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The BG News April 30, 1987

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 30, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4661.

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Secord, who de- to former White House aide Oliver Channell points to North as fellow conspirator clined to testify before the Senate Intel- North as a fellow conspirator yester- pendent counsel Lawrence Walsh's in- could be expected soon against North, the secret sale of weapons to Iran and ligence Committee earlier, will appear day as he pleaded guilty to the first vestigation. he said, "We're not prepared to do that in the funding of the contras. without an immunity grant. criminal charge of the Iran-contra af- Walsh's formal charge, known as a at this time." The developments came less than a Former National Security Adviser fair. criminal information, said Channell week before congressional panels are Robert McFarlane will follow Secord, was involved with a government offi- AT THE WHITE HOUSE, presi- to open public hearings on the Iran- the panels' leaders said. Channell was formally accused of cial, but the charge did not identify that dential spokesman Marlin Fitewater contra affair and just one day after defrauding the government by telling official. declined to comment. "We're not inves- Walsh suggested prosecutions would be CHANN ELL'S GUILTY PLEA came contributors to his National Endow- However, when Channell was asked tigating ourselves and I don't expect to endangered if Congress granted immu- as McFarlane was testifying before the ment for the Preservation of Liberty in court by U.S. District Judge Stanley elaborate on these kind of issues," nity from prosecution to any more grand jury empaneled by Walsh. Mc- that their gifts would be tax deductible Harris to name the persons with whom Fitewater said. principal figures in the investigation. Farlane, who traveled to Iran in 1906 in even though the money actually was he conspired, he replied simply, "Col. Under the agreement Channell en- On Capitol Hill, leaders of the con- an attempt to close an arms-for-hos- used to provide military aid to the U.S.- North, an official of the National Secu- tered into with Walsh, the fund-raiser gressional panels said retired Air tages deal, declined to comment as he backed contra rebels in Nicaragua. rity Council." and several of his employees said they Force Major Gen. Richard Secord, a left the grand jury room. Channell pleaded guilty to a single When Walsh aide Michael Bromwich would cooperate with Walsh's investi- pivotal figure with key financial infor- Walsh had said Tuesday he hoped the count and agreed to cooperate in inde- was asked later if a similar charge gation into possible criminal activity in mation on the affair, will be the first C See Channell, page 7. Results awaited on last evidence in murder case by Don Lee wire editor City police said yesterday they are waiting for one last crucial piece of evidence to be processed in the investigation into the Jan. 6 murder of a University student in Bowling Green. "We feel it is one piece of evidence that is non-circumstantial in nature, tying someone in particular to the crime," Capt. Tom Votava, assistant police chief, said yesterday. Karen Sue Hirschman, 22, a University junior from Sylvania, was found stabbed to death in the living room of her apartment at 818 Second St. on the night of Jan 6. Dr. Roger Peatee, Wood County coroner, said that Hirschman died of internal hemorrhaging caused by 10 stab wounds to the chest and abdomen. Investigators from the police department and the Wood County Prosecutor's Office took two vanloads of evidence from the apart- ment. The last piece of evidence was sent to a crime lab, one of two labs in the United States that is able to run the tests the police department wants, Votava said. Neither the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investiga- tion regional crime lab in Fremont, which processed most of the evidence taken by police in the case, nor the FBI crime lab in Toledo, which also processed evidence, has the resources and techniques available to conduct the test, Votava said. Depending on the test results from the California lab. the last piece of evidence could narrow the scope of the investigation to one suspect, and possibly result in an indictment. "That's the reason it is so important we get it processed and done right," Votava said. All other evidence has been processed and reports from the labs returned to police. Votava said that there was initially some pressure from the community to find Hirshman's killer, but "the fervor has died BG News/Pete Fellman down" in recent weeks. 'In the good ole summertime' "There was no ... statement saying get off your dead butts and Kenny Hale, senior interpersonal and public communication major, years, was practicing for his role in the play "In Essence . . . this is us do something,' " Votava said. "It (the pressure) was best expressed plays "Summertime" on his alto saxophone on the front porch of ... are we not beautiful" which will open Friday at 8 p.m. in Joe E. in the fears and apprehensions of the general community." University Hall. Hale, who has been playing saxophone for eight Brown Theater. "It (the fear) is still out there, but other things have taken its place. But not to us, and not to the general public," he said. Staff council Migrant workers assisted

Editor's Note: This is the last in toward developing the economic to hold elections a three-part series on farming in and personal independence of by Julie Wallace term. Wood County. Ohio farmworkers by providing staff reporter Because of the changing term Wood County farmers: job training, employment and lengths, there will always be by Jeff Keene support services. For the second year, elections seven positions, or one-third of staff reporter adapting to a changing marketplace Fernandez said OHFO has are being held for vacant posi- the council, opening each year la been successful in linking with tions on the Classified Staff for new representatives. Every year when the end of other support agencies in the Council. Chris Esparza, current chair spring rolled around, Alicia Fer- state to provide clients with Elections will be held on May 7 of the council, said the replace- nandez and her family made the much-needed skills - skills that from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Memo- ment process was designed to 1,500 mile trek from Texas to allow them to enter the work rial Hall and are open to all enable the council to operate Ohio. But it was not a trip in- force and get beyond farmwork classified employees. efficiently. tended to take advantage of the farms. first-hand of the problems many as a way of life. CSC represents classified staff scenery along the way or the Migrant workers and other farmworkers face, as well as the OHFO staffers work to place members in employment issues "By only replacing one-third hope of a long-awaited vacation seasonal farmworkers have pro- education and opportunities her clients in vocational schools, brought forth to the administra- of the council, there will be two- that brought the family here. vided farmers in this area with a office can give them. and eventually jobs, by forming tion. It consists of 21 members thirds of the council who will be Instead, it was a way of life - steady supply of labor for de- "Many of the issues I faced as partnerships with potential em- from all areas of the University. experienced already. Therefore, seasonal work planting and har- cades. It is this labor, available a farmworker in the 1960s are ployers. OHFO pays up to 50 Elections for the council be- the council will continue to be vesting vegetables in the fields at a low cost to farmers, that the same today," Fernandez, a Eercent of job training costs any gan last year, with members productive," she said. "(This of Northwest Ohio-that en- enables farmers to grow and 1982 University graduate in busi- usiness might incur. The being elected in the areas of way) we can maintain a sea- abled her family to earn more harvest fresh market vegetables ness administration, said. Illit- agency also provides career Academic Affairs, Operations, soned committee." money than they could during such as tomatoes, pickles and eracy, a lack of English skills, a planning, basic education, Planning and Budgeting and the harsh Texas summers. squash. They are vital crops high drop-out rate, cultural bar- guidance and GED preparation. Student Affairs. Employees are able to vote for Fernandez has not made that that brine much-needed reve- riers ana low wages still plague Fernandez said the agency has candidates in their specific work trip since 1966, when her parents nues to the area's depressed migrant workers in Ohio, ana in so far achieved an 80 percent This year there are 10 vacan- areas only, Esparza said. sealed in Wood County, but farm economy. then- "home bases" of Florida success rate in placing clients in cies in the council, including an In the past, the council has thousands of migrant workers Although she is not working and the Southwest, she said. jobs. additional three vacancies that made presentations to the Board from the Southwest and Florida long hours in the fields anymore, Established in July 1985, But OHFO's services are occurred during the past year. of Trustees and has acted as a still do. Alicia Fernandez still works clo- OHFO, headquartered in Bowl- available only to low-income Representatives run for vary- liaison between the employees In fact, during the growing sely with migrant and seasonal ing Green, operates offices in migrant and seasonal farm- ing term lengths, either one, two and the administration, Esparza season there are an estimated farmworkers in Northwest Ohio. Fremont, Leipsic, Alliance and workers who have earned 50 or three years, with a lottery said. The council is currently 12,000 migrant workers in Ohio, Now the state director of Ohio Toledo. Using funds provided by percent of their wages on a farm draw determining the exact preparing a new wage proposal with the vast majority being Farmworker Opportunities a grant from the U.S. Depart- for at least 12 of the last 24 length of the representative's tor hourly employees. employed at Northwest Ohio (OHFO), Fernandez knows ment of Labor, OHFO works D See Migrant, page 3. Thursday News in Brief The Nicaraguan Democratic Force, or FDN, mony was held in his honor. Contra group says engineer said that it held the leftist government of Nicara- American colleagues of the Oregon engineer O Most area radio stations won't be af- gua responsible for the death of the first Ameri- joined Sandinista officials in blaming the Rea- fected by new FCC obscenity policies: See was caught in firefight can to die In Nicaragua's civil war. Nicaragua gan administration for his death. story, page 4. can to die in Nicaragua's civil war. Nicaragua The contras' statement said Under was said the U.S. government was to blame for killed Tuesday near La Camaleona, located O A Congressman wants General Electric TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras (AP)-An supporting the contras. about 45 miles from the Honduran border. to sell NBC to avoid a conflict of interest: American engineer killed in northern Nicaragua "This region is a permanent scene of combat See story, page 8. was caught in a firefight between rebel fighters "The death of Under was produced in the between rebel forces and the army of the Nicara- and Sandinista militia, the largest U.S.-sup- midst of a firefight between one of our patrols guan government," the statement said. D The team dropped a wild dou ported contra force said yesterday. and a group of militia of the Sandinista army, "The FDN holds the Marxist-Leninist re- bleheader to Toledo on the home diamond The account contradicted Nicaraguan which accompanied the U.S. citizen," the FDN gime of Nicaragua (responsible) for the death of yesterday: See story, page 11. statements that 27-year-old Benjamin Ernest said in a statement released in Tegucigalpa. the U.S. citizen by allowing him to enter an area Under, of Portland, Ore., was singled out by the Under's body yesterday was in Matagalpa, of civil war of our country, which is between contras and slain. a Nicaraguan provincial capital, where a cere- Nicaraguana and not foreigners," it said. Editorial BG News/April 3t, 1987 2 Farming a business TV ministers throw stones If this week's three-part series on fanning in Right wing groups seek to play on the guilt of others Wood County has had a recurring theme, it must be that farming is no longer the simple, pastoral by ScoH Weaver Now is this behavior appropri- and, as of 1965, the Parents they please. As our society ad- life that it has been romanticized to be. ate for a preacher and his wife? Music Resource Center vances and we enter into a new Farming is a business in the 1980s, and survival I would like to comment on the Aren't these people supposed to (PMRC)-that group of sen- age, the Constitution will contin- requires a sound technical knowledge. Today's scandal that has recently be- be the Lord's representatives on ators' wives and other such ually be attacked and picked at farmer needs to have a basic understanding of sieged the media in regard to the Earth? Although I am disgusted highbrow individuals who say again and again by the power technology, science, machinery and - most impor- evangelical broadcasting by their behavior and personally that listening to your favorite mongers, but it will hopefully movement, in particular feel that they are truly pathetic heavy metal band will lead to survive, as long as the main- tantly - business. Tammyand Jim Bakker and human beings, I think that the devil worship, sacrifice of par- stream of society believes in the According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, their PTL organization. Unfor- issue at hand is being grossly ents, etc. Please give me a values of free speech, freedom by 1990 agriculture-related jobs will be available in tunately, it takes a dramatic misinterpreted. break. to worship or not worship and science, engineering, finance, marketing and sales. event of scandalous proportion As for Jim and Tammy, it's a other fundamental human rights And Northwest Ohio farmers are fortunate to have before people open their eyes Jim and Tammy are human, shame that they will go down in specified in the Constitution. and see the situation as it really no matter how pathetic, and history as the scapegoat for all urban areas nearby where they can find jobs off the exists. should therefore be allotted for further doubt, speculation and Jim and Tammy Bakker, farm. In 1972, Jim and Tammy their mistakes. This incident pessimistic views that society Jerry Falwell, Swaggart, the This fact, combined with Wood County's proxim- started their religious organiza- should serve as a shovel which will have toward the entire PMRC and all other groups that ity to the railroad lines and the Great Lakes' tion with $52 in the bank. As you should be used to dig to the genre known as evangelical are so good at turning peoples' shipping routes, make it seem that Wood County all probably already know, to- center of the real problem, broadcasting, but, oh well, ev- guilt into capital have been re- day the FIT. is a multi-million which is the motives of this and erything happens for a reason! vealed for what they are and will farmers are fairly fortunate compared to others. dollar empire, and as a result, other such right-wing organiza- hopefully become obsolete as But Wood County farmers share, with farmers Jim and Tammy are multi-mil- tions whose sole intention is to All of the right-wing organiza- their facade of concern, hope across the country, some problems that need to be lionaires. impose their values and beliefs tions are so concerned about and good fortune that they addressed. The very fact that they live on others. The list includes imposing rules and regulations promise, for a price, is forever First, the popular perception of farming needs to such an abundant and affluent groups and persons such as on society for one reason: it terminated. lifestyle for preaching the Word Moral Majority, Jerry Falwell, threatens their powers when be adjusted to fit the times. People need to realize of God should be just cause for Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts people have the right to do as that farming is a high-tech, high-competition indus- Questioning their motives. Now, try with concerns beyond the weather and the thanks to the media, there is quality of soil (although those are still vital con- more than ample reason to se- cerns). In short, people need to take farming riously question their intentions. In case you haven't heard, seriously. although I seriously doubt that is Next, the government needs to do some hard possible, Jim Bakker has been thinking about what can be done to maintain blackmailed because of a little competitiveness in the world agriculture market. fling he had several years ago The United States has a technological advantage, with a woman who was not his wife. but lacks the inexpensive labor that competitor Of course, Bakker claims he nations such as Argentina, India and China have. was set up. framed by an agent For better or worse, Ohio farmers have a rela- of the devil, but all the same he tively low-cost labor supply in the form of migrant did commit adultery. To further workers - seasonal workers who come from the complicate things, Tammy, his Southwest and Florida every year. wife, had admitted to having a drug problem and was treated at the Betty Ford Drug and Alcohol Finally, independent organizations and state and Rehabilitation Center. As a re- local government must support education opportu- sult, Bakker was forced to re- nities for farmers. Once again, Wood County farm- sign from his position at the PTL ers are fortunate in that they have a nationally and now fellow Bible-thumper known school of agriculture nearby at the Ohio Jerry Falwell is in charge. State University. Letters Experience creates it. Either way, enjoy it while you right direction, divestment is and those we choose to run our have it because you'll be re-liv- not the "big solution" to the government. Their prophecies Turn back before ing it for the rest of your life. Croblem in South Africa. Apart- range from the economic to the desire to be involved Molly A. Zang eid and racism should not be ecological, the latter which it's too late 1986 graduate in tolerated, but divestment is not should be considered of greater broadcast journalism the answer. consequence. We may not be they live under the poverty Don't get me wrong. I was as Donald R. Engle. Jr. able to dismiss the statistics, yet by Ellen F. Klosterman level. excited as the next graduate 345 Bromfield somehow we and our politicians As a woman I share these When I first became an activ- when I shook President Ols- always find a way to avoid the experiences and that knowledge camp's clammy little hand and Divestment won't Power to the people: warnings - until it is often too ist, I thought it was simply a is enough. Three years ago this snatched that leather-look vinyl late. We have been hearing the matter of reading the right made me seek out other students books, going to the right lectures folder that held my supposed help S. Africans the time is now warnings for months, perhaps who understood the world the ticket to success. even decades, but have some- (not just for extra credit) and way I did, but I didn't find them getting the facts down. Recently the issue of divest- There are a lot of people say- how acknowledged and justified in my safe world. I found them It wasn't until now - my fresh- ment of the University's hold- ins a lot of things. Some are our continued ignorance of the Since then I've learned that it carrying signs, sitting in, walk- man year in life - on the campus ings in South Africa has talking of hope and greatness, consequences of our actions. is just as important to be able to ing out and Taking Back the identify emotionally with commonly referred to as the surfaced. Everywhere you turn while others are talking of de- I propose a revolution, a revo- Night (not all at the same "real world" that I realized that people are saying, "Divest! Di- spair and tragedy. These are the lution of heroes. Men and groups. For those of you who time!). No one was out there Eke intellectual explanations, I had not gained "status" or vest in South Africa!" From a politicians and prophets, respec- women, politicians and prophets because of anything they had independence, but actually had totally unbiased point of view, tively. both, who will come forward and this means that for some reason, read in books or heard in a class. identifying with groups and indi- lost it divestment will not affect the We are entering another sea- listen to the warnings. The Their fight started like mine, Giving up status - you know - South African government that son when our eyes and ears will warnings must be taken to viduals subject to systematic when they knew that through no oppression requires finding of a student. That catch-all much at all. be bombarded by the rhetoric of heart, and although the taking of effort of their own they were name. That 24-hour excuse for Obviously what is happening politicians. We will be told of the actions to eradicate the prob- some point of emotional conver- free. gence. In other words, you gotta every reponsibility imaginable. in South Africa is wrong. Apart- successes of the past term (s), lems that create the warnings We protest with the recogni- The only time in your life when heid and any other form of dis- while carefully detracted from may lead to creature discom- recognize that it coulda been tion of our own privilege and the you. gaining 10 pounds is not only crimination have no part in any the actions, of those we have forts and even temporary eco- responsibility that entails. We appropriate Dut expected. modern society. The fact still chosen to represent us, which nomic instability, if we continue This means I've found myself know that student poverty is for fighting for issues that on the Where unfashionable remains though, that economic were contrary to what we may to ignore the warnings, they will only four years while three- hairstyles are vogue - because sanctions will not bring South have expected. We will hear cease to be warnings and be- surface do not seem to affect fourths of the world's population me. After all. I am white. I live you can always blame them on Africa to her knees. Granted, "hope." ''challenge," "commit- come reality. These heroes must exists in unchanging poverty- dorm water or the local campus they will affect the economy to a ment,'' and other such phrases step forward and boldly propose in the United States ana I am and their poverty does not in- economically comfortable. No- hair butchery. When a Ble- degree, but not to the point that that will inspire us to the pros- steps towards establishing a clude central heat, only one Izod mished, ruddy complexion is in everyone hopes they will. South pect of a promising future (at concrete, promising future, not body yells racial slurs at me. I shirt, or pizza only once a week. know the products on the shelves synch wth the fine campus cui- Africa can, and does, route least a four-year future). There a future based on short-term Unlike many of us, the world's sine. Just think what you're giv- many of its products through will also be voiced the "fail- goals, but one based on long- are safe - all the dangerous or poor have no one to fall back on. ing up when you graduate. defective goods have been middlemen. Also, gold and pre- ures", "mistakes", and "disap- term sustainable commitments So other students may think I Sacrificing the collegiate cious stones, major exports of pointments" of those who have to lead humankind, and this shipped off to the Third World. I am crazy for considering politi- world of dreaded 8 a.m. classes know my bank account does not South Africa, do not say where recently served - all in an effort earth we must become guard!' cal events the mainstay of my only to plunge into the business their origins are. Consequently, to convince us that we could ans of (instead of consumers of), determine whether or not I can social life. But I am an activist go to the doctor. world of 8 a.m. every day. how can anyone distinguish choose better leaders. through the 21st century. because activism keeps me con- Where baseball caps, sweats, South African gold and jewels This same season will also Our (the public) challenge But I know this safety is an nected with the rest of the world. illusion. sheetmarks embossed on your from any other country's gold bring out the statistics and now, is to listen, and to wisely If I do not value every life, here face, and bedhead aren't accep- and jewels? warnings of many, the prophets, choose those we may believe to People do say sexist things to and overseas, then my life has table. me and rape is a fact of life. The Although it is a step in the who hope to influence both us be those heroes. John Holden no value either. And that is And forget about getting notes OCMBZ4M Dalkon Shield killed women in reason enough to become in- the next day from your boss - my own country. Friends of volved. because it just doesn t work that SOCICOV by David Harris mine have been denied medical way. And I might add that no- attention because they were $200 Klosterman is a graduate as- body cares how many beers you too rich to receive financial as- sistant in English from Bowling H€Y 7H0!£"SuqM( THAT'S HOT EXACTLY and your roommate pounded the CH££KS\ CM! GET HHAT T UAO IrJ sistance. Ironic, considering Green. YOU /WW/A

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Area stations keep styles Elder Hinckley speaks by Mlzdl Stewart III Radio programming not affected by FCC ruling managing editor TOLEDO - Jack Hinckley did not discover the warning signs by Julie Wallace "We have to play by the FCC rules. of mental illness until a national staff reporter tragedy forced him to find out We are licensed by them to serve He is the father of John Hinck- Although the Federal Com- the community In the public ley, the man that attempted to munications Commission is assassinate President Reagan in planning to enforce stricter Interest, so we have to follow that front of a Washington, D.C. hotel policies concerning indecent policy." on March 30,1981. and obscene material being —Matt Keough WBGU-FM operations The elder Hinckley is founder, broadcast, most area radio chairman and president of the station executives say they manager American Mental Health Fund, will not be changing their an organization he developed to programming styles. increase public awareness of the "We will basically be unaf- facts and warning signs of men- fected by the stricter poli- the station was not careful our best interest," he said. tal illness. He spoke last night at cies," said Ron Finn, about programming. Although most of the sta- Seagate Centre to commem- program director of WMHE- "By the nature of alterna- tions do not have formal poli- orate the 25th anniversary of the FM in Toledo. "We have been tive music, it has more offen- cies about material being Ruth S. Ide Community Mental more conservative than most sive material so we have to aired, several of the stations Health Center in Toledo. stations on choosing our keep a close eye on our pro- said they do not run adver- material for advertising and gramming," he said. WBGU- tisements that they believe "Our family experienced a even news commentary." FM omits music that qual- are controversial or in poor senseless and tragic act com- Recently, the Federal Com- ifies as too offensive from its taste. mitted by our only son," he said. playlist. munications Commission an- Jay Matthews, program di- "We never realized that John nounced a new policy for Finn said the FCC crack- rector for WWWM-FM in To- was mentally ill until after the enforcing the Radio Act of down is probably directed ledo, said the station follows tragedy." 1927, which states that no more at radio stations in the "good taste" policy for John Hinckley was declared person in the United States larger cities, where there is deciding whether or not to use not guilty by reason of insanity will use obscene, indecent or more competition for original material on the air. for the assassination attempt profane language on the ra- formats and material. and is now incarcerated at a dio. The FCC said actions will "Stations in the larger cit- "Material of poor taste is Colorado mental hospital. be taken against those sta- ies might have problems ... ethnic jokes or jokes about "The more I learn about men- tions which continue to broad- they often try to be as outra- ATDS or other serious prob- tal illness, the madder I get," he cast material fitting those geous as possible," he said. lems. ... We just don't do said. "I'm not mad about the Jack Hinckley Photo/Brad PhaHti definitions. that kind of stuff, " he said. victim - I'm mad about the Ul- Matt Keough, sophomore like Finn, the news direc- "We are a family-oriented quest to be temporarily released legislators, and that working to radio-television-film major tor for Toledo station WKLR- station so we like to stick to from the hospital in order to increase the sensitivity of those and operations manager for FM, Gary Shores, said their clean, fun humor." Hinckley said spending for spend the Easter holiday with involved with the mentally ill is campus radio station WBGU- programming style will not research into mental illness lags his family. The request was den- an uphill battle. Finn said that WMHE gen- far behind funds allocated for FM, said the stricter inter- be affected by the stricter erally will not run material ied in a court hearing. "We know it's not going to be pretation of the FCC policy rilicies. Shores said WKLR- about birth control, illicit sex study of other medical prob- easy, but we hope there's not one will not create any problems M's format is designed to or feminine hygiene over the lems, and pointed out that while "By the time the hearing had set of laws for John Hinckley within the stations format, reach all age groups, elimi- air. $180 is spent per cancer patient come to pass a virtual hysteria and another set of laws for ev- but it has made everyone nating any possibility of using and $10,000 is spent for every had developed," he said. "(The eryone else - at least that's the more aware of the rules. indecent material on the air. AIDS victim, only $9 per victim media) concentrated on fear way it appears," he said. "We have to play by the "We run into difficulties is spent on research into mental rather than John's improved FCC rules," he said. "We are The decision to use certain when we air material about illness. condition." He said he doubts that society licensed by them to serve the programming, he said, is these things ... if your run a "We treat our dogs and cats "We felt he deserved a 12-hour will ever forget about the inci- community in the public in- based on deciding whether it commentary by Planned Par- better than we treat the home- pass - to show others that he dent and hopes that his work to terest, so we have to follow is in the public interest. enthood, then in accordance less, many of whom are men- was no longer dangerous," he raise awareness will help pre- that policy." "For example, I personally with the FCC's equal time tally ill," he said. "If it were said. vent the same thine from hap- The format of WBGU-FM, don't approve of running Erevision, you are responsi- fatal more often, it certainly Hinckley said this situation pening to other families. playing a wide variety of "al- adult bookstore advertise- le for giving equal time to would command more atten- came about because mental ill- "We could not simply return ternative" music, could cre- ments on our station ... they groups such as Right-To-Life tion." ness is little understood by the to private life as if nothing ever ate problems, Keough said, if are not serving the public in and so on," he said. Recently, media attention has Eublic, the news media, courts, happened," he said. focused on John Hinckley's re- iw enforcement officials and ^fTUirttw r ^xxxiiilimiK^IL 1 HAIR REPAIR To Horshman Rfl's, Nightguords, 61 1 Quod Coundl: nai@ \* 1 PERM HAIRCUT SPECIAL 445 E. WOOSTER 1 SPECIAL I Old Huntinglon Bank Branchl 1 Opon Mon -Thurs 11-9. 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The University Bookstore thanks you for your GRAND past patronage! Have a safe trip home and a good Summer! OPENING For your Fall semester shopping convenience; we will be open Saturday 8/22 before classes begin, CELEBRATION from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. and Sunday 8/23 from noon until 6:00p.m. Save 10% to 25%


GRADUATING SENIORS UNIVERSITY Bast—Tretorn—Reebok BOOKSTORE STAFF Have a safe trip home! 145 N. Main 353-8942 BG News/April 30,1987 5

Blotter fftak DISCOUNT 902 E. WOOSTER ■ NEXT TO TO. « - PHONE: 352 3951 'Mr. TV combines art, media A University student told po- OPIN MON Ih.u WIO 9 10 9 THUK I Itl 1 to 10 SAt 10 10 • SUNDAY 11 lo 6 lice he was assaulted by a group SERVING COLLEGE STUDENTS FOR 25 YEARS by Robert Sllverman of males Tuesday night while reporter standing on the sidewalk on East Wooster Street, across the street Sitting in the audience from Founders Quadrangle. The WE CASH BGSU PAYROLL CHECKS viewing a play on stage is student said he was pushed by considered to be a traditional one of them, a white male about way of watching a theater 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighing performance. But one Uni- 160 pounds, and was struck by versity teaching fellow has another, suffering a black eye ICE COLD BEER taken this tradition and and a cut on his forehead, police SOLD AT STATE MINIMIUM PRICES! moved it one step further. said. The incident was reported "The Life of Mr. T.," which at 9:40 p.m. Tuesday. will be performed today and tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Gish D A neighbor found the back ALL Theater, merges video tech- door of a vacant house on South nology and music with the Main Street open Tuesday night, 50 more traditional style of the Klice said. Police checked the theater to create a theatrical use at 530 S. Main St. and SUNGLASSES ot effect known as "perfor- found that someone had been mance art." there and had turned up the Brian Russo, creator and heat. Nothing appeared to be writer of the play, said he missing, police said. The house 2% compares performance art to is owned t>y Maurer and Green the kind of experimental mu- Rentals. sic performed by John Cage. MILK CIGARETTES BREAD "It's an art form," Russo D A Toledo man was arrested said. "It began in the '60s and at 10:29 p.m. Tuesday at Food- tries to break down bar- town, 1044 N. Main St., police riers." said. Wai Kit Ho, 30, was 89* 2 §1.86 45* Russo, teaching fellow in charged with shoplifting for the PIUS TAX 16 oz. attempted theft of a lobster tail creative writing, said perfor- % GALLON LOAF mance art takes place in lots priced at $11.95, police said. 20 CL PACKS of different ways and is very viable because it gives a per- D The theft of a light tan son a chance to find expres- couch from the front porch of a PICTURE PICTURE sion in many different forms. house at 214 N. Enterprise St. "The Life of Mr. T.," Russo was reported at 1:44 p.m. Tues- said, snows the life of a char- day, police said. FREE EXTRA PRINT acter who rents a men's bath- 1 DAY GUARANTEED PROCESSING room in an office building in SEE IN STORE FOB DETAILS EVERYDAY downtown Manhattan. Russo, who was also trained in New York as an HERRUD actor, created this piece for an independent study course $ in play writing. HOT DOGS 2.49 the main character, Mr. SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 T., is a man unable to deal 16 oz. with life and decides to move into a public bathroom in KINGSF0RD order to structure his life. "He's been in the outside MATCHLIGHT CHARCOAL '2.49 world and has failed," Russo said. "He's unable to deal SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 with all the things he has to face so he turns in on himself. He thinks if he's alone and controlling everything, his $ life will work out fine, so he Woodsy Owl says KODAK FILM m 2.79 compartmentalizes his life. K0DAC0L0R 35mm 24 EXP. OR DISC BG News/Mike McCune "He goes into a certain stall No Noise Pollution Here! Smile to think," he said. "In a SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 Rayme Marcozzi. a senior radio-televisionfilm major, films sense, he's gotten all of his Give a hoot. Brian Russo, a graduate student in creative writing, for a short outer needs completely taken KELL0GGS film Russo wrote called "The Life of T." The film will be care of, but it turns bad any- Don't pollute. shown May 1 and 2 at 8 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater. way." POP-TARTS 11oz. ASST. FLAVORS SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 SUMMER RENTALS ^is selling 60s week GIANT CASSETTES SALE

FREE AIR CONDITIONING, ® Kennedy memorabilia. ALL $5.98 MFG. LIST ALL $6.98 MFG. LIST FREE Water/Sewer FOR$ Buttons 50* and M .25 2FOR$300 2 10.00 trash pick up and gas for cooking. Posters »2.00 Available in the UAO office Today 8 Tomorrow THOUSANDS OF CASSETTES TO CHOOSE FROM Excellent location - 800 3rd street. SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 Bumper Reasonable Rates. Limited Openings. Stickers •1.00 UAO 372-2343 NABISCO 3"floor Call Now! University Union OREO Georgetown Manor Apartments 16oz. CHOCOLATE SANDWICH COOKIES SALE ENDS MAY 7.1987 GET YOUR 2nd 352-4966 GREETING CARD 50% RAX WEEKEND WHEN YOU BUY 1 OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE OFF * ALL CARDS INCLUDED! SALE END MAY 7,1 7 BREAKFAST BUFFET AND 98 FALCON HOUSE MOVING SALE NOW THRU SUNDAY FRESH FRUIT BAR CHECK OUT OUR SAVINGS STORE-WIDE SWIMWEAR RUNNING SHORTS 25% to 50% &T0PS OFF 20% OFF NIKE WINDBREAKERS TIGHTS AQUA NET reg. '24.K 20% OFF NOWM9.95 All VARSITY, WOOL, S MOUSSE SALE ENDS MAY 7, 1987 SHOE SALE NYLON QUILTED SCHOOL JACKETS ATHLETIC SHOES DARLING'S SAVE 20% * Ip J 5 $ $ up to $20.00 A delicious array of all your breakfast favorites POPCORN 49* 16oz. "GUARANTEED TO POP" SALE ENDS MAY 7, i 7 featuring scrambled eggs, fresh baked muffins 9l FALCON HOUSE A and biscuits, bacon, sausage, F0R DOWNTOWN B.G. hJ potatoes and more. Plus a CANDY BARS 3 89 140 E. WOOSTER 352-3610 f variety of the freshest fruits of SUN MAPLE VANILLA OR CARAMEL. MAMBA. NESTLE CRUNCH, SIXLETS. the season. RESCTDRANTS WHOPPERS OR COLOR BU88LES REG «f M-F10 to 9 SAT 10-5" SUN 12-5 I SALE END MAY 7, 1987 SOFTBALL & BASEBALL GRADUATION WEEKEND SPECIAL HOURS: UNIFORMS SATURDAY •fcODu.-lMOuL SUNDAY • SEW-ON LETTERING (INCL GREEK) 1006 N. Main St, Bowling Green TWIN PACK LIGHTER 1.00 FALCON HOUSE 352-3610 IP 2/2 SALE ND HAY 7. 1987 L E BG Newi/April 30, 1987 fi Luck linked roommates Foreign enrollment up by Lynda Sanlno by Suiy Madura reporter reporter Time pressures lead to When students enter college, they sometimes discover that Hie number of international living with another person is not students enrolled at the Univer- always comfortable and care- sity has increased by 38 percent directors resignation free. during the past five years com- England to continue re- In fact, there is a good chance pared to a national increase of by Suiy Madura searching and this Is the last they will be forced to live with only 3 percent at other state- reporter time that the Daye family will someone they don't get along supported universities. be able to go to England to- with. lofhold- gether. But once international stu- I jobs, philos- "lama full-time professor But two residents of Bat- dents enroll, however, they often iDaye (in) a very active department chelder, Dawn Shinault and encounter pressures that other 'announcedl and to be able to continue in a Mary Beth Shaheen, say they students do not face, said Doug- nation as director of Interna- growing program, I need to are thankful they ended up as las Dave, director of Interna- tional Programs. contribute a fair amount of roommates this year, and are tional Programs. publications. The demands disappointed that In a tew weeks "I am not and requirements of the phi- their relationship as roommates Problems that the interna- anger, ir- losophy department are get- will end. tional students encounter range ritation or tins greater." Daye said. from the simple to the compli- disap- He added that the worst This year, Shinault wrote the cated, but Daye said the depart- point- part of resigning is having to winning essay in the UAO Room- ment of international programs ment," he say goodbye to the students. mate of the Year Contest that tries to work to resolve difficul- said. "The "I liked my Job very gave Shaheen the honor of being ties with professors, police and position of much," Daye said. roommate of the year. landlords, for example. director of The only thing that at- Shinault said she was not sure Despite such problems, he be- the Inter- tracted him to the job, he how their relationship as room- lieves the increase in enrollment national said, was the international mates would work out because reflects positively upon the Uni- Programs aspect of it. Shaheen is an 18-year-old fresh- versity. is a full- Daye Jeff GrilUot, assistant di- man, and Shinault is a 22-year- time position and I am also a rector of International Pro- old senior. full-time professor. I reached grams, will serve as interim "The University doesn't lower the point where I couldn't director. A search committee "Amazingly, it was a blessing their standards by admitting maintain two full-time jobs." will be formed to select a new in disguise. I don't see an age these students, because these Daye said he plans to go to director, Daye said. difference between us at all. are usually high achievers pres- She's a lot wiser than me in sured by parents back in their some things." Shinault said. country who are the sponsors of Shaheen also enjovs her room- these students," he said. program, Daye said, noting the went to give papers as a scholar mate's companionship. Daye said he credits the in- success of the Study in England in Australia, Hong Kong, En- "It's a little hard because I crease of international student program. gland and Malaysia, I used some can't get into the bars, but we enrollment to the successful dis- Recruitment efforts consist of time doing some administrative always manage to have a good semination of information about regularly distributing Univer- recruiting." time together even if we are just the University overseas. sity catalogs and information to The department is still grow- staying up late talking," she embassies by using a network of ing, and currently there are 410 said. In addition to distributing organizations that channel for- foreign students enrolled at the Shinault described their such information, the depart- eign students to America, such University. relationship as unique because ment of international programs as the American Malaysian Ad- of Shaheen's genuine concern also responded to each of more vancement Association and the However, not all areas of in- for people, ana because "she is than 4,300 inquiries that were Institution of International Edu- ternational enrollment are the sunshine in every good and sent to the International pro- cation. growing. BG News/Rob Upton bad situation." grams department last year "On occasion, when I went on Asian enrollment has the high- Mary Beth Shaheen and Dawn Shinault D See Roomies, page 7. from prospective students and research trips to different coun- est growth, with about 55 per- parents. tries by invitations, I would use cent of the international To increase student ex- the time to meet parents of students from Asia, including changes, the department ex- potential students," Daye said. Pakistan, India and northern Hurry! Availability Limited! panded its Study Abroad ''On many other trips where I Japan.

Preferred Properties Co. BGSU FILM STUDIES PROGRAM 835 High St. - Rental Oftice Phone: 352-9378 presents Available for fall rentals: The New German Film Pledmont-8- & High St. 650 Sixth St. 707 Sixth St. 818 Seventh St. May 18-June 17,1987 Our apartments feature two bedrooms, carpeted, gas heat, laundry Gish Theater (Hanna Hall) areas in each building, lots of closet space, IV2 baths. Get 3 hrs. COLLEGE CREDIT (undergrad. & grad. of AUDIT). One of Cherrywood Health Spa the most exciting learning experiences in the HUMANITIES. All retldenti will be granted membership to the Health Spa. The faculty features Hydro (Group II & V) Ger 415 (Sect. 3276) Spa Whirlpool, Shower Manage, Indoor Heated Pool, Moras Sauna, The course covers some of the most important directors and different aspects of this new Complete Exorcise facilities and Equipment. movement. During a 2 hr. discussion session each film wlK be analyzed as an expression of Stop In and see our listings for summer rental*! contemporary German culture with focus on various film techniques from both the aspect of popular entertainment and of film as an artistic medium. Opportunity to view each film twice will be given. $$$SS$$SSS$$S$$$S$$SS$$$S$$$$S$SS$S$$$$SS$$S$$S$$SS$$$$$SSS$SS$SSSSSSS$S«S$SSSSSSKttSmH All Films Are With English Subtitles For further information: Dr. Klaus M. Schmidt, Department of GREAL, BGSU, Bowling Green, RENTAL HOTLINE OH 43403, Phone: (419) 372-2260 1 352-9302 Call or Visit us . . . 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Thru Finals Week


505 Clough St. B15 Across the Railroad tracks from "Dairy Queen" (Campus Manor Apartments) Representing Over 200 Different Student Rental Apartments Efficiency thru Luxury

$$ Fall Rentals Starting from only '85.00 per month per person $$ $$ Summer Bargain Rentals Starting at only '400.00 (Entire Summer)$$ Call Us Now! K Kmmm»«mmmtt«msssssssmsssssssssssmssssssmsss»usssssssssmsssmt ► Return to participating downtown merchants. BG Newi/Aprll 30,1187 7

Network BG provides link

by Mike Amburgey two have resulted in consulting staff reporter "Network BG is a program that protects for the center. "It's very difficult for a busi- If a business or industry has a assists business and industry by ness to know all about the Uni- problem it is too busy or doesn't being the link between business and versity and its resources, but a have the capacity to handle, the single phone number will put resources of the University fac- industry and the University faculty them in touch with the collective ulty are available through Net- resources of the University,"Ho- work BG. and research centers." wicksaid. "Network BG is a program Martha Tack, professor of ed- that assists business and indus- — Chris Dunn, director of University ucational administration and su- try by being the link between Research Services and Network BG pervision, said the Network BG business and industry and the program eliminates the hassle University faculty and research of conflict of interest when pro- centers," said Chris Dunn, di- received about one telephone ries and equipment. The second fessors do consulting outside of rector of University Research call per month from businesses is business development prob- their teaching duties. Services and Network BG. seeking help with a particular lems. Tack has done management Dunn said Network BG grew problem. "Many times a business is and leadership training for Sov- out of the recognition of a need "Instead of calling three or either too small to have the ereign Mortgage Corporation in to be a service to the business four offices here on campus, capacity to do development pro- Richmond, va. through Network community. businesses can call one num- grams on their own, or busi- BG. "It's been a positive experi- "Dr. OLscamp believed the ber," Dunn said. "Really it's a nesses get caught up in the daily ence and I plan to do all future University should be providing screening function. We ask a worries of management," Dunn consulting through Network better service to business and number of questions to deter- said. BG/' Tack said. industry as part of being a good mine the nature of the problem. The Management Center at The faculty member working neighbor," be said. Then we refer them to the appro- the University has also been with a business gets 5 percent of After an ad hoc committee priate faculty and set up an successful in attracting poten- what the University receives, met to discuss improvements in interview with the faculty mem- tial clients with development Dunn said. He said it depends on this area for five months, Net- ber." needs, Dunn said. the extent of the project and how work BG emerged from the dis- George Howick, director of much work is involved, and that cussions, Dunn said. TWO TYPES of needs com- the Management Center, said there is no standard contract The program began opera- pose the projects into which his office has done work on two amount that applies to all pro- tions in February 1964 and is University faculty enter with the projects through referrals from jects. housed in the offices of Research business. Dunn said. The first is Network BG. He said the Man- Dunn said the majority of cli- Services. the need for scientific testing agement Center has had several ents are businesses located in In the beginning, Network BG which calls for use of laborato- referrals from Network BG, and Northwest Ohio.

Channell Roomies- D Continued from page 1. Iran-contra committees wouldn't grant immunity to North, even though he had earlier agreed to that prospect, which would have led a Continued from page 6. to public testimony by North no earlier than June. "No matter how many pro- "I had no idea she had written Yesterday's charge to which Channell pleaded guilty carries a jects and/or committees she has it. I appreciate it very much and BG News/Rob Upton maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. gotten herself into, she still has I'll never forget it," she said. The iudge agreed to delay Channell's sentencing until, in Brom- time to listen to my problems as Which end's up? wich s words, "the completion of his cooperation^ with the investi- well as everyone else's," Shi- For winning the prize, Sha- David Haas, freshman human resource management major, gation. nault said. heen received an album from stretches out on one of the steps of Moseley Hall late yesterday Channell, a short man with a pencil-thin blond mustache, ap- Currently, Shaheen is a mem- Finders Records, tickets for a afternoon while waiting for his computer program to run peared very subdued as he stood before Harris in court. On his way ber of Volunteers In Progress UAO film and a gift certificate through In the Union computer lab. out, he declined to comment, saying, "No, I've said it all." and serves at a home for the for dinner at Sundance, which A Channell spokesman has said the fund-raiser relied a dozen or mentally retarded in Napoleon. she plans to share with Shinault. more times on North to brief potential contributors to the contras. Shinault said doing this work And the formal charge against Channell, while not naming North, brings out a compassion many Both of the roommates said said there were numerous other meetings in Washington and Dallas. other people are lacking. they are going to miss living "She comes home every Tues- together, and they are happy to BS5?J355S??S55^ day night and is so excited to tell have had the chance to become cmmE^s= CALL me about all of the residents great friends. there. She sees a very beautiful :•: and special side to each and "Now someone else will get STOPPERJ7 352-0077 GOOD LUCK ON FINALS! i one of them that most the delight of having Mary it would not begin to see," Beth's sunshine to brighten up SSSSS-*!^^ lult wrote. cloudy days," Shinault said.



APRIL 27 thru MAY 8 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. SATURDAY 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

th THE WHOLESALER WILL BE HERE MAY 4 THRU MAY 8 th Elsewhere BG Newi/April 30,1987 8 Congressman wants GE divestment WASHINGTON (AP)-A congress- those circumstances," CBS News Pres- as actual conflict of interest. poration has an interest in some area of colleague Dennis Eckart, DOhio. man suggested yesterday that General ident Howard Stringer told a hearing "Maybe we should consider legis- Cublic policy and that any corporate would research the GE-NBC issue and Electric Corp., a major defense con- before the House Energy and Com- lation requiring GE to divest itself of itrusion upon news would itself be a perhaps introduce legislation. tractor, be required to divest itself of merce subcommittee on telecommuni- NBC," Slattery said. "If different peo- hot news story. NBC because of a potential conflict of cations and finance. Ele were there, the opportunity would "If we don't find out about it, our Grossman told reporters following interest in owning a news organization. e there where a major network could competition will," he said. the session that Slattery's question NBC News President Lawrence become the salesperson rather than the would be more appropriately put to the But news chiefs of the three networks Grossman said neither GE nor its pre- watchdog of its owner." Grossman also cited the recent NBC network's chief executive officer, Rob- insisted there would be wholesale res- decessor, RCA, also a defense contrac- documentary, "A Trillion Dollars for ert Wright, who is scheduled to testify ignations, including theirs, should any tor, had ever tried to exert influence HE NOTED that GE has a financial Defense, what Have We Bought?" with the other network CEO's when the parent company seek to influence a over NBC News. interest in the Strategic Defense Initia- that, in part, criticized weapons pro- hearing continues today. network news division. tive, the Reagan administration's am- jects produced by GE. However, Rep. Jim Slattery, D-Kan., bitious missile-defense effort still a After the hearing, called to examine "ITS A legitimate question, but the "I think we're an enormous porcu- contended that an appearance of con- subject of debate reported in the news. the effects of corporate takeovers on track record of GE has been very pine that would be indigestible under flict of interest could be as damaging Grossman suggested that every cor- network news, Slattery said he and clear," Grossman said. House OKs trade amendment S. African police WASHINGTON (AP)-The benefits not be required to be goods, U.S. auto parts duties ditional right to U.S. markets search black union House yesterday overwhelm- extended to any country that would also have to be lowered only if the United States gets ingly approved an amendment refuse to permit reciprocal mar- for all other nations that have equal treatment." offered by Rep. Marcy Kaptur, ket access opportunities. signed the General Agreement Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D- JOHANNESBURG, South and Harbor Workers Union DOhio, aimed at encouraging "Those nations not willing to on Tariffs and Trade, including m., said the amendment merely Africa (AP) - Riot police sur- were discussing their seven- foreign countries to open their afford U.S. firms substantially those countries which effec- seeks to assure international rounded a black union head- week strike, which led to the markets to U.S. products. equivalent treatment in interna- tively keep U.S. goods out of acceptance under G ATT of what quarters yesterday while mass firing of 16,000 workers Kaptur said the amendment, tional trade would not be guar- their markets. is already existing practice, the officers went through the last week by the South Afri- which was incorporated into the anteed 'most favored nation' "THESE COUNTRIES are not application of new trade 11-story building with masked can Transport Services. trade bill by a vote of 396-19, status or other such trade bene- required to offer anything in agreements on a conditional witnesses, apparently to would establish a new objective fits ...," said Kaptur. return for the special status they most-favored-nation basis. make arrests for the killing of THE BODIES of three for U.S. officials in their interna- The Toledo Democrat said are granted through 'most fa- However, Rep. Bill Frenzel, four railway workers. black men and one of mixed- tional trade negotiations. that if the United States lowered vored nation' and other multila- I {-Minn., opposed the amend- The state-run South African race were found Tuesday She said it would direct nego- import duties on auto parts in teral trade benefits .. .," she ment, saying it is not a good Broadcasting Corp. reported night under a pile of burned tiators to obtain an international exchange for West Germany said. "This new commandment negotiating objective nor a good on its television news that at tires at a train station, agreement that certain trade reducing tariffs on electronic of trade establishes this uncon- time to raise it in the process. least 11 people were detained according to a police after police searched the statement. It said the victims downtown building while it "had been brutally assaulted was cordoned off late into the with knives and pangas evening. It gave no details. (sharpened sticks) and their bodies set alight." Air Force backs new complex More than 75 policemen, wearing plastic-visored hel- The statement said the four mets and tear gas canisters victims "were forcibly re- WASHINGTON (AP)-Air McLarty, a Wright-Patterson tactical fighter, McLarty said. systems. slung over their shoulders, moved from their places of Force officials are pushing for spokesman. At Wright-Patterson, near "They're forced to do high- stood guard with shotguns, employment to (trie union construction of a $150 million McLarty, Gen. William Thur- Dayton, ASD work is currently tech work in a low-tech environ- C" )ls, dogs and whips in building) where they were complex at Wright-Patterson man and others met Tuesday being performed in 1920s vin- ment," McLarty said. "They're t of barricades of police violently assaulted ... and Air Force Base to house man- with several Ohio congressmen tage buildings. not able to do their best." cars and iron gates. thereafter butchered, for no agers of advanced military air- to explain the need for the com- They've been stretched to Another concern about the ag- Officers used dogs to re- other reason than that they craft programs, officials said plex and to gauge response. the limit," McLarty said of the ing buildings is security, Mc- peatedly push back hundreds chose not to participate in yesterday. The Air Force's Aeronautical buildings. "We need new facili- Larty said, especially electronic of pedestrians and journalists COSATU's actions." "We think that unless we get Systems Division performs re- ties." eavesdropping. trying to observe the en- the building and get it quickly search and design work for new trance to the building, head- Dirk Hartford, editor of the that we're going to have a hard aircraft and weapons systems. MCLARTY SAID officials "We're facing a problem quarters of the Congress of COSATU newspaper, said in a time remaining competitive Division officials manage pro- need to have quick and easy where security is a concern for South African Trade Unions telephone interview that the against our adversaries, the So- grams that include the super- access to each other since many the future," McLarty said. (COSATU) and its affiliates. union had no knowledge of the viets, in the year 2000 and be- secret "Stealth" bomber, the of the aircraft programs require "That is becoming a significant The police swoop occurred four deaths. He denied that yond," said Lt. Col. Douglas Cruise missile and an advanced an integration of sophisticated problem." as hundreds of members of the men were assaulted in a the South African Railways union building.

Bowling Green VIETNAM Summer Musical theatre THE WIND DOESN'T BLOW annnounces... Open IT SUCKS Auditions for "Oliver" 'July 10, 11. 13 & 14; Sept. 11 & 12 and "Grease- juiy 30, 31, & Aug 1; Sept. 18 & 19 Saturday, May 2 3 p.m. Bryan Recital Hall Moore Musical Arts Center and Sunday, May 3 2 p.m. Room 1012 Moore Musical Arts Center Those auditioning should be prepared to sing a song of their choice. Accompaniment will be provided.

LOOK NO FURTHER!! We have your apartment for summer & fall 707 Sixth St. 818 Seventh St. • Two bedroom apts., furnished • Landlord pays gas heat, water and sewage • Tenant pays electric Stanley Kubrick's Preferred Properties Co. 835 High St. 352-9378 FULL METAL JACKET All residents will b. granted mem- berships to the Health Spa. The facility features Hydro Spa Whirl- STARRING pool. Shower Massage, Indoor MATTHEW MOQINI IK Heated Pool. Metos Sauna, Com- SCMt«Pl»r MSCDW [HI » .'. plete Exercise facilities and Equip- THISHO'IllMIBBt ntoouctiJ "aw siMH«n ment. BG News/April», 1987 9

New sanitation rules News Digest W for migrant workers State GOP ups school funding Promoters seek 'Worldwalker' COLUMBUS (AP) - Major- in which he blamed Senate BETHEL (AP)-Steve He has an agent negotiating ity Republicans in the Senate GOP tax cuts for the state's Newman, whose walk around deals with four New York decried as 'stupid* said vesterday they would tight budget. the world earned him global book publishers, has endorse- provide an extra $90 million Aronoff told a news confer- publicity, has been beset by ment contracts with three for schools in their version of ence that the Senate GOP offers of deals and endorse- corporations, a Manhattan TOLEDO (AP)-The leader "If the Farm Bureau had any the House-passed state bud- budget for the next two fiscal ments and could wind up a public relations company that of a migrant workers union self-respect, they would find an- get, but would not say how years starting July 1 would millionaire by next year, he schedules his time, and even charged yesterday a Farm Bu- other spokesperson," Velasquez they would raise the money. provide $3.1 billion for pri- says. a video coming out June 1. reau spokesman was a racist said. "That is terribly insulting Senate President Paul Gil- mary and secondary educa- Newman said he is being "Hectic. Hectic. The phone when he said regulations requir- and racist. Our people are hu- lmor, R-Port Clinton, and tion in fiscal year 1988, and whisked from California to doesn't stop ringing. People ing toilets and fresh water for man beings and they want the Senate Finance Chairman $3.2 billion in fiscal 1989. New York to Japan by busi- are always knocking on the farm workers were "stupid." facilities.^ Stanley Aronoff, R-Cincin- Aronoff acknowledged the nesses anxious to use his door," said Newman, who The regulations were issued He said the regulations are not nati, also reacted sharply to extra money amounted to a "Worldwalker" moniker to came home to Bethel April 1 Tuesday by Labor Secretary needed in Northwest Ohio or published remarks by Demo- comparatively small percent- endorse everything from after a 22,500-mile global , William Brock, and end a 15- southern Michigan because shoes to rubber. odyssey. ; year struggle by migrant labor growers established toilet facili- cratic Gov. Richard Celeste age boost. ! and Hispanic groups to force ties and fresh water supplies '. : growers to provide sanitation several years ago during a na- 3 escape jail; mother returns 1 Spring storm strikes Northeast j facilities that the government tionwide boycott of Campbell ; has required of other employers Soup Co. products. JACKSON (AP)-Three Taylor, 32, escaped between by the Associated Press In Massachusetts, more • for decades. The boycott took place as the Srisoners escaped from the 2:30 and 3 a.m. than 8 inches of snow fell at FLOC struggled to get Campbell ackson County Jail yester- Barney was being held on A spring storm dumped up Worcester Airport by S p.m. Growers have a May 30 dead- growers to recognize the union. day after they hid in an area burglary charges from Vin- to 8 inches of snow in parts of Heavy flakes stalled rush- : line to supply workers with The FLOC now has agreements normally reserved for intoxi- ton County and escape the Northeast on Tuesday, hour traffic in Boston, and I "suitably cool" and "readily with growers who produce prod- cated prisoners, distracted a charges from Jackson while Texas basked in record- poor visibility caused half- ; accessible" drinking water, and ucts for Campbell and Heinz C" r and slipped out the County. Taylor was being breaking heat. hour delays at that city's • a July 30 deadline for wash USA. t door, officials said. held on robbery charges, and Light rain and snow ex- Logan International Airport. | basins and toilets within a quar- One of the escapees was Herndon is facing misdemea- tended across southern and Temperatures were to cool 1 ter mile of where they are work- "Our long struggle with later returned to the jail by nor counts. central New England and a bit in western Washington Campbell Soup Co. brought an his mother, according to the Herndon was returned to parts of eastern New York state in the wake of record- >y, Charles Fields, a incredible amount of public at- authorities. the jail yesterday afternoon state. Rain showers were breaking highs in the 80s I government affairs specialist tention to these conditions," Ve- Deputy Tony Robinson said by his mother. scattered over western New Monday on both sides of the ; with the American Farm Bu- lasquez said. "Many growers, prisoners Randy Barney, 26, Robinson said all three men York, Pennsylvania and New Cascades, and rain was ex- , reau Federation, called the new because of public scrutiny, vol- Jack Herndon, 20, and Roger now face escape charges. Jersey. pected along the coast. ; regulations "stupid," saying untarily provided those facili- ; most workers will continue to ties. ; prefer carrying a personal sup- "I think the rest of the grow- 1 ply of drinking water and few ers are moving in that direction will use the new mandated toi- to make the necessary im- lets or hand basins. provements," he said. "Much of "A lot of farmers already pro- that has come because of the : vide these facilities and two- dialogue with Campbell, Heinz thirds of the workers don't avail and growers organizations be- themselves of them," Fields cause of our collective bargain- said. "We've found that people ing agreements." would rather go in the woods or behind a tree than walk a few THE IMPROVEMENTS will feet." reduce infectious parasitic dis- eases among farm laborers by BALDEMAR VELASQUEZ. more than two-thirds and will president of the Toledo-based decrease heat stroke and other Farm Labor Organizing Com- heat-related illnesses and mittee, said he was appalled at deaths by 90 percent, officials Fields' comments. say.

Graduating? Need a Job?

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The complex has its own laundry facilities, a party room with a kitchen and bar, a sauna and swimming pool. ALL RESIDENTS ARE GRANTED THE PRIVILEGE OF USING CHERRYWOOD HEALTH SPA located at 835 High St., Bowling Green.

STUDENT RECREATION CENTER Learn To Swim Program First Session June 15 - June 26 Second Session June 29 - July 10 (no classes July 4, dosses mill be held Sat., July 11) Third Session Julu 13 - July 24 Fourth Session July 27 - August 7 Registration June 1 - June 5 Cost: $7 per session, per child at sign-up. Must have SflC Membership prior to registering. Classes will be scheduled Mon.-Fri. from 9am-lpm J 820S.MAIN 353-006/ Swimming Instructors Wanted For more information please call MON-FRI 9:OOam-8 SAT 8:30am-6 SUN lOam-5 Scott Levin, 372-7477. **************************t BG News/April 30,1987 10

Vicious dog bill clears Ohio House Ohio Senate hears expert witnesses COLUMBUS (AP) - A bill penalizing the "I think people should understand that Owners of dangerous or vicious dogs owners of dangerous or vicious dogs that we're not overreacting here. We're simply would have to keep them securely confined attack other animals or people cleared the trying to find a responsible approach ... on their property, or on a leash when off House on a 90-6 vote yesterday, three to a growing problem in our state," he the premises. testify on new plea weeks after a pit bull attack that left a said. Violators of the dangerous dog section Kettering man dead. His bill, which now goes to the Senate, could be charged with a misdemeanor But sponsoring Rep. Robert Hickey, D- would define a dangerous dog as one that offense, but under the vicious dog provi- 'Guilty but mentally ill' may replace Dayton, said the measure was not a result chases or approaches in a menacing fash- sions they could in certain cases be of any specific incident. ion any person or other animal such as a charged with a felony. "House Bill 352 is the product of more cat, other dog or livestock. innocent by reason of insanity appeal than a year of debate and review. It was IN THE CASE of a dog that killed or not put together to respond to one death, A vicious dog generally would be one caused serious injury to a person, a judge COLUMBUS (AP)-Expert thought Ohio could go further, as nor to ... single out one breed," Hickey that has killed or caused serious injury to would be required to order the dog put to witnesses clashed yesterday Idaho has done. said. any person or other animal. death. over whether Ohio should adopt He said that state abolished a new criminal plea of guilty but the plea of innocent by reason of mentally ill. insanity, but retained the right Judges, prosecutors, a psychi- of courts to examine the issue of atrist and others testified on a mental culpability in imposing a measure in the Senate Judiciary sentence. Griffin said he under- Designer drug prohibition proposed Committee that would establish stands that Utah and Montana the new plea as an option to the have adopted a similar law' 'and have been molecularly altered home chemistry lab can be syn- plea of innocent by reason of to my knowledge, no court has COLUMBUS (AP) - Designer equipment needed. found that they are unconstitu- drugs would be outlawed and "Because designer drugs are to prevent prosecution under thesized into a volume of drugs insanity. existing laws. with a street value of $1 mil- Sen. Eugene Watts, R-Colum- tional." authorities would have new le- simple and inexpensive to pro- bus, also seeks in his measure to Judge Robert Kraft, Hamilton gal weapons to attack organized duce, they threaten to surpass CELEBREZZE SAID the Stin- lion." Celebrezze told a news conference. assure treatment of mentally ill County Common Pleas Court, crime under a proposed new law even cocaine and crack in their ziano's bill would outlaw the said he supports Watts' bill but unveiled by Attorney General popularity and use," Stinziano production, sale or use of the The bill also would create the offenders before and even after Anthony Celebrezze and Rep. said. drugs in Ohio. offense of money laundering, their possible release into so- disagreed that it should be ex- attacking a criminal's ability to ciety. panded. Kraft indicated he Mike Stinziano yesterday. "... (V)ery often the mis- 'They are low-cost and high- agreed with claims that the re- Stinziano, DColumbus, said takes of these unskilled chem- profit items for organized conceal illegal profits; increase Watts offered the measure in crime. Production of designer fines for drug trafficking to as part as a result of the continuing sult could be a legally Questiona- designer drugs were becoming a ists can produce greater harm to controversy surrounding the ble "bifurcated trial" on a lucrative criminal investment, the people taking the drugs than drugs requires neither sophisti- much as $250,000; establish a limited witness protection pro- case of William Milligan. The defendant's mental state. and he displayed a glass bowl the drugs themselves," he said. cated laboratory equipment nor But Ralph Henn, a psychia- and tubing obtained by Ce- Designer drugs are those pro- expensive chemistry training. gram; and allow authorities to case drew national attention in lebrezze 's investigators to dem- duced to resemble other drugs It's been estimated that $200 grant immunity in certain cases the late 1970s when Milligan was trist at Grant Medical Center in worth of raw materials in a in return for testimony. found innocent of rape and ab- Columbus, said he thinks the onstrate the small amount of such as LSD or PCP, but which duction by reason of insanity. issue of guilt should be deter- A book about him alleges Mil- mined separately, even if all ligan at one time had as many as parties agree that a defendant 20 distinct personalities. did not know right from wrong Although Milligan could have when the crime was committed. Legislators clash on savings and loan bill been subject to the same verdict Treatment then could be consid- under Watts' bill, he also could ered, he said. COLUMBUS (AP)-The Savings Bank. mony to provide for repeal of a ied Home State's failure and the have been found guilty but men- Democrat-controlled House and But before the Senate could consumer interest rate ceiling in ensuing thrift crisis in which tally ill and required to undergo IN THAT WAY. Henn said GOP-dominated Senate yester- act, the House suspended proce- a move that had nothing to do Gov. Richard Celeste closed all treatment indefinitely in "a se- those who treat offenders could day clashed procedurally, either dural rules to bring up and pass with reforming savings and loan state-charted thrifts in Ohio un- cure setting." concentrate on the treatment due to missed signals or political 85-12 an almost indentical bill, laws. til they could re-open with fed- THE BILL provides that the "without getting involved in the maneuvering, on legislation re- sending that proposal to the Sen- Branstool said he will seek to eral deposit insurance. court could make the release of adversarial role of the criminal vamping Ohio's savings and ate where both parties called have the amendment removed, Senators of both parties were defendants being treated with justice system." loan laws. caucuses that continued inter- and, failing that, indicated Dem- awaiting the outcome of a so-called psychotropic drugs John Murphy, spokesman for Senators scheduled an af- mittently into the late afternoon. ocrats might withhold their pre- closed-door meeting between conditional upon their reporting the Ohio Association of Pros- ternoon floor vote on a measure To further complicate mat- viously agreed support of the bill House Speaker Vem Riffe Jr., Eiriodically to receive medica- ecuting Attorneys, said the bill that ostensibly would prevent ters, Sen. Eugene Branstool, D- sponsored by Sen. Richard Fi- D-New Boston, and Senate Pres- on. "... would encourage compro- future failures of Ohio thrifts Utica, contended the Senate nan, R-Cincinnati. ident Paul Gillmor, R-Port Clin- Judge Burl Griffin, Cuyahoga mise verdicts. A lot of people such as the 1985 collapse of the measure had been amended F1NAN HEADED a special ton, apparently over how to County Common Pleas Court, being found guilty would be Cincinnati-based Home State without benefit of public testi- legislative committee that stud- proceed. supported Watts' bill but said he found guilty but mentally ill." A WORD FROM uPrTH0NnPISC0P0EX'WRESTLER ABOUT MILLER LITE

* TRANSLATION: A SUPERBLY BREWED. FINE TASTING PILSNER BEER Sports BG News/April 30, W87 11 Rockets win in a 'breeze'

by Andy Woodard in the bottom of the inning and Jeff Shokles. One out later Scott sports reporter had a chance to win. Seigfried, who was 4-5 in the Shortstop Tim Hatem led off second game with a homer and With the wind gusting out to with a homer to right-center to two RBrs, doubled to left-center right and right-center field yes- cut the UT lead to M. One out to move Pawlak to third. terday at Warren E. Stellar later, first baseman Greg La- After an intentional walk to Field, it was easy to see the shuk belted his second the pinch-hitter Mitchell, sec- baseball doubleheader between of the game and fifth of season to ond-baseman Joseph Kruzel hit Bowling Green and Toledo was pull BG within one run. a towering sacrifice fly to deep going to be anything but a pitch- Right-hander Winston Mason center to score Pawlak. Gerald ers duel. then relieved freshman starter Steidel then lined-out to center The two teams combined for Dave Krol and served up a sin- to end the inning. 57 hits, 25 of them for extra gle to Joe Mueller and then hit The Falcons had a chance to bases including 10 home runs, as Ken Ospelt with a pitch. Falcon tie and win the game in the the Rockets swept the Falcons 8- Jason Welch ran for Mueller and bottom of the inning but failed. 7 and 14-13. teammate Dave Freese ran for After one out Ospelt, who was The Rockets, who swept all Ospelt. 4-5 in the game with a homer and four games from BG this season, Right-hander Rick Brandon two RBI's, reached on an error are now 16-14 overall and 9-7 in then relieved Mason and the by second sacker Kruzel. Ospelt the Mid-American Conference. runners moved up to second and moved to second on a ground out The Falcons drop to 14-25 over- third on a wild-pitch. by Ward and to third on an all, 4-14 in the MAC. Right-fielder Kevin Ward then infield single by Shawn Gillen- UT coach Stan Sanders said hit a short, fly ball to left. Welch water. his team was very fortunate to went back to the bag to tag-up, win the two games. but the wind blew the ball out of Pinch-hitter Matt Oestrike "Both teams hung in there. It left-fielder Mitchell's reach. then grounded out to second to was a crazy game," he said. Mitchell fielded the ball on one end the game. "When you win games like this bounce and threw a strike to Marty McCarthy, the fourth you feel lucky that things went Kubacki, who blocked the plate Rocket , gained the win our way." and tagged out Welch for the with one and two-thirds of two- In the bottom of the seventh second out. hit relief. inning of both games, the Fal- Falcon Chris Carden then hit a Salter, the third Falcon cons had the tying and winning long fly ball to left where Mitch- pitcher, took the loss to drop to 3- runs on base, but were unable to ell made a great running catch get the needed hits. to end the game. Tbe Falcons host Wright St. "This has been the story all Krol gained the win for Toledo this afternoon at 3. year-we come close." BG to raise his record to 5-2. In six FALCON NOTES: Carden had coach Ed Platzer said. "It's and one-third innings he allowed 5 hits including three doubles really a damn shame. The kids seven runs, all earned, on nine and three RBI's in the two are playing hard. I feel sorry for hits and two walks. He also games ... Dues went 4-for-4 in them." struck out seven. the second game with a double and three RBI's.. .Greg La- In the first game the score was Brandon recorded the save for shuk hit two home runs in the tied 5-5 going to the seventh. UT. first game and drove in four UT's Scott Siegfried led off BG's Eric Moraw (M) took runs for the day .. .Ospelt had 6 with a double to left. After a the loss in relief of starter Chuck hits in 8 at-bats with two homers walk to left-fielder Mickey Steward. and three RBI's and was hit by a Mitchell, designated-hitter In the second game the Fal- pitch .. .Mueller had three hits, Bruce Johnson ripped a double cons tied the game at 13 in the including a home run .. .Ward to right scoring both Siegfried bottom of sixth on an RBI single had three hits .. .Hatem drove and Mitchell. Johnson went to by Todd Dues and an RBI double in three runs with three hits and third on the throw home. by Carden. a sacrifice fly .. .UT coach After a walk to Mike Koester, In the seventh with righty Sanders was thrown out of the catcher Dan Kubacki hit into a John Salter working his third second game for arguing a call BG News/Rob Upton double play which scored John- inning of relief for BG, the Rock- about whether or not a pitch Bowling Green's Jason Welch walks away after getting thrown out at in the bottom of the seventh inning son. ets' Tony Pawlak reached base thrown by BG's Chris Fugitt hit of yesterday's 8-7 loss to Toledo. The Rockets swept the doubleheader 8-7, 14-13. However, the Falcons rallied on an error by first-baseman Rocket Bruce Johnson.

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SRC YOUTH FUN AND FITNESS DAYS graduating class would like to This program is designed to provide your children with new opportunities through fun and fitness promotion. thank the following people: Objectives of FUN and FITNESS DAYS: Dr. Barbara Bauer Dr. Patricia King Dr. Gerald Saddlemire To help children recognize the importance of Dr. Michael Coomes Dr. Leila Moore Lois Silvieus health, safety, and good leisure-time activities. To teach children good sportsmanship through Suzanne Crawford Dr. Audrey Rentz Dr. Carney Strange both competitive and cooperative sports. To introduce sports that can be enjoyed for the rest of their lives. To give children the opportunity to see campus programs through visits and hands-on experience. To give children the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the Student Recreation Center and the Bowling Your constant support has helped us Green State University campus. to conquer the many challenges of Two Three-Week Sessions: Session I ■ June 22 July 9 1-4 p.m. Session II - July 20 August 6 1-4 p.m. our graduate education program. Monday 6 Wednesday grades 1 -3 Monday & Wednesday grades 4-6 Tuesday & Thursday grades 4-6 Tuesday & Thursday grades 1-3

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:$> jRjL-pr BG News/April 30, 1987 12

Gus Johnson dies of cancer AKRON (AP) - A man ciation. thought by many to be the On Johnson's birthday Dec. prototype of today's profes- 13, the Bullets (now known as sional basketball stars has the Washington Bullets) re- died of brain cancer at the tired the uniform No. 25 worn age of 48. by the former forward, who Gus Johnson, one of Ak- was among the first of NBA ron's greatest athletes who stars to make a spectacular went from Central High happening of an easy lavup School to superstar status by slam-dunking the basket- with the Baltimore Bullets of ball through the net. the National Basketball Asso- ciation, died last night in Ak- "I am saddened by the ron City Hospital. He had passing of Gus Johnson, one been in and out of the hospital of the all-time greats of the since October, when special- Bullets and one of my ists told him he had an inoper- friends," Bullets owner Abe able brain tumor. Pollin said. Drafted by the Bullets in 1963, Johnson became a stand- "Gus was the Dr. J of his out in his rookie season and time and anyone who had the played nine seasons for Balti- privilege of seeing him play more. He played in five All- will never forget what a great Star games, was named to the basketball player Gus John- all-defensive team, served as son was," Pollin said. Pollin's team captain and helped reference of Dr. J was to BG News/Pete Fellman transform his team into a Julius Erving, a star of the The Falcons'Jeff Shokels dives safely back into first base during Wareen Stellar Field. perennial contender for the Philadelphia 76ers who is re- the second game of yesterday's doubleheader against Toledo at NBA championship. tiring at the end of this sea- He finished his career in son. 1972-73 playing with Phoenix In his nine years with the Cubs' Andre a 'Giant' killer of the NBA ana Indiana of the Bullets, Johnson averaged CHICAGO (AP) - Andre Daw- third, singled in the fourth, American Basketball Asso- 17.4 points and 12.7 rebounds. son had five hits and hit for the tripled in the sixth and added Advertise'SheBG News cycle for the first time in his another single in the eighth. career to lead the The former Montreal Expos' to an M victory over San Fran- star also threw out pitcher cisco yesterday. Roger Mason at first base in the It was the fourth five-hit game second inning after Mason lined The Bolloonmon Because Jesus still changes lives... in Dawson's career. He hit his an apparent single to right. sixth home run in the first in- SF ended a three-game First to serve 8G and always ning, doubled in a run in the streak. No. 1 in providing quality costumed deliveries and decorations =CHARLESTOWN= Surprise someone APARTMENTS special in your life with a balloon bouquet MID AM MANOR delivered by one of many costumed characters. Choose from choice apartments within Fellowship of walking distance to campus—Summer 1987 and 1987-88 school year. coll Christian Students 1 or 2 bedroom, furnished or Welcomes Everyone to come and find out more. unfurnished, gas heat & water included, 352-6061 « THURSDAY 7:00 p.m., Alumni Room, Student Union air conditioning

CUP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOUR INFORMATION Resident Manager, 641 Third St.. Apt. 4, B.G. LOOKING FOR A JOB? 352-4380 1987-88 Employment Procedures In order to alleviate the lines tor employment at the beginning ol Fall Semester, the following procedure will be followed tor the lirst week NOW THAT YOU'RE ol Fail Semester: 1. Students MUST have an appointment to obtain a job referral during the first two weeks of Fall Semester GRADUATING \ 2. Students can make appointments from AUGUST 3rd THRU IS YOUR IMPORT FEELING ILL? AUGUST 21st between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru I Thursday and between 7:30 am and 11:30 p.m. on Friday by WE HAVE THE CURE I — CALLING — SHOW SOME CLASS (419)372-2721 Tin otfc« scfwMe wl be as Mows for the first tw Mb of class Impress potential employers with your good taste. BG S LARGEST MONDAY, AUGUST 24th: Kinko's has High Quality Resume Paper in a wide WORK-STUDY JOBS ONLY «l be posted - ONLY students who hive been awirded Work-Study AND MOST may rake apporitments tor ths dry assortment of colors and textures, at prices that appeal to your good business sense. COMPLETE TUESDAY, AUGUST 26th: IMPORT REGULAR AND WORK-STUDY JOBS wl be posted - AIL students may make appontmenfs for FACILITY Ins day Don'. Forget Your Matching Envelopes! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26th: REGULAR AND WORK-STUDY JOBS wl be posted • ALL students may make apportments lor thoday THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th and FRIDAY, AUGUST 28th: 352-7301 NO JOB POSTINGS - signed referrals lot students hred may be returned lo Office The second week of Fal Semester, jobs wl be posted on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 8 am for those students who previously made apportments If you hive any questions about kinko's Iheee procedures pNae contact He Office of Frarca Aid and Student Employment, 460 Great copies Great people Student Mm 372-2651 Tie UNE MAY K BUSY WHEN YOU TRY TO CALL KIT PHASE THY AGAIN. WE 113 Railroad St. AWCOATE YOUR THE AND IMERSTAIONG (behind Dexter's) MasterCard 354-3977 ^yPJJJ!2 AWLRJIjHEMJriTJOP^Y^ V^^ Co-op Corner

Mariners Inn. Hilton Head, S.C. Is Presentation by Northwestern looking lor Recreation. Hosp Mutual Lite Insurance Company THE t^JCPenney Mgmt, Bus. IPCO students to for College Agent position (or worts in various dept's at their summer on Thursday, April 30 at property. Must be able to make a 2:00 PM in the Co-op Office, THURS: WFAL NIGHT 6 month commitment. Excellent 238 Admin Bldg. OPENING learning opportunity! 20 positions * Bring a valid college I.D.- still available. Students with WSl Get in Free! i Saturday May 2,1987 are highly encouraged to apply • DOORS OPEN at 8:00 HOURS 10 • 5

FRI: Hot Legs Contest All students planning to go on a Did you know you can receive CASH & Prizes University recognition lor your co-op assignment this summer or academically related work experi- next fall must attend a mandatory ence? Call or stop by the Co-op exit session on Monday. April 27, Office, 238 Admin Bldg., 372- 3:00 PM or Wednesday, April 2451 29, 7:00 PM in the Ohio Suite- SAT: "PJ. PARTY" State Room. OPEN TILL 4:AM DOORS OPEN at 8:00 Woodland Mall V 1234 N. Main St. For more information, contact *A DRIVE FOR LIFE PARTICIPANT * Bowling Green the Co-op office 238 Ad. Bldg., or call 372-2451 BG News/April 30,1987 13 Stefan rejoins the Red Wings DETROIT (AP) - Disgruntled himself as backup to Glen Han- Ctender Greg Stefan will re- lon for Game 4. Mark LaForest to the Detroit Red Wings. served as the backup. Stefan, who had earlier in the Stefan said be didn't dress week refused to become the because he was in a bad mood Wings backup goalie, will rejoin and thought his demeanor would the team, according to Detroit only hurt the team. The goalie coach Jacques Demers. added that he was unhappy with "It's over now," Stefan said. Demers' statements in the pa- "We talked it over and reached pers. an agreement." Stefan had performed bril- Demers was quoted as saying liantly in the Wings' three-game that Stefan would not start in the sweep of Chicago in the Norris remaining games becasue of his Division Semi-Finals. However, inability to beat the Leafs. he played poorly in the first two "I'm not happy about that," games of the divison finals Stefan said. "How was I sup- against the Toronto Maple posed to feel? What if I dressed Leafs. and they needed me to play." He was pulled in favor of backup Glen Hanlon in both of However, the two have ironed those contests, which the Wings out their differences. lost. "Our thinking came to- In Game 3, Demers decided to gether," Demers said. "It was let Hanlon start. Then, to every- C'tive. It was more regrets ones surprise, Stefan pulled i anything." Islanders keeping afloat UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) - selves, but not well enough, Thanks to a little bit of luck and against the Islanders in losing a lot of defense, the New York Game 5 of the Patrick Division Islanders are still alive in the finals 2-1 Tuesday night. NHL playoffs. And the Philadel- Thus the Fivers made still phia Flyers find it absolutely another trip to New York with a amazing. 3-2 lead and needing only a vic- "They're a dramatic hockey tory in Game 6 tonight to wrap team," said Philadelphia right up this best-of-seven series. wing Rick Tocchet ot the tena- It wouldn't hurt to get a break cious Islanders. "They never or two, though - as the Islanders give up. You have to keep going did with both their goals Tues- at them." day night at the Spectrum. Photo/Karl Smith "It seems the farther they go, the better they get," Flyers de- The Islanders literally had the Detroit Red Wings' goalie Greg Stefan has rejoined the team for the starting goalie had refused to become the backup after Came 3 of fenseman Mark Howe said. "I bounces go their way in Game 5. remainder of the National Hockey League playoffs. The former the Detroit-Toronto series. have never seen a team like this. Rich Kromm's second-period They just play better and better goal dribbled past Ron Heztall iGiveahoot. in the series. when the Flyers' goaltender The Flyers played well them- tripped and sprawled on the ice. ENTER TO WIN THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO a Free season pass BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. to Portage Quarry! And they're both repre- DRAWING - MAY 28 sented by the insignia you wear No ptuchu* Memory. as a member of the Army Nurse Stop at our convenient Corps. The caduceus on the left means you're part of a health care downtown location and find out system in which educational and why we are Bowling Green's career advancement are the rule, # not the exception. The gold bar PASSPORT 1 graphic designer. on the right means you command respect as an Army officer, If you re PHOTOS $a95 HIGH QUALITY earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, COMPUTER TYPESETTING Clifton, NJ 07015. Or call toll free 1-800-US A-ARMY. A TSQUARE ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. kinko's GRAPHICS] QPHR COplM. OTMC pMpte 121 S. Main 354-3977 352-8488 Bowling Green Applications are now being accepted for Howard's club H the staff of 210 N. Main No Cover The K€V Photographers • Writers Copy €ditors • Office Personnel • Salespersons Applications Available: 214 West Hall -«*»* Deadline: Fri.. May 1. 5 p.m.

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Mot.: DM MC ■■ b* doMd Mo* IS, 1M7 (Manorial DO*) and My 4,1»»7 OFFICE: Located at •MMH On sols and void Mau 4 through August B5 (S44. SSS rbr spousa. dtfdnsn through ago 17 frea - must 735 S. Main Street 434 E. Wooster Street b* oocornparMd by mambar porant); oho void TtwnksgMng. Mtd-lUntar and Spring Braoln (a totol of 8v» and ona- 352-2538 DIAMOND (In from of Mvles hof months mambarsNp). SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY Dairy Qu«n( omc< MOUM, MtMMMSMf SM«S BNO tmomtmom May 4-15. Mondoy*1doy, noon-5 p.m.; May 16-Juna IS. Monoou-frlday. 9 o.m -7 p.m.: Personal banking at its best. thereafter Monday-Thursday 9-5 p.m.. Friday 9-11:50 a.m. ADOITIONr* SWOMUITION: Phon. 572-9711 Classifieds BG News/April 30,1W7 14

JOHN A DECK To our Kappa Skj dates John. Carl t Scot! The WANTED BUeXIAlEPJl 1980 Chevy Chevette. 4-door. gear ehrtl bw CAMPUS A CITY EVENTS SOON. YOU WONT BE MY NEIGHBOR. Detroit Remade was the piece 3 FEMALES^IJIVawER (MAY-AUQ) SI 20 A CONORATULA1TONS fCNMMt rnaaage. good ooraSBon Price negot Cat BUT YOU'LL STILL BE MY BOYFRIEND' n alnI no sandbox* hut no 147 waa our room MO. NEGOTIABLE POOL. FREE CABLE •MMU* 353-0083 or 353-5913 I LOVE YOU AND MtSS YOU ALREADY! wth Pam al Vat bar. wa ware oil to a boom CLOBE TO CAMPUS FURNISHED, t AC. •Ciii|i LHV WE'LL MM YOU! HAVE FUN ON VACATION! -VALERIE On to rJassar we want, the trouble started there CAU ANGBE 2-6447. MICKEY 2-3233. OR 1968 Camero HOC 2. red. grey Interior, load- Com. SM whet ai me ■MMU* PS ITS TsME TO TUNE UP THE "SUBE!" me Iwvoo m pked turned ue wound end sent ue SARA 364-4606 ed, ntoe. low mlaagi Cal 372-1163 Fjrtslement WE LOVE YOUI backdown ■ about 26- color console TV. good cors*ton S100 And R went on Irom mere WANTED: 1 FEMALE TO SUBLEASE ONE 7 30 PM Thursday* n the JudUl BDRM. APT S400 WHICH INCLUDES UTIL 363-3029 25* OFF eesscted pre-prmted "Tracy, are you mad at ma?", tie laundry room Towns Room. 3rd floor of Union I Want To Many You CENTRAL LOCATION CALL 354-2810 EVE B G S.u T-shirts and awaatahrra Duck she onion roks are corning" There's no FOR SALE 1981 Pontlac BonnevBa Coupe Lois ol MPJMMMP Bruce Jeans N Things 531 Fudge PUM wound here WANTED; 2 lemele roommates for 67-66 CiiLilml oondMon 40,000 meaa 3722685 and learning Hoossity. the lamp ran mto my arm" Acroeaelrom osmpus Cucilinl ran). Cal sponsored by Campue CnjmH (or Chrlet GRADUATION SALE 2 twin beds, tabtee. Jufa (Tha Tnewomen). Whoa the lucky wirier? bed No 1. 2. or 3 Becky or Cheryl 3636606 ampa, cfsara. draaaars Al rrant rxnrjmon -M Alpha Xl'a 1 Thanks so much lor tma yeer You saved Me «i Mr Ptxyngrapher wS you take our OKture- "You made my Semeeter WANTED 2 SUBLEASERS FOR SUMMER •I Pern at 363-2914 L.AQA more ways by rjsl bang there lor Me Tree » "Sootl. la dashwaahng In your ruture'" Thanks ■ Mason' AND 87-68 SpACKXIS 2 BDRM FURN APT. Loll tor sale Brand Newt S76 The LHOMA and Gay Aaaanee wd not moot dehnrlety not good bye- we SM have Our MIS- "Carl, aw you Use me shampoo' BEHINO ASPEN WtNE SHOP HEAT. WATER S Bright. Regular rrraedngs we reeume May SION to compssls Take cant ol your Man! (I "John, why were you steeping on towels?' Couch S20 Prtoea rsegolarjle Cel 372 4693 FREE CABLE 192 50 A MO CALL NOW FOR 21et 8 30 PM. «i trie RearjouaEa Rooms! St know you w«| Low Ya, And finely. "Old you took under the bed AN PCELL1MT LOCATION: 372-1687 MOVING SALE Thomes More Have a greet aummar break! Annie, Krtete. Rosa, Connie Cathy StephT' Everything muat go chair, couch, table, double Tha and is almoet hare and even though wa be PS. Lara do a Bbzard (With what $'| Thanka for an Intareatlng'' lime' WANTED 2 temetse to lifiliasa tor aummar Pewiried Pwerithood bed. clothes, stereo, etc Come to 636 Third lammm lo dflerent places next year wal never Your CNODatea Own rooms, great, new turrsahed apartments wB ba ceeVvj tor your annual St. Fn May 1M thru Mon. May 4 rh or cal target (tie good times we've had thai peat Cat 353 1406 g>l to support ma Wood County KATHLEEN SULLIVAN 362-2778 semester LATE-NIGHT PIZZA. -MAN". RRR „ CSTec Apr! 7. 8. 8 7-9 PM KM BROWN To The Nm Warned: Non-amoklng roommate to share a SMACKERS. FIREDRtlLS. SCOPES. LEAN ON ONE PAIR OF ARI8D BOOKSHELF Thanks you both for al your love and guidance I You are masted and loved Urge mobes home new K Mart S100 a mo lor ME. TUB BE MY SOUL. WHAT A FOX. LITTLE, SPEAKERS. EXCELLENT CCtsuTTION. S160 whh you both the bast ol luck In everything II I'm putting on my top hat r 362-0779 PAE-LAW SOCIETY MEMUM and ol course PAIN You're al tha beat and wa FOR BOTH TOM, 372-3143 nvaa you both clearly next year I love you MANDATORY ELECTIONS MEETING Luv yal Annie- Have run In England bebe-we are WORK M FRONT OF A PARADOX? PAM Par of Falser 100W speakers $200 Cal THURS APPJl 30 AT 9:00 PM gonna rrasa you' Used Bicycles Not al Sse only Fun Place To Be' 354-0643 IN 200 MOSt LEY INFO CALL Gotta love It PurceTa Bite Shop Faaxtxe scheduang tor the oossge student. Ap- KOREY KERSCHER AT 353-0127 Chow-- KJmEBot 3524264 ply In parson al BUTTONS The Period Conege Csr Jean a Megan Someone Ike you A nan a snarly, fiont wheel drive, 4-epd., feeF makes the sun shine brighter Infection Voakewegon Rabbit ('71) F.xc. cond. SALE WE CAREI makes s aajh halt a emee 11100 Cell 153-3*17. Ssiaclad LMng Room Fumetfwigs Brands Brad, A Curt. Volunteers needed lor HELP WANTED makee our troubles much lighter Alpha PM Houaa. Ridge 1 ThuraHn CONGRATULATIONS! Pre Reg this aummar massai Ma seem worthwhas Sal May 2 9 00-3:00 PM The clssmpagne is coming Irom Franca and Jury 6 Jury 30 1 (100 Drafting table with chair $20 We're al thankful that we had you In our tvee! Wal celebrate graduation and 4 more yeArs ol Free meal tor each day worked Cal 353 3424 1 Leva, the sisters ol Gamma Phi Beta school' Have a good one Sign up In 406 Student Services White Dorm Size Relngeretor $60 Cal GETTING SUMMER WORK Don 372-6396 KMy Stonebumer SHOULDNT TAKE AU SUMMER' LOST & FOUND WE'RE ALL WRAPPED UP IN RUSH We. the alatara M PM asa. are proud to con Cal NOW lor |oba m CleveierKl Women's 10 speed bfce $85 25" Color TV COLLEEN KAMMSKI-ZETA TAU ALPHA Rueh Regjetrahon Cards are assess* 1 426 or cyatutete you on baavj choaan Outstanding ADIA PERSONNEL SERVICE $85 Shell S10. Curkan A rod S2. 2 Plants $3 315 F Student Servicee $$R£WARDS$ YOUR TWO YEARS WITH THE ALPHA PHIS Graduating Senior 1987 and receiving the Karl (216)464-2342 each Al 1 5 year ok). Cal 353-5103 HAVE COME TO AN END. WE HOPE THAT Ona Vary Santtmantal Qraduallon WATCH E. Voght Award fr om tha CoSage of Business E.O.E No Fee LOST Monday. 4-27. naar north door ol tha YOU HAVE ENJOYED BEING OUR Aorrarsstration Good Luck to you always' HOU3EMOM AS MUCH AS WE HAVE LOVED Union, teeing tha Oval II has a beat up Mack Love in Our Bond. band PLEASE RETURNI Cal 352-4712 or HAVING YOU. YOU HAVE PUT UP WITH SO ThePhlMue FOR RENT MUCH AND THROUGH IT ALL YOU HAVE •NEEDED' phKalnOCMB63U WANTED BEEN CHEERFUL. MOTIVATING. AND A Energetic hwdwortung lunioving people tor Found Calculator Claim at B A Dapl 3rd Floor WONOERFUl FRIEND. WE KNOW YOU WILL LAMBDA CHIS. perteme work Al posroona avalaabla. Apply In BE A HUGE SUCCESS WHEREVER YOU 00 Think you tor a great year I can't wait unM next 1 Easygoing Roommate to share apt. wth 3 person a! Henry J's on tha corner ol Byrne S FOUND Jaan Jacket at Uptown Monday, April JOHN NEWLOYE REAL ESTATE AND YOU BETTER COME BACK TO VISIT US. guys on M St tor 87-88 school year. Cal Gkandale In the Glenbyrne Shopping Pkua 27 CM 372-8434 altar 5 PM to idantJty -you yawl laaaaessassa of many apt a. WE ARE GOING TO MISS YOUI WE LOVE Love. 353-8805 may have my lecket my mistake 120 COUNSELOR AND INSTRUCTOR S dupieiee for aummar A YOU COLSI LOVE. YOUR OtRLS, THE ALPHA Arm 1 Female roommate needed for lal-apring In POSITONS AVAILABLE Private Coed Summer M remsls. CAU NOW FOUND LADIES GOLD WATCH IN HAVEN PHtS Hasan House Apertmeme CAI Krn 372-4369 Camp In Pooono Mis . PA Contact Cayuga, tor choice apte. 354-2210 HOUSE APTS TO CLAIM CALL 363-3311 P.S. THANKS FOR THE UN-BIRTHDAY Loft Rentals Sign Up Now or JanrWar 372-4283 P.O Box 234BQ. KenHworth. NJ 07033 ONtoa located al 311 E Wooalar PARTY. Gold Sefco «itefalch loat Tuesday In Wast A-frame deelgn-loweat prices 1 tarraea roommate to ahare 2 bedroom apt (2011-276-0106 Hal Reward oltered Cal 372-2801 Cal JTs Carryout wrm 3 othara lor 87-68 Becky 352-2429 ACTTVISTS-Sumrrier fobs In Toledo This aum- Judy Johneonl 382-5475 LOST BIND Female gray cocksliel Has no tall mer gal irwcsvad in progreaarve poltica. Your Alpha Dan peering to .left Roeetl waa cer- tsstJWW Likes to woof whistle Lost around Legrslatlve csynpaagna on environmental issues tainly a surprise' LIL Your SaMers 1 or 2 NON-SMOKINQ Male Roommatea tor Itarahman Quad, New hat row area Return MARY BRICKER Sum Rent-Can be worked out tor Thrid SI Apt A risuranceutaty rate reform Ohio Pubic In- greaRy appreciated REWARD cal 372-4992 CONGRATULATIONS Thanks tor being a graal Voeeytel Coach - - Cable TV Cal Soon terest Campaign has summer-lul time poaitiona GEORGETOWN MANOR ' MARK MAJtfl • The Brothers ol Pi Kappa Phi on community outreach atari S226-wk to LOST-cne pair ol nice red sunglasses Frl night JW-M0S7 800 3rd Street on being elected BGSU Weight Club President' atari Cal 1 24! 9093 lor interview appl Futy turnaahed 2 bdrm apts for ei either Yuppl'a. Downtown, or Howard's If I'm proud ol you1 -J 1987-88 Free heat A arr cond found cal 372-3084 Thar* you HaS Roundel Attractive outgoing male for coatumed 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SUBLEASE Reeerjnebie retea 1 a 2 bdrm units r^rkgratuMUna on being elected President ol detvertes lor me aummar Muat have car The Lost. A Witch Wear" reanieckel with an elastic HOUSE FOR SUMMER (PREFERRABLY aveaaote for aummar 1987 FREE AIR Congrjlulattora to the 1087 Sigma Nu Base F.F.P Love, your Kappa Saters Dettoonmen 352-6061 bottom and snaps waa mistakenly taken from FEMALE) NICE HOUSE. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. CONDlTIONrNG CAa 352 4966 Team on their first place raven n the DU Bfce Uptown Monday. Apr! 27 If found, please cal Mae LaMouie YOUR OWN BEDROOM CALL DENIEE Bualnaea e«pervjmg to Spain and Rely. Need Race 372-6434 Can be identified Boneolr, ma chara). Jo t'edore 3620176 Spemsn and Itaaan contacts Pleaee cal Marge Monsieur La Oamcaggar 2 BDRM APT TO SUBLEASE FOR SUMMER 362-8789 or 1-636-5503 S285 A MONTH FREE HEAT. WATER AC. Conoratusshons THUDY ZELAZNY on youl PI 1 A 2 bedroom furrsehed apts for summer & RIDES Mothers Day cards, mugs. Isavchajna PARKING 803 FIFTH B1 CALL 352 1872 Cvnpua Rep needed to meet student needs PHI PI KAPP tevaeenrig lo GREG RICHARDS!' 1987-68 school year. S A V Rentals. and guts Earn J300 plua eaety m 2 waeka part-time Cel Couldn't have happened to a nicer couple1 24 Subasaaers wanted lor Spring 1988 Cal 352-7454. JaanaN Things 531 Ridge Aaron al 1 -313-663-3889 and I wB return your MAINE Love, Your PI Phi solera Angle at 353-8607 or Betsy at 363-1259 alter S. 1 bedroom apt for aummar Furnished 126 S Ride needed for 1-4 persons to Northeast Summit No 3 1-267-3341 Coast after May 8 Cal Luke at 353-0417 Nancy Wischmeyei Child Care I Dave Marshal Paepwstely Need 1 or 2 people lo sublease a CongralulBlions on getting V P ol Phi Pal Teenage boy needs supervision 2 afternoons a 2 bdrm apt for sun ■ quiet, furnish. Need Hide: rwad to gat bad back to Euclid CorsgratuayrJona on being brother ol the weak 1 bedroom apt Furnished. As Conditioning Omega! Love. Your Kappa Sisters week Starring June 9, ending Aug. 13. Preler od. AC and tree utemes Aveeable May 10 Cel (Cleveland) will help pay coat of ran rental The Brothers ol Sigma Nu doae to campus RENT NEGOTIABLE Available spaces' education major Cal 362-7143 after 6 363-0309 between 7-9 PM Deeperalety needed!! Please caH Karen PI Kappa PM Base Team May August Cal 3545106 PM anytime 353-5113 CongratuUlona on 3rd Place Finish 2 bedroom turrvehsd apt avaaahla $275 per DELTA GAMMA CONGRATULATES Female Needed to ahare house with 2 others in DU Base Race Femslea needed for cleaning and checking ren- month You may keep the furniture. Avertable PHYLLIS WARE-OUTSTANOING JUNIOR OF Own room May 87 to May 88 S160 a month Spec* Congralulabona to tal apartments week ol May 9. Phone May 16 SPEECH AND HEARING THERAPY MAJOR lor everything Very close to campus Dan Msrlnonl 362-7366 between 4-7 PM SERVICES OFFERED KELLY JONES--VP MARKETING FOR THE Cal 3540836 APT TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER ON S. COL" lor taking 1 si Place h the Spaed Lap YOUNG EXECUTIVES CLUB GRADUATING SENIORS 1 QUALIFYING LEOE ST. FURNISHED. ONE OR TWO PER- BECKY MANN-VP SKI CLUB Way to Qo PI Kappa JUNIORS' SONS $175 CALL 352-1609 BEFORE 8 30 Typing and Word Processing S«rvtcM and Female roommete wanted lestsEDIATELY lor Interested In a career flying high performance OR LATE PM Resumes That* and aasertations IBM quality summer, June 8 thru August IS. VERY PI love lo you. Mkhette Marble, on your Easts' melary drcraft in the Ax National Guard? Cal pr-it ipefcng checked A to Z Data 352-5042 Delta Zeta Spirit Loud and Proud at reasonable rant Cal CARRIE 362-8498 Attention 2, 3. or 4 persona to euDteeae fur. ersgagement to Todd Frederick Beat of Dave Peer (419) 866-2036 the DU B*B Race rashed. 2 bedroum. 2 bathroom apartment We provide typing: ol repetitive letters, everything to you both, now and always LAL. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR NEXT Delta Zeta Sptrtt Loud and Proud at Pod. at. laundry room. Avaeabie June 7th Cel resumes rnaatog labels term papers, dub 4 Your alatara In Alpha Delta PI YEAR IN A 2 BEDROOM APT. (4 PEOPLE) ON the DU Bike Race Koyener-Typoaottor Must bo a "detail' person Ebabeth or Dentee al 354-0901. arrytme business newsletters Also UPS 4 Federal Ex- E. MERRY ST. IF INTERESTED PLEASE CALL 'Data Zata-DZ-Delta Zeta'OZ' BOM SALE absa to work on many types of protects at a fast press bull rnaaVig 4 mucn more Please cal lor 353-2124. HURRY! Exceeanl LrxeAon UNION OVAL pace. Training or experience necessary Send more 'nformatton Hours 8anv6pm Mon 2 bedroom apt. hi houaa aiileable this summer THURS.-FRI reeume 5577 Airport Highway. Suite 203, Hvough Fn. & Sam-3pm. Set. The Main Office. Daea Zeta Servers are tha BeiT" tor 4 people utattee x-ckjded, km aummar Fifth year ar. ksrjkfng lor 1 roommete tor two Toaado, OH 43615. 20 N Third St Suite C Waterviee. OH 43566 Your eaters wB Mas you-the beat of luck bedrm apt summer and-or las-Apr 87 88 rale 304 E Court St Cal 352-2932 878-8638 Delta Zeta Seniors are tha Baal" SENIORS Please, oal Lb 364-4703 Male students needed lor masceesneous work Don't forge! to pick up your Senior Must ba arjto to work weak ol May 9 A part or WOMEN S CUNJC FALCON PLAZA APARTMENTS Sand Off Celebration tickets today at Graduating? Found a |ob m Toledo? Need a lul tano during the aummar PH 352-7385 2 700 Monroe St . Toledo Offering Does Pumpkin Love Judrth? Next lo Aspen Wine Restaurant the Union roommete? Wanted Roommate to ahare 2 gynecologtcaJ servicee 4 pregnancy term-nation Or What? bedroom apt. with male 23 yra oU. Cal Marketing Seles 2 DOnti lufn S unTuni by icansed phyttlcav. incajding prenatal. 865 9463 betwn 8 11 PM SUMMER JOBS Oal Tom 352 4673 days ooetatncs pregnancy testing. Pap teat (tor cer- SENIORS Our top Coiaga Student In 1986 earned 362-1600 eves. DOUG AND ROD. vical cancer), VTJ acreerang. birth control Info . Your tree admission ticket for the Heap' One msse looking for roommates lo ahare $7 500 and rjakted valuable experience II you YOU FsNALLY GOT A PERSONAL' THANKS Tube! Ligaflon termination of pregnancy up Senior Send Oft Celebration a) apt. or house for til and apring ol next year. twv a avaaajsyJaMj car and can be located in FOR THE RIDES HOME THIS SEMESTER THE FALL - 2 bedroom unturrsahed apartrnenta through 10 weeks (special rates lor students ) waiting tor you al the Union Cal Scott 354-1968, prolerably late el isxjht the Toledo, B.Q. area ttas summer and have not DRIVE FROM BGSU TO "PLANKS" SURE HAS Ctooe to campue Cal 352-6822 By appointment 1-241-2471 secured a good aummar fob. eel Parma-Craft In BEEN INTERESTING AND I'M SO GLAD THAT I I need 1 female roommate tor 87-88 Big apt Toledo at 1-882-3712 Ask tor Mr Welch Wordprocesamu typing dona, tree disk GOT TO MEET YOU GUYS LOVE, KELLY SENIORS close to campus Cal Debbie 2-4361 or Trssrarig pay and base salary offered to sharp FOR RENT Need people to ahare houaa with storage, cal Sue m Meumee 893-4186 Remember just two days to pickup 2-4533 ASAPI Gayte Stmad > T R Smith-- " aggressive IrvJMduel rdf-aprtig Cal Joe at 362-3429 your Senior Send Oil tickets Bring Conr/alulaaona on your recant engagement your Invitation to the Union For eupaaaaa aurranar arjarrmenl. Two bedroom Baal ol luck lo both ol youl LOOKING FOR one male roommate for either National Company haa 5 openings for tue-ttme aummar employment In your hometown. Earn furrvehed Free Air Cond Ctoae to campus Love. til semeeter or al year. Spaooue apertment- $2,000 tor 12 weeks work whet obtaining Urge and Ntoal $215 one room or $430 com PERSONALS The Alpha Xl'a Sharon Ehrbar: raaaonabU rant Cal Scott 2-6329. John valuable experience. Interviews M Student paste tor 2 to 4 persona Cal Argie anytime' CorKjratuatoons on making PommaretTeal! We 2-3537, or Doug 353-2146 Union Fort Rm Thursday Apr! 30th or Friday 364-2807 are proud ol you' Love, your Kappa Sisters Go I Hoi I from $1 (U repair) Dean Need 1 testsssenTjfl-filloMturorx^^ May lal al 1:00, 2:00. 3:00, or 4:00 PM mar. Ctoae to campus Si25-mo includes FOR SUBBMEA $400 el summer ss*Jss«as, t quant tax property Repossessions Cal Sign up now -LOFT RENTALS Sharp person apt. Air corsdHonlng. You pay only ease- 1)05-687-8000 Ext GH-9849 lor current repo A frame deelgn-loweat prtcee everything plus cable Cal 352-6126 Perfect summer fobs for high energy, furvtovlng trie: appro* S15 per mo. New carpet Btg ■at Cal JTs Carryout New York and Pennsylvania student! NEEDED PLACE TO STAY IN CLEVE AREA » ending xxlividuale Al posrhona aveeable Ap- bedroom, private entrance Parking space, 352-5475 Return your form to l ha OH lea of Green Tambourine Record Sale FOR SUMMER BREAK WILLING TO SPLIT ply In person alter 6 PM Tues through Sun « waaherdryer next door Cal Ban 362-2501 or Admlaaiona now to bo In tha Fairgrounds Flea Market Saturday COSTS BECKY 3634805 Buttons Mfce 372-2603 summer directory. May 2nd, TDK SA80 M 00 688 7415 SLAOE. TOM. K.F. A NO PAT: One female roommato needed tor 87-88 Summer heap General labor Sautter lce"co~ HOUSE AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER TorSght Is the night, revenge la aweet school year, 4 parson apt. on Second St. Send reeume Box 303 Grand Rapids, OH 729 4th St. 3 or 4 people needed Heather Chess Reeaonabte rant Cal 352-3116 tor more ado. 43622 $160 per month per person a utetlee Congraajsattons on being chosen a campus tour One Male Roommate needed lor 87-88 school oal 364-0436 or John Newtove Realty gutte! SUMMER JOBS IN DAYTON 354-2260 year. Share apartment with two others Win Oreo's Mating environmental lobby seeks pro- • 'Suzy Van Buren and Matt Eakln' ■ Love and TTKE, your Gamma PN alatara THE 4 MEMBERS OF THE O.L.Q. CLUB: throp Terrace Aprs „ Ntoe Place Cad James UuHlDon gressive women A men tor summer A lul time Congr * O" V** wamtml Phi-Phi Pal BLADE MCQAURAN 353-2441 ttouaa on Wooater across Irom Rodgers aitwaartng' atari positions Cal OHIO PUBLIC INTEREST HErOI THE VERB'' LOOK TOM FERKANY ONE OR 2 ROOMMATES TO SHARE NICE 2 CAMPAIGN hrs. 2-10 Pay $225 wk Travel aeeatiaa tor summer tor 1 or 2 lamaasa. Low Love, tha slaters ol Gamma Phi Beta PAT NOLTA You have bean tha beat roommate I could aak BEDROOM APT FOR SUMMER VERY LOW opp. For rtto of aiasi view 613-228 8880 rant A many entree Cal 363-0243 attar PM for tha past three ayara. I fuel wanted you to I've hard rumors that G.LQ. stands for good RENT. UTILITIES. FREE CABLE CALL The Porthole Restaurant la looking lor •Meal Neroni* know how much you have meant to ma and how looking guys obviously. II is JUST CC s rumor. 362-8849 Large ona bedroom apt....—..4 wtor „.„,.„aummar aub— Coogr atukthons on your recent lavaaertng much If rrasa you. Wang Chung Have tun. You A. bartenders A tssssstse for the aummar. Send reeume to Porthole Restaurant. P.O. Box 13, lease CUea to campus, turniehed. raaaonabia better visrt ms a keep me sane next year. Progreaarve roommale needed for aummar 2 bedroom apt 8th SI $160 par month Cat tvetys knnd. OH 43438 rant. Cal soon! 372-4102 SPAM The Alpha Xl'a would ate to congratulate Kavyn 353-2519 Leeks Clatlerbuck on making pommelettel The Intent Jet 5 CsssasS Ona bedroom apartmenl tor summer Csset. luiimaale ooerwsge tor tul or part time Our fairly large, csoee to downtown. Large wtndowa, Hey Crackers We knew you eased da till Isoraaisrate (or roommates) needed-own company a) expand**) and we need quatlied Off street parking. Perfect tor grade or upper Wet* Taking Lonely on a Major Scale bedroom, fury furrsstied, tor summer only rent Tha NorvnalunrJabla S25 Rush Ragiairaapnlaa enegoeaOis 362-2939 aak lot Jett people to tl posasona In customer service-order level under grode Wasting aaesnee lo campue may be pud In 426 Of 315 F Student Servicee wrttxig-retel work. A east, mgmt Appsoanta Elsctnc only utdty 317 AN Main St Contact WE'RE ALL WRAPPED UP M RUSH TWO NON SMOKING. CONSERVATIVE muat be articulate. erWixUaaoc Otter corporete Mr Hyatt at 372-2301 ASSISTANT EDITORS ROOMMATES WANTED FOR FALL-SPRING scrvjkrsraps $7 26 atarhng rate Operanga In Room For Rent SEMESTERS NEXT YEAR EXCELLENT eaat I wael aide of Clove 946-0064 II busy. The aielera ol Delta Zeta would Bus to con LOCATION OFF COPJeDI OF CAaaPUB ALL Maes senior-grad graruana the sorority Imaksts m the DU Bike tryagam Gold Reseorcrs Compony. a motor NEW FURNITURE AND CARPET. FREE HEAT Kitchen, pdvete entrance Race Dee Gee's. PI Pise, and Phi Mua-Way publisher of reference books for AND AC CAU JIM OR JUSTIN AT 364-2939 WHITEHOUSE NANNIES 3 Mocks from University Phone 362-7238 libraries worldwide, il leaking NANNY: kl exchange tor prottdng esc slant The CBf\ WANTED aeseEWATELY etasiaafBi you can Iva In a top Waahhngton The eteters el Alpha XI Delta would Kks lo candidates for editorial positions la 1 NC«*SwlOKING FEMALE ROOMMATE TO ooisgrahieHo Kerry Memie A Toss Lawrence D.C. area home with a line tsriwy and earn a Steve Smith Apt Rentals 9 A 12 month do rasaorch ond writing for our SHARE 8TH ST APT FOR FALL 87-SPR 68. prep on their Alpha XI t BAE le.allertngl good salary Al employees personety acraan- aval. 1987 88 school yeer 352-8817 262 boob. Bachelor'i degree in English APT IS FURNISHEO LOW RENTI CAU US- ad. Travel oppty. Mbi. 1 yr. commrrmenl The slaters ol Kappa Kappa Gamma would Ike WE'D LIKE TO MEET YOUI KM JsJ-OSAO OR 1-2 Troup-2 bdrm. duple. $310 t utl 630 Language or Humomties rs highly Driver's License Chldcare exp and rats re- to Congregate Rocheea Kram on her KKG-PHI KAREN A. 111-2144 Manvle-3 bdrm haa. $310 > utl 605 Fifth St rveferred; colaga couria work and alternative quired. Send IduiiaDuii. Inct. phone no. and re- Apt. A 4 bdrm triplex $460 A utl DELTA THETA lavaaenng to Kevin Hunter cent photo to: M. Conn-Jones. 2309 Lamber- Intern! in Iterotvre of mony pen Kaplans way is your way ton Rd . Cleveland rite OH 44118 or cal Sublease Summer--3 pars apt. $96 mo. ae oat is required. ">•*■ °** •""> (2161397-1061 ar cond , ctoae to campua Cal 352 2834 level poettons thai offer advance You gel to set your own schedule. You get to review SUMMER - 2 bedroom house Ctoae to cam- ment opportunities Our benefit pua. Cat 362-6822 poexoge includas rWiuUe working at your own pace. There are FOR SALE hours; morfaoi danscJ, optical ond workbooks that virtually After several years of intense study, a lot of college izxadua t es finally learn eliminate note-taking. And ' Re-tele prescription drug insurance, ruason sonKthing. They're not qualified for the job they want. T7 Chevy Vega. Body grael-runa fine Dose 3 month leases oiuilonce; ond paid time off be best of all. a 24 hour, Fact is, many graduates never find a career in their field of study. All their need some work S200 or beat offer Cal Apartments atartmg at $180 par mo. tween Christmos and l*4ew Year's 7 day-a-week CFft Review time spent in study. Not enough time in the field. 362-2426 Ph 352-7365 If instraslad, pleose sand resume. hotline where you can get That's why there's a riationvvide program for college students called Co- '77 heal Infected VW Rabbit collage tronscripl (if ovoilobla) prompt answers to your operative Education. 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