The Norfolk Weekly Newsjournal.Mio
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THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL.MIO- . UIA K'A iomn.\v nc'p nit'if 11 inn ? Spencer School Accredited.- . Spuncor , Neb. , 10. Oct. Special to REV , .GALLABHERJATALLY HURT THE CONDITIONOF THE WEATHER The News : State Inspector of High _ Schools A. A. Ucoil was in Thrown In Spencer From Buggy Runaway Temperature for Twenty-four Hour*. yesterday Inspecting high school.- . the While on Way to Hit Wedding- . Forecast For Nebraska. Ho llnds It worthy of being placed on ¬ Conditions of the JOHN LINKE , PROMINENT STOCK- .Marjhalltown , la. , 0ct. 10. Drlvlne weather ns record the list of schools accredited by the cd for the twenty-four MAN , BREAKS ANKLE. from this city to the homo of his CHICAGO DOWNS DETROIT IN A hours ending Htato university. The normal training at 8 a. m. today : MILLIONAIRE'S' WIFE ADMITO bride-elect , Mlas Ida jteene, to whom HARD FOUGHT GAME- . department , supported and directed ho was to have boin married last Maximum 1uG SERIES OF BURGLARIES. by the state , has been added. Not FRACTURE IS SERIOUS ONE night , Ilev. LeKoy E , Gallagher was Minimum many towns In 32 BOLD DAYLIGHT the state can boast thrown from his buggy In a runaway .PFIC3TER AND MULLIN PITCH \vcrage ROBBERY AT greater school 49 NEGRO ACCOMPLICE ARRESTED advantages. Well Known and received Injuries which may Barometer FARM OF JOHN Stockman Living Twenty 29.90- K08T. prove fatal- . Miles South of Bassett Was Trying r.ossman's Batting Is Feature of Sec- .IPs brother , Ilev. IS. I ). Gallagher , Wenlthy Milwaukee Woman .Would. to Clear Fence to Get Out of ond Contest for World's Champion- the ofVnhpcton , N. I) . , escaped unln- THE Got Positions as Nurse and Steal ROBBERS GOT ABOUT $20 Path of Enraged Steer-. jurod. The Injured i , who ship Chicago's Winning Runs Conic inn wni J.welry Female "Raffles" Hns Baf- h- - In .Uassett , , brought to a hotel re, has not re- the Fourth Inning. Neb. Oct. 10. Special to fled Chicago Police for Weeks. The News : , Ralnod consciousness , Miss Keeso was John Llnko a prominent Chicago , Oct. 10. Chicago Na- REVOLVER WAS POINTED AT MISS PHOTO GALLERY AND FEED summoned and Is at h s side. The W. E. BRIDGEMAN stockman living twenty miles south of tlouals duieutod the Detroit pennant IS APPOINTED Chicago , Oct. 10. In a romiirknblu STORE DESTROYED. here , to police Chnrloa- MARY KO8T. sustained a broken anklu last winners of the American league In the POSTMASTER. confession the Mrs. night to J.. , wife a- trying clear a fence in fleeing second of the series for the world's- Roruadka of Milwaukee of from nn enraged steer- . nllllonalro manulncturcr , admitted OPERA HOUSE ALSO DAMAGED championship. The score was 3 to 1 .Bassett THEY KEPT THE INDIANS AWAY pho was responsible for a HOI lea SHE FAINTED , THEY GOT CASH physicians were summoned Slow pitching and several slight ac- that r1 and they pronounce It a very bad cidents caused the contest to drag of burglaries and potty thefts that him Elgin Is Without Waterworks or Until Now No baffled weeks. MV- . Fire break. KELLOGG THROWS MORE LIGHT out over two hours , Uie delays trying Effort Has Been Made the authorities for Protection But the Fire Occasioned to Boom s.lomadka' confession was the latest The Nor- - ON LIQUIDATION. the patience of the big crowd which Lnmourenux Lest Reds Countryside Southwest of TRUST rob- ¬ a Mee > . Bassett Revival- . agalu development of her arrest for n to be Called for Thursday tilled almost every Inch of seat- Might be Drawn Into That Locality.- . folk .Bassett , Neb. , Oct. 10. bery committed nt the homo of C. W. Was Aroused Thursday by an rp/ - Special to ing loom. After the first four and a Nigh' is Plan- . Alloting Now , on.- The News : A series of meetings Is About Done Boom . Bock , when Jewelry valued at moro Unusually Bold Daylight In JUGGLE AFTER THE OHIO SUIT halt Innings hud dragged through an Hold-up .Elgin'h. ' 10. being held In than was stolen. She Im- ¬ % Special to the M. E. church by Rev. hour and thirty-title yOinuTcs tome I imourcmix , S. D.p Oct. 10. Special 1.000 | Al- ¬ Prominent Home. : Clark of Lincoln. Is ¬ to : plicated In her confession a negro , Farm The News Eib 'fsto ' ' 'B' flro >'cs"- Ho a very Inter- sparkling fielding and sharp hitting The News A postofllco has been * esting and Trustees Liquidated Only Enough bert Jones , and a limn known as terday , which o build- - Instructive speaker and and base running hastened the contest established nt Lamoureaux with W. Miss Mary Kost , the slxtocn-year-old destu SJ//V/ Ralph Is n- - ° considerable Interest Is manifested. Certificates to Give Them a Major- to an ond- . 12. Bridge-man as poRtmaster. It was Smith. The former under daughter of John ings , endangered others , /j-A caused the police arc searching for Kost living four ity of Stocks of Twenty Companies .Mullln and Pfloster were the pitch- badly needed as there are a largo riot and the loss of some property. the latter.- . miles southwest of Norfolk , looked ALL on ers , and Payne went behind the bat number of people who got their mall The lire started In the photo gallery READY FORFRIOAY GAME Tllford Witness Stand. In her confession Mrs. Homadka Into n revolver in the hands of two _ In place of Schmidt. Schmidt's re- ¬ here. Settlers for twenty miles make building belonging to , says that her first theft wna commit- ¬ L. Bennett but Now York , Oct. 10. The method tirement was due to his inaccurate this their trading center.- . liouso-breakcrs and fainted. When occupied once Large Crowd Is Desired , for the Sake ted in April of this year.- . a week by Photogra- throfgh which the trustees of the throwing , but in this respect W. II. Thomas , one of the promoters gained of , the she consciousness the house pher McGlll of Albion. His regular the Crowd Oil com- change "I saw nn advertisement In a Standard trust liquidated the brought no Improvement , as of Lamourcaux , was hero and stated " day Is , While the rest of the world is on a paper , she said , "for a nurse. had been ransacked and robbed. The Tuesday but ho had stayed pany In compliance with the order of five stolen banes credited to the local that an effort would bo made at once trained over by special request to nerve strain over the world champion- [ went to the home of Mrs. Dwld- girl was alone at the time. About 320- take the the Ohio courts was further unfolded team tcitlty. to establish a county organization to- ship series of the league pennant Pfaelzer. 4BH , picture of a wedilng group. In win Wesley Tllford , treasurer Forrcstvlllo avenue in money was missed. the when H. Playing condltlona were Improved , glvo the town a llttlo extra energy. morning : tiers Norfolk is going to take an after- and secured the place. I stayed there- at about 9:30 ho built a fire of the Standard Oil company of New the crowd numbering only 21,191- . Staving Off the Red Men. The countryside southwest Nor- ¬ noon off Friday and once about a day a , dia-¬ of of light pine wood in the gallery settle for all Jersey , was to witness .Rossmnn , and half stealing a stove. t recalled the whose bitting was tin For some time past the promoters folk was When the season's championship dispute be- ¬ mond ring , a diamond bracelet and a aroused Thursday by news ho went to dinner a few sparks stand In the suit against the Stand- real feature of tli contest , scored the have been slow to make any tweent the Sturgcon-Beels sliov1' push or silver card caee. " of a bold daylight robbery of lire remained In the stove , but be-¬ trade ard Oil trust. Statements compiled first run of the contest In boom at the home " the second as that would have had an lnllu- - ers and Mapes' "own. ¬ After relating several similar ex- of John fore ho returned the building was in- from stock books of the various sub- inning. Ho hit a grounder toward cnce tending to Induce Kost near the noon hour.- . Indians to flic perlnnces , ( lames. The theory is culm- Norfolk's amateur championship sidiary companies during the period Tinker which away she iald she had worked I that the bounded from the their allotments In this locality , which Suddenly Open Door. contestc will be called at 2:30: In several places for families In this noy was defective , as the Ore seemed o'clock of the trust liquidation were placed shortstop and rolled far out to left- would have a great Mary was FridayI been disadvantage capacity. In Kost alone when the door to afternoon at the driving park on tUe , from these- and field , the She walked where she catch between the celling and roof, record and batsman making three bases to the future prosperity of the town.- . was suddenly Jammed open by two diamond. Each team has taken one Mr. the found a window open and located n and had probably been smoldering fort from TJUord government the alt. Coushlln struck out , but As It stands , there nre but very few men. Ono covered her with a revel game and the rubber will be'sensation1- ayne diamond ring In a wealthy homo In some time before it broke out. The | counsel , Frank ."ltellogg , says that lifted a short fly to left field , Indian allotments In this locality and ver. Frightened by nl In many ways this city.