EAST SIDEY NEWS Curtis Wilson Golf the Finals of the Empire State Grilled Fruits, ISSUED FRIDAY Outing Planned Games Boxing Competition

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EAST SIDEY NEWS Curtis Wilson Golf the Finals of the Empire State Grilled Fruits, ISSUED FRIDAY Outing Planned Games Boxing Competition SPORTS Amateur boxing at IBHF MENU TIPS Amateur boxers in New York State will be in Canastota for EAST SIDEY NEWS Curtis Wilson Golf the finals of the Empire State Grilled Fruits, ISSUED FRIDAY Outing Planned Games boxing competition. Box­ Vegetables ing will take place at the Interna­ SERVING LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, tional Boxing Hall ofFarne & Mu­ MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD- LEE, MILES- UNION, UNIVERSITY See Page 7 seum on July 26th, 27th and 28th. See Page 8 CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF FREE HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON- WRITE ON Tuesday, July 24, 2001 -Friday, July 27, 2001 White responds to citizens VOL. 22 No. 21 "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW" On May 23, 2001, I unfinished business and pre­ announced that I would not paring for my successor's ar­ seek re-election to a fourth rival. term as mayor ofthis great city. Once again, let me Cleveland's crime rate drops At that time, I had no thank the citizens ofCleveland, Making our neigh­ ''Night Out Against Crime is a Cleveland's neighborhoods increased by 200. idea what the reaction of the not only for their recent sup­ borhoods safer, Mayor reminder that if we come to­ and each ofthe six police dis­ The Wade Oval Park community would be, I simply port, but also for their support Michael R. White and Cleve­ gether to fight crime, we can tricts will be hosting a com­ Kick-Off will feature McGruff, made a decision to spend more over the past 12 years. land residents will celebrate make a difference. We are munity event. the Crime Fighting Dog, the time with my loved ones and I have received no to move on with my life from a the city's 14th Annual Night sending a message to crimi­ Crime, in general, Police Helicopter, K-9 and greater honor than that of be­ Out Against Crime at Wade nals that crime nor drugs will has dropped by 29% from Mounted Units, the Division position I have held for almost ing the 54th mayor of this city. 12 years. Oval Park (University Circle) be tolerated in our neighbor­ 1990-2000 and violent crime ofHuman Resources' Job Mo­ As a life-long resident on August 7, at 5:30p.m. hoods or our city." has dropped by 33.5% in bile, the Health Department's Never did I imagine White ofthis city, I am proud of what portunity to seriously dis- By participating in Citizens are being Cleveland; homicide is down MOMobile, the Division of the outpouring of goodwill I we have accomplished to­ cuss our future. Night Out Against Crime, citi­ asked to turn on their porch by 56%; rape is down by Recreation's Showagon and would receive from those who gether; however, we cannot Together, we con­ zens are encouraged to work lights and join their neighbors 32.4%; robbery is down other performances, pony asked me to reconsider my de- rest now. templated whether or not my with the city to take an active and police officers at block 37.4%; and auto theft is down rides, WDOK's Jungle Terry, cision. We must continue to Since that day at heart, mind, and soul were role in fighting crime. parties, cookouts and other by46.2%. give-a-aways, refreshments build upon our strong founda­ Miles Standish Elementary ready to give up the only job "The City has come events throughout the city in The number ofpolice and much more. tion for future Clevelanders so School, I have received nu­ I have wanted since the age a long way in fighting crime celebrating "Night Out officers hired on the city's Citizens and police that our city may continue to merous letters, telephone calls, of13. with a 29% drop in crime from Against Crime." force under White's leader­ officers are planning to give prosper in the centuries to and other public pleas asking After much soul­ 1990 to 2000, but we haven't At least 35 organized ship is 1,277 and the number the city's largest "Bon Voyage come. me to reconsider my decision. searching, I have decided to won the war " White said. events will be held in of officers on the street has Party," a citywide going-away The community's re­ stand by my decision to not party for neighborhood crime sponse to my May 23 decision seek a fourth term and to not and drugs. AKA's presen~ sch~larships to area students Hosted by the city's has truly been the most hum­ seek other public offices. Alpha Kappa Alpha Mack,AishaTaylor,~tal.R. sity of North Carolina in Williams, who is a six Police districts, parties are bling experience ofmy life. This decision was Sorority, Inc. Lambda Phi Brown, and Stepharue Will- Chapel Hill North Carolina. d t f Gl ·11 H"gh not easily reached; however, ' gra ua e o envt e 1 scheduled on August 7, from Based on this re­ Omega Chapter recently held iams. Taylor is the daugh- h will d Lak E . sponse and the urging of my I am ready to continue my jour­ · h 1 hi M k h · . Sc ool atten e ne 5:30p.m. -9:00p.m. at the fol­ tts annual sc o ars p presen- ac , w o ts a ter of Wilham and Sherry Tay- . lowing locations: wife, JoAnn, I felt the most re­ ney down a new path as yet tation at the Maple Heights graduate of Glenville High lor. College m Pamsvtlle Ohio. Halloran .Park, 3550 spectful course of action for unchosen. My work, how­ Regional Library in Maple School will attend Hampton Brown, who is a Williams is the ever, is not done. West 117th & Limiett Avenue. me was to at least consider the Heights. University in Hampton, Vir- graduate of Charles F. Brush daughter ofShirley Williams. matter of reconsideration fur­ For the next five Clark Metro Develop­ Scholarships in the ginia High School, will attend the The Scholarship ment Corp. (parking lot) 2511 ther. months, I will dedicate all of amountof$1,000.00werepre- Mack is the son of University of Toledo in To- C "tt h . Our family's recent my time and energy to com­ sented to Greater Cleveland Linda Jones. d Ohi ommt ee c auperson ts Clark Avenue. le o, o. · Broadway & Morton vacation afforded us the op- pleting my adminif:tration's area students. Taylor, who is a Brown is the daugh- Carolyn Wynne. (Block Party). Recipients of the graduate of Beachwood High ter of Kenneth and Constance The chapter presi- Warner Road School scholarships are Omele M. School, will attend the Univet:- Firms encouraged to (Warner & Turney Road). 2213 East 69th Street join German mission (between Cedar & Central Av­ Governor Bob Taft elude stops in the Munich, enue). Humphrey Park recently encouraged Ohio Stuttgart and Dusseldorf ar­ (161 st & Grovewood Avenue). firms to join him on the Ohio eas. Club Alma Yaucana, Business and Investment 2674 West 25th Street. Mission to Germany. 2206 West 85th Ohio companies and ~treet (offLorain Avenue). organizations interested in The National Night promoting German investment Out Against Crime Program is in Ohio or seeking export op­ designed to heighten aware­ portunities are eligible to par­ ticipate. The mission is ness ofcrime and drug preven­ tion, generate support for and scheduled to take place Octo­ ber20-27. participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighbor­ The mission will in ..,r••n''"r"·"'" Committee are Scholarship recipients are Omele M Mack of hoods' spirit and police-com­ Hughes-Jones, Alisa Wiggins, Dorothy Long-Jackson, munity partnerships, and send Glenville High School, Aisha Taylor of Beachwood High Carolyn H)rnne, JJyllene Wall, Cynthia Spencer and Cecelia a message to criminals that Ward 6 council­ School and Krista/ R. Brown ofCharles F Brush High School Harknes. Committee member not in photo is Dottie Joyce neighborhoods are organized woman Pat Britt will hold an (ESDN Photo by Barbara Willimn<~nnl (ESDN Photo Barbara and fighting back. Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 28, at 1:00 p.m. at the The city's Night Out Fairhill Center for The Aging, City warns residents about Shigella Bacteria Against Crime.Program has re­ ceived national recognition 12200 Fairlilll Road. Due to an increase ing, diarrhea and fever. hand washing techniques: call the city ofCleveland's De­ nearly every year since the Attendees at the number of Shigella Bacteria It is predominantly Wash hands with partment of Public Health at event was first held in Cleve­ event will get an opportunity cases this year in the Cleveland seen in children, direct patient soap and water for at least 30 (216) 664-3609. land in 1988. to tour the remodeled Fairhill area, the city's Department of care providers, day care cen­ seconds with friction. Center. The event is open to Public Health is urging ter workers and food handlers. Wash the front and Campbell opens Downtown office the public. Clevelanders to take precau­ Ifyou or your ch!ld back of hands and nails. For information per­ Britt tionary measures. are showing any of the above For best results, stitutions serves as the opera­ taining to the Ice Cream So- cial, call Britt at 216-664-4234. "We're encouraging symptoms, please contact wash with a hand brush. Make tions center for Jane everyone to wash their hands your primary care physician sure to dry hands completely Campbell's campaign for thoroughly with soap and wa­ immediately. and using a paper towel to mayor.
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