

Mohammed Imran Chandoo Critical Annotation, Part 1: Illmatic.

A taste of what’s to come. The people are waking up and voices are being heard. Mine will be one of them.

The Revolution will be essayed.

I can’t wait to get started on the long term projects. The ones I’ve been burning in my yearn (urn). Stained glass and untitled arsenal project. - Here is an idea: Dedicate a few hundred words a day to defining a new term. Establishing a writerly infrastructure. I wonder if the instructor wants us to investigate every single word in this lexical utterance. Basically id have to cultivate an infinitesimal atmosphere of word auras. Then I’d have to cement an architecture with the aforementioned directive. - So happy we have PL this morning. The question is what to do? Walk Lily, Work Out, Send out dem emails, Smoke weed, read, add salt to the well. I just took her for a walk. Not much else as of yet. - I think you have done well so far this semester but truth be told you are scrapping by and not flying. Essentially I still need to find another gear before I can actually get where I want to go. So let’s just get a to do list going for this week. Read a lot and write as much as you need to. - Earliest memory of learning how to read… relationship to memory and relationship to language at the same time. Conversation with Newhall outside of Wingard. Language acquisition differential between Montessori and Wampus. Cutting my upper lip. That girl who was trying to be nice to me after I got fleeced in a Pokémon trade. Furthermore the things I cannot verify are the lost things which invoke the most diabolical feelings of grief.

What is my earliest memory? When my mother was pregnant I swear I could see from her womb - or was I confusing my pre-natal mind’s eye with the perspective of a toddler holding the hand of his mother – three children run down the arching cobblestone road of a posh London neighborhood. - So let’s begin our attack on the midterm shall we? Framework (Phase 1) – Transcribe the notebook into a word doc, read through my peers reading responses. Absorb the content you have thus far. Application (Phase 2) - Take your rudimentary understanding and it apply it to the midterm and produce a robust outline with instructions on which texts to reference. Action (Phase 3) – Answer the questions to the best of your ability. Review and Precision (Phase 4) – dive into the text way more to buttress your answers with a deeper understanding. - Creating a theory of authorship and having a practical demonstration of said framework. Asserting a theory and enacting a practice. A triad made up of professional documents, technical/aesthetic foundations, creative endeavors. There are subsections of course… figure it 2 out as you go. For example in professional documents, you have one genre being science writing and another being grant writing. In creative writing you have an aesthetic essay and a memoiristic piece. - Okay, next?.... A portfolio dedicated purely to Cappello. Audience of 1. The collective as an individual…. Think of her as an interlocular who can help you make sense of your own writerly growth.

Also I had a dream with Musa Okwanga which is funny, he represents a potential interlocular and hopefully a future peer. A practitioner, even friendly rival, in this particular field of play. - Annotations would fall under the category of technical/aesthetic foundations.

Interlocular: Malxom, Barry, Iceberg Slim (Not really…?), The Fam. Baldwin… current…concurrent?... Cappello. Paccora. All educational tutelage from Marsha (at the Montessori) too Martinson (an empty bottle of oxy, nostalgia drug) and all of the above.

Comprehensive Cappello Constellation; Assemblage of my created body. That is to saying the self-conceived in written form. My linguistic portrait. Maybe we can even call it rhetorical site which will serve as the platform of representation regarding the locus of my domical. A reflexively constructed ethnography. - My method is to bathe in the text (note bathing is not the best for the environment[?] it is also siting in your own filth. Oh and its relaxing as hell/kind of timeless.) scrub at some areas of interest at a glance once in a while. And then Boom. I just take off. Write like the wind (as they say…everyone knows it, they are all saying it, believe me.) - “Epistolary ode” - You can complete a portfolio for an audience of one by assembling your own literary canon/body. For example pair/pare/ an earlier discernment exercise/excursion with why dogs hate phones. You can also interlace audio visual components of this piece together. {A significant intertextualization:

- “Snatches of popular songs, indecent jokes, bits of books I had read, movie sequences, faces, voices, political issues—I thought I was going mad; all these impressions suspended, as it were, in the solution of the faint nausea produced in me by the heat and liquor.”

Excerpt From: . “Notes of a .”)

Another example Multimodal Assignment can be merged with Desktop Assignment to form a rhetorical site. - 3

Short term: build on work done this evening. October 24th, 2020; Find some relevant pieces from the recent past. Think the lecture about mosaics from the instructor. Respond to the discussion threads for OCG. Dabble in genre manipulations and website construction tomorrow and Monday. Try and workout, watch lily. Relax and enjoy the show with an eye towards the praxis. Are my words still working here? [Email professor and instructor tomorrow.]Longer term: reimplementation of exercise routine. Regimenting of financial sensibilities and asset management. Plan trip to NH and set up doc, appointment correspondingly. Buy a LS GK kit with Immy 3 on the back. Also a KT Home Kit. Create a wish list and send it out to people you want gifts from, i.e. Auba bruised banana, LS 1/4 zip with #3 insignia. - This is a techne and kairos party. - Three dudes at a pantry table (with a mosaic ontology) discussing means of nourishment. One says, ‘my haircutter tells me to stop eating butter.’ One of the other guys asks ‘is that you’re magical Dominican Barber shop talk?’ - Don’t do anything else but be in the moment. - What do I need to do in order to deserve that victory against Leicester, Work harder. I had thought I had put in enough effort but it wasn’t enough. I need to keep pushing. My age old hollows eve premonitions are active. I can’t explain the annual sensation, but I know it takes on extra weight in an election year. I was worried what these next days would bring, but now I know I just have to go with it. It would be kinda sick if you ended up writing your whole critical annotation and then go out while having a good evening, but like let’s not be lofty here. Keep it real and do what you do. Go out, don’t go out, work super hard, work a little, don’t work, whatever, just BE easy. Times are a bit crazy right now, so just be where you are as much as you can. - Writing about interlocution: Bouley. Also use Highbury to speak towards the ever developing idea of 99 problems (working tittle for a memoirist project). Just write about what you want it to be, how you’ve imagined it over the years, wondering if the ability to execute such an idea is there. - Take the hand break of and become methodological. Don’t force it though. Let the method guide itself the same way language does during the practice of essaying. Tomorrow you are going to start from the beginning and re read the intro, and you’re going to index. You are going to do nothing but read and take notes. A swift and (comprehensive) complete annotative survey of the writerly content. On top of that you will have typed up the content of your notebook in order to produce a fully immersive experience with the educational transmissions/exchanges.

Isiagora, dialectic, demos, karios, techne. Write about the necessity of cnon to democracy – federalist papers.


In 1970 Zulfika Bhutto was hung in a coup. In 2020 his first grand son was born. This is my step- sister whom I’ve never met’s child. This is a fact that brings me tremendous joy, and by writing it down I know I am playing. At the same time as the renewal of this esteemed and cursed lineage occurred the world faced threats to democracy unseen heretofore. - Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to re-read temporal limitations, than you’re going to make 2 or 3 tweaks and post that shit. After that you’re going to watch the Mandalorian, than you will have that meeting which you will be very chill at. From there a movie till fifa, than I’ll feef and go to sleep. - That’s when the magic happens. You’re going to read Hermit Crabs, Structure and 42 Tats. It will be a deep sophisticated nuanced interface. There will be a very harmonic conception of thought and I will try and register its bends and curves. The only thing that feels right, really. It will just be so organic. Such a natural energy, something composed. A new dawn. No longer situated in a falsity, a truism.

It is happening. (God damn I feel like a G sometimes.) -