Mar. 17 / Administration of , 2009

NOTE: The President spoke at 10:02 a.m. in Budget Committee; and Rep. John M. Spratt, Room 350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Ex- Jr., chairman, House Committee on the Bud- ecutive Office Building. In his remarks, he re- get. ferred to Sen. Kent Conrad, chairman, Senate

Remarks During a Meeting With Prime Minister Brian Cowen of Ireland and an Exchange with Reporters March 17, 2009

President Obama. Hello, everybody. Happy So thank you so much for visiting us. St. Patrick’s Day. I just want to say that we are incredibly hon- The President’s Visit to Ireland ored to have the here and his entire team. This is an affirmation of one of the Q. Will you visit—President, will you visit strongest bonds between peoples that exist in Offaly? the world. You know, when you think about President Obama. I hope so. the history of Ireland and the enormous im- Prime Minister Cowen. Well, can I first of pact it has had on our own history, and the fact all thank President Obama and Secretary of that you’ve had people from Ireland who have State and all his team for the wonderful wel- shed blood on behalf of this country’s inde- come here to the . As President pendence and its freedom, that it has had Obama has said, it’s a great tradition here in probably as much impact on our culture and the United States for a warm welcome for Ire- our traditions as any country on earth. land, and we deeply appreciate that welcome. And as I said, in area of contribution, since I The bond and the friendship that is felt be- came to America over this weekend, this rela- tween the United States and Ireland is some- tionship is based on substance, it’s based on a thing that I think everybody understands, but very engaged America working with a contem- as Taoiseach just mentioned, we can’t take for porary, modern Ireland, helping to shape our granted and we have to continually build up- history at home and helping us to contribute on. so much more by reason of our unity of pur- And so this visit gives us an opportunity to pose and our common values. And it is a great talk about some of the very important bilateral day for the Irish in America today, and I’m issues that we face, also to talk about some of very conscious of that. the global issues that both the United States More than 44 million of our 70 million and Ireland want to take leadership in. We are diasporas of the world are residing in the grateful for the lasting friendship that exists United States of America. And all of us, my between us. own family, have reason to be very grateful to I, personally, take great interest on St. Pat- this country, and for what it’s done down the rick’s Day because, as some of you know, my generations further as we’ve progressed and, mother’s family can be traced back to Ireland, thankfully, go home and marry childhood and it turns out that I think our first Irish an- sweethearts and end up with Taoiseach cestor came from the same county that Taoise- coming over here to meet a man whose ach once represented. So we may be cousins. forebears, as he said, was in my electoral [Laughter] We haven’t sorted that through district on one occasion. He said we’re not yet. But even if by blood we’re not related, by related, and he looks forward coming to culture and affinity, by friendship and mutual Offaly, the only thing I can say to him is he’s interest, we are certainly related. And this not going to share a slate with me over there, gives us an opportunity to just continue to because I can’t compete with this man even in strengthen the incredible bonds that we have Offaly. [Laughter] But he would be very, very between the two countries. welcome.

262 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Mar. 17

And we look forward to an excellent discus- Prime Minister Cowen. I’ve been there. sion, as I said, on issues of mutual interest. And President Obama. ——which I believe is one we are deeply grateful and appreciative of the of the great events in America. And it is a lot of wonderful access that our country is accorded fun. Although as President I don’t think I could on this great day for Ireland. And he reminds have as much fun as I could before I was Presi- us, of course, that we are not simply an island dent at that parade, because I have press fol- nation, but a dispersed global family, and no- lowing me all the time. where is that more celebrated than in this great But, anyway, welcome; thank you so much country. for being here. Thank you, guys; appreciate it. President Obama. Just one last point that I We got to get down to business. would like to make, and that is although I think it’s wonderful that you visited the Oval Office NOTE: The President spoke at 10:56 a.m. in the and Washington, what you’re really missing out Oval Office at the White House. Prime Minis- on is the South Side Irish Parade in Chica- ter Cowen referred to Secretary of State Hillary go—[laughter]—— Rodham Clinton.

Remarks at a Saint Patrick’s Day Presentation Ceremony With Prime Minister Brian Cowen of Ireland March 17, 2009

President Obama. Well, happy St. Patrick’s He hails from . And it was Day to everybody. I want to welcome Taoiseach brought to my attention on the campaign that Brian Cowen and his lovely wife on their first my great-great-great- grandfather on my moth- visit to the White House for this wonderful St. er’s side came to America from a small village in Patrick’s Day tradition. This is the first for both this county as well. We are still speculating on of us, and with a little bit of luck, I’m sure we’ll whether we are related. [Laughter] get it right. I do share, though, a deep appreciation for We are pleased to be joined by a statesman the remarkable ties between our nations. I am who worked as hard as anybody to usher in an grateful to him for his leadership of Ireland. age of peace in , and that is my The bond between our countries could not be now Middle East envoy—because he’s a glutton stronger. As somebody who comes from Chica- for punishment—Senator George Mitchell. go, I know a little bit about Ireland, and the I am also proud today to announce that I am warmth, the good humor, and the fierce passion naming a great friend, Dan Rooney, cofounder and intelligence of the is some- of the Ireland Fund, unwavering supporter of thing that has informed our own culture as well. Irish peace and culture and education—not to And so that’s why this day and this celebration is mention the owner of the Super Bowl champi- so important. on Pittsburgh Steelers—as the United States So with that, what I’d like to do is let Taoise- Ambassador to Ireland. He will be an outstand- ach say a few words. And then I believe he’s got ing representative. something to give me. Just a private note here: Dan is a great friend. Prime Minister Cowen. Well, thank you very He and his family are as gracious and thought- much indeed. Mr. President; Secretary of State; ful a group of people as I know, and so I know Senators; distinguished Members of Congress; that he is just going to do an outstanding job. members of the Irish delegation; members of And the people of Ireland, I think, will benefit the press; ladies and gentlemen. It’s, well—first greatly from him representing the United States of all, Mary and I would like to thank you, Pres- there. ident and First Lady, for your very warm and Now, before I turn it over to Taoiseach, it gracious welcome to the White House this turns out that we have something in common. morning. Your invitation to me today and to