100 years ago The mysterious death of Mr Diesel

The date was 29 September, 1913. Rudolf Diesel was eating dinner on board the SS Dresden, en route from to Harwich. He was due to attend a meeting the following morning in at the offices of the Consolidated Diesel Manufacturing Company. He retired to his cabin shortly after 10pm, leaving word to be called the next morning at 6.15. His cabin was later found empty during a roll call, and he was never seen alive again. A century later, the question remains: ‘Did Diesel jump or was he pushed?’ Tom Scanlan decided to investigate - but found more questions than answers

JUST TEN days after Rudolf Diesel’s mysterious that seriously injured Diesel. He had had to spend disappearance from the British postal steamer on many months in hospital and he never fully a routine overnight voyage, the crew of a Dutch recovered. boat came upon the corpse of a man floating in So, do we picture a man alone in his cabin on the sea off the coast of . The body was a ship on the , pacing back and forth unrecognisable, being in an advanced state of in anguish at what he shortly planned to do, decomposition. However, the crewmen retrieved thinking of his family at home? Or is the scene various personal items found in the body’s rather different – one of a content, successful and clothing, including a wallet with an identity card well-reputed man who, having eaten his dinner inside, a spectacles case and a pen-knife. The on board and having asked to be woken at 6.15 body was returned to the sea. Two weeks after the the next morning, was now settling into his berth disappearance of Rudolf Diesel, his son, Eugen, awaiting the onward journey to London the next confirmed that the items were indeed the personal day? belongings of his father. During the night a roll-call was undertaken Biographers of Diesel tend to conclude that it and that was when Rudolf Diesel was reported was suicide. Just before he left home to travel missing. So, had he jumped? Or had he, as the to Antwerp and then on to England, Diesel had conspiracy theorists purport, been pushed? given his wife, Martha, a bag. He told her not to Diesel’s engine had already, since the turn of open it until the following week. They say she the century, been used in a wide variety of found in there 200,000 German marks (around applications. Although the steam engine was £10,000 or £650,000 at today’s values) along with, still very much evident, the far greater thermal Almost significantly for the theorists, a number of financial efficiency of the had made its mark “anything statements indicating that their bank accounts were (and its inventor millions of German marks). virtually empty. There was also a diary that Diesel Almost anything that needed to be powered needing had brought with him on the ship. Against the date could look to the Diesel engine. There were still power could September 29, 1913, a cross had been drawn. Did limitations. In the case of the motor , weight this cross indicate death, or was it simply the day was an issue. Diesel engines had to be more Rudolf Diesel decided at the age look to of the sailing? heavily constructed in order to withstand the of 14 that he wished to become If all of this is true, why would Diesel have higher compression explosions than those obtained an . He made - and the Diesel subsequently lost - a great deal emptied his accounts of such a huge sum of money in a petrol engine. It was the same problem in of money in the development engine... in cash? the case of powering aircraft. Where weight was and sale of his special engine. Suicide is the most likely It could even be surmised that he had health not an issue, as in ships and submarines, and in explanation for his death, though problems: in his earlier inventing days, Diesel had stationary set-ups, Diesel’s engine was an obvious some argue in favour of German built a steam engine in which he tried different choice: the fuel was much cheaper, the torque secret service conspiracies. fuels. One experiment caused a major explosion characteristics were suitable and there was no >> 18 23 www.motoringassist.com www.motoringassist.com” 100 years ago

>> need for high revs. government would surely have been aware of this. Why, on that late September night, should Rudolf They would have considered that such meetings, Diesel have been pushed overboard? leading to important agreements over the use and It was only ten months before the start of the development of Diesel , were against First World War. Writings suggest that Diesel the interests of their country, particularly in the was not interested in working exclusively for his powering of their U-boat fleet. And they would own government. Although he was a German, not hesitate to put an end to them, if necessary by Did they he had been born in of Bavarian parents committing murder. “snatch who had emigrated and settled there. Diesel On board the ‘Dresden’ in the darkness, did they only went to Germany at the age of fourteen to then, in a well-rehearsed scenario, snatch Rudolf Diesel, attend a school where his uncle was a teacher. Diesel while the other passengers slept? Did they in a well- He had visited England and the United States on chloroform him and throw him over, all unseen? a number of occasions. Could it be that he saw There is just not enough evidence to confirm rehearsed the clouds gathering and was determined that no either set of circumstances. But there are more scenario, advantage could be gained by Germany alone from facts: his hat and overcoat were found neatly laid at advancements in his engine technology? Did he the stern of the ferry and his bed had not been slept while others still feel he was more French than German, or, at in...suicide! But his watch was at the bedside as slept? least, politically un-allied? though ready to be seen the next morning...murder! Diesel was due in London that late September Whether his death was self-inflicted, or a to meet the directors of the Consolidated Diesel politically-motivated assassination, may never be Manufacturing Company. Agents of the Kaiser’s known. Either way, his legacy is enormous.

Diesel dates... 1858 Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel is born in Paris, the second of three children of Theodor and Elise Diesel. ” 1870 The Diesel family are forced to leave France as the Franco-Prussian War breaks out. They settle in London. 1872 Diesel writes to his parents, informing them of his wish to become an engineer. 1883 He marries Martha Flasche. They go on to have three children, Rudolf Jr, Heddy and Eugen. 1886 Diesel publishes his treatise – the basis for his creation. 1897 He operates his first successful engine. 1913 Diesel dies.

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