoffman, Jr. rlcha and Mr. Henry F. Eldrldge. King. chronic kidney trouble he had high blood up study Name, Prospect Mis are Mr. and of photography when 80 years old. She West arid Proipect av., win ro a solemn Alexander H. Tiers has gone to Mrs. Vincent Astor a dinner to¬ At the New Cliffs Hotel pressure, and while h« was at Rock- mass tie Mrs. Calhoun showed the that will II ifj gave ast her first vote when and was high requiem will offered for the plans the White Mountains from Southampton, at Beechwood. Mrs. Mrs Charles S. Brown and Mr. Douglas ledge, Fla.. about February 1, he had a 92, rcpoee of his soul. Members f th» Art be L. night Henry P. interested In all public until iy followed In erecting the building for 1., by automobile, and later will go Russell was among the guests. Robinson of New York, Capt. Adolptous slight stroke, producing aphasia. This questions and Navy Modal of Honor Legion, U. S. to Mrs. T A. cleared to Dr. her death, which followed a few days' Grant Post. No. 327. O. A it Bro iklyn the foundation, whose membership will Quebec. Mr. William K. Vanderbllt is Inter¬ Andrews. U. 3. N. Mr. and gradually up, according letter J. F. W. a was Illness. She died from Infirmities of age Carriers Association, Kings be in the ested In the series of RWimmtng races Parlln, Miss Bessie Herman, MJss Car¬ Meagher, specialist who County Civil Employees Association and drawn from all the States \ : Mrs. Alfred L. White, Miss Ella Cu- and Mr. Andrew called In consultation, but the kidney Union. which Mr. James Brett Stokes Is ar¬ oline Covington Hop- Supreme Court attaches are invited to sack and Miss Elizabeth Townsend, who for the at kins of Raleigh, N. C. condition did not Improve. Death was attend. Auto cortege. have ranging young persons Baileys ¦.uused LEROY W. ROSS DIES Among those In the audience were Col. been at Vichy, will sail for New Beach. While here last Friday aboard Mr. Ogden L. Mills has ended a short by arterlo-sclerosls and nephritis. CAKFREY'..H'.chard K. Caffrcy, aged 78 and C. York by the Rotterdam August 17. his steam the he at the Hill Top Inn and returned Ills household were with him when he years, at 5:80 A. M., August 7, at his resi¬ Mrs. Henry May, Mrs. Robert yacht, Eagle, presented stay SUDDENLY AT 38 110 a to be for this week to New York. died. dence. Chichester av.. Jamaica. I., t. Black, Mrs. Frank Rice, Mrs. Alvin W. trophy competed was Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Hlne, who by boys and girls under 14. The entry He the second Bishop of Brook¬ CARTER..At her residence. Cooperstown, Krech, Mr. Francis Burrali Hoffman, were at Glen Cove, L. I., have left for list has been posted at Baileys Beach. I.eetnre at Art Association. lyn, succeeding the late Bishop Lough- Was United States Attorney N Y'.. oil the evening of Sunday. Au¬ Mrs. Charles R. Henderson, Mrs. Fred¬ Kennebunkport, Me., to remain until The date has not been settled lln. gust 7. Ann Grace Carter, daughter of September. definitely, On Friday afternoon at the Art Asso¬ The Right Rev. Charles Edward Mc¬ for Eastern District. the late Jane Russell Averell and William erick H. Betts, Mr. and Mrs. James L. but It will probably be next Saturday. J.awson Carter, In her 57th year. Funeral J0- ciation the Very Rev. Dean Bratenahl Donnell, Roman Catholic Bishop of; services at Christ Church. Cooperstown, Breesc, Mrs. P. A. Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dadmun and her of the National Cathedral of Washington Brooklyn. Assistant of the Leroy W. Ross, United States Attor¬ N. at 11 A. M. Picnic After Rncea. Bishop for the Eastern Y.. Wednesday. August 10, Mrs. Bart In daughter. Miss Lydia E. Dadmun, will will give a lecture. The patrons and Pontifical Throne and a Noble of the ney District, which in- DAY IK..On August 7, Frank A be¬ George French. Mrs. George A be held after the races 1021, go to Lenox from North East Harbor, picnic will patronesses for the event are Mr. and Papal Household, was born In Manhattan eludes Brooklyn, Ivong Island and Staten loved husband of Florence Davis, In his X^ary, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gerard. the Stokes next After died 50th year. Funeral service at his late resi¬ Me., on September- 1 and later to Hot for cup Friday. Mrs. Edward J. Bcrwlnd. the Rev. and In 1854, the son of a printer, and his Inland, suddenly last night from luncheon will be an entertainment heart dence. 83 West 37th st., Uayonne, N. J . Mrs. Joel B. Krhardt. Dr. and Mrs. Springs, Vs. there Mrs. Malbone H. Dlrrkhead, Mr and early years were In the old disease at his summer home In on at 8 for the followed spent L. the attack Tuesday, P. M. Peter B. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas young persons, by Mrs. Edson Bradley, Mrs. John Nicholas Seventh ward. His youth wus spent In Babylon, I. He suffered nSK.-At Hendersonvllle, N. Minis- water and beach while on C., Friday. H. Pratt, Mrs. Fairfax S. Landstreet, Prince Bibesco, the Rumanian sports. Rrown, Mrs. Harold Brown. Mr. and the diocese of which he was afterward sitting the front porch of nts August 5, suddenly, of heart failure. In tor at Washington. Is at the Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Paul FItz Simons will Mrs. J. Francis A. Clark, the Rlgtot Rov, to become the religious head. home and died before medical assist- the 50th year of his age. Alexander '7. Mrs. William W. Wlllock, Mr. and Mrs. M iss Alice T. Davison Hotel. sailed start for their Adirondack® ance could be obtained. Flsk, son of the late Harvey and Louisa rrincess Bibesco last, Wednesday and Mrs. James H. Darlington. Mr. and After studying for some time In the Flsk. Funeral G. Mrs. week to visit her one time camp at Upper St. Regis I.ake They Mr. Ross wns born in Ewlng Presbyterian Church. Charles Francklyn, Edward P. parents, Mrs. Dudley Davis, the Rev. and Mrs. old Dc La Salle Institute, In Second Brooklyn thirty- Trenton, N. J., at 1 o'clock (daylight sav¬ Mellon, Mrs. Thomas H. Barber, Mr. Artenms L. Gates to Wed Girl Prime Minister and Lady Asquith, of will return to Newport on September t John Howard Demlng, Mr. and Mrs. street, young McDonnell entered St eight years ago and had been active in ing time) Tuesday, August 0 Automo¬ Great Britain. for the autumn. On Christmas Day and Mrs. John El¬ Francis Xuvicr's College. He showed Democratic circles for some years. He biles will m«et friends Pennsylvania R. R. and Mrs. Howard Townsend and Miss Stuart Duncan. Mr. N. on of thev start for Europe for the winter. such aptitude at his books that he was was a graduate of Polytechnic Institute station, Trenton, J., arrival fain Juliana Who Served as Wire¬ The doll houses and doll furniture liott, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eustls, leaving Pennsylvania station. New York, Cutting. Mr. and Mrs. Olney B. Malrs, who Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock, Mr. and Mrs. able to begin his studies for the priest- and the New York Law University. Dur¬ £ o'clock, daylight saving time. are exhibition at the Art Association are at¬ war as Work for the village fair of next Fri¬ occupying Onadune, the Edward Mr. and Mrs. John hood two years In advance of the 'other ing the he Berved In the army GRAHAM..At N. on less Expert. de Clifford at East tracting much attention. The Nan¬ William Fahnestock, Caldwell, J., August 7, day began this morning when Mrs. A. Chlsholm place D'ifals, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lewis members of his class. He was accepted Captain, being assigned to the the Judge 1021, James Graham. 5° years old, form¬ Hampton, L. I. are receiving congraula- tucket House, with Its 'walk" on the as a student for the Achdiocese of New Advocate's office. About two years ago erly of 120 Jerome st., Brooklyn. Funeral Stewart Gillespie, the Rev. and Mrs. Julian D services at 21 Park Wed¬ Walker and Mrs. George Deary tions on the birth of a daughter, Con¬ roof, where Sir Trlston Coffin might York Cardinal McCloskey, and In he was sworn In as United States At¬ av., Caldwell. Mr. Davison of J. P. stance have watched for- his to Hamlin, the Rev. and Mrs. Stanley C. by nesday. August 10. at 4 P. M Relative* were on hand at Agawam Park to super¬ Henry Pomeroy Mairs, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. whaling ship 1871 he went to Rome. torney, receiving the appointment from and friends are Invited to attend Inter¬ come one of the fea¬ Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtlss intend the of the Morgan & Co. and Mrs. Davison from Malrs before her marriage was Miss Eva sailing home. Is Barton Bishop McDonnell was not 18 years President Wilson. ment August 11. at Evergreen Cemetery. installing merry go Eugenia Ward. tures. There are four beds, winged James. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Brooklyn. the thotr country home at Locust Valley post Jarobs, the Rev. Charles W. Forster, old when he entered the American Col-1 Mr. Ross leaves his widow, one son. round, first of the attractions to be chairs, painted to represent the chintz He received of doctor Ross, and his mother He HALSEY*..On August 7 at Danville, 111 announced the of Miss Mr. and Mrs. lege. the degree Leroy Jr., Eldred 3 put in place. It occupies a place close yesterday engagement WASHINGTON. of our great-grandmothers' day: tall Lydla Redmond, of the of his was a member of the Montauk and Cres¬ Carter Halsey, aged years, be¬ their Alice Trubee doll bouses. Philip Rhlnelander 2d. Mrs. Charles L. divinity upon completion loved son of the Ro*,*. Parley Watson and to the borders of the lake. elder daughter, Miss clocks and Innumerable course and was ordained May 19, 1878. cent Athletic and the Bay Shore Yacht Gladys Thome of Ti- Mo. Fu¬ Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock has Arrangements for the hospital fete to F. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Halsey klo, Members of the summer colony In Davison to Mr. Artemus I.. Gates, son Joined Mrs. Hitchcock and Miss Ruth Spencer. Mrs. Eugene Sturtevant, ttie In the autumn of 1878 Dr. McDonnell clubs. His winter residence was neral services at chapel of Y'ork A East are Interested be given next Friday are progressing returned to New York and was as¬ 640 Second street, Swift, 352 East 145th St.. in Tue»da> a: Hampton In the fair. of Mrs. Emma L. Gates of Clinton, la., Hitchcock at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Miller will be Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Terry. Mr. Brooklyn. 2:30 I'. M. Interment YVoodlawn. Mr. Albert Herter, who this senson lias rapidly. Mrs. Alfred J. signed by Cardinal McCloskey as an as- and now connected with the New York Atlantlo City. In charge of the hook table and Is solicit¬ and Mrs. Hamilton Fish Webster. Mr. HAMMIL.I...'Caleb Wild, died Part*. July 19 the cottage In that village which was Mrs. Wetmore. slstant to St. Mary's Church In Grand Interment services Woodlawn Oem last Trust Company. ing books of all descriptions. and (teorge Peabody street. The he was occupied summer by the late Fnrloo Senator Robert L. Owen has gone to On afternoon there will be a following January JOHN J. BROSNAN DIES; 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. August 10. Caruso and Dr. Alexander Hamilton Rice will re¬ Thursday transferred to St. Church In Rntranoe Webster av. gate. his family, has presented The romance goes back to Mr. Gates's Atlantic City to be with Mrs. Owen, tea and dance at the Art Association of Stephen's one peat In the part of September WORE MEDAL OF HONOR TAFfeFR In r>9th at of his paintings to the managers of at Yale, where he was of the who Is at the Hotel Ambassador. early East Twenty-eighth street, remaining Lionel, his year, his trie fair. college days the lecture which he recently gave- be¬ which Mrs. Charles L. Hussey, wife of there until the of St. Patrick's residence. 3681 Broadway. beloved husband class TJ. S. will be In charge. opening of Myrtle. Funeral Mrs. Samuel T. of 1918 with Mr. Trubee Davison, fore the Harvard men. It will he for Capt. Hussey, N., Cathedral In Fifth avenue In May. Be- private. Skidmore, who will Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bu.larrl have Won Decoration at Peters¬ . be her brother. Their continued the benefit of the building fund of the The event Is for the benefit of the New¬ cause of his wide lAEOER At Montclair, N. J.. August 8, In charge of the East Hampton friendship gone to Lenox. Mass.. to visit Mr. and Girl Mrs. Will¬ knowledge of the 1921, Otto, husband of Eleanor I.. new Trinity house, which now port Scouts, of which Catholic Cardinal as- in Civil War. In booth, will have as her assistants Mines. throughout the war. in which each Mrs. Norman Davis. iam 3. wife of Rear Admiral liturgy McCloskey burg his TOtti year. Funeral services «111 be George W. Schurman, C. Wheaton amounts to nearly $14,000. Sims, signed him to the Cathedral to direct the held at his late residence 1" Prospect served with distinction, and led to their Miss Annette Sims. Is at the head. John J. veteran the Terrace. Montclair, Wednesday afternoon Vaughan, Scott McLanahan, George Kth- Mr. Robert Fairbanks of tnd'anapo- Alger Beatley, grand- elaborate ceremonies held there. Broanan, of civil at 2 :30 o'clock. engagement. After the death of war who was awarded the ridge and John McCall. They will have Ms has arrived In Washington and Is ot Cardinal Mc- Congressional KL.K1N-Benjamin 8.. 'It W'" an Oriental Mr. Gates was in of naval Closkey he became Corrl- Medal of Honor, died Sunday night at > bazaar, where many beautl- charge tho Wlllard. Archbishop suddenly, at Sacandaga. N. .< AtTguetVAugust o, ful articles from the LIPKOWSKA, DANCER, TROUBLES OF 1921,' gan's secretary and later he was ap¬ his home, 592 Eleventh street, Brooklyn, aged 53. hrother of Frederick Klein. Fu¬ East will he on aviation at Dunkirk with the rank of neral sale, Including rare bits of Jade, scarfs The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Rnd- VAUDEVILLE REVIEW pointed Chancellor of the New York in his 76th year. 44 Prospect St.. Glovcrsvllle. N. Y. of lieutenant commander. He was shot MARRIED TO RUSSIAN Mr. Rrosnan was and August 11. 2 no P. M. rich metallic materials, old lacquered cllffe have gone to the Huron Mountain Diocese. born In Ireland I was re¬ Dr. came to his IOHTHIPE.-On Sunday. August 7, 1»3». boxes, Jewelry embroidered Chinese down by the Germans, escaped, Club In Michigan. Mcllonnell represented Archbishop the United States with William Wilson of "8 Willow st. son gar- Jeasel Presents when of ments, beads ami charms, all of which captured and was a prisoner at the end Dimitri Pertzoff, Embassy At¬ George Trav¬ Corrigan at Pope I.eo's golden jubilee. parents he was four years old. At nev I H and Helen Llghthipe. Funeral will be While he was abroad the made the age of fifteen he enlisted in the 164th service wlil be held at the I-cffert- Place nrranged to make a striking war won esty at the Palace. Pope of the He the Distinguished tache, Weds. him a Private which Regiment, N. Y. and rhapcl 811 I.effects place, near Crane picture. IN THE BERKSHIRES. Papal Chamberlain, Volunteers, particl- av.. on at The Service Cross of England, the Croix de gave him the title of Arch¬ pated in battles. Brooklyn, Tuesday. August 9. club tennis tournaments that be¬ George Jessel headed his own revue Monslgnor. many Announcement was made yesterday him He rescued 8 gan last month are still In progress on Guerre and Legion of Honor of Prance (onnt and Conntes.t I.nsrln Sze- travesty on revues at the Palace bishop Corrigan, appointed spiritual private John Moore, who f.lfjHTHlPE..Jerusalem Chapter. No the courts of of the In the Cathedral yester¬ Advisor of the Catholic Club on October was wounded, at the battle of Peters¬ Royal Arch Masons. Companions The the Meadow Club. The and the American Distinguished Service marriage Sunday day, and though it was called "Troubles funeral serv Ices of our Hex cup each chenyl at Wllllamiitewn. 23. 1890. burg, Va., and was himself badly wound¬ late offered year by Mr. Lyt- was of St. Nicholas, 19 Kant Ninety-seventh of 1921,'" there was nothing about It to William Wilson Uththlpe. willcompanion^be hMd tleton Medal. He also recommended by to Thi Yoik °f th,! ed. It was for this act of heroism at tbe Uefferta Fox has been won by his daugh¬ .Special Denpatrh N'bw Hhbai.d. of Miss Arladna a cause sadness. It had lively and Brooklyn that he Pla loceae, which ?Includes^ the rest of u.. was awarded evening. August 9. at * ter, Miss Genevieve Fox, with a score Admiral Congressional Lknox, Mass.. Aug. 8..Count Laszlo gi'ls, Jessel himself was and nioceJ°thTh the coveted medal. dancer and sister of Miss Lydla Llp- amusing, on He l.cffer's place near Grand ".var.. Rrooklyn of 8.1, 6.2. Her runner up was Mies M>'dal of Honor. At Yale he was captain Siechenyl of Budapest and the Coun¬ even the scenery looked bright. The April 25. 1S9:.C was^u? P^okl^c Mildred Lee. was a tess.. who was Miss Vanderbllt. to Dlmitri Pertzoff, Inland,38 yaara old nt the time of his n» Competition for this cup of the 1918 football eleve nand Gladys kowska, soprano, chief novelty was a sketch by Samuel ^01 LOST began on July 18 and It was member of Skull and arrived at the Greyloek Hotel In Wlll- is ,he ht" .dStoUtSion" AND FOUND. St. elevated B^gto GrandhNH.H?°fax. J. n£ruUonw ard open only Bones. who In the country as financial rep¬ Shlpman and Clara "Right or to iamstown from Lipman. oTthe Mr;,m daughters of members who at that Miss Davison after studying at to-day Newport. Count resentative of Russia and attached to Wrong." In which Crane Wilbur, movie LOST.Southern , Tf*mt'iU RE de l.lon Commandery. time had not anil the Paul Telekl of Hungary Is to be one of 5 SS Pacific Company stork cer¬ "3 passed their fifteenth birth¬ Catonsville, Md , Spence School came out of the t«rntrrndW7o^r^aohX tificate No. n! Knights Templar. Sir Knights You the His old star, audience to play * A3761" for 29 ehare* in the day. The competition for the Hopping here became a member of the Junior this week's speakers at the 'Institute of embassy in Washington. opposite Miss Martha Mansfield, who name 'lCate W. Reld." Notice is hereby cup Is to the She the Women's Politics and they will stay over to hear home is In Moscow bis bride's In Retro- has MrtlcldarIy*1wlp1 verted faTS?"1 given to show cause to the said company. u.r'^er up finals, resting between League. organized ; also been trifling with the screen of 16f. New Wilson I.lghthlpe on Tueadavrrwi.fev,en in r Rroadway. York. N. Y.. why a du¬ Irwin A. Powell and George Crawford. Wireless unit in 1916 with E. J. Nall.v him. met In this late. It was a court room sketch, should not Au«u"t 9. At # o'clock, th* LpTrcrx* m» Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Sabln and grad. They country. fairly plicate be Issued. Mrs. KATE and Mi's. H. Pendleton Rogers of of the Marconi Company. The unit Following the ceremony, which was entertaining, and the audience would tv REIP. '>07 W Main it.. Panvtlle, Ky. Tuxedo Park are later was taken over the Government Miss Elizabeth Tllden Sabtn of New visiting Mr. and Mrs. by attended by members of the Russian probably have enjoyed It more if they h » COST.Bank book (Anna M Proctor) of Petham became a wireless York are nt the Greyloek for August. among members of his own faithfa"h- b,,t Trust Harry Robblns at Pelham Farm. and Miss Davison ICmbassy and others, there was a dinner had known Just how to take It. Brooklyn Co., 177 Montague St.. at Cushman. Commander. Samuel C. Mlls.n. Miss Isabelle instructor at Hunter and did Dr. and Mrs. Harry Augustus Gar¬ non-^thollca at well Borough Hall Station Monday afternoon; of May and Henry Cole- College at 829 Park avenue, the home of Mr. Else and Paulson skated skilfully on an»i"u no value man have other radio work of distinction. field had a luncheon party of fourteen ice that cooled «naO- frequent trips except owner; reward $10. Finder May Joined Col. and Mrs. Serge Ughet, Financial Attache of the the house almost as to RomeR»OP Mc1Donn#>"since his elevation to the return to above address. Henry May at their villa Gortmore. persons at President's House In Wlll- much as the free orangeade. Miller The In¬ emba ssy. and shoprlc. At the time of his silver Ju LOST.fRaten Island ferry, ladles' smalt, Miss Ruth Stlllman gave a luncheon lamstown to-day. company Mack, Harry Holman and and black, leather hand U.II R. M. F. TOWNSEND WEDS cluded tho former Italian Premier, company 6 lee In 1903 he was honored by the bag. contnlnlng Jew¬ «»b av and 23d St., Wednesday eve to-day at the Shlnnecock Mills Golf Pub Hall were others who In elry, money, keys: liberal reward. S 202 8a 1ii«o no'clocknoes wie,i,Members of Cvru Mrs. Mrs. slipped Pope, who created him Assistant fJIshnn Herald nlng. Club. Another luncheon of to-day was Tomasso Tlttonl, Tlttonl, .IDLERS OK 1021" RETURN. and out of focus. Herald. Square. l.odge, 208. P COUSIN'S FORMER WIFE William Page Andrews. Mrs. Blwln G. 218: Ancient 1. RRAMA York given by Mrs. James L. Barclay at the "The All Star Idlers of who At the Riverside Miss Gladys Clark Mrs $20 REWARD. Chapter«"d^rV Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Wirt 1921," vzzrzzijjtj.*-, Igwt. August 6. passenger entrance Fall Cnmmandery, .».*. 1 .. .fl R Burnett Cottage. and anil n gave a midnight performance a short Henry Bergman Wellington I ^ River line, pier 14. four (4) fishing rods. In tv Tax Mrs. A. Lillian H. Cresswell Warren of Boston. Prof. Jesse Rlddall Cross blazed s P. Valentino will give a din¬ Mrs. time ago at the Shubert Theatre, re¬ the trail "Annabelle." a brown cant as rovers. Return to A. A «&.J5SS ® ner on Reeves of the University of Michigan, musical ?.r»:.n.;i',rhn'*",o BOBBIN'S, '.o Church St.. room torment August 20. comedy, anil A1 Raymond were 373. private. - Townsend His Bride. Garfield and Mr. James turned last night after a tour of the New RlshoP McDonnell was asked \fn T ir f Albert a Miss Lucrctla the chief cheerful I OPT iBank book No. 416696 of the KR-Tork Commandery. *>.* Sterner will give talk on England and gave their providers. hvh'ViiMItalian workmen and the contractors Central sorrow I announce the "Art" to-morrow afternoon Garfield. watering places At Proctor's Fifth Avenue Pavings Bank In the City of New York, Fraers- With In Memorial to Tub New Yo»k Hebai d- and show at the Eltlnge Theatre, as the Gallagher P,t.vat'nr work payment Please death"f Br. Kt Robert Miller where he Is Special Despatch Viscount James Bryee Lady and Shaw came Into view. At the stopped. return book to In Grand Room. «th ?£rx2 1, Hall, holding an exhibition of London and Mr. and Mrs. El- start of a week's engagement. The difference which had arisen bank. Uodge of his recent portraits and drawings. Philadelphia, Aug. 8..Society to-fl&y Bryee Twentythlrd Street Val and Ernie ______Wedneaday vvenlng at 8 3 a\^ r-; lery Sedgwick of Boston were guests of offering proved to be a variegated enter¬, decw°n . Pt*nSE lost. Sunday. 123tii-Lexlngton. 116th- t«»nd. p -ccepta-s . and Mrs. J. of the Stanton the touch. nv Judge Frederick Kerno- was surprised by announcement Stewart McLennan at Ashtn- tainment of the same type as that which represented crowning 3.1 T.lbertv bond, bank book, money; L J King. Recorder. chan, who came last Mrs. John At the New Brighton Miss Vnleska ass* reward KPCIRKA. 409 B. 71st at. week, have taken marriage at Beach Haven, N. J., Satur- In for over Sunday. She they disclosed here before. In which MONRATH -At Hlghwond. N. J Au8",f for the remainder of the season tully Tyrlnaham Suratt. deaplte the cool REWARD.heft on train between .'' the a and tea followed a various all of them surroundings, Jersey Ousts'" Morrath. Funeral service at his Barnhardt day. of Mrs. Lillian Howell Cresawell had reception by leading thesplans, almost back the warm City and Red Rank, black purse containing Oak 0. cottage on Ox Pasture Road. for then* afternoon. members of the Lambs came on brought spell GEORGE TRUMBULL LADD and watch Up heme. at.. Tuesday. August Townsend and Reginald M. F\ Townsend. n.'ualcale yesterday Club, with "Jade." a new one act money gold (keepsake), etc.. on at 8 P- M. George Leary, Jr.. left yesterday for In company were J. and did bits after the manner o.' playlet by Jersey Central R. R. Atlantic Buffalo, N. whetre he Among those Vie single herself and Chester Duvonde, which IS City Special O'CONNOR..Suddenly, at Saratoga Springs Y.. has entered second cousin of Mrs. Townsend's dl-' Merman Van Minister from the a vaudeville or else frolicked ir, ORIENTALIST, DEAD leaving 12 12 P. M. Saturday, August 6. for the boat Roljen. turn, mingled with what M Si Ht'MANN, 46 E 23th st power races for the Fisher husband. Both are In at Rome Mrs. Van Rol¬ unison. Shanghai. China, Phone Mail trophy his Orlo II. and Irlo III. Mr. vorced prominent Netherlands the press agent called "psychological 8q 4799. the social life of the jen. Dr. and Mrs. William Klnnlcutt Among the players were Herbert Held Important Posts at Yale ~ Leary's boats established new records city. mysticism'* and got away with It and no .; -sarr-eiriSel-i "»»«» M. K. Townsend was one of Draper, Mrs. William Crawford Gorgas, Corthell, Tom Lewis, Earle Foxe, Robert $29 reward questions asked to who¬ last winter at Mlarrvl, Fla. Reginald and in Far East. ever le'urns to room 7". Cotton Automobile cortege Mrs. Town- who Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lyman 1'ltkin, William B. Mack, Jed Prouty, Exchange . on Mrs. Rutherfurd Pearson has pur¬ those who publicly defended Mr. V. Building 69 Beaver St., 2 suit cases taken P1TTNAM -Entered Into rest Monday a Merlon Beecher Stowe at Stockbrldge: Nate Frank Belcher, Wellington "SCANDALS" COMING HIGHER. from Cadillac car aiisust 8 at Saratoga Springs. Sarah chase*] from the estate of her parents, send In scene at the Cricket Miss Lepsic, parked under shed a! was one of the Incidents S. Zavisko, Russian author; Mary Cross. Clarence Nordstrom, Robert Hartsdale Inn on Sunday evening. August 7. the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Pea- Club, which Hare of New- In contrast to the prevailing between 7 39 and 9 o'clock. her in an for M. Hare and Mr. Meredith Woolsey, Reginald Barlow, Victor Mor- tendency body, the Hollyhocks, a villa in Main mentioned by application of theatrical producers to reduce prices pknen pr,!S^: divorce. The was at the bunga¬ York. ley, Eftingham I'lnto, Stewart Wilson Jewelry. morn,n' street. The late Mr. and Mrs. I'eabody wedding Mrs. Richard C. Dlxey and her steter. to the $2 scale lor musical comedies were the. low of Mrs. Townsend's parents, Mr. and Will Morrlssey. Leon Errol and srg& 9ssr-«s» ks!v among pioneers of the colony. Miss Tappan enter¬ George White, producer of "Scandals of j OPT.Sundav. between 12 and t. an old and Mrs. Samuel J. Cresswell, Jr. Mr. Mary Asplnwall R. H. Burnslde staged the dancing and i Mr. and Mrs* George Edward Wood, I^enox Garden Cluh at their 1921," suddenly Jumped the seats for 1 aAcid had b#»r»n a lecturer nt th e Imperial 'fashioned round Jet brooch set In gold, tained the ensemble. , who have bcenn Mrs. Cresswell Is president of an Iron manu¬ this after- his attraction at the last Lnlveraltv Tokio inn'» either at Pfltl. end Brnadwav or Broadway Henry here. His home Is place, Tanglewood. Lenox, Liberty night and 191st st car; reward. Mrs. Asher Robbing at Asher have re¬ facturing company was Mc- to the 94 sc&lo, $4.40 with wai Calcutta. Bombay. "'*riarf'8 and THOMSON, <«& House, noon. The speaker Prof John making 399 W. 191st St. With;Wr::rat. Interment turned to Bedford, N. Y. Their son. In Ardmore. of NOTES OK THE THEATRES. tax All other seats rose corresponding- Honolulu. He was reflr H "°tU* | Is a son of Farlane of the University Pennsylva¬ Host -in Black and White taxi, between .At private^ Lieut. Gerard H. Wood, U. S. N., who The bridegroom Mr. and of wild ly with the price of the orchestra. duties at 1906 tha (irand Central and j SMITH Lawrence Townsend of this nia. who told of "the making Oil* Skinner nnd hi* company urgan re- TaleTn ,d.f;0': Depot Colllrgwood Ho- M' ; beloved hus has been la the Orient for two years, Mrs. city He Is a guest of Hitherto $3.SO bought the best seats author of numerous works on 11, tel gold mesh ha*, containing gold, onyx and in and His father was for¬ and garden hybrids." h*nr*nl* yesterday at the Empire if "Blood Wnie LESm.tb. returned to New York ten day's and Washington. at a new on week While no an" diamond vanity; larger square vanity at ago United States Minister to Mr. and Mrs. Banyer Clarkaon Ty- nnd Sand." play, by Tom Cushlng. nights. explanation ^-aublec'tr "ached" reward. T 39 Herald. Herald now Is at Md. merly Belgium. was served on the veran¬ founded cn the novel by Vicente lllasco Iba- was given for the advance, the only ^ sq. 2*S2S*Vr Par%Pa%r. FIa°tfnmMMN .Annapolis, from rtngham. Tea iU. PhDrre"fd°dn OST Tuesday everdng. August 9. at 8 o j/ouclock. Mr. Townsend returned Mexico Mahkeenac. ner Iden I'ayne !* directing the rehear.. one of Its kind so far on Broadway this Ohio, seventy-nine years ''"'"T""'' I Amethyst pin, enclrrled with dia¬ for das overlooking Lake monds. on 43th St., east of Mh av. or Interment private several weeks ago In preparation Iteno Itlano, la*t seen here In "Honey It was understood that the actor- from Western Ro"!rv«*R., ,WaJ' _ HARV.&RD SINGERS IN PARIS. lilrl." and alls* Hose Rolando, of season. graduated Cni- Madison av. to 49th st.; liberal reward. his wedding. He Is In the oil business. formerly manager wished to take advantage of verslty In 13«t and aL^ Phono Murray Hill 9i90. Capt. Charles S. Townsend. former J. R. FELL HOSTESS. The Rose Girl," have been engaged by Sam Glee flab Now MRS. H. Ilnrrl* for Berlin's "Music Box Revue." the success which the revue Is enjoying raJ Seminary In I869. He *110.'!!°'°""PaH" IA1ST.Bar pin, gold, pearls, sapphire. Wash¬ "¦HRkMWM to Enjoying Vacation husband of Mrs. Townsend, belongs This makes "Scandals" second only to torate In Milwaukee for som . ington Heights, keepsake. Please return clubs of this He served Carls Carlton announces two changes 397 V 177th »t. Stay. 1 Several city. Kntertalm* the Monday Bridge among ths principals In "Tangerine," wh'c.t the Zlegfeld "Follies'" In the matter of In 1879 Joined the facultvTf i» (iF.NAll.I.E. Reward. In the ordnance corps during the *¦»'. will open at the Casino to-ntght. They In- top prices, the latter getting ns high as College. He to VaM two°^°,n I OST--S alurdav afterntron. small amethyst Specio{ Cable to Tub Nbw Ynna Hraur n f'lnh at Narraganaett Pier. reward. seiner He Is a son of John W. Townsend. elude llolbrook and Ludmilla, dancing team, at the Globe. later. He leaves his wife an ,1' I!*'"* 'and pearl pin; Return to 343 lat f rrpvrtoht, I®*', !>J/ Tub New Yobk and Akken Kearna, Juvenile. $5.50 "'"'ghter, st.. Brooklyn. r.|dence. Waldorf- Rbbai.ii. former vice-president of the Cambria .Sperfol Prapatrh to Tub N'bw Yo*r Hbiai.d. and two sons. , Vstorla 34th 1? «"» »*'. "" New York Herald I Iron Works. His home Is In Bryn 8.. Rehearsals began yeaterday at the Moroaro $100 nEWARD. August in. at 1 o clock. niiresn. Narraoanbett Pibr, R. I.. Aig of "Wall Till We're Married," Oliver Mo- t.ost on Sunday, white linen envelope with Wednesday. Pflrl*. Aug. «. ( Mawr. members of the Bridge OBITUARIES. hamols pocket, Tired but after the Fifty Monday roecc's first production of the aeaaon. containing pendant brooch happy greatest Club met at the Paint Judith Country for six musical di- C. W. HAMMILL'S BODY of one large diamond with turquoise drops "KK'Vn^ serle* of entertainments and the Max H'rschfeld, years DR. ROBERT M'l.. TA FT. and Other articles of Jewelry; no qunettons. hearti¬ Club to-night for their weekly play. rector for Comstock A Ge*t, hss heen to est ever accorded BPID6E AT NEW LONDON. to conduct arrives HERE TO-DAY Return BLACK. STARR A FROST. Fifth receptions American Supner was served at midnight and Mrs. engaged by Henry W. Mar age Dr. Robert McLean 47 sv. and 46th st. the Taft, years; _____ visitors to France, Switzerland and John R. Fell of Phlladelpnla was the The Merry Widow" revival opening at ______ax Wednesday. August 10. at 10 So¬ on l.alior old. of 85 Park avenue, fell dead $190 REWARD ItaJy, the Harvard Glee Club arrived Mrs. Louis T. Chnrtler Among hostess of the evening. Mrs. W. H. P. Knickerbocker Day. for return Greenwich be¬ last night while standing at Forty-sec¬ H.ld a, of gold mesh hag. lost July 39. STERRTERNFEI.Stf. .leant. Batlilah. No 10 L gi the Garde de Lyon here to-night and nt York had a dlnnrr "The Village Follies, 1920," on 9th av car between 72d and 63th sts. journers the Menort. Phyfe of New party gin rehearsals Thursday undor the direction ond street and Park avenue. Prescrip¬ Smr,.MWoodlawn j?« I Tou are earnest Iv Alehanded for the remainder of their her Cemetery. J H A B H. 693 3th av \ a *oo re,* at her cottAge to-night for gueat, >.f .John Murray Anderson prior to going blanks and letters to his . WEINBERG^ qticntrd attend the ftinerml ¦ervtr. Special Despatch to The New Y..«k Hmai.0. tion addressed ARD Lira 5*t»rn?*1». A' ¦u-.n'atlon. Mrs. Dulany Hunter of Washington, wife lo Chicago. home were In his Dr. »29rt'ilEW New Conn., 8 There found pockets. "" m 1" for return of chamois bag. containing dla They have shaken hands with Presi¬ Lonpon, Aug. of the American Consul at Nlc-. Charles I dlllnghsm selected Dr. Anselm Taft was born In New York and was a nii.nd brooch and diamond a* musical director of the died WJ»2 dinner ring; lost dent Mlllerand. hobnobbed with French was a bridge party to-night for the Mr. and Mrs. William Grovnor mo- Goetxl yesterday of the New York Inhpir|*7u*1*Uw,',1, August 3. vicinity of Ktst 33d or In subway President. Clara I.ascoff Fnklne-Foklna ballet, staged by M. Foklne. graduate University. Olympic, which Is due late tA' "nevls t rank A Smith, .'antes 1 Roekawny; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mrs. L. P. White. F. A. Hollln. Wash¬ completed born In Home, N. y . eirhtv's¦,t> -eight years "The the will 7, .... ¦ Flak Alexander Ct. Smith. M B. Bronxvllle: Mra. wife of Lieut.- Poppy God," which Selwyns CARL IEfJKEI.II. aeo Tn Boxy Howard, Mrs. Robert ington, P. C. Dr. and Mrs. P. J Bsrn- Robert King Awtrey. present at the Hudson August 29. ago. In 1859 she married William Van Graham. James S'rmfels l.ena In Cm* of Doath. Squire*. John Squires, Saratoga Springs: steln, Mr. and Mrs M. Belvln, Mr. and Commander Awtrey, U. 8. N.. has re¬ Carl Zlegfeld, brother of K. Zlegfeld. 8,X yea" **" Mrs llalsev Eld red C. WMkee Orace Mr. and Mra. Fred Landelot, Rrooklyn Mrs O M. Edgett. Brooklyn. N. T.: Mr. turned from New Orleana with their MOTION PICTURE NOTES. Jr., died yesterday at the home of his «mlthSmith" gave 8500.000 to the Y M C A Hammilt. Caleb W. Wllherbee. C S Call "Columbus 8200" Mr. and W. aon Mr. ta- K"r. I.lonel Worm. Frederick NV Mrs. Constantino. Mr. and and Mrs. E. C. Haskell. Rutherford, N. young and Is with her parents, parents. Florenz Zlegfeld. Sr., and Mrs. In Brooklyn as a memorial to her son Otto FRANK Mrs. Charles A. and Mrs. Flint Warfen. jr_ 0f Miss Constance Talmadge In "Wedding who died eleven jaeger. S CAMFBKU. Hearing. Wyoming. N. J. : Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lake, Boston ; George fpnni Field's Rosalie Zlegfeld. In Chicago F. Zleg- Clarence E. Smith, years "THE FUNERAL CHURCH" lac. J ; Mr. and Mrs Horace J. 239 West Seventy-flrst street, where her Bells," adaptation Salisbury was his services w||| h. held Wlnple. Red Mr. and Mrs. L. Ha wiry, Camden : Mr. stage comedy, will be the photoplay feature fold, Jr.. at bedside when the ago funeral In Mesnorlitm. xNoo Sectarian) Bank; Mrs. Adolph Fischer, Brooklyn: and Mrs. George E. Fay. Mr. and Mr* husband will Join her. at the Strand next week end came. Carl Zlegfeld was Identified " to-morrow. Kaufman. Isldor Morrow B. Coen, C. Hellmnn and A. L. P. Pa. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Samuel Pratt and Miss RUsenfeld Is an elabo¬ with the musical life of Chicago for crment"."¦r^-AMor.awill he |n Greenwood Cemetery at Stark, Seranton.' Mrs. Hugo prepertng a. 1970 Broadway 66th St. Orelgel, New York; Dr. and Mrs. W M. R P. Saber. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Clarkln. Marlon Pratt are at the|>- camp In the rate music setting for "The Affairs of Ana- some time and was general manager of Mrs Smith Is survived b Dswatewa Offlcs. 134 St ft Dtk Av. Koont and Dr. the Osrll It. Pc Mills production ADAMF-Sud^nlr. a" and Mrs. H. J. Schultz Hartford: Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Adlrondaeks. will return to the tol," special the Chicago Musical College, of which oneBro,,h,y"mson. William E Smith, and Re a trice I beloved of r. of Philadelphia. Moon, They for Paramount, which 1s to be shown soon Adants." husband Llllte Hllly , was later. Stoughton, Mass. Schuyler Hotel for the winter. at ens of ths Itlsssiiftld theatres. his father president emeritus. Pro\oet Nugent, a granddaught-r. Notice of funeral