
An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear

Alwen Tiu

Australian National University and NICTA

COMP8630: Beyond Lecture 1, July 24, 2007

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and COMP8630 1 / 35 Outline

1 Motivations

2 Constructivism: a brief history

3 Formalisation of intuitionistic logic

4 calculus

5 Linear logic

6 Computational

7 Summary

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 2 / 35 Motivations

Constructive , in particular intuitionistic and linear logics, play an important role in theoretical computer science. The emphasis is on proofs (or proof constructions), rather than validity. The study of proposition-as-type and proof normalisation form the basis of many of the functional programming languages used today. The study of proof search serves as a foundation for logic programming and leads to the discovery of new logic programming languages. Proof search techniques also play an important role in mechanised reasoning, which is the basis of formal verification.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 3 / 35 Constructivism: a brief history

Constructivism is a point of view concerning the concepts and methods used in mathematical proofs, with preference towards constructive concepts and methods. It emerged in the late 19th century, as a response to the increasing use of abstracts concepts and methods in proofs in mathematics. Kronecker, perhaps the first ‘constructivist’, famously proclaimed that only the natural numbers are “God-given”, the rest have to be explained in terms of natural numbers. There are several branches in constructivism, each with a varying degree of preference towards constructive concepts and methods. The (perhaps) most well-known view is the idea of , pioneered by Brouwer in early 20th century. It essentially rejects the principle of “proof by ” or the “excluded middle”.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 4 / 35 Example: a “non-constructive” proof

Theorem There are irrational numbers a and b such that ab is rational.

Proof. √ √ 2 √ Consider 2 . If it is rational, then we are done: let a = b = 2. Otherwise, it is irrational. Then we have √ √ √ √ 2 √ √ 2× 2 √ 2 ( 2 ) 2 = 2 = 2 = 2 √ √ 2 √ which is certainly rational. So in this case, let a = 2 and let b = 2.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 5 / 35 Example: a non-constructive definition

Suppose someone tells you that he found a number number x such that if x is prime then P = NP, otherwise P 6= NP. So he has reduced the P = NP problem to a prime testing problem. Great! When asked about the magic value of x, he tells you x is the natural number that is equal to 7 if P = NP, and 9 otherwise. This is a non-constructive definition. But otherwise it is a perfectly good definition (classically speaking).

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 6 / 35 Example: constructive or non-constructive?

Theorem There are infinitely many prime numbers. More precisely, given any number M, there is a prime number bigger than M.

Proof. Suppose there are only finitely many primes, that is, for some M, all the prime numbers are less than or equal to M. Then we can list them explicitly, say, p1,..., pk . Let N = p1 · p2 · ... · pk + 1. Note that none of pi divide N. Now, either N is prime or it can be factored into primes. So there is at least one prime q that divides N, but q can’t be any of the pi ’s, so q is a prime number not in the list, which contradicts our assumption.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 7 / 35 Brouwer’s programme and the formalisation of intuitionistic logic

In 1912 Brouwer started a programme on reconstructing mathematics on intuitionistic principles. He noted that his approach to mathematics also required a revision of the principles of classical logic, although this was not made precise. Brouwer’s implicit interpretation of his intuitionistic principles was later made precise by Heyting (1934), a student of Brouwer, and independently by Kolmogorov (1932). This is later known as the Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov (BHK) interpretation of intuitionistic logic. Subsequent formalisations of intuitionistic logic, in terms of symbolic systems, were made by Glivenko (1928), and later, by Gentzen (1935) and Prawitz (1960’s) into what are most well known today in and .

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 8 / 35 BHK interpretation

In BHK interpretation, the meaning of a statement A is given by explaining what constitutes a proof of A. 1 For atomic sentences, we assume we know intrinsically what a proof is, e.g., pencil and paper calculation serves as a proof of “2 + 3 = 5”. 2 A proof of A ∧ B is a pair (p, q) consisting of a proof p of A and a proof q of B. 2 A proof of A ∨ B is a pair (i, p) with i = 0, and p is a proof of A, or i = 1, and q is a proof of B. 3 A proof of A → B is a function f which maps for each proof p of A to a proof f (p) of B. 4 Absurdity ⊥ (‘the contracdiction’) has no proof; a proof of ¬A is a construction which transforms any supposed proof of A into a proof of ⊥.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 9 / 35 Disjunction property

Contrast the BHK interpretation with the Tarskian interpretation of logical operators. In particular, the excluded middle:

A ∨ ¬A

which is classically valid, is not intuitionistically valid. It is not always the case that we can either prove A or its . Consider open problem like P = NP. Classically, the statement like P is equal to NP or P is not equal to NP is valid. But intuitionistically, to show this statement is valid, we have to come up with either a proof of P = NP or a proof of P 6= NP.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 10 / 35 Existential property

The BHK interpretation of quantifiers: 5 A proof of ∀x.A is a function f that maps each point a in the domain of x to a proof of f (a) of A[a/x]. 6 A proof of ∃x.A is a pair (a, p) where a is a point in the domain of x and p is a proof of A[a/x]. The latter means that whenever one claims that a statement ∃x.A holds, he/she must exhibits an object a such that A is true of a. This is very different from classical logic, where existence√ proof sometimes means “freedom from contradiction”, e.g., as our 2 example shows.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 11 / 35 Double-negation embedding of classical logic

G¨odel and Gentzen (1933) independently discovered that one can interpret classical validity in intuitionistic validity, via a double-negation translation.A formula A is translated into another formula AN , by replacing the atomic propositions p with ¬¬p, and replacing · · · ∨ ... with ¬(¬ · · · ∧ ¬ ... ), ∃x.... with ¬∀x.¬ .... For example, A ∨ B is translated to ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B), if A and B are atomic propositions. So while a classicists would say something like: P = NP or P 6= NP is true an intuitionist would say It is not the case that both P = NP and P 6= NP are . The classicist would of course say that both statements are equivalent.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 12 / 35 Natural deduction for intuitionistic logic

BHK intrepretation of logical formula is formalised by Prawitz into a calculus called natural deduction. It is a collection of rules for forming a deduction tree. A single formula A constitutes a deduction of A, given the assumption A. The interpretation of ∧ and → are as follows: [A] ...... A B B A ∧ B A → B These are called the introduction rules for the corresponding logical operators. In the introduction rule for →, the assumption A is discharged.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 13 / 35 Elimination rules

Introduction rules alone are not sufficient to capture intuitionistic provability. We also need elimination rules, which are dual to the introduction rules: ...... A ∧ B A ∧ B A A → B A B B

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 14 / 35 Normalisation

The interaction between the introduction and the elimination rules captures the idea behind the BHK interpretation of implication. This is most apparent in the normalisation of proofs:

[A] ...... B A . . A A → B . B =⇒ B

The meaning of A → B as a function is captured by the “plugging-in” of the proof of A into the assumption (or parameter) in the proof of A → B.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 15 / 35 Proposition as types, a.k.a. Curry-Howard correspondence

It turns out that proofs in natural deduction formulation of intuitionistic logic has precise correspondence with simply typed λ-calculus, a model of computation. Introduction rule for → corresponds to λ-abstraction:

[x : A] . . t : B λx.t : A → B

Elimination of → corresponds to function application: . . . . t : A s : A → B (s t): B

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 16 / 35 Reduction and normalisation

β-reduction in λ-calculus, i.e.,

(λx.s) t −→ s[t/x]

corresponds to normalisation in natural deduction.

[x : A] ...... s : B t : A . . t : A λx.s : A → B . (s t): B =⇒ s[t/x]: B

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 17 / 35 “Defects” of natural deduction

The rules for disjunction:

[A] [B] ...... A B A ∨ B C C A ∨ B A ∨ B C

are “very bad” (in the words of Girard), because C here has no structural link with the formula being eliminated. The same problem appears in the elimination rule for ∃.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 18 / 35 Sequent calculus

Sequent calculus, invented by Gentzen (1935), fixes some defects of natural deduction. In particular, for some systems, e.g., classical logic, it is easier to do metamathematical analysis in sequent calculus rather than natural deduction. A sequent is an expression of the form:

Γ ` ∆

where Γ and ∆ are sets or multisets of formulas. As we shall see, different restrictions on the form of can produce different logics. The top-down symmetry of natural deduction is replaced by the left-right symmetry. Instead of introduction/elimination rules we have left/right introduction rules.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 19 / 35 Some rules of sequent calculus

Some rules for classical logic (here we assume sequents with multisets):

A, Γ ` ∆ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` A, ∆ Γ ` B, ∆ A ∧ B, Γ ` ∆ A ∧ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` A ∧ B, ∆ A, Γ ` ∆ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` A, ∆ Γ ` B, ∆ A ∨ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` A ∨ B, ∆ Γ ` A ∨ B, ∆

Γ ` A, ∆ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ, A ` ∆ A → B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` A → B, ∆ Notice the nice symmetry in all rules, in particular, the rules for ∨, which does not have the “defect” of natural deduction.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 20 / 35 The cut rule

The most important rule in sequent calculus is the so-called cut rule: Γ ` ∆, AA, Γ ` ∆ cut Γ ` ∆

It may varies from one system to another, but it is present in all logical systems formalised in sequent calculus. It essentially embodies the principle of , the core of any formal logical system. However, notice that the formula A has no structural link with Γ and ∆. That is, this is precisely the “defect” we were talking about in natural deduction. This defect is fixed by showing that the cut rule is admissible. This is known as the cut-elimination theorem. Cut-elimination is the central result of sequent calculus; many other properties follow from this result.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 21 / 35 Cut elimination

Cut elimination can be seen as an analog of proof normalisation in natural deduction. One typically proves cut-elimination by analysis on the deduction above cuts, e.g., ...... Γ ` ∆, A Γ ` ∆, B A, Γ ` ∆ . . Γ ` ∆, A ∧ B A ∧ B, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` ∆, A A, Γ ` ∆ Γ ` ∆ =⇒ Γ ` ∆

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 22 / 35 Structural rules

To capture completely classical logic, we need some extra rules that do not deal with logical connectives, the so-called structural rules

Γ, A, A ` ∆ Γ ` A, A, ∆ Γ ` ∆ Γ ` ∆ Γ, A ` ∆ Γ ` A, ∆ Γ, A ` ∆ Γ ` A, ∆

These are called contraction and weakening rules.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 23 / 35 Modularity of sequent calculus

One of the nice features of sequent calculus is that, given a sequent system for a logic, by restricting the forms of sequents or the structural rules, one can obtain another logic, without changing the logical rules. For example, sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic is obtained from the sequent calculus for classical logic by restricting the form of sequents to

Γ ` C.

That is, it has a single formula on the right-hand side of the the turnstile. Several other logics can be obtained by restricting the structural rules of the sequent system for classical logic, for example, relevant logic is obtained by removing the weakening rules, affine logic is obtained by removing the contraction rules, and linear logic is obtained by removing both.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 24 / 35 Curry-Howard correspondence for sequent calculus

Curry-Howard correspondence for sequent calculus is less obvious than natural deduction, although it is still possible to obtain. Proofs in sequent calculus have more “bureaucracy” than natural deduction, e.g., the two proofs . . . . Γ, C ` A Γ, C ` A Γ, C ` A ∨ B Γ, C ∧ D ` A Γ, C ∧ D ` A ∨ B Γ, C ∧ D ` A ∨ B

are distinguished in sequent calculus, although they map to the same proof in natural deduction: C ∧ D Γ C . . A ∨ B It is possible to restrict sequent calculus into a certain form that allows precise correspondence with variants of λ-calculus.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 25 / 35 Linear logic

Linear logic (Girard, 1987) departs from intuitionistic and classical logic by treating formula as resources. For example, if we know that with $2 we can buy a chocolate bar (A → B) and a can of softdrink also costs $2 (A → C), in classical or intuitionistic logic we may conclude that with $2, we can buy both the chocolate and the softdrink (A → B ∧ C), because the implication

(A → B) ∧ (A → C) → (A → B ∧ C).

holds in classical/intuitionistic logic. Of course, this is certainly not the case in the materialistic world.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 26 / 35 Multiplicative and addivitive connectives

Linear logic refines, or rather splits, the usual classical/intuitionistic connectives into the multiplicative parts (which concerns about resource) and the additive parts (which concerns about truth). Conjunction splits into the multiplicative conjunction ⊗ (‘tensor’) and the additive conjunction & (‘with’), disjunction becomes & (‘par’) and ⊕ (‘plus’). The implication → becomes the linear implication (. When we reason strictly about use of resource, the previous classical formula is interpreted as:

(A ( B) ⊗ (A ( C) ( (A ( B ⊗ C) which is not valid in linear logic. If we interpret it additively, we have

(A ( B)&(A ( C) ( (A ( B&C) which is valid in linear logic.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 27 / 35 Unbounded resource

Linear logic was intended as a refinement of both classical and intuitionistic logic. Therefore, one has to be able to recover principles of classical/intuitionistic reasoning. For example, in classical logic, propositions are inexhaustible resource: we can use a theorem as many time as we want without worrying about “running out of theorems”! The ability to designate some resource (formula) as unbounded is captured in linear logic by the introduction of the modal operators ! and its dual ?. The following holds in linear logic: !A (!A⊗!A. We can duplicate !A as many times as we want.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 28 / 35 A restaurant analogy

The following analogy is useful to understand the resource-sensitive nature of linear logic: Suppose for a fixed price of $5, a fastfood restaurant will provide a hamburger, a Coke, and as many fries as you like, onion soup or salad (your choice), and pie or ice cream (depending on availability). One may encode this information in the linear formula:

(D ⊗ D ⊗ D ⊗ D ⊗ D) ( [H ⊗ C⊗!F ⊗ (O&S) ⊗ (P ⊕ I )]

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 29 / 35 Sequent calculus for linear logic

The introduction rules for multiplicative and additive connectives are differentiated by the choice of the splitting of context: e.g.,

Γ1 ` A, ∆1 Γ2 ` B, ∆2 Γ ` A, ∆ Γ ` B, ∆ Γ1, Γ2 ` A ⊗ B, ∆1, ∆2 Γ ` A&B, ∆

The rules for contraction and weakening are constrained, e.g., !A, !A, Γ ` ∆ !A, Γ ` ∆

It is possible to recover intuitionistic logic, by encoding intuitionistic connectives using the additive connectives of linear logic, with the intuitionistic implication encoded as: A → B ≡!A ( B.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 30 / 35 Proof nets

As in classical/intuitionistic logic, sequent proofs of linear logic formulas tend to be bureaucratic. Proof nets are introduced to reflect better the “essence” of proofs. Proof nets are graph structures representing sequent proofs, which identify some useless permutation of inference rules. Proof nets are formula trees with links between dual atomic formulas on the leaves. Example: construct a proof net for A ⊗ B ( B ⊗ A. The study of proof nets are important for two reasons (among others):

I It is an attempt to answer the ultimate question of : what is a proof? Some believe there is an underlying geometrical symmetry in proofs. This is embodied in the “Geometry of Interaction” started by Girard.

I There is a close connection with computation. Proof nets corresponds to (in a Curry-Howard style) concurrent computations. They are also shown to be useful to study optimal reduction in λ-calculus.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 31 / 35 Proof normalisation as computation

As we have seen, normalisation of proofs correspond closely to models of computation. For intuitionistic logic, it is the simply typed λ-calculus. It is possible to extend this correspondence to a richer logic, for example, second-order intuitionistic logic corresponds to polymorphic λ-calculus. Curry-Howard correspondence has been further developed into type theory, e.g., Martin-L¨of’s intuitionistic type theory. The first-order version is also known as theory, where one can express a type which is parametric on an object of another type. Advances in type theory have trickled down to the design of programming languages, such as ML, and proof assistants, such as Coq.

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 32 / 35 Proof search as computation

A different interpretation of the computational content of constructive logics arises from viewing sequents as encoding states of computation. This interpretation considers sequents of the form Γ ` G where Γ is a multiset of program clauses (a particular class of formulas) and G as the goal of computation. A successful computation yields the answer substitutitons for the variables in G. The Prolog language can be seen in light of this interpretation. Here Γ is just a collection of Horn-clauses, and G is a Prolog goal (i.e., formulas constructed from conjunction and disjunction).

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 33 / 35 Encoding computation states as sequents

In simple languages like Prolog, the states are encoded in the variables of the goal. By moving to a richer subset of (intuitionistic) logic, we can capture more refined notions of computation. For example by allowing implication in goal formula, we can encode the notion of modules: Γ, D ` G Γ ` D → G

Here the premise of the rule contains a “new” program D, which was not there before. Similarly, we can use fragments of linear logic to capture notions like resource consumptions. Some samples of logic programming languages that come out of this analysis on proof search: λProlog (intuitionistic higher-order logic), Lolli (intuitionistic linear logic), Forum (linear logic), LinLog (linear logic).

Alwen Tiu (ANU and NICTA) An Overview of Intuitionistic and Linear Logic COMP8630 34 / 35 Summary

We briefly reviewed the history of constructive logics in mathematics, and the motivations for studying them from a computer science perspective. We have concentrated on the proof theory aspects of constructive logics (as opposed to model theory), with focus on proofs and proof constructions, as opposed to validity. We have briefly looked at the computational interpretation of the proof theory of several constructive logics. Two main paradigms are the proof-normalisation-as-computation and proof-search as computation. The former finds applications in functional programming and the latter in logic programming. We will examine closely the proof theory of the logics discussed so far, and their computational interpretations, in the subsequent seminars.

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