What is Underwriting?

What is WPTS Spread your message Underwriting is non- to a local market commercial radio’s way of radio? acknowledging a business contribution to a radio WPTSradio is the award- The 92.1 WPTS FM signal station. Rather than winning, student-run radio reaches out to all the areas traditional promotion, station of the University of within the red line pictured underwriting provides the . We have music, above. audience with objective, news, sports programming, neutral-tone information and more running 24/7 with about the business. even more content like Let WPTSradio help

articles, love streaming, and YOUR business. podcasts available on our website. WPTS has consistently ranked in the top 5 college radio stations in Give back to the America by MTVu for the past Contact the WPTS several years. We have also Underwriting Director for community by won several awards from more information. supporting non- College Broadcasters Inc. Underwriting Director: Rachel Mauer commercial radio How can WPTS help 411 your business? Pittsburgh, , 15213 [email protected] (412) 508-0962


How does Underwriting with WPTS compare with advertising?

Underwriting is much more affordable. For the price of one full- page ad in the Pitt News, you can get full semester’s worth of underwriting spots. Underwriting provides you with access to a much younger, more What can Underwriting on WPTSradio do for you? progressive market than newspaper ads.

Do you offer any specialty packages?  Provide a clear, concise  Affordable rates- Only $10 Yes! We offer special football and basketball Underwriting packages. message to your target per spot with further discounts WPTS broadcasts every home game. audience for local businesses & You can get in on the Pitt athletics market!  No clutter- Only ONE discounts on bulk purchases Anything else? Underwriting spot played per  WPTS listeners are 50% more hour likely to support We also offer trade of goods or services in exchange for Underwriting  Access to the hip, young, underwriting businesses than spots, when applicable. LOCAL market at the their competitors

University of Pittsburgh and in the Greater Pittsburgh Area For more information, email the WPTS Underwriting Director at: [email protected]