UNITED NATIONS Distr. Convention to Combat GENERAL Desertification ICCD/COP(6)/INF.3 24 August 2003 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH ONLY CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Sixth session Havana, 25 August - 5 September 2003 DIRECTORY OF FOCAL POINTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION (as at 24 August 2003) Note by the secretariat 1. This document, which was compiled on the initiative of the secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), contains a comprehensive list of national focal points supporting the implementation of the UNCCD. It reproduces official information received from countries. 2. It is intended that such information will support interaction amongst such national focal points, and the exchange of information with others, with a view to furthering the implementation of the UNCCD. 3. Countries are requested to submit information, modifications and/or additions to the secretariat at the following address: UNCCD secretariat P.O. Box 260129 Haus Carstanjen D-53153 Bonn Germany Fax: (49 228) 815 2898 and 815 2899 E-mail:
[email protected] GE.03-70350 ICCD/COP(6)/INF.3 Page 2 ALBANIA ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA H.E. Prof. Lufter Xhuveli Ms. Diann Black Layne Minister Chief Environmental Officer Ministry of Environment Environment Division Rr. Durresi, Nr. 25 Ministry of Tourism and Environment Tirana Quenn Elizabeth Highway Fax: 355 4 270 627 St. John's
[email protected] Tel: 1 268 462 4625 Fax: 1 268 462 6398 ALGERIA
[email protected] M. Salah Bourahla ARGENTINA Directeur Général Division des Forêts Sr. Octavio Pérez Pardo Ministère de l'Agriculture Director de Conservación del Suelo Chemin Doudou Mokhtar-Ben-Aknoun Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable y 16000 Alger Politica Ambiental Tel: 213 21 915316 / 915320 Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Fax: 213 21 915317 / 745129 Ambiente
[email protected] San Martín 459 - 3er Piso Oficina 317 ANDORRA Buenos Aires Tel: 54 11 434 88567 / 8573 Ms.