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业务动态 CEO致辞 56 GE参加“山东—美国经济文化交流周”活动 02 共同推进GE“中国第二故乡”战略 57 GE参与主办中美新能源论坛 《GE在中国》是GE(中国)有限公司公关 特别报道 58 GE助力江苏龙源如东风电场荣获“新中国成立60周年百项经典暨 传播部编印的季度通讯。欢迎积极投稿, 精品工程”奖 并提出您的意见和建议。 05 GE中国2009年大事记 42 携手中国伙伴 打造清洁未来 59 GE推出“三维奇境”增强现实游戏 GE in is published quarterly by GE 10 CEO Message China Communications & Public Relations. ——“GE中国清洁技术周” 60 GE中国荣获“健康与生产力管理企业特殊成就奖” We welcome all comments, suggestions 02 03 China: GE’s “Second Home Market” – Making It Happen and contribution of articles. 61 GE医疗联合中华医学会召开乳腺X线摄影系统质量控制高峰论坛 业务发展 Special Report 出版人 Publisher 62 GE医疗举办首届“中国医院院长设备管理高峰论坛” 李国威 Geoff Li 18 CFM国际公司LEAP-X发动机获选中国商飞C919飞机唯一指定外方发动机 63 GE与中国疾病预防控制中心共推工作场所健康促进与慢性病预防 07 GE China 2009 Milestones 20 GE与扬州市政府签署智能电网合作协议 本期责任编辑 Managing Editor 控制工作 13 Making a Clean Future Brighter with Chinese Partners 周祖怡 Martin Zhou 21 GE能源集团助河南利源焦化厂实现减排及电力入网双丰收 - GE China Clean Technology Week 64 GE员工践行“健康创想”承诺,在全球开展健康日活动 编辑 Staff Editors 22 GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机助力中国最大鸡粪发电厂 Business Highlight 钟路音 Lu Zhong 65 GE智能平台举办创新之旅年度用户大会 曾妮 23 GE与中国船舶重工集团签署战略合作框架协议 Rachel Zeng 66 GE智能平台与上海大学签订大学计划合作项目合同 19 Advanced LEAP-X Engine from CFM Chosen as Sole Engine for New 郭正华 Roy Guo 24 GE风能传动科技与重庆新兴齿轮将建立合资公司 刘娟涓 Ellen Liu 67 GE中国科技园荣获能源与环境设计先锋奖银奖 C919 Aircraft 26 GE运输系统集团为铁道部济南局提供故障安全数据传输系统 20 GE Signs Agreement with Yangzhou Government on Smart Grid 通讯员 Correspondents 67 GE荣获“中国优秀体育场馆产品设备供应商”奖 陈俊美 Cathy Chen 26 GE与天津铁路信号工厂签署本地化CTS-2谅解备忘录 参加国际半导体照明论坛支持中国 产业发展 Cooperation 邓瑾 Jane Deng 68 GE LED 27 GE医疗集团发布宝石能谱CT 21 GE Energy Helps Henan Liyuan Coking Plant Improve Emission Standards, 方奕 Yi Fang 69 GE安防参展上海国际消防保安技术设备展 黄楠 Nancy Huang 28 GE医疗集团亚洲最大生命科学生产基地建成 Provide Power to Public Grid 郝蓉 Rong Hao 70 GE—国家电网高级管理培训研修班开班 李霞 Lisa Li 30 GE携手日日顺电器在中国农村市场推出Hotpoint®品牌 22 GE’s Jenbacher Gas Engines Power China’s Largest Chicken Waste 李可佳 Christine Li 71 GE药业(上海)有限公司员工走进第四期药品GMP检查员培训班 刘暐 Wendy Liu 31 GE水处理巩固华南地区石化市场 Biogas-to-Energy Plant 71 GE基金会科技创新赛颁奖 沈聆 Rainy Shen 31 GE金融航空服务有限公司与国银租赁完成价值8.3亿美元资产交易 23 GE and CSIC Sign Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement 王彬 Bin Wang 72 GE环境、健康与安全专家探讨并分享GE实践 吴晓东 Waldo Wu 32 GE与宁夏回族自治区政府签署战略合作谅解备忘录 25 GE Drivetrain Technologies and Chongqing XinXing Finalize Joint Venture 肖傲霜 Aoshuang Xiao 肖伟群 Lilian Xiao 33 GE安防业务发布GE Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统 爱心满中国 26 GE Transportation Supplies FDT for Ministry of Railways, Jinan Bureau 许佳佳 Jessica Xu 26 GE and Tianjin Railway Signaling Factory Sign MOU on CTS-2 Localization 袁雯 Angela Yuan 34 CNBC亚太携手第一财经揭晓“2009中国最佳商业领袖奖” 74 逾万乡村教师受益GE希望工程教师培训项目 赵英泽 Arserh Zhao 36 GE与FANUC宣布解除合资关系 27 GE Healthcare Releases New CT Product 张唯雅 Weiya Zhang 76 GE致力提升中国职业健康水平 29 GE Healthcare Launches Largest Life Sciences Paper Production Base in 78 GE医疗集团发起“粉红十月”乳腺义诊及公益宣传活动 绿色创想 Asia 38 GE中国研发中心携新产品亮相2009年中国 30 GE, Gooday Mart Launch Hotpoint® Appliances for China’s Rural Market GE(中国)有限公司 国际工业博览会 31 GE W&PT Strengthens Leadership in South China Petrochemical Market 上海市浦东张江高科技园区华佗路1号1号楼8楼 39 GE与中国天联广告获2009中国国际广告节 31 GE Capital Aviation Services and CDB Leasing Company Close Key Aviation 邮编: 201203 电话: (8621)38777888 大奖 Transaction 传真: (8621)38777508 酷科技 32 GE Signs MOU with Ningxia Government 北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦西区六层 41 整体煤气化联合循环发电系统带来清洁电力 33 GE Security Releases GE Miracle Video Door Phone System 邮编: 100004 35 CNBC Asia Pacific and CBN Unveil Winners of 2009 China Business 电话: (8610)65611166 GE人物 传真: (8610)65611168 Leaders Awards 44 人物专访马思礼 36 GE and FANUC to Dissolve Joint Venture 网址: www.ge.com/cn 11 56 媒体看点 50 GE医疗集团进一步谋篇中国市场 52 GE重构在华投资版图

业务动态 CEO致辞 56 GE参加“山东—美国经济文化交流周”活动 02 共同推进GE“中国第二故乡”战略 57 GE参与主办中美新能源论坛 《GE在中国》是GE(中国)有限公司公关 特别报道 58 GE助力江苏龙源如东风电场荣获“新中国成立60周年百项经典暨 传播部编印的季度通讯。欢迎积极投稿, 精品工程”奖 并提出您的意见和建议。 05 GE中国2009年大事记 42 携手中国伙伴 打造清洁未来 59 GE推出“三维奇境”增强现实游戏 GE in China is published quarterly by GE 10 CEO Message China Communications & Public Relations. ——“GE中国清洁技术周” 60 GE中国荣获“健康与生产力管理企业特殊成就奖” We welcome all comments, suggestions 02 03 China: GE’s “Second Home Market” – Making It Happen and contribution of articles. 61 GE医疗联合中华医学会召开乳腺X线摄影系统质量控制高峰论坛 业务发展 Special Report 出版人 Publisher 62 GE医疗举办首届“中国医院院长设备管理高峰论坛” 李国威 Geoff Li 18 CFM国际公司LEAP-X发动机获选中国商飞C919飞机唯一指定外方发动机 63 GE与中国疾病预防控制中心共推工作场所健康促进与慢性病预防 07 GE China 2009 Milestones 20 GE与扬州市政府签署智能电网合作协议 本期责任编辑 Managing Editor 控制工作 13 Making a Clean Future Brighter with Chinese Partners 周祖怡 Martin Zhou 21 GE能源集团助河南利源焦化厂实现减排及电力入网双丰收 - GE China Clean Technology Week 64 GE员工践行“健康创想”承诺,在全球开展健康日活动 编辑 Staff Editors 22 GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机助力中国最大鸡粪发电厂 Business Highlight 钟路音 Lu Zhong 65 GE智能平台举办创新之旅年度用户大会 曾妮 23 GE与中国船舶重工集团签署战略合作框架协议 Rachel Zeng 66 GE智能平台与上海大学签订大学计划合作项目合同 19 Advanced LEAP-X Engine from CFM Chosen as Sole Engine for New 郭正华 Roy Guo 24 GE风能传动科技与重庆新兴齿轮将建立合资公司 刘娟涓 Ellen Liu 67 GE中国科技园荣获能源与环境设计先锋奖银奖 COMAC C919 Aircraft 26 GE运输系统集团为铁道部济南局提供故障安全数据传输系统 20 GE Signs Agreement with Yangzhou Government on Smart Grid 通讯员 Correspondents 67 GE荣获“中国优秀体育场馆产品设备供应商”奖 陈俊美 Cathy Chen 26 GE与天津铁路信号工厂签署本地化CTS-2谅解备忘录 参加国际半导体照明论坛支持中国 产业发展 Cooperation 邓瑾 Jane Deng 68 GE LED 27 GE医疗集团发布宝石能谱CT 21 GE Energy Helps Henan Liyuan Coking Plant Improve Emission Standards, 方奕 Yi Fang 69 GE安防参展上海国际消防保安技术设备展 黄楠 Nancy Huang 28 GE医疗集团亚洲最大生命科学生产基地建成 Provide Power to Public Grid 郝蓉 Rong Hao 70 GE—国家电网高级管理培训研修班开班 李霞 Lisa Li 30 GE携手日日顺电器在中国农村市场推出Hotpoint®品牌 22 GE’s Jenbacher Gas Engines Power China’s Largest Chicken Waste 李可佳 Christine Li 71 GE药业(上海)有限公司员工走进第四期药品GMP检查员培训班 刘暐 Wendy Liu 31 GE水处理巩固华南地区石化市场 Biogas-to-Energy Plant 71 GE基金会科技创新赛颁奖 沈聆 Rainy Shen 31 GE金融航空服务有限公司与国银租赁完成价值8.3亿美元资产交易 23 GE and CSIC Sign Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement 王彬 Bin Wang 72 GE环境、健康与安全专家探讨并分享GE实践 吴晓东 Waldo Wu 32 GE与宁夏回族自治区政府签署战略合作谅解备忘录 25 GE Drivetrain Technologies and Chongqing XinXing Finalize Joint Venture 肖傲霜 Aoshuang Xiao 肖伟群 Lilian Xiao 33 GE安防业务发布GE Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统 爱心满中国 26 GE Transportation Supplies FDT for Ministry of Railways, Jinan Bureau 许佳佳 Jessica Xu 26 GE and Tianjin Railway Signaling Factory Sign MOU on CTS-2 Localization 袁雯 Angela Yuan 34 CNBC亚太携手第一财经揭晓“2009中国最佳商业领袖奖” 74 逾万乡村教师受益GE希望工程教师培训项目 赵英泽 Arserh Zhao 36 GE与FANUC宣布解除合资关系 27 GE Healthcare Releases New CT Product 张唯雅 Weiya Zhang 76 GE致力提升中国职业健康水平 29 GE Healthcare Launches Largest Life Sciences Paper Production Base in 78 GE医疗集团发起“粉红十月”乳腺义诊及公益宣传活动 绿色创想 Asia 38 GE中国研发中心携新产品亮相2009年中国 30 GE, Gooday Mart Launch Hotpoint® Appliances for China’s Rural Market GE(中国)有限公司 国际工业博览会 31 GE W&PT Strengthens Leadership in South China Petrochemical Market 上海市浦东张江高科技园区华佗路1号1号楼8楼 39 GE与中国天联广告获2009中国国际广告节 31 GE Capital Aviation Services and CDB Leasing Company Close Key Aviation 邮编: 201203 电话: (8621)38777888 大奖 Transaction 传真: (8621)38777508 酷科技 32 GE Signs MOU with Ningxia Government 北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦西区六层 41 整体煤气化联合循环发电系统带来清洁电力 33 GE Security Releases GE Miracle Video Door Phone System 邮编: 100004 35 CNBC Asia Pacific and CBN Unveil Winners of 2009 China Business 电话: (8610)65611166 GE人物 传真: (8610)65611168 Leaders Awards 44 人物专访马思礼 36 GE and FANUC to Dissolve Joint Venture 网址: www.ge.com/cn 11 56 62 GE Healthcare Holds the First China Hospital CEO Summit on Healthcare Equipments Management 63 GE Works with CDC to Advocate Work Site Healthcare Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention 64 GE Employees Rally Around Healthymagination Commitment on Health Day 65 GE IP Holds Annual Customer Meeting 66 GE IP Signs University Program Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai University 67 GE China Technology Park Awarded LEED Silver Award 67 GE Awarded Outstanding Supplier for Sporting Venues 68 GE Participates in the 6th China International Forum on Solid State 59 Lighting 69 GE Security Showcases at Fire & Security Shanghai 2009 Eco update 70 GE and State Grid Launch 2009 China CEO Program GE Showcases Innovations at the 2009 China International Industry Fair 38 71 GE Employees Teach at the Fourth Good Manufacturing Practice Training GE and BBDO China Scoop Awards at China International Advertising 39 Course Festival 2009 71 2009 GE Foundation TECH Award Announced

Cool Technology 72 GE EHS Experts Discuss and Share GE Practices IGCC - Bringing Cleaner Power 42 GE in Community

GE People 75 More Than 10,000 Teachers in Rural China Benefit from GE-sponsored Training 47 Meet the Leader Marcelo Mosci 77 GE Commits to Helping Upgrade Occupational Health and Safety in China GE in Media 78 GE Healthcare’s “Pink October” Promotes Breast Health 51 GE Healthcare Further Probes China Market 53 Re-aligning GE Presence in China

News Flash 56 GE Participates in Shandong-US Economic and Cultural Exchange Week 57 GE Participates in Sino-US New Energy Forum 58 GE Helps Rudong Wind Power Win Classic Construction Project Title for the 60th Anniversary of Founding of New China 59 GE Releases 3D AR Game 60 GE China Honored for Special Achievement in Health and Productivity Management 61 GE Healthcare and Chinese Medical Association Hold Mammogram Quality Control Forum

78 62 GE Healthcare Holds the First China Hospital CEO Summit on Healthcare Equipments Management 63 GE Works with CDC to Advocate Work Site Healthcare Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention 64 GE Employees Rally Around Healthymagination Commitment on Health Day 65 GE IP Holds Annual Customer Meeting 66 GE IP Signs University Program Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai University 67 GE China Technology Park Awarded LEED Silver Award 67 GE Awarded Outstanding Supplier for Sporting Venues 68 GE Participates in the 6th China International Forum on Solid State 59 Lighting 69 GE Security Showcases at Fire & Security Shanghai 2009 Eco update 70 GE and State Grid Launch 2009 China CEO Program GE Showcases Innovations at the 2009 China International Industry Fair 38 71 GE Employees Teach at the Fourth Good Manufacturing Practice Training GE and BBDO China Scoop Awards at China International Advertising 39 Course Festival 2009 71 2009 GE Foundation TECH Award Announced

Cool Technology 72 GE EHS Experts Discuss and Share GE Practices IGCC - Bringing Cleaner Power 42 GE in Community

GE People 75 More Than 10,000 Teachers in Rural China Benefit from GE-sponsored Training 47 Meet the Leader Marcelo Mosci 77 GE Commits to Helping Upgrade Occupational Health and Safety in China GE in Media 78 GE Healthcare’s “Pink October” Promotes Breast Health 51 GE Healthcare Further Probes China Market 53 Re-aligning GE Presence in China

News Flash 56 GE Participates in Shandong-US Economic and Cultural Exchange Week 57 GE Participates in Sino-US New Energy Forum 58 GE Helps Rudong Wind Power Win Classic Construction Project Title for the 60th Anniversary of Founding of New China 59 GE Releases 3D AR Game 60 GE China Honored for Special Achievement in Health and Productivity Management 61 GE Healthcare and Chinese Medical Association Hold Mammogram Quality Control Forum

78 CEO致辞 CEO Message


亲爱的同事们,全球经济尚乍暖还寒,中国市场已生机勃勃,谁也不会反对这是后金融危机时代的 真实写照。在这样的局面下,发源于美国的GE加速实施“中国第二故乡”战略显得顺理成章,回顾 2009,我们所获颇丰,展望2010,我们志在必得。

本土化—2009年,GE继续稳步扩展我们在中国的制造基地。从航空到运输系统,从医疗到能 源,从企业解决方案到消费与工业产品,几乎每个GE业务集团在过去这一年里都通过建立新的合资 或独资企业扩大了在华产能。而GE在中国庞大的采购不仅满足了我们在中国本土的需求更为整个公 司全球范围内各项业务的顺利展开提供了重要的原动力。研发方面,更多的GE产品不再仅仅是“中 国制造”,而是打上了“中国创造”的烙印,我们也正在努力把这些中国市场独特需求所催生的、 由中国研发人员主导的创新推广到世界其他国家,以期获得更大的经济和社会效益。

融入政府经济社会发展规划—2009年,中国政府在节能减排和医疗卫生方面都推出了雄心勃 勃而又切实可行的改革计划,这些改革与GE的“绿色创想”和“健康创想”战略高度匹配,所以我 们自信将在这些领域成为政府理想的合作伙伴。另一方面,GE加速布局内陆二三线城市的行动也和 中国政府消弥区域差距、实现均衡增长的目标不谋而合。融入政府的经济社会发展规划为GE进一步 开拓中国市场奠定了良好的基础。

建立面向全球的伙伴关系—2009年,GE与数个中国行业领先企业建立了具有里程碑式意义的 联盟,我们将和他们合作进一步开拓中国市场,并为有朝一日携手逐鹿全球市场做准备。

• GE航空集团和中航工业签署合作框架协议,承诺共同建立一个民用航空电子设备合资公司,这个拟议中的公司将面向全球市场生产并 销售航空一体化电子平台。航空一体化电子平台被称为“飞机的大脑”,是飞机制造工艺中最关键的部分之一。

• GE能源集团和神华集团共同宣布将很快成立一个合资公司,开展战略合作扩大煤气化技术在中国工业领域的应用,并合作推进清洁煤 新技术研发,旨在进一步加快气化和整体气化联合循环发电(IGCC)技术在中国乃至全球范围内的大规模商业应用。

• GE运输集团和中国铁道部签署备忘录,承诺在寻求参与美国高速铁路建设项目方面加强合作。

• GE运输集团和南车戚墅堰机厂将成立合资企业,共同开发、生产新一代Evolution®机车柴油发动机,并发展相应的售后维护业务。

GE在中国的业务正从单纯的设备进口迅速转向参与全方位的本土化市场竞争。我们很自豪能与上述国内行业领先企业结盟,这些合作将不仅对GE 在中国未来的发展意义重大,从长远来讲,它们将有可能对全球产业竞争格局产生深远的影响。

毫无疑问,GE中国正身处一个令人振奋的年代,在这辞旧迎新之际,我衷心希望能和你们——我亲爱的同事们——在崭新的2010年里共同创造更 辉煌的成就! 罗邦民 GE大中华区 总裁兼首席执行官

02 GE在中国 China: GE’s “Second Home Market” – Making It Happen

China remains a dynamic growth region in what continues to be a • GE Aviation and the AVIC Systems agreed to create a global challenging global economic environment, and GE has responded by avionics business for commercial aircraft, to develop and accelerating our strategy to make China our second home market. market integrated systems, or what are called “the brains on We made significant progress towards this goal in 2009 and we will planes”. continue to drive for new milestones in 2010 and beyond. • GE Energy and the Shenhua Group Corporation will set up a joint venture to advance “cleaner coal” technologies and Localization – In 2009, we continued to open new manufacturing foster the use of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) facilities. Our Aviation, Transportation, Healthcare, Energy, Enterprise solutions in and beyond China. Solutions and Consumer & Industrial businesses continue to • GE Transportation and China’s Ministry of Railways agreed expand their capacity through new joint ventures or wholly owned to jointly explore high-speed rail opportunities in the United companies. We are increasing our sourcing from China to support States. not only our China operations but also our global operations. We are • GE Transportation and the CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co., Ltd. launching more products that are designed and manufactured "In agreed to create a joint venture to develop, build and service China For China", and then taking them to the rest of the world. Evolution® diesel engines in China.

Aligning with government priorities – As the Chinese We are transitioning rapidly away from being a simple importer to government announces concrete plans to tackle energy become a true local player in China. And we are proud to be in long- conservation, emission reduction, and to embark on healthcare term global partnerships with many of China’s industry leaders. reform, GE’s ecomagination and Healthymagination technologies These strategic partnerships are not only a great asset to the future make us the ideal partner to help China achieve these goals. We of GE in China but will also potentially reshape the global industrial are also vastly expanding our sales network to cover more second landscape. and third tier cities and broader areas of the rural market, as the government drives growth in both coastal and interior regions. The This is an exciting time to be with GE in China, and I look forward to government’s initiatives are creating tremendous growth prospects working with all of you to achieve another rewarding year in 2010 for GE. and beyond.

Building global partnerships in China - In 2009, we achieved important milestones in strategic partnerships built with China's industry champions. We will work with these leading companies to Mark Norbom grow GE’s business in China and take them to the global market. President & CEO GE Greater China

GE IN CHINA 03 特别报道 Special Report

04 GE在中国 GE中国2009年大事记

1月 • GE石油天然气集团再次中标西气东输管线项目,将为第二条管道 西段工程提供压缩机设备,中标价值约3亿美元; • GE能源集团在上海闵行电厂125MW燃煤机组上实现了GE燃烧优 化系统Knowledge3在国内的首次集成应用; • GE能源集团与浙能集团镇海电厂和福建石化集团分别签订服务和 维修合同,为GE 9FA和9E燃机提供运行保障,两合同总额达1.28 • GE运输系统集团风能传动科技业务与美国第一能源集团公司签署 亿美元; 两项合同意向书:GE风能传动科技为后者提供2.7MW风力发电齿轮 箱;双方在中国建立合资公司共同组建风力发电齿轮箱组装厂; • GE医疗集团通过收购Vital Signs公司,向中国推出家用呼吸和睡 眠护理解决方案,从而进军中国家用医疗市场; • GE能源集团向贵州阳长小学捐款50万元; • GE航空集团位于苏州工业园区的新工厂正式开业,占地18,600平 • CNBC高端访谈节目《商业领袖》登陆中国; 方米;

• GE和中国花样滑冰队宣布继2006年都灵冬奥会后达成新的合作伙 2月 伴关系; • 美国国务卿希拉里 ∙ 克林顿访问由GE能源集团提供产品和服务支 持的北京太阳宫热电厂; 4月 • GE运输系统集团与杭州地铁集团有限公司签订合同,为其提供综 • GE能源集团推出适用于大型气化项目的1800立方英尺大容积激冷 合监控系统,成为GE首个在华地铁订单; 式气化炉; • GE能源集团为四川省煤炭产业集团提供的两台颜巴赫燃气内燃机 • GE能源集团与南京汽轮电机(集团)有限责任公司签署技术许可 运抵川煤芙蓉煤层气利用公司瓦斯发电厂并开始安装; 协议,后者将获得许可将GE的技术应用于其在中国和东南亚的工 • GE照明与工业产品集团与四川长虹电器股份有限公司签署战略合 业用蒸汽轮机设计中; 作备忘录,在技术、市场和服务方面展开全方位战略合作,并以 • CNBC财经电视台与博鳌亚洲论坛组委会合办主题为“亚洲下一个 灾后重建、绿色环保等领域为重点推动双方共同发展; 优势”的电视辩论会,并通过CNBC亚太网络向全球观众播放; • GE消费与工业产品集团与上海广电电气(集团)股份有限公司签 • GE在中国企业家俱乐部、道农研究所、《绿公司》杂志主办的 订协议,投资近2千万美元在上海成立一家提供高品质电子元件 “2009中国绿色公司年会”上荣获“2008年度中国绿色公司标杆 产品的合资公司——上海通用广电电力元件有限公司; 企业”; • GE传感与检测科技携手SGS旗下通标标准技术服务有限公司在上 海浦东成立无损检测应用技术中心; 5月 • GE中国研发中心开发的“数字心脏”获《第一财经周刊》主办的 “炫@商业2008评选盛典”之“年度最炫技术奖”; • GE启动“健康创想”战略计划,将投资60亿美元用于改善公众健 康,关注医疗成本、医疗机会与医疗质量; • GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团中国区项目销售团队荣获2008绿色 创想领袖奖; • GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团获选为上海赛科石油化工有限责任 公司量身定制高效污水处理系统;

3月 • GE和中国南车戚墅堰机车有限公司本地组装的首批国内最大功率 内燃机车和谐N5型干线机车通过铁道部验收; • GE运输系统集团首套中国本地组装大功率内燃机车推进系统在南 车成都机车车辆有限公司正式下线; • GE成为2010年上海世博会美国馆首席合作伙伴;

GE IN CHINA 05 特别报道 Special Report

• GE中国研发中心与上海市科学技术委员会签署技术合作谅解备忘 • GE运输系统集团风能传动科技与重庆新兴风能投资有限公司宣布 录,共同推动上海市科技产业发展和科技成果的市场化; 将建立合资公司,共同生产风力发电机工业用大直径齿轮;

• GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团与中海壳牌石油化工有限公司签订 6月 价值300万美元多年度合同,为后者提供水处理化学品及服务; • GE运输系统集团正式开始向中国青藏线铁路提供整套机车维护 • GE携手其家电产品新分销商日日顺电器在中国农村市场推出 服务; Hotpoint®品牌;

• GE荣获由《商业周刊》评选的“2009年度中国绿色经济大奖”; • GE中国研发中心在“聚焦张江”十周年创新创业风云榜典礼上荣 获“科技引领贡献奖”; • GE(中国)融资租赁有限责任公司天津分公司揭牌;

• GE与神华宁夏煤业集团有限公司签署战略合作谅解备忘录; 9月 • GE医疗集团与卫生部联合启动“脑中风筛查及防控工程”; • GE医疗集团在亚洲兴建的第一家滤纸生产基地——杭州沃华滤纸 • GE照明与合作伙伴北京海兰齐照明设备安装工程有限公司共同赢 有限公司正式开业; 得天安门广场灯具更新换代项目,合同总额约46,000美元; • GE为天安门广场东西两侧的两面超大面积LED显示屏提供了2台 • GE金融集团与中华全国妇女联合会启动首个增强中国弱势女性能 GE SitePro300(300KVA)不间断电源,保证十月一日中华人民共 力的社区女性金融教育项目“金钥匙金融知识培训”; 和国60周年庆典及节假中大屏幕的顺利工作;

• GE消费与工业产品集团与中国住房和城乡建设部科技发展促进中 • GE能源集团安装在中国最大鸡粪发电厂——民和股份沼气发电清 心签署合作谅解备忘录,共同促进中国绿色建筑的发展; 洁机制项目的颜巴赫燃气内燃机正式开始运营;

月 7 10月 • GE能源集团与蒲城清洁能源化工有限公司签署GE气化技术许可协 • GE能源集团与河南利源焦化有限公司签署协议,其航改型燃气轮 议,包括许可使用GE成熟的气化技术、工艺设计包、技术服务和 机将利用焦化厂煤焦化过程中产生的焦炉煤气进行发电与供热; 设备供应; • 由GE能源集团提供风力发电机组的江苏龙源如东风电场荣获“新 • GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团与中国市政工程华北设计研究总院 中国成立60周年百项经典暨精品工程”奖; 签署战略合作谅解备忘录,共同推广超滤和膜生物反应器技术;

• CNBC中文网站正式上线; 11月 • 中国社会工作协会防止乳腺癌专项基金与GE医疗等合作伙伴共同 • GE航空集团与中国航空工业集团公司签署建立航空电子合资公司 启动“四川地震灾区德阳市区域性乳腺癌防治网络援建项目”; 的框架协议; • GE中国启动2009雇主综合价值系列活动,关注员工职业发展和工 • GE能源集团与神华集团签署了关于成立合资公司框架协议的谅解 作体验,提升公司在员工心目中的综合价值; 备忘录,为中国提供先进的“清洁煤”技术解决方案;

• GE运输系统集团与中国铁道部签署备忘录,承诺在寻求参与美国 8月 时速350公里以上的高速铁路项目方面加强合作; • GE能源集团与福建晋江天然气发电有限公司签订价值逾1亿美 • GE运输系统集团将与中国南车戚墅堰机车有限公司建立合资企 元、为期9年的长期服务合同,为福建晋江电厂的4台9FA燃气轮 业,在中国开发、制造GE Evolution®系列机车柴油发动机并提供 机提供日常零部件更换、相关维修、保养以及培训服务; 服务; • GE与宁夏回族自治区政府签署战略合作谅解备忘录,携手推进宁 夏回族自治区的环境建设和经济的可持续发展;

06 GE在中国 • GE医疗集团发布高端CT产品——“宝石能谱CT”,以最高分辨率 • GE与法国赛峰集团的平股合资公司CFM国际公司被选定为中国正 的成像技术和常规剂量50%的超低辐射量为临床影像诊断带来重 在研制的民航大飞机C919提供LEAP-X1C发动机; 大变革; • CFM国际公司和中航商用飞机发动机有限公司签署谅解备忘录, 计划合作建立一条世界级飞机发动机总装线和一套飞机发动机地 12月 面测试平台,为C919 大飞机项目的LEAP-X1C发动机提供支持; • GE“三维奇境”增强现实游戏在中国正式上线,首次在中国利用 • 奈赛公司成为向C919大飞机的LEAP-X1C发动机提供高能发动机短 创新的增强现实技术(AR)向公众介绍风能技术; 舱、反推力装置和排气系统的供应商。奈赛是GE旗下MRAS公司 和赛峰集团旗下Aircelle公司的平股合资公司; • GE宣布2009年前三季度“绿色创想”系列产品在中国收入达到 6,56亿美元,比上年同期增长了50%; • GE金融航空服务有限公司向国家开发银行旗下的国银租赁有限公 司以8.3亿美元的总价出售15架带租约的飞机资产。 • GE与扬州市政府签署产业合作协议,将共同建设智能电网示范城 市,打造具有国际先进水平的智能电网相关产业基地;

GE China 2009 Milestones

January • GE Lighting & Industrial and Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation on technology, marketing • GE Energy applied its boiler combustion optimization system, and services with an emphasis on full cooperation on Sichuan’s post- Knowledge3, to the 125MW coal-fired units in Shanghai’s Minhang quake reconstruction and environmental protection to promote mutual Power Plant, marking the first integrative application of Knowledge3 in development; China; • GE Consumer & Industrial signed an agreement with Shanghai • GE Drivetrain Technologies signed two Letters of Intents with A-Power Guangdian Electric Group Co., Ltd. to establish a new joint venture - Energy Generation Systems: one for GE Drivetrain Technologies to Shanghai Tongyong Guangdian Electric Components Co., Ltd. with supply A-Power with 2.7 MW wind turbine gearboxes and the other investment of approximately USD 20 million; to establish a joint venture partnership for a wind turbine gearbox assembly plant in China; • GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies and SGS-CSTC unveiled a joint Non-Destructive-Testing Application Center in Shanghai; • GE Energy donated RMB 500,000 to Guizhou Yangchang Primary School; • The Digital Heart, an innovative technology achieved by the GE China Technology Center, was named the "Coolest Technology in 2008" by • CNBC launched its high-end talk show “The Leaders” in China; China Business Network Weekly;

• GE Water & Process Technologies’ China project sales team was February awarded the “2008 Fourth Quarter Ecomagination Leadership Award”; • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Beijing Taiyanggong Gas- Fired Thermal Power Plant, which is equipped with GE Energy products and technologies; March • GE Transportation completed the first GE propulsion system • GE Transportation signed a contract with Hangzhou Metro Group assembled in China with its partner CSR Chengdu Locomotive & Co., Ltd. to provide the latter integrated control systems; this is GE Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.; Transportation’s first metro project in China; • GE Oil & Gas won a deal worth USD 300 million to become the primary • Two Jenbacher gas engines provided by GE Energy to the Sichuan Coal supplier of compression equipment for the western section of China’s Group were delivered to the group’s Furong CMG Utilization Company second West-to-East Gas Pipeline; Power Plant and being installed;

GE IN CHINA 07 特别报道 Special Report

• GE Energy signed service and maintenance agreements totaling USD June 128 million respectively with Zheneng Zhenhai Power Plant and Fujian • GE Transportation began to provide a full suite of locomotive Refining & Petrochemical Company to ensure that the installed GE 9FAs maintenance services to China’s Qinghai-Tibet Railway; and 9Es are run in a safe, reliable and efficient manner; • GE received the “China Green Business Award” from BusinessWeek; • GE Healthcare announced its entry into the Home Healthcare Market in China through the introduction of sleep care and home respiratory • GE and the Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group signed a Memorandum of care solutions. The home healthcare solutions were added through Understanding on strategic cooperation; acquisition of Vital Signs Inc.; • GE Healthcare and China’s Ministry of Health announced the official • GE Aviation announced the opening of a new manufacturing facility in kick-off of the “Stroke Screening, Prevention and Control Project”; Suzhou, which covers 18,600 square meters; • GE Lighting and its partner the Beijing Hailan Qili Lighting Equipment • GE announced that it has renewed its partnership with the Chinese Engineering Co., Ltd. won the bid valued at around USD 46,000 to Figure Skating Team since the initial sponsorship deal that lasted illuminate Tian’anmen Square through a comprehensive lighting through the completion of the Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games; upgrade project ;

• GE Capital China and the All-China Women’s Federation launched their April first financial education program, “Keys to a Golden Future”, which is designed to empower underprivileged Chinese women; • GE Energy introduced the 1800 cubic foot High Capacity Quench Gasifier configured for large gasification projects; • GE Consumer & Industrial and the Center of Science & Technology of Construction Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development • GE Energy signed a technology licensing agreement with the Nanjing of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding to accelerate the Turbine & Electric Machinery Group, which will license the group to use development of advanced, environmentally-friendly technologies and GE’s technology to design and produce steam turbines for industrial green construction in China; applications in China and Southeast Asia;

• CNBC and Boao Forum co-held and taped the Boao TV Debate themed “The next competitive edge of Asia”, and the debate was aired on CNBC July Asia Pacific Channel to a global audience through television; • GE Energy signed an agreement to license its gasification technology • GE received the “2008 China Green Company Benchmark” award at the to the Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Company Ltd. The agreement Annual Summit of China’s Green Companies organized by the China included the licensing of GE’s well-established gasification technology, Entrepreneur Club, Daonong Center for Enterprise and Green Herald; a process design package, technical services and equipment supply;

• GE Water & Process Technologies and the North China Municipal May Engineering Design & Research Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding for strategic partnership on market development • GE Launched “Healthymagination”, and will commit USD 6 billion to and project execution for municipal water supply and wastewater enable better health focusing on cost, access and quality; treatment; • GE Water & Process Technologies was selected by the Shanghai SECCO • CNBC’s Chinese language website debuted in China; Petrochemical Co., Ltd. to design and construct a high-efficiency water reclamation plant; • China Breast Cancer Foundation and partners including GE announced the establishment of a regional breast-cancer screening network in • GE Transportation announced that the first group in-country Deyang, Sichuan province; manufactured China Mainline Locomotives assembled by its partner, CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co., Ltd. has formally been commissioned by • GE China officially launched the 2009 Employment Value Proposition China’s Ministry of Railways; initiative, which focuses on the career development of employees while advocating a positive and enjoyable GE working experience. • GE became a Founding Partner of the US National Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo;

• GE China Technology Center signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality to promote the commercialization of technological achievements in Shanghai and establish a new model for win-win cooperation;

08 GE在中国 August November • GE Energy signed a USD 115 million 9-year service agreement with the • GE Aviation and AVIC announced an agreement that will lead to the Fujian Jinjiang Gas Power Co., Ltd. including parts, services, repairs and formation of a new joint venture to develop and market integrated training for four Frame 9FA gas turbines installed at the plant; avionics systems for commercial aircraft customers;

• GE and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region government signed a • GE Energy and Shenhua announced a Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding for strategic partnership to promote on a framework for an industrial coal gasification joint venture to the region’s environmental protection and sustainable economic provide leading clean coal technology solutions for China; development; • GE and the MOR signed a Memorandum of Understanding clarifying the • GE Drivetrain Technologies, a unit of GE Transportation, and the intention of cooperating on high-speed rail opportunities in the United Chongqing XinXing Fengneng Investment Co., Ltd. announced the States; formation of a joint venture company that will produce large diameter • GE Transportation announced the formation of a joint venture company gears for the wind turbine industry; with CSR Qishuyan to develop, build and service GE’s Evolution® Series • GE Water & Process Technologies signed a USD 3 million multi-year locomotive diesel engines in China; agreement with the CNOOC & Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. to supply • GE Healthcare released its advanced CT product HDCT, which has the water chemicals and provide services; highest image quality in the CT industry while reducing the X-ray dose • GE and Gooday Mart, GE Appliances’ new distributor in China, by half, a breakthrough of CT technology; co-launched Hotpoint® brand appliances for China’s rural market;

• GE China Technology Center was honored with the "Technology Leading Award" at the "Focus on Zhangjiang" 10th Anniversary Award December Ceremony; • GE released its 3D Augmented Reality game in China, the first of its kind to introduce wind energy using Augmented Reality technology; September • GE announced that its ecomagination products sales in China reached over USD 656 million in the first three quarters of 2009, up 50% • GE Healthcare announced the official opening of its first high-tech compared to the same period last year. scientific paper production facility in Asia, the Whatman-Xinhua Filter Paper Co., Ltd.; • GE and the Yangzhou Municipal Government signed an agreement on cooperation in proposed Smart Grid projects. The two parties will jointly • GE provided two SitePro300 (300KVA) Uninterrupted Power Supply advance deployment of Smart Grid technology in Yangzhou; units for the two huge LED screens on both the east and west sides of Tian’anmen Square to secure the performance of these two screens • CFM International – the 50/50 joint venture between GE and SAFRAN during the National Day celebration and the rest of the holiday; Group – was selected to power the C919, China’s newest commercial aircraft in development; • GE Energy’s Jenbacher gas engines began to power China’s largest chicken waste biogas-to-energy plant, the Minhe Animal Husbandry • CFM International and AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Company biogas power generation project; signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a world-class final assembly line and engine test facility to support the LEAP-X1C engine, selected to power the new COMAC C919 150-passenger October aircraft; • With an order from Henan Liyuan Coking Co., Ltd., GE Energy’s • Nexcelle became a key partner to provide a highly capable nacelle, aeroderivative gas turbines will help the plant utilize its coke oven gas thrust reverser, and exhaust system for the LEAP-X engine that will to produce electricity; power the C919 jetliner. Nexcelle is a 50/50 joint venture of Middle River • Equipped with GE wind turbines, Jiangsu Longyuan’s Rudong Wind Aircraft Systems and Aircelle, whose parent companies are GE and Power Farm was honored as one of the 100 Classic Constructions Safran; Projects for the 60th Anniversary of Founding of New China; • GE Capital Aviation Services Ltd. announced the sale of 15 commercial aircrafts to CDB Leasing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Development Bank, valued at USD 830 million and leased to multiple airlines around the world.

GE IN CHINA 09 特别报道 Special Report

携手中国伙伴 打造清洁未来 ——“GE中国清洁技术周”

2009年11月中旬,“GE中国清洁技术周”揭开帷幕。活动 面对清洁周的丰硕成果,伊梅尔特说:“这些合约的共同 期间,GE和其中国合作伙伴签署了一系列合作协议。根据 特点是将带来快速增长、推进清洁科技的应用,以及创造 这些协议,GE和其本地合作伙伴们将进一步加强在航空、 高科技行业工作机会。无论是拓展我们现有的在航空、能 能源和交通运输等重点基础设施领域的合作,利用各方产 源、交通领域的合作伙伴关系,或是进行技术合作,都将 品和技术优势,着眼于长远的商业前景。此外,这些合作 为我们带来新的商业发展机会。我们相信这些合作的开展 有望为中美两国增加数千个高科技行业的工作机会,并 不仅将会保护和促进GE员工的就业,而且将为中国国内基 提升各自的技术能力。GE董事长兼首席执行官杰夫 ∙ 伊梅 础设施建设领域创造许多新岗位。 尔特、GE副董事长约翰 ∙ 赖斯等GE高层领导人专程来到北 京,见证了部分合约的签署。 “这些新的投资和承诺对合作双方来讲都意味着互利和共 赢。合作将催生全球范围内新的销售机会,推动GE在中国 这些合约覆盖GE多个业务领域,内容涉及:计划与中国航 的业务发展,并对中国航空、能源、铁路交通行业本身的 空工业集团公司(中航工业)成立航空电子合资企业;计 成长产生积极影响,另外还将增加美国公众的就业机会。 划与南车集团戚墅堰机车有限公司(南车戚墅堰)成立机 同时,合作将加强GE中国的本土化进程,有利于我们更好 车柴油发动机合资企业;与中国铁道部签署合作备忘录寻 地满足中国市场需求,服务中国客户。” 求共同参与美国高速铁路市场项目竞争的可能性;以及与 神华集团开展战略合作扩大煤气化技术在中国的应用。 下面,就让我们深入了解这些重要合作协议的细节。


中航工业是首家进入世界500强的中国航空制造企业。公司系列化发展 和产品,合资公司立足中国,面向美国及国际市场,实现合作双方的 各类飞机,多年来积累了为各种机型提供航空电子产品的丰富经验, 互利和共赢。” 是中国唯一一家能为军用和民用飞机提供航空电子系统的供应商。 “除了体现和中国在工业上的双边合作,合资公司还将为美国创造近 GE航空集团与中航工业签署的是一项有关建立航空电子合资公司的框 两百个就业机会。”GE航空集团全球总裁兼首席执行官罗琳说道: 架协议,旨在为民用航空市场提供航空电子产品。GE将借助其在航空 “我们一直关注中国商飞的C919大飞机项目,并正在寻找和设计能够 电子领域的丰富经验和设在上海的中国研发中心的技术优势,与中航 满足该项目需要的航空电子技术解决方案。” 工业一起创新发展,以期更好地服务于民航市场。 中国的民用航空市场发展迅猛,对世界航空制造业而言意味着巨大的 中航工业副总经理张新国说:“按照中国商飞公司对C919飞机主要系 市场商机。中国的大型民用飞机C919将于2016年投入运营,未来20 统发展的要求和部署,GE与中航工业积极响应,拟以合资公司的方式 年,中国预计将制造2355架C919飞机。 建立长期的战略合作伙伴关系,为C919飞机提供先进的航空电子技术

10 GE在中国 GE董事长兼首席执行官杰夫 ∙ 伊梅尔特和中航工业集团公司总经理林左鸣 GE副董事长约翰 ∙ 赖斯和铁道部副总工程师张曙光签署合作备忘录 代表双方签字 John Rice, Vice Chairman of GE, and Zhang Shuguang, Deputy Chief Engineer of Jeff Immelt, Chairman & CEO of GE, and Lin Zuoming, General Manager China’s Ministry of Railways, sign the MOU of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, at the signing ceremony


GE与中国铁路企业的合作有着悠久的历史,并已经结出了 则是目前世界上最成熟、最完善的。这次双方强强联手, 丰硕的成果。 有望发挥‘一加一大于二’的效应,为美国时速350公里 以上的高铁建设提供最好的解决方案。上述备忘录的签署 此次GE与铁道部签署的备忘录明确了双方在寻求参与美国 为这一合作奠定了坚实基础。” 时速350公里以上高速铁路项目方面加强合作的意向。双 方将积极开展相关的准备活动,并评估双方正式协同参与 未来5年内美国预计将有超过130亿美元资金投入到铁路 该项目的可能性。 提速和新高铁的建设中。而中国计划在未来三年里建设 20,000多公里新铁路,其中13,000公里为高速铁路。已经 GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执行官史威德说:“作 建成的国内高速铁路干线如最高时速可达350公里的京津 为世界上最大的多元化公司,GE在铁路内燃机车制造和铁 城际铁路自投入运营以来,表现稳定,充分证明中国的高 路电气化设施方面处于业界领先地位。而铁道部领导下的 铁技术经受住了实践的考验,有充分的潜力参与海外高铁 中国公司所掌握的时速350公里以上的高速铁路建设技术 建设项目的竞争。

GE IN CHINA 11 特别报道 Special Report


通过与中国铁道部签署战略合作协议,GE于2005年10月 该合资企业预计于2011年下半年启动,业务包括柴油发动 与南车戚墅堰机车有限公司正式建立战略合作伙伴关系, 机动力组和涡轮增压器的组装、测试、售后维修服务和大 双方合作为铁道部提供300台6250马力的Evolution®系列 修。从2013年合资企业进入第二运营阶段后,将对柴油发 HXN5中国主干线机车。 动机整机进行组装、测试、售后维修服务和大修。

GE运输系统集团此次与南车戚墅堰签署协议,将建立合资 史威德表示:“成立机车柴油发动机合资企业是GE与中国 企业,在中国开发、制造GE Evolution®系列机车柴油发动 南车集团战略合作伙伴的进一步延伸。我们相信,结合南 机并提供服务,同时向其它新兴市场提供出口。合资企业 车戚墅堰公司在制造技术领域的领先地位与GE运输系统集 的总投资额为九千万美元,GE和南车戚墅堰分别拥有合资 团先进的技术开发能力和全球市场经验,双方的合作将形 企业50%的股份。 成新的竞争优势。”


神华集团是世界领先的大型煤炭及能源企业, 在这次新联盟中,GE与神华集团将开展战略 “煤炭资源在中美两国的经济中都扮演着重 拥有煤炭可采储量超过114.57亿吨,拥有的燃 合作以进一步提高气化和整体气化联合循环发 要的角色,煤气化技术可以让我们以更清洁 煤电厂总装机容量超过18,001兆瓦,并承担着 电(IGCC)技术商业运用的经济性与性能表 方式来利用这一储量丰富且成本低廉的资 国家开发新型煤炭技术的重任,例如煤制油及 现,合作扩大煤气化技术在中国工业领域的应 源。”GE能源集团全球副总裁温跃忠说: 碳捕捉等新科技。 用并共同推动和促进带有碳捕捉与封存技术的 “合资公司的成立将是GE和神华集团在未来 IGCC商业应用项目。 中国气化以及清洁煤技术发展领域发展的一项 GE能源集团与神华集团签署了关于成立合资 重要的投资举措。” 公司框架协议的谅解备忘录,合资公司将融合 “神华在中国煤气化和燃煤发电项目运营方面 GE在气化及清洁发电方面的先进技术和神华 有着广泛的经验,而GE的气化和整体煤气化 根据最终协议谈判及获得审批手续的情况,双 集团在建设及运营煤气化和燃煤电厂项目方面 联合 循环发电技术是经商业验证的技术。集 方预计成立合资公司的工作将在2010年上半 的丰富经验,为中国提供先进的“清洁煤”技 双方优势,我们将在中国建立领先的气化业 年完成。 术解决方案。这份备忘录的签署也是美国总统 务,着重体现本土运营、战略发展、资源和专 奥巴马访华期间举行的“中美清洁能源合作” 长。”神华集团副总经理王晓林说。 签字活动的重要组成部分。

以上合约的顺利签订,反映了GE在中国的良好发展。GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民表示:“这些协议的签署与过去 三个季度GE中国业务的持续高速增长密不可分。航空、交通运输、能源都是中国的重点发展领域,GE与这些行业领头羊企 业的深入合作,将推动GE中国战略的进一步发展。”

这一系列合作协议的签署是GE成功实施中国战略的体现。2006年,GE即与中国发展改革委签署战略合作谅解备忘录,在 发展改革委的指导下寻求和中国政府及企业在“绿色创想”领域展开广泛意义上的深入合作。这些领域包括能源、交通运 输、航空、水、照明以及其它重要基础建设行业。

12 GE在中国 Making a Clean Future Brighter with Chinese Partners - GE China Clean Technology Week

In mid-November, 2009, “GE China Clean Technologies Week” was unveiled, during which GE and its Chinese partners signed a series of significant agreements aimed at promoting collaboration in the areas of energy, transportation, aviation, water, lighting and other key infrastructure sectors. These agreements embodied the strategy of enhancing cooperation and executing a long-term vision of business opportunities through the each party's advanced products and technologies. Over time, these initiatives are expected to create thousands of high-tech jobs in both China and the United States. GE senior executives, including GE Chairman & CEO Jeff Immelt and GE Vice Chairman John Rice, were among the witnesses of the signing of these agreements in Beijing.

The agreements signed during the week cover various GE businesses including planning for GE Aviation and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to generate global avionics business for commercial aircrafts; planning for GE Transportation and the CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co. (CSR Qishuyan) to establish a diesel engine joint venture; GE Transportation and China’s Ministry of Railways (MOR) to advance high-speed rail partnership opportunities in the United States; as well as GE Energy and the Shenhua Group Corporation (Shenhua) to accelerate coal gasification technologies in China.

With the achievements yielded over the course of the week, Jeff Immelt said: “These agreements share common themes – rapid growth potential, clean technologies and job creation. Whether expanding our existing aviation, energy and transportation relationships or looking at technology collaborations to open up new growth opportunities, partnerships like these help protect and grow employment for both GE and China’s infrastructure sectors.

“These new cooperative initiatives assure a win-win for each party, which will bring new sales growth, promote GE’s business in China, and exert positive impact on the growth of China’s aviation, energy and transportation sectors. These partnerships will also create more jobs for Americans. In addition, cooperation will accelerate GE’s localization in China which will enable us to fulfill the needs of the China market and offer better service to Chinese customers.”

Here come the details of these important agreements.

GE IN CHINA 13 特别报道 Special Report

GE Aviation and AVIC

AVIC has been providing integrated avionics systems partnership through a joint venture that will provide for various types of aircraft for more than 20 years. The advanced technologies and avionics systems products company also possesses rich experience in developing for C919 aircraft. The new joint venture makes China a and manufacturing these systems as well as providing standpoint to overview American and global markets comprehensive maintenance services. creating a clear win-win for the two sides.”

GE Aviation and AVIC announced an agreement that will “In addition to creating 200 jobs in the U.S., the joint lead to the formation of a new joint venture to develop venture creates bilateral industrial cooperation with and market integrated avionics systems for commercial China,” said Lorraine Bolsinger, President & CEO of GE aircraft customers. GE will build on its extensive avionics Aviation. “Our immediate focus is to jointly create the capabilities and GE China Technology Center in Shanghai best, most competitive solutions to compete for the to cooperate with AVIC to serve the commercial aviation COMAC C919 aircraft program.” market. The rapid growth of China’s commercial aviation market Zhang Xinguo, Vice General Manager of AVIC, said: “Based means great business potential for the global aviation on the requirements and guidelines of C919 aircraft main manufacturing industry. China’s C919 aircraft will be put system development issued by the Commercial Aircraft to use in the year 2016. A total of 2,355 C919 aircrafts Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC), GE Aviation and AVIC are expected to be produced over the next 20 years. are actively responding by forging a long-term strategic

GE Transportation and the MOR

GE and Chinese railway enterprises have a long history of cooperation which has produced many fruitful results.

Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), GE and the MOR clarified the intention of cooperating on high- speed rail opportunities in the United States. The two parties will actively carry out preparatory activities exploring the possibilities of an America connected by a high-speed rail network.

Tim Schweikert, President of GE Transportation China, said: “GE is currently the world leader in locomotive diesel- electric and electronic control systems technology, while China is the current leader in high-speed rail technology for speeds of 350 miles per hour. By working together, both parties would be able to quickly develop the best solutions to serve America’s high-speed rail needs for many years to come.”

More than USD 13 billion is expected to be spent over the next five years to support higher- and high-speed rail infrastructure development in the United States, while in the next three years, China plans to expand its rail network by more than 20,000 kilometers, including 13,000 kilometers of track designed for high-speed trains capable of traveling up to 350 miles per hour.

14 GE在中国 GE Transportation and CSR Qishuyan

(从左至右)GE副董事长 约翰 ∙ 赖斯、美国商务部 部长骆家辉和铁道部部长 刘志军在签字仪式上 (from left to right) John Rice, Vice Chairman of GE, Gary Locke, Secretary of U.S. Department of Commerce, and Liu Zhijun, China's Ministry of Railways Minister, at the ceremony

In October 2005, GE Transportation marked the formal beginning of its partnership with CSR Qishuyan by signing a strategic contract with the MOR to supply 300, 6,250-horsepower Evolution® Series HXN5 China Mainline Locomotives.

GE Transportation announced the formation of a joint venture company with CSR Qishuyan to develop, build and service GE’s Evolution® Series locomotive diesel engines in China. The total investment of the joint venture amounted to USD 90 million, in which each party owns 50% of the shares of the joint venture.

The joint venture is scheduled to launch operations at the end of 2011 and include the assembly, testing and overhaul of engine components such as power assemblies and turbochargers in China. During the second phase starting in 2013, engines and components will be assembled, tested and overhauled.

Tim Schweikert said: “This new joint venture was a huge step forward for the partnership between GE and CSR Qishuyan. Aligning CSR Qishuyan’s expertise in manufacture technology with GE Transportation’s advantages in technology innovation and global markets, the partnership will bring new competitive strength to the two parties.”

GE IN CHINA 15 特别报道 Special Report

GE Energy and Shenhua

combined cycle (IGCC) solutions. This not only includes industrial coal gasification applications in China, but also encompasses the joint pursuit of commercial scale IGCC plants for carbon capture.

“The combination of Shenhua’s extensive experience in developing and operating coal gasification and coal-fired power generation facilities in China with GE’s proven gasification and IGCC technologies will create a leading gasification technology business in China with significant local presence, focus, resources and expertise,”

GE能源气化业务总经理Monte Atwell(左)和神华集团副总经理王晓林(右)在签字仪式上 said Wang Xiaolin, Vice President of the Monte Atwell (left), General Manager of Gasification & IGCC, GE Energy, Shenhua. and Wang Xiaolin (right), Vice President of the Shenhua, at the signing ceremony “Coal plays an important role in the Shenhua is one of the world’s largest coal with Shenhua’s expertise in building and economies of the U.S. and China, and and energy companies, with coal reserves operating coal gasification and coal-fired gasification technology allows us to use amounting to nearly 11.5 billion tons and coal- power generation facilities. This new joint this abundant and low cost resource in a fired power generation over 180,001 MW. venture promises to advance “cleaner much cleaner way,” said Jack Wen, Vice In addition, the company plays a national coal” technology solutions in China. The President of GE Energy. “This joint venture role in the development of new coal-related MOU was one of a set of specific issues of will represent an important investment by technologies such as coal-to-liquids and the “China-U.S. Clean Energy Cooperation GE and Shenhua in the future of gasification carbon sequestration. Signing Ceremony” during the visit of the U.S. and deployment of cleaner coal technologies President Obama. in China.” GE and Shenhua announced a MOU on the framework for a new industrial coal GE and Shenhua will execute this strategic Both parties anticipate the transaction will gasification joint venture which would vision to improve the cost efficiency be completed in the first half of 2010, subject combine GE’s expertise in gasification and and performance of commercial scale to the negotiation of definitive agreements cleaner power generation technologies gasification and integrated gasification and receipt of all required approvals.

The signing of these agreements mirrors the sound growth of GE’s business in China. Mark Norbom, President & CEO of GE Greater China, said: “These deals are built upon GE's rapid growth in mainland China in the first three quarters of 2009. The partnerships we are building with China’s industry leaders will better position GE in the nation’s strategic growth sectors such as aviation, transportation and energy.”

These new initiatives are well in-line with GE’s strategy in China. In the year 2006, GE signed a MOU with the China National Development and Reform Commission aiming at cultivating an extensive cooperation between GE and China’s public and private sectors in the energy, transportation, aviation, water, lighting and other key infrastructure areas, especially through GE’s innovative ecomagination offerings.

16 GE在中国 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE IN CHINA 17 业务发展 Business Highlight

CFM国际公司LEAP-X发动机获选中国商飞 C919飞机唯一指定外方发动机

2009年12月21日,中国商用飞机有限责任公 中国商飞董事长张庆伟表示,“我们非常高 司(中国商飞)和CFM国际公司(CFM)共同 兴与CFM在C919项目上进行合作。有了代表 宣布后者研制的新型飞机发动机LEAP-X被选为 最尖端技术的飞机发动机和整套一体化推进 新的C919单通道客机唯一指定来自西方国家的 系统,我们将制造出具有全球市场竞争力的 发动机。C919预计于 2016年投入商业运营。 飞机。”

CFM是法国赛峰集团斯奈克玛公司和GE的平股 CFM总裁兼首席执行官巴切雷说:“CFM和中 合资公司,是全球最大的民用飞机发动机生 国的合作可以追溯到25年以前。在经历了和 产商。2008年,合资双方将合作协议延长到 中国航空工业及航空公司客户间极为成功的 了2040年。 合作之后,这份合同也是水到渠成的结果。 今天,我们正与中国商飞一起翻开激动人心 中国商飞预测未来20年内全球将有大约2000 的新篇章。我们很骄傲能够成为篇章中的一 架C919飞机的市场需求。 部分,这是个历史性的时刻。”

中国商飞为C919选择了整套的一体化推进系 LEAP-X飞机发动机是一个全新的基准型飞机 统。其中,CFM将提供飞机发动机部分,暂时 发动机,该项目自2008年正式启动以来,一 命名为LEAP-X1C,同时CFM将与奈赛公司合 直稳步推进。其第一个核心机eCore 1今年初 作,向中国商飞提供发动机短舱和反推力装 成功完成了第一阶段的测试,第二阶段测试 置,这就形成了一套完整的一体化推进系统。 将于2010初开始。CFM同时也在测试具有革 奈赛公司是GE下属的MRAS公司和法国赛峰集 命性的三维编织树脂传递成型(3-D WRTM) 团Aircelle公司建立的一家平股合资公司。 复合材料风扇叶片和风扇机匣。目前的测试 结果非常好,达到了之前的预期,CFM将会继 CFM同时和中航商用飞机发动机有限公司签 续完善和测试不同的叶片设计以找出最佳方 署了一项谅解备忘录,计划合作建立一条世 案。LEAP-X风扇有18个叶片,比CFM56-5C减 界级飞机发动机总装线和一套飞机发动机地 少了50%,比CFM56-7B减少了25%。 面测试平台,为LEAP-X1C发动机的生产提供 支持。

18 GE在中国 Advanced LEAP-X Engine from CFM Chosen as Sole Engine for New COMAC C919 Aircraft

On December 21, 2009, the Commercial Aircraft test facility to support the production of the LEAP-X1C Corporation of China (COMAC) and CFM International engine. (CFM) jointly announced that the advanced new LEAP-X engine had been selected as the sole western “We are very pleased to work with CFM on our new manufactured engine for the new C919 single-aisle C919,” said Zhang Qingwei, Chairman of COMAC. aircraft, scheduled to enter commercial service in 2016. “The leading-edge technology incorporated in the engine, coupled with all of the benefits of a completely CFM, a 50/50 joint venture between Snecma (SAFRAN integrated propulsion system, will enable us to build very Group) and GE, is the world’s largest commercial aircraft competitive airplanes for the global market.” engine manufacturer. In 2008, the two companies renewed their partnership until the year 2040. “The relationship between CFM and China goes back more than 25 years,” said Eric Bachelet, President & COMAC has forecasted a global market for more than CEO of CFM. “This agreement is the next logical step in 2,000 C919 aircrafts over the 20 years following entry what has been a tremendously successful collaboration into service. among CFM, the Chinese aviation industry, and our Chinese airline customers. Today, we are embarking COMAC has opted for a complete Integrated Propulsion on an exciting new chapter with COMAC and we are System (IPS) for the C919. CFM will provide the engine, honored to be a part of it. This is truly an historic provisionally called the LEAP-X1C, and, in partnership occasion.” with Nexcelle, will provide the nacelle and thrust reverser in order to deliver a complete IPS solution to COMAC. LEAP-X, which was formally launched in 2008, is a totally Nexcelle is a 50/50 joint venture between GE’s Middle new centerline engine, and the development program River Aircraft Systems and the SAFRAN Group’s Aircelle. has been progressing steadily since its inception. The first core in the development program, eCore 1, successfully CFM also signed a Memorandum of Understanding completed the first phase of testing earlier this year. The with the AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Company to second phase of testing is set to begin in early 2010. establish a world-class final assembly line and engine

GE IN CHINA 19 业务发展 Business Highlight


2009年12月4日,GE与江苏省扬州市政府签署产业合作协议,将共同 建设智能电网示范城市,打造具有国际先进水平的智能电网相关产业 基地。GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民、江苏省副省长张卫国及 扬州市委书记王文燕等领导参加了签约仪式。

根据协议,GE将参与扬州智能电网示范工程建设,集中展示其先进产 品和技术,包括“零能耗家居”解决方案、基于WiMAX的智能电网通 信系统和停电管理系统等。随着合作的深入,GE将把更多自行开发的 智能电网硬件、软件产品以及解决方案带到扬州,包括可再生电源并 网解决方案、混合动力汽车充电站、装有先进用电计量系统的智能社 区和其它应用于电厂的软件系统等。

智能电网是新一代电力生产、分配、传输、客户端管理系统的集成, GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民和江苏省副省长张卫国互赠礼物 旨在克服传统电网难以逾越的局限性,如无法支持分布式电源接入、 Mark Norbom, President & CEO of GE Greater China,,and Zhang Weiguo, Vice 输电损失大和用户端互动性缺乏等。智能电网的大规模应用有助于降 Governor of Jiangsu Province,,exchange gifts 低能耗和用户的能源成本。

GE Signs Agreement with Yangzhou Government on Smart Grid Cooperation

On December 4, 2009, GE and the Yangzhou Municipal Government introduce more self-developed Smart Grid software and hardware signed an agreement on cooperation in proposed Smart Grid products and solutions to Yangzhou. These proposed initiatives would projects. The two parties will jointly advance deployment of Smart include but are not limited to renewable interconnection solutions, Grid technology in Yangzhou. President & CEO of GE Greater China PHEV charging stations, Smart Community with AMI and other Mark Norbom, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province Zhang Weiguo and software systems for utility installation. Yangzhou Municipal Communist Party Secretary Wang Wenyan were among the witnesses of the signing ceremony. Smart Grid technology consists of new power generation, allocation, transportation and client management systems. It aims at tackling Under the agreement, GE will be involved in pilot projects, showcasing the limits of conventional power grids, such as nonsupport to its leading products and technologies including its “Net Zero” Smart distributed power entry, costly power transportation and deficiencies Home solution, WiMAX-based communication systems and outage in client interactivity. Large-scale application of Smart Grid management technology. As the cooperation progresses, GE will technology will help lower energy consumption and cost for clients.

20 GE在中国 GE能源集团助河南利源焦化厂实现减排 及电力入网双丰收

2009年10月12日,GE能源集团宣布随着与河南利源焦化有限公司签署 “利用燃气轮机将焦化过程中产生的焦炉煤气用于发电的解决方案可 协议,其航改型燃气轮机正式进入中国低热值气体市场。该燃气轮机 以帮助利源在增加企业收入的同时提高工厂运营效率,”河南利源焦 可100%燃烧炼焦过程中产生的焦炉煤气,帮助利源焦化厂减少排放, 化有限公司董事长付玉堂说,“我们很高兴能与GE能源集团合作建成 并将低热值气体转化成高效能源。GE能源集团的这项技术不仅可帮助 第一座焦炉煤气发电项目。” 客户满足自身用电需求,同时可将所得电力输送至公共电网。 该项目的第一台机组将于2010年7月31日之前在工厂交付,第二台将于 两台GE LM2500+航改型燃气轮机将被安置在河南安阳的利源焦化厂, 一个月后交运。第一台机组的商业运行计划于2010年第四季度完成。 利用煤焦化过程中所产生的零成本副产品焦炉煤气进行发电与供热。 河南利源焦化有限公司是一家集洗煤、炼焦、发电、化工于一体的大 该机组配有标准的环形燃烧室及用于控制氮氧化物的注水装置。通过 型现代化焦化企业,地处交通便利的河南历史名镇铜冶镇北。 GE的LM2500+航改型燃气轮机利用焦炉煤气可帮助利源焦化厂很大程 度地改善环境状况 —— 减少约43万2千吨二氧化碳排放并将氮氧化物 排放减至39ppm。

GE Energy Helps Henan Liyuan Coking Plant Improve Emission Standards, Provide Power to Public Grid

On October 12, 2009, GE Energy announced that its aeroderivative "Utilizing COG, a byproduct of the coking process, as a gas turbine gas turbines had entered into the low British Thermal Unit (BTU) power generation solution will help Liyuan increase revenue for the gas market in China with an order from Henan Liyuan Coking Co., plant while increasing plant efficiency," said Fu Yutang, Chairman of Ltd (Liyuan). The gas turbines will burn 100% coke oven gas (COG), Liyuan, "GE Energy is a leading company for power generation, and helping the Liyuan Coking Plant reduce emissions and efficiently we are happy to cooperate with them to build the first project for convert low-BTU gas into power. This project, GE Energy’s first COG COG application." order in China, will not only fulfill Liyuan’s own energy demand, but also will feed the power to the public grids. The first unit will be delivered by July 31, 2010, with the second to follow a month later. Commercial operation for the first unit is The Liyuan Coking Plant, located in Anyang, Henan, purchased two planned for the fourth quarter of 2010. Liyuan is a modern coking GE LM2500+ aeroderivative gas turbines with a standard annular enterprise integrating coal washing, coking, production of chemical combustor and water injection for NOx control that will utilize COG products and generating electricity. It is located in the north of to produce electricity in a cogeneration facility. Using GE’s LM2500+ Tongye township, a famous historical and cultural town in Henan. gas turbines to utilize COG will improve environmental conditions of the Liyuan plant substantially – 432,000 tons of CO2 emissions will be eliminated while NOx emissions will be reduced to less than 39 ppm.

GE IN CHINA 21 业务发展 Business Highlight


2009年9月23日,GE能源集团安装在中国最大鸡粪发电厂——民和股份 GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机帮助该大型养殖场很好地解决了环境及运营问 沼气发电清洁机制项目的颜巴赫燃气内燃机正式开始运营。它不仅增 题,同时其改扩建工程获得了世界银行的支持,将通过交易认证减排 强了当地电力供应可靠性,同时改善了地区空气质量及水质,支持国 量(CERs)获得碳交易资金支持。 家关于环保型经济增长的目标。 山东民和牧业股份有限公司是亚洲最大的父母代肉种鸡生产企业,也 该项目利用厌氧发酵系统对鸡粪进行发酵,日消耗300吨鸡粪及500吨 是国内首家肉种鸡养殖企业上市公司。公司旗下的23个肉种鸡场共拥 废水。发酵后产生的沼气被输送到颜巴赫燃气内燃机中进行发电并输入 有150万只种鸡,并拥有每年370万只肉鸡的生产量。民和股份沼气发 当地电网,发酵剩余的沼渣还可制成肥料。利用鸡粪发酵产生的生物质 电厂位于山东省蓬莱市南6公里处,利用三台GE颜巴赫JMS320 1兆瓦燃 气体发电不仅增强了当地电力供应的可靠性,同时大大降低了养殖场产 气内燃机发电,总装机容量3兆瓦。 生的温室气体及粉尘排放,很好地改善了当地空气质量及水质。

GE’s Jenbacher Gas Engines Power China’s Largest Chicken Waste Biogas-to-Energy Plant

On September 23, 2009, GE Energy’s ecomagination-certified Shandong Minhe Animal Husbandry Co. is the biggest chicken farm Jenbacher gas engines began to power China’s largest chicken waste in Asia and the industry’s only stock-listed company in China. The biogas-to-energy plant - the Minhe Animal Husbandry biogas power company’s 23 chicken farms maintain a total of 1.5 million breeding generation project. The plant supports China’s national economic chickens and another 3.7 million chickens for meat production and environmental goals to increase local energy reliance and annually. The facility’s 3MW chicken waste biogas power generation improve air and water quality. project is located six kilometers south of Penglai City in Shandong Province, and features three of GE’s 1-MW, JMS320 Jenbacher The project features an anaerobic digester system to treat waste at engines. a rate of 300 tons of manure and 500 tons of wastewater daily. The resulting digester biogas is then delivered to GE Energy’s durable Jenbacher engines to generate electricity for the local grid. Residual materials can later be used as fertilizer. By consuming the waste to create biogas electricity, GE’s technology can greatly lower the site’s greenhouse gas and dust emissions, which in turn helps improve regional air and water quality.

GE Energy’s Jenbacher engines can help agricultural customers overcome the environmental impacts of their operations. Furthermore, backed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the project will receive financial support through the sale of carbon credits called Certified Emission Reductions.

22 GE在中国 GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执 行官史威德(前排右)和中国船舶重 工集团副总裁董强(前排左)代表双 方签字 Tim Schweikert (right, front row), President & CEO of GE Transportation China, and Dong Qiang (left, front row), Vice President of CSIC, sign the MOU

GE与中国船舶重工集团签署 战略合作框架协议

近期,GE运输系统集团与中国船舶重工集团签署了一项战略合作框架协议,以期为GE的供应链和全球潜在 市场——中国海运和非海运市场提供最新技术的柴油发动机及主要发动机部件。

协议的签署是GE与中国船舶重工集团开展合作的第一步,双方将共同致力于在现有采购合作的基础上,进 一步将战略合作关系拓展至全面的产品开发、生产,以及开拓全球海运和非海运市场方面。中国船舶重工 集团是中国海运行业的佼佼者。

GE and CSIC Sign Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement

GE Transportation recently signed a framework agreement with China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) for strategic cooperation on state-of-the-art diesel engines and major engine parts for China’s marine and non-marine markets, the GE supply chain and potential global markets.

The signing marks the first step in GE-CSIC collaboration. Both parties have agreed to work together to expand their existing cooperation in sourcing to an overall strategic partnership in product development, manufacturing and global market development in marine and non-marine areas. CSIC is a proven leader in China’s shipping industry.

GE IN CHINA 23 业务发展 Business Highlight


重庆市人民政府常务副市长黄奇帆(右) 会见GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席 执行官史威德(左)

Huang Qifan (right), Deputy Mayor of Chongqing Municipality, meets with Tim Schweikert (left), President & CEO of GE Transportation China

2009年8月21日,GE运输系统集团风能传动科技与重庆新兴风能投资 “作为一些全球领先摩托车和汽车公司的供应商,重庆新兴为风力发 有限公司宣布将建立合资公司共同生产风力发电机工业用大直径齿 电机齿轮带来了世界一流的制造理念。”史威德说道:“GE运输系统 轮。重庆市人民政府常务副市长黄奇帆与GE运输系统集团中国区总裁 集团的大直径齿轮生产技术与重庆新兴可信赖的大量齿轮生产能力相 兼首席执行官史威德共同出席了签约仪式。 得益彰。”

合资公司是重庆新兴的重要投资项目,将使其正式进军中国风能市 重庆新兴齿轮有限公司通过其关联公司重庆新兴风能有限公司与GE风 场。而对于GE,建立合资公司意味着GE风能传动科技将致力于发展中 能传动科技组建合资公司,前者在汽车和摩托车行业拥有长达16年的 国的本地供应链,从而助力中国风能行业的产量从2005年的10亿瓦特 齿轮制造经验,而后者从2004年开始一直供应风力发电机行业的传动 增加到2020年的1000亿瓦特。根据初步计划,新业务将为GE风能传动 组件。按照合资条款,重庆新兴风能科技为主要控股方,齿轮将在重 科技的沈阳风力发电机齿轮箱生产厂制造齿轮。 庆的新建制造厂生产。

24 GE在中国 GE Drivetrain Technologies and Chongqing XinXing Finalize Joint Venture

On August 21, 2009, GE Drivetrain Technologies’ commitment to the complements Chongqing XinXing’s proven Technologies, a unit of GE Transportation, development of a local Chinese supply chain high volume gear production capabilities.” and the Chongqing XinXing Fengneng and supports China’s initiative to increase Investment Co., Ltd. announced the wind energy output from one gigawatt in The Chongqing XinXing Gear Co., Ltd. has 16 formation of a joint venture company to 2005 to 100 gigawatts by 2020. Initially, the years of gear manufacturing experience in produce large diameter gears for the wind new business will manufacture gears for the automotive and motorcycle industries turbine industry. Huang Qifan, Vice Mayor of GE Drivetrain Technologies’ wind turbine through its subsidiary company, the Chongqing Municipality, and Tim Schweikert, gearbox production facility in Shenyang. Chongqing XinXing Fengneng Co., Ltd., while President & CEO of GE Transportation China, GE Drivetrain Technologies has provided attended the signing ceremony. “As a supplier to some of the world’s leading drive train components to the wind turbine motorcycle and automotive companies, industry since 2004. Under the terms of The joint venture is an important investment Chongqing XinXing brings a world-class the joint venture, Chongqing XinXing will be for Chongqing XinXing, as it enables the manufacturing mentality to the production the majority owner, and the gears will be company to participate in the burgeoning of wind turbine gears,” said Tim Schweikert. produced in a new manufacturing facility in Chinese wind energy market. For GE, “GE Transportation’s large diameter Chongqing. this agreement signifies GE Drivetrain gear manufacturing expertise perfectly

GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执行官史威德(前排左二)与重庆新兴齿轮公司董事长李兴明(前排右二)签署协议 Tim Schweikert (second from left, front row), President & CEO of GE Transportation China, and Li Xingming (second from right, front row), Chairman of Chongqing XinXing Fengneng Investment Co., Ltd. sign the agreement

GE IN CHINA 25 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE运输系统集团为铁道部 GE与天津铁路信号工厂签 济南局提供故障安全数据 署本地化CTS-2谅解备忘录 传输系统 近期,GE运输系统集团与天津铁路信号工厂签署了有关在转辙机上 展开合作的谅解备忘录。双方将在中国建立排他性的合作关系,专 近期,GE运输系统集团与其合作伙伴广州霍普韦尔科技有限公司 注于GE产品CTS-2的本地化,以及在中国地铁市场和干线机车市场推 通力合作,赢得了铁道部济南铁路局一项价值120万美元的项目。 广本地化的CTS-2。 GE运输系统集团将向济南铁路局提供29套故障安全数据传输系 统。该电气化工程全长 400公里,覆盖29个车站,工程将于年底进 在这一本地化举措中,GE将把关键组件出售给天津铁路信号工厂。 行调试。 天津铁路信号工厂将进行生产并在本地对其它组件进行采购,最终 组装并提供服务。天津铁路信号工厂将利用其在中国的商业网络推 故障安全数据传输系统是自动拦截系统一个重要的子系统,具备直 广和出售CTS-2产品。随着谅解备忘录的签订,双方即刻将开展各种 接数据传输和方向逻辑的特点。该项目是GE首次在中国铁路市场 针对干线机车市场和地铁市场的商业活动,力争切实执行此次本地 上应用有方向逻辑的故障安全数据传输系统,GE期待以该项目为 化行动,在2009年年底拿到第一份订单。 开端,与中国铁路市场建立长期的合作。

GE Transportation GE and Tianjin Railway Supplies FDT for Ministry Signaling Factory Sign MOU of Railways, Jinan Bureau on CTS-2 Localization

Recently, GE Transportation, in cooperation with its partner, the Recently, GE Transportation and Tianjin Railway Signaling Factory Guangzhou Hopewell Technology Co., Ltd., won an open bid (TRSF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on point valued at USD 1.2 million from the Ministry of Railways, Jinan machine collaboration. The MOU calls for both parties to establish Bureau. GE Transportation will supply 29 units of FDT to the Jinan an exclusive strategic relationship in China concentrating on the railway system. The electrification project covers 29 stations and localization of GE's CTS-2 and the promotion of the localized CTS-2 400 kilometers of railway scheduled to be commissioned by the in the Chinese railroad and subway markets. end of this year. As part of the localization initiative, GE will sell key components to FDT is a vital component of the automatic blocking system and TRSF, which will be responsible for manufacturing and sourcing features direct data transmission and direction logic. This was other components, final assembly and providing services. TRSF will the first time for GE to deploy FDT systems featuring direct logic also use its commercial network to promote and sell the CTS-2 in in China’s railway market, and GE looks forward to building a China. Commensurate with the signing of the MOU, both parties long-term relationship through this project. are beginning joint commercial activities in the Chinese railroad and subway markets with the goal of implementing the localization initiative and receiving the first order by the end of 2009.

26 GE在中国 GE医疗集团发布宝石能谱CT

2009年11月15日,GE医疗集团在京发布了其全新高端CT产品——“宝 石能谱CT”。作为世界首款宝石能谱CT,它拥有业界最高分辨率的成 像技术和仅为常规剂量50%的超低辐射量,将CT成像技术带入了全高 清时代,为临床影像诊断带来重大变革,同时又极大地降低了患者所 接受的辐射剂量。

宝石能谱CT是GE研发团队近10年研究取得的成果。用宝石作为探测器 材料使得其稳定性较传统产品高出20倍,同时宝石的优良透气性和高 纯度使产品图像质量高而辐射剂量低。此外,该产品还能扫描出常规 CT不能发现的细小病灶。宝石能谱CT已获得国家PDA与3C标准认证, 首批产品已在香港、北京、上海、广州等城市陆续装机。

GE医疗集团一直致力于提供转型医疗技术,将资源转向技术开发,以 助力开创医疗新时代。同时大力推动“早安心”理念,促进“晚期疾 病治疗”向“早期疾病诊断”的转型,为患者提供最佳解决方案,从 GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官马思礼 而大幅降低晚期疾病的治疗成本。此外,GE医疗集团还将继续落实全 Marcelo Mosci, President & CEO of GE Healthcare Greater China, 球“健康创想”计划,投资30亿美元用于开发至少100项能够降低15% speaks at the press conference 的医疗成本、提高15%的医疗机会与医疗质量的创新技术。

GE Healthcare Releases New CT Product

On November 15, 2009, GE Healthcare to be 20 times more stable than ordinary with the potential to open up new horizons released its advanced CT product, HDCT, ones, and the superior permeability and in the field. Meanwhile, constant efforts have in Beijing. As the world’s first gem energy high purity have helped improve the image been devoted to promoting early detection spectrum CT, it has the highest image quality quality and lower the radiation dose. In as a necessary alternative to late treatment, in the CT industry while reducing the X-ray addition, the product is capable of detecting by providing better solutions for customers dose by half. The breakthrough not only minor diseases that ordinary ones cannot. to avoid the high price of late period therapy. upgrades CT imaging technology to a new It has received national PDA and 3C In addition, GE Healthcare will continue its level of high-resolution imagery, but also certificates, and the first batches of products Healthymagination campaign by investing significantly decreases the harm of radiation are being installed in cities such as Hong USD 3 billion in the development of at to patients. Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. least 100 innovations which will help cut healthcare cost by 15%, while also improving HDCT is the fruit of ten years of the GE GE Healthcare has always been committed to the quality of healthcare by 15%. R&D team’s hard work. Using the gem as the improvement of healthcare technology, detective material has enabled the product attaching great importance to innovations

GE IN CHINA 27 业务发展 Business Highlight


2009年9月28日,GE医疗集团在亚洲兴建的第一家滤纸生产基地—— GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官马思礼表示:“建立生产基 杭州沃华滤纸有限公司正式开业。作为GE医疗集团在整个亚太地区 地是GE全球‘健康创想’战略在中国落实的重要组成部分。我们 投资兴建的规模最大的生产基地,该工厂拥有全球领先的工艺生产技 今天在降低医疗成本、增加医疗可及性及提高医疗质量方面的努力 术,对于GE医疗集团在全球供应链的部署具有重要的战略意义。 与承诺,是与中国医改的目标相一致的。我们将通过不断地努力, 利用GE医疗的生产研发特长及专业的技术能力和管理经验,在新 新开业的杭州沃华滤纸有限公司由GE医疗集团与杭州新华纸业有限公 医改及卫生部的‘健康中国2020战略’的实施过程中做出更多的 司合资兴建,占地面积达4.6万平方米,建筑面积达3万平方米,员工人 贡献。” 数超过200人。新工厂拥有全亚洲最先进的滤纸生产技术,致力于生产 包括Whatman和双圈在内的高质量滤纸产品,广泛应用于实验室、研 杭州是中国经济发展速度最快的几个城市之一,也是政府鼓励投资的 究所、生命科学及医疗技术等领域。高素质的员工配置、现代化的流 重点项目基地。“工业兴市”是杭州确立的发展战略,此次杭州沃华 程工艺和广泛延伸的产品供应链,将极大程度地提高生产效率,为中 滤纸有限公司的建成,将不仅拉动杭州高新技术领域的经济发展,为 国及其他国家地区客户提供一流的产品和完善的服务。此外,GE医疗 其他投资企业提供良好的示范作用,也为促进本地就业率、培养高素 集团始终坚持绿色环保理念,工厂所采用的全部生产技术完全符合制 质制造业人才做出巨大贡献。 造业产品质量和安全生产标准,全绿化无毒害的水循环和蒸汽循环处 理系统为员工带来最大程度的安全保障和放心的工作环境。

28 GE在中国 GE Healthcare Launches Largest Life Sciences Paper Production Base in Asia

On September 28, 2009, GE Healthcare announced the official Hangzhou is one of the fastest growing cities in China and a key opening of its first high-tech scientific paper production facility project investment center supported by the government. The in Asia. This plant is GE Healthcare’s largest production facility Hangzhou municipal government is pursuing a “Prosperous Industry, investment in the Asia Pacific region and incorporates the latest Prosperous City” development strategy and the establishment manufacturing processes which make the facility easily capable of GE Healthcare’s new facility will go a long way in supporting of fulfilling a strategically significant role in GE Healthcare’s global these efforts. The paper plant will boost economic development in supply chain. high-tech sectors, present a good example for other investment companies, and make a huge contribution to local employment and The Whatman-Xinhua Filter Paper Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company training of highly talented manufacturing professionals. established by GE Healthcare and the Hangzhou Xinhua Paper Industry Co., Ltd (Xinhua). The new facility covers 30,000 square meters and employs over 200 employees. The world-class facility incorporates the latest filter paper production processes and is committed to producing high-quality filter paper products, including Waterman and Dual-Ring products, which are widely used in laboratories, research institutes as well as life science and medical technology centers. The facility also provides a safe and positive working environment, with high-quality staffing, modern processing technology and a broad product supply chain which greatly improve productivity. The facility will provide first-class products and world- class service in China and to other countries and regions around the world, and is equipped with the latest technologies that enable water and steam recycling, minimizing the facility’s environmental impact.

Marcelo Mosci, President & CEO of GE Healthcare Greater China, pointed out: "The foundation of this production facility plays an important role in the implementation of GE’s Healthymagination strategy in China. What we do here today – reducing healthcare costs, increasing medical treatment accessibility and quality – is consistent with the objectives of China’s medical reform. We will continue our efforts and make even greater contributions to the implementation of China’s new medical reform in line with the nation’s 2020 Healthy China strategy."

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2009年8月18日,GE携手其家电产品新分销商日日顺电器,在青岛举办 这一新的商业运作模式整合了双方的优势:GE拥有品牌影响力和一流 了Hotpoint®品牌发布会。自2008年底以来,中国政府加大了刺激消费 的管理及技术,日日顺电器则掌握着一个覆盖中国农村市场、庞大而 的力度,其中对农村居民消费潜力的挖掘尤其重视,出台了一系列行 完善的销售网络,并拥有一个高效率的物流系统及一整套优质的售后 业补贴政策和针对农村居民的社会福利改革。借此机会,GE家电亚洲 服务。“我们期待日日顺强大的渠道优势能帮助GE Hotpoint®品牌赢 区将Hotpoint®品牌引入中国,该品牌产品具有高品质和高耐用性的特 得中国农村消费者的支持,”GE家电亚太区总经理Damodar Ranja说。 点。为了有效地获得农村地区的市场份额,GE家电亚洲区与海尔集团 “与此同时,我希望这种合作模式能为GE家电在亚洲其他市场的运作 旗下日日顺电器结成合作伙伴关系,日日顺电器成为Hotpoint®品牌的 带来良好的示范作用。” 分销商。

GE, Gooday Mart Launch Hotpoint® Appliances for China’s Rural Market

On August 18, 2009, GE and Gooday Mart, This new business model has combined GE Appliances’ new distributor in China, co- the strengths of both GE and Gooday Mart. launched Hotpoint® brand appliances in GE offers its brand influence and world- Qingdao, China. The Chinese government class management and technologies, while has reinforced its efforts to stimulate Gooday Mart provides an extensive and domestic demand since late 2008. Most of comprehensive sales network throughout the stimulative initiatives, including product China’s rural markets, efficient logistics sales subsidies and targeted social welfare system and excellent after-sales services. “We reform, were directed at hundreds of millions wish to enlarge Hotpoint®’s sales through of consumers living in the country’s vast rural Gooday’s vast and strong sales network in the areas. To seize on the enormous business rural markets,” said Damodar Ranjan, General opportunity in the rural areas, GE Appliances Manager of GE Appliances Asia. “We also Asia introduced Hotpoint®, a brand known expect this cooperation to set a great example for its quality and durability, to China. In for other Asia markets.” order to gain a foothold in this market, GE Appliances forged a partnership with Gooday Mart, a member of the Haier Group, for the distribution of Hotpoint® products.

30 GE在中国 GE水处理巩固华南地区 GE金融航空服务有限公司 石化市场 与国银租赁完成价值8.3亿

2009年8月,GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团与中海壳牌石油化工有限 美元资产交易 公司(中海壳牌)签订了价值300万美元的多年度合同,中海壳牌石 油化工有限公司是中国海洋石油总公司与壳牌公司的合资石化企业。 2009年12月15日,GE金融航空服务有限公司宣布向国家开发银行旗 GE水处理自2004年起就成为了中海壳牌的水处理化学品及服务供应 下的国银租赁有限公司以8.3亿美元的总价出售15架带租约的飞机资 商,在帮助中海壳牌实现环境健康与安全优良记录、节能减排以及保 产,这些资产的承租人包括来自世界各地的数家航空公司。 护工厂设备资产方面做出了杰出成绩。GE水处理的化学品解决方案 帮助中海壳牌实现了每年节约清洁水量达250万吨。 国银租赁由国家开发银行控股,注册资本80亿元人民币,是目前国 内资本实力最雄厚的金融租赁公司,飞机租赁是其核心业务。 在此期间,GE水处理还获得了福建联合石化、惠州炼油、武汉石 化、海南石化以及茂名石化的销售及服务合同,巩固了其在华南石化 市场的领先地位。

GE W&PT Strengthens GE Capital Aviation Services Leadership in South China and CDB Leasing Company Petrochemical Market Close Key Aviation Transaction In August 2009, GE Water & Process Technologies (W&PT) signed a USD 3 million multi-year agreement with the CNOOC & Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (CSPC), a joint venture between the China On December 15, 2009, GE Capital Aviation Services Ltd. (GECAS) National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) and Shell. In 2004, GE W&PT announced the sale of 15 commercial aircrafts to CDB Leasing Co., became the CSPC’s water chemicals supplier and services provider Ltd. (CLC), a subsidiary of China Development Bank, valued at USD when GE made outstanding contributions in helping the company 830 million and leased to multiple airlines around the world. gain excellent environmental, health and safety records, conserve water, reduce emissions, and protect equipment assets. With the CDB Leasing Company (CLC) is the top ranked financial leasing support of GE W&PT, the CSPC has achieved its goal of saving 2.5 company in China. It is majority-owned by China Development million tons of water each year. Bank, and has a registered capital of RMB 8 billion. Aircraft leasing is a core business of CLC.

GE W&PT also signed sales and service contracts with numerous other enterprises such as the Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Co., Ltd, Huizhou Refinery, Wuhan Petrochemical, Hainan Petrochemical, and Maoming Petrochemical, all of which helped GE W&PT consolidate its leadership in South China’s petrochemical market.

GE IN CHINA 31 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE与宁夏回族自治区政府签署战略合作 谅解备忘录

2009年8月19日,GE与宁夏回族自治区政府在银川签署战略合作谅解备忘录,结成非排他性战略合 作伙伴关系,将在五个领域的市场拓展和项目实施等方面展开更加深入的合作,携手推进宁夏回族 自治区的环境建设和可持续经济的良好发展。

备忘录中涉及的五个合作领域包括:清洁能源技术和水处理技术的应用与推广,涵盖煤化工和新能 源行业;发展医疗设备支持农村医疗事业和绿色医院整体解决方案及服务;水务技术支持农村饮用 水事业;节能照明在城市建设中的应用;安全消防技术、配电与用电控制等。

除在工业技术领域的合作,GE与宁夏自治区政府还在高层管理交流、企业与政府之间的战略政策研 究,以及寻求科技研发合作等领域达成了意向。这是GE继2009年6月与神华宁煤集团签署战略合作 协议后在宁夏的又一项战略合作协议,对促进GE走向西部战略起到了积极的推动作用。近几年宁夏 煤化工产业迅速发展,与宁夏政府和宁煤集团的战略合作关系的确立对GE在宁夏的业务拓展有着重 要意义,尤其是在煤化工行业。

GE Signs MOU with Ningxia Government

On August 19, 2009, GE and the government of Ningxia Apart from cooperation in industrial technology, GE Hui Autonomous Region signed a Memorandum of and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region agreed Understanding (MOU) for strategic partnership in to collaborate on areas covering top management Yinchuan. Combining the strengths of both parties, the exchange, strategic policy research between the two agreed on building a full-scale, strategic and non- government and private sectors and R&D partnerships. exclusive cooperative partnership to promote market development and execute projects across five fields. This new MOU follows GE’s recent MOU with the Shenhua Ningmei Group, which was signed in June. Both of these The five fields consist of the application and development MOUs play a positive role in promoting GE’s Go West of clean energy and water treatment technology for the strategy. The rapid development of China’s coal industry coal chemical and new energy industries; healthcare has led to the establishment of strategic partnerships devices to support rural healthcare development and with both the Ningxia government and Ningxia Coal comprehensive solutions for green hospitals construction Group, both of which have built a new and stronger and services; water technology to improve access to foundation for GE businesses, especially those working in drinking water in rural areas; and the application of the coal industry. energy efficient lighting in urban construction as well as security, fire alarm, power distribution and control technologies.

32 GE在中国 GE安防业务发布GE Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统

2009年11月1日,GE安防业务携旗下众多创新产品亮相第十二届中国国 快捷的信息服务以及人性化的安防措施等。有别于传统的楼宇对讲系 际社会公共安全博览会(安博会),并推出GE安防Miracle数字楼宇对 统,GE安防Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统可实现强大的音视频应用扩展, 讲系统,正式进军智能家居行业。秉承“让世界更安全”的理念,GE 给用户带来安全、舒适和便利的智能家居生活。 安防Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统力求为用户带来舒适的智能家居生活, 真正实现“智能化小区”和“数字化家庭”。 安博会是全球展览协会在中国地区目前唯一认证的专业公共安全展, 迄今已有二十年历史。GE安防业务在本次安博会亮相的产品还包括新 GE安防Miracle数字楼宇对讲系统是一款贴近大众的小区智能控制系统 一代数字视频监控系统VisioWave和SymVision,以及IP百万像素编解码 终端产品。它基于以太网络架构,可为每个用户提供一个可视通信号 解决方案和强大的安防集成平台FC Wnx。此外,GE安防业务还特别介 码,像打电话一样方便,同时提供全方位服务,包括双向音频和视频 绍了其广泛应用于地铁、机场、港口、石化和新能源等行业的整体解 的可视对讲、家电遥控、智能物业管理平台、音视频娱乐服务、方便 决方案。

GE Security Releases GE Miracle Video Door Phone System

GE Signs MOU with Ningxia Government On November 1, 2009, GE Security exhibited a repertoire of new The 20-year-old CPSE is the only UFI-certified security exhibition in products and technologies at the 12th China Public Security Expo China. GE Security highlighted a series of other security products (CPSE) and launched the GE Security Miracle Video Door Phone including next-generation digital video surveillance systems VisioWave System (VDP). Reflecting the business vision of “Making the World & SymVision, IP megapixel encoding and decoding solutions, and Safer,” GE Security Miracle VDP System delivers “smart community” integrated security platform Facility Commander FC Wnx. GE Security and “digital home” solutions to customers, providing with comfortable also demonstrated the broad application of its integrated solutions smart home lifestyle. in subways, airports, ports, the oil and gas sector, and the renewable energy field. The GE Security Miracle VDP System is an intelligently controlled product designed to connect individual communities with the greater public. Based on an Ethernet framework, the system offers each user a number for visual communications that makes access as convenient as a phone call. Moreover, it provides various services including two-way video and audio-visual communications, remote control of electronic appliances, intelligent property management systems, audio-and-video entertainment services, instant information services as well as personalized security functions. Distinguished from conventional building intercom systems, GE Security Miracle VDP System features extended audio-and-video applications, which allow users to enjoy a smart, secure and convenient home life.

GE IN CHINA 33 业务发展 Business Highlight

CNBC亚太携手第一财经 揭晓“2009中国最佳商业领袖奖”

2009年10月29日,CNBC亚太与第一财经在北京举办了“2009中国最佳 来,得益于CNBC强大的全球电视网络平台,我们欣喜地向全世界展示 商业领袖奖”颁奖盛典,共同揭晓了在“领导力——潜”主题下,最 了中国商界精英的典范。面对此次史无前例的全球金融危机,中国的 具代表的2009年度中国商业领袖奖得主,其中中粮集团董事长宁高宁 商业领袖们表现出了巨大的勇气和实力,我们为能够发现这些商界精 最终荣膺大奖。 英,并为他们创造走向世界的舞台而感到由衷的自豪。”

本次“中国最佳商业领袖奖”评选于2009年9月8日启动,“领导 “中国最佳商业领袖奖”评选已成功举办五届,享有“商界奥斯卡” 力——潜”成为本届的主题,代表了这一年处于金融危机背景下的中 美誉,自举办以来已经有22位中国商界的杰出领袖获得表彰。评奖 国商业领袖必须具备的境界与标杆。本次揭晓的获奖领导者来自食 工作由世界著名的芝加哥商学院和全球知名的人力资源咨询公司DDI 品、工业、IT等多个行业,他们在2008-2009年度成功地带领各自企 牵头联合开展,采取三步评选法。评委会根据入围者的财务表现、领 业逆势而上,成为行业翘楚。 导才能、创造性和创新能力以及社会责任等诸多标准作出评估,着重 评估其创造短期优势、长期价值、竞争优势以及在商界展现出的领 CNBC亚太总裁兼董事总经理萨德 ∙ 佩布瑞奇表示:“2005年,CNBC亚 导才能。 太携手战略合作伙伴第一财经将‘最佳商业领袖奖’带入中国。五年

34 GE在中国 CNBC Asia Pacific and CBN Unveil Winners of 2009 China Business Leaders Awards

On October 29, 2009, the award ceremony of “2009 China Business Leaders Awards (CBLA)” was held in Beijing. CNBC Asia Pacific, together with CBN, unveiled the winners of this year’s CBLA under the theme of Leadership Potential. Ning Gaoning, Chairman of COFCO, received the top award: China Business Leader of the Year.

This year’s CBLA was launched on September 8, 2009, focusing on the spirit of leadership, embodied by great Chinese business leaders in the face of the economic crisis. The candidates of this year came from various industries including food, manufacturing and IT, having led their companies through the crisis and outperformed others from 2008 to 2009.

"CNBC Asia Pacific, in conjunction with its engage with the larger business community," judging process based on a combination of strategic partner, CBN, brought the China said Satpal Brainch, President & Managing criteria that includes financial performance, Business Leaders Awards to China in 2005. Director of CNBC Asia Pacific. leadership, creativity, innovation and social Throughout the last five years, we have responsibility. Candidates are evaluated with been delighted to showcase China's elite The CBLA is in its fifth year and is known as the a focus on their ability to create short-term business community to the rest of world, “Oscars” of China’s business community. The advantages, long-term value and a general demonstrating the powerful breadth and nation’s top business leaders are evaluated competitive edge while demonstrating strong depth of our global network. Especially during under a stringent, objective and transparent leadership in the business community. such an unprecedented global financial crisis, set of criteria by members of the University China has shown the strength of its business of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business leaders. CNBC is pleased to not only recognize faculty and the well-known human resource these exceptional leaders in China, but to consulting company DDI. The distinguished act as a platform where Chinese leaders can panel goes through a unique three-phase

GE IN CHINA 35 业务发展 Business Highlight


2009年8月17日,GE与FANUC宣布两家公司已同意解除合资企业GE 垂直结构模块中继续提升专业技术的同时,也将加强在过程控制系统、 FANUC自动化公司(GE Fanuc Automation Corporation)。该协议将使两 企业和自动化软件以及嵌入式计算等重要增长平台的投资。眼下,最关 公司得以集中各自资源专注促进现有业务增长和各自核心技术发展。 键的是平稳地实现这一转变,让所有客户、业务伙伴和员工感到安心。 我们会全力以赴,在各个业务领域实现我们对客户的承诺。” 根据协议,GE将保留原合资公司的软件、服务、嵌入式系统以及全球 控制系统业务,这些业务将被整合入GE智能平台。FANUC将保留原合 GE FANUC自动化公司于1986年由GE和FANUC共同投资建立,至今已 资公司的全球CNC业务。 成长为一家行业领先的技术公司,其服务遍布全球多个行业,包括能 源、水务、快速消费品、政府和国防以及电信行业。业务内容包括提 GE FANUC智能平台首席执行官Maryrose Sylvester说:“FANUC是我们 供软硬件解决方案、服务、自动化及嵌入式计算系统,以及行业领先 合作过的最佳伙伴。GE为我们双方共同取得的成就而深感自豪——不 的CNC产品。 论是行业技术,还是在全线产品上所取得的成功。对GE来说,这次变 革将使我们继续高度专注于服务全球范围内的客户。此外,我们在GE

GE and FANUC to Dissolve Joint Venture

On August 17, 2009, GE and FANUC announced that the two process control systems, enterprise and automation software and companies have agreed to dissolve the GE Fanuc Automation embedded computing. This will ensure our ability to continue building Corporation joint venture. This agreement will allow each company our already strong expertise around GE’s vertical infrastructure to refocus investment on developing business in their respective core segments. Our top priority is a smooth completion of transition and industries. continuity for all customers, business partners and employees. We will spare no effort to meet our customer commitments in every Under the agreement, GE will retain the global software, services, segment of our business.” embedded systems and control systems businesses. These businesses will be integrated into GE Intelligent Platforms while Established in 1986 through a joint investment by GE and FANUC, the FANUC will retain the global CNC business. GE Fanuc Automation Corporation has been grown into an industry- leading technology company which serves various industries GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms CEO, Maryrose Sylvester said: “GE worldwide including energy, water, consumer packaged goods, could not have asked for a better partner than FANUC. GE is proud of government and defense, and telecommunications industries. The what our companies have achieved together – both the development partnership delivers hardware and software solutions, services, of industry expertise and success across our product portfolios. For automation and embedded computing systems as well as industry- GE, this change will mean a continued, intense focus on serving our leading CNC products. customers around the world through significant growth platforms like

36 GE在中国 GE IN CHINA 36

GE中国研发中心携新产品亮相2009年 中国国际工业博览会

2009年11月3日至7日,GE中国研发中心携其在医疗、水处理及安防 等领域的最新技术和产品亮相2009年中国工业博览会(工博会),通 过现场演示等形式集中展示了GE以“绿色创想”为主题的多种高新技 术。科技部部长万钢在视察工博会期间来到GE展台前,详细听取了有 机发光二极管(OLED)技术的介绍,并建议GE继续加强在OLED楼宇 照明产品方面的开发。

工博会是由国家发改委、商务部、中国科学院等机构联合企业共同主 办的大型国际工业博览会,是中国最具影响力的国际工业品牌展,也 是促进中外经济技术合作交流的重要窗口和平台,迄今已成功举办十 届。今年的工博会共吸引了专业观众共90500人次。 科技部部长万钢视察GE展台 Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, tours GE's booth

GE Showcases Innovations at the 2009 China International Industry Fair

From November 3 through November 7, 2009, the GE China Technology Center showcased their ecomagination innovations in the healthcare, water, and security fields at the 2009 China International Industry Fair (CIIF). Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, visited the fair and toured the GE booth where he was introduced to OLED technology. He encouraged GE to continue developing OLED products for building lighting.

CIIF is an international industry exhibition hosted by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and The Academy of Sciences of China, along with various enterprises. As China's largest national exhibition for industrial innovations and equipment, CIIF serves as an important platform and bridge for promoting technological cooperation and exchange between Chinese and foreign companies. The event has a 10 year history, and attracted over 90 thousand visitors this past year.

38 GE在中国 GE与中国天联广告获2009中国国际广告节大奖

2009年11月6日,GE与中国天联广告(BBDO 中国)在刚刚落幕的第16届中国国际广告节 上再获殊荣,获奖作品雄踞榜首。中国国际 广告节有“中国艾菲奖”之誉,BBDO中国凭 借为GE量身打造的“绿色创想”系列活动囊 括了全场大奖和最佳创意奖。“绿色创想” 系列活动确保各大企业总裁及部门决策者在 考虑品牌时将GE纳入选择之列。

中国国际广告节是最权威、最专业、规模最 大、影响最广的广告业界盛会,旨在推动中 国广告业发展,促进国内外广告业交流与合 作。今年的广告节在广西省南宁市召开,参 加人数愈三万人。

GE and BBDO China Scoop Awards at China International Advertising Festival 2009

On November 6, 2009, GE China and its Creative Agency, BBDO China, won accolades for their outstanding work in China, garnering top honors at the 2009 China International Advertising Festival. At the festival, GE and BBDO China won Best Showcase and Best Idea for GE’s ecomagination campaign, which was aimed at cementing GE as a front-runner for brand consideration by CEOs and business policy makers.

The China International Advertising Festival, known as “China Effies”, ranks as the most authoritative and influential advertising industry event in China, aiming to promote China’s advertisement industry and collaboration between Chinese and foreign companies. The annual festival was hosted this year in Nanning, Guangxi province, attracting more than 30,000 participants.

GE IN CHINA 39 酷科技 Cool Technology

40 GE在中国 整体煤气化联合循环发电系统带来清洁电力

亿万年前,植物通过光合作用将二氧化碳转化为有机物储存起来,经 显然,IGCC是一种能带来显著益处的成熟技术,并且可以降低二氧化 过大自然沧海桑田的变化,这些有机物转化成了煤——目前我们使用 碳的排放。那么,为什么这种先进的技术还没有被广泛地采用呢? 最多的能源。煤的大规模利用,极大地促进了人类文明的进步和工业 的发展,但煤炭燃烧产生的污染物和温室气体排放却也打开了空气污 首先,经济成本和气化效率。煤气化的第一步是水煤浆的制备。目前 染和气候变化的潘多拉之盒。 水煤浆制备的技术难点在于如何提高水煤浆的浓度,进而提高气化的 效率。 尽管煤炭的大规模利用带来了污染等环境问题,人们也试图去寻找其 它相对清洁的能源,但是煤炭这一传统能源在目前以及将来仍将占据 在GE中国研发中心,煤炭多联产实验室的科学家们为解决这个问题采 能源的首要地位。目前在中国,60%的能源来自煤炭,70%的电力来 用了两种方法。第一种方法是粒度级配,即把不同粒径的煤混合起来 自燃煤发电;而在相比较少使用煤炭的美国,目前探明的煤炭资源在 再做煤浆。因为小煤粒可以进入大煤粒的空隙中,所以通过一定比例 不应用其它能源的情况下足以供全国使用250年。因此,如何清洁地利 的配比,不仅能够进一步提高煤浆的浓度,还可使煤浆具有良好的流 用煤炭资源是各国在面对当今和未来资源形势问题上的共同课题。 动性,方便煤浆通过管道输送到气化炉中。第二种方法是加入合适的 添加剂,改变水煤浆的粘度,让水煤浆在比较高的浓度下依旧能保持 那么,是否有解决的办法?近年来,一种结合了煤气化技术与联合循 良好的流动性。 环技术的整体煤气化联合循环发电系统(IGCC)技术已经开始为我们 提供清洁利用煤炭资源发电的解决方案。 此外,世界各地煤炭的储量不同,煤炭的质量也不同。质量较差的低 阶煤,无法制成高浓度的水煤浆,也就难以应用IGCC技术。GE中国研 IGCC这一先进的动力系统的实质就是在一个已经完全成熟的燃气—蒸 发中心的科学家们为低阶煤开发了先进的“干粉输送”技术——将煤 汽联合循环的基础上,结合一套煤的气化和净化设备,以便把煤转化 研磨成煤粉,再以高压方式输送到气化炉中。目前,GE中国研发中心 为干净的合成煤气,进而在燃气—蒸汽联合循环的发电设备中,实现 已经建成了一整套大型高压输送实验装置用以此项研究。 以煤为燃料洁净发电的目的。最为重要的是,相比从传统发电厂的烟 道气中捕获二氧化碳,IGCC从合成气中捕获二氧化碳要更容易实现。 清洁煤技术的另一个关键的步骤是捕获煤燃烧后释放的二氧化碳对其 进行进一步利用或者封存。只有这样,才有可能从根本上解决温室气 IGCC发电技术比当今普遍采用的燃煤发电技术先进很多。人类从上世 体排放问题。GE中国研发中心煤炭多联产实验室的另一个团队也正在 纪初已经开始使用煤炭气化技术,这种技术在石油化学工业和石油冶 着手开发新的用于吸收二氧化碳的溶剂和工艺。 炼工业已经使用了很多年。目前,GE在国内已经授权100余台先进气化 设备在30多家化工厂应用。世界上已有4座250-300MW等级的大型IGCC GE的科学家们对IGCC技术的努力不仅限于此,还包括煤的表征分析、 电站相继投入运营,它们分别是美国的Wabash River和Tampa、荷兰 气化炉耐火砖新材料开发,以及煤渣模型分析。在GE中国研发中心, 的Demkolec和西班牙的Puertollano IGCC电站。据估算,考虑到二氧化 科学家们正在以他们的想象力和辛勤的劳动为人类创造一片更洁净的 碳捕集,IGCC发电厂相比传统的发电厂具有明显优势,前者的效率和 蓝天。 经济性都高于后者,在形成一定规模时其成本还将会进一步下降。同 时,随着设计水平和所用材料的改进,其效率也将会进一步提高。此 外,捕获到的二氧化碳用于注入油田以提高石油产量这一市场应用前 景也正逐渐被看好。

GE IN CHINA 41 酷科技 Cool Technology

IGCC - Bringing Cleaner Power

For millions of years plants have been storing carbon dioxide century, serving for many years in petrochemical and petroleum through the process of photosynthesis, resulting in the creation of refining industries, and to date, more than 100 of GE’s advanced organic matter and eventually, through the force of nature, coal, gasification utilities have been authorized to over 30 chemical which is the world’s most commonly used energy resource today. plants in China, while many power plants around the world apply The large-scale utilization of coal has tremendously accelerated combined cycle power generation by natural gas. Both are proven the progress of human civilization and the development of and advanced technologies. Currently, four 250-300MW IGCC- industrialization. However, the pollutants and greenhouse gases equipped power plants are in service around the world: Wabash produced by coal combustion have opened up a Pandora’s Box of River and Tampa in the U.S., Demkolec in Holland and Puertollano pollution and climate change. in Spain. It is estimated that in terms of carbon dioxide capture and storage, IGCC plants are superior to conventional plants Though the large-scale utilization of coal has caused in operational and economical efficiency, and the cost can be environmental problems, prompting great efforts in search of lowered by large-scale application. Meanwhile, the operational cleaner energy, coal will remain a major energy resource around efficiency would be further boosted with the improvement of the globe. In China, over 60% of the energy comes from coal with engineering and materials. Furthermore, the market for captured over 70% of power being generated by burning coal. And in the carbon dioxide is very promising because the output of oil can be United States, where coal is used less, verified coal reserves alone increased by injecting captured carbon dioxide into the oil field. are enough to supply energy for the entire country for 250 years. Therefore, a cleaner way to utilize coal has become a shared IGCC is a proven technology that delivers benefits while lowering subject for the whole world. carbon dioxide emission. So why hasn’t it been deployed widely?

Is there a solution? In recent years, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology has already provided a way to use coal in a cleaner way.

The core of IGCC is to combine a coal gasification and purification system with a proven gas-steam combined cycle so as to convert coal into clean synthetic gas, which results in the cleaner utilization of coal through gas-steam power generation. Most importantly, it is easier for IGCC to capture carbon dioxide from synthetic gas than it is for conventional means.

IGCC marks a major step forward from the coal-fired power generation technology widely used at present. Coal gasification technology has been in practice since the beginning of the last

42 GE在中国 氧气 联合循环 Oxygen Combined cycle 发电 Electricity 清洁合成气 液体燃料 水 Water Liquid fuel Clean Chemical 粗合成气 Syngas synthesis Raw 化学品合成 Syngas 城市燃气 Town gas 煤 Coal

氢气 Hydrogen

合成氨 化学品 Ammonia synthesis Chemicals 气化炉 Gasifier

燃料电池汽车 炉渣 Fuel cell vehicles Slag 硫 化肥 Sulfur Fertilizer

The primary reasons are the cost and efficiency of gasification, technology. Therefore, scientists at GE CTC have developed an which begins with the preparation of water-coal slurry. The advanced “powder conveying” technology, sending the coal into technical barrier consists of how to improve the water-coal slurry gasification after being ground into coal powder. GE CTC has concentration so as to increase gasification efficiency. already established an integrated high-pressure-conveyance test rig for this research. At the GE China Technology Center (GE CTC), scientists in the Coal Polygeneration Technologies Lab have worked out two solutions. The next key step in clean coal technology is the recycling One is called particle grading, which mixes coal particles of or storage of captured carbon dioxide produced by coal different sizes into the slurry. By blending together various sizes consumption. This can fundamentally solve the greenhouse of coal particles, smaller particles can fill the gap between bigger emission problem. Another team at the Coal Polygeneration particles so that the water-coal slurry concentration is increased Technologies Lab is working on developing a new solvent to while attaining acceptable viscosity and fluidity to make the absorb carbon dioxide. slurry easier to be sent into gasification. The other way is to mix in certain additives that change the viscosity of the water- GE scientists’ foray into IGCC technology is not limited to these coal slurry so that it can retain fluidity at high water-coal slurry achievements; they continue to make progress in many areas concentrations. including the coal characterization analysis, new materials for gasifier refractory and coal slag model analysis. GE CTC scientists Also, the volume and quality of coal reserves vary by location, are sparing no effort to use their imagination and hard work to and low-quality coal cannot be used to produce the water-coal deliver clean coal and blue skies. slurry in high concentrations, impeding the application of IGCC

GE IN CHINA 43 GE人物 GE People


问:您就任GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官已有九个月,目前 来看,中国医疗市场有哪些独特的地方最让您印象深刻?

马思礼:让我印象最为深刻的是,在许多领域,中国可以从没有基础 设施飞速发展到拥有世界顶级的基础设施,甚至中间没有过渡。比如 电信业,中国从没有电话跨越到向全世界销售手机。同样的快速发展 也会发生在医疗行业——中国将会从医疗设施稀缺落后一跃进入到开 展远程医疗的发展阶段。然而,这种飞跃并非仅仅依靠进口国外现有 的先进设备,中国需要的是兼具低成本和高科技特点的设备。与此同 时,政府还十分关注产品质量,这就需要像GE这样的合作伙伴来提供 解决方案。这是留给我印象最深的地方。

问:“健康创想”战略计划在中国启动已有半年多,而几乎与之同 步,中国政府启动了医改,并投入了8500亿元的资金,这给GE带来了 怎样的机遇?GE能够凭借哪些优势来抓住这些机遇?

马思礼:“健康创想”是GE的一项全球战略计划,在全球大多数地 方都被视做一个市场营销行为,唯独在中国,它更像是解决整个国家 医疗问题的方案的一部分。中国医改的目标是解决五亿享受不到任何 医疗保障的人们的需求,而这与GE“健康创想”战略的目标不谋而 合——增加医疗服务机会和渠道、降低医疗成本,提高医疗质量。

这三方面是GE“健康创想”和中国医改共同的努力方向。中国医改和 GE“健康创想”的最终目标都是追求整个医疗行业的全面提升。所以 无论从长期战略还是短期目标来衡量,“健康创想”和中国医改都是 互相匹配,高度契合的。

而GE的优势在于我们充分理解中国的需求。在中国市场上,我们并不 是新人。自1991年来到这里,我们亲眼见证了中国医疗事业的发展。 马思礼办公室的墙上悬挂着一幅巨大的中国地图,上 目前在中国,我们拥有7个工厂、4000余名员工、600余名工程师以及 面记载了他履任GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行 强大的分销网络。我们像本土公司一样感受、思考和经营。此外,我 们具备将全球的资源引入中国从而为中国量身开发解决方案的能力, 官九个月以来的足迹。这九个月中,他大多数时间都 这包括引入我们在全球各地开发出的最新技术。 往返于中国各地视察工作,倾听政府官员、客户以及 经销商的需求。在他看来,GE医疗集团并非外企,而 是一家真正了解客户所需并引领科技走向和吸引尖端 人才的本地公司。

44 GE在中国 问:美国也开展了医改,您认为中美两国的医改有何不同? 们所擅长的。我们将针对不同的需求采取不同的方针。大城市里的大 医院需要用高科技设备治疗复杂病症,而农村医疗市场需要的是基础 马思礼:医疗是一个全球性的问题,各国政府都在想办法应对。医疗 医疗技术设备来处理基本的病症,比如骨折、怀孕和肺炎。我们正在 问题大多数源自社会的不平等。然而针对这一问题的解决方案,本质 准备为农村诊所和乡镇医院提供相应的解决方案。 上各国各有不同。对于美国而言,主要是降低成本,从而可以惠及更 多人民。而中国是另一条道路。中国政府的目标是扩大医疗服务覆盖 问:GE医疗要实施其核心战略,应在中国市场上搭建怎样的合作伙伴 的范围,使得原来几乎没有基本医疗保障的五亿人民也得到应有的服 关系? 务,与此同时,提高医疗技术水平。中国是世界上唯一一个为达到医 改目标而将在未来三年内投入1230亿美元的国家,并且中国政府工作 马思礼:我们首要关注的是与中国政府建立合作伙伴关系。通过 效率相当高。医改方案在2008年12月宣布,截至2009年上半年,政府 与卫生部和其它各级政府机构合作,我们得以进一步深入中国市 就已投入了105亿美元用于医疗基础设施的建设。因此,尽管各国面临 场,并让政府部门了解GE可以提供什么,能够如何帮助政府解决 着相同的问题,但是中国采取的解决办法是不同于他国的,而且行动 医疗问题。这不仅仅关乎设备销售,更是企业社会责任的体现,一 非常迅速。 个好的企业公民应该有能力帮助解决社会问题、提供和发展因地 制宜的解决方案。我们必须以引入科技助力中国医疗事业发展的 问:中国市场与其它市场不同,那么GE医疗打算采取怎样的核心战略 方式来真正地成为社会的一份子。所以,政府是我们的首要合作 来适应这一市场?您怎么看反向创新? 伙伴。

马思礼:GE医疗的核心战略是本土化。GE董事长兼首席执行官杰夫 ∙ 伊 其次是与我们的经销商建立合作伙伴关系。我们会奖励那些诚信经营 梅尔特大力推行本土化战略,尤其在中国。他很清楚蓬勃发展的中国市 并认同GE价值的经销商。我们希望能与那些深刻理解医院运营并能协 场需要的是满足本地需求的解决方案。因此,他大力投资以全力支持 助进行医生培训的经销商建立长期合作关系,而不想与那些仅追求利 GE在中国的本地化。目前,GE在这方面的专门投资每年高达2500万 益的经销商合作。 美元。 再者就是与本土公司的合作。随着我们战略的不断发展,我们可能会 反向创新是指在新兴市场为新兴市场研发基础医疗产品,并将这些产 发现,我们在中国的合作伙伴能够与我们的能力互补,因而我们也会 品出口到发达国家。例如,我们为中国市场开发制造的CT机现在正销 考虑这些潜在的合作关系。 往美国。但若说到治疗复杂病症的高科技产品,美国仍是首要的研发 之地,中国则更能胜任开发可负担、低成本高科技的基础医疗产品。 问:您认为全球金融危机给医疗行业带来了哪些影响? 现在GE的“立足中国,服务中国”方针正在向“立足中国,服务世 界”转变。 马思礼:我们可以看到,在全球各地,医疗产业几乎崩塌。除了中国 和印度市场外,其它市场均不同程度地受挫。仅存的增长市场是印度 问:您怎么看待中国中小城市和农村地区的发展?您打算如何支持GE 和中国——当然相比之下前者增长规模较小,后者上升幅度更大。随 的农村医疗市场策略? 着经济的衰退,各国下调预算,政府需要节制开支,医疗市场的需求 自然受到影响。 马思礼:大城市中大约有3600家医院,这些医院构成了我们95%的业 务。而在农村地区,有51,000余家医院和诊所,但我们目前尚未向它们 问:在目前严峻的大环境下,我们需要面对很多挑战,那么您认为怎 提供服务,因为它们还没有具备高科技设备的购买力。但是随着医改的 样的产品趋势将主导医疗产业的新一轮繁荣? 实行,政府会增加对这些医院的拨款,要求它们购买仪器设备从而为那 5亿人口提供医疗服务,二线城市医疗市场将因此产生大量的需求。 马思礼:我们需要从两个方面来考虑这个问题。一方面是技术进步, 尖端技术的导向是治疗复杂病症,同时力争减少对人体的伤害。例如 我们的愿景是我们必须与市场的需求保持一致。这些城市的医院需要 我们最新发布的宝石能谱CT就可以完成更为精确的诊断,同时X射线的 高科技产品和服务、分销网络以及对疾病趋势的判断,而这些都是我 辐射剂量远小于一般CT机。

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另一方面是发展基础设施。通过发展技术基础设施,我们能解决医生短缺的问题。比如远 程医疗就可以将从乡村医院采集的图像传给城镇或中心医院,由那里的医生进行诊断并传 回处方。

这两个问题都需要依靠技术创新来解决,一个是治疗疑难杂症的同时减少伤害,另一个是 解决基础设施不健全的问题。而GE医疗目前正致力于以“立足中国,服务中国”的方式为 这两个问题提供解决方案。


马思礼:我们有能力为非常具体的复杂病症研发精度更高、更为专业化的设备。目前在中 国,生活方式和污染等问题正让疾病变得更加复杂,所以针对这些具体问题,我们在“立 足中国,服务中国”战略下开发的产品将与我们在全球各地开发的技术一道,为中国医疗 市场提供服务。但我们不单单从设备的角度考虑问题,而是从疾病入手,考虑何种解决方 案能处理这些疾病,因此我们正从设备供应商的角色转向疾病解决方案供应商的角色。

例如,在上一届中国国际医疗器械博览会上,我们展示了心血管疾病预防、诊断、治疗 和恢复的解决方案,以及心血管疾病各个病期治疗所需的医疗设备。此外,我们的另一 个展台也展示了GE的妇婴健康产品。所以我们首先考虑的是治疗疾病,然后针对这些 疾病开发相应的设备。


马思礼:首先要有能力了解市场的需求。这不仅仅关乎设备生产和销售,而是要了解疾 病的发展趋势,然后考虑所需的设备,接着进行投资和技术投入,以跟踪疾病发展并开 发技术。

其次要有能力让这些产品到达医生的手中并且对产品进行支持。并非将设备送到中国西部 就完成了任务。设备本身是需要维护的,而我们有这个能力为客户提供长期的维护服务。

第三点是要有能力通过开展培训来帮助医生,让他们熟悉新设备,学会如何熟练利用这些 设备治疗疾病。


马思礼:在来中国之前,人们都告诉我你会遇到文化差异问题,但如今在这里生活九个月 后,我的感觉是这里就像我家一样。这里的商业文化和我家乡的非常类似——所有事情都 是建立在彼此的信任和合作伙伴关系之上。人们首先交朋友,建立信任,然后才开始谈生 意。此外,中国人很热情友好,这种感觉和在拉美是一样的。当然也有困难的地方,比如 食物,但我认为相比人们的行为模式非常相似这点来说,这点困难算不了什么。所以我感 觉像在家一样,非常适应!

46 GE在中国 Meet the Leader Marcelo Mosci

Q: Since you’ve been on the job for nine months, what features of the Chinese healthcare market strike you most?

Marcelo: One thing that strikes me is that China has moved from having no infrastructure to having the best infrastructure in the world without middle milestones. Take telecommunication for example, China went from having no telephones to selling mobile phones. It’s going to be the same for healthcare. China will go from no healthcare to telemedicine. However, it’s not just about importing equipment. China needs equipment with both low cost and high-technology at the same time. The government won’t give away quality, which requires partners like GE to bring solutions to them. This strikes me.

Q: More than half a year after the official launch of the Healthymagination in China, what kind of opportunities have you identified in light of China’s 850 billion yuan healthcare reform which were announced at almost the same time? What are GE’s strengths in utilizing these opportunities?

Marcelo: As a global strategy, in many places Healthymagination has been perceived as a marketing campaign, but in China alone, it is more like a part of the solutions for the country’s healthcare issues. The healthcare reform aim at covering the needs of 500 million people who don’t have any type of healthcare. And this In Marcelo’s office hangs a big map of China that is exactly what GE is trying to do with the Healthymagination – provide access, affordability, and high quality. These are the three marks his footsteps in the nine months since he things that both Healthymagination and Chinese healthcare reform assumed the position of President & CEO of GE are addressing. China and GE are fully aligned in their initiative to take healthcare to the next level. So, both in short term and long Healthcare Greater China. He spent most of his term, Healthymagination matches China, and China matches time traveling, meeting the company’s personnel, Healthymagination. who spread all around the country, and listening to GE’s strengths lie in the understanding of China’s needs. We are not government officials, customers and dealers about a new player in China because we’ve been here since 1991, and witnessed the development of China’s healthcare industry. Now we their needs. He envisioned GE Healthcare China as have seven factories, 4000 employees, 600 engineers and a strong a local company, the one that truly understands distribution network in China. We feel, think, and operate like a local company. In addition, we also have the benefit of bringing global the needs of its customers, and always leads in resources in play to develope solutions for the situation in China. One technology and people. such example being the introduction of new technologies from our global centers.

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Q: The United States has also launched healthcare reform. What money to those hospitals to get equipment so that they can better do you think are the differences between the actions by the two service the over 500 million people utilizing them. This will open up governments? widespread need in secondary cities.

Marcelo: Healthcare is a global issue, and every government is Our vision is to be aligned with the needs . These cities require trying to address it. Most of the problems come from social disparity. technology, distribution networks, and information on disease trends, However, the nature of solutions is different. The United States is and that is what we specialize in providing. To meet these needs, we trying to reduce cost so that they can spread healthcare to more have to act differently: for big hospitals in big cities it means high people, while in China, the solution is directed in a different way. The technology for complex diseases, while rural healthcare centers Chinese government is trying to expand the coverage to 500 million require good primary care and basic treatment for maladies such as people, and, at the same time, elevate healthcare technology to the fractures, pregnancies, or pneumonia. We are preparing to deliver next level. China is the only country in the world that is investing these solutions to rural clinics, and county and village hospitals. USD 123 billion in the next three years to achieve its goal. Also, the Chinese government works with high efficiency. In December 2008, Q: How do you evaluate the partnerships GE Healthcare is building it announced the new healthcare reform, and in the first half of 2009, in China’s market to realize its core strategy? USD 10.5 billion had already been invested on the infrastructure of healthcare. The problem is the same, but in China things are Marcelo: The first partnership we need to build is with the addressed in a different way and move faster. government. By working together with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other authorities on all levels, we can participate more Q: China’s market is so different from other countries, so what is in the market, and help them to better understand what options GE Healthcare’s core strategy to fit the market? How do you see are available that could help in resolving healthcare problems in reverse development? China. To help, provide, and develop good solutions is not only good business strategy, but also good citizenship. We need to participate Marcelo: Localization is the name of the game. Our Chairman & CEO in the society, and bring our technology to helping to develop China’s Jeff Immelt is pushing very hard to localize, especially in China. He healthcare. This is the most important partnership. understands that the booming Chinese market needs local solutions. So his budgeting and financing have been aimed at developing it. So far, Another partnership is with our network of dealers. We reward over USD 25 million of annual investment has been brought to China. qualified dealers that operate with integrity and respect to our values. We want to build partnerships with those dealers who understand Reverse development is about developing primary care products in clinic operation, and who help to train doctors, rather than with those and for emerging markets, and then exporting them to developed who only care about profits. countries. For example, the CT we made here designed for the China market is also serving the United States. If you talk about high The third partnership is with local companies. As we develop our technology for complex diseases, the United States is the first place strategy, we may find partners in China who complement us well, so to make it. However, for primary care, affordability, and low cost with we are going to develop these potential partnerships as well. high quality, China has the better mindset to design that. “In China, For China” is becoming “In China, For World”. Q: What is the impact of the global recession on the healthcare industry? Q: How do you see growth prospects in smaller cities and rural areas? What is your plan to support rural healthcare strategy? Marcelo: You almost saw the healthcare industry collapse all around the globe. Every single market other than China and India has Marcelo: In big cities, there are 3,600 hospitals which make up 95% weakened. The only markets that are growing are China’s and, to a of our business. In rural areas, there are 51,000 hospitals which lesser degree, India’s. With the economy down, the budget of many we don’t serve at present, because they are not preparing to buy countries is also lowered, so governments have had to to cut down technology. With the healthcare reform, the government is giving on everything, including healthcare.

48 GE在中国 Q: As we go through such tremendous challenges in such a critical time period, what trends in next generation products do you think will help the whole industry recover?

Marcelo: We need to think about it from two fronts. From a technology standpoint, top technology is oriented towards solving more complex diseases while reducing harmful side effects. For example, HDCT, a CT scanner we just launched, makes better diagnosis with a much lower X-ray dose.

The other front is the technology infrastructure which will help solve the problem of the shortage of doctors. For example, telemedicine technology can transmit images taken from a rural hospital to a center hospital for doctors there to diagnose. Those doctors can then send back prescriptions.

Both problems need technological solutions, one for complex Marcelo: The first one is the capacity to understand needs. It is not diseases and risk reduction, the other for addressing the lack of only manufacturing and selling equipment that is important, but infrastructure. Bringing new technologies to bear on both aspects is also understanding the disease trends and the tools available, and what GE is addressing “In China, For China.” then applying investment and technology to study the diseases and develop new tools. Q: What kind of resources and capabilities does GE have that they can bring into China to lead in the industry? Second is the capability to get those products into the hands of the doctors, and to provide them with support. It is not enough to just Marcelo: We have the capacity to develop more and more send a machine to western China, since the machine will still require sophisticated tools for very specific complications and very high maintenance. We also have the capability to provide long-term levels of specialization. In China today, diseases are growing into very maintenance services to our customers. high levels of complexity due to lifestyle choices and pollution, so the tools that are being designed “In China, For China” will serve the The third one is the capability to properly assist the doctors, through healthcare market in combination with imported technology. That education and training, to help get them familiar with the new tools said, we don’t think about equipment, we think about diseases and so that they know how to use them to handle diseases. what solutions we need for those diseases, so we are moving steadily from being an equipment provider to being a disease solution Q: What is your general impression of working and living in China? provider. Marcelo: Before I came here, people warned me of culture For example in the last China International Medical Equipment Fair differences, but having been here for nine months, I feel at home. The (CMEF), we showcased cardiovascular disease prevention, detection, culture is similar when it comes to business - everything is based on surgery, and recovery, and we also showcased our tools for each trust, and partnership. People make friends and trust each other first one of those disease stages. In addition, we had a section completely and then talk about business. Aside from that, Chinese people are devoted to women’s healthcare and infant care products. So we think also very friendly and warm. This kind of friendliness is the same kind about the problems in terms of diseases, and then we decide which you will find in Latin America. There are still many differences, such tools we can bring on board to treat them. as the food, but I don’t think they are as important as the fact that the behavior of people is very similar to where I come from. So I feel Q: Would you summarize some key strengths required for a at home, I really do. healthcare company to succeed in the market?

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“我们在全国九个城市的义诊活动已经全部结束。”GE医疗集团(以下简 称“GE医疗集团”)DXR华中区销售经理李宁告诉 《市场导报》记者,杭 州是活动的最后一站。

办活动 树理念 拟投资成长型公司

今年恰逢GE乳腺X光机问世40周年。“乳腺癌 作为布局中国市场的重要一环,GE医疗集团 的发病率大约是每10万人中30—40人,全国 除了在中国布局销售网络外,还将投资成长 平均的检查费用大概在300—400元,浙江的 型医疗公司。 费用约在200元内。”李宁表示。 导报记者从GE医疗中国总部了解到,10月份 作为在乳腺检查医疗设备领域占据全球领先 通用电气(GE)正式宣布成立“GE健康创想 地位的GE医疗集团,从上世纪60年代开始就 基金”,将在全球范围内对那些有发展前途 走在了技术的前沿,GE医疗集团在1999年推 的企业进行投资。不过,GE也对投资对象提 出全视野数字化乳腺X线射影技术后,到目前 出较高的要求:要拥有创新性诊断、IT和生命 为止全球已有17700套设备投入使用。李宁 科学技术,并且与GE“健康创想”战略目标 说,浙江已有不少医院购置了GE医疗集团的 相一致。 产品。 导报记者了解到,未来6年,GE将投资60亿美 GE医疗集团大中国区总裁兼首席执行官马思 元用于改善公众健康,通过医疗技术创新, 礼表示:“女性健康一直是GE医疗关注的重 以更低的成本向更多的人提供更好的服务。 点领域,同时也是GE全球‘健康创想’战略 的核心内容。我们致力于帮助中国女性建立 业内人士也指出,GE的“健康创想”虽然是 ‘早诊治、早安心’的乳腺健康理念。” 一项面向全球的计划,但中国的8500家医院 才是其最重要的目标之一。中国农村医疗市 场、社区以及工人职业病市场都将成为医改的 重点。对此,马思礼表示:“GE公司的产品 有针对健康饮水的清洁系统、供孕妇检查的超 声波设备、心电设备、乳腺普查技术以及妇婴 医疗技术,这些都与中国医改方向一致。” (本文来源:市场导报 作者:袁华明)

50 GE在中国 GE Healthcare Further Probes China Market

Over one hundred women have gone the introduction of GE’s patented Full-view “GE Healthymagination Fund” in October, through GE Healthcare’s free breast health Digital Breast X-ray Photography in 1999, a healthcare industry-focused investment consultation at the Greentown Hospital in over 17,700 sets of equipment featuring this targeting high-potential medical companies Hangzhou. innovative technology have been put to use around the world. However, GE has set a all over the world. According to Li Ning, many high eligibility standard for its investment: “The free breast health consultation hospitals in Zhejiang are past and present GE being competent in diagnostic innovations, campaign for women was offered in nine customers. IT and life science, as well as aligned with GE cities around China with Hangzhou serving Healthymagination goals. as the last stop of the tour,” Li Ning, Sales Marcelo Mosci, President & CEO of GE Manager of DXR, Central China Region, GE Healthcare Greater China, said: “Women’s According to GE, it will spend USD 6 billion Healthcare, told a Market Guide reporter. health has always been one of the priorities over the next six years to help deliver better on the agenda of GE Healthcare, and an care to more people at lower cost. An Awareness-Building Campaign integral part of the company’s global Healthymagination drive. We are committed Meanwhile, industry critics have pointed This year marks the GE Breast X-ray to promoting ‘early diagnosis, early health’ out that although GE Healthymagination Photography machine’s 40th birthday. “The among Chinese women.” is a global strategy, its main target is the incidence of breast cancer is between 30 8,500 hospitals in China. The Chinese and 40 out of every 100,000 people, and Investing in Growth Companies government has identified rural healthcare average testing and diagnostic cost runs and community and occupational disease as between RMB 300 and 400 nationwide, while As part of GE Healthcare’s strategy in China key areas in need of healthcare reform. “GE in Zhejiang, the cost drops below RMB 200,” and in addition to building a stronger sales products include water purifying systems, said Li Ning. network, GE Healthcare will also make equity ultrasound, ECG, breast diseases detection investments in growth companies in the technology and other women and infant As a global leader in providing breast healthcare industry. medical care technologies, all of which are in diseases detection equipment, GE line with the agenda of China’s health care Healthcare has always been at the forefront Our reporter has learned from GE reform,” said Marcelo Mosci. in this medical area since the 1960s. Since Healthcare China that GE launched the

(Written by Yuan Huaming, as published in Market Guide)

GE IN CHINA 51 媒体看点 GE in Media


北京的初冬寒流涌动,GE全球董事长兼首席执 在制造技术领域的领先地位,结合GE运输系 彼时的合作方式为,GE运输系统集团和中国 行官杰夫 ∙ 伊梅尔特和公司其他高管们的热情却 统集团先进的技术开发能力和全球市场经验, 铁道部签署战略合同,向南车戚墅堰公司出售 不逊盛夏。过去三天内,顺着奥巴马访华这股 双方的合作将形成新的竞争优势。 300台GE Evolution®系列中国主干线机车的组 “暖流”,GE成为收获最大的美国公司之一。 件,南车戚墅堰公司负责在国内进行组装。至 双方将面临的是中国铁路现代化发展的历史契 今,南车戚墅堰公司已经生产了超过100台中 11月15日和17日,GE分别与中航工业、神华 机。中国政府在今、明两年计划拨款近900亿 国主干线机车,并均已投入使用。 集团、南车集团以及中国铁道部达成了合作协 美元用于铁路建设,此外,今、明两年每年用 议,合作方向直指航空、能源和交通运输等基 于机车采购的资金也将高达150亿美元。 但随着时间的推移,伊梅尔特等GE高管认识 础设施领域。 到,更符合GE利益的做法是和中国行业领先 尔后双方还可能面临美国市场的契机。据了 企业建立合作伙伴关系,让双方的优势资源互 18日,在广东经济发展国际咨询会前夕,GE 解,未来5年内,美国预计将有超过130亿美 补,一同参与全球市场的竞争。 还宣布了一系列与广东方面的合作项目,包括 元资金投入到铁路提速和新高铁建造。GE与 与广州本地科研机构合作开发新能源技术,建 中国铁道部已将目光投向未来的美国高铁市 GE的内部人士告诉本报记者,GE与南车戚墅 立GE在中国首个地区级的采购中心,并启用 场,双方承诺在寻求参与美国时速350公里以 堰公司建立的合资企业,将同时具备GE在铁 华南区总部。 上的高速铁路项目方面加强合作。 路货车领域领先的技术优势和中国方面的制造 优势,从而改变了产品输出的短期行为,让 值得关注的是,GE在华业务开始从产品输出 与神华达成成立合资公司的意向,则是GE在 GE技术的附加值得以体现。 向资本、技术输出转变。在此次GE签署的四 中国洁净煤技术市场上获得的最新进展。按照 项合作协议中,除与铁道部的合作备忘录外, 协议,两家公司将开展战略合作以扩大煤气化 该人士还表示,GE航空和中航工业建立航空 其他协议内容均体现了设立合资公司的意向。 技术在中国工业领域的应用,同时包括在清洁 电子合资公司等合作,也是这一战略的体现。 煤新技术方面展开研究。此举旨在进一步提高 通过建立合资公司,共同开发下一代航空电子 对GE而言,能源基建业务是如今其全球业务 气化和整体气化联合循环发电(IGCC)技术 技术和产品,并参与国际民用航空市场的竞 架构的重中之重。在伊梅尔特看来,上述合约 商业运用的经济性与性能表现,并共同推动和 争,这已经超越了以往仅仅提供发动机产品的 有一个共同的特点——都将带来快速增长、推 促进带有碳捕捉与封存(CCS)技术的IGCC商 业务层次。 进清洁科技应用和创造高科技工作机会。“无 业应用项目。 论是拓展现有的航空、能源、交通领域的合作 GE市场策略的变化,与其中国合作伙伴的国 伙伴关系,或是技术合作,都将为GE带来新 除GE之外,道达尔集团等其他跨国能源巨头 际化战略暗自契合。工业和信息化部总工程师 的商业发展机会。” 也在和包括神华在内的中国煤炭公司接洽,希 朱宏任对记者表示,希望双方可以考虑在发动 望能在这个潜力巨大的市场获得机会。GE的 机系统、机械系统、工业产品等领域开展更为 2009年已是GE与南车集团合作的第四个年 优势在于,其与神华的合作将有望获得美国贸 广泛的合作。 头。早在2005年10月,GE运输系统集团就与 易发展署(USTDA)的支持。出于对IGCC技术 南车戚墅堰机车有限公司(下称南车戚墅堰公 商业应用推广的支持,美国贸易发展署承诺选 中航工业副总经理张新国则进一步指出,以 司)正式建立了战略合作伙伴关系。 择一个GE在华建设的IGCC电厂项目,向其提 合资企业形式建立大客飞机系统发展的商业 供早期资金。 模式,旨在立足中国,面向美国、欧洲和国 即将成立的合资公司会让双方的关系更加亲 际市场,并且将来参与到国际民机市场整个 密。这家总投资额达9000万美元、双方各占 战略调整GE的四大支柱业务中,金融、医疗 竞争环境之中,这或许是GE在未来市场中获 50%股份的合资企业,将在中国开发、制造GE 保健以及媒体业务依然没有完全走出衰退,只 得的先机。 Evolution®系列机车柴油发动机并提供服务, 有能源基建业务还在保持增长。 以及向其它新兴市场提供出口。 GE集团的内部人士承认,在GE与南车合作的 (本文来源:21世纪经济报道 作者:骆毅) GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执行官史 早期,双方依然没有脱离“市场换技术”的商 威德(Tim Schweikert)说,南车戚墅堰公司 业模式的窠臼。

52 GE在中国 Re-aligning GE Presence in China

Though a cold winter is freezing the city Beijing, it’s leaving the For GE, energy infrastructure is the most important sector in its global enthusiasm of GE Chairman & CEO Jeff Immelt and his colleagues business structure. According to Immelt, these agreements share unscathed. In the past three days, GE has greatly benefited from the common themes – rapid growth potential, clean technologies and job ‘warm current’ brought by US President Obama’s visit. creation. “Whether it’s expanding our existing aviation, energy and transportation partnerships or looking at technology collaborations, On November 15 and 17, GE signed a series of significant agreements cooperation will definitely bring us new growth opportunities,” said with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), Shenhua Group Immelt. Corporation (Shenhua), CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co. (CSR Qishuyan), and China’s Ministry of Railways (MOR), covering areas that include The partnership between GE and CSR Qishuyan has entered its the infrastructure sectors of aviation, energy and transportation. fourth year. The proposed JV will now draw the two parties even closer together. The 50-50 new JV has a total investment of USD 90 On November 18, before the opening of the International Consultative million, which will develop, manufacture and service GE’s Evolution® Conference on Future Economic Development of , GE series locomotive diesel engines in China, as well as export to other also announced a series of cooperation projects with partners in emerging markets. Guangdong province facilitating R&D cooperation with local research institutions in Guangzhou to develop new energy technologies, the Tim Schweikert, President & CEO of GE Transportation China, said: establishment of GE’s first regional sourcing center in China, and the “Combining CSR’s expertise in manufacturing technology with GE inauguration of GE southern China regional headquarters. Transportation’s advantages in technology innovation and global markets will give new competitive strength to both companies.” GE has shifted its businesses operations in China from product sales to capital injection and technology transfers. Aside from the They are faced with a historical opportunity in the modernization of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with the MOR, other China’s railways. The Chinese government will pump an extra USD recent agreements all involve intentions to build new joint ventures (JV). 90 billion into railway construction in 2010 and 2011, on top of the

GE IN CHINA 53 媒体看点 GE in Media

USD 15 billion which is earmarked for regular locomotive sourcing for the Evolution® Series HXN5 China Mainline Locomotives to CSR over the same two years. Further opportunities loom in the US Qishuyan, which, as a MOR supplier itself, assembled the locomotives market as well. Over the next five years more than USD 13 billion at plants inside China . So far, more than one third of the locomotives will be spent to support higher and high-speed rail infrastructure have already been completed and put into operation. development in the U.S. GE and the MOR have seen the potential the US market presents and have agreed on jointly pursue high- As the collaboration moved forward, Immelt and other GE senior speed rail business opportunities in the country. executives have come to realize that well-rounded partnerships with Chinese businesses result in greater benefits for GE and also ensure The agreement with Shenhua to form a JV, on the other hand, win-win relationships. That kind of cooperation creates a greater marks the latest triumph made by GE in exploring China’s clean coal degree of synergy and makes both parties better suited to compete technology market. According to the agreement, GE and Shenhua in a competitive global market. will execute a strategic expansion in industrial coal gasification applications in China, including joint research efforts geared to The reporter learned that the JV between GE and CSR Qishuyan, advance clean coal technology, improve cost-effectiveness and equipped with both GE’s expertise in freight shipment and the performance of commercial scale gasification and integrate Chinese partners’ manufacturing know-how, will bring about more gasification combined cycle (IGCC) solutions. At the same time, added value to future products. the two parties will work together to advance the deployment of commercial scale IGCC plants capable of carbon separation in China Other recently announced GE-China partnerships such as the one and beyond. between GE Aviation and AVIC was also engineered in the spirit of this strategy. Establishing a JV to develop the next generation of avionic Other multinational energy giants such as Total have also products and technologies to compete in the global aviation market approached Chinese coal enterprises with the hope of gaining is a significant upgrade from the old GE Aviation business pattern in opportunities in this huge market filled with great potential. GE’s China, namely working to supply engines only. advantage lies in the possibility of gaining financial backing from the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) for its cooperation The changes in GE’s China strategy match Chinese partners’ with Shenhua. USTDA has promised to provide funds during the early global ambitions. Zhu Hongren, Chief Engineer of the Industry and stages of the GE-related IGCC power plant project in China as part of Information Department, said: “I hope both parties can further its commitment to help advance the clean coal sector. cooperation in areas of engine and mechanism systems, and industrial products.” With GE’s re-alignment of its four pillar businesses, GE Capital, GE Healthcare and GE Media are still making their way out of recession, Zhang Xinguo, Vice General Manager of AVIC, pointed out that a JV GE Energy Infrastructure is the only business that keeps growing. passenger jumbo jet development plan targets the market needs of America, Europe and the rest of the world from a Chinese standpoint. Since the beginning stages of their cooperation, GE and CSR The endeavor will better position China for future competition in Qishuyan have followed a more traditional “markets in exchange of the global civil aviation industry. For GE, getting involved at an early technology” pattern. Then the partnership pattern evolved into one stage translates into future business advantages. strictly based on the three-way deal between GE Transportation, the MOR and CSR Qishuyan. The three-way deal defined GE (Written by Luo Yi, as published in 21st Century Business Review) Transportation as a supplier selling 300 sets of specially-made parts

54 GE在中国 业务动态 News Flash 业务动态 News Flash


2009年11月24日,GE与其它中美企业代表共 同参加了“山东—美国工业能效洽谈会”。洽 谈会是大型中美经济文化交流活动“山东—美 国经济文化交流周”的主体部分。受美国大使 邀请,GE能源集团全球副总裁温跃忠代表GE 出席了交流周开幕仪式。

GE能源集团环境服务部门为洽谈会作了题为 “GE节能减排解决方案”的演讲,介绍GE 在清洁能源和环境保护方面的技术和工程实 践经验,并与山东本地企业在能源及环保方 面的具体合作进行了项目洽谈。GE还邀请了 业内专家和用户就焦化行业如何实现高效发 电举办了“GE能源发电解决方案”技术交流 会。在交流会上,GE表示将致力于为中国的能源企业提供先进的技术 山东—美国经济文化交流周活动由美国驻华使馆商务处协同山东省人 和最新的产品,帮助他们提高能效并加大节能减排,在降低成本的同 民政府举办,旨在以节能环保和新能源合作为突破口,带动山东与美 时提高收益。 国在经济和文化等领域的合作。

GE Participates in Shandong-US Economic and Cultural Exchange Week

On November 24, 2009, GE, together with other U.S. and Shandong industry to exchange experience on power efficiency at its “GE local enterprises, participated in the Shandong-US Energy Efficiency Power Generation Solutions Seminar”, on which GE expressed its Workshop, which was a main part of Shandong-US Economic and commitement to providing advanced technologies and products Cultural Exchange Week. Invited by the U.S. ambassador, Jack Wen, for Chinese energy enterprises to help them achieve higher energy Vice President of GE Energy, attended the opening ceremony on efficiency and reduce emission, cutting cost while increasing profit. behalf of GE. “Shandong-US Economic and Cultural Exchange Week” was GE Energy Environment Services delivered a presentation titled organized by the U.S. Embassy and Shandong government and "GE’s Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction Solutions" introducing held in Jinan, aiming at promoting cooperation between Shandong GE’s technologies and engineering practices in clean energy and province and the U.S. on energy saving and new energy, so as to environmental protection. Meanwhile, GE held talks with some further the exchange in other fields of economy and culture. Shandong local enterprises on specific cooperative projects in the field. In addition, GE invited experts and customers in the coking

56 GE在中国 GE参与主办中美新能源论坛

相关政策以及合作问题进行了探讨与沟通。专家们表示,中美新能源 合作必须以研发为先。

GE全球副总裁兼全球研发高新技术发展总裁迈克尔 ∙ 艾德奇表示:“作 为世界上两个最大的能源大国,中美在新能源领域内有广阔的合作前 景,尤为值得关注的就是在研发领域内的合作。目前中美两国在新能 源领域的合作已经有了良好的开端,希望能共同领导新能源产业发 展。要做到这一点,就必须首先在相关研发领域内展开深度的合作, 为新能源产业长远和可持续发展奠定基础。”

此前,中美两国在新能源领域已有过多次接触。今年7月,美国能源部 2009年9月14日,由GE中国研发中心、上海市科学技术委员会和同济 长访华期间,中美双方宣布将共同成立中美清洁能源联合研究中心, 大学共同主办的“2009中美新能源论坛”在上海举行。来自中国科技 进一步拓展在提高能效、清洁煤技术以及清洁车辆等方面的研发合 部、美国能源部和上海市政府的领导以及两国在新能源领域的专家出 作。中国巨大的新能源市场已成为中美两国推进新能源领域合作的新 席了此次论坛,美国驻华副大使金瑞柏也出席了此次研讨会。两国官 契机。作为主要的能源设备提供商,GE希望通过此次论坛积极推动并 员和专家就清洁煤、风能和太阳能等新能源领域的技术、产业发展、 参与中美双方在新能源技术领域的合作。

GE Participates in Sino-US New Energy Forum

On September 14, 2009, GE China Technology Center, the Shanghai said Michael Idelchik, GE Vice President of Advanced Technology Municipality Science and Technology Commission, and Tongji Programs. University jointly organized the Sino-U.S. New Energy Forum in Shanghai, which was attended by experts in the new energy field The U.S. and China recently held a series of talks on new energy, from both the U.S. and China. The forum also brought together which culminated with a signed agreement to set up a new officials from China’s Ministry of Science and Technology, the joint energy research lab during a visit by the U.S. Secretary U.S. Department of Energy, the Shanghai municipal government of the Department of Energy in July. The huge and other major stakeholders from the two countries. Attendees market potential in China has created the perfect discussed major technological and industrial trends, policies and opportunity for bilateral cooperation in this opportunities to collaborate on new energy technology including important field. As a major energy equipment clean coal, wind and solar power. They agreed that more joint R&D provider, GE activities are the key to address the world’s major energy challenges. hopes to promote and participate “New technological advancements will be critical if we are to address in Sino-U.S. these changes and meet these demands in a sustainable manner. cooperation We see many complementary areas of research between the U.S. efforts in new and China in new energy, which can be accelerated and enhanced energy. through more R&D collaborations between the two countries,”

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GE助力江苏龙源如东风电场荣获“新中国成立60周年 百项经典暨精品工程”奖

2009年10月29日,由GE能源集团提供风力发电机组的江苏龙源如东 同时,如东风场工程也是中国风电的示范项目之一。除获得此殊荣 风电场(如东风场)荣获“新中国成立60周年百项经典暨精品工程” 外,还获得过2008年度中国电力优质工程奖。GE因提供了优质的项目 奖。在本次评选出的100个经典和精品工程中,GE是为这100个项目提 管理、现场管理,安装指导及设备调试,被授予最佳调试单位奖。另 供成套设备、技术和施工的几百家企业中唯一的外国公司,如东风场 外,此项目还获得全球权威电力行业杂志《电力工程》2008年度全球 工程是唯一的可再生能源类项目。 最佳电厂可再生能源类电厂的提名,该评选全球共三个提名名额。

如东风场是国家批准的第二批风电特许权重点项目之一,安装有GE生 百项经典暨精品工程评选活动是由中国建筑行业协会联合11家专业协 产的67台1.5兆瓦风力发电机组。GE为如东风场提供了全面的解决方 会组织开展,以庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年,并总结60年来在建 案,包括现场的安装指导、设备调试、风电场试运行、风机的维护、 设方面为国家做出巨大贡献和取得辉煌成就的项目。 技术升级、配件维修及操作人员培训。截至2009年5月31日,如东风场 已向江苏电网输送了累计八亿千瓦时的绿色电力。

GE Helps Rudong Wind Power Win Classic Construction Project Title for the 60th Anniversary of Founding of New China

On October 29, 2009, equipped with GE wind turbines, Jiangsu Meanwhile, Rudong project is one of the demonstration projects for Longyuan’s Rudong Wind Power Farm (Rudong) was honored as one China’s wind power industry. Apart from the above recognition, it also of the 100 Classic Constructions Projects for the 60th Anniversary of won 2008 China Power High-quality Projects title, and GE was given Founding of New China. GE was the only foreign company among the Best Commissioning Company title for its outstanding services on other hundreds of enterprises providing equipments, technologies overall project management, onsite instruction and management, and construction services for the 100 projects, while Rudong was the and equipment commissioning. In addition, Rudong was nominated only renewable energy project. by Power Engineering, the most authoritative magazine in power industry, for the World’s Best Renewable Power Plant 2008, together As one of the key projects approved by the government to have with other two projects. wind power concession, Rudong has installed 67 units of GE 1.5MW wind turbines. GE provides a complete solution to Rudong which The selection of classic projects was co-organized by China includes onsite installation instructions, commissioning, pilot power Construction Industry Association and 11 other associations to generation, maintenance of wind turbines, technology upgrade, celebrate the 60th anniversary of founding of new China and spare parts repair and technician trainings. By May 31, 2009, Rudong summarize the achievements made in constructions and their has supplied 800 million KWh green power to Jiangsu power network. contributions to the country.

58 GE在中国 GE推出“三维奇境”增强现实游戏

2009年12月7日,GE“三维奇境”增强现实游戏在中国正式上线,首 次在中国利用创新的增强现实技术(AR)向公众介绍风能技术。这款 游戏针对中国用户设计,用户通过体验GE“三维奇境”的AR魅力,可 以近距离地了解更多风能科技知识。

GE“三维奇境”结合抽象的风能技术和创新的AR游戏,在程序中增加 了风的吹动效果,利用屏幕上呈现出来的风车,增加人们对风能的真 实体验。游戏操作简单方便,用户只需配备摄像头,登录GE“三维奇 境”中国网站,并按照提示完成几个简单的步骤,就能换来逼真的AR 游戏体验。

增强现实技术是在虚拟现实的基础上发展起来的新兴技术,通过在真 实场景上叠加虚拟的、由计算机生成的景象而成。不同于其他AR作品 和游戏,GE三维奇境具有超强的互动性,让用户可以参与其中。快登 陆http://www.imaginationatwork.cn亲自感受!

GE Releases 3D AR Game

On December 7, 2009, GE released its 3D AR game in China, the first of its kind to introduce wind energy using Augmented Reality technology (AR) in China. The GE 3D AR game is also the first AR game tailored for Chinese customers. Users can experience the fantastic GE 3D AR game while gaining knowledge of wind energy.

The GE 3D AR game combines wind power technology with an innovative AR game, adding a wind-blowing effect so as to enhance users’ understanding of wind energy. By plugging in a CCD camera and logging on to the game’s website, users can start their AR journey in just a few steps.

AR is an emerging technology based on virtual reality, and the GE 3D AR game uses interactivity to engage users. Join the game at http://www.imaginationatwork.cn!

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2009年10月23日,GE中国在第三届健康与生产力管理高层论坛上荣获 “健康与生产力管理企业特殊成就奖”。GE大中华医疗总监吴瑾代表 GE领奖,并为论坛参与者带去了有关GE健康管理的介绍及健康创想的 理念。

健康与生产力管理高层论坛是研讨现代企事业机构如何通过人群的健 康管理来提高生产力的国际性权威论坛。该论坛由中华预防医学会和 美国健康与生产力管理研究院联合发起。本次论坛围绕现代企业健康 管理与生产力课题,研讨如何通过人群的健康风险控制来提高人力资 源的生产力,同时介绍全球及国内最新的健康管理发展趋势及相关服 务模式,为企业的和谐发展和提高竞争力提供新的思路。

(从左到右)美国健康与生产力管理研究院院长Sean Sullivan、GE大中华医疗总监 吴瑾和中华预防医学会黄建始教授在论坛上 (from left to right) Sean Sullivan, President of Institute for Health & Productivity Management, Jean Wu, Medical Director of GE Greater China and Prof. Huang Jianshi from Chinese Preventive Medicine Association at the forum

GE China Honored for Special Achievement in Health and Productivity Management

On October 23, 2009, GE China was honored for its special of employees. The congress was co-hosted by the China Preventive achievement in health and productivity management at the third Medical Association and American Health & Productivity Management Congress on Health & Productivity Management. Jean Wu, Medical Institute. This year’s forum focused on health management and Director of GE Greater China accepted the award on behalf of GE and productivity for modern enterprises, and introduced ways to improve introduced GE’s health management and Healthymagination concept productivity through managing people’s health risks, and the latest to the audience. global and domestic health management trends and related service models providing a wealth of perspectives for enterprises that wish The Congress on Health & Productivity Management serves as an to grow healthily and boost competitiveness. international and authoritative platform for discussing how modern enterprises and institutions can improve the health and productivity

60 GE在中国 GE医疗联合中华医学会召开乳腺X线摄影系统 质量控制高峰论坛

2009年9月29日,由GE医疗集团客户服务部 的几年里,GE致力于帮助中国女性建立正确 和中华医学会放射分会乳腺学组联合举办的 的关爱乳房健康的理念,并连续推行了‘粉 “乳腺X线摄影系统质量控制高峰论坛”在中 红十月’警惕乳腺癌系列公益活动。此次和 科院肿瘤医院举行,旨在探讨、关注和推动 医疗界的同仁和专家们一起推进MQSA标准在 乳腺X线摄影系统质量控制工作,提升医疗界 中国的建立,符合GE医疗集团一贯关爱女性 对乳腺早期检查和诊断过程中潜在风险的认 健康、关注质量控制,推动中国医疗事业不 识,借此推动国内乳腺X线检测设备质量控制 断向前发展的愿望。” 标准及管理机制的建立。来自中华医学会、 北京市疾控中心的多位专家和领导出席了此 作为主办方之一的GE医疗集团凭借在国外积 次论坛,并大力倡导将美国FDA制定的、目前 累的大量成功经验,致力于同中国同行一道 国际医疗界公认的最严格的乳腺摄影质量控 配合国内MQSA标准工作的推行和开展,以使 制标准MQSA引入国内。 中国女性在乳腺早期检查和诊断过程中获得 更加安全可靠的保障,最大限度地降低乳腺X GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官马思 线检查过程中的潜在风险和误差,减少乳腺 礼表示:“提高医疗质量,改善公众健康是 癌等乳腺疾病对女性健康的危害,为女性健 GE医疗集团大中华区副总裁陈雁演讲 GE集团‘健康创想’战略的核心内容,而女 康护航。 Chen Yan, Vice President of GE Healthcare 性健康也一直是GE关注的重点领域。在过去 Greater China, delivers a speech at the forum

GE Healthcare and Chinese Medical Association Hold Mammogram Quality Control Forum

On September 29, 2009, GE Healthcare FDA’s Mammography Quality Standards Act continually support the development of the Services and the Mastology Radiation (MQSA), which is regarded as the strictest in Chinese healthcare industry,” said Marcelo Studies division of the Chinese Medical the world, into China. Mosci, President & CEO of GE Healthcare Association (CMA) co-hosted a Mammogram Greater China. Quality Control Forum at the Cancer Institute “The core of GE’s Healthymagination & Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical initiative is to enable better health for the As one of the organizers, GE Healthcare is Sciences. The forum was designed to discuss public, and women’s health in particular dedicated to supporting the introduction and promote the use of mammogram, raise has always been an important focus for and implementation of MQSA, leveraging awareness of the potential risks in early GE Healthcare. We have been working to its international success in order to enable diagnosis of breast diseases and establish build the awareness of breast care among Chinese women to have more secure and standards and rules for the quality control Chinese women, holding “Pink October” reliable early diagnosis, lower the risks and of mammogram. Experts and leaders from anti-breast cancer activities for a number reduce the mistakes of mammograms, and the CMA and the Beijing Center for Disease of years. The promotion of MQSA in China decrease the harm that breast diseases Control and Prevention attended the forum, together with medical experts is consistent cause to women’s health. advocating the introduction of the U.S. with GE Healthcare’s commitment to

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2009年10月15日,GE医疗集团客户服务部携手卫生部医院管理研究所在上海成功举办“第一届 中国医院院长设备管理高峰论坛”。论坛首创医疗设备管理院长级别交流平台,汇聚了国内逾 百名医院院长。以“质量•规范•可持续发展”为主题,GE与业界权威人士进行了深入的探讨和 交流,畅谈医院医疗设备的未来和发展。

论坛上,通过对MRI设备远程维修诊断过程的演示,GE展示了如何通过科技手段帮助医疗降低 成本,提高优异运营管理。同时,GE医疗集团大中华区副总裁陈雁指出了中国医疗设备售后服 务行业存在的问题,并表示GE希望通过论坛为政策决策者、行业专家、医院管理者以及医工人 员搭建交流的平台,加强医院设备的保养和安全管理,从而帮助医院改善医患关系,从根本上 提高医院医疗设备运营的可持续发展。

百位院长在论坛期间共同撰写了“医疗设备质量安全管理倡议书”提交给国家卫生部,主要内 国家卫生部医疗服务监管司医疗质量安全监管处处长 容包括建立和完善医疗设备临床使用安全监督管理规范;确保各类医疗设备保养、维护和使用 高光明讲话 标准及相关流程的制定和实施;培养和建立有资质医学工程部门及人员;以及积极提供对于设 Gao Guangming, Director of Medical Quality and Safety Management Services, Medical Services Supervision 备安全质量管理的投入和资源。 Division of Ministry of Health, delivers a speech GE Healthcare Holds the First China Hospital CEO Summit on Healthcare Equipments Management

On October 15, 2009, the first China Hospital CEO Summit on relationships and medical equipments so that hospitals are able to Healthcare Equipments Management was successfully held by GE improve their service and reliability. Healthcare Service in conjunction with the Hospital Administration Institute of the Ministry of Public Health in Shanghai, marking the first Most importantly, the “Proposal for Healthcare Equipments Quality such CEO-level platform. With the theme of “Quality, Regulation and and Safety Management” that was submitted to the Ministry of Sustainable Growth”, GE communicated with top figures in the field Health was born at the summit. The proposal addresses the need on the future and development of medical equipments. to establish and improve regulations for safety supervision and management of the clinical usage of medical equipments. The goal GE demonstrated its Digital Remote Service for MRI during the was to ensure the establishment and implementation of maintenance summit. The high-tech system will eventually help hospitals reduce and usage standards for all kinds of medical equipments to build costs while improving operational excellence. In addition, Chen qualified medical engineering departments and personnel as well as Yan, Vice President of GE Healthcare Greater China, pointed out the to actively invest in equipments safety and quality management. weaknesses of China’s healthcare service industry and shared GE’s view on establishing platforms among policy-makers, industrial professionals and hospital managers to improve hospital-patient

62 GE在中国 GE与中国疾病预防控制中心共推工作场所健康促进 与慢性病预防控制工作

2009年11月27日,GE与中国疾病预防控制中心举办工作场所健康促进 念,为关注员工健康做出更多贡献。在企业内部开展健康医疗服务对 与慢性病预防控制研讨会,旨在通过交流沟通推动工作场所健康促进 国家、企业和个人都有益处,也是未来一个负责任的优秀企业发展的 和慢性病预防控制工作。GE大中华区医疗总监吴瑾、卫生部疾病控制 必然趋势。 局副局长孔灵芝、中国疾病预防控制中心副主任杨功焕及侯培森等领 导及其他业内专家出席了会议。 2009年5月,GE在全球推出“健康创想”战略,并积极推进在中国的实 施,包括不断完善医疗保险和体检制度;在中国总部设立诊所,为员 会上,专家和企业代表进行了充分交流,同时指出在工作场所开展健 工提供直接、快捷的医疗服务;定期进行工作场所的环境健康安全检 康促进和慢性病防治有利于员工的身心健康和企业的健康发展,在减 查,保证员工的职业健康;推行办公场所全面禁烟措施以及员工缓解 少误工、降低医疗花费、提高工作效率、加强文化建设、提高单位凝 工作压力提供专业的咨询服务等。 聚力等方面具有明确的效果。

吴瑾表示GE作为工作场所健康管理的实践者,愿意与业内同行分享 实践经验,积极响应国家的医药卫生体制改革,推广企业健康管理理

GE Works with CDC to Advocate Work Site Healthcare Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

On November 27, 2009, GE worked with the Chinese Center for peers, reinforcing the national healthcare reform and building Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to hold its Seminar of Work corporate healthcare management awareness so as to make a Site Healthcare Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. Jean Wu, greater contribution to employees’ health. Implementing healthcare Medical Director of GE Greater China, Kong Lingzhi, Deputy Director services is beneficial to countries, companies and individuals. It of Ministry of Health's Disease Prevention and Control Bureau, Yang has also grown into an important trend in the development of a Gonghuan and Hou Peisen, Deputy Directors of the CDC and other responsible enterprise for the future. experts were in attendance. In May 2009, GE launched its “Healthymagination” strategy around Experts and representatives conducted in-depth discussions during the world, and advanced practices in China including optimization the seminar, pointing out that implementation of the campaign of medical insurance and the physical examination system; setting will deliver greater health benefits for employees and growth for up a clinic at its China headquarters so as to provide direct and companies by helping to lower work delay and healthcare cost, convenient services; executing regular inspection of the working increase efficiency, enhance corporate culture as well as foster unity. environment to ensure employees’ health; carrying out non-smoking rules at work places as well as offering professional consultation to Jean Wu said that as a conductor of work site healthcare cope with stress. management, GE is always active in sharing experience with its

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2009年10月27日,作为GE对“健康创想”承 诺的实践,GE全球员工放下手中的工作,抽出 时间全心关注自身健康状况。此次“Stand Up for Your Health”活动让GE员工能够成为公司营 造健康文化的一份子,并更加关注营养、压力 管理、戒烟和加强锻炼等健康相关事物。数千 名身处不同城市的GE中国员工积极参加了这项 活动。

GE的“健康创想”战略于2009年5月启动,旨在 结合GE的研发实力、服务、消费者能力及合作 伙伴关系来为全球降低医疗成本、增加医疗机 会并提升医疗质量。作为该承诺的一部分,GE 同样承诺改善其员工、离退人员及其家人的健 康状况。GE将增加有关健康生活方式的教育, 在GE各工作场所提供新的资源,以及为员工提供在线工具,从而帮助他们更好地追踪和管理个人健康。GE还将奖励采用健康生活方式的员工。 在GE内部,被称为“健康为先”的项目还包含一个工厂认证流程,用以评估GE各工厂是否满足有关员工健康和福祉的特定指标。

GE Employees Rally Around Healthymagination Commitment on Health Day

On October 27, 2009, GE employees around the world took a timeout improve the quality of healthcare across the world. As part of this to focus on their own health and wellness as part of a larger internal initiative, GE has also committed to improving the health of its commitment to GE’s Healthymagination initiative. Stand Up For employees, retirees and their families. GE will provide increased Your Health Day is an opportunity for GE employees to engage in education about healthy living and new resources at GE worksites, the company’s new efforts to create a culture of health through online tools to help employees better track and manage health, and increased focus on nutrition, stress management, smoking cessation incentives to live healthier lives. Known internally as Health Ahead, and physical activity. Thousands of GE employees throughout various the program also includes a site certification process in which GE cities in China participated in this program. business sites across the globe will be measured against specific standards related to health and wellness. Launched in May of 2009, GE’s Healthymagination initiative combines GE's research and product development, services, consumer capabilities and partnerships to reduce cost, increase access and

64 GE在中国 GE智能平台举办创新之旅年度用户大会

2009年10月22日,GE智能平台2009年度创新之旅用户大会在上海举行。创新之旅 用户大会是GE智能平台自2006年起在全球各地举办的年度盛会,此次以“携手创 新 领跑未来”为题。大会结合研讨和实物演示,为来自全国的近280名客户展示 了GE智能平台最先进的产品、技术和解决方案,展示了其长期投资发展中国业务 的决心和实际行动。

当日晚间,GE智能平台还举办了VIP客户晚宴,100多名来自全国各地的用户高层 以及30多名来自高等院校的校长、自动化学院的院长和教育厅官员们出席晚宴, 与来自GE智能平台的管理者、当地团队及合作伙伴进行了愉快的交流。

与大会同期举办的还有GE智能平台首届大学生自动化控制设计大赛颁奖典礼。大 赛给予在校大学生利用GE智能平台设备动手制作自动化智能控制演示设备的机 会,帮助他们积累实际系统设计和应用经验,同时也为不同专业和学院之间提供 了相互交流和协同合作的平台。大赛最终颁出了一个团体奖和两个个人奖。

GE IP Holds Annual Customer Meeting

On October 22, 2009, GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) held its “Journey GE also held an awards ceremony for the First University Automation of Innovation” Customer Meeting 2009 in Shanghai, which is an Design Contest. The contest was a part of GE IP’s University annual event that has been held in different locations around the Campaign, which equips universities with GE IP automatic software world since 2006. The meeting showcased its state-of-the-art products, and hardware, allowing students to practice what they have learned. technologies and solutions of GE IP through group discussions and It also served to establish greater collaboration and exchange case study presentations to over 280 customers and partners from between various academic departments and universities. One team all over the country, demonstrating GE’s long-term investment in and two individuals were awarded the final accolade. China.

A VIP banquet was held by GE IP to which over 100 senior executives and 30 CEOs of various universities, automation institutions as well as officers of the Department of Education were invited, exchanging ideas and communicating with GE IP managers and local partners.

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2009年8月,GE智能平台与上海大学签订大学 计划合作项目合同,正式建立为期五年的战 略合作伙伴关系。在该项目下,GE智能平台 将为上海大学实验室提供可编程自动化控制 器PAC Systems、PACMotion伺服驱动、高速数 据交换网络等最新高科技产品,同时还将提 供基于总线的控制系统、过程控制、执行制 造系统、企业级实时数据库及企业门户软件 系统等。除此之外,GE将把百年管理经验带 到上海大学,以加强科技合作之外企业文化 方面的交流。

实验室的建立将大大提高上海大学在自动化系 统及在智能生产管理方面的教学和应用水平, 同时为上海大学未来的工程师们提供了解GE 自动化及生产管理领域先进科技的机会。

GE IP Signs University Program Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai University

In August 2009, GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) signed from technology sharing, GE IP will introduce its time- an University Program Strategic Cooperation ageement tested management experience to Shanghai University with Shanghai University establishing a five-year to ensure the success of this cooperative exchange. strategic partnership between the two parties. Under the ageement, GE IP will provide Shanghai University The lab will not only enhance the university’s intelligent with programmable automation controller PAC Systems, automation systems programs, but also provide a PACMotion servo drive and other pieces of the latest opportunites for the university’s engineering students to technology such as a high-speed data exchange network learn about GE IP’s advanced automation and production with transfering rates of up to 2.1 GB/s. GE IP will also management technology. provide fieldbus-based control systems, process controls, executive manufacturing systems, an enterprise real- time historian, enterprise portal software and more. Aside

66 GE在中国 GE中国科技园荣获能源与 GE荣获“中国优秀体育场馆 环境设计先锋奖银奖 产品设备供应商”奖

近日,GE中国科技园获得了由美国绿色建筑协会颁发的能源与环境 2009年10月17日,GE在“全运五十年中国体育经济发展论坛”上荣 设计先锋奖银奖。GE中国科技园于2008年8月启动,是在原有GE中国 获“中国优秀体育场馆产品设备供应商”奖。赢得该奖项的是GE照 研发中心基础上全面扩建的现代化综合办公园区。作为GE在中国的 明与工业产品集团的T5荧光灯和Wavecast变压器产品。该论坛是首 总部所在地,该园区是GE在全球最先进的综合办公建筑群之一。能 次在全运会期间举办的以反映全民全运场馆建设与运营事业发展和成 源与环境设计先锋奖认可了GE中国科技园项目所采用的创新技术, 就为主题的行业盛会,主要探讨了体育馆运营、体育场馆的设计与建 使园区达到可持续、舒适及环保的标准,并且符合GE绿色创想的环 设、体育活动的策划与运作等议题。 保承诺——减少用水量并提高运营能效。

能源与环境设计先锋奖是目前国际上最完善、最具影响力的绿色 建筑评估体系,已成为世界各国建立绿色建筑的可持续性评估 GE Awarded Outstanding 标准。 Supplier for Sporting Venues

On October 17, 2009, GE was awarded the “Outstanding Sporting GE China Technology Park Venues Supplier Award” at the “Sports Economy Development Forum of the 50th Chinese National Games”. The awarded GE Awarded LEED Silver Award products were GE Lighting & Industrial’s T5 fluorescent lamp and Wavecast transformer. The forum was for the first to be held during the China National Games aiming at showcasing achievements GE China Technology Park (CTP) was recently awarded the LEED of sporting venue construction and operation. Topics under silver award, issued by the U.S. Green Building Council. The CTP, discussion included operation of stadiums, design and construction an expansion of the GE’s existing China Technology Center, is GE’s of stadiums, as well as planning and execution of sporting events. most advanced office complex worldwide and opened as GE’s China headquarters in August 2008. The award was received for the innovative technologies adopted by the complex, which enabled the CTP to meet sustainability, comfort and environmentally- friendliness requirements while fulfilling GE’s ecomagination commitment of reducing water consumption and improving energy efficiency in all operations.

The LEED rating system is the world’s foremost and most influential evaluation system of green buildings and is regarded as the standard for evaluating the sustainability of green buildings around the world.

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2009年10月15日,GE消费与工业产品集团参加了在深圳举办的第六届 中国国际半导体照明论坛。GE消费与工业产品集团亚洲首席执行官金 飞翔分享了GE在金融危机中的发展战略,并对国家目前大力推广半导 体照明表示大力支持。

来自GE照明的代表们与其他1000余名与会政府立法机构代表、来自全 国的客户及生产商小组成员共同探讨了LED全球发展问题,并通过发 言表达对相关立法的观点和看法。作为部分重要LED技术的初创者, GE率先将LED投入到了许多实际应用中。目前,GE在轨道交通、铁路 信号、标识和立式冷藏柜照明等应用领域中居于领先地位。同时,GE 还积极开拓在新兴领域,如室外场地照明、零售业、商业展示、家用 升级以及建筑的室内和室外照明方面的市场占有率。出于对GE在LED 照明领域成就的认可,金飞翔受邀与国家科技部副部长曹健林共同主 持论坛最后的总结讨论。与此同时,GE在该论坛期间宣布启动一项覆 中国国际半导体照明论坛是国内具影响力和号召力的半导体照明行业 盖全国21个城市的推广活动,向市场强力推介GE的LED照明产品以及 年度盛会,是国家科技部唯一授权并重点支持的半导体照明专业会 解决方案。 展,它全面覆盖了半导体照明行业的创新设备、材料、技术与产品。

GE Participates in the 6th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting

On October 15, 2009, GE Consumer & Industrial (GE C&I) participated In recognition of GE’s achievements in LED technology, Fisher was in the 6th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting (China invited to co-chair the closing session of the forum alongside Science SSL). Jim Fisher, CEO of GE C&I Asia, introduced GE’s strategy in the and Technology Deputy Minister Cao Jianlin. GE also launched a financial downturn and expressed GE’s support to China’s nationwide promotional campaign covering 21 cities on the sideline of the forum, drive to adopt LED for urban roadways lighting. reinforcing the marketing initiatives of its LED products and solutions nationwide. At the conference, Fisher and a number of other GE colleagues joined more than 1,000 participants from various legislative bodies of the China SSL is a highly influential and renowned annual SSL event government and customers around the country in a lively discussion in China and the only SSL event that benefits from the official about the growth pathway of the LED industry as well as relevant authorization and support of the China Ministry of Science and regulatory issues. As one of the companies that spearheaded the Technology for innovative equipments, materials, technologies and LED industry, GE has commercialized LED application in many products of LED lighting industry. sectors including rail transport, signage and refrigerator lighting.

68 GE在中国 GE安防参展上海国际消防保安技术设备展

2009年9月23日至25日,GE安防携旗下众多 消防产品亮相2009上海国际消防保安技术设 备展览会,展示的产品包括EST3高端产品解 决方案、GS9000全球本土化结晶及其它一系 列新产品。通过产品展示、案例演示以及现 场讲解,GE安防旗下消防业务向观众展现了 其在轨道交通、公路隧道、交通枢纽、星级 酒店、地标建筑及钢铁这6大领域中领跑者的 地位。

GE安防还于9月23日下午举办了2小时的专场 行业研讨会,围绕地铁、钢铁、交通枢纽等 当今消防热点行业的成功经验和发展趋势与 86位莅临展会的业主、设计院专家、工程商 界代表展开了互动和交流。本届上海国际消 防保安技术设备展览会是上海历史上该领域 规模最大、内容最丰富的一次展会,共吸引 了约4万余名参观者。

GE Security Showcases at Fire & Security Shanghai 2009

From September 23 to 25, 2009, GE Security attended the Fire & Security Shanghai 2009 exhibition (F&S 2009), showcasing its many fire products including EST3 high-end product solutions and GS9000 Localization Crystal Products. Through product displays, case studies and on-site presentations, GE Security’s fire business demonstrated its leading position in the fields of metros, road tunnels, transportation terminals, hotels, landmark buildings, and iron and steel.

GE Security also held a two-hour seminar on the afternoon of September 23, interacting with 86 visiting project owners, experts from design institutes and the engineering field. They discussed the application of fire alarm solutions throughout subways, iron and steel, and transportation terminals, sharing successful case studies and exchanging opinions about future trends. The F&S 2009 was the largest exhibition in the industry’s history, presenting more products than ever before and attracting more than 40,000 visitors.

GE IN CHINA 69 业务动态 News Flash


2009年9月14日,GE-国家电网高级管理培训研修班在位于纽约克劳 享了绿色创想、健康创想等项目的运作经验以及积极应对当前经济形 顿村的GE约翰 ∙ 韦尔奇领导力发展中心正式开班。此次研修班课程内容 势、推动业务发展的方法。本届研修班团长、国家电网总信息师吴玉 丰富。在公司运营层面,主要涉及领导力发展、人才发展、创新、加 生则表示:“在当前发展智能电网已成为世界电力发展的新趋势下, 速变革、精益六西格玛、核心价值观、商业金融、构建运营管理体系 GE作为该领域的领先者,在能源高效、新能源利用以及新商业模式等 等传统课程和管理工具;在业务操作层面,GE为国家电网制定了相应 方面有很多经验,希望双方在今后有更多的合作和交流。” 的培训计划与现场考察参观项目。双方就智能电网、储能技术、电池 技术、绿色照明等方面内容进行了广泛而深入的交流和探讨。 GE-国家电网高级管理培训研修班是《国家电网公司与通用电气公司 关于开展战略合作的谅解备忘录》合作框架的延伸,本届研修班是双 GE消费与工业产品集团董事长兼首席执行官金凯博向参与此次研修班 方自2006年第一次成功举办高级管理人员研修班之后第四次合作。 的国家电网领导介绍了GE的发展历史、文化及人才战略规划,并分

GE and State Grid Launch 2009 China CEO Program

On September 14, 2009, GE and the State Grid Corporation of China having more opportunities to cooperate and participate in exchanges (SGCC) launched the 2009 China CEO Program at the GE Learning with GE in the future,” said Wu Yusheng, trainee leader and SGCC Center in New York. This year’s program covers many interesting Chief Information Officer. topics. In the area of management skills, GE offered courses on leadership development, talent strategy, innovation, reform, Lean The GE-SGCC China CEO Program is an extension of the Six Sigma, core values, commercial finance and building operating Strategic Cooperation Framework set by the Memorandum of management systems. In the area of business operations, GE Understanding between GE and SGCC. This year marks the fourth designed training programs and organized tours to GE sites for SGCC. successful implementation of this cooperative program since it The two parties engaged in a detailed discussion on the Smart Grid, was initiated in 2006. energy storage, battery technology and eco-lighting.

James P. Campbell, Chairman & CEO of GE Consumer & Industrial, introduced GE’s history, culture and talent strategy and went on to share the company’s experience in implementing the ecomagination and Healthymagination initiatives while explaining how GE is driving growth despite current economic conditions. “Nowadays, the Smart Grid has become the most noteworthy trend in global power development. GE is the leader in this field with rich experience in energy efficiency, new energy applications and new commercial models. That’s why we look forward to

70 GE在中国 GE药业(上海)有限公司 GE基金会科技创新赛颁奖

员工走进第四期药品GMP 2009年12月16日,2009年度GE基金会科技创新赛在位于上海的GE中 国研发中心举行了研讨会和颁奖典礼,来自全国8所院校的31名博士 检查员培训班 生和硕士生参加了会议。通过研讨会、实验室参观和与优秀研发人员 分组座谈等活动,参与者们更好地了解了GE的企业文化和创新,获

2009年8月22日,GE药业(上海)有限公司张江工厂的三位同事应邀 奖学生还有望进入GE中国研发中心和GE各业务部门进行实习。 给来自全国29个省120多名“药品生产质量规范”(GMP)检查员做 了培训。国家食品药品监督管理局安监司委托培训中心和GMP认证中 GE基金会科技创新赛由GE基金会出资在中国大陆地区设立,并得到 心主办了此次第四期GMP检查员培训班,旨在进一步加强GMP认证检 GE中国研发中心及国际教育协会的全力支持。这项大赛不仅为在校 查员队伍建设,全面提升检查员的业务能力,做好药品GMP认证检查 大学生提供了学以致用的创新平台,而且让学生们有机会和研发中心 工作。 总裁以及优秀研发人员零距离沟通交流,为他们的职业发展带来了有 益的指导。

培训的主题包括工厂质量体系的建立和执行、GMP验证的基本原则和 应用,以及计算机系统验证等。培训过程中,现场讨论气氛非常活 跃,GE员工的演讲得到了所有在场检查员的认可和高度评价。 2009 GE Foundation GE Employees Teach at the TECH Award Announced

Fourth Good Manufacturing On December 16, 2009, a seminar was held at the GE China Technology Center (CTC) in Shanghai and the GE Foundation TECH Practice Training Course Award winners were revealed. 31 PhD and MA students from 8 universities attended the event where they participated in the

On August 22, 2009, GE employees from the GE Healthcare Medial seminar’s discussions, toured the labs, and had group discussions Diagnostics’ Zhangjiang plant were invited to give a presentation with top researchers. The event offered them a great opportunity to in front of 120 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) inspectors from learn more about the culture of GE and its innovations. In addition, 29 of China’s provinces. The State Food and Drug Administration’s the winners of the GE Foundation Tech Award could be offered the Safety and Supervision Department and GMP Center co-organized opportunity to intern at GE CTC and its businesses. this GMP training course to strengthen the professional skills of GMP inspectors and implement pharmaceutical GMP certification Sponsored by the GE Foundation and supported by GE CTC and the and inspection work. Institute of International Education, the GE Foundation TECH Award provides university students an innovation platform where they can

Topics such as QA system establishment and implementation, the practice what they’ve learned. It also grants them the opportunity basic principles and applications of GMP validation and computer to communicate face-to-face with GE CTC’s top managers and system validation were discussed. The trainees were very engaged R&D professionals who give useful insights regarding career and spoke highly of the GE employees’ lectures. development.

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2009年9月18日,GE环境、健康与安全(EHS)专家作为主讲嘉宾,出 2009年9月23日,GE EHS部门在GE中国培训发展中心举办了工业卫生 席了由广东环境、健康与安全学会主办的EHS研讨会。会上,专家表示 与职业健康研讨会,旨在促进GE与政府管理部门在职业健康和工业 推行先进水平的EHS体系将有助于提升企业的竞争力。GE与企业界代表 卫生方面增进联系及合作,并探讨法规执行和现场管理中的难点和经 分享了公司的EHS卓越项目、精益六西格玛运行、清洁生产和变化加速 验。来自国家安全生产监督管理总局、职业安全健康监督管理司、中 项目等案例,以及这些项目如何体现GE负责任的领导力和卓越运作。 国疾控中心及北京预防医学研究中心的领导和专家们出席了研讨会, 本次研讨会共吸引了超过300位广东企业界的主管出席。广州电视台英 与GE专家进行了友好的交流。 文频道转播了此次研讨会,并在会后对GE北亚地区EHS总监秦之刚进行 了采访。

GE EHS Experts Discuss and Share GE Practices

On September 18, 2009, GE’s environmental, seminar attracted 300 business leaders health and industrial hygiene, and exchange health and safety (EHS) experts were the from Guangdong province. Guangzhou TV experience on executing the rule of law and keynote speakers at a seminar organized by English Chanel broadcasted the seminar and onsite management. Officials and experts Guangdong EHS Academy. They shared how interviewed Qin Zhigang, EHS Director of GE from State Administration of Work Safety, businesses can become more competitive by North Asia. Workplace Safety and Health Administration implementing state-of-the-art EHS systems Department, Chinese Center for Disease and introduced case studies from GE’s EHS On September 23, 2009, GE EHS team Control and Prevention and Beijing Research program, Lean Six Sigma, Clean Production held an Industrial Hygiene and Career Center for Preventive Medicine attended and Change Acceleration Program. The Health seminar in GE China Learning the seminar and shared opinions with GE experts also explained how these programs Center to promote the communication and experts. form the hallmark of GE’s responsible cooperation between GE and government leadership and operational excellence. The administration departments on career

72 GE在中国 爱心满中国 GE in Community

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由GE基金会与中国青少年发展基金会(青基会)共同举办的GE希望工 在保证项目顺利进行之余,GE还与青基会共同合作组织编撰了国内第 程教师培训项目,历经5年42期培训班,为来自9个省边远地区的11,863 一套针对乡村教师的继续教育标准化教材——希望工程教师培训教材 名中国乡村教师提供了继续教育机会,约占希望工程教师培训迄今为 系列丛书。该丛书旨在更新教育观念,开阔视野,提高师德和业务水 止总受训人数的五分之一,超额完成了2005年该项目启动时设定的 平,并附带农村小学语文、数学等学科的多媒体教学软件。既可用于 目标。 未来希望工程教师培训,又适合农村教师的日常自学。

乡村学校师资力量薄弱、教学质量落后长期以来阻碍着中国农村基础 志愿者精神是GE企业文化的重要组成部分,在GE希望工程教师培训项 教育的发展。希望工程教师培训最早实施于1995年,进入新世纪后 目中,这一点也得到了充分展现。GE的培训经理和高级研发工程师为 规模迅速扩大,成为与援建希望小学等基础设施同等重要的希望工 培训班的学员作关于GE企业文化和领导力培训的讲座;GE中国有限公 程支柱项目。14年来,累计有6万余名乡村教师通过各种方式参加了 司的员工在培训班开班期间为学员担任志愿计算机辅导员;GE志愿者 该培训。 还与希望工程义务讲学团一起赴外省市送教上门、捐助当地希望小学 的贫困学生。 作为希望工程教师培训最重要的赞助者之一,GE基金会自2005年以来 总计捐赠了167.5万美元 ,为该项目的顺利进行作出了贡献。除了资金 GE与青基会的合作协议为期五年,分两阶段进行,目前合作已圆满完 支持,5年来,GE与青基会紧密合作不断改善培训形式和执行效率,创 成。回顾合作中取得的成果,双方正在协商继续合作事宜。 设了“希望工程GE教师培训项目管理者培训班”,嫁接GE的企业管理 经验和GE基金会多年积累的非赢利性组织运作理念,对相关青基会工 作人员和地方教育官员进行培训,从项目策划、预算、流程和执行的 角度,提高了GE希望工程教师培训项目的运营效率。

74 GE在中国 More Than 10,000 Teachers in Rural China Benefit from GE-sponsored Training

and mold project leadership for CYDF staff and local-level education officials, with inspiration coming from GE’s corporate administration experience, and the GE Foundation’s NGO operational know-how.

Another legacy of GE’s endeavor is a set of specially-compiled training manuals for rural teaching skill development, something unprecedented in China. The manuals were to update new education philosophy, broaden horizon of rural teachers and improve their teaching skill with multimedia software for elementary schools. The manuals were made possible through funding by GE, and can be used for future training and for self-study by rural teachers.

The time-honored GE staff volunteerism also found a place in the program. GE HR managers volunteered to give lectures on leadership In the past five years, GE has helped train up to 12,000 school development for the rural school administrators; GE China scientists teachers from nine disadvantaged communities in China’s rural offered free computer courses; and hundreds of GE employees joined areas through forty two 15-day courses by a joint professional and supported training tours to remote areas. development program with China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF). The GE-backed program accounted for about one fifth of the The five year-long agreement between GE and CYDF, carried out in two teachers trained by the rural teaching skills development initiative phases, has now run its course, however, the two parties are reviewing under Project Hope, exceeding the goal set in 2005 when the the program and considering possibilities for future co-operation. program was launched.

The teaching skills development program of Project Hope, launched in 1995, free of charge to participants, has so far covered more than 60,000 teachers from rural areas in fourteen years, and has become one of the pillar projects.

GE signed up as one of the main sponsors of the initiative in late 2005 with a donation of more than USD 1.6 million in addition to the contribution of tutoring expertise and organizational input. In the past five years, the two parties have worked closely to improve the program. Besides, GE’s involvement in the program goes beyond conventional corporate philanthropy. The company devised specialized seminars and workshops to help streamline programs

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作为全球范围内企业职业健康与安全管理(OHS)的积极实践者,GE正 致力于提升和改善中国职业健康水平。通过与政府相关机构展开合作以 及在中国合作伙伴中积极推广OHS理念,GE正在将自身多年的OHS实践 经验带入中国。

GE的这些举措包括已连续举办五年的“中国工业企业职业病危害预防控 制培训”。该培训项目由GE与中国疾病预防控制中心下属的职业卫生与 中毒控制所(职业卫生所)联合举办,旨在将GE的职业健康理念传递给 中国官员和企业同行。自2005年启动至今,GE共提供了近45万美元的资 金支持,并派遣内部职业健康专家帮助组织培训、制订教材以及授课。 截至2009年底,GE和职业卫生所共举行了14期培训班,共有超过2000名 人员受训。课程内容包括OHS信息管理技能、评估体系的建立和使用, 以及分享国际最新OHS管理成功实例并分析企业从中受益的情况。

除了与政府部门合作,GE还积极在中国合作伙伴中推广职业健康与安 全实践。GE的中国供货商在签订合同前都要接受GE环境、健康与安全 (EHS)部门的审核。在合同期内GE还会定期检查企业是否严格遵守EHS 程序,同时确保合作伙伴的管理人员得到相关培训。培训不仅能帮助企 业达到GE的合规要求,同时也为企业自身的长期发展带来积极因素。

“从GE的经验来看,对职业健康与安全管理的注重既帮我们节省了成 本又规避了风险,”GE北亚地区EHS总监秦之刚说。“中国过去几年在 OHS领域取得了有目共睹的进步,我们愿意分享我们的经验,推动中国 职业健康与安全水平的进一步提高。”

“依靠GE这样的外部客户的帮助,我们已经建立起了一套完整的、行之 有效的职业健康与安全规则体系,”长期为GE供应机械零部件和钢结构 的上海培通机械有限公司负责人说。“起先,我们只是把这些规则的实 施当作客户附加的额外负担,但现在我们已经充分体验到了保障员工职 业健康和安全所带来的经济和社会效益。”

GE相信,通过不断地努力,及时更新经理人OHS管理理念并帮助他们获 取最新职业健康知识,公司不仅可以提高工作效率,而且能够保障每名 员工的身心健康。

76 GE在中国 GE Commits to Helping Upgrade Occupational Health and Safety in China

As an active practitioner of Occupational Health and sure that managers in GE’s partnering companies have Safety (OHS) worldwide, GE has committed itself to access to related training. These trainings not only help helping upgrade OHS standards in China, introducing suppliers meet GE’s compliance requirements, but also its years of OHS experience through collaboration with have a positive influence on their further development. governments and promotion among Chinese partners. “Consistent efforts to safeguard the workplace health The Training for Control and Prevention of Occupational and safety of our employees are central to the core Diseases for Chinese Industrial Companies was part of competency of GE, saving us unnecessary expenses GE’s efforts which have been ongoing for five years in and steering us away from risks,” said Qin Zhigang, GE’s collaboration with the National Institute of Occupational North Asia EHS Director. “China has come a long way to Health & Poisoning Control (NIOHPC) and with the aim of achieve what we see today. As a multinational company sharing GE’s practices on OHS with Chinese officials and committed to localization in China, GE is more than companies. Since the launch in 2005, GE has provided happy to share the lesson we have learned in this regard nearly USD 450,000 in sponsorship and sent its OHS with the Chinese business community, and advance the professionals to help with organization, course planning, overall occupational health standards in the country.” and teaching. By the end of 2009, GE and NIOHPC had carried out 14 training sessions, training over 2,000 “Partly thanks to external help from clients like GE, we people. Training courses covered: OHS information have formulated solid rules on OHS, and made strict management, setting-up of evaluation systems and enforcement part and parcel of our daily operation,” the utilization of the systems, and global OHS success said a manager from Shanghai Peitong Machinery, stories, including analyzation of the benefit to companies from which GE sourced machine parts and steel-works. from those cases. “Initially, we viewed the monitoring and examination process as an extra burden, but we have come to realize Aside from working with the government, GE also the economic and social benefits of these practices.” worked closely with its Chinese partners to promote OHS practices. GE’s Chinese suppliers must go through GE believes that through ceaseless efforts, including an evaluation process compiled by GE’s Environment, updating managers with the newest, leading OHS ideas Health and Safety (EHS) department before entering and information, companies can not only raise their a contract with GE. After the validation of a supplier’s working efficiency, but also ensure the safety of each contract, GE will regularly evaluate whether the supplier employee. has followed the required EHS procedures and make

GE IN CHINA 77 爱心满中国 GE in Community


从左至右:GE医疗集团大中华区副总裁陈雁;中华医学会放射分会副主任委员、北京 医院放射科主任周诚教授;中华医学会放射分会乳腺学组组长、中国医学科学院附属肿 瘤医院影像诊断科主任周纯武教授;中国医学科学院附属肿瘤医院党委副书记付凤环

From left to right: Chen Yan,,Vice President of GE Healthcare Greater China; Prof. Zhou Cheng, Vice Director of Chinese Society of Radiology, Director of Beijing Hospital Radiology Department; Prof. Zhou Chunwu, Chief of Mastology Panel of Chinese Society of Radiology, Director of Imaging Diagnosis Department of Cancer Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Fu Fenghuan, Vice Secretary of Party Committee of Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

2009年10月14日,GE医疗集团发起的“关爱女性健康,相约粉红十 乳腺癌是最有可能被治愈的癌症,早诊早治尤能提高治愈率。中国不 月”全国九城市大型乳腺义诊及公益宣传活动在北京拉开序幕。从10 是乳腺癌的高发国家,但发病的增长速度却高出高发国家,因此在中 月14日到26日,GE医疗集团深入北京、上海、南京、沈阳、成都等九 国普及乳腺知识、提高女性对自身健康的关注是当务之急。从2006年 个城市,携手中华医学会放射分会乳腺学组专家及学者、肿瘤医院乳 开始,GE医疗集团已在中国发起并成功举办了三届“粉红十月”乳腺 腺学相关科室医生坐诊活动现场,通过开展义诊、健康讲座、免费发 早健康公益宣传活动,有效地提升了女性对乳腺疾病的认知和关注。 放乳腺健康科普资料等形式,广泛宣传乳腺癌早诊断、早治疗的科普 知识,为全国近千名女性朋友提供医疗服务咨询。

GE Healthcare’s “Pink October” Promotes Breast Health

On October 14, 2009, GE Healthcare opened free consultation and lectures and distribute comparatively few incidences of breast its free, nationwide breast disease diagnosis free mammary health materials. Through cancer, the growth rate is higher than that and breast knowledge promotion event in these activities, GE Healthcare promoted of high-incidence countries. Therefore, Beijing with the theme, “Care for Women’s the early diagnosis and detection of breast it is important to promote breast health Health in Pink October.” From October 14 to cancer and provided free consultations for knowledge among Chinese women. Since 26, GE Healthcare experts and doctors from thousands of women across the country. 2006, GE Healthcare has successfully held the Mastology Panel of Chinese Society of three “Pink October” events to promote Radiology and Cancer Institute & Hospital Of all forms of cancer, breast cancer has early diagnosis, effectively raising Chinese of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences one of the highest chances of being cured, women’s awareness of this important visited nine cities including Beijing, Shanghai, especially if it is diagnosed in an early health issue. Nanjing, Shenyang and Chengdu to give stage. Although China is a country with

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