Oregon University System Fact Book

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Oregon University System Fact Book OREGON UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FACT BOOK 2013Eastern Oregon University • Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University • Oregon State University - Cascades Portland State University • University of Oregon Southern Oregon University • Western Oregon University Oregon Health & Science University - Affiliated Oregon University System Fact Book 2013 Copyright © January 2014 This publication was prepared by the Oregon University System Office of Institutional Research. A complete electronic version of this document can be found at: www.ous.edu. Additional copies of the Fact Book may be obtained through: Office of Institutional Research Oregon University System P.O. Box 3175, Eugene, OR 97403-0175 Telephone: 541-346-5758 E-mail: ir@ous.edu Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela Cover: Photograph courtesy of Portland State University Contents System Organization Oregon University System Overview ..........................................................................................................1 OUS Campuses and Centers .........................................................................................................................3 Access and Opportunities .............................................................................................................................5 Students Enrollment Definitions ..................................................................................................................................9 Fall Headcount, Actual and Projected, 2003 through 2022 ....................................................................10 Annual FTE Enrollment, Actual and Projected, 2003-04 through 2022-23 ...........................................11 Fall Headcount, 1960 through 2013 ...........................................................................................................12 Enrollment by Student Level ......................................................................................................................14 Enrollment by Institution, Student Level, and Fee Category ................................................................15 Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Group ..........................................................................................................16 Enrollment by Gender and Student Level ................................................................................................18 Enrollment by Age and Student Level ......................................................................................................20 Undergraduate Enrollment by Full-Time/Part-Time Status ..................................................................22 Undergraduate FTE Enrollment by Discipline, Fall 2013 Compared to Fall 2003 ..............................23 Undergraduate and Graduate FTE Enrollment by Discipline and Institution ...................................24 Enrollment of Oregon Students by Oregon County and Institution ....................................................26 Undergraduate Enrollment by Educational Source ................................................................................28 Credit Hour Enrollment by Student Level ...............................................................................................29 New Undergraduate Transfers from Oregon Community Colleges ....................................................30 New Undergraduate Transfers from Oregon Community Colleges, 2002-03 through 2012-13 .......31 Enrollment of International Students by Institution and Country of Citizenship ..............................32 Foreign Countries with Largest OUS Enrollment, Fall 2013 Compared to Fall 2003 .........................33 Annual Participation in Distance Education, 2004-05 through 2012-13 ...............................................34 Oregon Public and Private High School Graduates, 1997-98 through 2021-22 ...................................35 Oregon Freshman Participation Rate in OUS Institutions, 1984-85 through 2013-14 ........................36 Applications and Enrollment of First-Time Freshmen ...........................................................................37 Average High School GPA of First-Time Freshmen, 2003 through 2013 .............................................38 Entering Freshman Retention to the Second Year of College, 2002 through 2012 ..............................39 Oregon University System 2013 Fact Book | i Contents Six-Year Graduation Rate of OUS Entering Freshmen, Fall Cohort, 1996 through 2006 ...................40 Six-Year Graduation Rate of all Freshmen and Freshman Persisters ...................................................41 Graduation Rate of Oregon Community College Transfers ..................................................................42 Performance Measurement OUS Performance Measurement ................................................................................................................45 OUS Board and State of Oregon Performance Measures .......................................................................46 Achievement Compact with the Oregon Education Investment Board ...............................................49 National Comparisons State Population ............................................................................................................................................53 Median Family Income ................................................................................................................................53 Headcount Enrollment at Public 4-yr Institutions ..................................................................................54 Headcount Enrollment per 10,000 Population, Public 2-yr and 4-yr ....................................................54 Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded per 10,000 Population, Public 4-yr .........................................................55 Six-Year Graduation Rate, Public 4-yr ......................................................................................................55 Percentage of Population with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher .............................................................56 Percentage of Population with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher, Early vs. Late Career ......................56 Percentage of Population with an Associate’s Degree or Higher, Early vs. Late Career ...................57 Percentage of Population with a Postsecondary Education, Early vs. Late Career ............................57 State Higher Education Appropriations per FTE, Public 2-yr and 4-yr ...............................................58 Percentage Change in Higher Education Appropriations per FTE, 2007 to 2012 ...............................58 State Higher Education Appropriations per FTE, Public 4-yr ..............................................................59 Tuition and Fee Revenue per FTE, Public 4-yr .........................................................................................59 Tuition Revenue and State Appropriations per FTE, Public 4-yr ..........................................................60 Average Published In-State Tuition and Fees for First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen ..........................60 Average Loan Amount per Borrower by Freshmen in the First Year, Public 4-yr .............................61 Average Debt at Graduation per Borrower, Public 4-yr ........................................................................61 All-Ranks Average Faculty Salary at Public Doctoral-Granting Universities .....................................62 ii | Oregon University System 2013 Fact Book Contents All-Ranks Average Faculty Compensation at Public Doctoral-Granting Universities .....................62 All-Ranks Average Faculty Salary at Other Public 4-yr Universities ..................................................63 All-Ranks Average Faculty Compensation at Other Public 4-yr Universities .....................................63 Public Research and Development Expenditures ...................................................................................64 Degrees Awarded Degrees Awarded by Institution, 1982-83 through 2012-13 ...................................................................67 OUS Degrees Awarded by Type, 1982-83 through 2012-13 ...................................................................68 Summary of Degrees and Certificates Awarded .....................................................................................69 Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender ............................................70 Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded by Discipline, 2012-13 Compared to 2002-03 .......................................72 Master’s Degrees Awarded by Discipline, 2012-13 Compared to 2002-03 ...........................................73 Doctoral Degrees Awarded by Discipline, 2012-13 Compared to 2002-03 ..........................................74 Professional Degrees Awarded by Discipline, 2012-13 Compared to 2002-03 ....................................75 Tuition and Financial Aid Resident Undergraduate Student Budget .................................................................................................79 Annual Tuition and Fee Rates for Full-Time Students, 2003-04 through 2013-14 ..............................80 Resident and Nonresident Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Rates, 1993-94 through 2013-14 ..........81 Financial Aid to OUS Students by Aid Program ....................................................................................82
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