"¦Hrkmwm to Enjoying Vacation Husband of Mrs
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PEHSONAL INTELLIGENCE. MRS. C. S. WITHERBEE DIED. Woman's National Henry P. Davison's MRS. H. P.O. BELMONT TO GIVE Bishop McDonnell, IN HER NEW YORK. DIES 9STH YEAR IJENDHEIM..Berthold Z., suddenlv, st Frankfort. Germany, August t in his Club Plans Shown Mrs Walton Oakley Is at Woodbury. LARGE LUNCHEON IN NEWPORT Head of at 52d year. Daughter Engaged L. I., (or a few days. Brooklyn Passes Away Summer BI.t'M..On August 6, Itahbl Abraham Rluin, Home of Dr. E. H. Peaslee. husband of Hannah Henrique* Bluru and at to War Air Hero Mr. and Mrs. William E. S. Griswold Is Dead father of Jacob L. and Kalph H Blum, Southampton have Diocese, chaplain of Maw York Police Departmnt gone to Lyme, Conn., from Lenox. Mrs. Joseph E. Widener Has Her First Entertainment Bpectal Despatch to Tub New Yobk Hbiuu>. ami Honor Legion of N. Y. P. I> chap¬ lain of flvllevue and Allied Hoapi'ula and Mr. David R. Norfolk, Conn.. Aug. 8..Mi's. Char- N Y. State chaplain, In ills 77>th year. Ser¬ Mrs. C. .. Cftlhoun Lectures 011 Forgan, Jr., of Chicago of the Season.Mr. William K. Vanderbilt Gives vices Is at the Plaza. Born in Manhattan, Ordained .otte Spencer Wltrerbee died thin morn¬ will be held at the Temple Emanuel, 5th av. and 4.3d St.. Tuesday morning, at 11 the Foundation.Arrivals for Races. in Became ing In her ninety-fifth year at Highfielda, o'clock Prli nds of deceased, especially Mrs. Charles Oakes has returned from Trophy Swimming Rome, Bishop the summer home of her and members of Police Department, are In¬ daugnter vited to vi"w the remain- at The Funeral Rlchfleld Springs and is at her country I son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. at Resorts. at the Age of 38. Church, Broadway at ilfith at., Monday. home, Fellcldad Farm, Katonah, N. Y. Sp'dal Despatch to The New York Hhui.d. daughter of the late Senator Alger of "p-eelee, with whom she had lived since August 8, and are Invited to attend the Newport, R. I., Aug. 8..Society to¬ Detroit, Is visiting Miss Kate Darlington, 1 890. services nt the temple Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graves and their day kept up Its rounds of entertain¬ of and Mrs. James She was born in Vergenres. Vt.. the BOPWELL..re, Monday, August 8, at her Special Despatch to The New Yobk He8at.ii. son are daughter Bishop Brentwood, L. 8..The Rt. 701 Madison spending a few days at the ments. luncheons, dinners, golf and ten¬ at The Corners X., Aug. .laughter of Jjnahtan B. Spencer, a residence. av,, Jenny Maro- Southamtton, X. V., Aug. 8..At the Ambassador Henry Darlington, Charles who the teau, wife of George B. Bodwell. Inter¬ Hotel. nis, as well as philanthropic enterprises' Mme. Bertha Erza, French soprano, Rev. Edward McDonnell. Bishop pioneer lumberman, served In ment Spring Gic Hartford, invitation of Mrs. Francis Burrttll Hoff¬ war of wns Cemetery, On next Thursday Mrs. Oliver H. P. who is to sing at the Art Association of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brook¬ 1812. Her mother Mary Conn. N'h e and Pari papers please copy. man In Memorial Hall this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hurd of 55 Belmont will give a luncheon Walker Spencer also of a well known ^ large in a Joint concert, made her lyn. died at the Convent of the BONNER..At Glenbrook, t'nnn., on Sunday, East SIxty-flfth street are receiving con¬ at Wednesday to-day Vermont family. T. 1021. YYllllam Mra. Clarence Crittenden Calhoun ot party the golf club. On August 19 American debut this summer. Additional been August Boflner. Funoiai gratulations on the birth of a son. Mrs. John will a dinner Sisters of St. Joseph, where he had Hei early married life was spent at services will b* lield at the residence of a talk on the Aspegren give patronesses for the event Include Miss his daughter Alex Washington gave Woman's for Oa.pt. Axel F Wallenberg, the Swed¬ 111 for several weeks. The end came at Port Henry, N Y., where her husband Mrs. J Rumraler, 91 National Foundation which Is be Mr. and Mrs. Oliver De Coster Agnes Storer, Mmes. John K. Mcla»nnan, was Interested lit the Wltherbee-Sher- Maple at.. Glenbrook, Com. on Tuesday. to Lancey ish Minister to the United Slates, and on Arthur P. 11 :40 o'clock this morning. It was August It. ut 7 30 P. M (daylight saving the will go to-day to Southampton from Mrs. Oliver G. will William if. Schmidt, Jennings. man mines which have been In opera- lime). built in national capital Saturday Jennings M. A. McCormiok, William T Llbby, thought the Bishop was convalescing Tenafly. N. J., to be guests of Mr. and give a dinner, followed by Informal 'ton seventy years. Later Bhe lived In Mrs. Calhoun Is president of the or¬ Mrs. Charles M. Connfelt. Robert White, John C. Burke, Mortimer until Saturday, when he suffered a re¬ New York, passing much time with her BBOSNAN..On Sunday. August 7, 1021. In dancing. A. .T. K. Denniston. J. K. Sul¬ the the "!ith year of his age, John, beloved ganisation, which will be the largest Mrs. E. Wldener a lunch¬ Sullivan, with of unconsciousness son, late Frank S. Witherbee, at his husband of Margaret and father Joseph gave Morria M. Curley, A. K. Dunn, lapse, periods house In lower Fifth Gaffney woman's club in the United States. Mrs. Charier, E. Sands, who Is a eon, her first entertainment of thj sea¬ livan, avenue. Her grand¬ of Edward. William. F'rank, Frederick A. He grew gradually worse until his children are and John and Mrs. Gract guest of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Deta- son, at the vVhlte- Albert C. Landers, Harry Raldridge, Mrs. Charles Duncan Brosnan Johnp There Is a certain local interest In the to-day Muenchlnger Jnmes Kirwln nnd Guetav J. 3. White. death. Miller ami Mr. Edmund Peaslee. dury, Mrs. Emily Car;, and Mrr May field, in Paris, will sail for New York house. Among the guests were Mr. and W. King. Funeral from his late proposed structure, as the chosen will be Misses Carlotta Mr*-. Witherbee was a talented residence, design September 17 and will be at the Dakota Mrs. George D. Wldener. Mr. and Mrs. The ushers Bishop McDonnell had been In declin¬ painter 502 11 tit St., Brooklyn, on Wednesday, for and In oils' and water colors, at 0 rto In the competition of architects was the winter. Carter R. Mrs. Havemeyer, Kate Darlington Nancy ing health since last January. With accomplished August 10, A. M , thence to the Leidy, Marjorle OeW In music and took the intensive Ohurrh of the Holy Park awarded to Mr. F. Burrali Hoffman, Jr. rlcha and Mr. Henry F. Eldrldge. King. chronic kidney trouble he had high blood up study Name, Prospect Mis are Mr. and of photography when 80 years old. She West arid Proipect av., win ro a solemn Alexander H. Tiers has gone to Mrs. Vincent Astor a dinner to¬ At the New Cliffs Hotel pressure, and while h« was at Rock- mass tie Mrs. Calhoun showed the that will II ifj gave ast her first vote when and was high requiem will offered for the plans the White Mountains from Southampton, at Beechwood. Mrs. Mrs Charles S. Brown and Mr. Douglas ledge, Fla.. about February 1, he had a 92, rcpoee of his soul. Members f th» Art be L. night Henry P. interested In all public until iy followed In erecting the building for 1., by automobile, and later will go Russell was among the guests. Robinson of New York, Capt. Adolptous slight stroke, producing aphasia. This questions and Navy Modal of Honor Legion, U. S. to Mrs. T A. cleared to Dr. her death, which followed a few days' Grant Post. No. 327. O. A it Bro iklyn the foundation, whose membership will Quebec. Mr. William K. Vanderbllt is Inter¬ Andrews. U. 3. N. Mr. and gradually up, according letter J. F. W. a was Illness. She died from Infirmities of age Carriers Association, Kings be in the ested In the series of RWimmtng races Parlln, Miss Bessie Herman, MJss Car¬ Meagher, specialist who County Civil Employees Association and drawn from all the States \ : Mrs. Alfred L. White, Miss Ella Cu- and Mr. Andrew called In consultation, but the kidney Union. which Mr. James Brett Stokes Is ar¬ oline Covington Hop- Supreme Court attaches are invited to sack and Miss Elizabeth Townsend, who for the at kins of Raleigh, N. C. condition did not Improve. Death was attend. Auto cortege. have ranging young persons Baileys ¦.uused LEROY W. ROSS DIES Among those In the audience were Col. been at Vichy, will sail for New Beach. While here last Friday aboard Mr. Ogden L. Mills has ended a short by arterlo-sclerosls and nephritis. CAKFREY'..H'.chard K. Caffrcy, aged 78 and C. York by the Rotterdam August 17. his steam the he at the Hill Top Inn and returned Ills household were with him when he years, at 5:80 A. M., August 7, at his resi¬ Mrs. Henry May, Mrs. Robert yacht, Eagle, presented stay SUDDENLY AT 38 110 a to be for this week to New York. died. dence. Chichester av.. Jamaica. I., t. Black, Mrs. Frank Rice, Mrs. Alvin W. trophy competed was Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Hlne, who by boys and girls under 14. The entry He the second Bishop of Brook¬ CARTER..At her residence.